




Complaint by Petitioners.................................................................................................................1Notice of Hearing on the Challenge...............................................................................................5Sworn Affidavit of Candidacy Challenge.......................................................................................6Sworn Complaint..............................................................................................................................8Order of the Mecklenburg County Board of Elections .............................................................14Appeal of Hearing Panel on Challenge to Candidacy ...............................................................17Exhibits.............................................................................................................................................19Link to Transcript of Hearing.......................................................................................................24




Name James W. McEwen

/Gtdress 301 West 10th Street, Apt. 203

City, State, Zip Charlotte NC 28202

Phone __ ('-'-7�04-'-"')�5=0�6-�1=20�1�----

Name_-=L�y=nn�C=·�W�e=is,,_ _____ _

Address 400 North Church Street, Unit 608

City, State, Zip Charlotte, NC 28202

) ) ) ) ) ) ) } ) ) ) ) } )

Meckl�nburg CountyMAR 14 2018

Board of Elections

SWORN COMPLAINT (Pursuant to NCGS 127.2)

' Phone (704) 651-4183' ---A-�+-=-���-----

) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )



NORA 1ROTMAN, Republican Candidate for North Carolina Senate District 37,

. Meekl@i'ibUfij �aumy

. MAR 1·4 2018

Board of Elections



NOW COME THE PETITIONERS James W. McEwen and Lynn C. Weis on this the� 14th� day of March, 2018 to allege the following pursuant to

the North Carolina General Statutes:

1. The Petitioner James W. McEwen is a voter and resident ofMecklenburg County, North Carolina who also resides within the present boundaries of North Carolina Senate District 37.

2. The Petitioner Lynn C. Weis is a voter and resident of Mecklenburg County, North Carolina who also resides within the present boundaries of North Carolina Senate District 37.



3. The filing for election for seats in the North Carolina Senate comme.nced on the12th day February, 2018.

4. On February 28, 2018, Nora Trotman (hereafter the "Candidate") filed as aRepublican for North Carolina Senate District 37.

5. The Candidate in so filing affirmed that she was in conformity with all NorthCarolina Laws and Statutes regarding candidacy.

6. The Petitioners are informed and believe and therefore allege that the Candidate hasnot been affiliated with the North Carolina Republican Party for at least ninety(90) days as of the date of the Candidate filing such notice of candidacy (i.e.February 28, 2018) and is thus in violation of North Carolina General Statute§163-106(b).

7. Pursuant to North Carolina General Statute § 163-127.2, the Petitioners herebychallenge the candidacy of the Respondent by verified Complaint and claim theCandidate is unqualified by North Carolina Law and Statute to run for the Office ofNorth Carolina Senate District 37.








1. Remove the Candidate from the ballot as the Candidate is ineligible anddisqualified for election to North Carolina Senate ;

2. Tax the Cost of this Petition to the Respondent; and

3. For such other relief as the Board deems just and proper.

This the 14th day ofMarch, 2018

I James W. McEwen do solemnly swear that the statements and information given above are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.

Sworn to and Subscribed by this the Ff day ofMarch, 2018.

ol- 1 11 -,1,o a, :;J._

My Commission Expires

I Lynn C. Weis do solemnly swear that the statements and informati n given above are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.

C LU Sig

Sworn to and Subscribed by this the -1/--- day of March, 2018.

��U11A (I· 6�1]Notl! Public

o/- !1 M JrJ-My Commission Expires



Mary Potter Summa Chabperson

Elizabeth M. McDowell Secreta,y

Carol Hill Williams Member


Nora Trotman 1449 S Church St. #208 Chaifotte, NC 28203

Dear Nora Trotman:


Board of Elections

March 15, 2018

Michael G. Dickerson Director of Elections

The Mecklenburg County Board of Elections has received 2 challenges to your Notice of Candidacy received for the 2018 candidate filing period. As required by NC General Statute Chapter 163 Article 1 lB, the Board has scheduled a hearing for this challenge to be held on Mai·ch 20, 2018 at 1 :30PM at the Board of Elections office at 741 Kenilworth Ave, Suite 202, Charlotte, NC.

