  • 8/13/2019 IB University Questions Till Date


    International Business University Question till Date

    Questions have been decided. Kindly do your part and share it for IB exam.

    1. Define Globalization. Stages & phases in globalization. Explain with examples the driving and

    restraining forces of globalization. Describe stages in evolution of global companies.

    2. eter Druc!er observes that the international econom" is regulated b" national government#

    transnational econom" is a borderless world econom" regulated b" global institutions.

    $. Export or ph"sical movement of goods or services alone can%t ustif" international business.

    Describe various other mar!et entr" strategies with examples.

    '. (h" is )D* important for host and home countr"+ Discuss the )D* environment in *ndia. ,lso

    suggest how to increase inward )D* for the -uic!er economic development. )D* vs. )**

    . /ow can orter%s Diamond model of national competitive advantage be used to assess strategic

    advantage for *ndia in agro based products+

    0. (3 aims at removing non4tariff barriers and reducing tariff barriers.% *f so criticall" evaluate

    achievements and problem areas which (3 has to encounter in order to succeed in above


    5. *ntellectual ropert" 6ights

    7. (hat role business ethics and 8S6 pla" in globalization+ /ow will it help organizations in

    sustainable business

    9. roduct :ife 8"cle theor" in international trade

    1;. G2; and its impact on *ndia%s foreign trade

    11. ? theor".

    15. Enumerate all the challenges encountered b" global human resource division operating in a cross

    border business environment.

  • 8/13/2019 IB University Questions Till Date


    17. Define

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