Page 1: Improving Instruction in Safety in the Laboratory Setting

Improving Instruction in Safety in the Laboratory Setting Victor A. Bekkum and Thomas A. Hoerner

Safety instruction in agricultural mechanics laboratories 4. Detcrminc Effective Methods for Providing Safcty has received considerable emphasis in the last 25 years. In Ins~ruction for Instructors in Iowa Secondary Ag the late 1960s and early 1970s most states in the U.S. passed Mechanics Programs. laws or acts related to wearing Industrial Quality Eye Protec- 5. Determine Differences in Instructor Perception of tion in school laboratories. In 1968 the Amcrican National Importance and Preparedness for Selected Safety In- Standards Institute (ANSI) established standards for Indus- suuction Techniques. trial Quality Eye Protection. In 1979 these slandards werz revised and have bccome the standard for most state laws or acts.

Teacher educators in agricultural mechanics have placed considerable emphasis on safety instruction both in teacher preparation courses and in agricultural mechanization courses taken by undcrgraduatcagricultural education students. Bear and Hocrner (1 986) in theirPlanning,Organizing andTeach- ing Agricultural Mechanics manual, included four chapters r e l a ~ d to safcty: Personal Safety, the School Safety Pro- gram, Responsibility and Liability, and instructional Safety Programs. This manual is used in many teacher education programs across the U.S. with the hope of improving safety in the agricultural mechanics instructional program.

Hoerner and Bettis (1987) developed a power tool safety instructional packet which included a student manual cover- ing 30 common power tools and an instructors guide consist- ing of lesson plans on each power tool, transparency masters for part identification on each power tool and a 15 item, safel unsafe, safety exam over each of the 30 power tools. In addition, safety posters and ~nicrocomputcr programs have been devclopcd to supplement this powcr tool safcty instruc- tional packet.

Safety instruction has also been emphasized in inservice courses related to various agricultural mechanization topics for teachers whoarcprcsently tcaching in high school orarea school programs.

Even with all h i s concern and emphasis we still have school laboratory accidents. Further, in every state we read about legal cases where a teachcr or school is bcing taken to court for a liability suit resulting from a school laboratory accident.

The purpose of this study was to find out what is being done related to safety instruction in agricultural mechanics programs in Iowa. Specific objectives for the study were:

1. ldentify Factors Related to Safety Instruction in Iowa Sccondary Ag Mechanics Programs.

2. Determine Level and Typc of Safety Instruction Pro- vided in Iowa Secondary Ag Mechanics Programs.

3. Identify Techniques most commonly included in Safety Instruclion in Iowa Secondary Ag Mechanics.

Review of Literature Safety is bcing frcc from danger and injury. Conditions

which reduce the possibility of injury to students should bc created and maintained in all agricultural laboratories. This requires a continual, systcmatic analysis of the laboratory environment. It also requires the development of sal'cty consciousness on the part of the instructor and students.

To help develop safety consciousness, safcty education must'be uscd. Somc intlividuals in agricultural laboratories are not aware of the dangers which exist. Othcrs know thc safety practices but fail to follow them. Safety education involves making people aware of hazardous conditions and teaching hem how to pcrform dangerous activitics safely. Thus, there are three major elemen~s in safety education: awareness, attitude and performance.

Safety in agricultural laboratories bcgins by properly installing and maintaining equipment. Safcty features, sl~cli as protective shields, must be in place. The design of labora- tory facilities is important in creating an environment with a minimum of safety hazards. (Lec, 1980)

In the past some vocalional agriculti~rc instructors havc been criticized for not keeping up-to-date in referencc to safety rulcs and practices requircd of agriculture studcnts (Hoerner & Ahrens. 1966). The instructor is the motivating central figure in educating studcnts to practice safe working habits and in developing safety attitudes. Further the instruc- tor isalso theone who mustbearthc brunt of criticism shoilld an accidcnt occur. Studcnts watch and imiratc the action of the instructor. Therefore, i t is up to the instructor to setagood example for studcnts by nor only requiring the siudenu to follow ~ h c safety rulcs but also making sure the instructor follows thc rules thcmselves. while working in the agricul- tural mechanics laboratory.

Daniels (1980) indicated "Perhaps thc most important responsibility of any teacher in an agricultural mcchanics setling is to ensure the safety of the stud en^."

