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PS SensorsUSER Manual

IBEO Laserprodukte • Fahrenkrön 125 • D-22179 Hamburg

Tel.:+49 40 645 87-01 • Fax: +49 40 645 87-101

E-Mail: [email protected]



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© Copyright IBEO LASERTECHNIK 2000

The information contained in these directions for use is protected by copyright. Copyingor in any way reproducing the contents of these directions for use without the writtenconsent of IBEO LASERTECHNIK is expressly prohibited.

Illustrations and graphic work serve to provide better understanding with reference tooperating, maintenance or service. Series equipment may differ in details.

IBEO LASERTECHNIK reserves the right at any time to undertake modifications to theproducts described here which improve the operational reliability, the function and thedesign.

IBEO by no means guarantees that these directions for use are fault-free.

Any liability for direct or indirect loss or damage arising from the use of these directionsfor use is ruled out. IBEO does not accept any liability for direct or indirect loss or damagearising from the use of the sensor. This applies in particular outside the use named hereto other use of the products described which is not in accordance with the purposeintended.

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1 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................6

1.1 Copyright and Exclusion of Liability................................................................................7

1.2 What's Included...............................................................................................................7

1.3 Measurement Technique................................................................................................7

1.4 Typical applications.........................................................................................................8

1.5 User Programming..........................................................................................................9

1.6 Maintenance....................................................................................................................9

2 SAFETY........................................................................................................................10

2.1 Laser classification........................................................................................................10

2.2 Purpose of the instructions ...........................................................................................10

2.3 The warning symbols ....................................................................................................11

2.4 Warnings .......................................................................................................................12

2.5 Improper use.................................................................................................................12

2.6 The laser .......................................................................................................................13

2.7 Labeling.........................................................................................................................13

3 BECOMING FAMILIAR WITH THE PS SENSORS ....................................................14

3.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................14

3.2 Display and Keyboard...................................................................................................15

3.2.1 LC Display ..............................................................................................................15

3.2.2 Keyboard ................................................................................................................16

3.3 First Test.......................................................................................................................16

3.4 Power Supply ................................................................................................................16

3.5 Start-up of the sensor ...................................................................................................17

3.6 Manual Measurement ...................................................................................................17

3.7 Measurement Accuracy................................................................................................18

3.8 Statistical Accuracy.......................................................................................................18

3.9 Dataprocessing / Intervall average...............................................................................18

3.10 Data Output Rate ..........................................................................................................19

3.11 Measurement characteristic .........................................................................................20

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4 SETTINGS OF MEASUREMENT MODES..................................................................21

4.1 How to change sensor settings ....................................................................................21

4.2 PROG Menu..................................................................................................................22

4.3 Mode Selection..............................................................................................................23

4.3.1 Single Mode............................................................................................................24

4.3.2 Continuos Mode .....................................................................................................24

4.3.3 Sample Mode.........................................................................................................25

4.4 Timer / Quality Mode.....................................................................................................25

4.4.1 Timer Mode.............................................................................................................25

4.4.2 Quality Mode...........................................................................................................26

4.5 Surplus 25 % / 50 % /100 % / 200 %............................................................................26

4.6 TURBO ON / OFF.........................................................................................................26

4.7 Mode m / ft ....................................................................................................................26

4.8 Flow chart of Prog A.....................................................................................................27

5 Interf (Interface) Menu................................................................................................28

5.1 Interface on / off ............................................................................................................28

5.2 REMOTE ON/OFF........................................................................................................28

5.3 Selection of the baud rate .............................................................................................28

5.4 Selection of data bits and parity....................................................................................29

5.5 noECHO ON/OFF.........................................................................................................29

5.6 Output: ASCII / Binary...................................................................................................29

5.7 AUTOST ON/OFF.........................................................................................................29

5.8 Flow chart of Interface programming............................................................................30

6 INPUT Menu.................................................................................................................31

6.1 Sensor Offset (OFFs) ...................................................................................................32

6.2 UsrAV ............................................................................................................................33

6.3 Surpl. (Surplus Pulses )................................................................................................33

7 DATA OUTPUT FORMAT AND REMOTE CONTROL...............................................35

7.1 ASCII Format ................................................................................................................35

7.2 Binary Format................................................................................................................35

7.3 Remote Control.............................................................................................................36

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8 MOUNTING AND INSTALLATION..............................................................................38

8.1 Mounting........................................................................................................................38

8.1.1 Mechanical Adapter................................................................................................38

8.1.2 Yoke Mount.............................................................................................................39

9 REFLECTRORS...........................................................................................................40

9.1 Reflection foil.................................................................................................................40

9.2 Plastic reflectors ...........................................................................................................40

9.3 Prisms ...........................................................................................................................41

9.4 Lens reflector ................................................................................................................41

9.5 Combination of triple prism and reflection foil for long crane-tracks with wear out. ....42

10 AIMING AND AIMING DEVICES.................................................................................43

10.1 Telescope......................................................................................................................43

10.2 Red Laser Marker (RLM) ..............................................................................................44

10.3 High-Power Telescope..................................................................................................45

10.4 Alignment with no aiming aid ........................................................................................45

11 Connections for Power Supply and Interface .........................................................46

11.1 Power supply.................................................................................................................46

11.2 Interfacing......................................................................................................................47

11.2.1 Interface RS 232C..................................................................................................47

11.2.2 Interface RS 422 ....................................................................................................48

12 Procedure for tuning the FUEGO..............................................................................49

13 OPTIONS FOR THE PS SERIES ................................................................................50

14 ACCESSORIES............................................................................................................51

15 APPENDIX....................................................................................................................52

15.1 Outline drawing: PS-R, PS 50, PS 100 ........................................................................52

15.2 Outline drawing: PS 500 ...............................................................................................53

15.3 Outline drawing: PS FUEGO ........................................................................................54

16 TECHNICAL DATA......................................................................................................55

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IBEO sensors Series PS are a family of pulsed infrared laser range sensors for dynamicand static distance measurement designed and manufactured by IBEO:

PS R is designed for measuring only on retro-reflecting or plastic reflectors from 1.0m up to 500 m.

