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c2007 The Author(s) and The IMO Compendium Group

Quadratic CongruencesDusan Djukic


1 Quadratic Congruences to Prime Moduli . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

2 Quadratic Congruences to Composite Moduli . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

3 Some Sums of Legendre’s symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

4 Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

5 Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

1 Quadratic Congruences to Prime Moduli

Definition 1. Let m,n and a be integers, m > 1 , n ≥ 1 and (a,m) = 1. We say that a is a residue of 

n-th degree modulo m if congruence xn

≡a (mod m) has an integer solution; else a is a nonresidue

of n-th degree.

Specifically, for n = 2,3,4 the residues are called quadratic, cubic, biquadratic, respectively.

This text is mainly concerned with quadratic residues.

Theorem 1. Given a prime p and an integer a, the equation x2 ≡ a has zero, one, or two solutions

modulo p.

Proof. Suppose that the considered congruence has a solution x1. Then so clearly is x2 = − x1. There

are no other solutions modulo p, because x2 ≡ a ≡ x21 (mod p) implies x ≡ ± x1.

As a consequence of the above simple statement we obtain:

Theorem 2. For every odd positive integer p, among the numbers 1,2, . . . , p − 1 there are exactly p−1

2 quadratic residues (and as many quadratic nonresidues).

Definition 2. Given a prime number p and an integer a, Legendre’s symbol

a p

is defined as




1, if p ∤ a and a is a quadratic residue (mod p);

−1, if p ∤ a and a is a quadratic nonresidue (mod p);

0, if p | a.

Example 1. Obviously,  x2

 p = 1 for each prime p and integer x, p ∤  x.

Example 2. Since 2 is a quadratic residue modulo 7 (32 ≡ 2), and 3 is not, we have


= 1 and 


= −1.

From now on, unless noted otherwise, p is always an odd prime and a an integer. We also denote

 p′ = p−12


Clearly, a is a quadratic residue modulo p if and only if so is a + kp for some integer k . Thus we

may regard Legendre’s symbol as a map from the residue classes modulo p to the set {−1,0,1}.

Fermat’s theorem asserts that a p


≡ 1 (mod p), which implies a p

′ ≡ ±1 (mod p). More pre-cisely, the following statement holds:

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Theorem 3 (Euler’s Criterion). a p′ ≡



(mod p).

Proof. The statement is trivial for p | a. From now on we assume that p ∤ a.

Let g be a primitive root modulo p. Then the numbers gi, i = 0,1, . . . , p−2 form a reduced system

of residues modulo p. We observe that (gi) p′= gip′

≡1 if and only if  p


|ip′, or equivalently,

2 | i.On the other hand, gi is a quadratic residue modulo p if and only if there exists j ∈ {0,1, . . . , p−

2} such that (g j)2 ≡ gi (mod p), which is equivalent to 2 j ≡ i (mod p − 1). The last congruence is

solvable if and only if 2 | i, that is, exactly when (gi) p′ ≡ 1 (mod p).

The following important properties of Legendre’s symbol follow directly from Euler’s criterion.

Theorem 4. Legendre’s symbol is multiplicative, i.e.

ab p


a p

b p

for all integers a,b and 

 prime number p > 2.

Problem 1. There exists a natural number a <√ p + 1 that is a quadratic nonresidue modulo p.

Solution. Consider the smallest positive quadratic nonresidue a modulo p and let b =


+ 1. Since

0 < ab − p < a, ab − p must be a quadratic residue. Therefore

1 =

ab − p







= −




Thus b is a quadratic nonresidue and hence a ≤ b < pa

+ 1, which implies the statement.

Theorem 5. For every prime number p > 2 ,

−1 p

= (−1)

p−12 .

In other words, the congruence x2 ≡ −1 modulo a prime p is solvable if and only if  p = 2 or

 p ≡ 1 (mod 4). △Problem 2. If p is a prime of the form 4k + 1 , prove that x = ( p′)! is a solution of the congruence

 x2 + 1 ≡ 0 (mod p).

Solution. Multiplying the congruences i≡ −

( p−

i) (mod p) for i = 1,2, . . . , p′

yields ( p′)!

