Page 1: I --ooo-- - The Black Vault...A REPORT ON PAPUAN UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJ'reTS. by the Revd. Norman E. G. Cruttwell, M.A. Oxon., of t he Angl i can Mission, Menapi, Papua, New Guinea



' I




by the Revd. Norman E. G. Cruttwell,

M. A. Oxon.,

of t he Angl i can Mission , Menapi,

Papua, New Guinea.

I --ooo--1

March 1960

Obtained from The Black Vault's Philip Mantle Archives -

Page 2: I --ooo-- - The Black Vault...A REPORT ON PAPUAN UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJ'reTS. by the Revd. Norman E. G. Cruttwell, M.A. Oxon., of t he Angl i can Mission, Menapi, Papua, New Guinea


10 . 30



Hovering, gone behind cloud.

Very hi gh, hovering in clear patch of sky bet ween clouds •

Very overcast. No sign of UFO.

Heavy rain. IQA t t! (Wedau language • •• f inished)

Data sheet of observation of UFO' s . , 6. 45 to 11.04 p.m., 26/6/59.

( signed) WILLIM:! B. GILL.

Altogether there were 38 witnesses of whom 25 s i gned the report . Apart from Fr. Gill himself t heyhad included 5 Papuan teachers and three medi cal assistants .


Hovering height at 6.52 between 300 and 500ft. Estimate of apparent diameter. Fr. Gill ••••••• . •.• • 5 inches at arms length.

Stephen Moi closed rist at arms length would just cover half t he object.

Material it was made of. Fr. Gill, when asked if it were metall i c answered,

" 'llell, it appeared solid, certainly not i:ranspnrent or gaseous; we just assumed that it was metall ic f r om our experi ence of things t hat travel and carry men." All wi tnesses agree t hat it was cir cular , t hat it had a wide base and a narrower upper deck, that it had a type of legs beneath i t , that it produced at times a shaft of blue l i ght which shone upwar ds into the sky at an angle of abou, 45°(see sketch) and that the four human f i gures appeared on pop. Fr. Gill is emphatic about the absence of sound throughout t he whole activity.


About 6.00 p .m. Papuan medical assistant sights UFO in apparently same position as night before.

6.02 Fr . Gill comes out and sees object . Same as last night . but seemed a littl e smaller - more dist ~~nt?.

6. 02 to 6.17 Crowd gat hers to watch the UFO. We watched f i gures appear on top-four of them - ther e is no doubt that they were human. Thi s is possibly the same object that I took to be t he "Mother shi p" last night . Two smaller UFO( s were seen at the same time, st ationary, one above t he hills, 'Nest, and another over- head.

On the large one t he figures seemed t o be doing something near t he atxx ceht r e of t he deck - they were occassi onally bending over and r ais i ng their arms as mf adjusting or sett ing up something ~not visible) . One f i gure seemed to be standing wit h his hands on the "rail" looking over, just as one will look over the r ails of a shi p .

I stretched my arm above my head and waved. To our surprise t he figure di d the same. Ananias waved bot h arms over his head, t hen t he two outside


Obtained from The Black Vault's Philip Mantle Archives -

Page 3: I --ooo-- - The Black Vault...A REPORT ON PAPUAN UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJ'reTS. by the Revd. Norman E. G. Cruttwell, M.A. Oxon., of t he Angl i can Mission, Menapi, Papua, New Guinea

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Obtained from The Black Vault's Philip Mantle Archives -

Page 4: I --ooo-- - The Black Vault...A REPORT ON PAPUAN UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJ'reTS. by the Revd. Norman E. G. Cruttwell, M.A. Oxon., of t he Angl i can Mission, Menapi, Papua, New Guinea



A REPORT ON U. F.O' s. by t he Rev. Norman E. G. Cruttwell, MA., Oxon., of t he Anglican Mission, Menapi , Papua, New Guinea •

MARCH 1960.

Excerpts taken from the origL _al r eport .

Part X. Have We Any Clues?

I have now presented all t he dat a , with a few comments by t he way. Does it offer any clue as to the nature and purpose of t he UFOs . ? Of course these sightings are onl y a comparativel y small number over a very limited area and in a limited time, and are a mwre drop in the ocean compared to the ~ens of thousands of sightings now recorded from many parts of the world. But they have certain advantageous for study.