PS 50 is designed for the range of 1.0 m up to 50 m onto 18% reflectivity, a beamdivergence of 1 mrad

PS 100 for the range of 1.0 m up to 100 m and a beam divergence of 2.4 mrad (typ),both with 1 mm resolution.

PS 500 is designed for long range measurements (5m up to 500m onto white surfaces(90% reflectivity). Divergency is 1 mrad (typ.)

PS FUEGO is designed for measurements onto hot metals, refractory surfaces or liquidnon- oxidized metals. Technical data on request.

The range of all IBEO sensors increases greatly when using reflectors i.e. reflecting foil,plastic reflectors or corner cubes (prisms).

IBEO sensors except the PS R measure the reflection from virtually any surface includingcloth, stone, and metal. The reflection of short laser light pulses emitted by the internalsemiconductor laser diode is detected and the time of flight from sensor to the target andback is converted into a distance. The distance is a mean of a programmable amount ofthese single pulse measurements.

While many sensors are housed in plastic, IBEO sensors sturdy, aluminum investmentcasting ' provides excellent water and impact resistance. All IBEO sensors are precisioninstruments of solid construction, designed to withstand operation in rugged field andindustrial environments.

Its unique design allows IBEO sensor users flexibility in a vast field of industrialapplications. To facilitate measurements without reflectors, IBEO offers added versatilitywith its unique integrated RLM (red laser marker). This option is available on request.

Special measurement software delivers distance measurements in a synchronous mode,thus making IBEO sensors appropriate for velocity or acceleration measurementapplications.

Always read the complete manual before installation.

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1.1 Copyright and Exclusion of LiabilityIBEO owns the copyright to this instruction manual. Any duplication of this manual orparts of it is prohibited. IBEO in no way warrants this instruction manual to be free oferrors or to be suitable for any particular purpose. Any liability for direct and indirectdamage resulting from the use of this instruction manual is excluded. Furthermore IBEOdoes not accept any liability for direct or indirect damage resulting from the use of a PSsensor.

1.2 What's IncludedThe IBEO sensor comes with:

1 protective cap

1 lens cleaning cloth

2 laser warning labels

1 user manual

1.3 Measurement Technique

IBEO sensors use the time of flight principle - converting the time it takes for laser pulsesto reflect from a reflecting surface into measurement of distance. The method demandscalculations in the 10 -10 sec. range, and the sensor incorporates extremely advancedcalculation technology.

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1.4 Typical applicationsIBEO sensors perform with high speed and accuracy. They are easy in operation throughthe various control options (manual and remote control). In the following are just a fewstandard applications listed:

PS R (measuring on reflectors only)

• Positioning of cranes

• Automatic storage and retrieval systems

PS 10, PS 50 and PS 100

• Positioning cranes, robots ...

• Measurements of long distances

• Quick profile measurements (container stacks)

• Velocity measurements

• Level measurements in tanks, silos ...

PS 500

• Polar surveying in combination with an electronic theodolite

• Topographical profile measurements

• Open-cast mining


• Positioning hot slabs

• Level measurement of molten metal

• Width measurements of hot slabs

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1.5 User Programming

Prior to delivery the sensor is tested, calibrated and programmed with a default set-up ofparameters to meet common demands in the area of crane automation. This means thatthe sensor, in most cases, is ready to use as it is.

If special custom adaptation is needed, it is possible for the user to alter parameters,features and the dynamic properties of the sensor.

1.6 Maintenance

There is no special maintenance necessary, but please note the following:

Do not direct an IBEO sensor towards the sun

Protect IBEO sensors from direct, continuous sunlight

Prevent condensation by avoiding sudden temperature changes

Use the cloth supplied to clean the coated lenses

Do not expose an IBEO sensor to aggressive chemicals

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2.1 Laser classification

The IBEO sensors are Class 1 or Class 3a laser products according to the InternationalElectrotechnical Commission Standard EN 60825 (1994)

The accessible laser radiation for a Class 1 laser is harmless. Such laser devices (e.g.remote-control transmitters or CD players) may be operated by the general public.

The laser class IIIa can be dangerous if you look into the beam by the help of a magnifierlens.

The light source is a semiconductor pulse laser diode coupled to a multimode fibre. Whenused in accordance with this manual no special safety measures should be required.

For safety reasons the sensor should not be opened, serviced or altered in any waywithout authorization by IBEO.

2.2 Purpose of the instructions

These instructions for use have been written for all users of the IBEO sensor whoconfigure the unit, take it into operation and use it.


Please read these instructions for the IBEO sensor carefullybefore taking it into operation in order to guarantee properand safe handling.

The instructions contain information on mounting, installation, commissioning, operation,performance and limits of the unit. Basic knowledge in handling electronic and laser-based technology is presumed.

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2.3 The warning symbols

The following safety symbols and signals mark points in the text where are warningsabout danger and sources of danger. Please familiarize yourself with these expressions.


This is a warning about imminent danger. If it is not avoided,it results in

death or fatal injury.


Marks a dangerous situation. If it is not avoided it can resultin slight or

minor injury.


Refers to a possibly damaging situation. If it is notavoided, the product

or parts in the direct proximity of the unit could bedamaged.


Refers to hints on simple and efficient operation andother particularly

useful information. It is not a signal of danger or ahazardous situation.

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2.4 Warnings


Danger of explosion. Do not operate the unit in areas with a risk of explosion.


Danger of electronic accidents and faults in the unit. Do not place any containerscontaining liquid on the unit. Liquid can be spilled and penetrate the unit. Danger ofelectronic accidents and faults in the unit. Do not operate the unit when it has becomedamp due to condensation or spilling of liquid. Danger of electronic accidents. Do notopen housing. All maintenance and repair work is to be carried out by authorized servicestaff.


