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1  Introduction

2  Description of proposed development

3  Site Analysis

4  Design

5  Construction Phase

6 Flood Risk Assessment

7 Conservation Area Appraisal

8 Transport Statement

9 Policies

10 Conclusion

11 Photographs

12 Appendices

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1 Introduction

Trinity Architecture have prepared this Design Statement on behalf of Bournemouth Borough Council in support of a full planning application

at The Waterfront Building, Pier Approach, Bournemouth for the removal of the top floor of accommodation, plant area and roofs to the

whole of the existing building. This is an interim scheme intended to have a maximum life of 10 – 15 years, at which time the redevelopment

of the building is anticipated as part of a wider scheme incorporating adjacent Council owned land.

This Design Statement describes and explains the design process which has led to the proposal and should be read in conjunction with thePlanning Application drawings.

The site is generally inclined, and is bounded by Bath Road and Flyover to the north, the Bath Road South public car park to the east, Public

leisure facilities, the promenade and beach to the south, with the Pier Approach area and associated leisure facilities to the west.

The site is located in an area of mixed commercial and leisure use. Buildings in the area range in height.

The building use was previously a mix of commercial leisure enterprises over all floors with and IMAX cinema to the rear. There are facilities

within the building structure servicing all the various uses. The property is immediately adjacent the public highway and pedestrian areas.

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3 Site Analysis


The site is located on a prominent site within the Pier Approach area.

The site can be viewed from a multitude of locations, with the principal views being

-  Down from Bath Hill

-  From the Pier Approach Area.


The area of the site is approximately 2450sqm and is totally occupied by the current building which is to remain largely intact.


There are no trees within the properties boundaries. There are some trees on adjoining land but are not affected by the proposals.


There are numerous planning approvals relating to signage and other aspects to the various uses within the complex.

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The immediate roads serving the property location are good.

The current pedestrian access is good and level. These locations are to remain.

There is no car parking associated with this property. Immediately adjacent this site is the Bath Road South public pay & display car park

with others within a short travel distance.

Refuse is contained within the boundary in accordance with The Councils refuse collection preferred criteria.

The site is located off a principal road within the Boroughs highway network, giving reasonable access to public transport which runs

frequently providing links into the heart of town and to outlying areas. This road also provides cycle access to many of the Boroughs beaches

and open spaces in the Town Centre. The area does not have any direct access to trains. The nearest location being the central station.

The area enjoys pedestrian access through the Lower Gardens, along East Cliff Promenade and the Promenade. Cycle access is also available

along the Promenade at designated times.


There is a level access at the Pier Approach main entrance and from the Bath Road Main Entrance, with the option of using a stepped

approach from the East Cliff Promenade. Within the building are lift and stair accesses to the existing upper levels and the new public

access deck. The proposal includes for a new ramped access from the public car park to the new roof deck level which bridges over the

public right of way running across the rear of the site and separates the building from the public car park.

Access to the site is practicable and the impact on the highway network does not increase. The site is accessible by a choice of means of 

public transport (buses and taxis). External and internal door widths are compliant with Building Regulation Approved Document M.

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4 Design

The existing building format has generally been retained and unaltered by the proposal. The existing top floor of accommodation and the

curved roofs have been removed in order to create a new public access deck. Existing staircases and lift have been retained in order to

maintain a physical link between all enclosed and open floors.

The building height has been reduced down to the level indicated within the planning brief prepared for this site. This remodelling of the

existing structure is entirely consistent with the adopted brief and this interim scheme will also assist in the authority understanding the full

implications of the brief when the site is finally redeveloped.

The buildings total floor space is reduced by the proposals, but it is the intention to maintain the use classes already approved for the

building. The new open roof deck, which whilst allowing visitors the opportunity to relax and enjoy the views from this new vantage point,

also permits a variety of compatible temporary uses and the ability to form recreational uses, s uch as a children’s wet play area within the

defined confines.

The proposal is also seeking to make adjustments to the buildings aesthetic appearance with the introduction of a new balcony / verandah

structure to the Pier Approach elevation, which would permit access from the accommodation space at upper ground floor level onto the

balcony area and provide a limited amount of cover to the accommodation entrances below. This feature also assists in providing a more

active frontage and reducing the façade to a more human scale. The structure would be of a painted steel construction with a timber deck

infill. The balustrade would be a series of clear frameless glass panels.

