Page 1: I:; ' Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950... · "rhe his ~I'y of WU1.'~de extends Bacia', ... MISS~Theodora car1 0n, RpeU and they rC'lurned t 't eir

PAGES,Section OnePages 1 to 8


Receh'es Cut Eye,Robert Simonin fell ontl:> a stone

last Thursday and recei'~d a cutover hIS left eye which Ireqwredseveral stItches.

"t'l l:' },I


LD 116i· StOfII Of wins e 'by F. . Jones

I:; aqd f t· pim\llel 00/1 t,o~ Appea':- waY"e~OU"IY

': ' T~wn Foundec!l early, Sixt}l ear. Agd Pro••

peel Jr Grainl

Alcohol Pla~s ~Ior Term pOLLEGEVACATIO\'l ' Cd,untyTax evy BIG RETURNS FROM ' M'en L H' ,Plants ~ WayneI Need. '1 'STARTS FRIDAY AND SPECIAL FORCE IN eave ere I

' O/te, I' , •A e B, ling Ma, e, ! LASTS FOUR WEEKS Is Cut Sli I Ltly DRIVE FOR METAL ,To Enter Servl.ce," iJ1hro~g~~iS Winside 'I!!PibUne, F, " , ITHE: SUMME:R session of the , ~D THE WORLD-H ERA L D'S

J;, Dlmme ,~nnounces he forth- • I L' ~I d State Teachers coIl e g e C ' 'I' T -- d f' M oree ec" ~ 0 I I A nve or scrap metal m ~I coming ap arance OL,a~ilJstorw oC ~urlere I ... Icloses this week lOr a month's mpl e 0 a s smenta Que t" • A

_ WnVjfde d vicinity, in j'the To ~cien Po&itio~ fori vacation. We understahd dormi- To Be Made in T wna ~;~ha~~~v~f~n~~~l~l~~~:d,s~;l~ S lonnalres re Mailed I, preparali of whiqh he and F. M, Wayne igh,SchdoI. itory , reservations for the term For Thi. Ye close next Saturday night. To 20-Year·Old. Thi. "

J:oljles hav ~OllabOI'ate(l.Mr. Jones I which begins in September, are Wayne county's speCial efforts Week by Board.Wi.\S ta~ ick and ha I'rto go to Plan~~for op iog of Wayne qity more numerous than expected Funeral rites were ccmd ted Wayne county commlss oners, at the past week stepped up re- Tv,·o groups of young men left i,Caloradt f r ',Tus heal h, leaVIng SChOOI~'~re tlei made thiS week in view of war demands. MI1I- Monday mornlOg at 10:30 rom 4> ~'regUlar session Tuesday, lxed the suIts ,'n most grat,'fy,'ng fash,on, W

S ) LI h 1 d d " h d h h B k h D I') M" 1 ayne thIS \\'eek for service 'n the',c04J1plet fit'Of the vOIlJ e to Mr. by pt., . . t er an an tary sr.;rvlce as prove t e ad- t. (' ec en auer mortuary f. .r. ppea s a tax evy at 2.94 mllls, Ich is a It 15 hoped thls.week's IntenSive anned forces Arnold Mau andIDimmeJ. If pIeS wUl 1el ready for Pl'incil1al Her ~n Baehr, and nr- Ivantage of havlOg ~a.rough E:. H. Dotson, 52, optomet 1 t In cut of .16 mill over last ,ear. This Campaign WIll meet the most W Illi~ mark~t about shp e(J11ber 1. rangements fa : the 'fIerm will be I schooling Young pel's ns able Wayne about 30 Yll'ars, who ass~ I t IS based on a total val~ation of sangUlne expectatIOns. Farmers Hater Sund, Wayne, and Elmer,

I ' -x· * * " ready ~tanno ce next week. r. I to takE' hIgher tralnlllg I"e COIl- ll'd on FrJdRY evening after s fer- To 'Boost al $25,401,685 --and townspeople should be glad nrst, Wmslde, are the I-B men.1

~t d k~1 d f h d dp t dd h k R those with remedial physical de-"rhe his I'y of WU1.'~de extends Bacia', ho c pIe e Wor or Vine'£' ate WIS om Ing I g a su PII cart at tac. ev., The state levy IS 260 'mills, in- tq turn In all the worthless mao f

' 'I Th II h ' L r d ffo, d ' ! eets, who went Monday. They WI'I"ov;.' a pe·J d of appro imatcly 60 hi::; h1t~er s d gree at owa Ity so. e co ege ere pro ISes to .. r~a S 0 Jewte there at I -- eluding 2.39 for general Wld and chines and other Junk they can b 'I k h AIl ' h h ••• C e placed m camps Where they canoYe rs. Til f' uthors m nlion that ast F ~ ay, sp nt the wee -en In resume Wit a goou enro ment pmYflr serYlCf" In t e orne. rs. Wayne outlty Twe'ntyfint .21 for Insane fund. Lagt year the fmd. The work Involved I" I ..

