Page 1: Impulse - 07, 2015  · Munster spielte und auch eine Zeitlang „Manager“ für die Mannschaft war. Sie haben 2 Kinder, Dylan 16 und Amy 14 Jahre alt. Im Jahr


Gemeindebrief Congregational Newsletter Jahrgang/ Year 47 November 2018

Und ich sah die heilige Stadt, das neue Jerusalem, von Gott aus dem Himmel herabkommen,

bereitet wie eine geschmückte Braut für ihren Mann. Offenbarung 21,2

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Ich sah, wie die Stadt Gottes, das neue Jerusalem,

von Gott aus dem Himmel herabkam: festlich geschmückt wie eine Braut an ihrem Hochzeitstag.

Eine gewaltige Stimme hörte ich vom Thron her rufen: “Hier wird Gott mitten unter den Menschen sein!”

Er wird bei ihnen wohnen, und sie werden sein Volk sein.

Ja, von nun an wird Gott selbst als ihr Herr in ihrer Mitte leben.

Offenbarung 21, 2 und 3 (Hoffnung für alle) In Max Lucados Buch “God’s story” wird beschrieben, wie der Erzähler in diesem Bibelvers uns vier Mal sehr deutlich bewusst macht :

“Gott wird mitten unter den Menschen sein!” “ Er wird bei ihnen wohnen” “Sie werden sein Volk sein”

“Gott selbst wird als ihr Herr in ihrer Mitte leben”. Endlich werden wir Gott von Angesicht zu Angesicht sehen. Mögen wir das mit Herz und Verstand begreifen. Wie unbegreiflich ist unser Gott!! Wir werden voller Staunen sein! Wir fragen uns: Wo führt alles hin? Gottes Antwort: Es führt zu Gottes großem Tag. Unbeschreiblich wunderbar!


Noch haben wir sie nicht geseh’n, noch warten wir darauf, noch nehmen wir für uns’re Hoffung Spott und Hohn in Kauf und wissen doch es kommt der Tag, da hört das Warten auf, denn gerade dann, wenn jedermann es nicht für möglich hält. Dann werden wir sie sehen: Gottes neue Welt! Manfred Siebald

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I saw Holy Jerusalem, new-created, descending resplendent out of Heaven,

as ready for God as a bride for her husband. I heard a voice thunder from the Throne:

“Look! Look! God has moved into the neighbour-hood, making his home with men and women!

They’re his people, he’s their God. Revelations 21:2-3 (The Message)

Max Lucado wrote in his book – “God’s story” that the narrator makes the same point four times in this verse in consecutive phrases:

“God has moved into the neighbourhood” “making his home with men and women”

“they are his people” “He is their God”

We shall finally see God, face to face. Let this sink in. Who can understand what God is doing? What is the world coming to? We wonder. God’s answer: “A GREAT DAY”.


The Survivor’s Creed

You’ll get through this. It won’t be painless.

It won’t be quick. But God will use this mess for good.

Don’t be foolish or naïve. But don’t despair either.

With God’s help, you’ll get through this. Max Lucado

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News from the Congregation

We welcome Phil and Griet Sher as new members of our congregation. May our congregation be a spiritual home to you and a place where you always feel part of the family! We congratulate our confirmands on their Confirmation on 21 October 2018! Anastasia Govender, Reinhard Hinze, Ruben Hinze and Zodumo Maphumulo.

May your walk with God

be blessed!

Council Communication We will be having another MAINTENANCE DAY at

the Church on Saturday, 10 November 2018, 9:00 to 12:00 concluding with a bring and braai. There are a variety of items which need to be sorted out and disposed of.

We appeal for your support of our ADVENT

EVENING on 23 November 2018. We hope that it will be an enjoyable and blessed evening for everyone, also as far as our fundraising efforts are concerned.

On ETERNITY SUNDAY, 25 November, we will be having a service at 8:00 in Hayfields followed by a devotion at the Bishopstowe cemetery at 10:00. Please also join us for a bring and braai at Cumberland after the devotion at Bishopstowe!

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Karl was born in Vryheid in April 1946, the fifth child of Karl and Matilde Hellberg. After matriculating at Vryheid High School, Karl attended the University of Natal to obtain his degree in BSc Land Surveying. Sonja, the oldest daughter of Edgar and Adelheid Gevers, was born in Pietermartizburg in November 1949. After matriculating at Pinetown High School, she completed a secretarial course at the Pinetown Business College. In January 1964 they met at a youth day in Braunschweig. Thereafter they saw each other regularly on Friday evenings at brass-band and choir practices at the Renshaw Road, Lutheran church, as well as functions organised by the youth group. After Karl completed his studies in 1970, they were married in January 1971 and moved to Dundee, where Karl had been offered a position at a Land Surveying firm called H.S.K Simpson & Partners. They settled down well and had their own home built in 1972. In 1979 Karl became a partner in the firm and furthered his studies as a Professional Property Valuator, qualifying in 1983.