≡(−1) p′( p′ + 1) · · ·( p − 2)( p − 1). Note that p′ is even by the condition of the problem. We now


 x2 = ( p′)!2 ≡ (−1) p′ p′ · ( p′ + 1) · · ·( p − 2)( p − 1) = (−1) p′

( p − 1)! ≡ (−1) p′+1 = −1 (mod p)

by Wilson’s theorem. △One can conclude from Problem 1 that every prime factor of number x2 + y2 (where x, y ∈ N are

coprime) is either of the form 4k + 1, k ∈N, or equal to 2. This conclusion can in fact be generalized.

Theorem 6. Let x, y be coprime integers and a,b,c be arbitrary integers. If p is an odd prime divisor 

of number ax2 + bxy + cy2 which doesn’t divide abc, then

 D = b2 − 4ac

is a quadratic residue modulo p.

 In particular, if p | x2 − Dy2 and ( x, y) = 1 , then D is a quadratic residue (mod p).

Proof. Denote N  = ax2 + bxy + cy2. Since 4aN  = (2ax + by)2 − Dy2, we have

(2ax + by)2 ≡ Dy2 (mod p).

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Furthermore, y is not divisible by p; otherwise so would be 2ax + by and therefore x itself, contra-

dicting the assumption.

There is an integer y1 such that yy1 ≡ 1 (mod p). Multiplying the above congruence by y21 gives

us (2axy1 + byy1)2 ≡ D( yy1)2 ≡ D (mod p), implying the statement.

For an integer a, p ∤ a and k = 1,2, . . . , p′ there is a unique r k 

∈ {− p′, . . . ,


−1,1,2, . . . , p′

}such that ka ≡ r k  (mod p). Moreover, no two of the r k ’s can be equal in absolute value; hence|r 1|, |r 2|, . . . , |r  p′ | is in fact a permutation of {1,2, . . . , p′}. Then

a p′=

a · 2a · · · · · p′a1 · 2 · · · · · p′ ≡ r 1r 2 . . .r  p′

1 · 2 · · · · · p′ .

Now, setting r k  = ε k |r k | for k = 1, . . . , p′, where ε k  = ±1, and applying Euler’s criterion we obtain:

Theorem 7.



= ε 1ε 2 · · ·ε  p′ .

Observe that r k  = −1 if and only if the remainder of ka upon division by p is greater than p′, i.e.

if and only if 

2ka p

= 2

ka p

+ 1. Therefore, r k  = (−1)

2ka p

. Now Theorem 7 implies the following


Theorem 8 (Gauss’ Lemma).



= (−1)S , where S =


∑k =1




Gauss’ lemma enables us to easily compute the value of Legendre’s symbol

a p

for small a

or small p. If, for instance, a = 2, we have 2 p = (−1)


, where S = ∑

 p′k =1 4k 

 p . Exactly 12 p′

summands in this sum are equal to 0, while the remaining p′ − 12

 p′ are equal to 1. Therefore

S = p′ − 12

 p′ =


, which is even for p ≡ ±1 and odd for p ≡ ±3 (mod 8). We have proven

the following

Theorem 9.



= (−1)




 In other words, 2 is a quadratic residue modulo a prime p > 2 if and only if p ≡ ±1 (mod 8).

The following statements can be similarly shown.Theorem 10. (a) -2 is a quadratic residue modulo p if and only if p ≡ 1 or p ≡ 3 (mod 8);

(b) -3 is a quadratic residue modulo p if and only if p ≡ 1 (mod 6);

(c) 3 je quadratic residue modulo p if and only if p ≡ ±1 (mod 12);

(d) 5 is a quadratic residue modulo p if and only if p ≡ ±1 (mod 10).

Problem 3. Show that there exist infinitely many prime numbers of the form (a) 4k + 1; (b) 10k + 9.

Solution. (a) Suppose the contrary, that p1, p2, . . . , pn are all such numbers. Then by Theorem 5, allprime divisors of N  = (2 p1 p2 · · · pn)2 + 1 are of the form 4k + 1. However, N  is not divisible by any

of  p1, p2, . . . , pn, which is impossible.

