  • 1. Initial Ideas and Feedback Emily Monsey

2. Idea 1 To have all of the recipe cards based on low fat, vegetarian desserts, each in the shape of a dessert using the die-cut method as this would attract younger audiences and also families as it would be a fun way to look through a recipe and make the food this would work for our recipes as when we looked at our responses it was found that the majority of respondents were between the ages of 11-20. The colours would be bright and bold to attract people to the product, this would also fit in with the age range as many older people might prefer a traditional look with quite neutral colours. We could put all the ingredients with reasons of why this is particularly nutritional for them and why it is a good substitute for another more fattening ingredient. Possibly put the amount of calories it holds for people who may want to know this in order to make it. I would make the instructions very easy to read and follow as this would be aimed at mainly families and possibly people aged 11-20 who may find it much easier and quicker to make with simplistic text. The ingredients will be easy to find, with no food that may cause hassle or problems to get hold of. Image will be a key focus on this as the shape of the card will represent the food and there will also be a few images of the final look. This will be for people who have both been vegetarian for years and also for people that are completely new to it as this is for families, meaning the parents may have always been vegetarian and the children that may help to make will be new to being a vegetarian and the way things are cooked with this lifestyle. 3. Feedback 1 What do you like about the idea? I like the die-cut idea for the card as this would defiantly interest a younger audience and I think for a younger audience, having less text and making the recipe quicker to make is a good idea. I think the card has been explained really well and I can still picture it in my head without having a flat plan at the side to back it up. What areas of the idea could be developed? I think that some of the points should be explained in a little more depth. For example, you have mentioned about images and you could further explain it by mentioning how the images will be taken and how it will appeal to the audience and attract the age range you have chosen. What do you find interesting about the idea? Putting all the ingredients with reasons of why this is particularly nutritional for them and why it is a good substitute for another more fattening ingredient is quite an interesting idea and I think this would work really well. 4. Idea 2 This is aimed at just 11-30 year olds and consists of a simple design with embossed text of the name of the food. This highlights the name of the food they will be cooking and also gives the recipe card a more mature look, rather than my previous idea of having the whole page cut in to a shape. There will be colour, however we will use more pastel colouring in order to mature the look of the recipe card and make it look a little more elegant as this is aimed at a wide range of ages, therefore it has to attract a lot of different people and their tastes. The range of recipe cards for this collection is based on different cultures, meaning it will include for example, English, Chinese, Indian, Italian and many more. This gives the audience a very varied mix of foods to choose from. Each card will fit the theme of food and will have colours commonly linked with that culture used on the heading, with just a plain black or white background. We will also use a design to match, for example we could use the die-cut method to cut out very small shapes around the page that are linked with the culture. This will make it look a little different and will also draw attention to the card. These recipes will be based on winter meals, meaning they will be fairly large and would be suitable for large groups of people/parties and any other big occasions. This recipe card will be entirely unisex and wont stick to one gender with the design or colours used as this has to cover a large range of people due to the amount of ages being covered. They will be traditional recipes from each country/culture with the substitution of any meat or non- suitable foods for vegetarians. 5. Feedback 2 What do you like about the idea? I like how you have mentioned that the title will be embossed so it stands out more on the card and I think this idea would work really well for quite a wider age range. I think also having it made so that it can be for big occasions really broadens what you could do with the design of the card and how it will look and doesnt limit you. What areas of the idea could be developed? I think that when you explained it could be for big occasions like parties, maybe instead of having winter foods have more summery and light foods would be more suitable for a party as it wouldnt be as heavy and would be more like party food. What do you find interesting about the idea? I found having it a unisex card really interesting as it would work really well when someone is hosting a party as it could be any gender hosting it and then it wont be restricting who buys the cards and uses them. 6. Idea 3 This is based on the older generation as it will be suited for 50+, who are looking for vegetarian food, that doesnt necessarily take too much effort it still very interesting and different. The recipes for this idea are slightly more indulgent and include much more calories, these are suited for people that want meals and desserts that are filling and a little indulgent also. The design is very elegant and classy with an embossed heading using a bold font stating the name of the food they will be cooking to give it a really sophisticated look that shows the kind of age we are aiming at. The rest of the text will be in a very simple and easy