Studen~s should be educated by schools or universities in ways which will best create a change of behavior or attitutic in their employment away from the formal teaching situ- ation. Educators hope that safety practices bccome part of the students behavior.

Presented by Bekkum at the 36th Annual SACTA Conference, June 19. 1990 at 3iorrLrviile College, .\iorris~'ille, SY. Rekkum is an assc~iate Many accidents occur aftcr the student returns to the farm. professor and Hocrnerisan professor in the Department ofAgrin~ltural A study conducted with Iowa fanners, (Silletto. 1976)- Enpinixring at Iowa state University. revealed thc average farm accident resulted in a loss of 9.68

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days from normal activities. There was one accident for every 5.66 farms and about 20 percent of the accidents occurrcd in leisure activities. About three percent of the accidcnu. resulted in physically handicapped victims.

"Today's students are tomorrow's workers. They must develop necessary safety attitudes and consciousness" (Bekkurn & Hoerner, 1980). Thcy also indicated studcnts must bc provided with the ncccssary insuuction to ticvelop safe and skillful working habits. An effective safcty insuuc- tion program requires considerable planning and continued effon. I t must be an integral part of the total insuuctional program.

Evaluation of educational programs should be a continual process. Evcrcu (1981), recommcnds that "evaluation of facilities should be included if we are to provide an effective and safe learning environment for our studcnts".

Results of a study on teaching safe use of powcr cquip- ment, (Beuis. 1971). indicated that high school agricultural mechanization programs did have a slight positive effect on power tool safety and Lhc use of power tools. The study also supported the use of study guidcs in teaching power tool safety.

"Each of us, as vocational agriculture instructors. has our own idcas of the proper method for tcaching safety. There is no right answer to the problem of how to instill a safe- working attitudc. The best system is one that develops a safety awareness that our studcnts practice in all facets of the vocational agriculture curriculuni as well as in h e commu- nity." (Pristupa & Foster, 1980).

Pristupa and Foster listed several steps which can be taken to help insure that your studcnts will not become accident victims while participating in agricultural mechanics pro- grams. Thcy were as follows:

Teach an introduction u n i t in general education. Teach specific safety information in conjunction with specific agricultural mechanics units. Atlminister safety exams. hlainlain a safety filc for cach student. Mainlain personal emergency data on each student. Train student5 in first aid cmcrgcncy procedures and CPR. Require practicums for operating and maintaining powcr equipment Involve students in your safety program. Post safcty signs next to all power equipment. Safcty slarts with you - thc instructor.

Rcynolds (1980), asks the qucs~ion, "Do safely insuuc- [ion lcsa and demonstrations guarantee that serious acci- dents will not occur? Absolutely not!!" Rcynolds indicated an adcquatc laboratory safety program requires more than the dcvclopmcnt of the knowledge and skills involved with machine opcration and laboratory activities. I t also requires thedevelopment and rnaintenancc of a safety attitudc. Habits must bc formed LO insure that a snfcty conscious atmosphere will always he maintained as a matter of daily practice in the agriculture mechanics laboratory.

Educators working with youth in theagricultural mcchan- ics laboratory, outside the laboratory on the driveway, in a

court yard, at a construction site, or on the school's land laboratory, could be held responsible for an accident and /or fatality according to Bear (1980). Bear expressed concern that an accident or fatality could result in a lawsuit to determine your personal liability responsibility. Either of these situations will attract the attention of your beneficiary and/or you! !

The propcr rypc of eye protcclion was not being used in 1980 accortling to Hoerner and Bckkum (1980). Most states had laws regulating the wearing of proper eye protection in mechanics courses. Although this law existed, many stu- dents were not wearing thc protection. The instructor must enforce laws, codes. and regulations, set up to protcct stu- dents from harm and instructors from unnecessary legal action.

Hoerncr (1979) indicated thc law also stated "Visitors to shopsand laboratories shall be furnished with andrequired to wear the ncccssary safety devices too." Laws and codes for schools are a little like the speed limit. They are not only a good idea, but they are the law.

Bettis (1972) in a study using a shop safety attitude scale determined i t was possible to predict certain types of acci- dent expcricnccs using a written shop safety attitude scale. This scale could be used alone or in combination with othcr instruments.

Possible student injury could be rcduced by making a list of all safety infractions as indicated by Linhardt and Long (1980). Thcy suggested taking the list of safety infractions and attacking cach one of them as if i t wcre the enemy.

