  • Peer Reviewed Online International Journal Volume 1, Issue 2, June 2014 5

    Wireless Black Box with MEMS

    Accelerometer and GPS Tracking for

    Accidental Detection of Vehicle and Theft Control

    Nahar Dhruv

    Dept of Electronics and Communication Engineering

    AMC Engineering College

    Bangalore, India

    [email protected]

    Chetan Adhikary

    Dept of Electronics and Communication Engineering

    AMC Engineering College

    Bangalore, India

    [email protected]


    Now-a-days lots of accidents happen on highways due to

    increase in traffic and also due to rash driving of the driv-

    ers. And in many situations the family members or the ambu-

    lance and police authorities are not informed on time. This

    results in delaying the help reaching to the person suffered

    due to accident. Vehicle Detection GSM modem is designed

    to avoid such situations.

    In this project an accident detection unit name MEMS

    accelerometer is used which will be mounted under the rid-

    er's seat of the car. This system, in case of accident, or if the

    car hits to some other vehicle or an object then accelerome-

    ter gives the values greater than threshold value and hence

    microcontroller will handle grabbing the position and send-

    ing the SMS to the predefined numbers. The system consists

    of cooperative components GPS device and GSM module.

    Focusing on this idea, a system where vehicle itself intimates

    the concern emergency service for immediate reaction in

    case of accident or any emergency situation is proposed.

    After the accident, this wireless device will send mobile

    phone short message indicating the position of vehicle by

    GPS system to family members, police station and hospitals.

    The emergency medical service (EMS) can be provided to

    the driver. The threshold algorithm is used to determine

    speed of motorcycle and fall or accident in real-time.


    Accelerometer, GSM module, GPS device, Microcontrol-

    ler, ADC, LCD.


    ACCIDENTS ARE BOUND TO HAPPEN. The vehicle accident is a major public problem in many countries. De-

    spite awareness campaign, this problem is still in-creasing

    due to rider's poor behaviors such as speed driving, drunk

    driving, riding with no helmet protection, riding without

    sufficient sleep, etc. The numbers of death and disability are

    very high because of late assistance to people meeting with

    the accident. These cause huge social and economic burdens

    to people involved. Therefore, several research group and

    major vehicle manufacturers including Honda have devel-

    oped safety devices to protect riders from accidental injuries.

    However, good safety device for vehicle is difficult to im-

    plement and very expensive. Alternatively, intelligence

    schemes such as fall or incident detection with tracking sys-

    tem have also recently been devised to notify the accident to

    related people so that quickest assistance can reach people

    meeting with the accident. Thus, accident alarm system for

    vehicle has recently gained attention because these systems

    are expected to save life by helping riders to get medical

    treatment on time. In this work, a system device using

    MEMS accelerometer and GPS tracking system is developed

    for accidental monitoring. In the event of accident, this wire-

    less device will send mobile phone short message indicating

    the position of vehicle by GPS system to family member,

    emergency medical service (EMS) and nearest hospital so

    that they can provide ambulance assistance and preparation

    of treatment for the patients. The system consists of coopera-

    tive components of an accelerometer, microcontroller unit

    (MCU), GPS device and GSM module for sending a short

    message. An accelerometer is applied for awareness and fall

  • International Journal of Innovatory Research in Engineering and Technology IJIRET

    Peer Reviewed Online International Journal Volume 1, Issue 2, June 2014 6

    detection indicating an accident. The speed of vehicle and

    threshold algorithm are used to decide a fall or accident in

    real-time. Mobile short message containing position from

    GPS (latitude, longitude) will be sent when vehicle accident

    is detected. The robust package design is implemented so

    that it is safe from water's spray and dust in environment.

    The module is aimed to be installed at the position where the

    system can be able to detect vibrations easily.

    System Overview

    The system consists of cooperative components of an

    accelerometer, microcontroller unit, GPS device, Global

    positioning system for Mobile module, sensors for sending a

    short massage. An accelerometer is applied for awareness

    and fall detection indicating an accident. If any accident is

    occurred then the location of the vehicle is traced by the

    longitude and latitude values of GPS and sends a SMS to the

    nearest hospitals and family members so that they can be

    ready for the treatment. A high performance 16 bits MCV is

    used to process and store real-time signal from the accel-

    erometer as well as sensors.