to read font that appears very muted and simplistic for the readers. The heading will be in a slightly bolder colour that matches the colour of the food or some of the decoration in the image used to link it in and give it a professional look. The card will be very simple, with the bold heading and images being the main focus. The background will be white and very simplistic, in order to not take the focus off the image used. The image will be very large across the top of the page with the heading right underneath, the photography will be well presented, show detail and easy to see what the final product should look like. There will be a mix of Italian and traditional English for the food as these were both found very popular when conducting our survey. As the food is based on indulgent foods, this will be following the winter meal theme meaning they will be slightly heavier meals that would be eaten in the evening as they are based on main meals and desserts. The instructions will be easy to follow and understand as it is aimed at a 50+ audience so some people may not be able to do harder and more complex meal ideas. This will be aimed at people that have been vegetarian for a long time, meaning they are used to the style of the recipes and the ingredients that are used in them. 7. Feedback 3 What do you like about the idea? I like the idea that you have mentioned its for people who have been vegetarians for a long time and will be used to the style of ingredients used in the recipe as this is a good point made. I also like how you have so much detail and really explained your points well and backed it up with evidence by using our survey for example. What areas of the idea could be developed? I think that because your aiming at an older audience, maybe having some illustrations as well as using images would be quite useful because I think as well it would fit in with a more elegant theme to it. What do you find interesting about the idea? I really think that you have explained your point of using indulgent foods and it will be mainly winter meals and I also think that using easy to follow instructions will apply well with an older generation. 8. Idea 4 This will be a very formal and elegant recipe card and will show this in the way it is designed and also by the professional and well presented images we will use. This will be really summer based food that is extremely light and easy to eat. It will include things such as sorbet and horderves that will be used at big events such as parties and weddings as it is something small and easy to eat. The card background will be ivory/white with a die-cut design of a floral pattern on the corners of the page, the page will be a simple rectangle shape with the cut out design giving it a much more elegant and classic look. The theme of food will be a traditional English high tea theme and will all be in small sizes that could be passed around without the need of a sit down meal. It will be very light foods that link with the summer theme. The main heading will be vertical down the side of the page in a different font from the rest and will be put in a much larger size than the rest of the text used. The heading will be varnished in order for it to stand out slightly and will be in a silver or coral/pink pastel colour to show the theme it is aiming for. There will be three fairly small images used side-by-side, placed at the bottom of the page and not too bold as this recipe card will be very simplistic and elegant looking in order to fit in with the theme of weddings and big occasions. Colours will be muted, as the only colours used will be pastel in order to keep the theme sophisticated and not too harsh or bold as this would stray from the theme. This can be for anyone as they are mainly for big occasions, meaning a lot of people will be new to vegetarian foods. 9. Feedback 4 What do you like about the idea? I like the colour scheme idea and I love how the colours would be pastilles and very muted and this would work really well with the floral pattern. It all sounds aimed at a higher class audience and I think this idea has been well thought about with the design being used. What areas of the idea could be developed? For this card, it might be helpful if you used an age range or a rough estimate to show who you would be aiming it at. This kind of card would be aimed at 30-40 year olds. What do you find interesting about the idea? I find it interesting how you will have the floral pattern on the corners and I agree that this will make it look very elegant. 10. Idea 5 This is aimed completely at students with easy recipes and instructions that can be made quickly and easily for their busy lifestyle. The recipes will need to be very easy and the ingredients will need to include things that they can easily get hold of as they may not have the time to get things they will never use again. The recipes will need to be very cheap, which can be done easily by using simplistic recipes with a limited amount of ingredients. Bold colours will be used as this will be seen as more acceptable for this age range, they will be eye catching and bright with several small images spread around the page, some of which could be comical as this age range would appreciate this kind of humour on a recipe card. The bold colour and use of a different font for the heading will be the cards main focus as the use of embossing and varnishing seems slightly unnecessary for this age as it will be a card they need to look at very quickly to find an easy to make, cheap recipe. The shape of the card will be circular to make it stand out slightly from the rest, with the addition of the images being in a circle shape also this shape just makes it smaller and easy to store away. The theme of food will include a variety of different cultures and countries as this seems most appropriate to include a range of different foods that are quick and simple for students to make. The collection of recipe cards will each have a different colour that links with the colours of the food and other things in the image. The cards will all be attached through a string running through each of them at the top, however they are removable from the string- this keeps them together which can be useful for a student as they need to keep everything organized, this is a way of keeping them all together and away from potential damage. 