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ROMANCE LANGUAGES PILOT PROJECTSecond Life: The next best thing to being there?

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Edith Paillat aka Cyber Placebo Language Technology Specialist @ Victoria

University Supports teaching @ learning 12 languages Interests: CoPs & SLA, Immersive environments

and situated learning, experiential approach with technology

Betsy Quero aka Inspira Alijunaiki Teacher of English and Spanish FL over 15 years PhD candidate and Spanish tutor @ Victoria

University Interests: learner autonomy, language learning

strategies, ESP vocabulary testing, ICT in SLA

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“To provide a social and contextualised environment where learning is viewedas a social process and whereby knowledgeis co-constructed”.

(Wenger and Lave, 1991) and (Herrington and Oliver, 1995)

Virtual Spain, getting started El Instituto Español con Wara


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To bridge the gap between the theoretical learning (formal instruction of the classroom) and the real-life application of knowledge in the work environment

Catedral de Guadalajara @ Opera Joven

El dia de los Muertos @ SLVM

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EXPERIENTIAL APPROACH Combined with the Experiential approach (Kolb, 1984)

where students would not only “do” and “feel” but reflect and conceptualise their experience to maximise their level of participation in consecutive sessions

Oral presentation for the French cohort 20% final mark

Poems & Visual Arts on Moya Island

Dancing at the Moulin Rouge

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PILOT PROJECT BACKGROUND Project background - trim 1 2012 - French only - 3

students Grant for trim 2 Extended to Spanish level A2 and Italian Level A1 Funding for 5 graphic cards and tutor training One tutor per language, no SL experience One month preparation time and equipment Over 10 weeks, 1h1/2 per session, early morning In the lab (some from home) Average time 2 hours preparation

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Instruction design principles

Following Herrington and Oliver, 1995 Authentic context Authentic activities Multiple roles and perspectives Coaching and scaffolding at critical times Expert Performance, modelling

Dancing “Thriller” on a haunted sim

Ordering Pizzaon Solaria

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Buying food in Arcachon

Visiting a 3rd Art gallery at LEA

Italians and their pets on the Piazza San Marco

Venezia Visit on a Gondola

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Exploring Art on Torley Island

Philosophy at the Roman latrines

Discussion at the Moulin Rouge

Driving a French 2CV

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In the text chat:

Would you consider learning a language in-world?

Would you consider teaching in-world? Tell us if you have any experience

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RECOMMENDATIONS Implementation Phase ITS support (firewall ports, hardware and broadband issues) Department support, VWs design take a lot of preparation Inform and prepare your students well Inform and prepare your guest speakers well

In-world Plan at least two training sessions (interface, camera,

avatar, etc..) Know the environment(s) well to coach students well Get them to explore with a mission (short instructions) Get them to interact with people you trust Don’t lose contact with them – group management Multi-task as the leader look & act & deliver & think ahead Have a plan B and plan C

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Explorations More thematic treasure hunts Broader than simply linguistic and cultural

targets Improvisation versus controlled

Train guest speakers – less guest speakers talking time / silences / questions Not at every session

Give time for contemplation then reflection Ice breaker recap / mid- / end of session

Propose project early stage Digital storytelling in a selected setting Machinima as final outcome?


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Really difficult when you are not tech savvy. Sometimes things happened to environment that you can’t change back then you miss the whole conversation because you try to fix it” - French B1


This is just a question of taste, but I dislike the realism of the sims because the illusion is inevitably shattered by the unrealistic behaviour of the environment, objects,” - French B1

There was a feeling of natural (even though it’s virtual!) and authentic communication (did not feel forced to participate) – Spanish B1 “I liked having the other native

speakers there, the only thing I didn't enjoy was having second life classes on things we hadn't gone over in class” – Italian A1

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Together with the quality of selected guests, the variety of tools at disposition and the spontaneous involvement from students, I find the sessions to have efficiently led the group to reach the courses goals and achievements. Students have appropriately

practised their listening skills and developed adequate strategies of comprehension (using virtual contextual elements)

Being a total beginner implied for me to go through a process of initiation, which I must say was “smooth” and intuitive.

Despite a certain “reluctance” inspired by a background of more ‘classical academic approaches,”.

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Herrington, J. and Oliver, R. (1995) Critical Characteristics of Situated Learning: Implications for the Instruction Design of Multimedia. ASCILITE 1995 [online]

Kohonen, V. 2000. Learning to learn through reflection – an experiential learning perspective [online]

Kolb, D. 1984. Experiential learning. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Whang F., Bruton J.K., Fall J. (2012) A three-step Model for Designing Initial Second Life_Based Foreign Language Learning Activities, MERLOT Journal of Online Learning and Teaching Vol.8, N0.4 December 2012 [online]


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