I t d I CI M G ' b I ." re case 1-A men foI:" more strenu,N~raSka s ~nown t have had Frerna t With hiS Wife an spos ~a prospect t lat IS very gratl- arcncp e mn, accompan y I St I 5 D • state levy of 2.88 Include 2.71 for emlDenUy Justified by the Im-h dn s t leriwnts Olll thousand and ca e here onday, I fYlhg. Students will be missed Mrs. W C. Swanson, san "No n a e crap the general and .17 In<;an . perative need. When HIller ,DUS ser.·lce The men whE) were

~I , ~ 'rw I \b I tib du th I' t month. but NIght Thpre," "Nearpr, M ad. ~ Figures Reveal. examined last w-qek and Who wereYears~ a 0 s nee thE n a slowly 0 lOS rue rs are ye 0 e rmg e t'U ren , The county levy of 94 mills wants scrap metal or anything Ithpn home on furlough, left Wed~

evhlUtiom I' and de-lig tfulJy ven- choSen I to cdmplete the 5t ff Ihelr noted absence wIIl~pha-J to T.~ef''' and "L('ad,' ndly Wayne counry leaders have set prOVides .20 for une~loYment else. he notlfles the gestapo, and ne,day and In thiS group were EI~tUl"esome~flOOd of ~ears. The Maunce Lamoree was elected ~rl~ sIze thl' feeling of welcome LIght BUSiness bouses . osed 00 pounds per capIta as, the goal relief, 1.10 for general fund, .70 the request IS granted Without mpr RUdolph Rai, George SWCI-writers d lJlo'~specula e on proba- day a$J.:clence teacher HIS h me when they relurn durmg thf'.serVICf' Commltt fol- n the sera salvage ¢am al n for bndge fund, .80 fo general' delay or ceremony. Amertica can gard CI H d

. biJit,j~~ f lr fihe nex thousand was fQTh,erl yIn Stromsburg. He ... low£'d In (.rC'enwoo{} cemet ponsored I~ 'Nebraska b: t~e road fund, 08 for soldle s' ~lie' show thf' world how free people :Gne~. J~;an GI;;~uist~~:~n ~~~

years, th i~gll;- the pro ect at this earne~ hIs B S degree m K ar- I Though he had contmue I his maha WorldJHerald and closmg .06 for Wa e county air and can be Just as prompt and gen- baum. Richard Gildersleeve andjuncture ~ obt 'Very ncouragmg. ney at; taug~t the past yea In Ie t p. work, Dr. DoL<;on had not fe ~ ell turday night 'thJS wpek.IIWlth a none- for thers' pe lon. A erous through voluntary actIOn. RussclJ Fox.M~ntlori fS. made thaI the slate JulestJ rg, Colb Mr Lamoree as OUD y loneer B few days last week. He t ght J:\opuJation of 9,880, the county's yeaI' ago the 10 I VYI prOVided and Nebraska IS settmg the Iwas purt' ns¢d from ·'rance at 4 In W~ fie last I}<'rlday to IDter lew It \\oUI:l hcn('fLt 111m to ge : out- ;Im IS to supply PRR,ftlOO pdunds to ~6 for unemploym rE'li~f. 110 pace In the present scrap metal tor.R~~l~!J~~-;~I~~'lJ;~~~~;~t:~.dVIC~cents He I~re--che~p even !n the bPfrd. He

land Mrs. Lamaree Dies at Madison fioors }< I'lday pvenlIlg" so e! and tlhe war ('ffo~t. The record Wed- for general fund, .7~ f~ bndge campaign Dlggmg up olrl Junk The county has a quota of about

