

COUNCIL cont. from page 1' ,' :v .. '\.;"~ri1 13 v·:ith the Parks and ! . tTt':lli("l :\d\'i~ory Bo:ud, \.'tlllll

ctl will lwar ]lrt'!:.H'ntntion~ hy fl

J.:l'l..')\lp of nr<'hitt>l'turr studPnh• from tl-le Univ{'rsit.Y of Marylnnd. ThP~'

)utY<' bre:t working this sPmt>.slt•r on l tnd~t~H}H )dans for palTi'l 7 l'lrttl

the entranl'l· to lht• Lakt• !'ark. Tit<' pt.._k is invilPtl.

CDBG Funda A gain to l:rccnbelt of $!\Oilll in

fourtll yf'ar funding of thr Cnm~ nouaJty Drvdopment Blook Grant :F'uads was tht· tll't n·Sult of a full d~·~~ lobbying pfforts by Council­m• Charlt•s ~chwan and GiPSf'

on April 3. Tht• dty hnd prr\"inu~-ly last $10,000 for funuin.: """ stuff person to aJminister a pnM:-;iblt• ~rut or loan program for nr('"11

b•~ Hom£'.s, Inc. Th(' city ~ailwd a commitment for $15,000 to rede­siga and construct. a sidewalk con­n<•ctlng the elderly housing facili-ty 11ow und('r construction with the cP.nter. Problem" with current walkways :H<' Ill lack of safe pede •·!ltriB,n. crossing of Ridge Road and (:! 1 stf'PJ> grad£' tlJl approach to Cen­t.£>r undPrpass.

:-.o CDBG .funds arc anticipated for th.P road rppair work bPtWc£'n C.:rftl'de-nwa.y and Southwuy on RidgP thllt had b<'~n included-in th" orig inal n· to the county.

. lNB\'t•&

Thursday, April-6, 1978


Twt·nty eight m~·mbt•rs ul the <;oltkn Ag(' Cl11h of Grl·t'nbP\t \\'t•nt to Annapolis 'Mareh ~1 to bt• :..;llt'SI~

t>f ~N1ator Edw.\rd T. Conroy. On a.rnval th('y Wl'lt' g-n•PtPd by a g-r:1

.dO'us F~laim· Smith. AssistRnt tn thP S1·nato1·, PSl·ortl•d to a ~~PnRt<' Com­mitlcP room and inlrotllh'Pd ttl tht• Public Law Cnmmiltt'('. ThcrP thPy Wittlt'SSI'tl tlll• df'ffiOCfatk Jll'O('I'SS of gov('rnmt·nt in action, and lblPn "l\ to lit-bating on varioll:-1 tnx bilb \ftt•r : :w St'S!:don thP group !unch­

Pt.l in thp CommittPI' room. ThP~· \\'t'l't' Wt•lenm'·'l h~; SPmlt<Jr C<Jili"IJY, \dlO SpiJit•· hr:,•!l:o,; l'OlH'I'I'Ilillg, tht• dlfrPnt bills 1ll\ tlw Hoor.

'l'ht• afternoon program cont~ist,·d

of n. visit to tlw n1·w Sr-natc Cham­b<'r in ses.sion, inlrndu('tion by Sl•n atP President Steny Hoyer and an opportunity to sec th{' Scnatt• i11 :wtion. An intf'resting tour fol­ln\\'l'd, tirst to tlw Hmlst• of Dl'll'­gat,•.s• hoslPtl by Dt>IL'• l..r~•n

t;rPt>n, thPn tn anotlwr part 1 f l h" buildinJ.!", \'.'lwrr thP tour ll'ad,·r told :tbnut tht• t'•:lrly history of llw stat£" housP. II dat1•s had{ t" 177:! and was a Pllt' titnP ~·~·pitol n,. th'· trnitf•d Statt•s It is tlw oldPst st;\t'· housr in opPration in tht• nntion at the Jlr.Pscnt timP:

Ti.m~· to h·av<• ('llnli' ::11 to11 .'>O(IJI

and Grccnlwlt Gohkn Ag1·rs a~l"PI':I

that it wns orw of th • bP.-,! :md moRt intPrt·st ing trips th~"Y ha\'t' hRtl. Th(•y want to go h1u•k ;md takP in a tour of tlw stalf' mnn:,ioll.

GHI Home and Garden Tour ll'.s spring again -· tlmP for !;pruc ..

l!tg up iwm('s and garllcliM. ~laybc a r .. ,,. llf'W id<'ns for improvPnwnt-t would bP wclcome now.

As has been the custom, GHI in­vitl"s its nwmberM to .share some of the Ideas they have put to work In tlwir humPs and gardens with tneir fellow members and neighbors. Any featurP, largr or small, such as r(• finl~h<'Ll closets. rooms, porchcB, or addilit'Jns, or- special landscaping of the yard may offpr just the solution •om('Onc l'lse living In a GHI hontc is looldn~ for.

Tlw dnlt· "lor the tour is set for Sunday, May 21. It is hoped that a great ,.,. rit·ty of features will be a bit' to bP Pnjoyl·c.l by anyone tnk 4


ing tlw tour. It would bP apprC'ei­;ll!•d if tnt·ndJ<•r:; wishing- to op<·n tlwir h(ltllt'!--1 and /or gar1h·n~ to vis itors ftlr a fpw hours on M.ay ~l

would contact .Joan FrPf'man nt tht• GHI otlil'P 1 l74 4 5J66) or Bob SpPnr of 1 A Ritigc Rd., t345·:l~l:ll, this year's organi:ll'l' ' !" tlw tour. 1\Iorc information abo.11 the tour will bt·

· publislwd in thif.; ·paJwr al a lutt-r datP.

IWS BOR<;WAitiiT 1021~ Palltmore Blvd

CrJI!rq•• Park Md :'07"1'1

(on lJ S 1 at !he Oei!Nayl

474·8 .. QQ

C118.rlf's Schwan pas~ a·long tn till' city Staff S~V!'ra( COmpJnints hP had r('("riwd from citizens.· In a nu.,ber of playgrounds and othrr public an·as, he stated, leaves from Ialit fall haw not y~t be<'n remove<! by city rrPws. In somP cruH'H the!-tt­

_Jf'&Vf'S Bff' blowing b:w!l: intO pri v&tr yards that have already been dPAred. GleBe replied that at this time of. Yf'~r wh(•n ~veryonc - thr city and rrsidents alike is busy clea.ning up, thP 'leaf vacuum some-· ti111e. gets brhind Gi<'S<' said lw would look into the mattrr. Thr leaf VllCUUm, h<' thought. hRd brrn in operation particularly on week­endll when the city gets t•xtra labor through th~ courts.

In Greenbelt -

Snpp<>rts t;.Routo· Mayor Richard Pllski WRs sched­u~ for threp app<'nra.ncf's on WPd nf'<l<lA.Y. April 4. At 10:30 "-m. h•· "-PJK'&rrd bPforf' rounty Nmndl on brhnlf of thf' rity in uppot-tition tn 8(~WRS;P, nllotmf'nt for Greenbriar ER.."'t (~tory m·xt wf'f'k). Jn th(' att('rnoon, on !i!lH.t(' ),•gisln I ion of lnt~·r~xt to th• city At 7:30 p.m. P11Aki w,.. scheduled to pre11ent the city's P""ltion in oupport of bnllcl­tng compl£>t(' ''E'' mf'trora.i1 rout~ to Gr..enbelt at the WMirrA BoArd of Dlrrotor• publk hr~rlng at F.:I~Arlor Rno•cvl'lt High School. Two llltf'rnativcs C and D '" 'WrH. M tht• orlli{inal plah provirl,.., for t'hf' E-·roulH to (•xtrnd to lht• bt-ltwsy at the B&O track.< on th•• wrtlt ~ldto of c;r('f'nbf'lt. Th,.., nthf'r two ,.ltl'rn~'ti\'t'" wunlrl t"rmin:~:~·

· thf' F. routt• in t\11· Ih~trjd. o[ Cn­lumbift.

Tbr l'lllalysi!'. indka.t(•s that whilt• the total ,..,~~t of ~·on~tructlnn wnuld bf" ,·on~id~·rnhly hl~hrr for thf" ~1-tl'rnlltivl'l-o w1th 'I 1 ompl1•!f·d E rnu!•• the op-·rntinj:{ dt·lidts for tlw t ranxit aylrl,.. w•nl~l bP It·-..

MIMl' ('t)\IJl' d aio!Tt•f•d to f)\,, p\lrl·hn:~f' nf

a nrw llr•··C'han~t·r at :1 ,.,\.."f of $1,075.61\ Tt will bt· Jl1lrvhn.•wt1 In p)ft('f' of " t un1• up h''1-lh•r which hA.d bP<'n l'ndudP<I In this r••nr•s budret 1$%.1100•

leeponse to Metro Needed lni\ivtriunl.• who want thr Metro

Jlnr to rx!l•nu to O,..,..nbrlt may lllali,J><lOitcard• tn that t•tfPCt to the PrlnCf" r.ror~t ~ CoU1lt}' Cnunrll Th- poAtrard• will br ~v.UiabiA at Sf'ltw~y Plazn until Satur<lay. April 8. 1'h<'y can be round at tbe · tablr whrre ahopl>"r~ rf'lrltotrr for the drawlna for a fi'N' trtp to Nu­au. Approxlm&tely 200 rarda have lleMI ~dl!d oot to inte...,.tt'<l cltl--·

PORTFl'S UQUORS _ ................... (n.-t te ~d'a Ia .,....

Pull I lf• llaw .... .._.. aalaott• .t ~~.--............ ~.n-on-•.,.._ .... ...,

............. wbllll .......

.The Partridgeberry School, Inc. A Unique Educational Environment

Offers Children Freedom to Learn motivatPd by thPir own intrr('~ls, ~~urio .. •·dty, & cnthusiaHm

-··through df'vPiopmPntu.l activitlc:--~

--in an open ennc('}ll program with tndividuu.lizt•d in!ilrtH.~··

I inn A.nci ~Ul 1'11ril'hmt•nt ru.·adPmic t•urrkulum

Partruig•·lwny. a f11lly ·u,•I'J"PditPd parPnl ('oOp(•rutiv" Pll•mt>nlary

sdmol ( 1\. ii) is ·now 111 its (•Jghth year of innovallVC', humani:itic ~duca-·


Now Enrolling for Next School Year ~ For information, call or write to th~ Dlr~ctor

ThP Partrldgcbrrry Sc:hool,. Int.' ·

20-G Hillside Road Gre<•nbPit, Mn 20770 t ~Oil 174 0091

«t•nalt•·rah 1:· ,,ppo .~·d hv 11\<Jral prindph•, polit'y, and pruclil'!', at .til lf'Vf'l~. to di...,,·nmmu.linn by rl\C(', color, ~~·x, national origin, or ('CO­

nomic ciA~!-..

KA·SH INC. REALJ.ORS Computerized Multiple Listing Service



COME ON DOWN And LET'S MAKE A DEAL on this older home in Hyatts­

ville o1T1·ring DOOR :#1 and you get 4 bedrooms, DOOR #2 you get " large fenced yard with lots of trees. DOOR #3 you you get all the extras and all the improvements on thiil tine home. You just can't lo~e at $:l8,950. Call 927~1221.

THE PRICE IS RIGHT You won't find a more attractive all brick rambler k>cated

in Montgomery County, 3 bedrooms, llh baths and better than new, offering fireplace, cent. A/C, washer, dryer, drapes and private stockade fenced rear yard. Excellent location. Priced at $53,000.·

DON'T GET GONGED You only have limited time to ACT .on this .4 bedroom

brick and alum. home in College Park. Big TIS kit., wallhet:·. dryer, new wfw carpet,, covered patio, and much more. Only $43,900. Call 345-2151.

NEWLYWEDS Don't waste your time playing games with the rent rHetPts.

We have an immaculate 2 bt-droom home· that will sweep 10u off your feet with spanking new kitchen and completely re­modeled throughout. A real beauty at $~2,900.

DATING 'GAME Dating can be fun but not when you have the same d11te.

month after month, with the landlord to pay the rent. Rlly 'lhi:< 3 bedroom brick home in Riveniale that has lots of improve­ments, ofYer~d all terme for only $:1!\,750, and it will pay v.ou. Drop ·by our omce, we'll show you the pictures.

___ HOLLYWOOD ~QUARES Not CJUll,., but Hollywoorl, ('ollt'ge Park is ofl'ering a l'~l

doll house in this 2 b~droom rambler with full basL•ment and ret'. room, nice T/S kit .. o.s.p., unrl fpnc•·d yard. · Ruy now, mov" in June. Com" see it, .and you will !lite it. A great starter home.


LET'S MAKE A DEAL Ownt-:r ;..Jnxious and wanh tn lllOVC fast on thi:-\ :\ lwdJ·lOill

Rambler with rec. room, wjw carpet, T/S kit.' fenced )'ard wtth 2 car o.s.p. Call now and move in 45 d&:fs.

FAMILY FEUD If your f;tmily " ft-udin' don't wait around tn !(t•t :l XXX'>.

Ruy thi' hriclc :l' bedroom f·andwr with large addrrl-ttn famtly mom. the extra ~pace will allow vou to spread out and the AI'W

kitchen will keep mom happy. Also large patio and great loca-tion. $45,goo. 34~~2!51. · ·

$120,000 PYRAMID Yttu won't n<'ed q2o.nno 1 .. huv oni· of tlw llllt'.·f llsl..:~ in

Hyatt,vlllr Hills. But vn11 cnn I'VRAI\IIIl )'mn· s;ivings hJ 111-

V!'sting in thiS all bnrk twallllfnl 'I hrdrnolp, 2 full hath rolo­nial horn<' :--if'w c·1•nt A/<'. rc•c , "'""· w jw carpet, mnde1·11 ~qtupl. k•t. This hom<' IS a real pleasure to show.

HAPPY DAYS AIU: llf:HE AtoAIN. warm w(';tllll'r. ''"""' ,klf•s, pit'lllt'kuq:.

o;w11nminf.( nne! rook nut,· Yc•s rt', .1\t h<•r<·. hi·auttful 16l<~H font in-l(r~und pool with all PquipnH·nl and. d1vinr: bnarrl. hug•· patio, with bn,k£'tball I'Ourt. sli<linr: r:l;lSs doors to lan~'' t<'C room. Oh; b~· the wa:v. UH• hnll' ,. (I!Tpp.; ·.; hNhncln1~. 2 \),\th·. 11nothcr family room with flreplHt'<' •·Pnt. A/C'. J(ural(r. anci c•w­cred front porch. All !.his i' lncal<'rl on laq:•· fpnr<'ll 1<•1 w1th woods in back. Only $~9.900. Call 927-1221 or :145-211\1.

SHOOTING FOR THE STARS? Then you'll h11ve tn aim hif(h on this on<': you Wttn't llltti a

better or more attr11ctive hom<' in tlw; arPa Cu.tom built.. 10 years young. It hal evcryh,in~:. You muRl call on thi" onr I am runninl( out of space and lhrrP's too much t.o tell you, cll:c<'pt the pric£', $109,000. Sure it's high, bul so arc the star~. Call anyway, who knows?

If you're lhlnkin11 of buying or selling a honw, l'ldl \L' W<' can help. If you have a home to 11ell And would like a f~e e•ti­mate with no obligations, call 34~-2151.



I I irtenbelt lneaWI East Sewer llllliti•

Jltws ltuitw . Appro_. a.pite ·City Oijeotio••

lty lAta Maeh The Prince Georlill County Councll approved a tewer alloca­

tion for the propoaed: Gteenbe1t Eut deveJOilment on April 4. Dlscualon about the •ewer •ervlce from the Lower Anacostia Interim Treatment Plant (38,500 &allons per day) had prevloiUly been deferred In March at the .request of the Greenbelt City Council. City Manarer Jim Giete and Mayor Richard Pitdi were · preoent on April 4 to explain Greenbelt's COIIA!ei'IIS· Also preaent were repretentatlvea of Maryland National-Capital Park and Plan­nlnl Conunlsalon (MNCPPC) and the developen, After one and a half hours of consideration, only one CQUDCIIman, Frank Cuula from Laurel. voted acainat the sewace aUoeation.

; AN INDB'INDINT NIWSPAPD Volume 41, Number 21

Greenbelt Gets New Preci~ct .., ...., Loa wuu...-

CreaUon ol a new precinct, 2i-1S. to aerve Greenbelt eut of tho parll­W117 for the pneral olectlona wu announced recenUy b)' . tho Prlnae aeo...,. County lloar4 of llllocUona Supervwra. No other chanaea were made to the three exllltllla preelnctll

oano~ Roouvelt Blib School fo~ voUnr.

CUrrent voter reJIIotraUon llrure• aa of March, 1918 are:

• 21-S. SpriiiJ'hlll Lake; 21·8, North End; or 21--3, Center. More exten­alve chan1eo, which had been pro­poled by the -rei 1ut November, were atron1ly and aucceufully op­P<>led by Greenbelt - both city and cltloons.

Greenbelt did looe one oklrmiob u the new precinct wlll Include

~- ............. ldento. Greenbeltero llvhll in Wlndaor Green, Glen Oalu, and Greenbriar will vote alon1 with non-realdentll In Goddard Space Vill"''e, Huntl"' Rtd1e, Brae Brook, Cbeloea Wood and at lout one houoe on Cipriano Road. Accord­inr to a 1pokeaman for the board, the boundary tine fotlowa tho nor- . thern city llmltJ from the Parkway eaat to Greenbelt Road, then eaat to Cip'rlano Road, oouth to Br"" Broo~ Drive and welt to . the Belt .. way.

The new precinct will u1e the El-

WHAT GOES ON !lion, April n, I p.m. City Coun­

cil Meetinl 6 Metro 'Sua Hearin1, Municipal Bulldlna.

Tu- April II, I p.m. E. Rooae­velt PTBA Meet1n1.

W..S., April 19. II o.m. Gotdrn . Aae Club 28rd Annlveraary

Party Oreenbfolt Youth Cen•.n ll p.m. COuncil work .e~elon on Pollee Bud1et, Council Cham-bero. ·

Choru .. s to Perform -rn 5prlna Concert

Tho Choral Arta 8~ clct7 &nd the Lant~am Chorale, con . dueled by Ed IAwia, will p<!r!orm comblnttd 1prtna concerti April 18, 11 and 23.

Center (I) 2.»7 North lllnd (II 2,111 SHL (81 J,UII GrMnbelt llut (111 1,'187

A apokeiman for the board told the l'lewa Review In November that the· chanaea were propoaed for pre­clncta that appeared to be too la~p In order to avoid IOIIJ' linea at the poU.. Tbe board ftela . that 1,000 voten at each preetnct would be · Ideal.

Clb Conoerna The problem now confrontlq the

city lo the requirement by city cOde that precinct &llllldleflla for muni­cipal electloJUI be the aame aa tboae for the pneral electlona.

The city could chanp Ito code b)' ordinanc~ lf tt wanh to inalntaln the pre~mt precinct 1tructure with Greenbelt eaat ...,oldentll contlnu!na

. to vote at Center, 21:-J. However, council aald it would

be confu•ln• and a dtaervlce to the Greenbelt voter to have different .,OIItn1 placeo for dt(rerent elec­tion•.

On the .other hand ·the ·city · io concerned about the additional ccste of an extra precinct In munl· clpal elections;

E, ROOSEVELT PTSA The Eleanor Rooaevelt Senior

Hlah l!!chool will hold Ita parent teachere• •tudent uaodatlon meet· Ina on Tuoa .. April 18, at 8 p.m An eleoUon of otllcon wr.1 be held. I'I'DIIIInatlona Will 118 taken from the-..,

Record-hreakiog Attempt Elpeded from lOO~MHen

. Since the end of the 1811 ,.,.,uqn. Wh<n tho Greenbelt aroup l011t Ita director, memben of the GrP('nbdt L""horal Art1 l!loctet7 have bettn . aln•ln• with the lAnham Choral' W1dor tho dtrootlon of JAwlo.

Jack Anderson and Bill Wheat­le)', l~mllera on tut year'• Ride­a-Bike, wm attempt to break their earl~r record In thi• year'• event, aehedutod for April 80. Jack plano an carl7 1tart on th~ Oreenb@lt

_.route, and But will bf' Joined by OMf Gardeo and Grea Gutreaux ~n a blko hike to Ocean t..,ty u their contribution ·to. the fund-~-aa•!n•

proj""t for the remr<ted. Ir.dlvld­uall or orpnlz1ttu·n:~ wiahln• to •ncourap th- JOuna folk• by Mr­Ylnl u aponaon ahould call n.- e of tho committee QU'mberl IIHted below.

The protr&ftl ·future~ t.Aanard Bematotn'o Cllk!-........., com­poaod In 1Mtl for tho Chlcheot"r Cathe!lral music foatlval In En .. 1laricL. The PMim• are Wftl' In He­b....,. The ohor.,.. will ato> po r­form Johannu Brahm•· eolemn ti<!Mc!.........,. I''The 8ona ol Fate"l and J-ph Haycm•o M- bN¥111 I!IL .IMnnle d& 0.0. an 11th .. n-tury mau. .

The performanCft wttl bo on Ap­ril II, I p.m. at LanhUD United Mo~at Church and 7 p.m. at St. Paul'• tJ:plaoopal Churell In Wuh­lnaton; April 17, I p.m. at St. Bam­nabu llp~ Churoll tn Upper

. Marlboro; and Aprlt II, I p.m. at Holy en- Lutheran Church tn

· O,_..bolt. For furtller -Information calt 474-'BMI.