    Figure 1. General Idea of the System

    A} Existing System

    In existing system most of the people associate black

    boxes with airplanes but they are no longer just the key tool

    in investigation of airplane accidents. Presently tracking

    system is introduced in vehicles to avoid the accidents and

    save peoples life. But these systems are still installed in

    some of the high-end vehicles only because these systems

    are too expensive for most of the vehicle riders. In our pro-

    ject we are introducing fall detection and alarm system

    which is expected to save peoples life by detecting the acci-

    dents occurred and provides help by tracing the location of

    the vehicle riders with the help of GPS technology. This

    provides the information of the vehicle rider if any accident

    is occurred to the family members and at the same time it

    can send a message to the hospital, also police station for the


    B} Design Challenges

    The challenge of the Project is to create a Black Box for

    vehicle which will used to find the exact location of vehicle.

    Consider the situation that a vehicle is met with an accident

    in the middle of highway and there is no immediate assis-

    tance from anybody nearby. If any injury is happened to the

    vehicle driver or passengers, there may be loss of lives due

    to delay in medical help. Keeping this idea in our mind, we

    are proposing a system where vehicle itself intimates the

    concern emergency service for immediate reaction in case

    of accident or any emergency situation.

    If the rider is safe and the system is misfired, later the

    rider may have to face various legal consequences like po-

    lice etc. So there is utter need of safety and also assurance

    that the system works 100% correctly. Thus the control of

    stopping the firing of alerting process is given to the rider

    itself. Under the case of normal minor accident, the rider

    itself can turn off the process of alarm, since the rider knows

    that he/she is safe. Whence the other way round when the

    rider has met with severe accident, the system waits 10 se-

    conds seeking rider to turn it off if the rider is safe, it will

    start the process of sending short message containing the

    location of the vehicle otherwise.

    C} Proposed Work

    The proposed work will work out by creating a black


    Vehicle Location detection system: This is another

    advantage of the system that we can track the vehicle loca-

    tion just by sending the mobile SMS to the vehicle. Owner

    vehicle is equipped with GPS device so it is possible to lo-

    cate the vehicle location on Google map is very easy. Here

    user will send Preformatted SMS to vehicle in response ve-

    hicle system will use GPS device and collect the current

    vehicle longitude and latitude and send back as a reply to

    the SMS. Now user get the vehicle location as SMS now he

    can use these details to track the vehicle on Google map

    using Google earth like software.

    Vehicle accident surveillance: In day to day life we are

    facing many problems and many times we are helpless and

    need someones assistance and which is not an accident analysis system based on an in-vehicle complaint EDR that

    allows the acquisition of multimedia content, considering the

    three main elements of traffic safety: vehicle, driver, and

  • International Journal of Innovatory Research in Engineering and Technology IJIRET

    Peer Reviewed Online International Journal Volume 1, Issue 2, June 2014 7

    road. Consider a situation we are going for long drive and

    suddenly we are caught in critical condition it may be acci-

    dent. If we are ok and can help ourselves then it is ok but

    what if we cant. Consider another condition if we found that our vehicle has been stolen we cant do anything as quick action. We are having so many technologies to overcome

    such problem and provide artificial intelligent based system

    to assist human in such a condition. Consider a vehicle had

    an accident the sensor will activated automatic and start its surveillance mode. If user is ok and can help himself then he

    will stop surveillance mode within given time period else

    system will consider user need assistance and start auto con-

    tacting with call center and specified person. Once the sys-

    tem started in assistance mode first of all system will gather

    the vehicle location using GPS device in the form of longi-

    tude and latitude. This information is sent to the subscribed

    numbers. Once the call center get the vehicle status it will

    search for nearest hospital, ambulance service and contact

    then to reach at accident location to help out the person.

