Download - Indis is shining?


Yes! It certainly is shining in the malls, in the PVRs, in the pubs & nightclubs, in the

flyovers and high-rises of the metros. It is shining in the glitz and glamour of the high

income class living in modern luxuries, earning high salaries. We have certainly come

a long way from what we were. The revolutionary economic changes made after

the 1991 economic (India’s Balance of Payment) crisis has certainly changed the

face of the country for the better.

Still people live on the streets and pathetic

Slums.Slum Population of India have exceeded the population of Britain. It has doubled in last two decades. Almost 70% of Mumbai's population lives in a slum. As more people leave India's rural areas to make their millions in the cities where they expect to find jobs and homes, more people are ending up living in a slums. Today, urban poverty is huge with some 81 million people living on incomes below the poverty line. 25.1 million in 2001 to 93 million in 2011 in ten years and it is projected to grow at 5% per year, adding nearly two million every year, according to official Government data.

“This is a grave situation. It’s raining, it’s snowing, these people are still without shelter.”


There were still 1.77 million people living without houses in roadside, railway platforms, under flyovers in India in 2011. However, the number of homeless people in India declined in 2013. Some 18,200 people died due to cold and damp conditions in 2013 to 2014.

A study reveals that the debt trap is the main cause of certain farmers taking the extreme step of committing suicide. Debt trap is getting tightened up because of the agrarian crisis on the one hand and inaccessibility of institutional

credit on the other. No institutions are forthcoming to lend money to farming community for the same purposes for which they lend money to urban middle class. Thus the farmers have to depend on non-institutional credit.

According to an article in Time Magazine, deaths in India related to dowry demands have increased 15-fold since the mid-1980 from 400 a year to around 5800 a year by the

middle of the 1990s. Some commentators claim that the rising number simply indicates that more

cases are being reported as a result of increased activity of women’s

organizations. Others however, insist that the incidents of dowry- related

deaths has increased.

When a fire breaks out in a high rise building (Bengaluru case), trapped people suffocate to death, because the fireman do not have masks to enter the thick smoke!

The police fight over the issue

of ‘whose area is it’, when an

accident victim is lying on the

road, bleeding to death.

• Drains & manholes are callously left open for people to fall and die.

People are dying because of cranes and pillars of under construction sites falling on them.(The Delhi Metro work has claimed several innocent lives due to careless engineers and supervisors).

Parents kill their children for the sake of honor, if they marry outside their caste.

We spend hours stuck in traffic jam, and

Bribing is a common practice in the government circle.

To reduce slums, Government must generate employment in villages, so that the villagers don’t travel to big cities in search of jobs.

To improve the conditions of people without roofs, NIGHT NEECHE(Raen Basera) should be made popular and these people should be made aware about it.

To help children visit school, we must improve the social status by making them aware of the importance of education. Plus, Government schools are free.

In the case of dowry, it is necessary to change the mindset of society. Though it is not an overnight process, but we should teach our children from an early stage what impact dowry can have. We can also update the study course of students where children can learn to avoid and eliminate these social evils.

To help farmers in their condition, they should be aware of their proper insurance policies of crops and effective irrigational facilities like Drip Irrigation and use of sprinklers should be encouraged.

When in case or fire, improving the present infrastructure can prove to be a good alternative for firemen. Also, government should take initiative to equip GPS Systems in fire vehicles to minimize the time of reach.

When an accident occurs, people shouldn’t be afraid to help as the new law based on “ZERO HARRASMENT” law has been enforced since 2014. In cases of emergency, first the treatment will begin and then the legal proceedings will follow.

Tube wells and manholes dug should be covered and proper guidelines should be followed that are needed for protection.

“Atikraman” to be avoided-Illegal possession of public place should be checked. So that the roads can be stretched more and eventually avoid traffic jams. Traffic should be well regulated with GPS Systems so that traffic could be deviated and well-distributed, avoiding accumulations.

Proper enactments of labor laws will minimize accidents like all prime-movers should be covered, high chimney to be well supported and proper vaccination should be done to provide septic. The material they use for the construction should be checked.

To eliminate bribing, employ CHARTER in every department. This will ease government proceedings and will increase output of government organizations.

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