(1) First their concentration i n a small area gives us a chance to t ry t o f i nd a pattern or purpose in their appearances.

(2) THeir closeness in time makes it possible to exami ne their timing .

(3) The close knit nature of the sightings by witnesses mostly known to each other and t o the investigat or makes it possible to check their aut henticity and to ascertai n details •

(4) The absence of civilisation and modern amenities, eli mi nat es many confusi ng factor s .

The sightin~s may t hus be analysed. I

(A) Their Concentration in Area.

Of these 79 sighti ugs the majority (60? ) have been seen over the Cape Vogel Peninsula , Goodenough Bay , and the mount a i ns immediately adjacent to t hem. This area would not be more than 100 mil es in l engt h (W to E) and about 50 in dept h (N to S). Withi n these the principal sighting points have been Boianai , Baniara, Giwa, Manapi , and Ruaba Plain.

Ther e was a second minor concentr ation around Samarai and Sideia, about 100 miles furt her East.

At Boianai the objects seemed particularly t o hover near, or proc ed from , the vicinity of Mount Pudi (4000ft.).

Geographical l y t he area is pr obabl y a fault line. There is a line of volcanic activity which passes through mount Lamington (erupted 1951) near Popondetta, running SE close t o t he coast, and continuing t o Mt . Victory (active t ill about 1920?) Gor apu (erupted 1942, still smoking 1946, Mt . Maneao (hot springs and t er r aces1, t o Goodenough Bay itself . At this point the Cape Vogel Peninsula splits off f rom the mainland, continuing in a chain ef islands, Goodenough, Fergusson, and Normanby , all clearly of volcanic origin. Fer gusson still has active hot springs and ge~sers . The mai nland range continues to East Cape with nm fur ther volcanic activity eastwards except for occasional hot springs (e.g. Mar gavara). The actual bay i s an extremely deep trou~ between the island and t he island chain (known as t he D' Entr ecasteaux Group) . I t is said that t he wate r is at l east as deep as t he mount ains a r e high(i . e. about lO , OOOft. ). The mountains of t he mai nland and of t he islands rise abrupt ly from t he sea with no

Obtained from The Black Vault's Philip Mantle Archives -

Page 5: I --ooo-- - The Black Vault...A REPORT ON PAPUAN UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJ'reTS. by the Revd. Norman E. G. Cruttwell, M.A. Oxon., of t he Angl i can Mission, Menapi, Papua, New Guinea


. · -


080759 090759

0659 0659

180759 20o759 210759 220759 230759 240759 250759

0759 260759 270759 030859 04.0e59 0~0859 080859

100859 140859

(N. B.

140859 160859

170859 160859 180859 1~859

0859 0959

070959 130959 30o959 231059

281059 301059 231159

281159 1058 1158

0050 - 0145 night

1900? night ear ly am. ecpoo 1800 0915 1945

night 2100 1930

night night

" 1800 1900 2300 1830 )

- 2115) 0350 1930



" Monar e

" Didi wa from launch Menapi Pora Dabor a Menapi Gai awanaki Koyabagira Banapa

" Mapouna Makwapu Pora Biniguni

Baniara Mukawa

spherical light

myster ious light ball


light on sea white, moved whiterp moved fluctuated


light over mountains, moved lig)lt silver disc domed craft light


" " crossed sky low green whi te

and white f ast

a domed craft on side "objects like boats i n sky"


white disc movingout to sea " "

white sphere .. "

l i ght white pphere

" " " " green raYfS

" " • red , green ,white green rays


2 spheres white sphere

many colours + bronze disc exploded - white , orange, red .

Object of 03/04/68/140859 apparently t he same object located).

ni ght 2300

nig 1t 0004 0004

night 0004 0002 2100 1900 1855 2200)

- 2300) 1900 2200 1930)

-2040) 2200

? •

? •

Embi (Mena.pi (Dabora. Dabora Baniara

" Dapora Baniar a Samarai Mayauman Pumani Menapi Pumani

Pora Pumani Koyabagira

Tarakwaruru Sidei a


white light, moved down mountain l ight r ed, green,white.