    Figure 2. Real Time Working of the System

    System Architecture

    The process of working of this project is explained as

    follows. The total equipment of this project is placed inside a

    vehicle is not visible to others. Here we have MEMS accel-

    erometer which will sense the movements of the vehicle

    continuously. When an accident occurs to the vehicle the

    movement of the vehicle while the incident is occurring will

    be detected by the MEMS and this information is given to

    microcontroller. Here we use GPS module to track the loca-

    tion of the vehicle where the accident has occurred. GPS can

    get the graphical location of the vehicle. The location values

    are given to microcontroller. Controller gives this infor-

    mation to GSM module. By using GSM we can send the

    message to family members, emergency medical service and

    nearest hospital.

    It also serves as an excellent safety system against

    thefts. If a thief tries to forcefully open the door, the system

    sends message to the owner instantly as alerting signal, thus

    necessary actions can be carried out quickly. Also if the ve-

    hicle is already blown away by thief and you failed to stop

    him, a message sent as Info will get you back an acknowledgement message from the number installed in the

    system stating current GPS location. Thus the owner may

    further approach police for further actions and thus vehicle

    can be obtained back.

    A} Flowchart

    The Flow Chart of the system is shown in the figure 3.

    It shows the system is initialized on power ON. When the

    system is detected to be abnormal, its confirmed that the accident has occurred. The MEMS acceleration of the vehi-

    cle is detected to confirm the cause of the accident. As soon

    as the accident is detected the command is scanned first and

    it waits 10 seconds prior to initiate the process of tracing

    location and sending short message. If it is a minor accident

    then the rider itself can terminate the process. If it is a major

    accident, after 10 seconds the message is sent automatically

    to the authorized person, ambulance, and police after the

    location is detected by the GPS.

    Figure 3. Data Flow Diagram


    The proposed work has delivered very reliable results of

    accident identification, location and physiological parame-

  • International Journal of Innovatory Research in Engineering and Technology IJIRET

    Peer Reviewed Online International Journal Volume 1, Issue 2, June 2014 8

    ters monitoring and transmission. The entire works have to

    be integrated with the automobile to validate its functionality

    and reliability. Thus this work will reduce the accident death

    ratio in considerable amount even in rural roads. Then it has

    a great importance in day to day life of the people in the

    country like India. The complete integration with automo-

    bile, the accident identification module will be fastened with

    the standard Airbag ECU (Electronic Control Unit). This

    will optimize the proposed technology to the maximum ex-

    tent and deliver the best accident identification system. The

    collision detection algorithm for the ECU of single point

    sensing airbag system has enhanced accident detection sys-

    tem to release the airbag provision in the present vehicles.

    So, the present work will be fastened with this existing sys-

    tem to provide the enhanced and instant result. Thus this

    work will provide vital information about the accidents even

    in unpopulated area. So, the emergence care center could be

    able to serve to the victims with better efficiency and they

    could plan to have important first aid kits which have to be

    brought along with them to the accident spot. Also, theft

    vehicle can be traced with accuracy with the same system

    getting the GPS acknowledgement message instantly. Thus,

    this proves a full-proof as well as cheap security system

    which can be installed in any vehicle.


    Nahar Dhruv and Chetan Adhikary are thankful to IJIR

    Journal for the support to publish this research paper through

    Mother Teresa Publishers.


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    NAHAR DHRUV received his B.E.

    degree in Electronics and Communi-

    cation Engineering from the Karavali

    institute of Technology under VTU

    University, Mangalore, Karnataka, in

    2012, and currently doing his M.Tech

    degree in Electronics and Communi-

    cation Engineering from the AMC

    engineering college under VTU Uni-

    versity Bangalore, Karnataka.

    He may be reached at [email protected].

    CHETAN ADHIKARY received

    his B.E. degree in Electronics &

    Communication Engineering from

    the APS College of Engineering,

    Bangalore, Karnataka in 2007, the

    M.Tech degree in Electronics &

    Communication Engineering from

    the AMC college of Engineering,

    Bangalore, Karnataka in 2011. Cur-

    rently, he is an assistant Professor of

    Electronics and Communication Engineering at AMC Engi-

    neering College.

    He may be reached at [email protected].

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