The proposal would also seek to reconsider the intensity of the tinted glass shade in order to open up the buildings interior from an external

view whilst still offering a level of solar shading where required.

With the height of the building being reduced, the stairs and lift being retained will need to be enclosed. It is therefore proposed to encase

these points within glass structures in order to present a ‘light’ appearance and not significantly impact on the released long views from

Bath Road.

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To the East Cliff Promenade façade, there is the ability and hope to install photo voltaic panels to act as a brise soliel to the

accommodation windows facing southwards and permitting the building to generate amounts of electricity which can be offset against it’s

functional needs.

The proposal indicates retaining a portion of the existing face blockwork, with the remainder decorated with a light coloured high

performance masonry paint in order to lighten the appearance of the building generally.

The new roof deck area would be finished in a variety of finishes, recycled decking and artificial grass for example, which would take into

account the salty atmosphere and the wind blown sand particles this location will experience. There is the possibility for areas of raised

planters located around the roof area to break the space into zones related to the various uses. The landscaping of this deck area could be

dealt with under a condition to an approval granted.

To the north-east corner, a sculptural living wall is proposed, which would use suitable native planting for the situation and location which

will assist in providing an element of softness and reduce the impact of this hard corner. The system involves modules holding plants cells

fixed to and supported by the retained building façade. The system has an inbuilt irrigation / feeding system to ensure that the plants

within their peat free soil based medium maintain a strong root growth. There is a wide variety of plants suitable (shrub, perennial, annual

and bulb) with can offer themes or seasonal interest. The system allows for easy exchange / replacement of modules to provide a changing


A new window to the accommodation space would be introduced on the eastern elevation in order to provide some natural daylight to the

previous dark space that formed part of the cinema,

This elevation would also see the introduction of the new access ramp from the existing public car park to the roof deck area. The structure

would be of a painted steel construction with a timber deck infill. The balustrade would be a series of decorative mesh panels in order to

provide a level of security and safety for users and pedestrians below yet maintaining a degree of openness. The Potter & Soar Arran pattern

would provide an acceptable solution. (see attached printout)

Existing foul and surface water drainage connections will be retained and reused.

The Surface water drainage system is existing and will remain.

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5 Construction Phase

The majority of the works related to the careful dismantling of the top floor of accommodation and roof structure.

Whilst there will be a need to provide strict areas of safety during the works programme, as the anticipated proposal is maintaining the bulk

of the building, these should not greatly impact on the public’s enjoyment of the existing leisure facilit ies in the area.

There may be occasions that pedestrian access will be stopped or reduced around the buildings perimeter in order that safe building

operations can be undertaken, but these should be minimal.

The area of car parking would be reduced for a period within the Bath Road South car park in order to provide a contractor’s compound and

materials storage area, but this can be kept to the minimum required as the building in its unoccupied state will allow for s ome materials to

be stored within these vacant spaces. The building will also provide the necessary office and welfare facilities required for site operatives.

It is anticipated that the building will have a perimeter of scaffolding which will be enclosed by netting to prevent wayward debris

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6 Flood Risk Assessment

The site and building is located and has access directly to the existing ground forecourt level within the commercial / leisure area of Pier

Approach. This area has direct frontage onto Poole Bay and local watercourse (Bourne Stream). The area is identified as having a significant

risk on the Environment Agency Flood Map.

Ordnance Datum levels on maps indicate that the average ground level in the region of this property (Pier Approach entrance) of 6.7m AOD.

Discussions with the Environment Agency local area office have indicated that as the building is existing and that the proposal does not have

any impact or changes to the current lower levels, they have no comments to make on this application with regard to flood risk and would

not be seeking a full assessment during the planning process.

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7 Conservation Area Appraisal

The application site falls outside the East Cliff Conservation area.

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8 Transport Statement

The site and original building currently has a range of existing uses, which were originally assessed and approved by the planning authority

in respect of the traffic generation and parking requirements for the whole development.