Danger of eye hazards. Do not look into the laser beam (transmitting lens) with opticalinstruments. The unit is a laser of class 1 or class 3a and emits invisible laser light.


If the unit does not operate according to or deviates from the function described here,please switch off immediately and inform authorized service personal. The unit shouldnot be exposed to temperatures below -20 °C or above +70 °C storage. Do not exposethe unit to any aggressive chemicals. Do not expose the unit to direct sunlight. Do notdirect the unit at the sun. Do not expose the unit to any high fluctuations in temperatureas otherwise, condensation could form. Switch unit off before cleaning. Do not immersethe unit into liquids.

2.5 Improper use

- Using the PS sensor without having read the instructions or operatingdirections

- Use beyond the limits defined without suitable protection measures

- Conversion of the instrument without the approval of IBEO

- Direct measuring or aiming to the sun

- Removal of warning labels

° Danger!

PS sensors may not be used in areas susceptible to

explosions without additional protective measures.

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2.6 The laser

The laser is a coherent source of light and differs from normal light as follows:

the light has a very narrow spectrum of color, i.e. it contains only one color

the light is highly concentrated and has only low diffusion over great distances.

There are various types of laser, the main ones being:

° the so-called continuous-wave laser

° and the pulsed laser

depending on the method of operation and the source of the laser, and

° lasers with visible light

° and with invisible light

depending on the wavelength used.

Visible light has a wavelength of 400 nm to 750 nm; lasers with a wavelength of above orbelow this range are ones with invisible light. The laser used in the PS RSeriesis a pulsedlaser and works on a wavelength of about 880 ± 30 nm (typ.); it is thus in the invisibleinfrared range.

2.7 Labeling

The following self-adhesive stickers (supplied together with the sensor) should be installedon or near the sensor, so they can be clearly seen:

1. General Laser Beam Symbol

2. Identification label for laser class.

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3.1 Overview

parts and operational elements of the PS sensors:

The sensor has two mounting bars facing downwards, with two M5 threading holeseach

1 Telescope

2 ON/OFF switch

3 Keyboard

4 Battery pack (optional)

5 Display

9 Product ID label

10 Battery support, front (optional)

Mounting holes, 4 x MS

11 Connector

12 Battery support, rear(optional)

14 Receiver lens

15 Transmitter lens

16 Telescope filter

17 Mounting bars

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3.2 Display and Keyboard

3.2.1 LC Display

The sensor, as well as change parameters and programmable set-up functions can all beoperated via the display and keyboard. The actual measured distance is always displayedwhen active. The dot matrix LCD shows two lines, each with 16 digits, and has a wide viewingangle. It can be illuminated if the user changes the set-up.

Display during measurement:

Cursor proportional to received echo strength( left - low, right - high )

Stop via <S> possible


Timer-mode(also possible: Q (Quality))

Measurement-mode 1-4 , U= user

Measurement stoppedStart next measurement: <M>Leave measurement: <S>

Further messages:

Echo high (Echo too high, attenuator is leveling)

Echo low (Echo too low, attenuator is opened; signal strength is poor

No Echo (Echo too low for measurement, no target noticed by the unit)

In the upper line, XXXXX.XXX temporarily appears where the exact measurement will beindicated. The detected echo amplitude is indicated continuously in the lower line. The far leftcursor indicates a too small amplitude; the far right cursor indicates a too large amplitude. Theamplitude will be accepted when the cursor appears in one of the center five positions.

When taking measurements in a fluctuating atmosphere, the cursor will indicate varying ampli-tudes as the echo amplitude changes accordingly.

IBEO sensor aborts too high or low echo amplitudes, which may lead to a longer measuringtime (depending on the fluctuation). If, due to severe fluctuations, no measurement is possible.IBEO sensor must be reprogrammed to a lower accuracy. In this case, fewer validmeasurements are necessary for a measurement cycle. An “ECHO FREE programming mayhelp, too.

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3.2.2 Keyboard

The keyboard is a membrane type and a small click is felt when a key is properlyactivated. Some of the keys have double functions.

3.3 First Test

The sensor is ready to use directly after unpacking. It is advised to conduct anoperational check as soon as possible.

Before making any program changes in the functional set-up, please read the completemanual.

3.4 Power Supply

Depending on the type of IBEO sensor the power supply has to be set at:

6 Volt Version


Peak current for power up:

10A< 200usec

12 Volt Version


Peak current for power up:

10A< 200usec

24 Volt Version

+24 (±25%) VDC, 6 Watt

Peak current for power up:

10 A :≤ 200usec

Please refer to the label on the bottom. Connect the cable to the sensor and thepower supply (when the cable has double leads for the power, use both in parallelto avoid voltage drop in the cable), switch on the power supply and then thesensor unit.

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3.5 Start-up of the sensor

When power is supplied to the IBEO sensor, the following will temporarily (<1 sec.) appear:

Remark: Date and revision displayed in your sensor may differ from contents shown in thisexample.

3.6 Manual Measurement

To start measuring, press M on the keyboard.

The PS R sensor needs a reflector to function. If there is no reflecting target there will be "NoEcho" and the display will show:

Aim the sensor towards the reflector and the actual distance will automatically be displayed.The cursor is also active on the second row of the display.

By pressing ESC once the last reading will be frozen on the display.

Pressing M will continue measurement.

Pressing ESC again will bring you back to the Main Menu.

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3.7 Measurement Accuracy

The sensor transmits about 1380 laser-pulses per sec. These pulses are reflected back to thesensor, and the distance to the target is calculated. This calculation is made by means of anaveraging over a number of single-pulse measurements. The absolute measurementaccuracy is a function of how many pulses are used for this averaging.

3.8 Statistical Accuracy

The output value is an averaged measurement calculated over a large number of singlepulses. The accuracy of this value is statistically confident to a certain degree. This confidenceis expressed as σ (sigma) value: in the table 3.7.3

1σ means that 68% of all the internal single measurements are within the stated value.