Additional research in all arcas of safety education rclated lo agriculture is needed according to Everett (1980).

Compctcncies necessary to succeed as a instructor were included in any well-planned prc-service program for the certification of vocational agriculture teachers. Brown (1980) bclicvcd the retention and perfection of these skills and concepts until they are ready to bc used or put to the test in actual job situations. were alarmingly low.

Everett (1980) indicated that inscwicc safety education programs should be conducted for instruclors teaching safcty. Effects of on inservicc program should be measurcd to determine its impact on facility safety.

Gliem (1976) suggested providing the schools with a list of safcty references available for tcaching units about safcty and then tcachcrs could select the references they wanted to use.

According to Bcrkum (1 980), there are several times during an instructor's teaching cxpcrience that the instructor will consider leaving teaching to pursue some othcr occupa- tion. Onc reason was because the insuuctor hadn't been able to set priorities. A priority which must be set is that of leaching safcty along with skills and understanding.

Dr. Daryl Hobbs. Director of Rural Developmcnt and Professor of Sociology at the Uriivcrsity of Missouri con- cluded his prcscn~tion at thc National Seminar - Trcnds, Issues, and New Directions Affecting Agricultural Educa- tion by challenging each person to seek ways of solving problems. "lf you're not a part of the solution, you arc part of the problcrn!" (Lee, 1980).

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Table 2. Dollar amount ofliability insurance through school or Methods and Procedures A thirty-item survey insuumcnt was developed with the

assistance of selccted tcacher educators in thc Midwest. The instrument was field tested with graduate studcnts and for- mer vo. ag. instructors. Using a tablc of randorn numbers, a random sample of 125 Iowa Agricultural Scicncc, Technol- ogy and Marketing (ASTM) instructors was selected to participatc in the study. This was approximately 50 perccnr of the Iowa instructors.

The survey insuument along with a sclf-addressed, stamped envelope was mailed on Deccmber 9, 1988. A follow-up letter and survey were mailed on January 6, 1989. In early February tclephonc calls werc madc to approximately 25 instructors. On March I , 1989,93 usable surveys (75%) had bccn rctumed.

Data were coded into an IBM microcomputer using the Word Pcrfect 4.2 computer program. Thesc data wcre trans- fcrred to the ISU mainframccomputcr for statistical analysis using SPSSx procedures. Statistical analysis included: Frc- qucncies, T-Test, ANOVA and Correlations. Table 1. Selected demographic data means for instn~ctors inbolved in safety instruction survey

Factor hlean

Years teaching experience at secondary level 133 rears Agricultural mechanics semester credits cnn~pleted

Underg~aduate 12.6 credits Graduate 3 3 credit$

Percent timc spent in agricr~ltural nlcrhanics college courses on safety instruction 10.4 percent

Findings As notcd in Table 1 , instructors in ]he sample have taught

a mcan number of 13.3 years with a range of 1-40 years or teaching cxpericnce. The mcan number of agricultural mcchanics undergraduate and graduate scmcster credits completed in college wcre 12.6 and 3.3 credits respectively. Time spcnt on safety inslruction in agricultural mcchanics courses was 10.4 percent.

Further demographic data collcctcd relatcd to past expc- riences of instructors prior to teaching at the sccondary levcl. Approximately 98 perccnt of the instructors werc reared or worked on a farm whilc 55.9 percent had worked as a farm operator. Eighty-sevcn (93.5%) of thc teachcrs completcd shop classcs in high school and 48 of thc 93 instructors (51.6%) worked in an agricultural rclnted industry prior to teaching at the sccondary lcvcl.

As noted in Table 2, 47 instructors (50.5%) reportcd having ovcr S200,000 of liability insurancc through thcir school or professional organization while 3 1.2 perccnt had from S1OO.OOO to $149,000 of liability insurance.

Additional pcrsonal liability insurance was carried by 17 instructors (18.3%) with a mean valuc of S435.294.