The proposal is seeking to maintain the use classes already permitted by the existing planning consent, but within a reduced gross floor

area. As the amount of floor space for these existing uses is reduced, so is the maximum capacity in terms of the numbers of patrons that

the building can accommodate. Therefore the number of trips generated is reduced and it is considered that a full transport assessment is

not required in this instance, as the adjustments would reduce vehicular movements.

Servicing and deliveries of the units would maintain the existing arrangement of permitting vehicles access across Pier Approach within the

designated time allowances on a daily basis.

The site already enjoys the immediate proximity of existing public pay & display parking with other council facilities within a very short

travel distance.

Bath Road South 163 spaces (7 disable spaces)

Bath Road North 116 spaces (2 disable spaces)

Pavilion 185 spaces (8 disable spaces)

Central 315 spaces (3 disable spaces)

BIC 650 spaces (17 disable spaces)

Winter Gardens 250 spaces (13 disable spaces)

The site is also adjacent to a principal bus route with a stop immediately outside and other stops to the north-west of Pier Approach orwithin Westover Road. There is a taxi rank immediately outside Hot Rocks and within Westover Road.

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9 Policies

The site is located within the Boroughs defined Leisure Area as indicated within the adopted local plan and policies 5.19, 5.21, 5.22, 5.27,

5.29 and 8.26 have particular relevance.

The site is also subject to an adopted planning brief. The guiding principles and objectives of the planning brief have been taken into

consideration in preparing the scheme and these points are as follows:

Form & type of development

The buildings current footprint remains largely unaltered. The complex is currently multi-use with various classes permitted and this is to

remain. Therefore the development is providing and maintaining the type and mix of facilities sought.

Quality & Land efficiency

The current building footprint remains unaltered and virtually covers the whole of the site. The introduction of the balcony to the Pier

Approach elevation and new pedestrian access ramp to the car park elevation, together with the adjustments to the finishes will assist in

lightening the buildings physical appearance, bringing the building down to a human scale and providing more accessible usable spaces.

Environmental Enhancements

The proposal to reduce the bulk height of the building to 18.0m AOD, will permit some long views of the bay and Purbeck hills beyond, thus

adding to the seafront experience of arriving users and visitors. This equates with item 4.3 of the adopted planning brief. The new flat roof 

area would form a new landscaped public deck area, offering visitors a place to relax and enjoy the available views.

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The existing facades will essentially be retained. There is an intention to reconsider the intensity of the tinted glass shade, which offerssome level of solar control whilst seeking to open up the visual appearance of internal building to the surrounding areas and aspects. The

introduction of a sculptural living wall to the north east corner facing Bath Road also seeks to reduce the stark nature of this corner and

provide an element of softness.

Energy Efficiency & Sustainability

The current building already offers an element of energy efficiency and sustainability. Any new works necessary to enclose the structure

after removal of the top floor of accommodation and roof’s will meet with the current Building Regulation requirements. Existing plant

equipment will be removed and relocated where there is an ability to reuse, otherwise replaced with new more energy efficient models.

Rainwater will be collected and used for flushing toilets and watering of soft landscape areas. There will be the ability to install solar

photovoltaic panels to the southern facade of the property to act as a brise soliel, which will permit the building to generate power to offset

against anticipated consumption levels.

Commercial Viability

With the current economic climate, the retention of the bulk of the existing building footprint assists in providing a short-term opportunity

to permit traders and establishments to operate and provide the level and scope of services sought by the Borough and permitting further

time with prospective partners to redevelop the site in-conjunction with the car park and pier approach areas to provide a suitable form of 

replacement development.

Access & Transport

The existing pedestrian access points into the building remain and retained to gain access to the roof area. A new pedestrian ramped access

to the roof area will be formed on the East elevation (Bath Road South car park side). This will permit permeability through the building.

There will be no adjustments to the current public transport access, which is immediately outside the building on Bath Road or to the west

of Pier Approach or within Westover Road. The car parking facilities immediately adjacent and in close proximity to the site will also


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Local Planning Policies


Cliffs & ChinesThe proposal has no impact on the cliff stability as the existing building, below existing ground levels, is essentially being retained


3.28 Flood Risk

The proposal does not increase surface water runoff or impede floodwater flows

4.2 Setting of Listed Buildings

The current building is located opposite the Grade II listed Pavilion, separated by Bath Road and the flyover separating Pier

Approach. The reduction in height will enhance the setting of this listed building and the creation of a roof-top access will permit

the opening up of new views of this building.

