
1.In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

We used an establishing shot of the college as the college would play an important part in the rest of the film .Our target audience would be able to relate to our film as they have experienced the college life.

We only established one character in the opening as we didn’t want to give too much away. The character Is kept anonymous .We achieved this by not showing his face. This shot however allows the audience to realise that the character is a young black male. This adds to the enigma of the opening which is seen in most thrillers.

The knife represents danger, crime and death. We chose to use the knife as a prop as it gives the audience an insight into the character at an early stage.

We decided to write the title of the film instead of typing it up. We found this to be more effective as it added to the college life atmosphere.

We decided to use the idea of an obsessed psycho path character. This is seen in thrillers when a mysterious person is obsessed with another character. An event such as calling with a withheld number and hanging up is common. We used this idea in a close up when the character is calling ‘miss layla’who he is planning to kill. This heightens the sensation of fear in the opening.

Here college life is being established this shot shows that he is just a regular college student like these shown in this scene. However he is not just an ordinary student.

This is an important frame as we emphasised the characters hands. His hands play an important role because his hands represent destruction. We got this idea from seven.

The white writing is something that we see in most thriller films therefore this was purposely done to signify the fact that the film could be of a psychological thriller genre. The writing creates a gloomy atmosphere .The white writing is used against the dark background to make it stand out.

We challenged the thriller convention as our choice of music differs from what is normally seen in thrillers. We chose subtle music so as not to give away the genre too quickly. We also chose a voice over to engage the audience into the film as the audience is hearing his thoughts aloud.

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