I have enclosed copy of the challenge for your review and a copy NC General Statute Chapter 163 Article 1 lB.

This letter serves as notice of the hearing, as required by law.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office.


���L___ Michael G. Dickerson Director of Elections

cc: Members, Mecklenburg County Board of Elections


741 Kenilwmih Avenue, Suite 202 * Post Office Box 31788 * Charlotte, NC 28231-1788 * (704) 336-2133 * Fax (704) 343-0537




Daniel D. McCorkle 3144 East Ford Road Charlotte, NC 28205 (704) [email protected]




NORA TROTMAN, Republican Candidate fm North Carolina Senate District 37,


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Mecklenburg eour,iy

MAR'f4 2018

Board of Elections


NOW COMES THE PETITIONER, Daniel D. McCorkle, on this the 14ai day of March 2018 and alleges the following pursuant to North Carolina General Statutes §163-127:

1. The Petitioner Daniel D. McCork:le is a voter and resident of Mecklenburg County, NorthCarolina and State Senate District 37.

2. The candidate filing period for election to the North Carolina Senate commenced on the12th day Febmary 2018.

3. On the 28th day of Febmary 2018, Nora Trotman submitted a Notice of Candidacy for theNorth Carolina Senate (hereafter the "Candidate").

4. The Notice of Candidacy was filed in person by a person other than the Candidate. Oninformation and belief, the Notice of Candidacy was filed by Dallas Woodhouse or hisdesignee.

5, North Carolina General Statutes § 163-106 reads: "Each candidate shall sign the notice of candidacy in the presence of the chairman or secretary of the board of elections, State or county, with which the candidate files. In the alternative, a candidate may have the candidate's signature on the notice of candidacy acknowledged and certified to by an officer authorized to take acknowledgments and administer oaths, in which case the candidate may mail or deliver by commercial courier service the candidate's notice of candidacy to the appropriate board of elections."


6. The Candidate did not comply with NCGS § 163-106 because his/her Notice of Candidacywas not delivered by a statutory means: in person by the Candidate, by mail, or by acommercial courier service.

7. Based on the foregoing, the Petitioner believes the Candidate is not qualified by NorthCarolina law to be a candidate for the North Carolina Senate.


1. Reject their Notice of Candidacy for the North Carolina Senate.

2. Tax the Cost of this Petition to the Respondent.

3. For such other relief as the Board deems just and proper.

I, Daniel D. McCorkle, do solemnly swear that the statements and information given above are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.

SWORN TIDS 14th day of March 2018.

S)� j) McrJLLSignature of Petitioner

Daniel D. Mccorkle 3144 East Ford Road Charlotte, NC 28205 (704) [email protected]


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Name James W. McEwen )

Xitdt�ss 301 West 10th Street, A12r.' 203 ) Meckl�nburg County) )

City, State, Zip Charlotte NC 28202 ) HAR 14 2018 )

Phone (704) 506• 1201 ) Board of ElectionsJ )

Name Lynn C. Weis ) )

Address_.400 North Church Street, Unit 608 ) }

City, State, Zip Charlotte, NC 28202 ) SWORN COMPLAINT (Pursuant to NCGS 127.2)

) Phone (704) 651•4183 )

) Petitioners, )

) vs. )

) ) · MseklfAbUrt;J �t:i!llliy)

. MAR f,4 201a ) )

NORA 1RO1MAN, Republican Candidate for North ) Board of l:lectlons Carolina Senate District 3 7, )

· Respondent )


NOW COME THE PETITIONERS James W. McEwen and Lynn C. Weis on this the �14th� day of March, 2018 to allege the following pursuant to

the North Carolina General Statutes:

1. The Petitioner James W. McEwen is a voter and resident ofMecldenbmg County, 'North·Carolina who also resides within the present boundaries of North Carolina Senate District 37.