(same ob ject seen) li~ht two spheres

" light light


oblong light li.o·ht like star

" "

? white as before - smaller . II " II

• white? over sea = star, down and up dazzling white, t wice. moved slowly

" " a round light, half moon, green - red - yell ow

orange light descending colour ed light as before - more distant.

white disc and a dark object.

l i ke star " " " "

moved upwards steady l i ght) omi t t ed fluctuat ed. ) Oct/Nov. 1958

Obtained from The Black Vault's Philip Mantle Archives -

Page 6: I --ooo-- - The Black Vault...A REPORT ON PAPUAN UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJ'reTS. by the Revd. Norman E. G. Cruttwell, M.A. Oxon., of t he Angl i can Mission, Menapi, Papua, New Guinea


foreshores, su~gesting a spl itting apart or ar e mainly of dark i gneous(basaltic?1 rock . age.

a tremendous upheaval. The mountains The whole area is of recent geological

It would be interesting t o know if the mountains behind Boi anai have any unusual mineral or magnetic qualities which mig' t be of interest or advantage~~~ to these strange machines . Some L~O investigators claim to have found a connection between t he appaarence of t he objects and the location of volcanic fault lines. KMX~~~«KKIMXJX~I~ijXMK~IXMi~»~XK~~X»~K~IX§l~t~l I t would be i nt eresting to know if there is any such connection in this case. AS far as I know, there i s no volcanic or thermal activity near Samarai, although it is in t he general direction of the fault lina conti nued Eastwards •

There xf~ also a t heory known as Orthoteny originated by M. Aime ~fichel , that UFOs appearing on any one night seem to f ollow straight lines. Unfortunately there have been so f ew s imultaneous sightings that there is not sufficient evidence for t hi s in Papua. In fact the only night when mor e than two sightings were made, June 28th., does not seem t o show a straight line relationship. In general thou~h the whole co plex of s i ghtings does suggest a generally NV to SE direction of activi ty.

Further study of t hese sightings, or the accumulation of more sightings, in the futur e, may make the picture clearer •

Obtained from The Black Vault's Philip Mantle Archives -

Page 7: I --ooo-- - The Black Vault...A REPORT ON PAPUAN UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJ'reTS. by the Revd. Norman E. G. Cruttwell, M.A. Oxon., of t he Angl i can Mission, Menapi, Papua, New Guinea


. •

-. .



SHAPE: Like a star 16 Li ghts (like a lamp) 19 Discs (saucers and plates) 19 Balls or Spheres 20 Cylinder (rocket) 1 Spindle (boat) 1 Circul ar craft of l ar ge • 5 s~ze

(3 with upper deck, 2 with dome) 1 Oval craft of large size (rugger~all) 1

2 r; .; ·

COLOUR: Metallic (daylight) 2 Luminous whi te 54 Constant green 3 Colours yellow 1

blue 1 orange 1 r ed 2

Changing Colours (usually red, green and whi t e ) 15

Fluctuating colours (usually white) 7

SPECIAL FEATURES: Appenda~es (landing gear) 3 Portholes (or panels~ 4 ¥en (4 men seen each t i me) 2 Li ght shafts or beams. 5 Trai l (vapour or flame) 3 Small bronze disc below main object 3

and associ ated.


Air transport manager;{. Doctors. Mi ssionary priests. Techer s .


School childr en Pupi l teachers Evangelists



Traders . Government Officers.

Village fol k (to the number of

Roman Catholic Brothers, Sideia Mission. Principal of St. Aidan' s College, Dogura. Trainee teachers at Menapi Station. "1orkmen Medical Assistants Master of Coastal Vessel , M. V. Chinampa.

several hundred) 38 with Fr. Gill at Boianai About 100 at Menapi Two whole villages at Baiawa and many ot her smal ler groups.


Obtained from The Black Vault's Philip Mantle Archives -

Page 8: I --ooo-- - The Black Vault...A REPORT ON PAPUAN UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJ'reTS. by the Revd. Norman E. G. Cruttwell, M.A. Oxon., of t he Angl i can Mission, Menapi, Papua, New Guinea


Patches of low cloud. Clear over Dogur a and Menapi.

Dat a (1) U. F. O. BOIANAI.

Time. (p.m.) '

6.45 -



Sight ed bright white l i ght from frount door. Direction N. 'N .

~ Call Stephen and Eric Li gford .

Stephen arrives . Confirms not st ar - like the ot her nmght. Coming closer, not so bright. Coming down 500'?. Orange?. Deep yellow?.

6.55 Send Eric to call peopme . One object on t op , move -man? . Now t hr ee men - moving, glowing, doing something on deck. Gone.