11. Feedback 5 What do you like about the idea? I really like the idea of the cards being attached on piece of string running through them all and think this is a really good idea. I also like how the colours link to other things associated with that colour. What areas of the idea could be developed? Again, you have mentioned about how things wouldnt work because of the age range which is really good, but you havent given a specific age range all you have mentioned is that its for students. What do you find interesting about the idea? I find it interesting how you have mentioned how some things will work with this age range, but you have also mentioned how some things wouldnt work and I think this also helps explain why things would and wouldnt work. 12. Summary of Feedback What do you agree with from your feedback? I agree that on some of my ideas I havent given a specific age range for the recipe cards which means it would be harder to suit the card to the audience in a way that would only attract them people. I also agree that not specifying a gender for the card would be a good idea as this means it opens the range of audience up, meaning that its aimed for a larger range of people and interests. I also liked the idea of adding illustrations to the recipe card as this could work really well for a younger audience. What do you disagree with from your feedback? I slightly disagree with using illustrations for an older audience as this may seem a little childlike, however I do really like this idea for a younger audience as they would be attracted to the look of a cartoon looking image in comparison to professionally taken images of food. 13. Idea Evaluation Which idea that you came up with is your favourite and why? Which idea, that your team came up with, is your favourite and why? I would say that my favourite idea from my team would be idea 1. This is down to it being especially for children as it had been really well thought out as there was lots of examples and reasons of why certain things had been included in the design. It had been based around the concept of a parent helping their child cook a vegetarian meal, precautions were thought of as the recipe card will be laminated for example to avoid ruining the card with spills that often occur with children aged 10 and below. I liked the idea for the design also as this will be colourful, to attract a parent to buying this recipe card for their child, however it isnt too bold or bright which could cause it to look a little too busy and sometimes it can be seen as too much. To avoid this from happening there will be specific colours used within the colour scheme which makes it look a lot more professional as the colours will match the colours in the image of the food. There will also be little post-it style boxes around the card with small bits of text in them, I think this could work really well as you could write tips or health and safety reminders to make it more child friendly. 14. Developed Idea 1Recipe s Healthy Desserts I have selected the colours purple, red and blue as red and blue were very popular in the survey that we gave out. I picked purple as this is commonly used on childrens recipe cards from doing some research in to them, I also thought that these three colours together werent too harsh or too bright that could distract from the image or the actual recipe. I would like to use shapes such as the slice of cake or the cupcake for the card as these are very simple, yet recognizable as to what they actually are. They fit with the theme of desserts and the colours actually match the kind of colour scheme I had chosen. We could have these type of images as the background of the card but very faded so you can see a small outline under the text as this may have a really nice effect. Everything will be vegetarian in order to stick to the brief and we would ensure that it is all nutritious and healthy, but still looks very appetizing for the children that would be actually making them. We can think about replacing the usual sugars with natural sweeteners such as fruit, or using both fruit and a small amount of sugar to reduce the intake. I picked some fonts also that I feel would be suitable as these re very bold and clear, meaning they are easy to read but are also really interesting for the main heading as it needs to be a font that can easily grab attention from the audience. 15. Developed Idea 1 recipes Vegan lemon cake Summer pudding Rhubarb crumble These are the kind of foods we could potentially make as these are fairly healthy, they dont have too much sugar and we can also replace some of the sugar with alterative healthier options such as a low-fat sweetener. These are all dessert based which sticks to our initial idea and also sticks to what we had found in our survey as it was found that vegetarians preferred desserts to main meals. 16. Developed Idea 2 Die-cut method will be used on this idea as we would cut out shapes that symbolise the country of food they are eating, for example; a Chinese dragon could be cut out for a Chinese food recipe card. The shapes would be cut out very small around the edge of the page as this would add nice decoration and difference to the recipe card to make it stand out, yet it doesnt distract too much. Here I have picked out a few colours we may use as there would be many different colours and it would change to match the culture and the image of the food. 17. Developed Idea 2 recipes British Italian Chinese For this idea there will be eight different types of food, varying between main meals and desserts and they will all be traditional foods from different countries that can be easily recognised as being from each of the different cultures. Having a mix between desserts and main meals means that it includes a little for everything and also making foods that are completely different styles can attract a wider audience to the recipe cards. 