2. The Petitioner Lynn C. Weis is a voter and resident of Mecklenburg County, North Carolina who also resides within the present boundaries of North Carolina Senate Distriet 37.




3. The filing for election for seats in the North Carolina Senate comme,nced on the12th day February, 2018.

4. On February 28, 2018, Nora Trotman (hereafter the "Candidate") filed as aRepublican for North Carolina Senate District 37.

5. The Candidate in so filing affirmed that she was in conformity with all NorthCarolina Laws and Statutes regarding candidacy.

6. The Petitioners are informed and believe and therefore allege that the Candidate hasnot been affiliated with the North Carolina Republican Party for at least ninety(90) days as of the date of the Candidate filing such notice of candidacy (i.e.February 28, 2018) and is thus in violation of North Carolina General Statute §163-106(b ).

7. Pursuant to North Carolina General Statute§ 163-127.2, the Petitioners herebychallenge the candidacy of the Respondent by verified Complaint and claim theCandidate is unqualified by North Carolina Law and Statute to run for the Office ofNorth Carolina Senate District 3 7.





1. Remove the Candidate from the ballot as the Candidate is ineligible anddisqualified for election to North Carolina Senate ;

2. Tax the Cost of this Petiti�n to the Respondent; and

3, For such other relief as the Board deems just and proper.

This the · 14th day of March, 2018

I James W. McEwen do solemnly swear that the statements and information given above are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.

Sworn to and Subscribed by this the /f day ofMarch, 2018.

Of/ I If �do 9.,;;L My Commission Expires

I Lynn C. Weis do solemnly swear that the statements and informati n given above are true and accurate to the best of my lmowledge.


Sworn to and Subscribed by this the -1/.-- day of March, 2018.

, Ja�u«A f. � , ol-!'1:J.J)Q--Notli Public My ConnnissionExpires


'1 t

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IN RE TROTMAN 10 of 24

Article llB.

Challenge to a Candidacy.

§ 163-127.1. Definitions.As used in this Article, the following terms mean:

(1) Board. - State Board of Elections.(2) Candidate. - A person having filed a notice of candidacy under the

appropriate statute for any elective office in this State.(3) Challenger. - Any qualified voter registered in the same district as the office

for which the candidate has filed or petitioned.(4) Office. - The elected office for which the candidate has filed or petitioned.

(2006-155, s. l; 2006-259, s. 48(a).)

§ 163-127.2. When and how a challenge to a candidate may be made.(a) When. - A challenge to a candidate may be filed under this Article with the board of

elections receiving the notice of the candidacy or petition no later than IO business days after the close of the filing period for notice of candidacy or petition.

(b) How. - The challenge must be made in a verified affidavit by a challenger, based onreasonable suspicion or belief of the facts stated. Grounds for filing a challenge are that the candidate does not meet the constitutional or statutory qualifications for the office, including residency.

( c) If Defect Discovered After Deadline, Protest Available. - If a challenger discoversone or more grounds for challenging a candidate after the deadline in subsection (a) of this section, the grounds may be the basis for a protest under G.S. 163-182.9. (2006-155, s. 1.)

§ 163-127.3. Panel to conduct the hearing on a challenge.Upon filing of a challenge, a panel shall hear the challenge, as follows:

(1) Single county. - If the district for the office subject to the challenge coversterritory in all or part of only one county, the panel shall be the county boardof elections of that county.

(2) Multicounty but less than entire State. - If the district for the office subject to the challenge contains territory in more than one county but is less than theentire State, the Board shall appoint a panel within two business days after thechallenge is filed. The panel shall consist of at least one member of the countyboard of elections in each county in the district of the office. The panel shallhave an odd number of members, no fewer than three and no more than five.In appointing members to the panel, the Board shall appoint members fromeach county in proportion to the relative total number of registered voters ofthe counties in the district for the office. If the district for the office subject tothe challenge covers more than five counties, the panel shall consist of fivemembers with at least one member from the county receiving the notice ofcandidacy or petition and at least one member from the county of residency ofthe challenger. The Board shall, to the extent possible, appoint membersaffiliated with different political parties in proportion to the representation ofthose parties on the county boards of elections in the district for the office.The Board shall designate a chair for the panel. A meeting of the Board to

NC General Statutes - Chapter 163 Article llB 1

IN RE TROTMAN 11 of 24

appoint a panel under this subdivision shall be treated as an emergency meeting for purposes of G.S. 143-318.12.