~~rs~e~r t~;c y~~~t~ll~~at~~t~~~ WI~n~t~~~~~;~/o~~'handlC'el~her _ Mr's Dot:on slarted for alk rjesoay was 6~7,674 pounds with fund, .RO for general '1' ad fund, :~I:e~~~n~~~~o~r:gutloa~:~~; ~O 1-A men to go August 15. ThiS

t t 'I,)~~ouII ,oH,c,'o'nr'locL~U'fr'),,~~td"'a Ih. 0 I,enfgt <ln, average of 6555. .08 for soldIers' relief,.O for fall' will not exhaust the supply of 1-"reprc~~n cd hy I~resl pnt Thomas s0ciall' ~ClCnce or Engllsh wIl~ bel Rites To Be Conducted foJ" ., ., ,~ and _05 for mothers' pensjion. Amencan heritage. ....Jef1 I I" 'nc y Napoleon chosetI, MISS~Theodora car10n, RpeU and they rC'lurned t 't eir I11C commlttC'e appeals urgently 0 regl<...frants In the hands I of th1:l

ersonl ane .; r~ .~ . quah~j¢d fa; b th, will take w 'lCh~ Mrs. Jennie Stallsmith horne when' the doctor til d a t all rUl·al and town resldeJ].ts ~o .92Fr~Il~,ighw~~~~1i~u~~~~J:~:b/~r bOflrd.Accord[mg to the tstory, Wm- -ever lune the nard deSIres for leI'. Here Thia Week. heart attack and lived until ~ out t rn III theIr scrap thIS week so lower than the 1.46 of 'ast year. : t I 0 QUp"tlonnalrcs WE're sent this

. Side canlc nl'ar hem T Nort'hside, The' other ~sJtlOn IS for pall 11 o·c1ock. I t at the goal may be attained. i The assessment for bmdWeed con- oun y s ver \\ppk to :!O--ycar-olds, those Whosethree and onc~half I1es uphill commCln:lal w rk and addlti~JOal Mr:i. Jennie S. Stall;imllh, 91. Edward HarrIson Dotson The 511,894 pounds gathered rby trol IS 1c per acre and thiS was numbers are 10,630 to 10.670,'(owards IApex. Bcfolre NorthSide lugh !b¢hool s bjects The bqard pIOneer 01 Wayne county, died C'hild of Mr. and MI·',. 1. esday afternoun made Wayne kc per acre last year. Tfue old age Top WI·tll Sales These are to he filled out and re~became r;trong Jno~h to defend Will rneet at ny time that qual!- early Wednesday morning about !,on. \....... s horn In Lima, C unty rank 21st among others of tax IS $2 per person anr the bee turned wlthm 10 daysJtself it tad to SUrr del' to a low- fled b~ndldate appear. ]2 :30 al til(' home of a daughter, Apnl :n, lR90. He moved w testate. ThiS IS an avsrage of tax We per colony, both the same'_~ RuIe.s Are geogt "hieal level which was Coo. hand f;rs .. Henry Mfke Mrs. Ira Lyon, west of Madison. I'.renl' 10 South Dakola w .l. :5 .81 pounds ,for the' 9,880 resi~ h Amended rules fOT the order 06

" Sl h j 1 f I hili f tl' as 10 t e past. : :Rezidenh Are Cooperating lOd t h be 1halled W :]side becamte It won. The mowed here S turday from adl- .... 1(' a( )(-'('n al 109 In ea 1 or was a small chJ1d and gr to d nts. T vi uc lOn a\e en received b~"t I I lh f otal Le es In Tolms, I T R h H' h Q I - Ihe b d I h fistory 'fe Is this stofY of conflict son, "If ey ha e spent part of the some nne am a rnon ago su - hut PH' d Th n I d Wayne reSidents will pay a 0 eac Ig er uo a oar n t e irst group arand tn~ lph in mtt'r stmg details. suJ11.m. I' With Mr. Menke's b th- fered bniken nbs 1Il a fall The ~~ndOo~~eeafro~er~~eSc~o~1 ~IO~. Ilh a{;~6,~~~·~~unc~, a~b:veS::~~ total tax of 4458 mIlls. this being Set for August. the follO\~mg A. al1 single men.