7.00 Men 1 and 2 again.

7. 04 Gone again.

Cl oud cieling covered7.10 sky, C2000ft.

1, 3, 4, 2 (appeared in that order) Thin el ectric blue spotli ght. !.~en gone. Spotlight still

Clear sky here heavy cl oud over Dogur a.

there. 7.12 Men one and two appeared - blue l i ght. 7.20 Spotlight off. Men go . 7.20 U. F. O. goes t h rough cloud.

8 .28 U.F. O. seen by me over- head. Call stati on people. Appeared to descend, get bi gger . Not so bi g , but seemed nearer than before.

8 . 29

Cloud forming again 8. 35 Second UFO seen over sea, hovering at times.

Anothe r one over Wadobuna village.

Cl ouds patchy

? Another to the East .

Bi g one stationary and larger - t he original? Otheve coming and goi ng through the cl ouds. As they descend t hrough clouds, light r eflected like lar ge halo onto cloud - no more t han 2000 ft., probable less . All UFO's very clear - satell ites?. "~fother ship" sti ll large , clear, stationary .

9. 05 Nos. 2, 3, 4 gone.

9.10 Mother ship gone - giving red light .


10 . 00

No . 1 gone overhead into cloud.

"Mother" back .

"Mother" gone across sea to Gi wa - white, red, blue gone .

Overhead UFO reappears, is hovering.

St ill there st ationary.

Obtained from The Black Vault's Philip Mantle Archives -

Page 9: I --ooo-- - The Black Vault...A REPORT ON PAPUAN UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJ'reTS. by the Revd. Norman E. G. Cruttwell, M.A. Oxon., of t he Angl i can Mission, Menapi, Papua, New Guinea


3. !Jlie First Sighting 0f '~en •

Five days later on June 26th., Friday, the visitors returned to us in force . (after Stephen Moi's sauce r) The astounding events of that night caused Fr . Gill to write the following letter t o the Rev. David Durie, Principal of St . A;dans Coll ege, Fr. Gills confidant and friend, who had helped him to studv for his Dip. Ed ••

To the Rev. D. Duri e, Acting Principal, S. Aidan' s College, Dop;ura.

Dear David,

Anglican Mission, Boianai. 27/6/59-

Life is strange isnt it? Yesterday I wrote to you a l etter (which I still i ijtend sending you) expressing opini ons of UFO' s. Not less than 24 hpurs l~~er I have changed my views somewhat. Last night we at Boianai experience~ about four hours of UFO activit y, and there is no doubt whatever that they are handled by beings of some kind . At times it was absolutely breath-taking. Her e is the report. Please pass it round, but gr eat care must be taken, as I have no other, and this, like the one I made out re Stephen, will be sent to Nor •• I would appreciate it if you could send the lot back as soon as possible.

Cheer s, Convinced

(signed) Bill.

P.S. Do you think P. Moresby should know about this? (N. Cruttwell is at present in the Daga country , and will not be returning home until July 16t h . at the earliest.) If peopl e think it worth while, I will stand cost of radio Conversation if you care to make out a comprehensive report from the material on my behalft Its interesting territory news if notying else.

W. B. G.

Then follows the report of the events of June.S 26t h . exactly as jotted down at t he time in pencil. I r eproduce the notes verbatim:-

Obtained from The Black Vault's Philip Mantle Archives -

Page 10: I --ooo-- - The Black Vault...A REPORT ON PAPUAN UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJ'reTS. by the Revd. Norman E. G. Cruttwell, M.A. Oxon., of t he Angl i can Mission, Menapi, Papua, New Guinea

• --

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Obtained from The Black Vault's Philip Mantle Archives -

Page 11: I --ooo-- - The Black Vault...A REPORT ON PAPUAN UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJ'reTS. by the Revd. Norman E. G. Cruttwell, M.A. Oxon., of t he Angl i can Mission, Menapi, Papua, New Guinea

. ·

figures did t he same. Ananias and I began waving afir arms and all four seemed to wave back. Ther e seemed to be no doubt t hat our movements were answered. All the mission boys made audi ble gasps (of e.ither joy or surprise perhaps both).

As dark was beginning t o close in, I sent Eric Kodawa for a torch, and direct ed a series of lon~ dashes t owards t he UFO. After a minute or two of this t he UFO apparently acknowl edged by making several wavering mot ions back and f orth (in a sideways direction, like a pendulum).