(3) Entire State. - If the district for the office subject to the challenge consists ofthe entire State, the panel shall be the Board. (2006-155, s. 1.)

§ 163-127.4. Conduct of hearing by panel.

(a) The panel conducting a hearing under this Article shall do all of the following:(1) Within five business days after the challenge is filed, designate and announce

the time of the hearing and the facility where the hearing will be held. Thehearing shall be held at a location in the district reasonably convenient to thepublic, and shall preferably be held in the county receiving the notice of thecandidacy or petition. If the district for the office covers only part of a county,the hearing shall be at a location in the county convenient to residents of thedistrict, but need not be in the district.

(2) Allow for depositions prior to the hearing, if requested by the challenger orcandidate before the time of the hearing is designated and announced.

(3) Issue subpoenas for witnesses or documents, or both, upon request of theparties or upon its own motion.

( 4) Render a written decision within 20 business days after the challenge is filedand serve that written decision on the parties.

(b) Notice of Hearing. - The panel shall give notice of the hearing to the challenger, tothe candidate, other candidates filing or petitioning to be elected to the same office, to the county chair of each political party in every county in the district for the office, and to those persons who have requested to be notified. Each person given notice shall also be given a copy of the challenge or a summary of its allegations.

Failure to comply with the notice requirements in this subsection shall not delay the holding of a hearing nor invalidate the results if the individuals required by this section to be notified have been notified.

( c) Conduct of Hearing. - The hearing under this Article shall be conducted as follows:(1) The panel may allow evidence to be presented at the hearing in the form of

affidavits supporting documents, or it may examine witnesses. The chair orany two members of the panel may subpoena witnesses or documents. Theparties shall be allowed to issue subpoenas for witnesses or documents, orboth, including a subpoena of the candidate. Each witness must be placedunder oath before testifying. The Board shall provide the wording of the oathto the panel.

(2) The panel may receive evidence at the hearing from any person withinformation concerning the subject of the challenge, and such presentation ofevidence shall be subject to Chapter 8C of the General Statutes. Thechallenger shall be permitted to present evidence at the hearing, but thechallenger shall not be required to testify unless subpoenaed by a party. Thepanel may allow evidence to be presented by a person who is present.

(3) The hearing shall be recorded by a reporter or by mechanical means, and thefull record of the hearing shall be preserved by the panel until directedotherwise by the Board.

NC General Statutes - Chapter 163 Article 1 IB 2

IN RE TROTMAN 12 of 24

(d) Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law by Panel. -The panel shall make a writtendecision on each challenge by separately stating findings of facts, conclusions of law, and an order.

( e) Rules by Board. - The Board shall adopt rules providing for adequate notice toparties, scheduling of hearings, and the timing of deliberations and issuance of decisions. (2006-155, s. 1.)

§ 163-127.5. Burden of proof.

(a) The burden of proof shall be upon the candidate, who must show by a preponderanceof the evidence of the record as a whole that he or she is qualified to be a candidate for the office.

(b) If the challenge is based upon a question of residency, the candidate must show all ofthe following:

(1) An actnal abandonment of the first domicile, coupled with an intent not toreturn to the first domicile.

(2) The acquisition of a new domicile by actual residence at another place.(3) The intent of making the newer domicile a permanent domicile. (2006-155, s.


§ 163-127.6. Appeals.

(a) Appeals from Single or Multicounty Panel. -The decision of a panel created underG.S. 163-127.3(1) or G.S. 163-127.3(2) may be appealed as of right to the Board by any of the following:

(1) The challenger.(2) A candidate adversely affected by the panel's decision.