Part (b) is similar to (a), with number N  = 5(2 p1 p2 · · · pn)2 − 1 being considered instead. △Problem 4. Prove that for n ∈ N every prime divisor p of number n4 − n2 + 1 is of the form 12k + 1.

Solution. We observe that

n4 − n2 + 1 = (n2 − 1)2 + n2 i n4 − n2 + 1 = (n2 + 1)2 − 3n2.

In view of theorems 5, 6, and 10, the first equality gives us p ≡ 1 (mod 4), whereas the other onegives us p ≡ ±1 (mod 12). These two congruences together yield p ≡ 1 (mod 12). △

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Problem 5. Evaluate 1








+ · · ·+




Solution. Note that 2003 is prime. It follows from Euler’s criterion and Theorem 10 that 21001 ≡ 2

2003= −1 (mod 2003). Therefore 2003 | 2




+ 1) = 2


+ 2


; since 2


and 2


are notmultiples of 2003, we conclude that2i






2i + 21001+i

2003− 1.

Summing up these equalities for i = 0,1, . . . ,1000 we obtain that the desired sum equals

1 + 2 + 22 + · · ·+ 22001

2003− 1001 =

22002 − 1

2003− 1001. △

The theory we have presented so far doesn’t really facilitate the job if we need to find out whether,

say, 814 is a quadratic residue modulo 2003. That will be done by the following theorem, which

makes such a verification possible with the amount of work comparable to that of the Euclidean


Theorem 11 (Gauss’ Reciprocity Law). For any different odd primes p and q, p




= (−1) p′q′


where p′ = p−12 and q′ = q−1

2 .

Proof. Define S( p,q) = ∑q′k =1


. We start by proving the following auxiliary statement.

Lemma 1. S( p,q) + S(q, p) = p′q′.

Proof of the Lemma. Given k ∈ N, we note that

k pq

is the number of integer points (k , l) in the

coordinate plane with 0 < l < kp/q, i.e. such that 0 < ql < kp. It follows that the sum S( p,q) equals

the number of integer points (k , l) with 0 < k < p′ and 0 < ql < kp. Thus S( p,q) is exactly the

number of points with positive integer coordinates in the interior or on the boundary of the rectangle ABCD that lie below the line AE , where A(0,0), B( p′,0), C ( p′,q′), D(0,q′), E ( p,q).

Analogously, S(q, p) is exactly the number of points with positive integer coordinates in the

interior or on the boundary of the rectangle ABCD that lie above the line AE . Since there are p′q′integer points in total in this rectangle, none of which is on the line AE , it follows that S( p,q) +S(q, p) = p′q′. ▽

We now return to the proof of the theorem. We have

S( p + q,q)−

S( p,q) = 1 + 2 +· · ·

+ p′ =p2 − 1



Since Theorem 9 is equivalent to

2 p

= (−1)

p2−18 , Gauss’ lemma gives us






2 p



2( p + q)






= (−1)S( p+q,q) =



(−1)S( p,q),



= (−1)S( p,q). Analogously,

q p

= (−1)S(q, p). Multiplying the last two inequalities and

using the lemma yields the desired equality.

Let us now do the example mentioned before the Reciprocity Law.

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Example 3.










= −






Furthermore, the Reciprocity Law gives us


2003= −2003

11 = 1

11= 1 and  37

2003= 2003

37 = 5

37 = 37

5 = −1.



= 1 , i.e. 814 is a quadratic residue modulo 2003.

Problem 6. Prove that an integer a is a quadratic residue modulo every prime number if and only

if a is a perfect square.

Solution. Suppose that a is not a square. We may assume w.l.o.g. (why?) that a is square-free.

Suppose that a > 0. Then a = p1 p2 · · · pk  for some primes p1, . . . , pk . For every prime number p

it holds that a p =



 p and  pi

 p= (−1) p′i p′ p


. (1)

If  a = 2, it is enough to choose p = 5. Otherwise a has an odd prime divisor, say pk . We choose a

prime number p such that p ≡ 1 (mod 8), p ≡ 1 (mod pi) for i = 1,2, . . . ,k − 1, and p ≡ a (mod pk ),

where a is an arbitrary quadratic nonresidue modulo pk . Such prime number p exists according to the

Dirichlet theorem on primes in an arithmetic progression. Then it follows from (1) that p1, . . . , pk −1

are quadratic residues modulo p, but pk  is not. Therefore a is a quadraic nonresidue modulo p.