The mcan number of studcnls enrolled in ASTM pro- grams in this study was 43.9 students with a rangc of 12 to 115. Instructors taught an avcrage of 2.0 agricultural mc- chanics classes pcr semester with a m a n of 9.9 students per agricultural mechanics class.

professional organization

Dollar Value Range Nunlber I'crcenl

9-24.999 25.000 - 49,999 50.000 - 99,999 100.000 - 149.999 150.000 - 199,999 Over 200,000

'I'otals 93 100.0

Instructors were asked to report the r~umbcr of ininor accidcnts, those not rcquiring doctor or nursc attention and major accidents, those requiring doctor or nursc attention for the past five ycars. As shown in Table 3, instructors rcported a mean of 7.7 minor accidents with a range of 0 to 40 and a mean of .66 major accidents over Uie past five years. Further, 57 tcachers (61.3%) reportcd that they had no major acci- dents over thc past five ycars. If wc eliminate these 57 teachcrs, thc mean numbcr of major accidents werc 1.4 accidcnts pcr deparlment where :tccidents did occur.

Table 3.Accidents reported by Iowa secondary ;tgricultunl mcchanics instructors ovcr the p;rsl five yrars by type of accident

Type of Accident >lean Range --

Minor accidents 7.7 0-10 llajor accidents .66 0-5

Instructors wcrc also asked to reveal whethcr they com- pleted and filed accident rcports and thc pcrcentagc of ti~nc they had acccss to a nurse in their school building. Forty-nine instructors (52.7%) indicnlcd that accident rcporls werc complctcd and fileti. The mean perccnt of timc during the school day when a nurse is available was 40.3 pcrcent with a rangc of 0-100 pcrccnt. Sixteen instructors, 17.2 pcrcent reported a zcro perccnt of time that a nurse is available.

Data in Table 4 revcal types and styles of indusuial quality eyc protection provided in the agricultural mechan- ics laboratory. As noted the most common stylc wits thc spectacle type with side shields with 93.5 percent of the programs providing this style. Ncxt was gogglcs with 87.1 percent providing this style. Spectacle type without sidc shields was providcd in 24.7 perccnt of thc programs. Almost 40 pcrcent (39.8) provided some other stylc of eyc protec- tion.

Instructors werc asked what mcthod was used for fi~rr~isli- ing cyc protcction for students. School fumishcd at no cost and students must obtain thcirown eye protection each were Table 4. Eye protection types and styles provided or available for agriculhlral n~cchanics laboratory instnlclion

Type and Style Protection Sot l'rovided Provided

Spectacle type with side shields 6.5 93.5 Spectacle type without side shirltls 75.3 21.7 Goggles 12.9 117.1 Other, i.e. visitor goggles 60.2 39.8

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Table 5. %lean r~umbcr of weeks in 4-year agricultural mwhanics program and percent zero wccks hy hasic a~ricultural mechanics units of instruction

Unit hleari Range % Zero Weeks

Arc Welding Ag Carpentry & Structures Oxy-Acetylcnc Wclding Small Gas Engines ~ l g Jlachincry Scrvice & Jiainteni~nce T r a c t ~ ~ r Srrvicc and 3iaintcnance Basic rig Electricity Concrete Construction Soil & Water Engineering Hot & Cold Xlctals Electric Slotors Electric Controls

rated at 45.2 percent while only 9.6 perccnt of the schools furnished eye protcction for a rcntal fec.

Students storc and bring to class was the most common method for storing cyc protcction, 50.6 percent, while 32.3 percent of the programs stored cyc protcction in school made cabinc~s. Only 17.2 perccnt had student eye protection storcd in commercial cabinets.

Data in Table 5 reveal thc mcan number of weeks that basic agricultural mechanics units arc included in the four- year As noted thc most cornmonly taught units of instruction werc Arc Wclding, Oxy-Accty lene Welding and Ag Carpcnlry with mean pcrccnt zcro wccks of 6.5,6.5 and 7.5 respcctivcly. Thcsc samc units wcre taught for the greatest numbcr of wccks with Arc Wclding iclding a mean of 7.4 weeks, Ag Carpcnuy 7.3 wccks and Oxy-Acetylene Weltling 5.2 wecks.

The least comnionly taught unils in wccks of instruction were Electric Controls (.4 wccks), Electric Motors (1.0 wceks) and Hot and Cold Mctals (1.3 wccks). Funher, these same units were most conimonly not includcd in the 4-year program as notcd by the mean pcrccnt zero weeks of 69.9 percent for Elcctric Controls, 49.5 percent for Electric Motors and 48.4 pcrccnt for Hot and Cold Metals.