18. Treatment Idea Treatment: Theme: For my idea I decided to design a collection of recipe cards that offer lots of different cultured foods from countries all over the world. I have planned to have the card fairly plain with the background in either black or white, with the images and die-cutting taking the main focus and also to assure that it doesnt look to busy or too in your face as this can put a lot of people off. This offers a wide range of foods as each card has a different style of food coming from a different country, this means that it can appeal to a really wide range of people instead of cutting some groups of people out. The food will be fairly healthy, and will be a mix of meals and desserts meaning it can appeal to a lot more people. I want to avoid a busy looking recipe card, and want it to look quite simplistic and very professional looking with high quality images, showing the food in full detail. The recipes will be traditional recipes from each country, with a vegetarian twist as some may have to be changed as necessary. Audience: The audience I am targeting for this idea are aged between 11-30. This includes a really wide range of ages and means I cannot single out a particular gender and cant make it too formal or informal, I am going to keep the text fairly simple in order to keep it easy to follow and non complicated as this is something a lot of people can worry about when getting a recipe card as many have too much text which can confuse. I am not targeting a specific gender with this idea, this means I will have to keep the colour scheme and design unisex in order to appeal both genders. I feel that this idea can appeal to a lot of people due to the amount of food that is on offer and also due to all of the different countries that the foods have come from as everyone has different tastes, likes and dislikes. Production Methods: The production methods I am going to be doing for this idea will be die-cutting as I am going to be cutting out a variety of different shapes around the edge of the card, that can be linked with the country the food is from. For example, I would use the die-cut method to cut a dragon shape in the card for Chinese food. Or a teapot shape for British food as this is something people commonly associate with the UK. The main heading naming the food will be embossed, as this helps to highlight the name of the food and tells the audience straight away what the recipe card is offering. After looking at feedback I have also decided to use recycled paper and to laminate the card as it would also be a good idea as this keeps them from damage in some cases. 19. Assessment of final ideas Suitable for audience? The recipe is suitable for the audience chosen because of it being different foods from different cultures it can be anything from simple to complex and this will suit everyone in the age range mentioned. I also think that it will suit the audience because of it being aimed at both genders and the design being aimed at both genders and not a particular gender which broadens the amount of people aimed at. Suitability for client? The cards are suitable for the client because the recipes are suitable for vegetarians and including different cultures and there vegetarian meals will be very interesting and creative for the client. They are using recycled paper and laminating the cards and this is exactly what the clients wants. Appeal of the design: The design sounds really interesting and by using the die-cut method it will add that extra detail and will draw attention to the card and I also like the idea of it being a plain white or black background because it wont look busy and will look sophisticated and this will entice the reader. Timescales for production: I think that the only thing in the production that will take a while to do will be the die-cutting as it will need the time and patience to do but overall I dont think the design is an issue and will be completed in time because its quite simplistic but sophisticated. I also think that embossing the title will take a while to do but it should be completed within the time limit. Cost of any specialist work (laminating, varnishing, die-cutting): I dont think that designing the card will be costly because there will be the use of computers in college but I do think that the cost of laminating the cards and the die-cutting will be expensive and this will bring the cost up of the cards. The photographs will be taken with own equipment so that wont add extra costs of having to hire equipment as it will be free. Practical to produce in large runs? As the designing is done on the computer, it will be easy to print off multiple times and this will be efficient to do but I also think that the laminating process and embossing the cards and also die-cutting them will be very hard to do and will take time and wont be as efficient to do in large runs. 20. Assessment of final ideas Available resources: The available resources we will have will be a camera to take the images with and any photography equipment that will be available and this will be my own equipment so there will be no hiring. There is the computers at college to do the designing on and then we have the college printers as well. We will have the workspace to do the cooking and the ingredients for the recipes that we make. We will have to think more carefully about where to get the laminating and the embossing and die-cutting equipment from. Quality factors: I think that the recipe cards will be a very high quality because they will be laminated and because they are going to be embossed and include high quality images it will appeal to all audiences and I think it will be something that the vegetarian society could publish further as it will be done on the computer. Legal and ethical issues: We will need to make sure that we dont breech of copyright when we are looking at recipes to make and make sure we get permission from the owner of them. We wont be using stock images but if we were then we would need to make sure that we get copyright permission from the owner. We would also need to make sure that no meat is used in any recipe and there is no traces of meat as this will defeat the object of making the recipes vegetarian. 