The proof in the case a < 0 is similar and is left to the reader. △

2 Quadratic Congruences to Composite Moduli

Not all moduli are prime, so we do not want to be restricted to prime moduli. The above theory

can be generalized to composite moduli, yet losing as little as possible. The following function

generalizes Legendre’s symbol to a certain extent.

Definition 3. Let a be an integer and b an odd number, and let b = pα 11 p

α 22 · · · pα r 

r  be the factorization

of b onto primes. Jakobi’a symbol


is defined as






α 1 a


α 2

· · ·



α r 


Since there is no danger of confusion, Jacobi’s and Legendre’s symbol share the notation.

It is easy to see that


= −1 implies that a is a quadratic nonresidue modulo b. Indeed, if 


= −1, then by the definition



= −1 for at least one pi | b; hence a is a quadratic nonresidue

modulo pi.

However, the converse is false, as seen from the following example.

Example 4. Although 2







= (−1) · (−1) = 1,

2 is not a quadratic residue modulo 15, as it is not so modulo 3 and 5.

In fact, the following weaker statement holds.

Theorem 12. Let a be an integer and b a positive integer, and let b = pα 11 p

α 22 · · · pα r 

r  be the faktoriza-

tion of b onto primes. Then a is a quadratic residue modulo b if and only if a is a quadratic residuemodulo p

α ii for each i = 1,2, . . . ,r.

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Proof. If a quadratic residue modulo b, it is clearly so modulo each pα ii , i = 1,2, . . . ,r .

Assume that a is a quadratic residue modulo each pα ii and that xi is an integer such that x2

i ≡ a

(mod pα ii ). According to Chinese Remainder Theorem there is an x such that x ≡  xi (mod p

α ii ) for

i = 1,2, . . . ,r . Then x2 ≡ x2i ≡ a (mod p

α ii ) for each i, and therefore x2 ≡ a (mod b).

Theorem 13. The number of quadratic residues modulo pn (n > 0) is equal to2n−1 − 1


+ 2 for p = 2, and 

 pn+1 − 1

2( p + 1)

+ 1 for p > 2.

Proof. Let k n denote the number of quadratic residues modulo pn.

Let p be odd and n ≥ 2. Number a is a quadratic residue modulo pn if and only if either p ∤ a and

a is a quadratic residue modulo p, or p2 | a and a/ p2 is a quadratic residue modulo pn−2. It follows

that k n = k n−2 + p′ pn−1.

Let p = 2 and n ≥ 3. Number a is a quadratic residue modulo 2n if and only if either a ≡ 1 (mod

8) or 4|

a and a/

4 is a quadratic residue modulo 2n

−2. We obtain k 

n =k 

n−2 +2n


Now the statement is shown by simple induction on n.

Many properties of Legendre’s symbols apply for Jacobi’s symbols also. Thus the following

statements hold can be easily proved by using the definition of Jacobi’s symbol and the analogous

statements for Legendre’s symbols.

Theorem 14. For all integers a,b and odd numbers c,d the following equalities hold:

a + bc

c = a

c , ab

c = a


c , a

cd  = a


d  . Theorem 15. For every odd integer a,−1


= (−1)

a−12 ,



= (−1)[ a+1

4 ].

Theorem 16 (The Reciprocity Rule). For any two coprime odd numbers a,b it holds that 



a= (−1)

a−12 · b−1

2 .

Problem 7. Prove that the equation x2 = y3 − 5 has no integer solutions ( x, y).

Solution. For even y we have x2 = y3 − 5 ≡ 3 (mod 8), which is impossible.

Now let y be odd. If y ≡ 3 (mod 4), then x2 = y3 − 5 ≡ 33 − 5 ≡ 2 (mod 4), impossible again.

Hence y must be of the form 4 z + 1, z ∈ Z. Now the given equation transforms into

 x2 + 4 = 64 z3 + 48 z2 + 12 z = 4 z(16 z2 + 12 z + 3).