3.9 Dataprocessing / Intervall average

Theory of Average

The average, or mean, of a set of numbers is the sum of all the numbers in the set divided bythe total number of elements of the set. Taking as an example the set 50, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80,80, 85, 92, the mean is 73 (657 divided by 9). The average should more precisely be calledthe arithmetic average to distinguish it from other, more specialized types of average, such asgeometric, harmonic, and weighted average.

The sensor executes with a high frequency single measurements. These singlemeasurements are summed up in selectable packages. The selection is either done by Mode1 -4 or may be selected in 22 steps as User Average in the Input menu. Thereby the singlemeasurements are added up and the sum is divided by the amount of the measurements. Thedata will be transmitted when the pre-selected amount of single measurements, which isprocured for the averaging, is reached. After the result has been given out, a new package willbegin.

This data processing is recommended at profile measurements or normal distancemeasurements. Also at speed measurements, at which a external computer uses the TimerMode to divide the difference of two measurements is through the constant time between twooutput, is the Interval Average the right set-up.

Consequences of Mode 1-4 or UsrAV

The selection of a high mode (for example Mode 4) or entry of a small number of singlemeasurements in “User Average” results in a high data output rate, which is joined by largevariations in the data.

The selection of a large values results in a very stable data, which is given out with slowoutput rate.

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3.10 Data Output RatePS-R, PS 10, PS 50, PS 100, PS FUEGO

Standard measurement times (in ms), corresponding frequency (in Hz), and necessary minimum baud ratesin "CONT " (continuous mode).


stat. error Quality-mode 25% 50% 100% 200%

PS-R, PS 50, PS 100, PS FUEGOMode 4 *) 11.6ms 14.5ms 17.5ms 23.3ms 34.8ms20mm (40mm) 86.2Hz 69Hz 57.5Hz 43Hz 28.7HzAV=16 19200bd 9600bd 9600bd 9600bd 4800bd

Mode3 *) 46.4ms 58ms 70ms 93ms 140ms10mm (20mm) 21.5Hz 17.2Hz 14.3Hz 10.75Hz 7.1 HzAV=64 4800bd 2400bd 2400bd 2400bd 1200bd

Mode 2 *) 185.5ms 232ms 279ms 371ms 557ms5mm (10mm) 5.4Hz 4.3Hz 3.6Hz 2.7Hz 1.8HzAV = 256 1200bd 600bd 600bd 600bd 300bd

Mode l *) 742ms 928ms 1113ms 1484ms 2226ms3mm (5mm) 1.35Hz 1.1Hz 0.9Hz 0.67Hz 0.45HzAV=1024 300bd 300bd 300bd 300bd 75bd

( ) = PS 100

PS 500Mode 4 *) 20ms 25ms 30ms 40ms 60ms80mm 50Hz 40Hz 33.3HZ 25Hz 16.6HzAV=16 9600bd 9600bd 4800bd 4800bd 2400bd

Mode 3 *) 80ms 100ms 120ms 160ms 240ms40mm 12.5Hz 10Hz 8.3Hz 6.25Hz 4.16HzAV=64 2400bd 2400bd 1200bd 1200bd 600bd

Mode 2 *) 320ms 400ms 480ms 640ms 960ms20mm 3.125Hz 2.5Hz 2.08hz 1.56Hz 1.04HzAV = 256 600bd 600bd 600bd 300bd 300bd

Mode 1 *) 1280ms 1600ms 1920ms 2560ms 3840ms10mm 0.78Hz 0.625Hz 0.52Hz 0.39Hz 0.26HzAV=1024 300bd 300bd 75bd 75bd 75bd

*) refer chapter “Mode settings”

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3.11 Measurement characteristicIBEO sensor always measures exactly to the beams centre; thus the result remainscorrect for all angles of incidence to the target. Large angles, however, reduce the range.

A: sensor

B. Beam ( centre of laser beam, determined by the lens diameter )

C: Field of view ( diverted measurement beam )

d: Distance ( measured distance between reference point and target

E: Laser beam on target

F: Measured mean distance to target

G: Laser beam deflected by mirror or mirror-acting (glossy) surface

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4.1 How to change sensor settings

The IBEO sensor has a parameter set-up programmed prior to delivery. All parametersettings can be changed and stored permanently in the sensor by the user.

When starting the sensor the Main Menu will appear.

Instead of activating distance measurement it is now possible to enter three different set-up menus:

PROG by pressing A programming of certain functions and parameters

INPUT by pressing B setting of certain values

INTERF by pressing F1 configuring of data interface

The reading displayed is changed with DEL and entered with ENT. . ESC exits to theMain Menu.



Call "PROG" with A. Change with A or go on with B.

"PROG" can always be exited with ESC, changes are not permanently stored then. Tostore the information permanently step up by pressing B until you reach "STOREPERMANENT?", then press M. Data is saved in a non-volatile memory even when IBEOsensor is turned off.

The stored parameters are set as default when you power up the unit the next time.

For an overview please refer to chapter below.

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4.2 PROG Menu

To enter this menu, press A.

In this menu the following functions and parameters can be selected (factory set valuesunderlined):

Parameter Selection Remarks

Illumination of LCD On/OffSelection of accuracy Mode 1 - 4, Mode user Amount of AveragingMode Cont. / Sample / SingleMode Timer / Quality Timer or Echo contr.Surp 25% 25/50/100/200 % / User Time frameMode m/ft Distance unitTurbo On/Off Sensitivity selection

To store the information permanently, select "STORE PERMANENT?" by pressing B(maybe several times), then press M. Data is saved in a non-volatile memory even whenIBEO sensor is turned off. The stored parameters are set as default when you power upthe unit the next time.

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4.3 Mode SelectionMode 1, 2, 3, 4 indicates the statistical accuracy; therefore , the number of pulses per -measurement. The accuracy is increased as the number of pulses is increased. Theamount of pulses is multiplied by four to double the accuracy. Consequently, while themeasurement time is longer, the statistical margin for error is smaller.