Waving by us was repeated , ann thi s was fol lowed by more flashes of the torch Then the UFO began slowlyto aecome ~bigger, apparently coming in out direction. It ceased after perhaps half a minute and came on no further.

After a further two or three moments the figures apparently lost inter est i n us, for t hey disappear ed below deck.

At 6.25 p.m. t wo f i gur es reappeared to carry on with what ever t hey were doing before the interruptmdn? . The blue spotli ght came on for a few seconds , twice in succession.

Attempts to contact the men by shout imgg brought no respone~.


THE THIRD NIGHT , 28/6/59:

Sunday , 28/6/59. 6.00 p.m. 6.45

7. 30

9.00 11. 00


11 . 30

Monday, 29/6/59.

No sogn of UFO • Only one UFO practically over-head . Slightly Nort~. Very high, but clearly distinquishable, due to "hoveri ng''.

(Fr. Gill uses t he wor d "hover" in t hesense of wavering movement in a smal l area) . Same UFO - moved t o Southern position, but still more or less overhead. 3 UFO's i n al most strai ght l ine - all hi gh , sky clear. 8 UFO(s. This i s the lar gest number seen at one time. One fairly low, but except for occassi onal "hover", no activit y seen on board. A sharp metallic and loud bang on ~ission House roof , as though a piece of met al had dropped f r om a great height. No r oll of object down r oof slope afterwards . Outside, 4 UFO's in a circle r ound station. All high . To bed , and UFO ' s still t here.

Roof examined. No appar ent sign of mark or dent , which one might expect from last night ' s noise •

Obtained from The Black Vault's Philip Mantle Archives -

Page 12: I --ooo-- - The Black Vault...A REPORT ON PAPUAN UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJ'reTS. by the Revd. Norman E. G. Cruttwell, M.A. Oxon., of t he Angl i can Mission, Menapi, Papua, New Guinea


J"onthly fre!Jlency: Dately f r equency: Hourly f r equency:

1958 Oct 3 1st 1 0000 2 MIDNIGHT Nov 3 2nd 0 00.00 2 Dec 1 3rd 2 0200 2

1959 Jan 0 4th 1 0300 1 Feb 0 5 0 0400 1 Mar 4 6 3 0500 :;


Apr 6 7 1 0600 0 May 3 8 2 0700 0 Jun 14 9 2 0800 0 Jul 14 10 1 6900 0 Aug 13 11 0 1000 1 Sep 4 12 0 1100 0 Oct 3 13 1 1200 1 NOON Nov 2 14 2 1300 1 Dec 0 15 0 1400 0

-- "Jo 16 5 15000 0

lo1'A-L. : 17 2 1600 0 18 5 1700 0 19 2 1800 0 SUNSET 20 1 1900 1.8 21 3 2000 l 7 22 2 2100 3 23 5 2200 5 24 3 2300 3

( ~00 MI DNIGHT:) 25 1 2 26 4 ¥ 6e. \c cP~ '-• 27 6 • Totals for period ending at 28 4 ~ time shown. i .e. sighting 29 2 in per iod 1100 to 1200 30 2 given under 1200. 31 0 f¢,t"A-l.. :., b',3 Many objects in some sightings ~


Obtained from The Black Vault's Philip Mantle Archives -

Page 13: I --ooo-- - The Black Vault...A REPORT ON PAPUAN UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJ'reTS. by the Revd. Norman E. G. Cruttwell, M.A. Oxon., of t he Angl i can Mission, Menapi, Papua, New Guinea

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Obtained from The Black Vault's Philip Mantle Archives -

Page 14: I --ooo-- - The Black Vault...A REPORT ON PAPUAN UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJ'reTS. by the Revd. Norman E. G. Cruttwell, M.A. Oxon., of t he Angl i can Mission, Menapi, Papua, New Guinea

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Obtained from The Black Vault's Philip Mantle Archives -

Page 15: I --ooo-- - The Black Vault...A REPORT ON PAPUAN UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJ'reTS. by the Revd. Norman E. G. Cruttwell, M.A. Oxon., of t he Angl i can Mission, Menapi, Papua, New Guinea


All ob j ects seen count ed as separate , though some may have been the same object seen again. The l ist is arranged in order of the numbers of mbj ectsseen •

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 1· 8 . 9.

