  • 1.How to use this packetThe following slides, videos, and exercises are designed to help your students become critical thinkers and savvy users of online resources. They can be used individually or as part of a larger unit and can be modified depending on grade level.

2. In groups of 3-4 discuss and respond to the following questions: -What do you think is meant by information literacy? -Is all information that you find online valid? Why or why not? -How could you tell if an online source is trustworthy? -What is bias and how does it effect finding relevant information? Have students write down their key points and prepare for a large group discussion 3. Assignment #1 The Filter Bubble Click on me!RossbergThe Filter Bubble Activity Learning objectives: gather information, evaluate sources, describe the effect of the filter bubble, develop a strategy to address the filter bubble when doing Internet research. Procedure: Students are given a controversial topic and are asked to do a Google search from their home computer and/or mobile device. All students are provided with the exact term to be searched (i.e. gene therapy). Results are recorded in the form below: Term Searched: Location of computer: Browser used: List the first five (5) nonsponsored linksDo you notice any evidence of bias in your results? Provide an example, if appropriate. Are all of these sites useful for your research? Why or why not?After comparing information with other students in the class, or with groups of four or five students, ask if there are any questions. If all searches in a group were identical, have the students in that group compare with other groups. 4. Think Outside the Like Button 5. Bad ScienceAssignment #2: Have students read and react to two articles of your choice from the column, Bad Science. 6. Search Overload! 7. Do you think that there is such a thing as search overload? Why or why not? What are some strategies for finding the most relevant sources? Discuss in small groups. 8. How do I know if a source is credible? Who is the author? How recent is the source? What is the author's purpose What type of sources does your audience value? Be especially careful when evaluating Internet sources! Never use Web sites where an author cannot be determined, unless the site is associated with a reputable institution such as a respected university, a credible media outlet, government program or department, or well-known non-governmental organizations 9. WikipediaAssignment #3 Chose two scientific topics that are of interest to you and search for them using Wikipedia. Find three references that you believe are from credible sources and explain your reasoning. 10. Skip Google and Go Straight to Credible Sources! 11. Using Databases to find the answer!Assignment #4 Chose two resources from the website scientific Search for the same topic of your choice. Compare and contrast your results. 12. Subscription Databases See what your school library has to offer!Subscription databases provide access to scientific publications, newspaper articles, and much more that is often not freely available online. Many school and public libraries have access to these databases so take advantage of their services! 13. Search Strategies and Keywords: Making your search better!Pick one word, the keyword, to describe what you are looking for. 14. Boolean Operators 15. In-Class Boolean Exercise Boolean "Poker" Materials: A standard deck of 52 playing cards 1. Hand each student one card from the deck. 2. Ask those students with face cards to raise their hands (or stand up). 3. Ask those with cards that are both face cards AND red cards to raise their hands. 4. Point out that there are fewer cards now than there were before...because of the Boolean operator AND. 5. Ask those students with "number" cards to raise their hands. 6. Ask those with "number" cards OR black cards to raise their hands. 7. Point out that there are more cards now than there were in the previous "hand" because of the Boolean operator OR.-Similar examples can be used to show the NOT operator if desired (a Jack that is NOT a spade, etc.) 16. Tying It All Together Final Assignment We have covered a lot of information and hopefully have a better understanding of information literacy and how to find credible sources for scientific information. Using our new found knowledge, write a 2 page research paper on a scientific topic of your choice. You must use at least 5 credible sources and include a description of where and how you found your sources. 17. For more information contact Amelia Vaughan [email protected]

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