Thc insuuclors wcre askcd to indicate the numbcr of hours thcy spcnd teaching safcty in each unit of agricultural mechanics. As shown in Table 6, two of thc most commonly taught units, Ag Carpentry and Arc Wclding also received the greatest numbcr of hours of instruction oisafety. 3.9 and Table 6. Mean n l~mhcr of hours in 4-year agr in~l t i~ra l mechanics program on safcty instruction and permnt zcro hours by units of instruction

Unit - -

Mean R a n g ~ % Zero Hours

Ag Carpentry and Construction Arc Welding Tractr~r Service arid Maintenance Ox!-hcetylcnc Wclding Basic Agrici~ltilral I.:lcctricity Ag Jlachinery Scrvice & ?vlaintcn:~~irc Small Gasolinc Enginm IIot and Cold Metals Soil and Watcr Englnecring Cnncrete Cnnstri~etion Electric Xiotors Electric Controls

3.8 hours rcspcctively. Tractor Scrvicc and Maintenance followed with a mcan of 3.6 hours of instruction on safely.

The least number of hours was spcnt in teaching safety in Electric Controls (.9), Electric Motors (1.0). Concrctc Con- struction (1.1) and Soil and Watcr Engineering (1 .I) hours. Percent zero hours would indicatc the pcrcent of programs where the uriil was taught but no hours were spcnt on teaching safcly. Thc units with the lowcst perccnt of zcro hours wcrc Arc Wclding and Oxy-Acctylcnc Wclding, 2.2 percent respectively. The unit with thc highest percent of zero hours was Soil and Watcr Engincering (25.8%) mean- ing that over 25 perccnt of thc instructors teaching this unit did not spend any time in tcaching safety related to Soil and Water Engineering.

Insuuctors wcrc also askcd what pcrccnt of thcir total Tahle 7. Safety instructional techniques used in agricultural mechanics programs

Safety Technique Percentage Sot Used Used

Teacher Demonstrations - Power Tools 4 3 Teacher Demonstrations - Hand Tuols 5 -1 Students Pass Safety Exams 9.7 Students Study Sul?jcct Jlattcr 4.0 Student Demor~strations - Power T w l s 22.6 Student Demonstrations - Hand Tiu~ls 20.4 CTeanup Schedule Used 26.9

a. Safety Engineer 84.9 h. Cleanup Foreman 39.8

Students' Safety Exams are Filed 3 2 3 Unscheduled Si~fety Inspections Conducted 67.7 Scheduled Safety Inspections Conducted 7 5 3 Students Have Copy of Iowa Eye Sitfety Law79.6

ASTM instructional program was instruction in agricultural mcchanics. Thc mcan pcrccnt was 25 with a range of 5 to 55 percent. When asked what pcrccnt of thc agricultural mc- chanics instructional program was instruction in safcty, the instructors reported a mean of 10.8 percent with a range of 1 to 33 percent. Tahle 8. Safety in~tructional materials used in agricultural mechanics programs

Percentage Sot Used Uscd

4fanuals and B~wlklets 12.9 87.1 n'orksheets 1 8 3 81.7 Transparencies 22.6 77.4 Slider &Filmstrips 28.0 72.0 Videotapes 52.7 4 7 3 16mm Films 53.8 46.2 Xlicrocomputcr Programs 84.9 15.1

Whcn askcd to identify thc caching style or technique used in teaching safety, 38.6 pcrccnt of the inswuctors revealed they taught safcty as a block or separate un i t while 61.4 percent ofthc instructors indicated thcy taughtsafety by integrating into agricultural mcchanics units.

Shown in Table 7 are safcty irlstructional tcchniqucs used in agricultural mechanics programs. As noted, the most common safcly instructional technique used in teaching safety included Teacher Demonswdon-Power Tools (95.7%), Tcachcr Demonstration-Hand Tools (94.6%) and Students

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Table 9. Safety materials uscd or available for students in agricultural mechanics laboratory

Safety hlaterials Percentage S o Yes

industrial Quality Eye Protection - 9 - 1 9 7 8 Welding Gloves 4 3 95.7 Shop Coats and Coveralls 26.9 73.1 \\'elding Aprons and Jackets 44.1 55.9 Hearing Protection. Ear >luffs 67.7 3 2 3 Dust Xlasks 71.0 29.0 Hearing Protection, Ear Plugs 77.4 22.6 Hard I1at.s 81.7 1 8 3 Respirators 84.9 15.1 Bump Caps 97.8 2 2 Steel Toed Shncs 97.8 2 2

Pass Safety Exams (90.3%). The lcast commonly used safety instructional techniques

as shown in Tablc 7 included Safety Enginccr used During Cleanup, 15.1 pcrccnt; Studcnts Have Copy of Iowa Eye Safety Law, 20.4 pcrcent and Scheduled Safc~y Inspections Conducted, 24.7 pcrcent.