Appeal must be taken within two business days after the panel serves the written decision on the parties. The written appeal must be delivered or deposited in the mail to the Board by the end of the second business day after the written decision was filed by the panel. The Board shall prescribe forms for filing appeals from a panel's decision in a challenge. The Board shall base its appellate decision on the whole record of the hearing conducted by the panel and render its opinion on an expedited basis. From the final order or decision by the Board under this subsection, appeal as of right lies directly to the Court of Appeals. Appeal shall be filed no later than two business days after the Board files its final order or decision in its office.

(b) Appeals from Statewide Panel. - The decision of a panel created under G.S.163-127.3(3) may be appealed as of right to the Court of Appeals by any of the following:

(1) The challenger.(2) A candidate adversely affected by the panel's decision.

Appeal must be taken within two business days after the panel files the written decision. The written appeal must be delivered or deposited in the mail to the Court of Appeals by the end of the second business day after the written decision was filed by the panel. (2006-155, s. 1.)

NC General Statntes - Chapter 163 Article 1 lB 3

IN RE TROTMAN 13 of 24

IN RE TROTMAN 14 of 24

IN RE TROTMAN 15 of 24

March 21, 2018

From: Nora Trotman 1449 S Church St Apt 208 Charlotte, NC 28203

To: Mecklenburg Board of Elections 741 Kenilworth Ave. Suite 202 Charlotte, NC 28204

To Whom It May Concern:

HAR 2 2 2018

Board of Elections

I write to you today as a candidate and member of the Republican Party to refute any and all challenges to my candidacy. I have been a North Carolina Republican for over a year and would respectfully like to ask that the board consider my request to stay in the race on the Republican ticket. Additionally, at your convenience I'm prepared to disclose and present evidence to prove this claim.

IN RE TROTMAN 16 of 24




(Use of this form is required by G. S. 163-127.6)

This appeal must be delivered or deposited in the mail to the State Board of Elections by the end of the

second business day after the hearing panel files its written decision. See G.S. 163-127.6 (a). The State

Board is required to make its decision in this appeal based upon the whole record of the hearing conducted

by the panel. (See GS 163-127.6 (a)) The hearing panel will forward a record of its proceedings to the

State Board, including a copy of the original candidate challenge with any attachments, any written

responses to that challenge, a copy of the panel’s decision, a transcript, and any other pertinent documents

(e.g., subpoenas, affidavits, depositions, notices, exhibits). Do not include material in this appeal that was

not part of the record before the hearing panel. You may attach additional sheets in answering the questions

below, but they must be numbered. Please print or type your answers.

1. Provide the full name, mailing address, home and business phone, fax number, and e-mail address of

person(s) appealing. If you are represented by counsel in this appeal, please provide your counsel’s full

name, firm name, business mailing address, e-mail address, business phone and fax number.

Nora Catherine Trotman

1449 S. Church St. Apt. 208 Charlotte, NC 28203


[email protected]


2. Are you the person who filed the original challenge or are you the candidate challenged?

[x] Challenger

[ ] Candidate Challenged

3. State the name, mailing address, home and business phone, fax number, and e-mail address of the

opposing party in this matter (either challenger or candidate challenged). Provide the same information for

that person’s counsel if the person was represented by counsel before the hearing panel.

James W. McEwen

301 West 10th Street, Apt. 203 Charlotte NC 28202


Lynn C. Weis

400 North Church Street, Unit 608 Charlotte NC 28202


4. State the date of the decision of the panel hearing the challenge. March 27, 2018

5. State the legal and factual basis for your appeal and why you think it has merit.

My name is Nora Catherine Trotman and I have lived in Charlotte, North Carolina since June 17, 2015. I

was first introduced to the Mecklenburg County Republican party by Brad Overcash, the Mecklenburg

County GOP Chairman, in August of 2015. Subsequently, I became a dues paying member of the

Mecklenburg County Young Republicans, an officially sanctioned and certified club of the Mecklenburg

County Republican Party, on March 22, 2016 for which I can provide receipt. Further, my affiliation has

been confirmed by the full support of both the state and county parties in my candidacy as well as my

signed oath included in my filing paperwork.