. All partlclpantl on th• Greu ,.,,It route llrltl aharo tho opportunity lo win tho d•luxe. 10 opeod bicycle donu.d b;, "Gunner'a Mate" ••d ai'ID patch•• wltl tt. 11ven aatln to all 110 and 100 milo rldon. 'l"lm tu-mllo trail botiM at tho Yc.uth canter and wilt .run from 12 ·nD<·n t.c> oundown;

rot additional Information, ll>On aor llleeta, eta. eont .. l one pf tu cttJ ttoreatlon centtrl or a 111emHr of the Ride-A-Bike OOIIUIIittee; Lo.1 Dam Uf-.11•; llloanor Knl1llt fT~lM; 1111 .. n Labllkaa 'Tf.-HII; Wlnftl<i Plltbba · C76...f011 or Pat Urtpr C7._1qot •.

Thursday, April 13, 19'18


CITY COUNCIL Monday, April 17, 1978

e:OO P.M.


1. call to Order ·

2. Roll can · 8. lledltatlon

Plodlfl! of AlleJIIanca to the Fl"''

f. Mlnutea of Meettn1•

II. Additions to Apnda by Councilmen and Manarer

ll. PUBLIC HEARING METRO a ... 1erv1oe - R-1& Exp,..u Bua De­

parture Tlme from D.C. Stadium <Pro;:ooaal to Chanp from &:311 PM. to &:4& P.M.l .

e F~ Route


T· Petition• and Request"

I. Admlniotratlve Report.lJ

'9. Commlttef' Ref)OrtR


tO. Communlt:r DPVPiopment Block Grant Funded Ptay cound Improvrr.1t~nt11 In Greenbelt Homeri, Inc. A reM


11. Maryland-National Cap!­tal Park and Planntna c-mtuton Bud1et FY 11711'11

12 .. Loaialatton to Reaulato llKotlo Peta

The thirty-three acre traet of Greenbelt Eut Ia located Ju•t ea•t of tho Baltlmore-WaalliJll(on Park­way between the Goddard Space/ HunUna Rlclp Apartment. and Greenbelt Road . With no butrer of treu. tho propertj Ia hlihly vllllble from tile Parkway. In addition, It can alao be...., from the Beltway. Howe:ver, acceu to the complex wUJ be via Hanover P"arkway. not Greeabett Road.

The Greenbelt City Council hBII conalatently felt that the develop. ment Ia premature because of th~ additional tramc Jenerated at tho Bllltlmore-,Waahlntrton Parkway Interchange and Kenllworth-Green­bett Road lnteroectlon, the · prob­lems of road deslcn and accea• Into the complex. and jurladlctlOna.l problema wlth the National Park •ervtce aboUt· the acce11 road. At the April f meetinl!, the county coUncil took note Of MNCPPC's cond1tlone to alleviate traffic for the project. Before butldlns perm II• wm be iuued. the developer muat obtain road permits. An acceea road must bP built ·from Hanover Parkway to the ahopplnl CP.nter. Becau1eo lt I• on Grrenbelt land, unlike the res£ of the pro4el't, Hanover Parkway mu•t be built l o O!"Penbelt's standards. ThP dty wiU require that .tho fuiJ. wldtll· of the road be built to carry the ntn tratftc of a ahopplna center. To date, the city hu not been con ta.eted by the developer with a pav. Ins plan for a road permit. Belono dovetoRment can p..........l, tile dr veloper mu•t o~taln an ea»men! aci'Ois thP Smith Ewlnl( propPrty alona both sldea of HanoVt'r Park· way.

Under the proposal, the develoJM"r will .buttd the projert In two at .. eo, 100,000 8QU&I'!' fef"t of corilmerctal ·- and 120,000 oquare feet of

tbarleatow~e ViUage Holds Annaal Meetiag

loJ' Dlde Krltt Plana tor trim palntlna and In­

creases In the reaerve fund ~re the two moat boti;Y debated luuea at the annual memberablp moottnc of the Cbar~t Vlllaae Condo­minium on April 10. The -rd of dlrectol'l made clear lt.. lntenton to adopt a budiot of $203,813. coverlnl both controvental tteiiUI and Uat.en· ed to a lively dlscuuton amona the membenhp on the lel&ll\y and wl•· dOm of uniform trim palntlnl' and alaeable maintenance re1ervea: The -rd Indicated that It would -k tta attome7'• Jecal advice and would welcome the advice of lhe architecture committee on palnttn1 &nd other maintenance prlorltlea. A iaumber of the memben who had been lnvolvt'd In the debab~ prompt­ly sll'hed up for the architecture committee. Ne~ly elected to the bOard were

Ellzallt'th Byen, Katherine Miller, and oDrle. Whl.tlna. They ot"itro conttnulnl board member~~~: Nancy Hindman, Morrl1 Levitt, Clete Meh­rln1er, and· Mary K_lncald. "nle beard wi11 el('ct Ita new o~c<'ra at Ita nrxt re-auJar meeting.

Thl' re•haplnr of a drift-Way to accommodate ftre truck1, lnlltalll'ng attic fana and more ln1ulaUon. ren­ovatlna aldewalka. and rt·palrln• plumblnl ltoalc• were tmptoveiiW'nt. ftnd rttpalrw rt'rommended to thr -..1 'Itt individual mombon. A II. ln~roa•c In con-lnl1.1m foeW wu accept<·d In prlnelple by the mem.berahtp. Deap1te the aublitan­Ual dl~euulon that occurred the -~ ended promptly In two hour. nnd no parlllament&rJ' dh1 put.ra· ai'OII@.

offtce apaoc In the ftrat at&p-. The the lntorchana(' could lltay there to developera' rl"presentatlvea noted · c!o gr0ct'rY Rhopplna. CouncUman that rt'lpon•e to the propoaa.l for Thoman White had pri'"llouaty que1 · an ofllco and retal1 complex hal Uoncd th<' rcnDtlty of n new Safe·· ~n ovcrWhclmln•. The shopping ~ otot'C' olncco onC' ciOMCI on ofBae center complex 11 expected :tc Orconbelt Ro~d ~everal Yt'an qo. open 1200 Jobo in Prince Qoryri'•• SDfewoy c::plntncd they hl\d eloeed County, accordlna to tho d...,lopera. tbQ ato:c bccoaoc of tho lack • .. f

lftoludod In tho G .... nbelt llut mc>dlalt bi"Mkn permlttirtl can to V, IOIJCJilLAI'fEOUS

NO'l'll: Thlo Ia 11 pretlmtnary _. aubject lo chantre.

1tona and two offtce buildlnas. Ar tram the caat. chlloetural plana lor the main por Al~h nothlnll clc!lntte hu

·1 plan1 are a 1boppln1 center ol 2G-2l tum a.rt Into &!~wcy when com.ln•

Uon of the ahopptna center aP<"rlfy boon doctdcd, VIctoria Stattoa, a m:::::--------- • Wttlliimabura atyk!. Bualoel""" bouoc type restauront chain, NOTICI lntoNOted tn· locattna at G .... nbclt '" alea intrl'f'otrd In tocatln~r at ~ aounetl ,;,.,rk .... ton on . lllut llafoway, K-Nart 1 Or<tDioelt Eaat. '""' Weal Coaat UM Pollee budplwlll be held Wed- Momoo, and VIctoria Statton. l>o>111e cbaln uaea old rallrolld can to neaclay, AprQ 11, 1 p.m., 111 the count;, council aaembon !olt • ........, th<!lr ..... ~nuranta. Aoeord-counall cllallolleN. lafow117 •toN at GreeniMit ICut tna lo Oleae, Momco lo allo tntor-ComWMcl c.n.rt April JO would alt.,iate the Kenilworth- cote<!. oallln1 It n .. hot p\oce of

Prlnoe 0.0,... Pbltharmontc allcl Greenbelt R'*l tntoroll.,.. tralllc properi," becaiiM or tta unique Prtnoe o.o,._ o.imuntty Collop 1boc;;;.;;,;;auae;;;.;;...;poo~.::;Pk!;;;..;on;;.;...:.;th.:.;•~-:;;;;;.;li;.;de;;;..;oi:;;..~-;.;;;;;;;III;;;U;;tJ:.;· ________ _ C..blned Cllonuo wilt apptar In .oonoert 111 tiM CJD11er QuHII Anne Alllllttortaa. r...,... Run., April 30 at I p.m. The proaram tncludu llle OWrtun to Mourt'o "The Malll• J'lut.e": llourt'o "Binfonta Oanoertaata Ill • J'lat MaJor .. with oboa. olart...., .....,.,., and bom llllloa; anll -ae.alem" by P'aure. Adlai ....... ill hw.


Four lncumbeD.ti·Run for Re-ElecUou; GBI A.nnual Meeting Set for May l~ll



COUNCIL MD:'trNG OJ' APRIL 11, 19711. AT 8:00P.M.




raor lncumbollte 111111011nood their Intention 1o !'lin apln for t11a G.-.nbolt .---. Ine~ BMrd of Dl....,..... 'l'lle ....,tlon will bo lleld on w..s,...q Mill Thurodll7, "'-1 10 .,.. 11 ta oonJunotlon with tile annual lllfttlna. TIWN are four

· 'opanlnp on t"" board. ·

Tile lncualMDt oandldlltM arw: J- w. laU1t. 1JI a-bill R4;

· ~- ........ 4-H Hlllalde !tAL; Jfon.aa W.,.t. l#' Plateeu PL; and Vlrsilllll Jilor)oadu. 11-11 Rldp

Rd. lnGUIIIIbollt.e ruanlna for onif..-,..r

- on .the Audit Ooamttt .. are Artbar Oi'app, h\ er-nt ftd, 111111 Bolllll :MoOutbt, a.-J: Rldle R4, .l-lllmon:1-8 Laurwt Htll Ml alea annooin- lila oandldllot for the Audit Committee. ~1ft oandl- U7 IIIIa

a.-t r- with anJ -bor . ., • "-""t'- aad lllootiOn~ c • •• ,.... ....... .,., JUMt J-. 1-D PJ-.. Pl. 16t'; -.1, Robort lpoar. 1-A ftldp ftd!

·(fTf-.IIYI,. ~~~~ Morrto, ~ IUtlp Rd. «..._,.,,,, Rowrt lon­Mftldt, t-Q .... Rd ... or IUD• Wrtalat, It-a itldp Rd. 1476--41141. If- _ _...t, th• complnod fonl aq .lot dropped o1r at the _,...,.. allloe for forwudl"' to

.the --.Itt.. .... llloukl bo flied u 100ft

u .......... ..,. ... dUne ta April .. An . ...,.llll!lljlll olaewhore In

tllla ..... ..,._ twtMr lnatruotlilu ..,.~ ...... nttona •

Pro!IOMI to chan•l! o.artur. Ume from D. C. Stad­dlum fmm.ft:~ll P.M. to 1:46 P.M.

• ,._, ftOUTI:

RouUn1 Alterl\1\lwa

Fer lnformltlon call 4'14-3810 or 414-1000.

Gudrun H. Milia

Q\7 Clerk

f I t

·· ... :

ORIE ... T NIWs IIYIIW The Scapegoat vs:. · aJ.r~ ll'~.,.:::n,~,""' ~The Real laue••• .... .=•::.;:.~ :=.';'~~ .... .., .,...._ To the Editor: · "''I'A~" The propoMd. walkway over the

Betty Aanon, Bob Altaro, AleX&Dder Baraea. lua&aae Batra, ICd.ttb Beau- w · p k cBbamp. Vlr8'1nl& Beauchamp, Lind& Braun, Marilyn Brinkley, Marpret Baltimore- Uhincton ar way ,.uuer, Corrina Oomulad.a, Tb.ereaa crowley • .Judy Gold•teln, Marian Har- appears to be 1Urrlna more nela~ x=:'tm!::'•k~~~:in.11~==~. J~:~t~r'C::a!;:at~~t.t~~d t::_~~·:e, Mt::; tlve emotion from .Greenbriar than ~vln .. Leta Machk Jean M••••· Irene M.enuaa. Roberta MeNamar&t Linda anyone from the older ~ectlona of J~-~:~~~.':r~ ot't~f.~!· J: .. mn1,~mon, llll.tne Skolnik, Joume Tucker, Greenbelt rould have lmqlned. As •-·~ 111•-.. r: Lynette Joba•oa; et...aatl• .... ...,, lllke Jooea, a re•ident of Greenbriar for the last ~:~:~:~=-.;•!J.:..:-.:::,.c~a::_':t:.1:-rbara 'il:~.~.-:4~ ••e. thr~ years, pleue let me live a

UO£RD OP D~~.. little backrround to the attitudes PnT o., EVIalne Bkoln,k; Vlee Prea., 814 ie::t.:;;~ Beer .• Barbara Lllrowa&l; that have developed amon1 our r..... f'li1!r lnla Deauehamp. II&D4ra S,.raeL !!_AIL 8U RIPTION8: 111.00 per 7e&r~.__~d•erUBtn• aad new• artloJea aa., nell"hbors. - mailed ( x tl, Greenbelt!: depoalwa In our bos at the Twin Pin•• om,-i CU" .... ., ..... to the ••• ortal OftiM Ia tbe baaement ot 11 Parkwar From the ftnt day, Greenbelt CD;--I•l). opea alter I P.m. Tueada7. Deadline Ia 10 p.m. oa Tue•da,. Center has been no more acceulble V to moat of Ul than Beltway Plaza :"o::"lu~m:-:"::-4~1,.;'~N-u~m~be-r-:2~1----~--T;;h;.u;;r;.;s;,;d;.;a~y.:., ..;A.;:p~r;,;i;.l.;1..;3.~,.;1..;9,;,7.:;8 or Landover Mall. We have received l'oL.I R••-.icr Huored D....t:-. __ .J Flea V • ..Lel no obvious oervlceo; we have even ,gam ...,.,..""• UUII"''IIC.. IIUII'B. been paying for our own security

At "-tim' 0..!.1 Laa...L--- patrol, Instead of ieelnJI Oreenbel;

by Uada OfeRI-1 .._ DIAl lliiiCVII The next meetlnr of the Siller- pollee on a rerular bula. Thol't'

hood of Mlahkan Torah, which will wu a runnlnr .battle amon11 de­be held on Mon. evenlnr, April 24, veloper, manapment company, and at the •:vn..,...e bulldlnr. Rldp the City over replacing the atreet and Weotway Roado. A Boutique ·

~~ ~:: C~~e~te:: w~l :a~~~: ::::·:fe:::;:;:;:~:~::~~;

The Busing laue To the Editor:

Havl~l' moved,oway !rom the pro­verbial "huatle and bu1Ue" of Ute In the big city . . New York City . . .. I ftnd It quite re!reahlnl' to read a community paper auch u yours. H you'll bear with me, I think what I have to aay 11 not only an lntereatlng factor lnvolv• Jng the bualnr laau~ but a lo,tcal &fi'Ument which queatlons the con­stitutionality of auch an lm-1• tlon made by our judicial and po­litical otllclala.

Our natlon'a growth, develop­ment, and prosperity hu be<m nothlnr short of an utoundlng achievement. But our •ucceu hlne .. ea on a few ba•'C prlnclplea, one of which Ia that an Individual re­ceives that · which he baa worked for. For example, there are mil­Ilona of families from all dlfterent racea, rellcJona, berltqeo, that have worked very dllleently tc be able to leave certain undesirable condition• in a aiven community. These people who have made many aacrtftcea and have worked lonr hours, did 110 In order that their children would not

Thunaiy; -April 13. 1978

which the averaae i:IU...n Ia hard wor.klnc, concerned with hla -. miJJlltTo otandard.o, lllorala, IIIII of hlo ehlldrell'a future and Wel!Bit. Thla community Ia what they ba.., worked for and are more than 111 .. titled to ·enjoy . . .

Havlnc l'l'own up In New York City . . ., I am beclnnlnJI to feel dlaappolntment . . . not only for our clty'a educational ayatem but •· nunlerou• other l11uea ... Thla natlon'o deotlny lo now belnr de­t•rmlnfd within our claul'DDIIII, and If thla nation Ia to survive lllld overcome the obatacleo of the fu. ture, we mult make provlalona for our cblldren now ao that thoy m., gain the wladom, . couraae ADd otren,tb to rulde them wben . ~ aball lJ'OVem thla nation. It Ia equally evident that our countr)>'1 educational ayotem hu been uacd u a political and judlelal !ootb&U for too lonr. And It Ia lmperau.. that another eeneratlon of chlfdnm not be aubjected to thla turmoil , , . The Importance of an effective ed· ucatlon&J 1)'1t.em cannot be om­emphaalzed, aa It Ia the breath which rlvea our nation Ita atrcnclb.

On Tuellday, Aprl14 the Sloterhood of Ml.ahkan Torah Syn..,...e held a teatlmontal luncheon In honor of Ethel Roaenzwelc. She wu touted and routed, but only In the nlceet senae, in recognition of the time ahe hu devotetl through the yean to the Slaterhood,. Following a tout to the rueat of honor, Alycr Struaer, Sisterhood President, pre­aented Ethel with a plaque com­memorating h{"r years of devoted Sf'rvlce. Marlene Mollerick, a Shl terhood member, .read a. poem P.X

tOlling Mrs. Roaenzwcig'a personal qualltlca ·and t'mphaalzing her wii­Ungne•• to l!lelVe thC' membership. Friends of Ethel's from the B'nal Brlth Women attending the lun cheon ~lated that shr gave thC' aamf' dedication to that organiza-

able for purchue The Flea Mar- were ml•lnformed about the access ket, which Ia open tc the public, road Into the Hlrh School <a•·· will run from 1:30 p.m. to t0:30 sured that Hanover Parkway would p.m. not be used), mlaled about faclll-

MethcKiist Church News The Rev. Frederick H. Strathdee,

CruRade Director Board of Global Mlnlatrleo of the United Methodlot Chu.rch1 will be peat 1peaker at Mowatt Memorial UMC Sunday, April 16 at 11 a.m. Membera and

' frlenda of Mowatt join their putor, Rev. Clifton D. CUnningham, In ex­t(>ndlnl' R cordial Invitation to hear Rl'v. Strathdee when he will dl'i­cuaa "Hauntin&' Hungers of The Heart."

tlea to come, and lied to about tht· quality and workmanship of the buildlna con•tructlon. These laat Items will take yeara In the courts. The most cruel and hurtlnc straw to break our collective backs wu that everyone involved In the r"nl culations for the tax escrow ac­'counts foraot to Include the Ci:y of Greenbelt' tax. None ot the rcsl·· denta here anticipated that our mortgal'e payments would be In·· creued by .u mueh as $80 pl·r month to make up for taxes Wf' didn't know exlated, (Ed' Note: $801 mo. must Include County Taxes, not

. be aubjected to these aame unde­sirable condltiona. However, now these people ftnd that the ecurto and poliUclana do not allow. the cltl:t~n• thl• right and have enact­ed laws which will send their chll­dr~n back Into communities which they have worked ao hard to leAve. Is thl• receiving; that which One hu worked !or! Ia this what Am­erica has fallen to? •. ,

I often wonder what Individual, or. rroup of lndlvldualo, would 10 bra.­zenly Interfere with our chlldren'• education ...

I atronrly bellevo that any par enta, reprdleu of race, who havr aacrlftced and otru1Jied In order to bring their children up In a community auch u Greenbelt, do not want thel~ children to be bUICd out of their community, a plact they have choaen to be their home Thl• 1urely Is not a matter ot racial · aerreratlon ,and I pray that all the parento of Greenbelt will otand up u one IQ that our chlldren will receive that which we have worked for.

tion. · Ethd RoscnzW<!Ig's inclination t.l

srrve bcaan many YC'nrs aao when shr and her. husband B.:·n wen a· mong the foufldcra of lh£' Greenbelt Hebrew Congreptlon In March of 1939 Since that time Ben Rosen­ZWC'Ir · hna boon prealdC"nt of th" congrrgatlon 11ix tlmC's. Ethel haa arrvcd as trcasu~r of the congrr ption: trn.surer or va·rloua Slatf'r­hOOf\ functions, editor nt a monthly new11lrth•r. nnd In many olhf'r ca­pacltlea. Eth('l and Ben Rolf'n· ZWf'lg arf' no atran1era to thr• var h•d actlvlllca In thr City of Grr.en­bf·lt and havC' glvf'n frt·f'ly of thf'ir tlmC'. f'!IJl''cinllt tn Gn:•t>nbdt Con­sumf'r Srrvicf'JI.

WhPn Mrs. RoKPnt:Wf'ig Rdllr~·~-t!wd

th1• gnth,•rlng, sht- Rtatt-d thAt all of hf'r work wnfl donr for Rt•ltl~h rPR·

snnll Tht• rr•ward shr anught wnM nnt thf' rrro.nltlon of nthNa, but th1· plf•uurr Khe rrcrlvrd In thr V1·ry act of sorvtnr tht' conarcrA.· tlon.

Boys and Girls Club Oi'H>nbfolt alrlB on thP 18 and un­

drr alrl• bukctball te-am arr duP tor eon1ratulationa &a runnPn·up In thr BforWyn Helahts. tourna· menta Membltn are: Cathy Colllna, Patti Cook. KaNn Far .. n. Terl Hawk, Jan~ Jenldna, Lynn Labu· ka1, Karen Lundre1an. Donna Na rle. Both Oaborne, Brlqot O.borno, Ann White. Andrea Wattera. Lyn Wendehac)! and Natali• Zannln. '11te rtrla -N c...,hfd by Jo Ann Row. and Kathy icont.

In the Mllll·ftnal aame of the toumament U.., dof•ted Olenar­den b}' one point to pin entry Into the ftnala. But In the ftnal rome they were .S.!eatad b}' thr County cllampJono, BII'WJJI Helrhta A runner-up trophy .... pr-nted to tho team

lien MarqUM wu oco .. ~eeper, and Ronftle Rowe WU b&JJ boy.