21. Developed Idea 2 Die-cut method will be used on this idea as we would cut out shapes that symbolise the country of food they are eating, for example; a Chinese dragon could be cut out for a Chinese food recipe card. The shapes would be cut out very small around the edge of the page as this would add nice decoration and difference to the recipe card to make it stand out, yet it doesnt distract too much. Here I have picked out a few colours we may use as there would be many different colours and it would change to match the culture and the image of the food. 22. Developed Idea 2 recipes British Italian Chinese For this idea there will be eight different types of food, varying between main meals and desserts and they will all be traditional foods from different countries that can be easily recognised as being from each of the different cultures. Having a mix between desserts and main meals means that it includes a little for everything and also making foods that are completely different styles can attract a wider audience to the recipe cards. 23. Final Treatment Idea Treatment: Theme: For my idea I decided to design a collection of recipe cards that offer lots of different cultured foods from countries all over the world. I have planned to have the card fairly plain with the background in either black or white, with the images and die- cutting taking the main focus and also to assure that it doesnt look to busy or too in your face as this can put a lot of people off. This offers a wide range of foods as each card has a different style of food coming from a different country, this means that it can appeal to a really wide range of people instead of cutting some groups of people out. The food will be fairly healthy, and will be a mix of meals and desserts meaning it can appeal to a lot more people. I want to avoid a busy looking recipe card, and want it to look quite simplistic and very professional looking with high quality images, showing the food in full detail. The recipes will be traditional recipes from each country, with a vegetarian twist as some may have to be changed as necessary. Audience: The audience I am targeting for this idea are aged between 11-30. This includes a really wide range of ages and means I cannot single out a particular gender and cant make it too formal or informal, I am going to keep the text fairly simple in order to keep it easy to follow and non complicated as this is something a lot of people can worry about when getting a recipe card as many have too much text which can confuse. I am not targeting a specific gender with this idea, this means I will have to keep the colour scheme and design unisex in order to appeal both genders. I feel that this idea can appeal to a lot of people due to the amount of food that is on offer and also due to all of the different countries that the foods have come from as everyone has different tastes, likes and dislikes. Production Methods: The production methods I am going to be doing for this idea will be die-cutting as I am going to be cutting out a variety of different shapes around the edge of the card, that can be linked with the country the food is from. For example, I would use the die-cut method to cut a dragon shape in the card for Chinese food. Or a teapot shape for British food as this is something people commonly associate with the UK. The main heading naming the food will be embossed, as this helps to highlight the name of the food and tells the audience straight away what the recipe card is offering. After looking at feedback I have also decided to use recycled paper and to laminate the card as it would also be a good idea as this keeps them from damage in some cases. 24. Rationale for final idea We have chosen this idea as it includes a very wide range of people, meaning a lot more people would like the concept of it. It also offers a lot of different foods from around the world which means that the food can appeal to a lot of people as there is so much on offer for everyone and their different likes and dislikes. The style of the cards fit perfectly with the age range that we are aiming the cards at and the die cut will also make the cards stand out when the consumer sees them and I think this is a really nice design for the cards. The recipes wont be just aimed at one audience it can fit a range of people and a range of audiences and ages because there will be a recipe that suits everybodys taste and this will help us gain more consumers because it wont restrict who can buy the cards. The overall colour scheme for the cards is very vibrant and bright and this will easily attract the viewers attention as the cards will stand out easily and only having a few colours on the card wont make them too busy and will leave it appealing but simple. Having the colours match the culture of the foods is also a good idea because then it links the card together and doesnt make the card odd and out of place and gives certain elements a meaning.

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