, -j(. -* * er,~ l hus lI..ft..nke, southeas o[ Beck{'nhallcr ~f'rVlCt' hrought I he 191" .... L not In class II who are 'Vlthout de"

I' .,. ~·.LF lomC'try In .:::. (oml $ to 0 160.34 Dlxun county then had lower than the 46 22 of ,3J year ago ~

The 'It lume WIll b found an en~ Wa ljIf;j. , bfJt* liN!' Wpr!n('sday for funcla] Wayne, 11(' associated In b Si ess 9 ,UOO With an average of 9.03 for The' 1942 assess~ent will mclud~ i Wayne county Citizens showed pendents; B, men not In class l~1I'gllten\'~g CO"lp,lnl' n of data reo ht~ bUlldmg IS bemg put I ex- rit " and bunal d their all-out cooperatIOn when and WIthout other dependents tha'r1I f wllh L A Fansl{e for ate n 11 e 10,413 residents. state and county levy of 5 ~ mIlls, Ith bo t d th Ii d fsuItmg ifn~rn much areful, pains- cel condItion tor the new t I'm. 'Ilf' Sf'!'VI{'P ), t€'ntall y set or later established hIS own f.r l e. Steady Climb !\lade. schlilOl tax of 16.86, bOlld 'levy of ey os e e war on pUI'- WI e heeau5e of marnage Smce De~takmgiQfCort. Not -lone Wmslde The rvm:ac room IS remod led, Fnday al 23(j at Becl< hauer's Dr. Dotson married Nelle M, IA steady climb has been noted 2.08 and city l!VY of 2010. The chases $6,B85 above the July quola cC'mb{'r8,1141;'nnotlIlclas~and Inl,,!mthaIC nelg bOl'hobd WJlI and I~inting and'cleamng ar be- WIth Rc\ W F Dier mg In G t f lal'" I t h I' last mentioned s ~ased on a \'al. lof $36.000. War stamps and bon,ds II \\.'lthout other dependents other:

't I.-! h us a son., III. .1 aoc 18 1r1 the salvage campaign in W<Tyne I J fo Jul ot d t $42 thBn f bbe mt('r sted. Copje. Will be In de- mg 0fe. Wmdows arc !..Ieing c Rrg

pUnIOn "('I( hOin a son and au h- c@unty. Totals compdcd by Chalr- uBtion of $1.80,750. Ai year ago sa~es r yamou ea ..- WI e ecause of marriage be~

maI'ld b famIlies I all parts of caull( d and pamted. I Mr:-. SLlllslnlth. \\hose mclldC'n Il'r Mrs Dotson passf'd awa h re nian P. L. MaJ1('h have nsen as fo1- the city levy was 2310. I RaJ, according 10 R. L Larson and tween September 16, 1940. anqIlle cou I..... and by non-reSIdents nlll" Are Al1owcd. I nllnH' \\.1' ./pnnl" S '\lears, WdS f I I ]) D t " ft In W,'ns'de the lotal tax f,0 24,54, R W. Ley. chamnen, of the sales Df'cemher 1:1 1941, When seleclion

' ~ a pw years a 01'. r 0 S .I~' - ldws July ~4, With 14,156 pounds,' d h I f"'1,0 us d 10 live 111 Wmslde.· Boa~d of educatIOn allowod bills st'('ond pld('~t In the 1'{'tpI' Ml'Hrs d d B M somewhat 10"'1 Ihan t"e 498 of , rive m t is coun y. or ser\l'ce was Imminent.


'l'l'war marne ern~ec r- Jl)Ily 25, with 150,381 pounds, July .. 'r 1' \OI'lOS of the pia pers---the dl!Y_ tataH g $57696 Monday as fol- fllmJly Shl' was bol'll III Malcom, In <> year ago Thl inclUdes .~te and I August war bond quota for n the second group for; .

t .. ~i' WIth 51,381 pound,,>; July 30 " W h b I tlOn A ''lta ('s they €n ured and the lows;, 1;1. I )('('('rJlller' 6. IRSO, and was Sun 1\lOg Dr Dots n a e IllS "' th 8~ 436 d . J 1 31 h county levy of 5.54, Efh I I of 8 ayne county as een se at arC' regIS rants'€Irsevcr ng errortlSfhey put forth In$tuctlOnal serVI(:e, The~uni- ilWI'IH'd to Juhn B SlalJc;lnllh Wlff', son, Lloyd nf- rem? t, nd 1 3.436 'pou~~"u,.n ~Ug~ 1,' :~~h and city of 11 The c I~I tax IS $37.900 Some bond Inveslments dependent IS parents, bra'1'e al 'ays relish d stImulants, Vel'Sllt Pubhshmg Co, , .9~; Ull't"e In 1872 dctUght{ r M·lry Jane S l~h of based on valua IOn of $IH4360. ha\'P alrpady been made, and It is Sisters, grandparents, gra