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Sonja was employed as a school secretary at the Dundee Senior Primary, Dundee Pre-Primary and Pro Nobis, a school for disabled learners. Finally, she worked for Karl in his business for 18 years. They were members of the Dundee/Verden congregation.

Karl and Sonja were very happy in Dundee, it was a wonderful town to raise their children, Victor, born in 1972, and Michelle in 1974, in a healthy environment and affording them a good and sound education at the local schools.

Victor qualified as an electronic engineer at the University of Natal in Durban. He married Melissa Magill in 1998, in 2001 he was offered a position in Portland, Oregon State in the USA, moving a week after 9/11. Because of the terrorist attack, the Company he was working for, developed financial problems which resulted in them returning to South Africa 18 months later. Fortunately, he was able to return to his position at Nortech International in Pietermaritzburg. They have 2 children, Jordan 14 and Rebecca 8 years old.

Michelle completed a Secretarial and Desktop Publishing course at DUT. In 1999 she married Shaun Payne, who at the time was playing rugby for the Sharks. He then was contracted to play for Swansea in Wales, - after 3 years they relocated to Ireland where Shaun played for Munster for 10 years and managed the team for a few years. They have 2 children, Dylan aged 16 and Amy 14. In 2012 they returned to Cape Town where they have their own company, in which they design and manufacture kitchens, bathrooms etc. In 2012 Karl and Sonja purchased their retirement home in Amber Ridge, in Howick, After spending odd weekends there, they relocated there more permanently in 2017. They have settled down well and love their new home and garden. They are very grateful that the Church of the Cross in Hayfields, holds regular services in the Amber Lakes chapel. We are glad that you are members of our congtregation and feel at home in Howick! (Ed. Comm.)


Page 8: Impulse - 07, 2015  · Munster spielte und auch eine Zeitlang „Manager“ für die Mannschaft war. Sie haben 2 Kinder, Dylan 16 und Amy 14 Jahre alt. Im Jahr


Karl wurde im April 1946, als fünftes Kind von Karl und Matilde Hellberg in Vryheid geboren. Nachdem er seine Hochschuljahre in Vryheid abgeschlossen hatte, wurde er als Landmesser bei der Universität in Durban ausgebildet. Sonja wurde im November 1949 als älteste Tochter von Edgar und Adelheid Gevers in Pietermartizburg geboren. Nach ihrem Schulabschluss machte sie ein Sekretärinnenkurs an dem Pinetown Business College. Im Januar 1964 trafen Karl und Sonja sich beim Jugendtag in Braunschweig. Als Karl dann zur Uni kam, trafen sie sich regelmäßig Freitagabends beim Bläser- und Sängerchorüben bei der Kirche in Renshaw Road, Durban, bei den Gottesdiensten und auch beim Jugendbundtreffen. Als Karl sein Studium im Jahr 1970 vollendet hatte, heirateten sie im Januar 1971. Sie zogen nach Dundee wo Karl eine Arbeitsstelle bei der Firma, H.S.K. Simpson & Partners, angeboten wurde. Sie lebten sich gut ein und ließen im Jahr 1972 ihr eigenes Heim bauen. Im Jahr 1979 wurde Karl eine Partnerschaft im Geschäft angeboten, auch studierte er per Korrespondenz weiter und qualifizierter sich als Gutachter (Property Valuator) im Jahr 1983. Sonja arbeitete als Schulsekretärin an der Dundee Senior Primary, Dundee Pre-Primary und Pro Nobis, eine Schule für behinderte Kinder. Die letzten 18 Jahre hat sie als Buchhalterin für Karl in seinem Geschäft gearbeitet. Sie waren Mitglieder der Dundee/Verden Gemeinde. Die Ehe wurde mit zwei gesunden Kindern gesegnet, Victor wurde im Jahr 1972 geboren und Michelle im Jahr 1974. Sie verbrachten 47 sehr glückliche Jahre in Dundee, wo sie ihren Kindern, eine gute Schulausbildung in den Schulen bieten konnten.

PROFIL Karl und Sonja Hellberg

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PROFIL: Karl und Sonja Hellberg (Forts.)