Sunday afternoon at 2 p.m. Rev. Strathdee will conduct the ftrat of three coun•elor training seaalon• In pnoparatiOn for a Stewardship Cru-­aade that will continue throurh Ap­ril 2G to raiae •ufftclent fund• to f'rrct a new s~;mctuary at Mowatt in

·the very near ft_tture

Thr HqmM'iakf'ra Club will hold thf'ir monthly mef'ting Wf'dnrsday, Ap"rll 19, ·at R p.m. In thr• homr of Mu Phil Baum. Thr INldl'f tralnin~t pro.-ram will be .Jlrf'!u-nted by Mra. Bob Bakrr. The topic Ia "Solar Enern and You."

Tht- Club lnvJtf"l tholf' lnt('r('atrd m partklpatlna to r.omP and join In thr prparam. The Club has work shop• each month Call 34~11033 for further Information.

CLARIFICATION Only O~Wnbelt -;t~d~nt;-Wf!Nt

polled on the prcpooed Baltl­naore- Wa.hlnrton _ParkwAy overpua accor"dlnl to principal Ray Orden of Eleanor Roooovelt Senior Hlrh Behool.

At the April I city council meetlnr IN- .._ of April ll, J-.h Marrull• of o-n­briar otated that not all tho otu­denta polled were 11'0111 Green­belt.

Baaed 011 tho reoulta of tho oune,. taken on Mario!! 10 of Greenbelt otvdonta at Roa.wlt, It wu ooncluded that tho pro­lerred · route (Oudenw.., to Greenbriar ,_ .I> wu tho aoot doalrable route.






For lnf.nn&tiGit call

474·3870 or 474-1000



juot city.)· ·

Since the ope-nlnl of Eleanor Roosevelt Hiah School, we havr> wttnPB!Ied a dramatic Increase In eenaeleas vandali•m. Ao even do zen trres· were destroyed (mmH broken ott at around lcveil on Hhn over Parkway last winter. The \xocr bottlf! .and can litter, and oth('r truh, has lncrPaaed markrdly. Stu dents have even been aeen tossing burnlnl matl'bra In our hallwa.r:t for sport,

And now '"" hf•ar tha:. t•l NUff' guard some Of lhf'sf' your.;:stf"l's "'" should glvP up B. part of c11r pro prrty. Thf' W_lllkway ha.~ obv.nw·dy bPcomC" the N<'Rpcgnat for f\11 t ht• WrOnl"a WP ff'(') WI' haVf' had In lx-ar. If you RILPk your h'\nd Into a bfoes' neat thRt ·has bN~h drn1lrwd, kickrd, an(l hit with a ~tkl•, your hand Is IOing to br.~tUL'\1' whf' th('r you havr ofTrrrd a hand . or trlendahlp or a fi11t.

M08t of the objectorlil RPf'm blind ed by thelr rmotilm to thf' rtoa.l Ia IUIP, Which IIJ WhPthf'r Wf' ar(' wlJ llnl' to provld"' a a&ff', lftaal mt&nJi~ to walk from onr pArt of dl"f'f'nbrlt to another. ArP we wllllna to df'n) the l'ood peopiP of our communJty a • walkWa7 becauap of the lmmatur· 1 v of a fewT The punk• who deatro~ a~ tre1paulnr on Qr~nbrlar pro perty at will throuah tht! manv holu repeatedly cut In our fenC'P~. Tbe entire lenath of O~nbrlar 11'1 naw aUHeptlble to tht-lr vandalt11m. The walkwa, would Actually Pllm _ lnate the deatructlon of the fencea and UJBit the youniJiten' ,..;tlte to ono path that would be eulor to polio..: Vandaliam Ia her. now; 1t111 control requlHt cooperation from ower,one, from t.he City Council to Greenbriar rnldiPnta, to tht~ yo~n1 people tbem8PIYPJ who mu•t aur·'•-V\M thllr peoro.

I - that wo ohouldn't be die tetad to b}' a low children u to ho.- .. lhould apend our tu lfton 01. But rn boo damned II I will run In ff&l" and hide from •wn fewer of tbaM l&lllP chlldr@n,

Tho Jlrat caoualty on the llaJtJ. lllON-W&ahlnrton Parkwa7 will not be a . hllll ochool otudent, but R youq ohlkl !rom o ... nbrlr.r who wlll wan6er throurh tbe holea In our lence. I pray tM I'WIItliPmPn of tM City Council do their duty lor 11M OOIIIIIIunlty and build tho Oftr- before that happeno.


Mlshkan torah NOtea Tho Mlalollan Terab PJa,.era wlil

,._t a lel'lllon .. Jn-Drama on "P-' on FrJ , AprJJ 14 at 1 p.m. a.turday oervJ- ot&rt at t:IO ..... .

Our country Ia made up of num­eroua communities in. which the standard of living Ia a reflection of that particular community's In­centive and ambition. These com­tnuniUea vary from total ·poverty and neeatlve ambitions ln life to communities such u -Greenbelt, In

ST. JOHN'S CHURCH fpiscopal

Baltimore Blvd. at Powder Mill Rd. S.ltavllle

8 R.m. Holy Communion 10:30 a.m. Morning Prayer

<Holy Con\titunlon lit Sunday) 10:30 a.m. Sunday School Rev'. John G. Ball, Rector

-·-MOWATT MEMORIAL United ·Methodlat Cbu""' 40 RldJIO Rd:" 474-MIO

Church Behool 9:30--10.30 11.m. Mornlnt Wonhlp II a.m.

<Crlbbery and Nursery provided! SERMON: "Hauntlnr Hunpro of The Heart" by Rev. Fredarlck H. Strathdee.

Rev. Clifton D. Cunnln ...... Putor 474-1381

1'0 WHOM 11' MAY CONCERN I I You are invited 'and welcomed to meet with VI

" eacltweelr.

. G R E E N B E L T B A P T I S T ·C H U R C H 41-ll

· llllole llaob for all - ( ... ) tiM -~won~~~p u,._ .. ,,...,.. Mid---~ .... .,_.

J'or INa ~ Gall Cburalo olD• 1:10-12:10 weekd&,o

Greenbelt Community Church (United Church of Chrilt)

Hillside and Crescent Roads • Phone ""·11171 (morninp)

Sunday 11 a.m •• Wonhip Service and Cbureh School

Nunery provided ·~ 2B Hlllalde

Rev. Sllerrr TaJlor and Rev. aur,. Ta,lor, H-puten

c lloly Cross Latltena O.~nh

69050 ............... ........................... ...;.. ...._ ......... u.. • ......., "....., ....... j .. 11 ... ......

,...._ ... .., ....... :.._. ........ .... ,11

Thuraday, April 13, 1878

T0f1etlter Wltll Management Iii NpJ'It to the p~ plan

tc. rebabllltaUon of the 0111 'lomu, h have heard from a num­ber of membera wbo have QUMtiORI or ccmcema about tho plan. It'a typleat that people who are In fa­vor of a propoul and -•...U,. - with Ita Intent and method, often don't bother to write. :117 ltuaband and I fit that eat-.oi'J'. We oupport the propoaod rehabllltatlon plan and have reeent11 written the board of dlrectora of our oupport and are taklnc IIIlo opportunity to urre othera to do ao.

·Letters to the~ Editor

We are new reeidentl in Green­belt. What particularly attracted uo to the Greenbelt communlcy WIY Ita aenae of toeethemeu and aharecl actlvltleo. We hope that oplrlt will aee Greenbelt throu~rh thle new un­dertaklnr. We think lt'o unreallotlc to expect Individual realdenta to be able to carry out the type of rehabilitation needed, The very otrenrth of Green belt Ia that It can take on and handle the type of projecta beyond Individual reoour­cea. Frdm our analya~la of the plan, It aeemo that theN Ia atlll the •ame ranp of cholcee and declelon• left to the Jndlvldulll.

GHI manaeement doea a rood job on the maintenance of our hom.ea. but we can see many areu where, very soon tbla level of tDalntenance won't be enouah to en•ure the aame quality of llvlnr. If we poet­pone action we can't expect the problem to go away or be euler to tackle later.

The membership of OHI hu Iota of talent, ldeu, and knowledre vf the community. ' Torether wt~h man1ement we can develop a re-­

. habilitation plan which will en-hance our community and be aup­ported by all.

· Ray and Sandra Smith

AHack Dogs located We wish to thank those Indi­

viduals who, alooc with the pollee of Oreenbelt, located the ownere of

· "the doaa who attacked a Greenbelt realdent.

Greenbelt poliC'e have vf'rlfleJ:i that the animals had received their rablea ahots.

lnno<:ulatlona to prevent rablcft ' wtll thu1 not h&Vf' to be admln;·,..

tf'red bec&ule of the prompt aetloa of our Greenbelt citizens.

OncP again, wr would like t ,)

brlnl" to the &ttt'ntlon of the l"'eneral public that tht> Lak(" Park 111 " rPc

· rration area .for thf' aenf'ral !l~·pu latlon of Greenbelt and we appt:>al to thoa~ animal owner~ who Ullf' thr area to rxerclsP their animals tn review tht' rommunlty lawa and or'­dlnancell and realltto the Capabllit!NI of their animal•. Children ar£' more vulnerable to animal• ~t­tack's durlnl' this seoaaon.

We hope that all citizens will 0... awtlrtt of their r@l!lponslbllitlf's to thPir fellow .citizenR ln thll rr apect.

Tlte fmperor's New 'Clothes Tbe Jlllilperar Ia Nftaled In bta

BVD'a b}' Ute lmioeance ot Ute child (ntW1lCIIIIer to our' ooopera.­tiVL) The tailor, Mr. Behwan,

·would oonvlnce ua thet we baw le.. than iormal lntelllpnce If we .do not - the l(r&lld pnnanta In which tho royal Bo&rd of Gill are clotllfd. How dare we Qutatlon their llncerlty or ouapect duplici­ty!

At botb meetlnp to explain ·the Beek/Holrman plan, the board failed to make It clear that It had not at 1- favored the "OHI Ra­habllltatlon lt.lld Plannlnc· Study" and Ita prcpoaed ftnanclnr, and the llrurea Mr. 8telfter quoted In hlo letter printed In the N-.' Review were certainly mentioned, nor were they .. denied when he que1Uoned tbem at the Saturday meetlnr.

AI to beln&' an "Idle exerc~•"·" the whole project Ia aa much •o, since, u Mr. Schwan, who Ia no lonaer on the Board, but seem• to be It, ruldlnr llrht, polnta out that no dellnlte plan hu been approvod 'by the ~rd or memberoblp1 but that loan• are contemplated .. at much leu than the UIUal lnterf'Bt and for a much lonrer term ot maturity, which Ia exactly wh•! alarms many of the member•. We · can aee thla corporation over-ex. tendlnr ltael! and rolnr Into bank­ruptcy and receivership and our home• dlaappearlnr In the debacle.

The au1aeet1on that we make Mc­ommendatlona to the board 18 rNL­aonable. My awn · auaae•t!<.nM .would be that tht board and m·.m­aaement limit their efforta to maln­talnln&' and •trenathenlnl" thC' structures already in existence; re-­placlnr plpea that need replaelnc. replaclnl roofing where needed, also replacinl window• where sills and franies are damal"ed by •ettllna foundations ot deterloratiori, mend· Ina ~all damaae and termite dam · age, brlngina the electricity wlrlnr into conformity with bulldlna alan darda, contlnulna to Improve the heatlna 1yete:n, etc. Some plan to assiat and encourqe home ownera to paint where the old paint 11 peellnl' Ia cert41-lnly dt"slrnblc and a reaaonable cosmetic project. All money borrowed muat be borrowed for a membership- approvrd project and muat be used only for that project. The memberfhlp must know the real aaseta Available for any project and what additional money Ia nPrdP(I bt>for~ votlna to at~thorlzt' ·a loan. No loan ahould be madf" without a majority vote of U'le mf'mbuahlp.

Maklnr It poaalble for Individual• to Improve their units at their own where they wlah to do ~o ehould be encoural"f"d. If, u a co oJ)f'railve It 11 poll!llble for lndlvld ual "perpetual ownen" to Jrf't Joana at a lower rate ot Interest, th.t.t would bf' a welcome aorvlce. Somo

The T ortuousPathfoSuccess. . "GrHnbclt must hav(' applied the mlulon'~ lf'tlslatlvf' llaiBOn wu rtaht pl'<'eaul"t' In the rlaht place opposed to lt. ,.. and madr th(' proJ)f'r contaete," Thla WAft th'r ftnal C'omment whf'n CUy M•naaer Jame• Gtrn recrlvrd word from S@nator Ed Conroy'• office that th41' Prlncr Ororae11 dftiPR'atlon met and approvl"d amt'ndmenta to both the HousE' and Senate billa tha.t pavPd thf' way for Orcenbl'lt

· to f'f'ct'IYP fef'l In llt'u of mandat(')ry dedication Tho HMI bill wu p&l·

It'd In fhr clo•lnc hour• ot thr. LPris,atlve Sr11alon.

"At the time thE' Maryland Nation· al Capital Park and Planntna Com ml••lon IMNCPPC) conaldrra pf'f'· llmlnary plan• for devrlopmt'nt, thr dPVPIOIK"r II l'f'QUirf'd to Ht uldp' for open apacr or" rl'crPI!I· tlon dfiVPiopm@nt or tn•t•ad, pay a r.. to MNCPPC.

ThP rood n~• eam• attPr a wHk of bewllderlnl maneuvPr•. A wHk oro Wedneoday, the city rot word that the lenate wu ecnaldorlnl tho Houae bill, Whloh did not oonteln the enabllnl( am111daont, and tha HoUM wu COIIIIderlftl lila lenate bll~ wlllob did -tall'l the Gl\)' t .. .......t aaendaant. At ·Uta -•

Both Glr1e and Mayor Richard Pllokl attend•d the PlannlnJI Board meettnr. ThUnday morn Ina ·and heard LoWney rf'port that the Prince Oeorru deteaatlon had dt­leted the clty'a amendme-nt from the Senato bill. The Planning Board, however, unanlmou•ly adop­ted • motion to 1upport the' con· crpt ot the city'• amendment with two ehan1eo1: the fl'e •hauld 10 to IKe municipality only If roqu•otod; afld tho '"" ahould pa01 throurh the .. lon.

OlttiiiP. lncorporatPd thew chanrf'R Into th• amendmpnt and lurnlah@d thtt nflW Jan1uaae- to Senator Con­ro7'1 ofllce 10 that It could be In­eluded In the Houae bill which wu before the Senate.

Meanwhllo, Delerate David Gray Roaa . had oucc.-.Jed In placlnr a ''bold" on ·tho lenalo bill 10 that tile Houao C!OUkl reoonalder It, al· · tbouah Lawfley oonUnued to op. ,.... tbo oiiJ' amendmo)lt deaplte

the Plalullnr Board'• --... t . of tho-'·

Uao, the GIIJ'·- ..._ Utat tho Ia lilt enol, howner, the pi'M­Prln .. 0.0,... Pluninl' ..... wu a.. wera aD -'"'! wltll tile ....... to ....... 1111 _.....t ...... ., llnalor o....,. aad Det.. tile followlnl' .., .... that .. .,... ..... OetaN ~ lAo o-

r IJn IAwMJ', tiNt l'lllllllnl 0.• ... a-.

-n would wiJUqly .ali. a 1-year loan to do certain work to -.IKe their honaM for -'~· Kalntalnlna' a IJat of rellaltle -rk­m ... wbo would do a ....,.. job at a reuonabJo ocet would be balpful, too.

It lo not unreuon&br. for tho m0111berahlp to demand that ownen do certain work to keep up thllr own property. Such etandarda, howner, abould be by vote of m0111berahlp and not IIDpoaod by board or manqement.


Saddened by BiHerneu I have been aaddened by the bit­

tern- ezpruaed In oome of the lettera publlahed recently In tho 0-.abeh Newa Review concernlnl' the propoaed Greenbelt Homea, Inc. rebabllltatlon. I would aak tho membero of GHI to remember:

1. The recommendation• and e1t1 · matea of oceto preaent"ll at the two recent public heariiiJII are thoae of Mark Beck Auoclatea .It Conoul­tanta.

2. Nelthe~ the manAaement of OHI nor the board of director• ha• made a recommendation to the member1blp.

8. Whatever rehabilitation plan lo propoafd muat be approved by the memberlhlp of GHI before exe­cution.

There can be little doubt that th•' Inflationary trend will continue. Time will continue to d.atroy our home•. If rl•lnr future eneru coats are to be offlet, we muat ln­sulate our homes and take other meuure1 to reduce the co•t ,f maintenance. These problema can be•t be 10lved If we cooperate (the very word mean• "worklna toreth· er"l ·to ftnd aolutloniJ,

I hope for leas bitterness and more rood will u we work toaether to do what ts beat 'tor OHJ.

JamN H. Fo1tt-r

·Children VIctimized La11t week An An.-ry Cltl&en pro

phealed that the next doc victim m.trht be a. child. ·_Actually three ch11dren were the n~xt Y\ctlma.

One Bunny d~y lut wef'k I took my two children and two Qf th('ir friends to the planround. We.bad hardly arrived 'when a Ia rae un lea1hed German Shepherd came to areet. us. Althouah I realized tho do& wu friendly, one little alrl did · not. She became terrtflPd, My at­tempt• to calm her· failed, and It was not lona before there were

. three terrified rlrl• (all under three yeara of .. e) cllntlnr to mC". It wu irnpoaliblc to hold three children, BO we had to walk home immediately. I cannot ~xpre11 the panic of thMe chlldriPn or my own conel'rn over the dl(llcult)' of rettlnJI them hom• calmly. The fact that my oon did not want to leave thr play1round made the tuk that ~uch more dlfft · cult.

011e chtld. atlll talka about the "bta doa that acar~d mr". No one wu bitten; but all of ua WPre vlc-­tlmlaed.

l.eta Maeh

Woman's Club News The reaular monthly mert1n1 of

The Woman'• Club of Orrenbfolt will be held April 13 In th• Social Hall of tho o-nbelt Community Church. 'nlla 11 the yearly bu•lnru lllM'tlna and covel'e'd cll11h dlnnPr.

Plana art" undf!rway for 1 1lde· walk aalfll to 1»e hfllld In Thr Cf"nter April 21 and 211. Procrodo !rom thlo evfllnt will ht~lp ftnancp thtr('l achol· arahlp award•; one to An EIPanor Roollttv.elf eenlor 1trl, onf' to Olrl11 8tatiP and Of'IP to a county •rholar· •hlp fund. Any donation of monry or rualeable ltema will iN' wei corned.

Home-b&ked IOOdo will be oold Satu~day the 29th !rom 10 a.m until dopleted. f'or plrk up pleaae ..r1 414·1111 or 4T4·1114t

La LeeH Meetiag The Otwnbelt Lal.i.hl IAqlto

will ...... .. ..u.JJ •eetlnl ... ......,, .April 17, 1 p.m. at 'lilt IAIIMNIIt Dm.. 'l'lle tople will be ....... " lflltrltlen and -Jq,. JW 111'-tMa tall: ., .....

A ,., 1or we ...,. In-- to Uta.-.. .....

:r. Jfarrulla and :r. Oontp· .. "­ted"" the·-.... ( ...... 'II .•• I- altudeat at lllleaaor ~

nit 8eidor Hll'h l!lcbool and I would .,...,. muell Uke a brldp - the B-W Parlnrq at Oanln....,. for -ral-:

1), It would tr.Mndouol7 lbor­wn the walldnc dtatence to acbooL It would tileD lie foaalbta to wall< to aatiYIU.. 1te1111 held then: e.l(. the oltJ ooun.U Ill&)' llold a publlo beartq thera on .April Jt.

I. P'or tile people of Oraenbrtar; If you haw frlenda In Greenllelt or wh to abop at Ute Center, you could walk . .A brldre at tbat point would help to ·tie Greenbriar to Ore,nbelt.

II. Moat atudenta don't ·want the Mandan Road brlqe. I ""'"' lt'a much too far to walk all the way around Greenbriar to ochool. Plua, the brlqe would not be convenient to otudenta lhllnc In the ooutll end of OHI or Lakealde.

Marrull• Ia Quoted u aaylnr that We •hould "not have our teenqera dlctatlnr to ua.:· Who do you think the brldee Ia belnr built for? If tWe otudenta don't want the Man­dan Road route, then they will C0:1·· tlnue to crou the B-W Parkway and continue to run the rlak ot belnJI hit by a car.

I think that moat otudenta would like a bridge at Oardenway ao that they could pt to aehool, not 10 they could ao and vandalize Greenbriar. Citizen• of Greenb.rlar, please note that t.hll brldre Ia not lnltlatlnr the •ltuatlon of 1tudent• IJ4UI•lna thro~ah your •rea. At preaent. many 1tudent1 crou the Parkway and ro throurh Greenbriar, hrldp

.... , ........ [[ ..... .' .......... CHild C~A ,_..'tie ,....u.e la­pat aJcJ*'"illlult ,._ 1111111 of ba--Uw tO- ouA.'de ~ --panlea wld8 ... ~ bba-dar to a .... d&pee the nte at •bleb ORI...._ are lOW.)~)•

a. .Apln In the ~ronan ........ report, ..... 11: ~ wid! DOIDIDIJJlicy -ben and anaiJU of queatlonnal,. - pnnlld ..tuJ but -..a.d ao dalre for mv>r c....._ In the -unlcy.• Tba Beell nport aad ... 8elrftn pralae ua for fiWIII out the .......,. - tt,.. WIIJ not u.tea to what we 1&1<1?