In the set-up Mode User the amount of single measurement could be defined as anumerical value.

Mode vs. sensor model vs. statistical accuracy (1 Sigma) ( typically )

Mode 1 Mode 2 Mode 3 Mode 4

PSR 3 mm 5 mm 10 mm 20mm

PS 100 5 mm 10 mm 20mm 40 mm

PS 500 10 mm 20 mm 40 mm 80 mm

PS FUEGO 5 mm 10 mm 20mm 40 mm

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4.3.1 Single ModeThe sensor executes a single measurement on demand through the interface-command'M' or by pushing the key ,<M> and transmits the result by the interface ( if enabled ).

Simultaneous the result will be given out on the LC display. Subsequent measurementshave to be triggered the same way. After finishing one measurement the display shows aflashing "waiting" on the left side of the second row of the LC display, indicating'measurement is ready and stopped, waiting for the next trigger'. The response time forthe measurement result is approx. 1,5 seconds. This is caused by a start-up time forstabilization. The Single Mode is recommended, if in large intervals a result is needed orthe instrument is supplied by batteries.

4.3.2 Continuos ModeThe sensor starts measurements continuously on demand through the interface-command ,'M' or by pushing the key ,<M>. The result is given out continuously over theinterface ( if enabled ) and on the LC display. The first measurement will be output with adelay of approx. 1.5 seconds, due to a start-up time for stabilization, after approx. 1.5second the next measurements then follows according to the table 3.10.

The measurements can be stopped either through the interface-command ,'S' or bypushing the key ,<S>. When receiving the "S"-command via the interface the sensorsreturns to the main menu. When stopped by pressing the <S> key the LC display showson the left side of the second row a flashing "waiting", indicating 'measurement isstopped, waiting for next trigger'. Care should be taken that the PC/PLC connected isable to handle the data output, especially when no hardware handshake is used. If thedata rate is too high for the PC/PLC, then data output could be reduced by changing themeasurement mode to one with an increased averaging or by reducing the baud rate atthe sensor.

In chart 3.10 , which indicates the relation between accuracy and data output, theminimum baud rate is indicated. If the minimum baud rate can not be programmed in theconnected PC/PLC, then the maximum possible data output rate can not be reached. ThePS sensor operates with two registers for the data output. One register is used for theactual output, one for the next value, filled periodically updated in the background. Theoutput of the data could be stopped by hardware handshake anywhere within thetransmission of one data string, e.g. after the third byte through a low - signal at the CTS -input. If the CTS - signal rises to high - level, the remaining 8 byte are given out. In themean time the second register will be permanently updated with new measurement data.

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4.3.3 Sample Mode

The sensor starts to measure continuously on demand through the command ,'M' by theinterface or by pushing the key <M>.. After the first measurement cycle the result isoutput via interface and displayed on the LC display. This is similar to the single mode.But in sample mode the measurement continues in background! The internal buffers arecontinuously updated with new results. This is indicated on the display by flashing"measure" on the left side of the second row.

The next measurement results can be requested by the command ,'M' via interface or bypushing the ,<M> key. The first measurement will be output after a delay of approx. 1,5seconds, due to a start-up time for stabilization. Subsequent data could be requestedinstantly by "M" (interface or key).

Measurement can be stopped through the interface command ,'S' or by pushing the key<S>.

The Sample Mode is recommended for the binary output format, if the sensor isconnected to a PLC. The sample mode is applicable, if the PLC is too slow to pick updata in continues mode or if asynchronous requests with instant replies are demanded.Depending on the operating mode it may happen that the same data is transferred onseveral successive requests. This will happen if the frequency of requests is higher thanthe internal update rate of the output results. If a new measurement is still in progressthen the last data output is repeated.

4.4 Timer / Quality Mode

Each measurement needs a certain amount of appropriately sized echo amplitudes. IBEOsensor selects only the usable echoes.

Fluctuations in reflectivity or atmospheric transmission may produce different echoamplitudes. To bypass this problem, the echo attenuation control attempts to keep theecho constant; this leveling may lead to incomplete or delayed measurements. In thiscase "NO ECHO" would be displayed.

4.4.1 Timer ModeWhen measuring in "TIMER"-mode the measurements are forced in a constant timeframe. In case of too many bad echoes in a time frame the output will show a ,,NOECHO" message. To avoid this and increase the chances for a successful measurement,a selectable amount of surplus pulses can be added to the number of required echoesinto the time frame. This is called "SURP" (surplus) and is indicated as a percentage ofthe required number of echoes. The time frame is stretched by additional surplus pulses.

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4.4.2 Quality ModeIn "QUALITY" mode, IBEO sensor collects usable echoes until the required number issampled. If the counter of No Echo pulses reaches the by Surpl. 25% - 200% or by Surpl.User given number then, "noECHO" is displayed. When reflectivity changes are minimal,this mode brings up the highest measurement rate.

4.5 Surplus 25 % / 50 % /100 % / 200 %

Selection of surplus pulses for time frame in percentage. IBEO recommends 100% ofsurplus for standard measurement applications.


Measurements can be disturbed when measuring with reflectors through obstructingobjects such as bushes and trees. With "TURBO OFF" the maximum range is reduced byapproximately a factor of four. For long range measurements on reflectors with noobstructing objects or onto natural targets use "TURBO ON".

4.7 Mode m / ftChange of unit. 1 m = 3937/1200 ft

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4.8 Flow chart of Prog A

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5 Interf (Interface) Menu

To enter this menu, press F1.

IBEO sensors are equipped with a configurable RS232 C or RS 422 with RS 232 protocolinterface. The following definitions and parameters can be programmed (factory setvalues underlined):

Parameter Selection Remarks

Interf ON/OFF Indicates if data output via Interface is onor off.

