
I will never forget what happened on August 24 Th. It was a dreadful day for anyone in Dade County.The wind was howling and the sky was black. Objects were flying all around me as I was trying to find a safe place. As I was running towards the underground shelter, a trace flew right past me. Inside, some people were hugging each other while others were crying and shaking. It was unbelievable

"Nunca olvidar lo que pas el 24 de agosto. Fue un da terrible para cualquier persona en el viento aullaba County. The Dade y el cielo estaba negro. Los objetos volaban a mi alrededor cuando estaba tratando de encontrar un lugar seguro. Como yo estaba corriendo hacia el refugio subterrneo, un rastro vol por delante de m. En el interior, algunas personas se abrazaban unos a otros, mientras que otros estaban llorando y temblando. Era increble

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