4. In :your paid ..S. Mr. Bebwan (Newt~ Jt.wm.w :1-11-'11), 1011 ra1ae

. Queotlona and aupply anawera In the alllnnatlw on rahabllltatlon; and you urp uo ro partlcljtate to formulate tile beet ,-ble pro­IJ:r&m. )(q I QUote from . ......_ _a..,_. .............. OHI IHO-lt'fO. b}' Charlu P'. Behwan , Pqe :Ill: ''Who would like OHI 7arda to realmble thoae of a later day tobacco road r· Since I don't think we haYe ar­rived at that "11'911" day may I quote the parqraph before your conclualon on pqe II: t'Nor need we think of rebulldlnc at the rate of DOG homu at a time, or an, other olmllarly rldlculoua flrure. The rate oi apln1 varte• from •true­tuN to atructure. At whatever

·time 1i appropriate, the deelalon to rebuild ohould be on a otructure by atructure bulL.. The• home• muot have really fallen apart In the put eJcht yean!!

G. Finally, how come paper bal­lota when. votln• machlnea arie available?

Appareatly one or tile alupld -Ia, .laek 81elfter

or no brldp! So let's nlake thl• . IHI p • ( I I" route safe and we'll have a brld11• Ill If I lfll that ·many people will appreciate!! Leotcr Bhupp, a painter with

Alan Ambci'K Greenbelt Homes, Inc. for 22 years, ·Stupid Peatant ha• retired this month. Shupp 1M>

Many thanks to Charle• F: ran work with OHI In April 1111141; Schwan for his anawera; tht:!y rals one of a dozen palntera on lt!l ed .. few more queatlona. malntrmanee atatr at. that time.

t. Now that we have t>stabllshttd More rf'cently, GHJ hu contracted that both avenp and median are out the palntlnr work llnd there~ correct, why were .we ae-nt only fore employ• only two atatr pa&nt the •vente, when the medlaa 11 a en. In addition to palntln& Inter f1 uer reflecUon of sales valuca? lora, Bhupp dld alaalnl, carpentry.

2. Mr. Schwan cont:edea 1 may P"or ttle future, )I(! plana to eaten have Jl JK)Int on the Caalea) ad.mln up on ftBhlna and other wo'rk ar · istratlve fcc. Let me drop the other ound h11 Laurel home. AIB01 hl11 ahoe. If GHI Can't aell my homC", fol"e'man of thc put HVfral Years, and I 10 to an outside realtor, IRtlll Lester Hobert, say• he npectB pay ORI $6110! Why? <Morton Shupp wlll be opendlnr ao111e time Hoffman report:· PI TO, Bf'ctlon Jo"". at the racetrack. . --·-------------------------------








·I P.M. I . I









1 (Retu_m to. City Ofllca,. 21 Creaem~t RoM, Greenbelt, Md. 10'7'70) I I · Ol!drun R. MIIIJ

Cl\1 a.rk .




yc= =s~

LUcia OWena, 4

dauahter of Marae and Lowell OWeno, 119 NortbwaJ, ._ a member of the Earlham Collep French tnienalve pro1ram buecl In Rodeo, France during the BprlJlll term. Studentl met their ouperv._­or., Mareb 21 In Pari~ From there they traveled by train to Rod'"' 'tn .uuthweatern France. In addl­.tion to the academic eour~e~. the l'roup wlll attend cultural functlona and take a week-long excuralon In early May. The procram concludes June a.

Robert V. Collins, 8104 Breeze wood Dr., was among the student• at Southern Illlnols Unlvcnlty cit­ed for outstanding a.cadeftlic a­chlcvt"ments &\ the annual Honor~ Da.v cerl'monles on April 2.

Machael Kenneth O'Driscoll, tKJn of Mr. and Mrs. TcrrencP K. O'Prls­coll, 4-A Crcscl'nt, hns bC'I'n acc .. pt­t•d as a freshman for th(' 1978·79 acadt•mlc year at Wofford Collt•g••

_in Spartanburg, South Carollnn.

h11· lqle Plays· AI t.!!!_Cttter


TICE! That old cliche aeemo to be true In the cue of Greenbelt'• own - Do,.. Nqlo, 12 Greendale Place, aon of Marlly 6: Don Nqle. March ao I&W Do ... otarrlllll In tho prelim­Inary pme for MacDonald'• Capital Claulc A.ll--lltar baaketball pro1Jram. There were 12 cboeen few from Mai'JI&nd and VII'IJinla hlllh ochoolo for the preliminary IJ&IIIe from a­moniJ AAA, Alt., A. AB leape hllh achoota. Matter of fact. Doua wu the only penon choaen to repre­sent the AB leape on the Suburban A.ll-Btara. which Ia no minor feat In ltaelf,. and Eleanor Rooeevelt Hl11h School · ahould be ml1hty proud to have a representative In the aame.

DoUIJ'o first coach, Phil Straw of the Greenbelt 'Boys and Girl• Club saw the potential which was further nurtured by Coach Bob O'Brien two short year• aco at the then new Roosevelt Hllh School. With some more practice, Doua is on his way to colle1e, then, who knows??': Maybe one day we'll be trekina to the Capital Cent~ again to watch him play in&"· with a professional l£'am.

Thundar, April 13, 1978

MoC1rlby f••• l1iaer A political -mlttee "Friends

for Tony McCartiiT' has been for­med and 11 plannlnll a fund ralalnr party for TueodaJ, April 18, In Up­per Marlboro.

Greenbelter McCarthy hu not yet formally declared but 11 conalderlnl running for th• HoUR of Dele1atea from the 24th Dlatrlct.

Pat Pugh, the ollalrman, Indica­ted that the hope of the commit­tee Ia to con'#lnce TOny that cap­able candidates can be publicly oup­ported.

Persona aeeklna more lnforma· tlon may call Pat at III!:H880 (9 a.m .• ~p.m.) or Fred He)'ler (even­lnl•l at 282--11689.

1/td-t• (J. Su.u Melvin C. Sima, 8811 Rhode h­

land Ave., Collep Park, died Tues­day morning, Aprtl 11. Sima was honored by the City of Greenbelt at a. retiremPnt celebration on July 9, 1975, after havln&' bt"en a mem ber of the Public Works DPpart­ment for 37 years.

M"el Sims wu one oi the city's first employeea, having been hired July 16, 1938 to fill the position of equipment mechanic. He retired July I, 197~.

\Vinnf'rs of thf' March 24 dupli- . ('8t(' bridge' was the• h•am of Zim­mPrman Tony Pisano. Cnmlng in !Wcond WPrP Tc•d and Paullnr Pritz. krr and thirl.l Ruth S•·hultzh• and Doris Johnson.

It'~ n boy for Bn·ndn nml C~'rls ~khrnm, 15-B Lnurf·L H.obr>rt Fr1•d 1•rick was born un Mar•·h 2• and tippP~I tht• 8('nlt"s at 7 lb~. 12 nz Ht- jnln~ a ~lsh'r. Tnryn.

JOII YOUR llundr<'ds or Springhill Lnkt· h•Pns

r<'rf'ntly dan('Pd 21 hours fur thf• Hf'nrt Fund Thf'y and thf•lr ~pon'­s:u~ dnnatt•d $900.00.

.John Bourg,Pois. !ton.or Mrs. MPr­f'dith Ramst•y, Chf'rrywootl Tt•rr:tct•, has ff'"PIVNI ~ bftHkptbRII BWIU'd.

John Is an cigh~h grndcr. at St Andrl'w's g,•hool.

GPorgc HatftPid, Jr., son of Mr. and Mu. Grorgc Ha.tHeld of Lak('­ored Dr. baa ~t•n promoted to thP rank Of AlC. He Ia statlonCLI n.l Rlckcnbac.kc~~~~ ~~-Ohi11.

Policr. nloUer Officer O'Nc-H, while on mutim•

pntrol In thr. c:1rly Clo~Jng hnu··re, ob::ervcd n pf.ruon on n no~o:-cy.::,.

actina aunplciously. ln chf'cklna, he learned that tho motorcycle had been atol..,n In Riverdale. Aa a re­•ult, 1\ 21 yrnr-old ~ ff'aldent of Cc11lrgr Park wu charl't'd with un authc.ri:::l'd ·unr of a motor VPhiclr o.nd abo With poiMUion of narcO uc •.

An o rc3ult of an lnvcs:lgntlun by PFC Cf'CcarclH. two )'DUtha rrom tJnlvcnlty Square Apartment" have ~n char ~red with breaking Into tlrt

•·J•lrlmrnt In the d(\ftlopmrnt u!l March 21. Juvenile Court ncUon '" l><'ndlng on both JOUtha.

.Aftl"r ~clvlnl a complnlnt uf ttu•pleloull JM!'non• tn a V<'hlclr 1\t IJ<oltway PI""'- Olftct!r O'Nell rr. apondM. In ch4!'e.dq out th.., r:ub­jN"ta, h~ found that onP wu a fulitivr from·New York City, whPI"ff b• wu wante4 for armed robbery. He wiu tran1portld by Prtncf"' aeo,.... Count, Bherllr'• !>topart m•nt to Upper Marlllonl to await extradlllon p.,.,..,mnp.

After re""IYIJlll a _,.plaint of a hit and run aeelden& In Sprlnthlll Lakr .ariJ Sundar IDOmlnl. otllcer Watkins located the drlwr of tho otrlklng ""hlclo whloll wu a\111 In the a-. 'nlo opentor, a r•atdMlt of lAndnftr, Marrlaftd.· wu rhara­ed with l~nlng the • ..,.. ol an ac­cident.

Qftlaer Craddoell, ._ r•colvln11 a oomplalnt ol oulljee&l tomporlnll with a .,..hlole In &he parklnll lot at tho Belt.., P1aa, reaponded and apprelieMH Ill.- .alo IT ,.., olda, two ,,..,.. "-!<rlllo and one rr.. u,., Marlllol'o. Found In tllelr .,_........ - lluboape f,..,. two fthlct.o ,......,. at tho~: all thne wel'li ........ and an awallllll .ru...,.lle ONrt action

Cpl_ lilt.ltoll 011 twtllle patrol 1ft llprlnchlll LUte oMerftd • motor­<Jcle INnllll .,... a bulldlniJ on the projeclt. ln-.ptlon ro-..aled that the ~ct. illaol .... n ato•n r.- anotbH -·In .the d.,otop.. 111ent. lt waa ntllmad lo the owur.


TODAY -.Greenbelt Volunteer Fire Department

and Rescue Squad

G. H. I. MEMBERS At th~ annual membership meeting and election May 10-11

1978, Greenbelt Homes members will elect four directors to serv~ two-year terms and three membero to the Aud 1t Committee to serve one-year terms. If you are interested in serving m c;>ne of these capacltiea, please fill out the form below and give to a mem­ber of the Nominations and Elections Committee: Janet James 1-D Plateau Place (474-3804), Robert Spear, 1-A Ridge Rd. (474-3843), Anaela Morris, 42-J Ridge Rd. (345-7874) Robert Sonneveldt, 8-Q Rld&e Rd., or Jamea Wriaht 3~-B Ridge Rd (474-4524). If more convenient, the completed form may ~ dropped oft at the Manager's oftlce for forwarding to th• Com­mittee ..

GHI Nomination• and llectiona Committee Consent Form 'Date

I, naidlnc at

Greenbelt, Maryland, and being an acrredlted .member of Greenbelt Momea, Inc., and therefore eligible do herewith .eonoent to havlna rny name appear on the Balloi for the ann11al OW election to be held May 10-11, 1978. If elected. I will aerve to the beot of my ability u a member of the: '

(pleue check whe"' applicable)

AUDIT COMMITTEE (!-year term)

_BOARD 01' DUU:CTORS (:l-year term)


Add till

Phone Nn.

- · PI- ailo IUbmlt a bioaraphleal Sketch (printed, or typed)

Subecrlbld and awom to thla ... dey of • 1878.

lfotary Public

lASH 118. REALTORS Computerlucl Multiple Lilli• Service


We have a really fine selection, available in all price range8.

Call to find out what price your family can qualify for, so you can become a homeowner.


WAITING FoR A BARGAIN? Then wait no more. This 2 bedroom Colonial home ha8 a full

basement, separate dining room, washer, d'ryer, carpeting, and freezer. Nice size yard. VA appraised at $32,000. Hurry, call 927-1221 or 345-2151.

NEED MORE SPACE? Take a look at this 4 bedroom older home with new kitchen

lots of appliances, w /w carpet, completely ·fenced yard, and front porch for only $44,900. FHA or VA. 927-1221 or 345-2151.

"SWEET AND LOW" All brick rancher, located in Montgomery County, featur­

ing 3 bedrooms, I 'h baths, central a/c, drapes, washer, dryer, patio and nice level stockade fenced yard. _Excellent location, f9r only $53,000. Call 345-2151.

CHARMING RUSTIC STYLE •• .. is here waiting for your family in Hyattsville Hills.

This older large all-brick Colonial home has 4 bedrooms and 2 ·run baths Exceptionally clean and modern kitchen, rec. room, fireplace. in living room. and much more. DON'T DELAY. CALL 345-2151.

TALL TREES ·SMOOTH LAWN Large level lawn with plenty of shade trees comes with

this 4 bedroom, 2 full bath home in' Berwyn Heights. This fea­tures large master bedroom_, country style kitchen. fireplace in living room and rec. room in basement. Pric:ed to sell at $&2,~00. Call345-2151 or 927-1221.

NEED MORE SPACE? We have it in this 5 bedroom, 2 full bath rambler in

Langley Park area, with rec. room in basement. and patio on level fenced yard. Call now, inove in 45 days. VA terms at $52,~00.

OPEN Saturday, April 15 til 6 p.m. and Sunday, April 16 ttl 6 p.m.

ON THE LAKE Beautiful hall-acre setting, 3 bedroom custom-built ramb­

ler. 2\',a ·bath, 3 fireplaces, and rec room, and oh so nice and so much more. 6 Lakeside Circle. Greenbelt Rd. to Southway, left on Crescent Rd., right on Lakesid& Dr., right on Lakeview Circle, house on right. A must to aee. Call 3olli-21Sl anytimu, day or night.

HOME OF MANY PURPOSES Out in. the country, we have a 3 bedroom older home with

a complotely fenced yard that meuure1 37,500 oquare feet, is level; and backs up to woods. Thla property is zonl!ll 1-1 lor Industrial use if you dPSire, or ran be u.ec1 a1 a farmette. Call for more information. 346·2151.

FORMULA FOR PINI UVING . Thll home will leave you bru\hleaa, a truly cullom-built apllt-foyer that features cathedral beam~ ceilln11 In livmg room and dinln1 room and an ultra·moclem kitchen. 2 ttreplaces, I lar1e rec. room and lar1e olllce In lower level with private entrane@. 3 full hath• with Jar«• family room addlti•rn with fireplace that nverlooko 8/10 arre treed lot. LolA ol extra&, Moot see to appreciate. 34D·2Ul.

Call 345·2151 lASH, IIC. REALTORS


Thursday, ~!'II lr.D'71

Support Bail•• for C.mpletio.a H:~:!:c:::=:PCO::!'!a. Of Metra rail E-Routl to· Beltway ~~ ;~~~!~-~ar~:~ ~~.:

and Ptaftnl1111 Comm ... loa pro.,.,..t by Gahe Sucher FY 1978-79 operatiJlll and capital

A solid majori\Y of area citizens teotifying at a public meeting budiet The meetlniJ ...UI be TuM­held April 5 at Eleanor Roosevelt High School in ·Greenbelt en- da7. April 5 at 7:30 p.m., In die dorsed the construction of the full Metrorail E route. Nineteen Council Hearlnl' Room of the Coun­of the 31 residents who spoke out favored building Metro all the way to the Beltway, while twelve speakers opposed such a move. ty Admlnlotratlon Bulldlnl In Up-

p<>r Marlboro. ' The meetlnc was chaired by ~------------.!:.!;..:~::::,::::;_ _______ ,

Prince Georaes County Council member Francia Francoll, with The Friends for Tony McCarthy fellow councilman Frank Cuula also In attendance. Francolo and ·Committee Caau1a shared the rostrum with members of the Wuhlnaton Me- • h o tropolltan Area Tranolt Authority IS avlng an and a coneultant from· Peat, Mar-wick, Mltetiell 6: Co.

Commont from Greenbelt Three of Greenbelt'• flv~. city

councilmen showed up to expreaa their support for Metro construction. Mayor Richard Pllakl read an otn­ci.aJ. statement concludlnc that "the E route Ia wanted, needed, and available . .. ao let's &'et on with bulldln1 lt."

COuncU member Tom White Btreaaed the point that "many or us in northern Prince Georges County will not ~at until we are &Bsured ·of full Metrorail aervice serving thia corridor.'' Mayor Pro Tem Gil Weidenfeld added hla voice to the pro-Metro chorus from Greenbelt. The only other Green­belt speaker waa thia reporter.

Comment from. Other Anu Oppoaltlon to Metrorall emanated

from Colleae Park, many of whose reAidents were worried about the poaalbiUty of hiaher property taxes to finance Metroral1. A number of oppq_nente fiercely attacked the con-

. •ultanta' study of transit alterna­tives, one speaker claiming thRt thP "lltatlstlcal Input to thla study 1s nonaen~e.''

Even In Collere Park, however, some support for Metro waa evi­dent. Five Collere Park residents spoke up In favor of· build Ina Metro out to the Beltway. One of theBf' people, Harry Sanden, noted that Metrorall would reduce the area's dependence on petroleum product• for ttanaportaUon.

The chy councils of "Berwyn Helahta, Hyattsville and Univenl­ty Park all backed the construction of Metrorall in northern Prince Geor1e• County. Support wu alao voiced by residents from. Riverdale and A.dolphl.

Richard Ferrell, a profeuor at the UniversitY of Maryland, pre­M"nted a pro--Metro petition alrned by over &0 faculty members of the ·Unlverllty'a Department of Physic• and AAtronomy. Finally, the Grern­belt Metro route was end~;»raPd by repreaentatlvH of thP Leacue of Women Voter• and the Prlnre 0t-or1•• County Chamber of Com­merce.

Tewt leeti11 1111 .. Rf>ftldrnta of th~ 2lat, 22nd and

24th U!-«ialatlvr DIRtrlctA ar(' lnvl trd to thf' April Town :MrPtlnr bt• lnR htold at thr EIPanor Rooi!Pvelt ~nlor' Hlah School, 7801 HanovC"r Parkway on Wrdn@•day, April 28, from 8 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.

Tht- monthlJ forums aponAorPd .oy ·County Executive Winfield M. Knl· try, .Jr. and the Prlnf'P OroraeH Count)' P.oun<'ll, &rfl dfllianrd to liVP ('itlzrna thP opportunity to ad drPftl all of their elrctrd ofl\riAia on any County, State or F.deral problem alfectlnl their area.

Concreaawomen Glady• Spt:oltman and Marjorie Holt, Btocrt'lary 'lf Sta(o Fred Wlnoland, Btato Bona ton Arthur Dorman, J()hn J. Oar rlty And &:d.,·ard T. Conto)': !MI(I-, aatPI KQ Blfll&n, Paullaf MtonPI, A.ndrow lilothorahoad, Mlldrod Harkn ... ~ Ann Hull, (.."11arl•• Sulli­van, Jr., Gorard DovUn, Loa Green and David ora, RON will alao be preoont.

18ehool Board lilomben Buoan Blonlan. J. JIJil~ Golato, LeaiiJ Kreimer, lilau-n k. lltelnocko &lid Cllut., 1:. WhltlniJ will be joined b·, Dr. Edward J. ,......,., llupeo­lntondont ol 18ehoola.

For JBON lnfot~Ntlon on tiM -Town Meetlnc,, plftM call 111!2.-IW.

APRIL OUTING Refreshments e Music e Dancing

And hopes that yau will attend

Tues., April 18, 1978 5 p.m. • Mldnlte

Upper Marlboro V.F.D. firehall

For ticket Information call

Bobbie at 474-5888

or Fred Hey~er at 627-5400 by authority Fred HeYaer, treu.


The following auestions have been excerpted from letters mem­ber& have .•ent to GHI reqarding the proposed rehabilitation program. Management will be making its recommendation.o to

. the Roard of Directors April 1.1.

If addltlonallnaulatlon Ia put In the attica of peak-roofed homea will It Interfere with l~o use •• a stora1e area• · '·

At thi• time, no additional insulation is being planned for peak-roofed homes-. · -·

I am happy with my home juot the way It Is; why do I need new Insulation?

Heat is e""aping through wall•. window• and doors and cold air i• entering through the aame routes. By Insulating, GHI ex­pects to use less fuel by retaining more ot the heat Inside the home.

Will- I need to repaint, ,..;paper, or repanel If you lnoulate throu1h my Interior wall•?

Insulation will not be done through the Inside._ 13v injectlnl through the outside, interior walls will not be al'fected. No wall insulation i• contemplated for brick homes. Block homeo may have. inauation injected or added to the outside of the homes.

I Ilk" the ohlnirleo on th~ frame homeo. Why replan thoin? • I

We need to cxaminr the studs and sheathing beneath the shingle• fnr rot an.d deterioration'. At that time, we ~An. replace worn-out sltingles with new siding nr with new shingle&, whichever mem­bers desire. No other ~iding chan11e. is contemplate.d at. this time.

Will wo all have to pay for the member who hao special Im­provement• that other memhero do pot 1et?

No. Special improvements will be paid for by the member who receiv,.. them.

Whl' not permit oath memher to decide for hlmaelf what hlo u11lt n..U and what h' can par fer?