Remote Control ON/OFF Indicates if data input via Interface is on oroff (ON means IBEO sensor is con-trollable via the interface or not.

Baudrate 600/1200/2400/ 4800/9600/19200/38400 Bd

Baud rate 9600 or higher isrecommended.

8 bit PN/7 bit PE/7 bit PO/ 7 bitByte format and parityPN

NoECHO ON/OFF "noECHO ON": NO ECHO is sent insteadof value if data is of bad quality or ismissing. "noECHO OFF": nothing is sent ifdata is of bad quality or is missing

Output mode ASCII / Binary Output format. Normally ASCII

AUTOST ON/OFF Indicates if IBEO sensor starts measuringautomatically when switched on.

5.1 Interface on / off

Indicates if data transfer by the interface is on or off.

The normal set-up is interface on. If the interface is switched off then the output of themeasurement results is only onto the LC display. This function is used e.g. at the startingup phase and for the development software.


Indicates if IBEO sensor is controllable via interface or not.

If the Remote is set to ON then many functions of the sensors could be remote controlledvia the serial interface. When set to OFF the measurement results are exclusively outputvia the serial interface, while the reception of commands is switched off. This function isrecommended in conjunction with the ,,Autostart" - function, if there are disturbances onthe data cables in an electrically contaminated environment.

5.3 Selection of the baud ratePossible settings:

600/1200/2400/ 4800/9600/19200/38400 Baud

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5.4 Selection of data bits and parityPossible Settings:

8 bit PN2 / 7 bit PE2 / 7 bit P02 / 7 bit PN2 / 8 bit PN1


Indicates if ,,No Echo" is displayed via the interface while the messages »No Echo",,,Echo low" or ,,Echo high" appear on the LC display.

5.6 Output: ASCII / BinaryIndicates, if the output is 11 Byte ASCII or 4 Byte Binary

5.7 AUTOST ON/OFFIndicates if IBEO sensor starts measuring automatically when switched on.

To store the information permanently, select "STORE PERMANENT", then press M. Dataare saved even when IBEO sensor is turned off.

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5.8 Flow chart of Interface programming

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6 INPUT Menu

To enter this menu, press B.

The instrument will only accept numerical inputs when the flashing cursor appears.

In this menu the value for different parameters can be altered (the values listed arefactory set):

Parameter Selection Remarks

Distance Offset 0 mm Factory set default value

UsrAV 4 - 4096 Only in Mode User available:

Numbers of single measurement foraveraging

Only in Mode User available:

Timer Mode: Surplus pulses fortimeframe Quality Mode: Number of No

Surpl. 1 -10.000

Echo's pulses before No Echomessage.

Data entry always follows the same procedure:

value is displayed if available

value will remain as it is

in case of a faulty input, erase using DEL and enter desired value

new value is entered

To store the information permanently, select "STORE PERMANENT", then press M. Data aresaved even when the IBEO sensor is turned off.

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6.1 Sensor Offset (OFFs)

All IBEO sensors have a default factory set offset = 0.

There can be entered a value in the unit [mm] in the range - 9,999 to + 9,999 directly by the key-board. The entered value is added to the measurement result. The overall result is given out bythe serial interface and by the LC display.

The offset value can be entered for the calibration and/or correction of the measurement result.

Also at a displaced installation the reference point could be corrected.

The appropriate offset must be entered according to your complete measurement system.

Remark: If by entry of a negative offsets the reference point is put before the sensor and theposition of the measurement target is below the reference point, a negative output results.

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6.2 UsrAVIf in the PROG A menu the Mode USER is selected there can be a numerical valueentered a for the number of single measurements taken into account for a averaging. Theinput range is, depending on the sensor model, 4 to 4096.

Formula for data output rate or output timing while manual input of UsrAV:

Quality Mode:

Output frequency = PRF / UsrAV; Output time = 1 / ( PRF / UsrAV)

Timer Mode

Output frequency = PRF / ( UsrAV + X); Output time = 1 / ( PRF / (UsrAV + X))

X = Percentage of quantity of single measurement for averaging in Mode 1 ;2;3;4

or UsrAV)

For example: Mode 4 (AV) =16 and Surpl. 25% => X = 16 + 4 => 20

or if Suplus is manual selected then X = Surplus

PRF = Pulse repetition frequency ( Emitted laser pulses per second )

( PS-R, PS50, PS100 = 1380 Hz, PS 500 = 800 Hz)

6.3 Surpl. (Surplus Pulses )The input range is 0 - 10000 .

Timer Mode

If in the PROG A menu the mode SURPL. USER is selected, then a value for the amountof surplus pulses for the timeframe in the Timer Mode may be entered.

Quality Mode

Number of No Echo's pulses are allowed before No Echo message.

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If Mode USER is selected

If Mode 1 - 4 is selected

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Data output requires an enabled interface by "Interf ON" to be set in Interf-menu.

7.1 ASCII Format

All output data are in ASCII-code format. After each completed measurement thedistance is transferred in a constant format of 11 ASCII-characters with no suppressionof leading zeros:


DDDDD integer part Meters

• decimal point

DDD mm Millimeters[CR] carriage return [OD HEX]

[LF] line feed [OA HEX]

If measurement has failed, the following string is sent:


HEX code for space = 20

7.2 Binary FormatThe binary output is carried by 4 Bytes binary in the format IEE 754 dated 1985. This

is the internal format of the INTEL 8087 numerical co-processor.

The LSB ( Least Significant Byte ) will be transmitted out first.

The ,No Echo" will be given out as 0000.