It follows that x2

≡4 (mod 16 z2 + 12 z + 3).

However, the value of Jacobi’s symbol −4

16 z2 + 12 z + 3



16 z2 + 12 z + 3

equals −1 because 16 z2 + 12 z + 3 ≡ 3 (mod 4). Contradiction. △Problem 8. Prove that  4kxy − 1 does not divide the number xm + yn   for any positive integers

 x, y,k ,m,n.

Solution. Note that ( xm

, yn

,4kxy − 1) = 1. Let us write m′ = [m/2] and n′ = [n/2]. We need toinvestigate the following cases.

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1◦ m = 2m′ and n = 2n′. Then 4kxy − 1 | ( xm′)2 + ( yn′

)2 by Theorem 6 implies


= 1,

which is false.

2◦ m = 2m′ and n = 2n′ + 1 (the case m = 2m′ + 1, n = 2n′ is analogous). Then 4kxy − 1 |( xm′

)2 + y( yn′)2 and hence

− y4kxy−1 = 1. We claim this to be impossible.

Suppose that y is odd. The Reciprocity Rule gives us − y

4kxy − 1



4kxy − 1


4kxy − 1

= (−1) · (−1)




= −1.

Now assume that y = 2t  y1, where t ≥ 1 is an integer and y1 ∈ N. According to Theorem 15,

we have


= 1, whereas, like in the case of odd y,

− y1



− y14·2t kxy1−1

= −1. It

follows that − y4kxy − 1

= 24kxy − 1

t  − y14kxy − 1

= −1.

3◦ m = 2m′ + 1 and n = 2n′ + 1. Then 4kxy − 1 | x( xm′)2 + y( yn′

)2, and hence

− xy4kxy−1

= 1. On

the other hand, − xy

4kxy − 1


−4 xy

4kxy − 1



4kxy − 1

= −1,

a contradiction.

This finishes the proof. △

3 Some Sums of Legendre’s symbols

Finding the number of solutions of a certain conguence is often reduced to counting the values of 

 x ∈{0,1, . . . , p−1} for which a given polynomial f ( x) with integer coefficients is a quadratic residue

modulo an odd prime p. The answer is obviously directly connected to the value of the sum



∑ x=0

f ( x) p


In this part we are interested in sums of this type.

For a linear polynomial f , the considered sum is easily evaluated:

Theorem 17. For arbitrary integers a,b and a prime p ∤ a,


∑ x=0ax + b

 p = 0.

Proof. Since p ∤ a, the numbers ax + b, x = 0,1, . . . , p−1 form a complete system of residues modulo

 p. Exactly p−12

of them are quadratic residues, exactly p−12

are quadratic nonresidues, and one is

divisible by p. It follows that


∑ x=0

ax + b



p − 1

2· 1 +

p − 1

2· (−1) + 0 = 0.

To evaluate the desired sum for quadratic polynomials f , we shall use the following proposition.

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Theorem 18. Let f ( x) p′= a0 + a1 x + · · ·+ akp′ xk p′

 , where k is the degree of polynomial f . We have


∑ x=0

f ( x)


≡ −(a p−1 + a2( p−1) + · · ·+ ak ′( p−1)) (mod p), where k ′ =




Sn =

∑ p




∈ N) andS

0 =p

. It can be shown thatS

n ≡ −1 (modp

) forn> 0and p − 1 | n, and Sn ≡ 0 (mod p) otherwise. Now Euler’s Criterion gives us


∑ x=0

f ( x)



∑ x=0

 f ( x) p′=

k p′


aiSi ≡ −(a p−1 + a2( p−1) + · · ·+ ak ′ p−1) (mod p).

Theorem 19. For any integers a,b,c and a prime p ∤ a, the sum


∑ x=0

ax2 + bx + c

 p equals −

a p

if p ∤ b2 − 4ac, and ( p − 1)

a p

if p | b2 − 4ac.

Proof. We have 4a



∑ x=0

ax2 + bx + c




∑ x=0

(2ax + b)2 − D



where D = b2 − 4ac. Since numbers ax + b, x = 0,1, . . . , p − 1 comprise a complete system of 

residues modulo p, we obtaina



∑ x=0

ax2 + bx + c




∑ x=0

 x2 − D


= S.