- GHI ie one cooperative and we have to be In lhlt tol(ether. Al­thouch there will be Individual optlona, some thing• will han to ·be arcompliahd throuahout the proJ•ct. The corporation has a contractual aareemetl\ with each member to properly maintain each home.

Member~ wlto have quellfloft• or ..,.._.,loft, may write

to GHI Board ,,..,.,, Ja,... Smith, at. the GHI oflcel

on Hamilton ,ace,

paid ad



30~ elf all

BillE PAPERS Also Save Up To 30% On

325 Books of Fine Wollcoverlngs. One day delivery on papers by · Canltas,

, Strahan, Walltex, Reed, llrge and Gen­eral Tire Is promised by Will's. Our con­sultants offer free decorating advice, Ideas and paint coordination.

\fill's Free WaOpaper Hlllliq Cius On April 19, 1971, at 7' p.m.

Wlll'a offers the Deltaville area residents a unique opportunltJ to learn to han1 dltrorent t:rpes of Wallpaper. Tbla domonstratlon lo enhanced by a presentation of a film and a mobile wall 11 oet-up to ohow how eu, hanilllll ·wallpaper can be. Be&llllll Ia limited. ·To reserve Jour oeat contact Wlll'l at 83'1-3'13a.


10.502 Baltimore Blvd. (Rt •. 1.) Beltsville, 937-3733

(Direetlona from Greenbelt. Talco the BeltwaJ to exit 2'IN (one exit north of Gret'nbelt) .and WIU'a Ia one mile on your loft, In U.. Cbutnut HW Center).

PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, the Greenbelt Voluntoer Fire Otopartmont and ~~ac ...

Squad, Inc., will be conducttna an "AilBULA.NC'E CLUB DIUVt:" durlna the month of April In order to ra.IM lunda and

WHERICAB, ouch funds are 11rpnU1 needed to continue the blllh quality &JIIbulanco and reteue service to the communltJ which tbe Reocue. Squad has provided In the put; and

WHEREAS. funds provided by Prince Ge0r110'a Count,. do not • ...,., the operatlna expenH" or capital outi&JI required to operate the out­ltandlnl ambulance and re.cue Mrvlce the eltiUtn• of Greenbelt ban received and exJ)Ht to receive ln the future; and ·

WHEREAS, the volunteera who .en-e the comm\lnlty on a twent:r­four hour baalo; who are ever readJ tQ asalst the alck and Injured;. who provide aid and tranaportatlon to thooe In l)eed' of emorpncJ treatme-nt; and who wtah to uaure that modt<rn equipment I• available an4 properly maintained to furniah npedlttoua and tellable care can-not do 10 Without adequate fund•; and · · •

~EREAS, tho .City Council reeocntaoo tho Importance of tho hunlanltarlan service• r.ndef"@d by the mf'n and. wome-n of tM Am­bulant-~ and Rucue Squad and t1 awaff' of the nHd for lunda to cqntlnue thl1 ·nne 1enlce;

NOW, ,THEREFORE, I, Richard ft. Pllokl, Mayor of the CltJ of Or~nbf'lt,· Maryland. by authority vutl'd In m1• by thf" .CouMII and thr rltl~•nA of Ol?.flnbfolt, herebJ luue thlJ ProdamlltiOQ. dt!<llln&tlna the MONTH OF APRIL u · . -•

AMIUI,ANCI CLUI D-IVE MONTH . . and ur1e all 0!'f'f'nbt<lt rnkle-nt• to Mcoae contrlbutlna memben o1 t.w. A"'bulanc• Club to proVIde conUnulna outatandlnl ambulaftee and ,. •• .., .. nt.,.; to asaure that each o-nbelt lamiiJ and pe,... In dlatft'll will be aft'ord~ •m•rpneJ Mrw1ee whf'nl'Y., NQulnd; and to rxpr-H~~ throu1h our donatlona. l&rlt or 1mall . our pateful a.....-­<'tatlon to tho voluntHn of tho o-nbelt A•bulanee and l!acue ....... lor tholr dedication and un•lfllh •I'Yift.

A.'rl'l:ll'l': Gudrun H. Millo. Clt:r Clerll

IN Wl'I'Mtcss WHaucor, r haw ,IMN1anto set my h&IMI til._ fth ~ or 'API'It. 18'71 and haft cat.ed U.. Ileal of the CIIJ of O,....loelt, lilar7-land, to Itt &lllxed hereto.

~ ':


'~· , .. I .•

. t

. ' !. I. t-' I

V'llit Our In-Store Pbanaacy Beer &: Wine on Sale on Solay









Corn Oil. Margarine ·7ac QUARTERS

1-LB. PKG.




· SLICES 24-oz.

twin pk. 1.95 r···----~-----------~ 1 SA.VE 32c WITH THIS COUPON I :. PILLSaURY HUNGRY JACK :


261JMK.plct• 1.46 i 11 CO.OP ltlroctlw Apr. 11-11, tm I -- Limit One Nr P'llllliiJ ··-------------------··· I .



~ 16~4L can 89C ! ...... ltlr..Uft Apr. 12-11, trill

1--- - Llall One Per P'-IIJ 1 .. -------------------··









lb. DAW

Cornecl Beef Rounds 137

lb. . • .


MEAT PIES Beef, Chicken

& Turkey

1-oz. pkg.


3JC =MAllON,. __ .... ·)55

B. &: lf• Special of the ~­ANHEUSER-BUSCH ·uGKr


11~-~:·6.58 WARM ONLY

. PRICES EFPEC11VE APRIL 1Z-18, 1978 •• --... nllat to limit •le .ltama 1111 UliJta,. ...._.,,



BoHom Round Rump lb. 155



1 5. 7.

END lb. • _


Frying Chi(kens

57c CUT-UP lb. ·



10 TO 14 lb. 79c LB. AVG. "


Turlcey ·Breast 4 TO 6 lb. avg. ~.1.28 COOKED .HAM


aun HALF


lb. 1.01


~~. J·-46' OR HALF lb. •

121 CENTERWAY Open Daily t-I,Sunday10-6

w ~ ·;u~ 1\1.;: Thursday, ·Ap!U''l!r 11'1! , . . G~ .tmrs MV&W-- :-1,'' Tillis c.t ltaenalioas c L As s I F I E D Lahor' Day FeltiYII Booths SOLAR ENERGY LECTUII ,..,._, ~ • u.t of all ~

::----------·· •. , .. '

FIRST riMJMIRS $t.M for a 10 word 1D1Dlm11111: 10o Before :you know It, tho Labor "Here OomH the Bolar Apo ""U and toumuaenta up to and lnclud­eaoll a.ldltlcmal wold. 1u1tm1t llda Da7 P'eatiYIII .wW 1111 upon Ul. AI- 1111 the oubject of a talk bJ a Np,._, ..,. llq II: In wrltl..., -panled 1IJ · aull reodJ the d8adllnH for IIUbmlulon oentatlve of Bun Day, the new 1. Oourtl #T Uld I lleereatlon

aanoaveup~ ...... --a­IJ mortp.p-~ ...... -l'HA ,.._... ..,... plu.

---..I!&J'IIIent to the Newa ......, of- of booth plano are onlJ a couple of Waolllnaton aroup promotl.,. tile Department .............,. x.e-: !lee at 1& PvlnrQ Won 10 p.m. montlle away. OrpnlatloM plan- """ of oolar enel'l)'. Tbe pro- Koadqa 1:.,..:10 p.m., Tueed..,.., of the Tueedq pncedlq pullll-, nlnlf to operate a booth ohould !five lfl'UI, oponoorecl by the Sierra 11:.,...:10 p.m., Weclnoodql, T;at, .. tlon, or to tile Twin PIRH Bavbip the name, oddreu, and telephone 'Club, Patuxent Group, will 1111 held t:IO p.-.. Tbunda.J'o, T:IG-8:10 p.m. and Loan ollloe betoN ' p.m. Tuee- number of a oontact penon to 'lit ~~~ p.m. on Tueo., April 18, In Frld&JO, 10 ""'· - 12 noon, Satur-da,y8. 'ftleN Ill no charp f<W ad- II' aye Andonon at fT"-2482. the Oroenbelt library. Tile pullllc · daJo. t Lll1. - 1 p.m.,;

Rentlnc nowf J:Mnl aiMiut -adftllt- tllat all __ ..

enjoy. ..

Call Robltle Mil,_, Ceal1117 ll Awm

249-5592. . , 262-5600 For a -a•eeU.I

quallfylq latervlew new

vertlol.,. lte11111 that are fcnuul. Any oraanlsatlon with Groenbclt 11 Invited. 2. OT.A oponoored Tournament -ClALDWilLL'B WASHlDR lq!IRV- connectlono may have a booth at Courta #1-4, P'rlda)', April If, e pm. ICE. AU .., ...... eilpertl1 repaired. the ll'eotlval. Anyone lntereoted In Commuter Service - e p.JD.; Satunla1 and BundaJ, AuthorUed Whirlpool dealer. OR llndlnlf out dotallo pleue call Ha- fO .. lm~rOved .Aprll111, 18, U • 21; 1 a.m._ T p.m. f-115111 mer Campbell Jr. at fT~ <homo) Jl ~It Bonlor Hlrh School PUNO TONING AND RJIIPAD( _ or 9112-3'780 <work). An •1U mlllon federal .,...t to Tennlo Team, April 186JO, Courta J!lxpert and Reliable Plallo Bei'Yiae Time'• awaotln'! Improve the otate-aupportad BloO 8 and '· 1 pm. _ 11 p.m.; May 11 • 1 to Greenbelt alnce 1180. Benjamin Railroad commuter servl~ 11 ... Courta I and '· I p.m. - I p.m I JD:LP w.urn:Da c -


Pollee Departmat c-munlca-

Kindargcutan Regiltratlon breakthroUifh In otate department BerkofoiQt n..-. Klndei'Jiarten rerlatratlon for fall of traruportatlon elforta to u ... rade PI- chock ol ... -up board for TY'PEWRITIIlR. RlllPAlR, ELEC- 18'18 will be held In public achoolo the Maryland to Woahlnlfion llneo," ocheduled toumamentl and leiiiOn•. TRIC, sTANDARD AND PORTA- on Friday, April 1f and 11. Parenti M&1')'land Tranoportatlon Bocretary BLEB. call fTf-«>J.L must llrlnlf proof of reoldence <leue Hermann K. Intemann said recent-TROMBONIC TRUMPET and or deed of oalel, and cblld'o birth ly. VOJCIC LICI!SONB. Profeulcmal certltlcate, and a record of the ''Tbe Urban Maao Tranopol'latlon mualclan wltb dqree; f7f-l!Mtl. child'• lmmunlzatlona. To enter Administration <UMTAl .,...t will <MARIE'S POODLII GROOioiiNGl klnder~rarten, a child muat be live provide 80 percent of tho fundo make your appolntmentl today. by January 1, 1m. If nece .. ary, for a ,14.8 million procram to buy Call 474-3218. call 9ft2-.i390 for neare•t achool. equipment, add aervlce and reba-

Greenbelt children attend North bUllate otatlon areas.

HOUSE DOCTOR Expel't .,.,.,..,..,. wDl ......,._

. bro- -olow "- lllloo. oleo­trloal Jobo, W1lll pUolllq, -omlo We, - "-bbe aheda and yard duu... <lllll eventnp.

End, Center, Sprlnlfhlll Lake, John The state will provide the non­Carroll, Oakcreat and Macnolta el- federal ahare of equipment e011t1 ementary achoola, Thoae from ·the and the countlea In which the eta­Greenbriar section attend center tlona are located will pay the cosh; School arid Windsor Green chl:ldren of atation and parking lmprovta-110 to M81fllolla. ment1 not funded by UMTA. Work

· AMC PACER "X" _ IB7S, 2118 en· ooi. the stations could belf•a this ·aummer.

gine. 14,000 mllet, auto, alr, p/1, all Local stations to bl" improved

474-5530 extru. Muat sell call ~1784. include Berwyn, College Park, Rl-HONDA fiOOT, '76, c11.1tom oeat. verdale and Laurel.

TYPEWRITER REPAIR- Electric, atandard, and portable. call. fTf-01194. .

. PIANO LIIlSSONS: Peabody. Con-servatorY Graduate. Bealnnen• Advanced. f7t-e222.

4800 mi., excellent cond., 2 helmeta. Beat offer. 11112•980& after e p.m. APARTMENT BALE • EVei'1£\ilnlf muat lfO thla weekend at. Bprln~rhlll Lake Apartmentll. 8411-IIMf.

FOR SAL£ - DOif bouoe. Sturdy, lnoulated. 1111.00. 3411-H78,

PAINTING - Interior, t•xterior, roof and i-ootlnc repairs, and I(Utteor work. Free ettlmatea. Call Richard Gordon, 47f·l991, evcrlltlp,

POSITION AVAILABLE lmmt!dl· ately for cuhler-typlat In Greenbelt. Require• knowledre . of ofllce pro­cedure• and experience u t,n»llt.

PAINTING - Interior, exterior, 20 years exp. Do lll7 own work. cau Bob Neal '1'16-8481. PIANO TUNING AND REPAIR -G. Daniel, 282-iH48.

PG Home lmpro,emeDl Addltlono, Sldlnlf, Alteratlona,

Slonn Wlndowo, 80UDd (JontrGI

HouoepabtiiJia a W.Upapertq


· Send reoume to P.O. Bob 182, Greenbelt, Md. 20770.

UoRT HXUUNo, ;,, pick-up Truck. Call Mike after f :80, fTf• 11401. .

VACUUM CLEANER REPAIR All brando and typeo, call evenlnp, f7f·llll30.

TYPEWRITER OR ADillNG iiA­CHINIC 210 • UP. HOWARD'S TYPEWJUTitR co. 11111 BALTI­MORE AVE., HYA'M'SVILLE, :MD. '2'1'1-8333. PAINTffiG - Interior, exterior wallpaperln11 and ll~rht carpentey &lao. Good Greenbelt referencea, ex­C(!Jient workmanship. Frank Go-

-.,...._ 4T4·181f.

APPLIANCE REPAIR - Woaher•. deyero, dlohwuhera, p.rb .. r dlo­.poaata, traah compacton, etc. WEAV!IlR APPMANCE RI!)PAIR SERVICit. 11112·11le,

HANsEN PLUMBtNo i HEAT· ING • ltC Hlllllde Rei, Green· belt. Mll-ll837. Bonded, llcented, omall hmpe jo)IL FOUND • Groenbelt'o Animal War­·deon ftnda 1tra:y antmala every week. If your pet lo loot. chiiCk with the pollee dept. 4Tf-641U. L.U0'8 REPAIRilD - P'loor and table tJPM. IIDftnlnp, fT'-l!IIO.

8iWiNd IIXCHIRI itiiPXIRI • ·Call Duo N....,....benl, fT':-'11'11. ARTIIX - ltLVIB Ill HJDRIC. Call your Groenbolt lnatructor rnnlllp and -kencla. . Jackie, 8411-1018.

FOR. IIALII • I lrll CllnJ Belair 11tat1on w-. ·• _...... PIS. P/B, Unted 11 .... V-1 ~- 110,-000 miiH Md l..._u4. Call llllf. 11100 eat. u .... :10. lN'ftQUI OlJM' Xuauon: ThuN., April 10, T p.m. Holldq I- Galth­·•l'lllura. lld., Colla K•tualdH, nro.U, mllltarJ a -. ltamo from IDd-OtrUI Oollletlon A othor vallled llOI!IIp- lnlpeatloD e-1. .............. VI8A, MMtfteharp.. oan....,_tl~


2 bath ~ -- .s-4001. LAWM ..OW.W and oman on­IIIIIM repaired, ........... Call f74-GII..

HOOVIDR TWDf.II'UII -her opln· dr,.r <u new), WOIIdn allloe dolko. cannonball bocl bedllclu'«. Call Mil---Gi\liiiNiiLT t.Mnf A GAI\DIIIN BERVJCS' ,.,._ Ia OneniiiiiL "-ble ..... UOL LAWNa MOWm>. aDftre .....,.,. ...,ed and repalied. Jaale - Nll-.1•. .

Call 11.1 for Free EoUmatolo

Uconaed by Maryland Home Inoprovement Commlulon

f7f·11110 Nlteo f7.__ DQa

FOR SALE: "TIMit TO TAN" pro­f•salonal SPIIlRTI & ft., pedeotal sun (ultravloleO/heat (Infrared) lamp. Adjustable. Autotlme•, gog­ale• Like new, $40.00 474·9442. YARD sALE - 8aturda7. April u: 10 • 3. Books, clothe•, 1amea, houa-ehold ltema, planta, an« much more. 8T·J) R ldll•· YARD SALit • Saturday, II 00 8-T Ridge Road, Fr ... er, furniture, mtac.

Need Home Improvement.?

Call John Bpeelall ...... VeruNa Tllo -.._..,.., ... ~ ....... ..... om--. .... Oall ...,..._


M&HiliR WIU &Ri for your child. Breakfut and blncll Included. call 474-IIIM. . .

KiNiiORII Jd' RANG£ · Good condition. Beot otrer. MII-IIOe'! evlh· lnp·• -loendo. . APARTMM 8ALil - P'umlturo, a carpft.t, dinette Ht. Club alum. poto • pano and manJ mloc. ltoml f,_ ~o a.m. to 1 p.m Bat., 4/1&/11 Ill LakHido Dr, apL 1M JiOft m. WIRi rox ftRRJ. llR, 1 ,..., old fomalo, op~ Vef'J' fltendiJ, -biVken 4?4-0810.

Col .... Park . .. ectrlc ~erva. -........-...&

~~n~ee~--. ........ ... , .... ._ 'Mr.INwft

ft7-36U 474-1111

WANTED • Maintenance painter • carpenter. Exp. only, nberol frln1e bo!nefttl. Apply malntell&ftce omce, Greenbelt Homeo Inc. I - 4:10. '·

YOU CAN J,.OSit WlliGHT. De· tall a - aend $8.00 to L. W ., Box 783, N. Colle~re Pk.' Sta., CollelfO Park, Md 20740

RIDitR NllllllDIIlD for conJenlal Parklawn Rockville carpool: call Steve 414·9362,

FOR SALE - Sear• Kenmore wash~ cr. $23. Call 3411-eei!l.

DANSKIN hu cr(!ated many more ab•olutely ·beautiful oneplcce swim­suits for 1978. (Moet mat"h DAN­SKINS lovely l"'rap oklrt• l All the exciting ni:'W 1tyle1 and colore now on dlaplay at UNIVItR.'IITY BOO· TIQU!Il INTERNATIONAL In Col· Ieee Park. '2'1'1-111121.


Jtxpert antenna man wiD ln•tall· new/repair antenna

far Attic or Outdoors

1: ......

474-5530 PROJ'IIl88IONAL L 0 0 K IN G YARD WORK &lid other odd jollll dono bJ rellallll II 7'tar old $8/hr. call Mark, 140-7fiT.

NltltDitD' - llonlor otarr member for toeal n.unel')'. 21 JH. old or OYer, DaJ cate I; A IL l'or lnformatlcill, pia- call NT·Illl -kdayo.

.FOUND and lookl.,. for I(Ood borne - Two beautiful dap., call pollee dept., m.-.

University loutlque

ln..,.....onal, Inc. Boaatltul, natural elothl.,. ,... -lllalte IJO)d 11114 allftr Jnwlr7 far_.,_

ClOUJIOa • ._ , ......... A_ .,....

.._ ollbt .... ._._..uon. o.n for ..,......, "HI'IO W AN'I'IID - Qanp to rent bJ tiM -~~~ or ,... r. .,.,. old aar. Call ......

HOUSE .fOR SALE by Owner

BERWYN HEIGHTS - rambler 2 BR • . den or 8 BR Larae kitchen ·w/apacloua. dlnlnl areL Apt. In buement w 1 2nd lull bath, kit. • br. · Giaued back poroh cl: C/AfC. Open Sat . ..Sun. 1-8. P'rom Greenbelt Rd., 1 block on 18th Ave. to Seminole St. Ri&'ht 1 block to 111118. 414-4282.

v1a11a o,_llelt,o~qa- week.


y AI_,.- before YlaiUD11

yWorka oome nl!lhto a --- . 1/ Top l'llled wltb COIIIIUIIIel'

poupe v I'J'Ompt, fair - II 1fL experi­

....,._He._.! v McoM repaln done bt JOur .,_ CALL -..1. IN DAVT~ --1 Evenlnp A WeekMda

tlono om... lluat have blah ochool education, or equivalent, be wlllln11 to do olllft work, have knowled1e of touch typl.,., a­bility to operate radio dlapatoh­lnlf and -computer terminal equipment. Balaey H.0211 per an­num. ApplJ: City Offlceo, 26 CreiiCent Road, Greenbelt. MarJ­Iand. Phone fTf-11000. The Clt7 Ia an equal opoprtunlty emploJ­




ll'or :a-o.n: DanW.Taulella -~u. o .... boll, MIL lft'll

474-5007 Like a,... aafP._, Stater- .. ......_

State P'anlllnou......,. ~ Hume Otll~: ~ m.