Data in Tablc 8 rcveal safcty instructional ~naterials uscd in agricultural mechanics programs. As shown, the mosc commonly used safety insuuctional matcrials were Manuals and Booklets followed by workshcc~s (81.7%). The Icasl commonly used instructional rnatcrials was Microcompuler Programs with only 15.1 pcrcent of the instructors indicating they wcre used in teaching safety.

Thc most commonly uscd or availablcsafety materials for studenls in the agricultural mechanics laboratory were: In- dustrial Quality EyeProteclion (97.8%) and Welding Gloves (95.7%) as revealed in Tablc 9. Furthcr, Bump Caps and Steel Toed Shocs were the l a s t commonly uscd or available safety materials, 2.2 pcrccnt respectively.

Data in Tablc 10 reveal safety cquipmcnt and materinls available in the agricultural mechanics laboratory. Safcty Exits Marked (94.6%), First-Aid Kits (92.5%) and Firc Extinguishers (92.5%) were the most commonly availablc safety cquipmcnt and matcrials. Thc most common typc of

Table 10. Safety equipment and materials available in the agricultural mechanics laboratory

Equipment and hlaterials Percent;ige s o Yes

Safety Exits Marked First Aid Kit F i e Extinguishers Welding Exhaust System Fire Alarm Fire Blanket Welding Booths with ScreensICurtains Safety Guards on all Equipment Safety Cans for Flammable Liquids Vehicle Stands Safety Poster Sear Power Tools Safety Zones around Power Tools Safety Cahinet for Explosive hlaterials Safety Rules Near I'ower Tools Color Coding Power Tools Engine Exhaust System Kon-Skid Areas a r o u ~ ~ d Power Tools 75.3 24.7 lo--a Eye Safety Law Posted 7 5 3 24.7

fire extinguishers available in Iaboratorics were thc ABC and the A typc extinguishers. Thc least common type was thc B or flammable liquid type. Also noted in Table 10, Iowa Eyc Safety Law Posted (24.7%) and Non-Skid Arclis around Power Tools (24.7%) wcrc the least co~nmonly availablc safety cquipmcnt and rnatcrials in Iowa agricultural mechan- ics laboratories.

Somcsafety studies revicwcd indicated that thc sizeolthc agricultural mechanics laboratory had a bearing on safcty instruction and laboratory safcty. Data in Table 11 indicalc that43 pcrccnt of thc Iowa agricultural mcchanics laborato- ries werc in the 1000-1999 square foot range while 38.7 perccnt wcre in the 2000-3000 square foot range. Only scvcn programs (7.5%) rcvealcd laboratorics of lcss than 1000 square fcct in s i x . Table 11. Size of Iowa agricultural mechanics I:~boratorics

Value Range Xurnhcr Percent

Less than 1000 sq.ft. I000 - 1999 sq.fL 2000 - 3000 sq.ft. Greater th:~n 3000 sq.ft.


Table 12. Age of Iowa agricultural mechanics lahoratorics

\'slue Range Kun~bcr Pcrccnt

1 . e ~ than 5 years 5-14 years 15-25 years Over 25 yc;trs


Table 13. Blethtd for presenting instr~~ction rcl;rtcd to agricultural mcrhanics safety

- -

.\lethod Percentage No Y cs

Undergraduate Education-Ag >1ech Courscsl6.1 83.9 Integrate Safety in Ag \lechanics U'orkshops24.7 7 5 3 Workshop on Teaching Ag 5lcchanics Safcty34.5 64.5 Graduate Courses on 'I'raching Safety 50.5 49.5

The agc of Iowa agricultural mechanics laboratories is shown in Table 12. As revcaled, 36.6 perccnt of Iowa Iaboratorics were 15-25 ycars of age whilc 32.3 pcrccnt wcrc over 25 ycars of agc. Only four programs, 4.2 pcrccnt werc lcss than five years of agc.

