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Improving the power of a picture via A/B testingGopal Krishnan Director of EngineeringDale Elliott Senior Software EngineerKenny Xie Senior Data Scientist

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TV is a lean back experience

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90 seconds

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Pop Quiz

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A round plane figure whose boundary (the

circumference) consists of points equidistant from a fixed point (the center).

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Page 11: Improving the power of a picture at Netflix -- the Science and Engineering Behind the Curtain

A round plane figure whose boundary (the

circumference) consists of points equidistant from a fixed point (the center).

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Can we do better?

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Sensitivity test

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The Short Game

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Single title A/B test result

14% better 6% better

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Testable Hypothesis

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Displaying better artwork will result in greater engagement and retention by helping members discover stories they will enjoy even faster.

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Data Driven

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Netflix API serviceBeacon (telemetry collection service)

Hive (computes artwork performance metrics for every title/country/locale


Netflix Image Library

Device (PS3, website, etc.)

Feedback loop

Serve artwork based on A/B logic

Feed with artwork based on perf metric

Collect plays & client impressions

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Anatomy of artwork

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Stable Image id for ground truth data

source-file-id-1 source-file-id-3source-file-id-2


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Diversity matters

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Diversity matters

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Pop Quiz

1 2

4 5 6


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Building the A/B tests


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Pairs of Explore and Exploit Tests

Explore Test

Current production explore

New explore

Exploit Test

Current production exploit

New exploit



● No member overlap● Explore and exploit allocation happens


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Multi-title explore allocation test

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Cell 1 Cell 2 Cell 3 Cell 4 Cell 5 Cell 6

Title 1 Control Image Test Image 1 Test Image 2 Test Image 3 Test Image 4 Test Image 5

Title 2 Control Image Test Image 1 Test Image 2 Test Image 3 Test Image 4 Test Image 5

... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Title n Control Image Test Image 1 Test Image 2 Test Image 3 Test Image 4 Test Image 5

Test Evolution: Single Title to Multiple Titles

Single title, multi-cell test

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Engineering implementation / complexity

• Our A/B infrastructure is optimized for comparing test cells to each other

• Need to compare data across cells for one title of many

• Avoid creating hundreds of tests (one per title)

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Solution:• Treat all the members who see a title’s images as a virtual test

• Impression tracking -- not just test cell allocation -- defines test population per title

Engineering implementation / complexity

Allocated Members

Title A impres-sions

Title B impres-sions

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Problems with multi-title, multi-cell test

• Cohorts of testers who all saw the same set of images

• Same number of images for every title

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Single-cell explore allocation test

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Title 1

“Cells” 1 2 3 4 5 6

Image Control Image 1 Image 2 Image 3 Image 4 Image 5

Title 2

“Cells” 1 2 3 4

Image Control Image 1 Image 2 Image 3

Test Evolution: Images per titleMulti-cell explore evolves to Single-cell explore


Virtual Tests inside one test cell

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Engineering implementation / complexity

Goals• No cohorts

• Image stickiness

• No persistent storage

We used a deterministic, pseudo-random calculation• new Random(memberID * titleId).nextInt(numImages)

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Netflix API Service

Engineering implementation / complexity

No persistence neededCells Cell 1 Cell 2

Title 1

Ctrl Image Random of [Ctrl, Test 1, ... Test X1]

Title 2

Ctrl Image Random of [Ctrl, Test 1, ... Test X2]

... ... ...

Title n Ctrl Image

Random of [Ctrl, Test 1, ... Test Xn]

Image Data Feed

(Title ID, Image Lists)

Netflix Image Lib.

Random assignment to all test members.

Single-cell explore test

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● No more cohorts

● Flexible

● Clear winners for many titles

● Overall win based on key metrics

Can we do better?


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• Over exposure of under-performing images

• Under exposure of niche titles

• Unfair burden on testers

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Title-level allocation test

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Solution: Title-Level Allocation

• Limit allocated members per title

• Less exposure of under-performing images

• Still get enough data to determine winner

• Allocate from a gigantic pool

• More exposure for niche titles

• Spreads testing burden

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Test Evolution: Testers per titleC

Title A

Title B

Title C

Title A

Title B

● Some titles have few testers in the small pool

● Most titles have full testing allocation from larger pool

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Engineering implementation / complexity• Goals from previous test

• No cohorts• Image stickiness• No persistent storage

• New goals• Less exposure for under-performing images• More exposure for niche titles• Faster decision and rollout of winning images

• This time, we needed to persist the allocations

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Netflix API Service


Image Data Feed

Yellow Square


Netflix Image LibraryMember


Title fully Allocated


Allocate with Random Assignment

Log and storeAllocation

SelectAssigned Image

SelectControl Image

SelectAssigned Image





Title Metadata Service (VMS)


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● Underestimated traffic

● Many titles allocated per member at once

● Write to Y2 for every allocation

Result: Service disruption; we had to turn off the test

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Netflix API Service

ScalingImage Data Feed

Yellow Square


Netflix Image Library

Allocate with Random Assignment

Log and storeAllocation



1 write per member every 30 sec.

Storing allocations as they occurred overloaded Yellow Square.

Now, we log them to a stream and consolidate many writes into one.

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Who to Test on?

Test on the same population you are planning to rollout the changes to

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Two Member Cohorts

• New Members are assigned to the experimental condition at the time of sign-up

• Existing Members are assigned to the experimental condition any time after free trial ended

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Decision Focuses More on New Members

• A “pure” sample which is not tainted by a previous Netflix experience

• A more sensitive sample (“on the fence”)

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Tiers of Metrics• Primary: Customer retention• Secondary: Streaming hours• Tertiary: all other customer engagement metrics

• Play rate• Number of Netflix visits• ...

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How to Pick the Winner in Explore?

• Take fraction = (number of users played the title) / (number of users been seen the title)

• Correlated with retention

• Measurable from day one

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What is a Play?

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What is a Play?

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What is a Play?

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Does Impression Location Matter?

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Does Impression Location Matter?

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Does Impression Location Matter?

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Does it Matter How Many Impressions it Takes to Play?

Netflix just recommended an awesome show to me and I am going to watch it!!!

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Does it Matter How Many Impressions it Takes to Play?

I have seen the show on Netflix a few times. Maybe, I should try it...

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Take Fraction is NOT as trivial as its definition implies.

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How to Make the Final Decision?

Final decision is based on the exploit test• Retention movement

• Streaming hours movement

• Engagement with titles explored in the test, titles not explored in the test

• ….

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Our Image Selection Test is a Win!

• Improved customer retention

• Improved customer engagement

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Some Learnings

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Emotions excellent to convey complex nuances

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Great stories travel - but regional nuances can be powerful

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Nice Guys Often Finish Last

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Contact:Gopal KrishnanDale ElliottKenny Xie

More details available at Netflix techblog.

Talk to us outside at the booth.

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