4.4 Conservation Areas

The building is not within a conservation area and the proposal has no impact on the East Cliff Conservation Area adjacent

4.19 Townscape

The building proposal seeks to alter the current design as approved by the planning authority taking into account the aspirations of 

the adopted planning brief prepared for the sites redevelopment.

4.20 Access for Disabled Persons

The existing building affords good access at various levels and this will be maintained / improved

4.24 Public Art

There is scope for public art to be placed within or onto the building’s facade

4.25 Landscaping

There is scope to provide levels of soft landscaping to the new public areas and to the buildings façade, the living wall proposal

suggesting a method for one area and the inclusion of various surface treatments to the roof area together with the ability to

provide isolated raised planters with shrub planting will assist in dividing the large space into zones.

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4.26 Criminal Behaviour

The building currently has CCTV and this will be retained. The Pier Approach area is also covered by a central CCTV system.

5.1 Employment

The proposal seeks to maintain employment levels originally anticipated with the existing building, and the retention of the

remaining part of the building assists in this.

5.12 Energy Efficiency

Existing energy efficiency measures will be retained and any new works resulting from the proposal will meet the current applicable


5.13 Energy Conservation

Existing energy conservation measures will be retained and any new works resulting from the proposal will meet the current

applicable standards

7.1 Town Centre Tourism Area

The maintaining of the existing building within its reduced height retains the ability to offer attractions available within the area

and seeks to offer additional open space on the new roof deck area.

7.3 Tourism Core

The development enhances the tourism area by creating new sea views and improving the visitor experience.

7.4 Tourism Core Areas

The development maintains the ability to offer attractions

7.10 Sport & Recreation Areas

The development seeks to offer accommodation space suitable for provision of sport & recreation space use or ancillary space to

facilities within the immediate area.

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8.1 Distributor Routes

The retention of the existing building has no impact on the distributor routes

8.13 Highway Contributions

The development reduces the capacity of the building and hence the maximum trips generated, Therefore no highway contributions

will be payable in accordance with the South East Dorset Transport Contributions Scheme (2009)

8.14 Highway Improvements

The proposal should not require ant highway improvements

8.22 Public Car Parking Spaces

The reduced size of the development will not impose any additional requirements over that originally approved

8.23 Car Parking

There is no parking within the existing development

8.37 Cycle Facilities

There are existing cycle facilities within the immediate area

8.39 Facilities for Mobility

The building offers full access to all accommodation floors and roof area. Other facilities are provided within the individual

accommodation spaces

8.40 Mobility Car Parking

Car parking is available immediately adjacent within the Bath Road South car park with a reasonable access to the various entrances

of the building. There are sufficient spaces within public car parks in the immediate locality.

This proposal meets with the Bournemouth Local Plan policies.

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10 Conclusion 

This proposal seeks to implement adjustments to the existing building, maintaining a quality of development that is sympathetic in terms of 

its scale, character, materials and layout and is entirely appropriate to the surrounding area.

The proposal is compatible with an established pattern of development within the area, and that the setting of buildings and their

occupants are respected. The area is not harmed by the proposal.

In preparing the proposal, regard has been taken of the following:

Specific site qualities, constraints and opportunities

Nature of surrounding developmentBuilding proportion and context

Use of materials


Further regard has also been taken to its immediate effect and wider context in respect of:




Appropriateness of location

Proportion and rhythmMaterials

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11 Photographs

Existing view from Bath Road

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Existing view from Pier Approach

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12 Appendices

Area schedule with use classes

Potter & Soar decorative metal

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Patterns1  8 

 S  pi  r  al  M e t   al  B  el   t  P  a t   t   er n s 

W el   d  e d M

 e s h P  a t   t   er n s 

Ni   a g ar  a1 2 

-1 2 -1 2 -1 2 

Ni   a g ar  a 3  0 -1 4 -2 4 -1 4 

 S k  y  e

T  s  un ami  F E 

T  s  un a

mi  E E 

Ar r  an

Wi  r  e c l   o t  h P  a t   t   er n s 

 S  er  eni   t  y 

P l   a c i   d 

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