Theorem 18 gives us S ≡ −1 (mod p), which together with |S| ≤ p yields S = −1 or S = p − 1.

Suppose that S = p − 1. Then p − 1 of the numbers

 x2− D p

are equal to 1, and exactly one, say

for x = x0, is equal to 0, i.e. p |  x20 − D. Since this implies p | (− x0)2 − D = x2

0 − p also, we must

have x0 = 0 and consequently p |  D. Conversely, if  p |  D, we have S = p − 1; otherwise S = −1,

which finishes the proof.

Problem 9. The number of solutions ( x, y) of congruence

 x2 − y2 = D (mod p),

where D ≡ 0 (mod p) is given, equals p − 1.

Solution. This is an immediate consequence of the fact that, for fixed x, the number of solutions y

of the congruence y2 ≡ x2 − D (mod p) equals

 x2− D


+ 1. △

Evaluating the sums of Legendre’s symbols for polynomials f ( x) of degree greater than 2 issignificantly more difficult. In what follows we investigate the case of cubic polynomials f  of a

certain type.

For an integer a, define

K (a) = p−1

∑ x=0

 x( x2 + a)



Assume that p ∤ a. We easily deduce that for each t ∈ Z,

K (at 2) = t  p  p


∑ x=0


t ((


t  )



) p = t 

 pK (a).

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Therefore |K (a)| depends only on whether a is a quadratic residue modulo p or not.

Now we give one non-standard proof of the fact that every prime p ≡ 1 (mod 4) is a sum of two


Theorem 20 (Jacobstal’s identity). Let a and b be a quadratic residue and nonresidue modulo a

 prime number p of the form 4k + 1. Then

|K (a)


|K (b)

|are even positive integers that satisfy


2|K (a)|




2|K (b)|


= p.

Proof. The previous consideration gives us p′(K (a)2 + K (b)2) = ∑ p−1n=1 K (n)2 = ∑

 p−1n=0 K (n)2, since

K (0) = 0. Let us determine ∑ p−1n=0 K (n)2. For each n we have

K (n)2 = p−1

∑ x=0


∑ y=0

 xy( x2 + n)( y2 + n)



which implies p−1


K (n)2 = p−1

∑ x=0


∑ y=0





(n + x2)(n + y2)



Note that by the theorem 19, ∑ p−1n=0

(n+ x2)(n+ y2)


equals p − 1 if x = ± y, and −1 otherwise. Upon

substituting these values the above equality becomes


∑n=0 K (n)2

= p(2 p − 2) − p−1

∑ x=0


∑ y=0 xy

 p = 4 pp′.

We conclude that K (a)2 + K (b)2 = 4 p. Furthermore, since K (a)2 + K (b)2 is divisible by 4, both

K (a) and K (b) must be even, and the statement follows.

4 Problems

10. Let p be a prime number. Prove that there exists x ∈ Z for which p |  x2 − x + 3 if and only if 

there exists y

∈Z for which p

| y2

− y + 25.

11. Let p = 4k − 1 be a prime number, k ∈N. Show that if a is an integer such that the congruence

 x2 ≡ a (mod p) has a solution, then its solutions are given by x = ±ak .

12. Show that all odd divisors of number 5 x2 + 1 have an even tens digit.

13. Show that for every prime number p there exist integers a,b such that a2 + b2 + 1 is a multiple

of  p.

14. Prove that x2+1 y2−5

is not an integer for any integers x, y > 2.

15. Let p > 3 be a prime and let a,b ∈ N be such that

1 +1

2+ · · ·+


 p − 1=



Prove that p2 | a.

16. Consider P( x) = x3 + 14 x2 − 2 x + 1. Show that there exists a natural number n such that for

each x ∈ Z,


|P(P(. . .P   


( x) . . . ))−


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10 Olympiad Training Materials,

17. Determine all n ∈ N such that the set A = {n,n + 1, . . . ,n + 1997} can be partitioned into at

least two subsets with equal products of elements.