Victor studierte als Eletronikingenieur an der Universität in Durban. Nachdem er im Jahr 1998 Melissa Magill heiratete, wurde ihm eine Arbeit in Portland, Oregon State, in den USA angeboten. Sie reisten 1 Woche nach dem 11. September 2001 (9/11) ab. Wegen des Terroranschlages gegen die USA, entwickelte die Firma finanzielle Probleme und das brachte sie nach 18 Monaten zurück nach Südafrika wo er wieder bei Nortech International (Pietermaritzburg) angestellt wurde. Sie haben 2 Kinder, Jordan (14 Jahre alt) und Rebecca (8). Michelle machte einen Sekretärinnen- und Desktop-Publishingkursus bei DUT. Im Jahr 1999 heiratete sie Shaun Payne, der Rugby für die Sharks gespielt hat. Ende 1999 wurde er eingeladen, in Swansea in Wales zu spielen. Nach drei Jahren zogen sie nach Irland wo er 10 Jahre für Munster spielte und auch eine Zeitlang „Manager“ für die Mannschaft war. Sie haben 2 Kinder, Dylan 16 und Amy 14 Jahre alt. Im Jahr 2012 kamen sie nach Kapstadt zurück, wo sie ihr eigenes Geschäft haben, in dem sie Küchen, Badezimmer usw. entwerfen und herstellen. 2012 liessen Karl und Sonja sich ein Haus in Amber Ridge in Howick bauen, wo sie seit letztem Jahr permanent wohnen. Sie sind sehr glücklich dort, haben sich gut eingelebt. Sie lieben ihr neues Zuhause und sind dankbar, dass die Lutherische Kreuzkirche, Hayfields regelmäßige Gottesdienste in der Amber Lakes Kapelle anbietet. Wir freuen uns, dass Ihr Mitglieder unserer Gemeinde seid und Euch in Howick wohlfühlt! (Redaktion)

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In the presentation service the confirmands shared with us who Jesus Christ is for them and what it means to follow him. They witnessed as follows:

Ruben Hinze Jesus Christ is God’s only son, the saviour of the world. These days people are so impressed when they see superman catching a building but they forget that God created the whole universe with His breath. Superman might have saved the day with his strength but Jesus saved the entire world with His death. Jesus Christ is a hero to me. I believe in Jesus because He cares for us and sets an example about how we must live and what we should do. Jesus promised us that he would give

us eternal life if we have faith in him and He died on the cross for our sin, even though we didn’t deserve it at all. It is important to follow Jesus because we are His sheep and He is our Shepherd. No-one is perfect or more important than anyone else. People in the Bible like king David, Moses and Paul were flawed but chosen, we are all flawed and chosen. That is why we must follow the Lord. Confirmation Verse: I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes. Romans 1:16

Our Confirmands 2018

Page 11: Impulse - 07, 2015  · Munster spielte und auch eine Zeitlang „Manager“ für die Mannschaft war. Sie haben 2 Kinder, Dylan 16 und Amy 14 Jahre alt. Im Jahr


Zodumo Maphumulo: Jesus Christ is my light of the world! He cares for all of us. He is our one and only Saviour, our King of kings. Jesus died for our sins, so that we can live a holy, eternal life. We have been cleansed by Him. Jesus is like a compass, without His guidance we would live in a different direction and live a sinful life, instead of a holy life with Jesus.

Confirmation Verse: The Lord is my shepherd,

I lack nothing. Psalm 23:1

Reinhard Hinze

To me Jesus Christ is my Saviour and he died for my sins on the cross. He is the King of kings who helps me every day to realize what is important. He rose from the dead and

rules over everything. He is my teacher and He teaches us how to live and the best way to follow God. I believe in Jesus because He sets an example of how I must live. He performed miracles that show me the power of God and that he is the Son of God. He is the only bridge I can cross to return to God from all my sins. To follow Jesus means that I know I am going to a good place in heaven after I die. I have the chance to be his disciple and follow his example of how He lived. Following Jesus helps me to make the correct choices.

Confirmation verse: Surely I am with you, to the very end of the age. (Mt.28:20)

Our Confirmands 2018

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Our Confirmands 2018

Anastasia Govender

For me, Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God. Even though Jesus is in heaven, He also lives within me. He was with me from the time of my creation and will always be with me because He loves me and cares for me. Jesus is my strength when I am weak. Jesus is my supporter when nobody believes in me. Even when I break the rules, Jesus is right there with me to tell me all is forgiv-en and to show me the way. Jesus is my BFF because even though my friends may change, Jesus will be the one true friend that will never leave me nor forsake me.