Coming!!! April IS,.: 197& r


GREENBELT at the Fire Hall, 1211 Cr•scent Rd., (next to St. Huirh'a Churobl

GRAND HOTEL The Top Buid Oat of a.Himoro

9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Beer On Sal• - Set-upo aYallable - Chlpo, Pret10l1

S&.oo Stq - sa.oo Drq Information Call UII-TOOO

Sons of the American L .. lon (S.A.L) Squad 136 of Greenbelt '


"FREE SPIRIT" for your danclnc and llatonl.,. pl•uure

.FRIDAY, APRIL 2T- 9 P.M. - 1 A.M. _......, __ ...,.__ . ..... __ <prllceedo benoflt II.A.L. ootUiall t•am>

HILP WANTED Pllirk Palnlman: 'Full-time durln1 aUI!UIIft', part-time In Jprin&

and fall. Weekendo, afternoon and evenmi hour•. Hiallllc:hool

ll'aduate, 18 yeu• or over. Motor bike operallnll npertene.,

typlnl dealrecl. Not a pollee_ oflleer poaltlon, but will work under pollee 1upervlalon In patrolllftl park all4l imforclnl replatlona. t3.50fhour. Apply: City Mana .. r'a Ofllaa, 25 C.-.-nt Road, GrHna.;it. City Is equal employmtnt opportunity empl~r.

11'11111111 Pizza -I•' IM, THURsDAY,RUDAY,SATUIDAY, ~AY

Lerte ,.,.,.. ........ ~----- ... MONDAY - -...a ._. __;_._ $1.10 ~AY • byal IIMk lult $1.10 WIDNIIDAY • Large ....... ,._ .• , $t.U

1W CINI-AY 47 .......

l I I I I I I

Pa1e I PRDNBELT NBW8 1mVlBW Thursday, April 13, 1978 July 21; Third oeallon - Mon., July 26-Frl, AuJUOt 4; J'oullb ..,ulon -Mon, Aui!Ut 7-Frl., AuJUOt 18. Camp will be cloaed on Tueo, July 4 for Independence Day.

CITY NOTES Reereatioa Renew 'hllllla """" 81p·ln ..__

The Camp will operate 9 a.m. -3:30 p.m. Mon. thru Frl, with dlally bue pick up for reatdentli between 8 a.m. and &:•o a.m. For further de­tallo, call the Rec. Dept., Mon. thru Fri., 9 a.m. • & p.m, 474·6878

R~locatJon ol the sanlt&eyo aewer ........ A eentrallocatlon hu been.e~~tab· line for the municipal bulldlnc wu Jlahed for tennla court reaervatlona compltttt'd rec@nt ly and eondulta at the Braden Field Tennla CoJJ.rtl. for exterior llghtlnl' are belna run A alan-In board wtth reaerVaUon ~utalde the building. Worker. al.a ahMta for each ~f the elabt courta. tnatalled ceiling panela, atalned Ia located at the center ouUide doors, and did touch·UP palntlllJ' to area of the complex. All playen the bull,dlng Interior. ICrectlon of c:n,u.t 11tp-ln .. outuned by the A L L b interior partition• Is approximately pooted ru)ea. Pleaae check permlta t tne ; rary :Ml..,. complete, and eJect.rtcal in- for tournaments and city leuona The Drop-In Btorlea pro~rram for spectlon wu conductt>d and approv- to avoid unneceaaar.y delay. qes 3--5 will continue thla month

al ~~;n~er~~~r ;~~:~~ 1:t!:ta w~~~ . camp Pine Tree hl&hllghtlng atorlea and cratt.a. The oinow plows . and salt equipment The summer camp la operated by activity begin• at 2 p.m. on Thura· wrr(" removed from truclul in ex- the City of Greenbelt Rec. Dept, days In the Children'• Proaram pectatlon 'that the snow leaiOil Is Thl~ aeuon marks the 18th year Room. nnaUy over. Top soil wu &pplled of fun and aktll pro.-rams of out- Tues., Aprl1 18 . brln&"l the lut prt'p&rator)' to sodding behind new door and apectal actlvltlea. A fuJI seaalon of the 4-H Horae Pro&'ram. curbs and gutters. Storm ~ewer tlzne camp manapr will be In Thaae aeea 9-18 who are reatatered catch bulns wne also cleaned. charae of the day to day opera- wtll learn about horses and their Goug('s and cracks on four Braden ton. CounseiJora are provided for care from 4:15-15:30 P.m. In the Fl(>ld Tennis coorts were ftlled and camper ~ups ot 8-l2 youncsten Meetlnl Room. ~ourts were lined. to meet ~e Individual needs of each The Wed. evenlna ftlm pre•enta·

camper. Speclallatl are In charge , Whit(' stop linu \tC're paint('d at of lnltructlonal proaraml In swim- tlon on April 19 will be "North by rhf' recently Installed stop signs on min& ·tennis tumblln& trampoline Northwest" <English> whtch wlll Rldgr Road and Lakeside Drive. arch~ry and crafta 'C&mp Pin; be&ln at 7 p.m. In th.-: Meet1n1 S!'V<"ral other tad('d lines werf" Tree'a· Summer Realdence and Ad· Room. rreshC'ned up. Sevt>ral men and · mlniatratlve OfDcea are loeated ln On Thurs., AprlJ 20 the Child· trucks also hauled sand for the the Greenbelt Youth Center. rim's Program Room wllJ host the ballfields. The backstop hR& bH-n The aeason Is divided Into fo1n Miniature Theatre. There will be installl'd at North End Schoot field. sesslona of two weeks each. First two shows, one at 10:30 a.m. for Work Is aiiJO being done on the Me- session • Mon., June 28-Frl., July 7 ; agea 3·6; and the other to begin moria I gardl'n· on Ccntf'rway. Second session • Mon., July lo-Frl.. at 4 p.m. for qea 6-12. LAst wr.f'k the paper collection -.:.;;,:.;;;;.,;;.;.;.;.:;;;;_;.;.;.;;;;:.;;.;~.:;;..;..;,;;:_ __ ...;. ___________ ,

ilf'ttcd 7 tons, 1,120 lbs. The city will rf'cPiVf' .75c pH tOO lbs., or $l:S:OO pf'r ton f'frf'ctlvf' April 1 Alumin­um wns takf'n to Rf'ynold! Alum­mum Co., 286 lbs. for the surn ~·I

$48.62. Prf'-.!tcason pool maintrnance draining, painting and surf"-cr cl('anlng ie In progrl'sS. The t('ch-

. niral ron!4ultant .from National Con !ltructlon Company has compiC'ted drawings and f'QUipmcnt apectftca­Uons for a newly dcelrned Dlato­maceou• Earth Separation System. 'fhrw mU!1t now br !4Ulimlttf'rl t'l

thf• County Hf'alth Dl'p&rtment for rf'Vh·w nnd approval before con· 11trucUon cnn bt.•gln.

Work wo.s cnmplt'tl'd on thl' Bra­dl'n 1-~f'ld t•·nnls courts and thf'y arr rrady for play. The new trnnil court llghi mt"tcu wrr(' lnstallf'd raiAing thf' f('(' fro~ 23c per half hour to 50c swr half hour

Thf' storm drain 1yRtem waa com­pk-trd at thf' t>ld('rly houslftl 1:t.e. ..\.n rquJpml'nt operator Is working at thr old landftll f n~w bRIIfteld) lcvrllnK the accumulated ftll. Fll1 ia bf'lnK haulf'd In frOm the eldf'rly bouslnK lite and there abould be ~nou1h to Complete the ballftl'ld.

'J"h" d('waterlnc pro}ect aeema to havf' work<'d wrU at tbe houalna for the t!'kl~rly. TIM ~~ ·appean to bt- ln .. rood condition.

Work on bal1fteld1 Ia contlnulntr. includlnR thf' tnftcld at thr Junior HIKh School· which hu b.•n okln-

. ned: Thr i"'f'nl at the aolf .rourSP havt· bef'n cut thtorr. Several play· ground• wrrt' cltRn"' of lt'&VPI and thr chipper wu out. The lraf va· cuum hu bft>n out of order await 1n1. parto.

Thr altlz.en "P(>('Ial noqul'sh and ro-.daidP drbrl1 amounted to 33\ tona lut wet-k, a conliderablr in­t!r,....,. Thft· number of apt"c.lal ·r., qUPill haa lnereo&Hd aubt~t.Anlially, rt•sulttnr tn tt.I&J• of a t~w day!ll. Thf total refuM fo• the month •of March amounted to tM ton1:



AMBULANCE CLUB-Greenbelt Volunteer Fire Dept. & Rescue Squad



Ope" 7 Days A WHk


2 BR frame with an attractive addition, rood loc., newly painted Interior A: exterior; ratrefetwuher - imm. pou. $22,000.00

iuat Reduced - 3 SR., remodeled kitchen & bath; Cornlnr-warf ranreteyP..level oven;· ref1., washer

' & dryer: A/C, S1UOO.OO.

Quaint picket fence 11urrounda the yard of thl1 3 BR. frame near school It play1round' ar~a; ·ra; ref1.1dl•hwaaher & othH lmprov. Slt,liOO.OO.

New Ll1tlnr 3 BR. tramP; hu enlar1ed dinette area; remodeled kitchen & bath; $18,1100.00.

Other. 2 A; 3 bedroom propertieo llated.


· the FIRST planned, eatabllahed auburban ~pm­munity ln the area.

474 4181 474-4244 474-4331



at forty! Try $16,950!. Owner nrust sell this quality 2 BR frame quickly. Exceptional hardwood floors plus re­modeled kitchen and bath. A real pleasure to show you this one!



round almost any kind of tree in back of this very special house that's loaded with all the usual conveniences including 4 BR, 2'>1.1 baths and located in one of Greenbelt's finest areas. This spacious design can be yours for $69,~00.

NYMAN REALTY, INC. 151 Centerway


Heartheat Figure Salon Preaenta it's


. 10 A.M.· 5 P.M.

There is something for everyone - jewelry, hand. crafts, clothe •. gift ideas - you name. Heartbeat members have it. Flea Mar­ket sho()ping is fun & Bargains - Try it' You will'like it!',

GET IN SHAPE FOR SUMMER .. : ......... Keep 110ur budget ;,. shape too!


(April lOth thru 29th)

12 Months program 2lo/0 off reg. price 6 Months program 15% off reg. price 3 Months prQ&ram 12% off reg. price

YOUR MEMBERSHIP INCLUDES: professional instructors to follow your progress .and guide you to new health & beauty e modern exercise equipment for reductng, proportioning, toning and ·conditioning e hourly aerobic & calisthenics classes• by music e whirlpool bath e sauna room e sun room e priyate showers e private dressings room• & lockers e Indoor jogging e 1\Utritional guidance e UNLIMITED VISITS e NO EXTRAS

Belly Dancing, Disco .. Yoga Clallft 6 wHk coui'HI $14 .ach (non-members)

CARROLL TON MALL Rte. 450 & 495, ext. 30 Wnt.


·Bike· or Hike on the Win This Bike

Greenbelt Ride-a-Bike Deluxe .10-Speed

. . .

Sdtwinn ..... n., ol "OIInMr'o lla~"

for the Retarded SUNDAY, AHIL 30 (Mirtdclte Mt1y 7J ·-~~to 5 pm

The ten mile route a...1na at the Yollflt Center and can ... ,.~ 01 lltorte~. locft participant ~~ a chance on tile WEe. An ad­Jitlonol chance •"*' for IACH full ,.... of aponaors. ,.,...,. forma OYallaltle at the thN. ,.,,..,.,. ,..,_,., the Kltooli and tflo llltrary. · l'ttr achlltlonol lnfonnatlen, call 474-9125 or 474-9416

·CommunitY -..._, .,.ani...._ ancl INhltluala are enceu., Ia lte .....,_,. with ,.... fer the partldpants.

............--······-· --·-

lreenbtlt News lleuitw HIGH POINT '63UuNION

had been ~~.1!' the ... ~~

'."f''· ,:· ·/1 fl·i.''l ~'•l i·~ :\l"UH~:iJH .... ~ 'j ·: .. -- ___.,_._-4---.- ·--

.., ..... ,_ Twia PI• Mt•hllltlt • .._.. • ..,.

Thursday, Apl'il 13, 1978 Page 9


by Leta Maela After supportin& ~~everal Innovative proposals at a March 29

works~op session, council passed a resolution on April 3, which establtshed a new fee schedule for the swimming pool. The council resolution Institutes an increase for resident family passes and ,. decrease for non-resident puses, in order to encourage more non­resident aales.

Hlsh Point Hllh School'• CJuo of 11M3 Jo planntn1 Ito ftfteeD..)>ear ,.. union. For more lnfonaatlon. caU

. Janet Fbrr'uter Relnoobl at -11111, or BtU Alexander at H7-IIIM aUer 6 p.m.

FREE STATE MAP The Olllclal State Hllbway Map

11 now available at no aa.t. The map hu been updated with oui'Ntlt route numben and n&mea, hoapltala with 2l-hour oervlce and polloo phone numben.

At Ita anaual m-benblp -t· 1111 OD )(arch 211, lllllllbeno of 'l'wln Plnu BaYI- and Loan ~ tlon voted """rwhelmlna~ to have Ito Board of Dlrectono -Icier Ito pollq reprdlq refl.W. ...... of GHI homea. Tbe preftiU"' lntenat rata for GHI loanl had ncentlr dropped bJ mora than a fuU per­oolltap point, and- om"""" ben wbo had takeil out Joana at the hllher rate _,. lnteneted In re-· ftnanclnt: at the lower rate.

_.,.In _ _. on- •. ,.-that It wu _. .,ec14..U, penalt· ted In the •"'- uut. loa lltatutel whleh .......,. Twin Pin•. While further aotloa can be talren bJ the board oo--. thlll matter, It hU not ~ ...., eonaldered bJ the board a- the letter - ro­celftd oaiJ a ...., prior to the an· nual m .. tlq. ...........

In the _.a alectloal <- ac­compan,.... .._,, .Jabn llalrq and lncumben~ llruoe Bowman and Jobn u,.r ,..... eJeoted to the -..! of d.__, defeatlq In­cumbent Muriel Welclenfelcl and challenpr• Richard Cralr and Jobn Blue. The ather lib m""'ben of the Board are ·BIU J'ent, Harve:r Oel· ler, Donna Hardman, Joo Timer, Pate Watten, and John Webb.

One propoaal dlwcuiuoed at lell8th .... t the March 28 work1hop a&e9lon provided for reduced dally admla­~don feel after the payment of a .me-time membership fee. Howf!ver, .m April 3 City Manqer Jamu Giese atated to council thAt the proposed dlacount paasea would not benefit adults unleaa they awam al­most enouah to make buyinl a ieason pau economical. Therefore, th(> proposal was dropped fo~ this year. A dllappolnted council aua­gested that the discussion of pool fees start earlier n~xt year so that J.lternatlves could be J!Searcht"d t:nore fulJy.

Lut year the luuance of numerou1 free aentor clttzeq paues cau1ed ad­mlnlotratlve prOblelll8. If the prob-­lem continuea tbla year, It waa sug­pated at the workahop aeaalon that a nominal fee ml1ht be necea­aary next year,

To obtain • copy of the map vlllit the State Roada Commlulon Bullcl­lnl Oil Kenilworth Aft. In G-..­belt or call_ 301-321-1811 durl.., olllce houn. :Mall requeato will be filled by wrltlna to the Map Dla­trlbutlon Center, State HllhW&J' Admlnlatratlon, 2823 WMt Joppa Road, Brooklandville, lid. 21012.

The new fee :~chedule hu been 11roposed In an effort to increase pool revenues. Last year the pool ,,pt·rated at a deficit of $7,200. Ap­parl'ntly, the increased cost of pas­·-u·s resulted in fewer Halea. Giese .•mph~slzed the Importance of pasa o~u.les by notlnc that in th~ years the pool has been self--sustalntng, It was hrt·ause of the pass :taiPs. Mike Lunrlregan, pool manaaer, f'XprE'S <ed thr belle! that "family life style" was the cause of decllnlna pa!II'J ~A.I('s, It was also noted that the av<>rage GHI family now numbert~ :!.1 mf'mbers. Another concern at 1 he workshop sesaton wu the effect uf the MNCPPC pool f)n Calvert Road.- j· -----··

Propol4!d Ff'ft Under the proposed fee schedule,

\Jre-enbelt pool would be le11 o!Xpt>nS\V{' than the 1110 j>er famtly and 160 per aln1le at MNCPPC. For rf'sldf:'nli the fees would be: famlly-160, slngle-S2&. and 1ueit chlld-130. For non--re1idPnts the· fees would I><: famlly-$110, and aln1le-$40. It 1s hopf:'d that the decreue In non~ r('sldf'rit fees will brlnlr tn more ps.ssholclers, Tbere will continue to be·, no chaf'll'e for 1e~lor citizens.


. In order to promote season pas­ses, hlaher dally admission rates have been auraeated ln aome ca.aea. In particular, a premium has been lnatltuted for weekend use ot the pool. The propose<! resident dally admission would be: adults-12.00 Saturday, Sunday and holldays ·and SUSO on other daya; children $1.26 Saturday, Sunday and holidays and $1.00 on oth~r days. Councilman Charles Schwan pointed out that non-resldent·dally admissions could not be raised or the pool would lose people to MNCPPC whose rates are adult·SI.IIO and chlldren-$.7&. The non-rt'sldent daily admission will remain: adult-$2.M SaturdaY, Sun day and holidays and $2.00 on other days 1 children $2.00 Saturday, Sun day and holiday and $1.:SO on other days.

MwlmmlnR" IAs.oni After some discussion It wu de­

cided to keep the' current fee ached ule for swlmmln&" lesaons. Mayor Richard Pllskl, and council mem­bers Oil Weldenf~ld and Schwan stressed the importance of coru­muntty 1ervlce and the GreenbeJt tradition of teachlne children to Bwirn. Practically, tt wu noted

·that taklne· leuon• encouraa~d chlldren to uft the pool for prac­tice and for enjoyment In later Swlmmlna lessons alao en · courace non-realdent uae of the pool. Council member Richard Cao­taldl felt, hOwever, the fees f6r lei~ 10n1 were too low and that some children were there only for baby-

sittina reaaona. The resolution and worluhop dls­

cuulon sh_ow• a chaql.n• phlla.o­phy about non-resident uae. of the pool. Beolde• the reduced feea, the requirement that a non-naldent be the IIUelt of a pus holder hu been dropped. Greenbelt .. Jack Stelfter, however, felt It wu unfair to ralae resident fees by 20% while low­erlnc non-resident fee• the same. Council members pointed out that realdent111 would have to paY mort! lf non-realdenb wf"re lost. At the workahop aeaalon, it waa also dect

. ded to promote th(> pool more in the Greenbelt Park camparound.

Opt~ratlnl( Coata Operating cost!'! for th(' pool ar~

expected to lncre&Rf' this year from higher malfttenancc costs, watt?r and chemical costs. One addltlonul maintenance expense Is for a sedl ment trap required by the health department. In the past, aa thf"! pool waa belnr cleaned," water and sediment drained into the stream at Braden lleld. The health depart . ment hu ctven tentative approVlll for a serlea of elaht 30-aallon rf'·­tentlon drum• which would reclr­f:'Uiate backwaah water and clean the fUtera. Sediment would be cap­tured In theae druma, dry and be-

~ com~ solid waste. It u· apecufkted that thla could be disposed of with the truh. The clq· hu received ~ tentative eatlmate that thla syatem ohould not exceed S&.OOO. It would achieve quite a blt of water sav­lna•, howe~r. ·

PARTRIDGEIERRY SCHOOL • • • In November, 1970, two women paused outside the Greenbelt

Co-operative Nursery School for a few -words about kids and ;chools. One woman, president of the co-op, began a story about Jn "ordinary" child's diftlcult aduatment to life in the first grade of an "ordinary" local achool. The other woman, a board member •I the co-op liatened with a mix of oympathy and skepticism. She

wondered if the implied criticism of the school took into account lhe value of an orsanized academic education. On the other hand, she thought that the co-op nurSf!ry format, adapted to elementary Rrades, might prevent needless, even counterproductive, regimen-~tion. ·

The PartrldJeberr)' School, lnr,. 11. non -proftt.. State accredited to­(ipPratlve elfm.entai'J achool beaan with thla conwnatlon. Randy Lip­pincott and her · huaband, Mont, the principal foundera and or&&nl· Zf'rt, lnitlatect the formal proeeal With tho Maryland Bta~ Depart m•nt of Education UIDill In March, IQ71. Th.e:r, and the famiUea that •t ftrat worked alonplcle, ..,..., 'at tract~ to tho Ide& that a a<hool could ~blew a _,ance betwHn IIVIftl OhlkiNII frwda. and pJd .. 1n1 th•m thl'OIII'h an .,.Jo111blo, but r11oroua •1-.,.tal')' liberal arta od ucatlon. ,.,_ the oubltr tbeJ be · llo'Nd that ohllclntl would -rly partlclpat. In a rich and ¥&rlrod acthrltr-llued p..,..._, humaneiJ P,._nted.

Tho aehOol - IIUied atter a •mall nerr-. plant powlar f,....­Jr In the ...., Over tiM n•t II,. IDOIItba, t11e11 n • -tnat for •lau- .,.....,_Paint Branch Unltarlall ClniNII, pNpUed a aon-1"' ..... .....,uu.d with tire, b•ltlt, hulldlaf uut education au­lhorltl-. ~ IIOICht out prof-Joaal _,..... .............. , f.--uu~ ....... a~t. read ap~ UiMit iltUid In­fant lloJioola, WI'Ote _,.a ..,..,._ tt.. d PMIU. .....,.. ~~ep~~ to

acau~ulate tn•tructlonal matrrlah1, and opened a bank acrount ·Into which each family d•poolt•d flrty dollara for the cauae. -Two of thrH" tamnte1 havlnl noterYAtlons, thPy adop~d an admlnlatratlon constat tna. of a co -operative <'oun~ll on which all famllh•• w•re to ilt u equala.