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7.3 Remote Control

Commands for changing IBEO sensors measurement modes via the interface:

Command HEX Char. RemarksStart 4D M Start measurement

Stop 53 S Stop measurement

SINGLE (62) b Single measurement

CONT (63) c Continuous measurement

ECHO LIMIT (64) d Echo amplitude is limited

ECHO FREE (65) e Echo amplitude is not limited

Mode 4 (66) f 1 sigma statistical error / minimumaverageMode 3 (67) g 1 sigma statistical error

Mode 2 (68) h 1 sigma statistical error

Mode 1 (69) i 1 sigma statistical error / maximumaverageQUALITY (6A) j No time frame for measurements

TIMER (6B) k Constant time frame

SURP 25% (6C) l Surplus pulses in TIMER-mode

SURP 50% (6D) m Surplus pulses in TIMER-mode

SURP 100% (6E) n Surplus pulses in TIMER-mode

SURP 200% (6F) 0 Surplus pulses in TIMER-mode


r Activates sample mode

User Mode u Activates user mode

If the optional RLM (red laser marker) is integrated

Marker on (50) P Marker onMarker off (4F) 0 Marker off

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When measuring continuously, M restarts the measurement. The actual measurement ordata output is interrupted and started again. S is used for aborting the measurement only.

If the IBEO sensor receives an ASCII-character not currently defined as a valid commandthe display shows an error message, the HEX-value (HH) and the ASCII-representation(x) of the unknown command received for approximatly 2 seconds:

If IBEO sensor could not read the incoming data, the display will show:

HH as hexadecimal bit combination representing the UART-Status(only for developers).

In the second row mnemonics are displayed to specify the error for the user:

PAR: parity fault

FRM: framing error, e.g. stop bit not found

OVR: interface receiver overrun, too many command bytes or too fast





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8.1 Mounting

A proper installation of sensor and reflector is essential for a working system. Four metricM3 thread holes are used for attaching IBEO sensor to the desired mounting SupportBars

There are two support bars on the lower surface of the sensor. Each of these has two M5holes for mounting. The sensor has to be mounted in such a way that a fine tuning of thebeam angle is possible. This is especially important when larger distances are going tobe measured.

8.1.1 Mechanical Adapter

Adjustable adapter for top side fixing (a) Adjustable in horizontal and vertical direction

Adjustable adapter for bottom fixing (b) Adjustable in horizontal and vertical direction



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8.1.2 Yoke Mount

The yoke mount can be used with a turntable/tribrach on a tripod, with the battery packfor the 6V version attached at IBEO sensors underside.

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Most types of reflectors are suitable for the PS sensors

9.1 Reflection foil Reflection foil is self adhesive and is appropriate for distances up to 300 m. It has alarge angle acceptance range.

9.2 Plastic reflectors Plastic reflectors are appropriate for distances up to 500 m. Since they lack a back metalreflection layer, the useful acceptance angle is minimal.

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9.3 PrismsPrisms are more distinct and powerful than plastic reflectors and should in some cases beconsidered especially for outdoor applications. When choosing and dimensioning thereflector for your application, the beam divergency as well as any possible tilting due toany flexing in the supporting structure during operation has to be considered. It isimportant that enough energy is always reflected to the sensor. Therefore it isrecommended, especially for longer distances, that the complete beam always hits thereflecting surface.

9.4 Lens reflectorLens reflectors are appropriate for distances up to 300 m.

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9.5 Combination of triple prism and reflection foil for long crane-tracks withwear out.The combination gives a large area by the foil and a high reflectivity by the prism.

Sideview Frontview


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10.1 Telescope

All IBEO sensors can be equipped with an integrated telescope 8 x 22 which hasa cross-hair reticule and is adjusted parallel to the measuring beam. The cross-hair can be focused at the eye-piece. The parallax between scope and measuringbeam is 36 mm. The end glass is a laser protection filter. The telescope is focusedfor a range of 5 meters and upwards. Be aware of the separation of the telescopeoptical axis and measurement beam.

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10.2 Red Laser Marker (RLM)

For measurements without reflectors a target marker is recommended since the targetpoint is not always visible through the integrated scope. For this purpose, most IBEOsensors can be equipped with a RLM (red laser marker, HeNe-laser) in the place of thescope.

The laser marker is aligned by 26mm parallel to the infrared measurement laser beam.

The RLM produces an rectangular red beam with a beamsize of 1 x 4.5 mm. Thedivergence of the RLM is 0,3 / 0,6 mrad. The wavelength is 670 nm and output power of< 1,2 mW. The laser-class is 3 A.

In sunlight, the RLM can be seen at about 10m; otherwise, this distance increases toabout 20 m. In tunnels with dimmed illumination the working range increases to 30 m.

RLM is activated with :

F 4 to point

F 5 to switch on

F 6 to switch off

Remark: The display is flashing "Ptr F4"

RLM can be remote controlled via the interface. ( refer 4.8 )

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10.3 High-Power TelescopeA high-power 25 x 30 telescope, focusing up to 2 m by a rotary knob (1) is adaptable tothe IBEO sensors. This is recommended when these IBEO sensors contain RLM insteadof an internal telescope. Due to the telescope's high power, it is equipped with a diopter(2). The crosshair can be focused at the eye-piece (3).

10.4 Alignment with no aiming aid

1. Move a target (i.e. a long stick) across the beam. The distance reading will indicate whenIBEO sensor starts and stops measuring to this target. Do this in x and y.

2. Take an IR-viewer and point IBEO sensor to a reflection foil. Program IBEO sensor forcontinuous measurement. The IR-laser spot is visible through most IR-scopes. The IR-scope should be sensitive at 905 nm.

3. By the means of the IBEO Laserdetector (Order No.:1949-000-000-A) you could find theposition where the infrared Laser beam is. As soon as the laser hits the sensitive area theLaserdetector will give an indication by a beep and a LED.

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11 Connections for Power Supply and Interface

The DB9 connector on the lower surface of the sensor is used for power supply and forthe RS 232 or RS 422 data communication. Be sure to consider parameters liketransmission distances and voltage drop.

11.1 Power supply

DB-9 Signal In/Out Description

1 DC-in + In Positive input for power supply2 DC-in + In Connected to Pin 13 nc Not connected4 GNDi Signal ground5 DC-in - In Ground for power supply

6 Volt Version

+6 (±25%) VDC, 6 Watt

Peak current for power up: 10 A � 200 usec.

