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Adult life skills Vs Ghostbusters

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This film was produced by creative England. It was written and directed by Rachel Tunnard and is the full film of the BAFTA nominated short film which premiered at the London film festival in 2014.

When asked how the project benefitted from Creative England’s involvement, Rachel said: “I am not independently rich so the support of Creative England meant that I was financially able to ‘have a go’ but equally importantly, the fact that they were willing to take a punt on me as a relative unknown gave me the confidence to think...'Well maybe…’ Without Creative England the film wouldn’t exist!”

She also won the prestigious Nora Ephron Prize at the Tribeca Film Festival awards, receiving $25,000 – a remarkable achievement for a low-budget directorial debut. Proving that this film had potential.

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I myself have never heard of the production company “creative england” however when researching into it the company it displays a large variety of films it has produced, which indicates that they have been successful.

For Example:- Victoria is a newly released drama shown on itv. It is successful as its well known and widely watched

Ernestine and Kit

Three women waiting for death

Audience Creative England in my opinion has an older mature audience. This is reflected in their films As they have a meaning or distinctive plot line. This means the younger generation wouldn’t nessasarily be interested or intrigued into their productions.

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• TRAILER Ghostbusters was distributed by Columbia pictures, one of the big six. It had various production companies due to budget being high including: - LStar Capital - Village Roadshow Pictures- The Montecito pictures

The film had a production budget of $144 million and was considered a box office boom when it produced a $228 million income. That’s an $84 million profit!!

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Columbia pictures is a major distribution company and has produced many top selling films including:• The Shallows(2016)• The Legend of Zorro(2005)• The Wedding Planner(2001)• The Phantom of The Opera(1989)The list dates back to 1924 when the company released a short film called pal o’mine. Columbia pictures usually produces

the films they know will be crowd pleasers (mainstream). This is because it is what the audience is attracted to making sure they bring in the most profit. They do not have a specific genre as they change their marketing(film choice) to what the audience is looking for. Because of these factors their films appear to various age groups and types of audience.

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THE INSTITUTIONS The independent film makes you think about things as it expresses more art and culture. Adult life skills makes you think what you want to do with your life… and you question the simple day to day things that you do. This is different to a mainstream film as they are supposed to make you feel good or make you cry. They almost always have a happy ending to allow you to be able to relax whilst watching the film as you know everything will be okay. Due to its higher budget mainstream films produce huge marketing ideas getting their films out there so people want to go and see them. Plus they are shown at multiplex cinemas that dominate the film industry. Independent films have limited distribution and are rarely shown in multiplex cinemas and therefore the audience has to look for it.

These films also have similarities. They both were written with the idea to be big, they both wanted to get their films out there are be successful.

I feel that success wise Columbia pictures outperforms creative England. This is because they bring in a much larger audience and are able to produce a huge profit because of that.

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