One of the objectives of this study was to determine thc most effective method for preparing insuuctors for teaching safcty in thc agricultural rncchanics program. As notetl in Table 13, 83.9 pcrccnt of thc instructors believcd that thc most effective method was undergraduate education through agricultural mechanization courses. The last effective mcthai according to beliefsof Iowa irisuuctors was through graduatc courses on teaching safety, 49.5 perccnt.

X majority of Iowa agricultural mechanics insuuctors bclieve thcy are moderately prcparcd to lcach safc~y with (4 instructors (68.8%) checking this preparation value whilc 16

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Table 14. Dcgrcc instructors believe they are prepared to teach agricultural mechanics safety

Preparation Value Yumher Percentage

Very Well Prepared hfoderatcly Prepared Somewhat Prepared Poorly Prepared

insnuctors (17.2%) believe they are very wcll prepared, note Table 14. Only one instructor felt helshe was poorly prepared for teaching safety.

The instrucrors wcrc asked to rate 16 selected safety techniques on a 1-5 scale as to the importance they believe the technique was and how well they feel they were prepared to provide instruction in this technique. Data in Table 15 reveal instr~ictor importance and instructor preparedness for the 16 sclcctcd safety techniques. T-Test statistical analysis was used to dctcrmine significant differences between im- portance and preparedness for 16 selected safety techniques. As noted in Table 15. 10 of the 16 techniqucs yielded differences significant at the .O1 lcvcl between irnportancc and preparedness. The instructional rcchniquc, Iowa Safcty Laws yiclded the greatest significant difference with a mean differenceof 1.02 with importance receiving a mean value of 3.47 and preparedness 2.45. The highest rated techniquc for both importance (4.78) and preparcdncss (4.20) was Indus- trial Quality EyeProtection.These mean values were signifi- cantly different at the .O1 level of probability.

Other safety instructional techniques yiclding significant mean values between importance and preparedness included: Accident Report Forms. First-Aid Materials, Safely Operat- ing Powcr Tools, Safely Using Hand Tools, Fire Extin- guisher Types, Electrical Safety, Wclding Exhaust Systems and Engine Exhaust Systems. Further, as noted in Table 15, the overall mcans of 3.91 for importance and 3.49 for preparedness were found to be significantly different at the -01 level of probability. Three instructional techniques:

Table 15. Agria~ltnral mechanics instructors and teaching safety ratings for selected safety trchniques, nleans and T-Test probabilities

Safety l'echniqi~e Mean Ratings T-Tests ImportancePreparedness Proh

Iowa Safcty Exanls Industrial Quality Eye Protection Administering Safety Exams Accident Report Forms Clean Up Schedules Lab Safety Inspections First-Aid Materials Color Ctniing 'Tools Power Tool Safety Posters Power Tool Operation Posters Safely Operating Power Tools Safely Using Hand Tools Fire Extinguisher Types Electrical Safety Welding Exhaust Systems Engine Exhaust Systems

Administering Safety Exams, Clean Up Schedules and Color Coding Tools yielded higher mcans for preparedness than importance. Howcvcr, none of these means were signifi- cantly different.

Summary and Conclusions Safety instruction in agricultural mechanics is belicved to

be an important phase of the secondary instructional pro- gram. New laws and safety standards have placed additional emphasis on the importance of tcaching safe practices and developing safe work habits as wcll as providing a safe environment in which to work and learn.

The objectives of this study of Iowa Agricultural Science, Technology and Marketing (ASTM) instructors were to:

identify factors related to safety instruction. dctcrmine the level and type of safety instruction. identify techniques commonly used in safety insuuc- tion. determine effective methods for providing sdety in- struction. determine differences in instructor perception of the importance and preparedness for selected safety in- struction techniques.

The following summarizes Lhc major findings and con- clusions of the study.

1. Over 50% of the instructors have at least S200,OOO of liability insurance with 18.3% carrying additional liability insurance.

