Page 1: Igniter:  Venturing On The Frontiers

Principles for the Frontiers

Venture(People agreeing to do stuff to make something happen)

Create spaces for things to happen.

Make it simple and accessible.

Tend to connections and connecting.

Keep venturing.

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Realm of Relevance(the space the venture

operates in)

people, people,

everywhere...Founding Agreement(the DNA of the venture)

Magic Box(the venture: the space where stuff gets done.)




The process of defining spaces

(realm of relevance, magic

box, founding agreement) and

developing models of the

venture (relationship and


The process of connecting with others. Enquiries evolve the spaces and

asks help get things done.

The process of planning actions that get done.

Working within the Magic Box, there are no

distractions to make the most of what there is and

go get what is needed.

The greater the uncertainty the more important it is to have space for things to emerge in ways that could not otherwise have been planned. Some people call it 'luck'.

Creating the space means to focus the attention (framing) and introduce action in the direction you want to go. That action, as simple as a conversation, can be the spark for luck.

A space isn't any good if nobody knows it's there or if they can't get in. This means keep things simple and accessible.

For example, framing documents should be no more than a page each (simple) and have a mix of text and images or other ways of communicating (accessible). Oh, and use simple language.

If a venture is essentially a bundle of relationships, well it makes good sense to tend to those relationships and create new ones. They are also one of the best indicators for where there's opportunity and where things are going wonky.

Doing this with purpose and within simple and accessible spaces is the best way to animate any venture.

Head down? Heads-up! Venturing is a process so keep running the process.

Keeping things running is also about anticipating when things are going to run amok before it happens. That requires paying attention to changes in relationships and changes in trends. If you've got a tire with a tiny wobble, you don't need to panic every time you notice the wobble. If the wobble starts chattering your teeth it's time to get if fixed.

VENTURING ON THE FRONTIERS(the place where conventional approaches don't work : deep change and early stages)

Venturing(the process of creating or evolving a venture)

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