10 . 11. 12, 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18 . 19. 20 . 21.

Boianai Baniara Menapi (and r adi us of one mile) Ruaba Plai n (including Pumani, Biniguri, etc.) Koyaba.gira district (inc. Bai awanaki , Mapona,

and W auwapo) Dogura Dabora Giwa Daga Country (mountains) Sidei a Port Moresby \'/arura Porayebayebar a Gul f Country Mi di no Samar ai Banapa Tar akwaruru Embi Manau Nini go Islands

18 13 10 1

5 6 5 4f 4-4 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1


Obtained from The Black Vault's Philip Mantle Archives -

Page 16: I --ooo-- - The Black Vault...A REPORT ON PAPUAN UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJ'reTS. by the Revd. Norman E. G. Cruttwell, M.A. Oxon., of t he Angl i can Mission, Menapi, Papua, New Guinea



230853 --0455

56 240857

0258 0658 0658

181058 181058 l~H058 221158 291158 301158 011258 1903 59 270359

0359 0359

090459 210459 260459 270459 280459

0459 030559 240559

0559 160659 160659 170659 210659 230659 260659




270659 280659 280659



1100 1900 0200

night night

9 •

1900 1830 2100 2100 1845 1845 " II


1800 1900? 1200 1850 1900



2100 night 2000 1900)

- 2015) night

1900 1830 2000 0001 2100 1845)

- 2304) 191B

1800 - 1900

1940 -2045 2030 1845 1820

- 2115 2040

- 2100


Port Moresby Yule Island Idia island Inigo island Port Moresby Si4ia Mana pi ''lamira Wa.mira

" Menapi

" "

Port Moeesby Dabora Dogura Midino Dogura Boianai Giwa

" Dogura Menapi Sari ba Manau

Baniar a

Sideia Dumur a Mai gwarip ~.ianaman

Boianai Donana





Sideia Bonianai Baniara

Dogura ~


Cylinder Disc Sphere? Light Li ght Sphere Light liTht li ?:ht fireball li !'ht

" "


Filmed. Greenish . Lar ge Red. changed colour. red

= moon, blue. = star, white.

It " ' . II 1 n •

bright green = star, fluctuating

" n

" II


white light wmitesliggt white ball like star white light

ditto, oposite direction motionless

" " " " It II

moving slowly movi ng low motionl ···ss - went out against mountain -moved and turned back "!~loved low moved fluctuated

light , changed white, red, green white light, moved slowly like a star moved slowly


elliptical object lip)lt ball light saucer light

circular craft

blue, r-:reen, red, moved

blue gr een very bright yellow green white red red and white white, four dots white with trail with men, lil~

+4i1m discs. oval craft with porthmles, moved, hovered, noise.


circular craft, with men, exchanged signals, + two discs.

spherical light and disc.

sphere orange - blue one circular craft + 7 discs . spherical l ight and disc.

disc looped the loop.

Obtained from The Black Vault's Philip Mantle Archives -

Page 17: I --ooo-- - The Black Vault...A REPORT ON PAPUAN UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJ'reTS. by the Revd. Norman E. G. Cruttwell, M.A. Oxon., of t he Angl i can Mission, Menapi, Papua, New Guinea


Cot¥ et lntea- 8lli\ v IW!iili ow, »rill• i'ltwlliiH at to RW4. c .. n C••ttwll ..,.nu •t the 1a llaftll 1910 llnac teat~ to a.tbelit1ol ,,. of at&Mlap a.ill NpOna.

O•iN.rtllG~ 51 AlMn Ri&d, Cut__,.,, WlnoMa, Allftftliat ,12,. U'L Jll17• lg'JO

BOman, I reoeiY.t JOV 14ntu tow, eat I aote tilat d bal tak• alMat a tonrdjbt

to reach ••• I • ••oq that 4u \o -• oli'Cnanaa .. • rq 1 ba1 del.,_.

· "' 10"~' 1 taa ll•• 10\l a~ n., ... , ill• Ul.r.o. ailbtii:IP at ! .P. It ••<~• 1il 195'·

All that I • the theN quite tne, 8114 •• after t• ,..,.. et ooate.platJ.O~tt I • nUl .. , al»le te 1dtlatiilii er •• er \be npon I tluili ......