When I was baptized at 9 weeks old, the Holy Spirit called me into this faith. Many of you present here today bore witness to that faith confessed by my parents and god-parents. Today, I take this opportunity to make my own confession. I proclaim that Jesus is the way the truth and the life. I believe in Jesus because He first loved me. I believe in Jesus because He has shown me that He is always with me. Jesus is my constant companion, my rock and my salvation. Even though I know that there will be times when my faith will be weakened, I will not be afraid because Jesus has redeemed me; He has called me by name for I am His.

Being a disciple of Jesus means putting Him first. It means abiding in Him so He abides in me. It means loving others and He loves me. To follow Jesus means that I will have to keep His Word close to me: always in my heart. Even when bad things happen and darkness fills my life; I know that I will al-ways have a torch to light my path. A torch that does not need batteries or electricity, because my torch will be powered by Jesus. I know that I will always have oil in my lamp to keep me burning because that oil is His Word. Following Jesus means trusting and knowing that no matter whatever path I may choose in life, Jesus will always be my Alpha and my Omega.

Confirmation Verse: Jesus Christ says: “I am the

resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will

live, even though they die.” John 11:25

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Congregation Fun Evening

Plenty delicious food!

Song and dance.

Fun for everyone!

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Friday, 23 November

from 17:30.

Lutheran Church Hayfields,

2 Bester Road.

Kaffeestube with

home-baked cakes,

Christmas cookies

speciality meats,

good food,

Advent wreathes made to order,

Carol Singing

Any enquiries can be addressed to the Functions Committee:

Frank and Paula Böcking Brian and Edna Henderson Erlo and Heather Drews Colin and Penny Summersgill Mic and Linda Reibeling Victor and Petra Röhrs

Advent Evening

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Fun Page Welcher Ort, wer wohnte dort? 1. Nazareth ……………. 2. Jericho ……………... 3. Tarsus ………………. 4. Kyrene …………….. 5. Ninive ……………..

Which number is missing? Welche Nummer fehlt?

Who lived there? 1. Nazareth …………. 2. Jericho …………… 3. Tarsus ……………. 4. Cyrene …………… 5. Nineve …………...

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Fun Page

Solution to last months riddle—

SOLUTION TO THE MISSING NAMES 1. Tyrus und Sidon 2. Maria, Martha und Lazarus 3. Aquila und Pricilla 4. Petrus, Jakobus und Johannes 5. Glaube, Hoffnung und Liebe

Move 4 matches to get 3 triangles Solution

1. Tyrus and Sydon 2. Maria, Martha and Lazarus 3. Aquila and Pricilla 4. Peter, James and John 5. Faith, Hope and Love

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This and that…. / Dies und Das...

Worry is a conversation you have with yourself about things you cannot change. Prayer is a conversation you have with God about things He can change. Anon

The ultimate test of a moral society is the kind of world that it leaves to its children. Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Just for fun: The main function of the little toe on your foot is to

make sure that all the furniture in the house is in

p l a c e . Anon

We wish all our learners and students —

especially the matrics— success in their final

examinations for this year!

We seem to have only one

Matric learner this year: Ralf

Schärf. (If we have missed

anyone, please let us know!)

May God bless and strengthen you as you em-bark on this new adventure in your life!

Page 18: Impulse - 07, 2015  · Munster spielte und auch eine Zeitlang „Manager“ für die Mannschaft war. Sie haben 2 Kinder, Dylan 16 und Amy 14 Jahre alt. Im Jahr


Just this once, Lord,

I want to come to You without problems,

Without asking for anything,

without telling you how to run my day,

I just simply want to say ‘Thank You!’

For Your forgiveness when I fall

For the sheer joy of sleep when I'm terribly tired For the silent strength of humility when pride over takes me

For the justice of Your laws when men are cruel

For the remedies for sickness when I am ill

For the simplicity of orderliness when I face confusion

For the assurance that You have made a place

especially for me when I feel inadequate among my peers

For the joy of helping others when I see people in need

For the earthly evidences of Your Will

when I'm trying to find out what life is all about

For the reality of Your world

when I stray too far into fantasy

For the rightness of reasonableness

when I panic too quickly

For the fun that refreshes when everything gets too serious

For renewal in moments of silence

when I'm dizzy from being busy in a hectic world

Thank You, Lord for all these things.

But most of all, Thank You for Your Abiding Presence

that makes every day I live, a day of thanks.