A 6V Unit also can be powered by IBEO Pb-Accumulator pack.

12 Volt Version

+12 (±25%) VDC, 6 Watt

Peak current for power up: 10 A � 200 usec

24 Volt Version

+24 (±25%) VDC, 6 Watt

Peak current for power up: 10 A � 200 usec

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11.2 Interfacing

11.2.1 Interface RS 232C

DB-9 Signal In/Out Decription1 DC-in + In Positive input for the power supply2 DC-in + In connected to Pin 13 nc Not connected4 GNDi In Signal ground for RS 232C signals5 DC-in - In Ground for power supply6 RxD In Receive data7 RTS Out Handshake signal "Request to send"8 CTS In Handshake signal "Clear to send"9 TxD Out Transmit data


GNDi is the signal ground for the interface signals.

The signal ground of the interface is completely isolated from the housing and powersupply . If ground isolation is unnecessary or the cabling is not possible, then pin 4 and 5of the D-Sub - 9 connectors must be tied together, otherwise the remaining signals of theinterface have no respect to ground and proper function is not guaranteed !

The sensor operates the RTS signal to control the flow of incoming data. This signal mayconnected to the CTS signal of a PC or PLC.

The signal RTS with a level between +3. .. +12V indicates that the PS-R is ready toreceive data.

If the sensor is not ready to receive data, then the level is between -3. .. -12V.

The signal CTS is an input of the sensor that may be connected to an RTS or DTR signalof an PC or PLC. This signal is operated by the connected PC or PLC.

The level between +3... +12V enables the sensors data output to .

If the level is between -3. .. -12V, then the sensor will stop transmission.

If no hardware - handshake is required, then the RTS and CTS - terminals can be leftopen, the CTS-signal is internally activated through a weak pullup-resistor. So with noexternal connection to the CTS terminal data output is always active.

When the RTS signal is not used it may be possible in some rare cases that on high inputdata rates some commands from PC/PLC to the sensor are skipped by the sensor due toan inactive RTS signal.

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11.2.2 Interface RS 422


Signal In/Out Description

1 DC-in + In Positiv input for powersupply2 DC-in + In connected to Pin 13 nc Not connected4 GNDi In Signal ground for RS422 signals5 DC-in - In Ground for powersupply6 TxD+ Out Transmit data7 RxD- In Receive data (inverted)8 RxD+ In Receive data9 TxD- Out Transmit data (inverted)


The cable GNDi is the ground reference for the interface signals. The signal ground of theinterface is completely isolated from housing and power supply .

If ground isolation is unnecessary or cabling is not possible, then pin 4 and 5 of the D-Sub - 9connectors must be tied together, otherwise the remaining signals of the interface have norespect to ground and the function is not guaranteed !

At these interface version a hardware handshake is not available!

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12 Procedure for tuning the FUEGO

Please do not push the stopper into the top case before adjustment

Install the instrument and supply the unit Switch the instrument on and setup as followed:

Max. data output / less accuracy ( ó = 40 mm or ó = 20 mm)


Echo Limit

Aim the instrument to the hot surface you want to measure, when the highest temperature isreached.

Start the measurement

Only if distances much more than the estimate distance appears on the display, tune theunit as followed:

Remove the stopper

( The stopper is either on the left side or on the back, left of the display )

Turn the screw of the potentiometer by a small flat screwdriver CCW (contra clock wise )until the instrument measures the right distance.

Note: Turning the potentiometer towards the lens decreases the sensitivity of the unit.Turning to much, reduces the range of the instrument!

- Insert the stopper and press it to case

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Option Description

EL with electronical attenuatorand link interface, no display orkeyboard function

H enhanced sensitivity

Pointer Red laser Marker

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Article No. Accessories Description

0823-000-000-A SUPPORT BARS 1 Set (2 units)

0819-000-000-A EDM SUPPORT H1 small /downwardshor.(5°)/ver.(10°)

0837-000-000-A EDM SUPPORT H2 downwards hor.(10°)/ver.(10°)

0818-000-000-A EDM SUPPORT S1 small /upright hor.(5°)/ver.(10°)

0836-000-000-A EDM SUPPORT S2 upright hor.(10°)/ver.(10°)

1949-000-000-A LASER-DETECTOR

alignment tool for sensors0000-081-208-0 Link adapter PC card, 8Bit Slot, 10Mbit


230 VAC/24VDC/RS232C<>TTY incl. sensor powersupply.


230VAC/12Bit4-20mA incl.sensor power supply.Suitable to 6V Sensors only!

0201-070-010/A WINDOW,COATED

126x57x3 mm


Water-cooled Housing /Adjustment Holder

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15.1 Outline drawing: PS-R, PS 50, PS 100

reference point

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15.2 Outline drawing: PS 500

reference point

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15.3 Outline drawing: PS FUEGO

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Laser-Classification Class 1 / Class 3a EN 60825 (1994)

Light source laser diode, fibre coupled

Wavelength: 880nm ± 30nm at 20°C

Measurement: continuously or triggered

Signal attenuation: Automatic

Selection of stat. error Mode 1 - 4, User defined ( UsrAV)

Telescope: 8 x 22, integrated, adjusted parallel to

beam, laser filter type KG 3

Display: LCD dot matrix, 16 digits, alphanumeric

Keyboard: 16 keys, membrane switch, foil type

Power consumption: 6W max.

Input voltage range: 6V, 12V, 24V (±25 %) VDC, refer to type


Peak current during

Powering up


Interface RS 232C or RS 422

Temperature range function: 0°C to + 45° C

storage : - 20 to + 70 C

Humidity range max. 95 %. no condensing

Protection class IP 64

IBEO sensor dimensions 195 x 115 x 98 mm, Eyepiece 30 mm

Weight: PS R ...PS 500 1,7kg typ.

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