Eutr Trial• In September, tQ71, the f!DE ap­

proved the @ducatlonal plan tor· a K-.e. fort:r atudont mini ach<?OI, but withheld authorisation . to opeon1 pendlq reantutlon of the aonlnl -· )(eanwhllo, the achool had attraeted twolw famlllea •lth llvo ;rear olda, drawn tapth•r undet t~~ banner of "frHCiom and IIUidance . Undar detormlnod nolfhborhood

.oppooltlon and a reatrlctlvo ordln­.., ... tho aonlnl c- failed afttr three County hearln.... Boon theN­alter, the CountY aomewhat llber­allMd the ordlnaneo. Ultlmatolr. aniF on• othor f&IIIIIF r6oponded fa­-oiJ to' tlw Llpplncottl' lnltla-

. Uw to narpnln and tl')' apln for ·-d,_...·

After a wldo -rch o¥or tho llum­.,.r, the ..,t.o) bJ ohanoo turned up a__. e1te Jn GrMnbelt, tlw Kllh­llu Tofah, Hl'rl"' a teacher. ,_ ....,..,..., Graduato llohool « .......-. 'tt.J crmr new polltiOII

papers tllld re1ubmltted the educ&-· tlonal plan for BDE approval. Th~y recruited a new community of fam filet. New by-law• rPtalned the co-op cOuncil but addPd a dlreoctor and a plannlfll -rd. In l!eptem­ber, 1872, the achool formally open. ed with tweh•e chlldr@n· In a atnale clasaroorn. Zonltaa clearance, aran ted without fanfare, waa-llmlted to rrad@a K-2.

On the whole th,. yPar w&A a dl•appolntment. Thr SDE and thr parent• were dluatiMflf'd With thr alow Implementation nf tht' t"duca tlonal plan. Yet, Lynn Hopkin,.,

·a parent with teachlni crtdentlala and ll ·~claJ lnt~reat In frPf'dom, contributed alplft~antly: with an lnfu•lon of new matrrlal•. •he bP­aan to or&&nllfl a phylically <'Om· plex And colorful cluaroom environ­ment. Further, Dian Svenonhn ~ aan to prepare a new z.ontna cAM' to permit expanalon to upper elt' mantaey &radH. A ctPatlve mo..-e­ment apt~Ciallat joined tho ochool. Yet, -uM of dlaput .. !M1twoen teachen and parwntli on policJ, the

· domoralllllld community vlrtuallr dlaaol•ed at ,..,.. end.

At the beclnnl"' of lh• third 1umm1r, the Upplneotu had 11. mo mont to nlleot 811out the foollah purault ot oiUIIW! _... Then, with tbe pootl"' ol natlae, th• nallhbor­hood oxploded 1n·oppooltlon to the 1<1hool'a ~ for a aonlnl obanp. Tb......., 1111 Jntanao perled of political CJI'IIIIIhlnl, culmlnatlnl In a pe.olled .Citp Council meetlnt, the aohool -meed GNOnbelt H-n, Ino. uul Individual nellh­bon to - their oppooltlan. am d.,. SU.r, In • larp

....... , -pCJ -rtroom. the Coun­tr hMrtaa - oGIIductod with the --' .,......, ol • Vel')' ...n


BOARD OF DIRIDC"l'ORS "Bruce Bowman 2M • John llalrq 2JD • John u..,.r IQ1 Muriel Weldenfeld 187 John Blue 170 Richard Crall 170

•Elected to three f('ar term's

MEMBER RICLATIONS COMlriiTI'JCE Tere•a Downey and Muriel Wel­denfeld elected unanimously to two year ~erma.

J'or the Member Relatlona Oom­'mutee. Muriel Weldenfeld and Te­reaa Downq were elected b)' unan· tmou1 acclamation only after a con­fualnl prooodural debate concern· ln1 wnte•ID ballot. for candldatea who had not been nominated. Downey and Weldonfeld will join Incumbent. Bob Orela, Georce Jones and Tom Martin

NOMINATIONS AND ELECTIONS COMMITTEE •Katherlfle Keene 208 •Sonia Garin 202 CharlPa Tompkins 198 Stanley Yarkln · Richard Cralr 7

For the Nomination• and " Elec­Uona Committee. Sonia Garin and Kath~rlne Keene deft'ated · incum­bent Charlea Tompklna and chal­lenler Stanley Yarkln, u well aJi

John Blue and Richard Craig, who wer(" nominated from the ftoor.

John Blue 6 .. Elected to two y£"ar termJ:C

A loan commltt{'e report, which the board of director• pasacd by an 8'"1 <John Un..-.:r oppoaec:h margin, pi'ovlded that applications lor re­financing would only be accepted If the borrower had reaaorta ·other than almply wantlq to lower the lntere1t rate. The•e rcuona, ac­ the report, would Include addltlona to the houae, additional educational expensel, or a larac purchue 1uch u aa automobile or mobile home.

The motion which tll,e meDib.r­•hlp paqed doea not requeat that th~ boaPd re1clnd Ita earUer actloll, only that the action be reconsider~ ed.

In tlae annual prelldent'a report, Pete· Watteu noted thai the pat­ronaae refund that hlld been ap­proved by the board of dlrecron

In other actloftl, Rob("rt'a RulPR of Order wu 11ven a thorouah workout when a motion to raiae the dlreetor'l lt.tpen~• to 1730 per was amended twice, thPn replaced with a subatltute motion to rali!Je thP stipend" to $1000 per year, except for ·thP ofllcers, who would recelvP S121Kl. The IUbstltute motion pa.acd narrowly after a headcou_nt wu called for.

FoJiowlna that ltrU&"Il"le, the only show nE-ar unanimity wu the vote to closE' debate on 1Ucceedln1 mo­tion to ral.e ttlpend• for memben of the elective commttteee to ten dollaro pt1r meetlna. But' while the '"'te to cl- debate hed oniF one ·~no" vote, the atlpenda were _.t uwr a IUbatattal nllllllber of .,.no" votea, altho111h theN were tew enoup to avoid anot.h~r head count.

In the 1econd unanlmou1 vOte of the evenlq, there wu no objection to adjournment at 12:10 a.m.

TRIAL· AND TRIUMPH weddlq betwHn partner• many ume1 married. One week later, th<-. County aaaln liberalized tho or dlnancc tor non public ochools. In March the County formally ap­proved· the sontn1 reque1t.

So1ppon CUM Forth

,Publicity aenerated by the zon tn1 luue had created a nf'W, much larpr com"munlty of famlllea. In tendlna to crcllte mono meantni'ful parent educational participation

· than the co-op council• had, the Llpplncottl eliminated the eo-op, councl1 and ado"pt.fd c-onventionally Ctntrallud admlnlatra~lve role1, und@r a plan they called "partlcl­patlonal autocracy". S.Cauw of the ability ahe had domonatrated the prior oprln1. th•Y hired L7nn · Hopkin• to tf'&Ch • Durlnl the· next four yeart, the •chool ~ame A.

atabl•. but d~Vf'loplnl educational cCHiperatlvtt. Thou1h the achool rt1fuzrod to admit famllloa ftHJn• JnleJratlon In public IIC!hoolo, tho enrollment neariF doubled In tho fall of 1874, when the IIC!hool oxpan ded Into als claaorooma, '<lrlth all elemental')' lf&doa.

In tho fall of 1871 an oJcht' alx year Did man, a founder of &f'f'O. aoclal \ftlfara and arto orpnlaa. Ilona, walked In durl.., achool And olrencl a rrant for "what""' 10U neacl", followed bJ a -d. Ja,....r ane. In 1174 and 1m tho BDII &0-onclltad the lowoir ud upper ...... nepeatlwiJ. In It'll War­Nil, lillie and Dour Johft-. ol tho Johlioon ClllldNII'a Cllnlo at the Ualwraltr ol ~ lntroduaed a p..,..,._ af p,......... phplloal ldUMUan. In 1m, tiM UaiW!raltr .,.,...... the .!'"'<*' tor tnlnllll IIUMnt-Waohen. ,.... ,......, -· ••'l· lnonaiiDIIr llllllled, ....... PoNd G. ,..r..aaaal 11811 . wtt1a

exten1tve help be7ond the bule co-'­op oblllatlon. Parenti t&!Jiht alx­week r:atnl-couriCB in aewln1, ph)' 1tca. I'Uitar, cooklna, cbeml1try, ve,.tartan health, Greece, ch~u. woodW<Irklnl. ceoi<JIY, autoharp, y.,.-. and ooftball. _,Cia&_

A JHr aao. Partrldleberry ex­chanpd "participation&! autocraer" for a carefully limited oo-operatl•e · council, headed bra director. Hav­lnl dtclded that the ocbool wu auillclently W@ll·eatabllahed to 10 · Vflrn ltoolf ably, the Llpplacotto atepped aoldo u they had planned, tu1d otl•rcd exten11ve couuttatton to tba new board and director. ll'ol­lowlnl her own timetable, [4nn Hopklna d•parted, after four :r-r• of talente<l, hum&rM toachlnl.

In Bopt•m...,r, achool Opened for a JeYtn&l J'@•r with a noraai (!Gm

plement of 1t udenu and an.· aetln ccmmnnltr of oupport. Dlnctor Jo,.,e Kaollln1. Wond' ~ an ••­perleai!ecl Brltlah Infant 8chool tea­cher, and AI MarooYI&a. a padua~ of Anllooh'a deYt._,.tallat ....._. catiOn (II'Olfi'&Dt now plcle tiM aollooiMIIJ. <,., .....,. artlele •• .....,.,.. .,- ..-.. u,,...eett


1 ryce 10 GREENBELT NEWS REVIEW Thursday, April 13, 197U

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GASP Seeks Anti-smoking Legislation on March 28 the Human Retour·

ccs Committee took lt.l ftrat In· depth look at the l .. lalatlve pro­posal to restrict omoklnl( In publlo places. The blll, requested by the Bowie Chapter ot GASP (Qr6up Against Smokert' Pollution), re­quires moat public places - rea­tauranto, bowline alleyo, omployeeo' lounges and publlc tralllportatlon watUng room• - to aavc a per­centage of their aeatlnc for non .. smoking clientele. Other placea, such aa claaarooma, lecture halll, public and rovernmental meetlnc rooms and retail areu of aupcr­markets, are totally otr limite to cigarettes, cl&"ara and other tobacco amoklnl'·

amoklnr arou are to be provided In the lobblea. In the cue ot rov­ernment omceo, amoklnr will be al· lowed only In private one--peraon omces. Smoklnr renerally will be banned In hoapltala except In rooma ot patlenta who request omoklnc accommodattona and ln aome amok­In& loungea. No requeat for a amoke tree hoapltal room 11 to be denied; therefore a patlent•a reque1t for a smoklnr ban wlll take priority If no other rooma are available.

Exempt trom the omoldq re­otrlctlona are bare wheN no food Is oerved ,tobacco ahopa, botel and motel oleeplnc quarten and lllllOk• Inc by acton u part of the per­formance. Social halla Uled for pri­vate receptions alao are exempt from the omoklnc r<~CtrlcUona, But thooo balla become public placeo, and liable under the omoldnr bll~ lt tlcketa muat be purchued u admittance to the reception.

'Pl.. 846:-6448

'P.t-S• ~ I IJrMnware • C._·· Plrinp • wortmhop Complete u .. of Duncan Products -

..... 'l'llan. ..........

The blll totally bans omoklng In cta.asrooma, achool cafeterlu, lec­ture haUl, public and 1ovemmcntal meeting rooms and auperm.arketli. The ~moklng ban a1oo wlll be lm­prnied In tbe spectator sections of theatres, movie houaea and con· ccrt balta, but amoklna and non-

Cub Scout Pack 7 46 The bell circus Cub Scout Pack

746 ever put on welcomed lt.a new Cobmuter, Donald D. Ebre, at tho pack meetlnr Friday, March 81 at Mowatt Memorial United Hethodlat Church.

Sldeahol"• by Den 1 and a ohoot­tna gallery twaterguna) by Den 3 greeted au comers The competl· Uon of five father• from ftve dena in raising tht" Big TOp wu won by Fred Stalllnga ot the Webclos D('n. Thr women'a veralon wu won by Mrs. Kenneth B. Doll ot Den 2.

Den 1 beran the ahow with a Hhadow-puppet animal parade. Thla waa followed by special awards pre· sented to twenty cub s cout.JI. f'>r participating In the Scout dloplay at North End School

In other public places, lncludlnr reataurants, bowline alleya and 110-clal balla,. a percentage ot t)le oeat­lng must be allotted to IUDokera. The bill requlreo that a larre en· ouch "no amoklnll'' area be dea· trnated to accommodate the or· dlnary amount of non.....,oklnr ell· onteUe. Bmoklnr area are to be explicitly labeled. Ventilation syo­tems and omoke barrlera are to be provided In amoldnr areas tO ruar· antee amoke doea not waft Into no­amoklnl aectiona.


Conaiatent wtth other expreulona ot public opinion tor more than a decade, the lateat area·wlde opin­Ion poll ahowo stronc aupport by the public for·· completion of the planned. too-mile Metro rapid rail syatem.

And qaln, u In the put polls, a larre majority ot the public con­alders it a good lnve1tment for public dollara.

WRC Radio recently reported that 77 per cent of the people respond· Inc to the WRC Me.tro poll favor completion of the Metro ayatem.

In favor were 82 per cent of Maryland re1pondenta, 78 per cent ot the Dlatrlct ot Columbia reopon· dents, and 89 per cent of the Vir­ginia reapondentl.

TheodorP Lutz, general manager of .the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority, aald he waa "vPry pleased but ·not aurprhwd" at the reaulta

All cuotomero muat be Informed that lmoklnr and non-lllllOklnr oeatlnc 11 available and mwot be (lven their preference. Indlvlclualo alttlnc In a non·amoklnl area wbo retuae to put out their clprette are subject to a Ull ftne. OWnen and operaton who violate tbe law are oubject to a fllO One. Tbe bill which appointe the <!ounty l'cUce Department to entoroi tho pro­vlalons 11 almllar to one already In etrect In Montcomery and How­ard countlea.

Boys and Girls Club Greenbelt 10 and under boyo bu·

ketball team defeated District Helrhts 21-20 In an. excltlnr came Jut week at Dlatrlct Helrbt.l. Hike Ole len led all ocoren with 10 pointe, addlnc hlo ftnal 2 with 1.20 lett In the J&me. A.J. MQrlan added I pointe, ·Kyle Gray 2, Kenny He· Namara and Steve Simko 1. A.J. Korean and Kyle Gray controlled the boards •• the whole Greenbelt team played outatandtnr detenae, ahutttnr down Dlatrlct Helchta oft'enae. Thla victory 1tve• Green. bolt a 111-1 record and the 10 and under P.O. Championship

PORTER'S UQUORS -Bal&o.BI...._ 47~ (noxt to llcDonald'o In Collep

Park) Wo have the !arrest oelectlon of Wlnea from around the world. Special pdceo on cue pure-

ln th•· Second Ring, Den 2 pre­~t>ntrd. a llon-tamlna act with tal­t'ntl'd "Ilona." After' the Ilona alunk nut of thf' rlnc. a certltlcatc for arhit-vlng n pf>rfPC't scol't" in uni­form inBpf>ctlon waa awarded Don· aid .J Brf\l7. Ehrf' then made an annount'f'mf'nt of the new policy in pack un\(ormllig. ·

A r~rru~ In illl<'lf wua producrd by fl,•n :J with a non-coop('ra.tiv1· hugf• "bf'ar" In a ata.rrina rolr f'lowm. high-win acts and special~ ti('s wn(• in<'lud('d

"Thf> coordinated bua and ran sy1tem la operatlna u a direct re­sult of publl(' demand and the sup­port lJf thf' local, atate a.nd national gov£>rnmenta," Lutz Bald. "Ev~ry largf' po11 PP ahown vrry strong support by the .taxpayers o( the

Order Eartr

Any qucatlon• about wtnea welcomed


Th(· boy!! in Den 4 madr; palntrcJ :mtl ,qf't up R rf'al trapr.u which was U,qpcJ tn both II. gymnaatlc, display and R ~lrf' walking atunt

Thr> · Wf'br.loR Dfon conduct('d a pantomlm<' animal-aucsaina con· teat '

Trand~·rf'f" David · Nucambfonl was Wt•lromoo Into th(' pack and a­ward('d thf' two 11tver arrowl he horl rarnod. Robert Barrett, Mlch· a.-1 DPip, JCM" Doal, Sammy Harper and Scott Bhlftett were preaented Wolf bad1••· Two Webeloe activ­ity badK~• wer@ preaented Curtis M<O.rmott and thr .. to Jared Roll.

rack 7t8 plano to ••II tlcketl to Expo '78 from now until May 11,

th• dato ot tho aanual ppntlc Rv· lnR dlopl&ll ot S.outlnr actlvltiH

. all ovor the d!Mrlct which will be h•td at Oalthenlturr. They plan ta have a demonatratloft llootb tharll.

rc~:tlon." ·

FLOORING TUe - Llnole1un

Carpet li C..ramlr Jnatallatlon

Fret Estimate•

Phone 345:-42n .~--

10212 Balhmore Bl>td Collega Park. M~ :'0}4) (Qn US 1 II lhl 6411N&y)


"See me for car, home, life, health aad busiaess


Paint Branch Monteuori School Leamlng by Doing

3215 Powder MIU Roacl, Adelphi, Mel. 20713 The Paint Branch Monteporl School Is now enrolllnll chUdren for Ito half and full day pro11ranu.

Pre-School & llementary Proeram• You are cordially Invited to make an appointment to obterve

our cl-. For further Information, pleue call Betsy Yeomeno at 1137-2244, )r Patricia Barahay et 474-5170 after 4 p.m.

- - 211 CllitiWWAT QRIIIIMIIIILT, Jll). ..,. , ...

In Greenbelt ..:. The Partridaebeary School, Inc.

- A ~nlque lcluadlonal Envl ........... -Offen Children Preeclom to t.eam

-motfwated 111 their own ln-. curlo.ttr, 6 eth...a-

-throUrb -lo~ aotiYiU. -an-·~ p_... Wltl>lndl~ IDatnlc-

tlon ... d an enriclament _.._., eurriiiUiua

Partrldpberry, a full; accre41ted paront._ratl.,. •~ oohool <K-8) II now In Ita etrhlh ,_.. of lnnovatlft, b-'ltlc .........


Now lnrolllng for Next Scltool Year For Information, c:all or write to the Dlnctor

The pit.rtrldpberry School, Inc..

JO.O Rln.tde R....t Greenbelt, MD 10'1'10 (101) 4U--

'Unalterably oppoaed by moral principle, poUCJ', and practice, at all levelo, to dlocrlmlnatlon b7 ....,., color, -. national ortrm. or eoo­nomtc clull.

PA$18001. RATE

· from clay of clepolit pakl quarterly·

..... _ Twill Pines Safiap 1: Lou Ala

105 Cen~VWGY GrMnbelt, Mel •. 20770



@ t4on.-Thur. 11-G

Friday 9·8

Saturday 11-12

Maryland Savlng1-Share lntUranee Corporation tAn Aaencr ac &be - ac llarylandl

lnou- ...,.. _.t le MO,GOII.OI

Ask about our tavlnp .rtifkale planas 1~11o per -- for a p.-lillldala dopaalt ..,_111M untn•e,.Mou6orltr.

111o per aanua lor a ..,. alalaua '-'t ..,_ h ...

uaUI - J'eMI -..r~tr. ,~,. .-r annu• ,... a ..- -- ._..t .... belli alii totor ,.... -.tty.

NOTAKY IIJ:IIIVICI: Une to aecount ~) JWNII'I' OltDIIIIUI IDa up to Pill



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t ! )



ThunSJPl'lll3, lt'78

There wlll never be a better time to open or add to your Loyola Federal account. Your Loyola Federal office is now open Sat.urdays from 9AM 'til Noon.

Now you can include a stop at Loyola Federal on Saturdays along with your shopping, car wash, trip to the shoe­maker. or beauty parlor.

Loyola Federal knows its office~ must h.: open when it's convenient for you ... not us. That's why we're offering you ad­ditional Sarurday hours, effective Apnl I.

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11.()6% 6Y"' 7.79't 4 y,., 6.98% 2'h y,., 6.72'1· I Yr ~.92't. 3 Moo..

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'S.J9'(.\ ( :. ompounJmc

lnt.:n.11 ,.,_II<IN Jdily fr-~·of dqtolitro day of at~l I,,. ..... _ MIU'\\I ~ • ~' d .. i:atm~ ( lnwmrra.'ftl I " ~-

•\''" .......... ~,kfw. ...... ..wh ........ ,.....m ......... ! . do.'ft"'oii~\

A "Jer~-at" retUrn un your I&'Vinp dollar~. plu~ innovative ICI'Vica-and coav~ienl hours arc just three rcuona why Loyol11 hderal is the larpat and fatat-growinll ~vinp and 1om~ 11110ciation in the state of Maryland.

Bowie Olkea lluwic Rued (RL 197) 6 · Old ('lllltd Rd 262-5m ·

<:a-~ 89l1Wooc!y-n~Roecl 1611-7103 UI'HIIIMh Olletr 6329 'Ottenbrdt R4,11crwyn H•

)45-f441 ,,,.,.,,.f!i..:.., r~r M11ry/Md.

To celebrate our new Saturdav hours, "M 'til Noon,~ Federal will have drawings for free prius during April!

cadi l1ffia: 16 pril.<..,; will h.: award..~! each Saturday for 3 suo;essivc week'' And on Sarurday, April I, free snuvt·· nics will be given away, so c'OIIlC on in'

Seth 1"homa 11TI'IIV810UI""' AJ.rm. Raiocd hms I1UIIlbm and lumincus handl. Tllr<t ro hr Jivm away each week.