IN RE TROTMAN 17 of 24

6. Have you read and reviewed G.S. 163-127.1 through G.S. 163-127.6, the statutes on challenges to

candidacies? Yes [x] No [ ]

7. This appeal includes 3 pages of attachments.

___________________________________________ ________________

Signature of Person Appealing Date Appeal Signed

Certificate of Service

This is to certify that the undersigned has this day served the foregoing Appeal Pursuant to G.S.

§ 163-127.6 upon the State Board of Elections by:

[x] Hand delivery

[ ] Depositing it in the U.S. Mail, first class postage prepaid, properly addressed to

Don Wright, General Counsel

State Board of Elections

P.O. Box 27255

Raleigh, N.C. 27611-7255

I have provided copies to the Hearing Panel and the parties in this matter.

This the 29 day of March, 2018.

___________________________ ____________________________

(Signature of Person Appealing or Counsel Representing Appellant)

Date and time appeal received by State Board of Elections


(To be entered by the State Board of Elections staff)

If you have questions contact: Don Wright, General Counsel, North Carolina State Board of Elections,

P.O. Box 27255, Raleigh, NC 27611-7255, (919) 715-5333.

March 29, 2018

IN RE TROTMAN 18 of 24

March 22, 2018

Mecklenburg County Republican Party

801 East Morehead Street, Suite 121

Charlotte, NC 28202

Mr. Michael Dickerson

741 Kenilworth Avenue #202

Charlotte, NC 28204

Dear Mr. Dickerson:

Mecklenburg County

HAR "2 3 2018

Board of Elections

Please let this letter serve as attestation that the Mecklenburg County Republican Party recognizes Nora

Trotman as an active member of Mecklenburg County Republican Party. We acknowledge her affiliation

to the Party dating back to March 2016 when she became a dues paying member of the Mecklenburg

County Young Republicans, an officially sanctioned and certified club of the Mecklenburg County

Republican Party. This meets and exceeds any requirement of 90-day affiliation requirement.

The intent of this statute is to protect voters' ability to be informed of a candidate's political alignment

by prohibiting candidates from running as a certain party's candidate without having any connection to

the Party. This is not the case here because Nora Trotman is a known Republican and is fully supported

by the Mecklenburg County Republican Party. While we appreciate Democrats worrying about the

commitment of our candidates to the Republican Party we wholly reject their challenge and hope the

Board of Elections will fully approve Nora Trotman as the Republican candidate for North Carolina

Senate District 37.

Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions.


Chris Turner

Mecklenburg County Republican Party

Executive Board and Committee Chairman


IN RE TROTMAN 19 of 24

March 23, 2018

RE: Nora Trotman

To Whom It May_ Concern:

Please see the enclosed receipt, which verifies Ms. Trotman's 2016-2017 membership In the

Mecklenburg County Young Republicans. Thank you.


Brad Thomas

Chair, Mecklenburg County Young Republicans

Cc: Chris Turner

IN RE TROTMAN 20 of 24

,1 , Verizon�

Transaction type

Payment received


Member Dues


10:03 PM

MAR 22, 2016 6:52 PM

View Invoice




f W * 53%1•1>






IN RE TROTMAN 21 of 24


Lawson, Joshua

From: Dallas Woodhouse <[email protected]>Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2018 5:10 PMTo: Lawson, JoshuaSubject: [External] Fwd: Nora Trotman - Appeal DocsAttachments: CandidateChallengeAppealForm - NT Draft (2).pdf

CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam.

On Thu, Mar 29, 2018 at 4:37 PM, Dallas Woodhouse <[email protected]> wrote:



IN RE TROTMAN 22 of 24


Nora Trotman Nora For NC Senate m: 8503331732w: e: [email protected]

IN RE TROTMAN 23 of 24


The audio file for the hearing In Re: Trotman:

IN RE TROTMAN 24 of 24

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