18. (a) Prove that for no x, y ∈ N is 4 xy− x − y a square;

(b) Prove that for no x, y, z ∈ N is 4 xyz− x − y a square.

19. If n ∈ N, show that all prime divisors of n8 − n4 + 1 are of the form 24k + 1, k ∈ N.

20. Suppose that m,n are positive integers such that ϕ (5m − 1) = 5n − 1. Prove that (m,n) > 1.

21. Prove that there are no positive integers a,b,c for which

a2 + b2 + c2

3(ab + bc + ca)

is an integer.

22. Prove that, for all a ∈ Z, the number of solutions ( x, y, z) of the congruence

 x2 + y2 + z2 ≡ 2axyz (mod p)


 p + (−1) p′2


5 Solutions

10. The statement is trivial for p ≤ 3, so we can assume that p ≥ 5.

Since p |  x2 − x + 3 is equivalent to p | 4( x2 − x + 3) = (2 x − 1)2 + 11, integer x exists if and

only if −11 is a quadratic residue modulo p. Likewise, since 4( y2 − y + 25) = (2 y− 1)2 + 99,

 y exists if and only if −99 is a quadratic residue modulo p. Now the statement of the problem

follows from


 p =

−11 · 32

 p =


 p .

11. According to Euler’s criterion, the existence of a solution of x2 ≡ a (mod p) implies a2k −1 ≡ 1

(mod p). Hence for x = ak  we have x2 ≡ a2k  ≡ a (mod p).

12. If p | 5 x2 + 1, then

−5 p

= 1. The Reciprocity rule gives us








= (−1)





It is easy to verify that the last expression has the value 1 if and only if  p is congruent to 1,3,7

or 9 modulo 20.

13. Clearly, p | a2 + b2 + 1 if and only if a2 ≡ −b2 − 1 (mod p).

Both sets {a2 | a ∈ Z} and {−b2 − 1 | b ∈ Z} modulo p are of cardinality exactly p+12

, so they

have an element in common, i.e. there are a,b ∈ Z with a2 and −b2 − 1 being equal modulo


14. If y is even, y2

− 5 is of the form 4k + 3, k ∈ Z and thus cannot divide x2

+ 1 for x ∈ Z. If y isodd, then y2 − 5 is divisible by 4, while x2 + 1 is never a multiple of 4.

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Duˇ san Djuki´ c: Quadratic Congruences 11

15. It suffices to show that2( p−1)!a

b= ∑


2( p−1)!

iis divisible by p2. To start with,

2( p − 1)!a




( p − 1)!


( p − 1)!

 p − i




 p( p − 1)!

i( p − i).

Therefore, p

|a. Moreover, if for i

∈ {1,2, . . . , p


}i′ denotes the inverse of i modulo p, we


2( p − 1)!a




( p − 1)!

i( p − i)≡



i′2( p − 1)! ≡ 0 (mod p).

It follows that p2 | 2( p − 1)!a.

16. All congruences in the solution will be modulo 101.

It is clear that P( x) ≡ P( y) for integers x, y with x ≡ y.

We claim that the converse holds: P( x)

≡P( y) if x

≡ y. We have

4[P( x) − P( y)]

 x − y= 4( x2 + xy + y2 + 14 x + 14 y − 2) ≡ (2 x + y + 14)2 + 3( y − 29)2.

Since −3 is not a quadratic residue modulo 101, the left hand side is not divisible by 101

unless if 2 x + y + 14 ≡ y − 29 ≡ 0, i.e. x ≡ y ≡ 29. This justifies our claim.

We now return to the problem. The above statement implies that P(0),P(1), . . . ,P(100) is a

permutation of 0,1, . . . ,100 modulo 101. We conclude that for each x ∈ {0,1, . . . ,100} there

is an n x such that P(P(. . .P( x) . . . )) ≡ x (with P applied n x times).

Any common multiple of the numbers n0,n1, . . . ,n100 is clearly a desired n.