(Submitted by Helga Schultz)


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Rüstwoche 2018

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Green Page/Grüne Seite

ECO Bricks This is a marvellous way of using empty 2 litre plastic cooldrink bottles NOT milk containers. When clean and dry fill them with soft clean non-biodegradable waste until they are tightly packed. You will be surprised just how much waste fits into such a bottle when it is tightly packed and pressed down by using the handle of a wooden spoon. Our recycle bins fill up within a few days. By using all clean soft plastic from your home to make ECOBRICKS you will assist with this world wide problem and at the same time save our environment and assist a good cause. These useful “bricks” can be used in numerous ways, like building retaining walls for a vegetable gar-den or even for building walls for sheds and houses etc. Look out for notices about where you can hand in your finished ECOBRICKS. At this stage there does not seem to be a convenient depot in our area. We will therefore collect them at the church and deliver them in Durban when there is a convenient opportunity. IMPORTANT: Making ECOBRICKS is not about encouraging the production of plastic, but rather a temporary means of protecting the environment while us humans figure out a way to cut plastic out of our lives altogether.

Building with


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28 29 30 31 1 2 3 Ernst Uken

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Seemole Mfeka

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Monika van Niekerk

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Ernst Uken

25 26 27 28 29 30 1 Seemole Mfeka

Hospital Visiting Ministry for November 2018

We thank everybody who has so far donated money towards buying ingredients for the Baking of Biscuits for the Advent Sale. We are only halfway through our baking so your donations are most welcome. These

biscuits fly off the tables at the Advent Sale so keep your donations coming. We have already donated some Syrupbiscuits to the Seemannsmission via Bruni Kassier. Pastor Ron Küsel will arrange, that sailors in Durban Harbour, who will be at sea on Christmas Day, have a present of home baked biscuits from us and all our sister congregations.

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Brian Henderson 033 344 2742 082 493 6596 Chairperson: [email protected] [email protected] Communication and Employees. Life Groups: Bible Studies and House groups;

Nkosi Macebo 076 738 1418 Deputy Chairperson Life Groups: Youth Work and Young Adults, Relationships: Kenosis and Partnership

Michael Reibeling 072 117 6138 Secretary Support Services: Music Ministries (Organists, Brass Band, Worship Team, Music under the Cross) Vehicles & Transport

Gerald Ortmann 033 3965152 079 625 4889 Treasurer Financial Matters: Finance, Asset Register and stock taking

Ralston Witthöft Property: Cemetery, Wall of Memory, Maintenance General Equipment, Security, Fire equipment.

Darryl Mfeka Property: Cemetery, Wall of Memory, Maintenance General Equipment, Security, Fire equipment,


Care Areas Make enquiries at the office Fund Raising Events: Functions Committee. Funerals: Councillor in charge of the Area to which the deceased belonged - Care Area is responsible for the refreshments. Weddings: - Councillor in charge of the Area to which member belongs. Support Fund: - Chairman, Vice-chairman, Treasurer, Pastor.

Council & Portfolios

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Pastor Victor Röhrs 033 396 1953 Cell: 083 287 1264 Pastor Petra Röhrs 033 396 1953 Cell: 083 381 2012 E-mail: [email protected] Life Line: 033 394 4444 AIDS Helpline: 0800 012 322 Office : Maggie Wylie 033 396 5169 (office hours only) Contact Times: Mon,Tues,Wed, Fri: 08:00 -16:00: Thurs: 08:00-13:00 Postal Address: P.O. Box 100074, Scottsville 3209 E-mail: [email protected] Physical Address: 2 Bester Road, Hayfields, Pietermaritzburg

(Registered as a Non-Profit Organisation: No.: 053-095-NPO) Children’s Church: Petra Röhrs 033 396 1953 Youth: Petra Röhrs 033 396 1953 Brass Band: Gert van Rooijen 082 781 1242 Worship Team: Linda Reibeling 072 421 2075 Partnership: Erlo Drews 033 396 2814 Synod Representatives: Edmund Bunge 0848500072 Penny Summersgill 0832599658 Webpage of ELCSA(N-T) : Local page of our congregation is linked to this webpage under the Southern Circuit Congregations Impulse Newsletter: E-mail contributions: [email protected], or [email protected] or P.O. Box 100074, Scottsville, 3209 Closing Date for the December 2018 Impulse: 12 November 2018

Bank Account: Name: Evangelical Lutheran Congregation Bank: First National Bank, Hayfields Branch Branch Code: 22-14-25 Acc. Number: 5677 111 28 48

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