2. Instructors reporred a mean of 7.7 minor accidents and .66 major accidents for the past 5 years.

3. Thc most common style of eye protection provided is the spectacle type with side shields.

4. Teachers spend 10.8% of their Agricultural Mechanics instructional time in teaching safety.

5. Manuals and booklets and worksheets are the most commonly used safety instructional materials.

6. Industrial quality eye protection and welding gloves are the most commonly uscd safety materials by stu- dents.

7. A majority of the teachcrs (84.0%) believe that they should receive their safety instruction in undergradu- ate agricultural mechanics courses.

8. Almost 18% of Iowa instructors believe they are very wcll prepared to teach ag mechanics safety while 68.8% bclicve hey are moderately prepared.

9. Iowa secondary agricultural mechanics inslructors level of preparedness was significantly lower than level of importance for 10 of the 16 selected safety techniques anti for the overall mean.

10. The instructional techniquc, Iowasafety laws yielded the greatest significant difference between importance and preparedness with a mean differenceof 1.02 while color coding tools produced the least difference with the preparedness rating being .01 above importance.

Implications for Safety Instruction in Preservice and lnservice Courses

The results of the study of Iowa's Agricultural Science,

NACTA Journal -- September 1990

Page 7: Improving Instruction in Safety in the Laboratory Setting

Tcchnology and Marketing Insuuctors provide implications for college-level teacher education preservice and inservice courses. The authors suggest the following implications.

Instructors should becomc bclter prepared to providc instruction related to Industrial Quality Eye Protection (IQEPj. This could be accomplished by placing additional emphasis on this topic in the preservice agricultural mechanization courses for undergraduates and inservice courses for gradu- ate studenls. Emphasis should be placed on types and appli- cations of IQEP. standards for cyc protection and practices for sanilation of eycwear.

Instructors necd to becomc more knowledgeable about Lhc Iowa Safety Laws. Here again, this information nccds to be presented in preservice and inservice classes.

Instruction relatcd to operating power tools should re- ceived increased emphasis in rclatcd agricultural mechani- zation courses. Techniques including teacher demonstra- tions, student demonstrations, conducting safety inspections of powcr tools and completing knowledge and performance tests should bc used to providc the additional emphasis required.

Inslruction in electrical safcty needs to receive greater emphasis in the undergraduate program. Prcservice pro- grams in tcacher education should includc a course or unit in electricity. The subject is too broad to simply provide a few additional lessons in the basic agricultural mechanization courses presently laken by undergraduates.

Undergraduate agricultural mechanization programs should emphasize preparalion for instruction related to: first-aid materials, safely operating power and hand tools, accident report forms, fireextinguisher types and weltling and cngine cxhaust systems.

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Using a Visiting Committee For Department Evaluation

Foy D. Mills, Jr. B. E. Brokaw

Abilene Christian University

The Dcpartmcnt of Agriculture at Abilcnc Christian Univcrsity (ACU) has functioned under a Dcpartmcntal Advisory Board (DAB) since the early 1980's. The DAB evolved into a Visiting Committee (VC) in 1985 aftcr the University adopted his systcm in 1983 for departnicn~rl evaluation. The VC is composed of nine-members rcprcscnt- ing three sub-groups including academia. users and practi- tioners. The VC's primary function involves periodic revicw of deparlmcnlal aclivitcs, including conferences with Sac- ulty and studcnts. Ideally, advice and counsel from the VC in helping plan a future course of action. policy andlor program is intended from thesc periodic rcvicws. Written reports, sent through appropriate administrativc channels, ultimately rcach the University's Board of Trustees.

Since 1985, the VC's evaluations have been instrumental in broadly cnhancing faculty dcveloprncnl, proprietary management and use of departmental resources, physical facilities, student and alunini morale,curricula and teaching. Specifically, the VC has cncouragcd faculty developrncnt via departmcntal commendations lo adniinislrators, rccoln- mcndations on salary competitivcncss, faculty enrichmcrit through rcscarch opportunities, rcqucst for sufficient travcl monies to attend at least one nationaVintcmationa1 and onc slrite or rcgional profcssional meeting per year, suggestions rcgarding specific tcaching/research loads, proposals for hiring new faculty and curricula revision. Additionally, faculty cxposure to currcnt changcs in the industry whilc rc- exposing Lhe VC 10 thc university environment and thc specific mission of the Dcpanment and the University have proved to be beneficial. The VC concept is an effcclivc vehicle for cnhancing departmcntal evaluation, faculty dcvelopmcnt and ultimately, improvcmcnt of teaching.

NACTA Journal -- September 1990

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