It woul l N ••.ooatonw tOr ae tO Wltti4nw tM :tbe - thia t ttitzak eo1i14 h ctoae 'b;r ~~ tbat l wa. ... I na anak• • lNt I c10 wa. UJale.. I • .• ,.. ldn4 of a at, 1diat I WI •h• X X •• '11&1te ennortiD$171 o •• o •• •P'h• 'irt.tb h1illaall4 actiY1t7 o£ .-. kin4, aDI that tble MU•1t7 •• Moal'\ti4 t&l\hNllJ•

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Upoa rq ,.n-.a1ibUJC aWW•, l b&Ye bopped oa the a t• ,.ean all4 •ate a lli&ll ~7 tbe a\oq • aa

... haYe 40M • 1110 the lliall •Out •t ~ reee1vel f.- publ1o1t¥ tbat 414 •ezmaate waa 'to the aeomaJ7 et A.:S.K. 1D. SJdut (the Wl• na-. rnak Coa14nb) tor alaaieo un (l9&o) • '\Ida I 414 ata'\bc that .. tbe •1shtinll' wn .... OD & aiaaiOD na'\~ ill alaaloa tiM, tb• •Dlea WN l'llb\tuJ.l.J beloq:f.Jll to 'til• a1 .. 1oa.

Bel1••• lMn uatil each put up a:\b th

So JU.ce to h .. JP t... JOtl after all thia •

epna, (aisMI) Bill (!h• a.4. W. GUl)

•I oet1f1 tbat tbt.l ia a verba-.ill OI:!P7 ot • atrlettw by •• on J\ll7 2,, 1970. 1. • • Cru't,•

an4 I tbat i• a tne OOJ1 ot that ._7 • •• .L.Siiii:Ul1 M.A.

Direner ot u....-. BUrORA. 6/8/70.

Obtained from The Black Vault's Philip Mantle Archives -

Page 18: I --ooo-- - The Black Vault...A REPORT ON PAPUAN UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJ'reTS. by the Revd. Norman E. G. Cruttwell, M.A. Oxon., of t he Angl i can Mission, Menapi, Papua, New Guinea


(i) Many people do not accept storyy at all . Although Fr. Gill is obvi ously a si ncere man , he must have imagined it all, or have seen some ordi~ary obj ect sucij as Venus, and misinterpreted it .

(ii) Ot hers admit that heemay have seen some unidentified object in the sky, but that his report is enormously exaggerated.

(iii) Authorities sufficiently interested to request cop Les of report to be sent to the Assistant Administrator of t he Territory, and all reports of UFO ' s are i n Government Files.

~iv) President of t he Victorian Flying Saucer Society , Mr. Peter Norris , LL. B. wrote to t he Director of Air Force Intelligence on 12th. Sept., 1959, asking whether t he Air Force had investigated the Boianai Reports , and what conclusions the v had come to .


The Air Force r eplied that theyhad had no of f icial information of the sightings but were now making enqu.iries into the matter.

Lat er Squadron Leader D. F. Gibson visited Fr. Gill, and eross- examined him about the Boianai sightings.

Later t his official reply was recieved bythe fl;ing Saucer Soci ety:-

From: Sqdn. Leader F. A.Lang

554/1/30 (5M)

Mr. P. E. Norr i s , Honorary President, Victorian Flying Saucer Society, 100 Collins Street, Melbourne.

Dear Sir,

Royal Australian Air Force , Directorate of Air Force Intelligence, Department of Air Administrative Building CANB~~. A. C.T.

22nd February 1960

Thank you for your letter of the 25th. January 1960. An Officer of t his Directorate has investigated Reverend W. Gill 's report of UFO activities in t he Boianai area of New Guinea, and copies of his findings have been submitted to appropriate authorities. As menti oned in our 114/ 1/201 (AAA) dated 14th February 1957, such reports are not r eleaseable to t he public. However, although it is not possible to reach any positive conclusions , we do not bel eive t hat the objects observed by the Rev. W. Gil l and his party were manned space vehicles. An analysis of bearings and angles above the horizon does suggest t hat at least three of the lights were planets , e.g . Jupiter, Saturn and Mars. Light ref r acti on , the changing position of the planet s relative t o the observers, and t he unsettled tropical weather coul d give the i mpression of size and r apid movement .

Yours faithfully, (signed) F. E. Lang.

Obtained from The Black Vault's Philip Mantle Archives -

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