17. Suppose that A can be partitioned into k  subsets A1, . . . , Ak , each with the same product of 

elements m. Since at least one and at most two elements of  A are divisible by the prime

1997, we have 1997 | m and hence k = 2. Furthermore, since the number of elements divisible

by the prime 1999 is at most one, we have 1999 ∤ m; hence no elements of  A is divisible

by 1999, i.e. the elements of A are congruent to 1,2,3, . . . ,1998 modulo 1999. Then m2 ≡1 · 2 · 3 · · ·1998 ≡ −1 (mod 1999), which is impossible because -1 is a quadratic nonresidue

modulo 1999 = 4 · 499 + 3.

18. Part (a) is a special case of (b).

(b) Suppose x, y, z, t  ∈ N are such that 4 xyz − x − y = t 2. Multiplying this equation by 4 z we


(4 xz − 1)(4 yz − 1) = 4 zt 2 + 1.

Therefore, −4 z is a quadratic residue modulo 4 xz − 1. However, it was proved in problem 8

that the value of Legendre’s symbol − z

4 xz−1

is −1 for all x, z, yielding a contradiction.

19. Consider an arbitrary prime divisor p of  n8 − n4 + 1. It follows from problem 4 that p is

congruent to 1 or 13 (mod 24). Furthermore, since

n8 − n4 + 1 = (n4 + n2 + 1) − 2(n3 + n)2,

2 is a quadratic residue modulo p, excluding the possibility p ≡ ±13 (mod 24).

20. Suppose that (m,n) = 1. Let

5m − 1 = 2α  pα 11 · · · pα k 

k  (1)

be the factorization of 5m − 1 onto primes, where pi > 2 za i = 1, . . . ,k . By the condition of 

the problem,

5n − 1 = ϕ (5m − 1) = 2α −1 pα 1−11 · · · pα k −1

k  ( p1 − 1) · · ·( pk − 1). (2)

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12 Olympiad Training Materials,

Obviously, 2α  | 5n − 1. On the other hand, it follows from (5m − 1,5n − 1) = 51 − 1 = 4 that

α i = 1 for each i = 1, . . . ,k  and α  = 2. Since 23 | 5 x − 1 for every even x, m must be odd:

m = 2m′ + 1 for some m′ ∈ N0.

Since pi | 5 · (5m′)2 − 1 for i = 1, . . . ,k , 5 is a quadratic residue modulo pi, and consequently

 pi ≡ ±1 (mod 5). However, (2) implies that none of  pi − 1 is divisible by 5. We thus obtain

that pi ≡ −1 (mod 5) for all i.Reduction of equality (1) modulo 5 yields (−1)k  = 1. Thus k  is even. On the other hand,

equality (2) modulo 5 yields (−2)k +1 ≡ 1 (mod 5), and therefore k ≡ 3 (mod 4), contradicting

the previous conclusion.

 Remark. Most probably, m and n do not even exist.

21. Suppose that a,b,c,n are positive integers such that a2 + b2 + c2 = 3n(ab + bc + ca). This

equality can be rewritten as

(a + b + c)2 = (3n + 2)(ab + bc + ca).

Choose a prime number p ≡ 2 (mod 3) which divides 3n + 2 with an odd exponent, i.e. such

that p2i−1 | 3n + 2 and p2i  ∤ 3n + 2 for some i ∈ N (such p must exist). Then pi | a + b + c and

therefore p | ab + bc + ca. Substituting c ≡ −a− b (mod p) in the previous relation we obtain

 p | a2 + ab + b2 ⇒ p | (2a + b)2 + 3b2.

It follows that −3 p = 1, which is false because p

≡2 (mod 3).

22. The given congruence is equivalent to

( z − axy)2 ≡ (a2 x2 − 1) y2 − x2 (mod p). (1)

For any fixed x, y ∈ {0, . . . , p − 1}, the number of solutions z of (1) equals

1 +

(a2 x2 − 1) y2 − x2



Therefore the total number of solutions of (1) equals

 N  = p2 + p−1

∑ x=0


∑ y=0

(a2 x2 − 1) y2 − x2



According to theorem 19, ∑ p−1 y=0

(a2 x2−1) y2− x2


is equal to −

a2 x2−1


if  ax ≡ ±1 (mod p),

and to p

−1 p

if ax ≡ ±1 (mod p). Therefore

 N  = p2 + 2 p




∑ x=0

a2 x2 − 1



 p +





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