1..-.. c-empaow)' ow­... a.. .... 24-bour odarm IIIII AMtFM Rtdio. Onr 10 he given away each

,.. ....._ __ ~

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.._._..,Time Keepor Onoto(l()minuu..(;..a,,,. houocmtd ..... 'll!rft h•l\ Jllvm IWI)' Qo;h Wl.'tk.

Come in now it flO out lUUI' free f.atryllaak!


Btws ltuiew ------~~~~DENT NEWSPAPER

Yolumc 41, Number 22 GREENBELT, MARYLAND. _____ T;.;h~'.;.;'r.;;sd;;;a:;;.Y;.:.·..:A.::P~•~·il;...:;,20;;.:,..;1~9..;.:;78

Animated GHI Meeting Includes Bylaw Proposal by Katherine Keene

The GHl Board mcctlng on April 11, was both long and livt']y, and during iuo~t of thP ~VPning llw room was erowdPd. A prtition for ;l

propospd byJaw changP wns pre­aen.tcU and rf'suJted in a hPatPU tUacussinn. Another item which c&~<.:tf'd 1-iOffiC COOCPfll wH_s thf' pro­J><*'tl usc of pap,•r '"lints nt tho annual meeting. Allo dist•usscd were townhousp contracts, the pru­poaed Baltimore-Washington over­JlOUill, and the GHI rc,abilitation rc; port,

t!A>hallllitatlon Ucport Manager Roy. Bre,..hears submit­

ted his rcpurt on rthabllltatlun to *~.Board. At this tlme manage­Mont rPcommendR "" priority Items fer frame houses wall Insulation, atwm windows, and weathcrstrlp~

pjag where needed. For brick and ..aaonry, the recommended projects An! lltorm wind~ and weather­.utpplng where needed. At pre­-t ·tneulatlon ol the attica of t~c and brick houses, Installation el &torm doors, and Installation ot ·siding on framr and clnderblock looaSCtl RrP not recommended. All rt'commendcd projects are effective In reducing heatlnJ costs. Several pen10ns expre811Cd regret tha~ sld­t,.. for frame and clnderblock hou•CJ< W"" not Included. '

(bpie• of th<: tnfmagpr's report are fWallable at thP GHI offict•. Tht• Boarrl will schPdule· some •pPdal commlttc>e and Board mePting}; to f'fli'WiidPr thf' r~port. PrPsidPnt .Tame• Smith reiterated that reba· bltltatlon will go to the memi><'rRhlp and muRt have a larfiw eonsensus. not mf'rf"'ly ~ majority 1\t a riwm­bt•rship rnt•t•tlng.

Annual ~IM'thlR "nt(' Annual MPeting is s<>t for

:.lay 10. Tho• polling places will b .. at Ct•nter School on thP evening of May 10 by papPI' ballot and al thP GHI Hamlltoll PlaN' oflice:-; on May 11. Euniee Coxon. a visitor, fC'qUestPd thnt watPr rat.Ps for slh­gle ppoplP hl: an agenda item. She pointed out that single ppoplp use lt•ss water than families and should pay less. Smith said the matter <"ould b(' brougt-. ~ up undPr new bmdnf'ss. Caxon ~mid Bh(• could not set~ why members cannot have individual water mPtcrs. The man­ager said it would bP necessary to install new plumbing arrangements. thnt hot watpr comes from th~ fur­naces and is not at pr('sen t In eluded on th.. water meters that GHI now has. Rnd that there would also be a rathpr great expense for lnstalllnl{ new individual meters. Martha Hutzler, who Will! also pre­sent, stated that she had peraonally counted the· water meters In . the brick and fuund that almolt every house had Ita own mete!'. Furthermore, she said, people living In brick houses uae more than their fair share of water.

Pape~ Ballow Coxon announced that she wu

"shocked" to have learned that neither City Hall nor Youth Center representatives had been approach· ed to haw the GHI voting machlnPs ln<·at<'tl In eltlwr of thoso• buildlnp:. and thnt flllper ballots Wl'rc propos t•U for tho!-lp wi~hing to votr at thP Annual Ml'dlng. ShP endcd by saying that "We don't want voting machines lwrt• !In the GHI Admini· •tratlon 'Builtllngl Rnd WI' 'don't want fll\pPr ballot.• "

.Jnnd Jnml'!'l, Nominntion:-; nncl [<;Jectlon" chairman. stnte,d thnt the l'ommltt<'4' hn.d :-~ucrcssfully U!iNI papl't ballots last year. slnco• with

only two machines it would oth· t·rwisC' ha\·c hf'rn nrcessary to stand In line a long time after lht• meet­ing to vote; that the GHI building, where tho• machines will be, has no stair" to climb; and that paper bal lots wer" seAled after ·the mretlng and left with the Police Depart-mont.

Hyl.nw Propooal )Shortly after the meeting had

been called tu order Betty Denson of ~9A Ridge presented a petition· for a proposed bylaw change to be considered at the Annual Meeting. Brlpfly, the proposal would have the membership approve every In·· cre!U!c in the annual budget. (At present the board must seek mem­bership approval unly tor a budget increase of 10% In operating coots.) Smith told Denson that bylaws cuuld be amended at · the Annual Meeting, and that the text of the prop011ed change had to be Includ­ed In the announcement of the meeting.

Denson. asked why the propoaal could not be approved by refel'1!n­dum. Smith reminded her that ac­cording to the preaent bylaw.s am· cndments might be added at tht• meeting, that the Issue of bylaw referendum had been thoroughly researched only three years ago. and that the bylaw• thcmselve• said that such cha.ngrs could only bt• voted by n rPf<'rendum.

Coxon demanded to hear the by laws. not president Smith. Smith ac cordlngly read the by-law• lnYolved. Coxon Mit! that her ~opy of tht• bylaws contninr.d no such e1auHPS a• ht• read. Rmlth rrad ngRin. Cox on dcmandrd proof. Othl"r board members found the relevant clRUS· P.S in thf'ir eopi.f's of tht' by lnw·•.

S,., Iiiii ROAJUJ, page ~. col I

Council Agair;t Hears From Public .On Proposed Bus Route Changes

hy Rnrhara IJkowskl ·"At la.•t our part of thn city lA

'bdng Sf·rvf'd . . " ~tlcrn Pctf'r&on told council al Monday night's ml'Cling. Pr-trtAon, n•prr>!irntlng thP Ltt.t&:M~hk Clttzrn~· ·A~sociA.tton, wn.:-~

onf" nf ~l'Vr>ntf•c·n JH'npiP who uftPrHl f>fi 1111' nlf'f'ling, part or whh'h wn.~ 'l

public hf'fHing on MPtro· rnlllf·~

~hr spokt' In favor nf thf' Of'W ~""-A

rln1lP which utili7.1'S fAlkl1 Crt·~t Dr.," I )f., Wt·stwny and Crl"S­Ot..'Clt. to n•tu•h lhf' ePnt••r.

Jlrf'flll!'(f' of nhjPd ions frnm sonw Cf\.'dd(•nts nlong \\tt~lwH.y to thP nol&t', t,oJiutinn, Pte, two alfPrnntlvP ,·hMgr~ Wf'r1• !HiiCR'f'Sfrd. ln~trRd of hnvlng Uw hu.~ go clown Wf·~twny, unr 1 rnntlw• woult.l hnvP thf' bUH turn lf•ft. at tlw lnlt•r.•H·rtion nf Wf'Rtway nnd Hlrtgl" and )1rocrr41 oluwn Rirll{r tn Cre~o·o•nt anti to the rMtl'r. The nther woulrl havr the bo.. t.urn rll{ht n< We•tway and Hider I·> !'kru:hway and then on tn th" r.t"ller. The rl~~:ht turn would

'!){' 1 •hnrp lurn and the bus would hllvl' to turn Into traffic on South-·

.W87. .II• L>rakr. 211 l.ak~•ld<'. lold

cou...,ll thAt hr rlciPA thr ~·-11 evPry day from thP 'Un'lverolty of Mary­land whl't~ he I• " mnmbPr of the faculty. Drllkc favorl!d th.- prea@nt route tclllnJI council that th<' oUght UPI'Ncle In the road mad@ It eul~r l<> "o otrnllht than to turn. A• far a• pollution gON, he toll thl' buo INW!P, ~nllutlon than car• wllh cataiJtlc cnnverte111.

Drak.- was concerned that not on· oup people werP tak'lnl{ · tile bWl, Indeed, didn't """m to be awar.- of lt. DraJrr •aid he had found the buo to be oonv~nlent, almollt alway1 on 'ume and piPa..ant to ride. He •uR­..,.ted that council help ll•!llerllte momentum and encourqc peopl<' to take the bua.

Coun('ilman Thoma.'i Whit1• ~~-~rN~d 'that tho• ~, 6 nrerl• riders Rnd peoplo• !ihnu1cl bt• Ptwourngf'c1 to lllkP acl­vantR.gP. of ln('rr:tsf>tl ~rrvi<'4' H•• :-;aw thP IH'I'cl fnr Rn.turdn.v !-Wrvirt• anti· thought thnt Raturday ~4'r"\"kf' might b11 :uic1Ni if t.h••ff' Wf'n' mnrt• ridPr!". Alnn Amht•J,.,;, JliJI!-!idf', alRo a. .. t.ikt•d Tor Rnturclay !!!erviN'.

Cnrl Chnpro:r. NorlhwBy, !-IUJiJ..:''!-liM

('It thn_t JWopJc \VOIJI(f hf• morf' JnM dltlf'cl to 1HH' lh4' hll!-1 tr thPy WPrl'

sur(• tt woulcin't bt• tll!llcontlnurd Rftflr thr NPW Carrollton !-!lation IR upPnc•d rwxt. fall.

S. Hobf'rt Hubln. Rt•nior Transit Offlr.f"lr, Prlncp Gc•nrJtf"'S County f)f•

pnr'tmPnf of PubliC"' Work~ and TranRportnt"inn, 1\~!llllrPci ·r·om1cll that along with f'XprrR!II ~lf'r\"ln• to . the New Carrollton stntlon l.h•· dty would .ronUntlf' to hn.vr !oral ~f'r·

v1ce He ••w tho dty "" hnvinl{ bf'ttcr Sf"!rVIt'f' thf' nrlcitllon of •·x prP.~~ lllll'rvirf' and th•• T 1f\ wh1<'h will run thrm111h tnwn when lh~ !llrw CRrrollt.on •llltlon open•. nu. bin o••urPd rounrll that the New Carrollton •tRtlon wa• ••preted to open In Novrmber "" plannctl. Plan• lo chMge thl' C-2 rout~ which ,rr­''"" th~ city from 81'1tway l'IRZS have IH>~n cancelled and thr route II I'XJl"rlrd In >;lll,Y Rll It lo, h<' ""ld.

Counrllmfln Chnrlr• Schwan rom­plalned that 1\lthoul{h rnmment• from proplr llvlnlf on nnr block hRd prompt~d rounrll to look tor allrr nRtr routco, therr hAd l><'en llttll' lfiJidancn at the hrarlnl{ Rbout wht·-· thrr th~ bu1 should 10. right, lrft. or otralght.

Mayor pro tern r.ll W .. tcknfrld who wa• chairing thr ml'f'tlnl. then took a poll nf those pl'C'81'nt by a•klnll tor " ehow of hands Four­trpn fAvored the J>rPoent rnut<', !)OM favorcol either of the two Rlterna­tlve~.

Cound~mnn Htchnrd Castaldi ('X

pre••ed thr oplnlun thnt thr I'Xist· ing 'roUtf' !!-! probably thP. HRff'!lll find ha..'-1 thP lrnst amount of pollution.

Cnrolyn •~•trldge, librarian i 11

rhn.rgf' of thr Gn·l'nbt•lt library. informNl rpunf'il thnt thr librRry hAl'! a RUpply or bWi NdH'dlllf'S Which an· 11\'ailnl>l" to thf' public•, w,,idf"n (f'l(i :1~ I<Pd I hA.t thiR Information bC' publiclzt'd In the Srwa Ucvlc\t.

R-i.'lf Th1 !llht•r hu.~, 1~:1· .. • ·! )ilJH"l;· . .:

a,_;PnJn aff,•dnl th•· H 1:--1 t•xpr,·s~

bu~ whll''t nt prl'!'H'Ilt 11'11\"f'R' Slt\<llum Armory at ~:30 p.m Some dli7.1'n" h;l\'<' cnmplalnrd that Uw df'pArturt• timt• I~ too f'arly for IH'dr,l!· wnrl1in~ in dn·fl..·nt0Wfl \Vn~h · inl(fnn anrl n:;.~ktJrl that .It b•• ·movf'd bn.t•k to 5:-t~. Thr rlty h·n• bt•rn advlse<l that Met'ro will .make th" chang~ If the city rcqneAlo it.

A qUfll"tionnalrf"' wRA pllu·C'tl in the Nt•wa IWviM\' Rn<l ftycr" pii\CNl nn ellra In local cotnmutrr parkin!{ nrr.u. No far· flv~ rf'lponAf'll havr bern rl'rrlvrd by thr city, thrrr tor the ~:4ft llnd twn fllrlllnot. A 1111rvry taken on the bus one evenln1 had Indicated that 19 out of 83 pRUrn· 1era did not abject to " latrr de· partiJre tlmr; 14. howrver, did One JX'fOOn who wu oppoArd wa• •I rrady walt1n1 20 mlnutra for the buo and would th"n have to walt for 30.

Rny MrCauley, Re•rarch Rd .. r~­

portcd that he takeo thr R 1ft "" cry day and knowo that many tlmeo """"1r mlaa lt. He frlt It· ahould II<>· delayed the extra 10 mlnutea.

White hOJX'd tllllt It might II<> poa albic to convert an exlltlng local bua to another expret.ll.

ThP. d~l1lon will probabl·: hr made at council'• jtext rclflllar meet,lntr. Kay 1. ·

Public Huriag Moaday, April 24 On Site of B-W Parkway Overpau

by Leta Mach The entire Greenbelt community will have an opportunity te

<"omment on the controversial site of the proposed Baltimore­Washin~Jton Parkway pedestrian-bicycle overpass at ~ pu~lic hearing on April 24, at 8 p.m. In Eleanor Roosevelt Semor H1gll School.

At an annmU mPNing in March, (ill'; nf Grrf'nbriar. Pha<~r I vot('d 47.7')1 to 18.3'/r· against the prefo•r . red site. The prt•fprrPd location In t«•rm~ qf shurtPst di~tanef', a<' t ual U!->f', :iafrty, tnpogrHphy nnd c·o~t · iM at thf' end ot Gardenway in old Greenbl'lt. A pRlh would ('Onm•f't with th(• ow•rpasH and go through the Greenbriar Phase I development bt•lwcPn building• 77tr. and 7718. The qurstlon before the Greenbelt City Council is whcthl'r to usr condemnation proceeding~

in order to. obtain the prefcrrPd site or locate at a less dPslrablt• "ite · Mandan Road. At thl• loca lion no Green briar approval IR nee essary as the street extrnds tu the Parkway. However, an easement from the Board of Education would be needed on the uld Greenbelt side of the parkway.

Because Greenbriar-Phase I vo­ters arc expected to turn out in large number., the public heulng will be held In the ·auditorium of Eleanur Ro011evelt Senior High School instead of city council cllamc bers. At a work seulon on March 29, council expreued concern that

·only those opp011ed to a preferred site would attend. Howard Sav­age, who was appointed by Roose­velt's PI'SA to lnveotlpte the dan .. gcrous situation 'of student& eros sing the PRrkwny, felt that If peop lc "have any feelings one way or the othPr, thry should come out." Pat Brown, PTSA corresponding secretary. added "I think t.he Oar . denway olt<' Is the only o~le worth building; It I• the shorte•t and most direct." She concluded "peoplr who support the overpass conrcpt should come out RO city . .cQuncll eRn see thert• i• support for the Idea."

I"TSA Support Aftrr thr Grt•f·nbrlal' vote. th,.

Ji~lf'nnor Roo~f!Vdt. PTSA Xf'llt I hf' city n lrttrr !:upportlng thf' prl' frrrt'd :o~itf', It pointf'd out that thr rf'~ults of R ~turlf'nt RUrvf'y rf'Vf'RI f'd "th(' ~tudf'nt~ would not wu• thf• wnllcwny in t.hf" M~tndn.n Rnnd Joe·,~

lion in ··ulfkient nnmbf'r.'i to ju~tify t hf' f'XfH'TP"f' nf r·on.«<t rurt ion." In Ut•f'd ~0' (. pollf'd ~aid thC'y would continllf• to wall< al'ro~!-1 thf' par~ \\'Ry; many spP<'ifh•d Rl Gardf'tl. wny. In an c•nrlicr lrttf•r, !'iltud~·n:

Tf'J)rf'!.u>ntativf's Carl Ch~1pf'r n.nd Steven Lloyd, rr<·nmmPndrd that if thP MRndan •lie IH u~rd the boolld lng rlf a ~idf'wnlk on thr hridg•· on Rt. 103 should l.>c invc~slig:tl"<' · further."

'rhf' f'ity hH.l:l l"l~l'dved a· h~tt4•r from William f.~ Ayf'rl-4, pr"~idf'nl

{If lhf' nrf'rnhn:lr Phll~f' I Board of Din·dor~l. fl~l imr\t lng thnt A mn.1nr

creaMed city taxc.s, fl.'ars of motor· bikes using the bTidgr, damngrd yards, grass, trees and Hower~. Ho.,.ever, other Grcenbrlal' r08i­denta noted that the bridge wo11lol actually "limit the youngsters' rcmt•• to one path that would be eaalrr ~" polkt•." He· fl'ar:.~ that the firp.t <THlmlty "will not be a high school "tudent. but a· young child from or .. enbriar who will wandel thruugh thl' hoi eM· in our fen<:i'-"

Condemnation At the April 3, council ineellntl,

Councilman Gil Weldenfeld sympa thlzed with the Greenbriar rl!lli­dents who asked that their land llOt be condemned. However, he COII­

tlnued, "wherever you put tlte bridge It will Impact on someoae.• Councilman Thomas White ~ pointed out that city stair, co..-. and citizens have evaluated ·tile sites and agreed upon the be.t • cation. He stated "Oovemment ... the respon.slblllty to locate the ..,,_ erpasa In the proper place . . • I don't feel that a particular ~ should have veto power • to tile beat route If It'• for the p.w1e

. welfare and lfOOCI. Tllat'a wiMit condemnation Ia for." Counclt..a Cha.rlea Schwan qreed. ••the oit)o has the respon•lblllty for pladiiC

· the overpua ·In the ll&feet plaee ••. If eondemnatlon Ia n~eu.ry. tMa we ought to have pta enou1ll to ...., 1t:' l!.:xpreuml concem """"

condemnation, Go11ncllman Richard Castaldi oald "We ahouid be llaiJIIIT to have a bridge anywherti."

Hla&ory Th~ problem of otu4ents te,l<iDI a

•)lortcut acroso the BaltlmorP-. Wa.•hlngton Parkway aurfaced _,., aft~r Eleanor ~elt Sealor High School op4'nrd. A m""tlng of school and dty rcpre8f'ntatiYP• in Augu~t rt•rognized that the~ \W&~ no safP way for studrnts to walk ~ .•r ridt'; bikes to or from !ichooJ. af. thrrf' i~ no !-eidPWA..Ik or bikf'WSJ along Grecnbrlt Road. Effort• Wt't'

mRde 'to publl<'lzc the fact thRl walking aero•• .the parkway i• a 1tatr and fMieral otfensr llubj...:t to line• up to $500. Nevrrthrlf'f\.'\. large holr• In the t~nC<'A on both !iidPS :of thu highway continw• t·o bf' cut and rr••·ut aftf'r thPy hl\\"r

· bPf'n rPilai_rf'd. On Septcmbf'r 2f.L. Howard SaVRI(f' wa·~ Rppolntf'd to JllVf'Stlgalf' thr _!:~ltUBtion. Hr c-on tadNI county and .statfl offida.I!'O Rbout. thf"' llf'f'd" for a safr way rnr

:-~. ... o\·t:nt·A~s. pagr 4. ""l ~

WHAT GOES ON ~nn.: AJlrll z;l1 A p.m. SJ>ronll

Concrrt, Grf"f'nbfolt Concert Band, Youth Crnter

~ty nf thP owm~rs wnuld favor thP :\fn.ndan no~ui :~:tr•. Thf"Rf' rl'~idf•nls hfl\'t' PXprc•<.;!"t'd npJH)Rition to t h•· prf'ff'rn•d ~ltf' bt•l'l\\1!-'1' of \n("fl'n~:~ nol!'-4r from thP pArkwny, mort• wfn dfdl!llm. lo~lng pnrklnt !-4pflrf'~· •. In

:'\Inn. April 21, 8 p.m. Puhl10 Ht'R.rim( on Ovrrpus, It:. Rc~ .... srnll HIKh Schnnl

Tm.,.,, AJ>rll 2.'1. II J>.m. Pooblor WorkR, Park!i Budrr.t. Munid­pat Rulldinl






ALTERNATIVES Two l()('atlon• ar'P under con•lderatlun. Onl' I• ncar the rnd of Gard Pnway on thr ~. r.•t olcle of• thf' Baltlmorf'·Waohlnlton Parkway and would rrqulrr 11(1 ace- euement throu1h a OrM'flbrlar parkln1 lot bM.wrrn 7718 and 7T111 HanovPr ParkwAy. ,., nth~r t .... atlon would be nrar thr rnd.of Hamilton Plaee on thO!' wPot •Ide and near the ""d of Mandan Road on tiM_ f!t\llt side ot the PArkway.

ror information cail ·174-3870 01' 474-8080

Gudrun H. Mills

City Clerk

·~· j !

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