I' , * .x. rc" f Omah School Supply Co, $1' 5 57, 'flw dl'C'C'dS(·d came to \VISnf'r Lauren~ 'Io.... ~. He also lea -l!'S '5 J 9,326 pounds; August 3, WIth Total tax I carro~r 0/111 be hoped Wayne county \\"-JI1 agam dren. dl\'orced WiVes, child or chit, IHyntht"~ic g.ubber. S('hrn lIer & Mueller Plano Co, and to Wo,ynl' county 111 1881 aged m~ther Mrs. Mellie ot on 4 1.144 pounds; August 4, With 3405, which I higher tlian last go over the top III August drcn where there is no bona fi

~press~'re to Inaljt rubber from $11.16 OperatIOn of plant, FtIllqr- \"hen the Mean; talmly located of PierI'£', 'AhO was unable t·c e 511,894 pounds. ~!ear's 30.48. In the ne tat< IS the I Brown~McD()nald tom pan y family relatIOnshIp, \\-1fe wher

taiIl-pr duced al~. hol as well as ton umber Company: :t;25.40; southwest of the present '.Itl' of to the rIles because of III th, About $4,000 pounds df metal. state and co ty levy ~f 5.54, sponsored a war bond sales con- there IS no bona fide family rel8,f-f om P tl'oleum i growing and Peopl s Natural Gas Co, ~1.98; Wayne. Mr Stall~mlth cJlPd here one brother, Ivan of PIerI', nd wfre realii!':ed in the thorough can- school of 12 an cIty of 16,50 The test for thelf employees dunng tlonshlp, persons under 18 yeani,s me Nfbraska c~mmumtJ~s ar} City of Wayne, $1399, C t~ of May 2,1921 one slslf'r. Mrs. Cora B. C rnp ell \15 of Wayne bUSiness Idlstrlct, city is flgUredlon a v<tlwltlon of July. and gave a $25 war bond to handtcapped and dependency not'drganlZl g and s,eaming up t WaYn, $4.07i UnIted Che leal Mrs. Stallsmith leaves two of Madison. S. D. m de last TIlursday. the CIty $220,840. ,! the person who sold the most suffICient. In third group 5ubJedtcapture ~he Indus~ries when the COlijp ny, Inc., $12 6~; Ind stnal daughters, Mrs. Pearl Hammf>rs of Pallbearers were L. . E lis, t ck was used and some bty em- ThiS year's trta1 tax t!t~oskms stamps and bonds durIng the for ::nductlon are B registranCi

"~ake Sh~l¥eI' One epol.pert expresses Cher.!1~Cal LaboratorIes, $ 0.39; Ogden, Utah, and Mrs. Clara Ly- Wm. Weber, Orville Sherr, :Ri h- pi yes helped. The amoun~ was m- is 27.04, shght! below Ja year's month. Brqwl1-McDonald person- w1th dependents as aboveItoe pra tlcpl behe~ that numerous Fulle ton Lumber Co., $4.85; Edw.. tin of Madison. and bne son, Henry, ard Pinkham, Clarence r· t cased by the reSIdential canvass 27.08. Include is 5.5~S te and nel in Wayne sold S7,704 Mrs_ ,Fourth group inclUdes 'A regi~-

all p ~l\ts Willtbe est..bhshed SeYlp ur. cash advanced, I .42, ~n Osborn, Mo. Anothpr son, and E E Fleetwood. ,... l'~ iday and S~turday. I' I county levy, ~6.60 s 091: 3.90 Ray Gildersleeve sold $3.610 of trants where the dependent is a, r,ather hRjn a fe big ones, the Nltltthwestern Bell Telephon? Co, Charles. (!Jed severfLl years ago In ~------'--------~ f any m Wayne have been mlss- bonds and 11 c ty_ The 'tt levy is this total. thus being awarded Wife with no chilctren but wdh, -bettel' to rerve ccessibility to 75. t Omaha where hf' wac; an engmcn. M a i I Certirieales e~ they are aske~ to notify Ted based on valua 'oJ) of 42,160. the $25 bond. family relatIOnship. In filth group, product, Wayne 'll ould be on the ~a nte~ance of plant. S 1.1· Ick- The, five grandchildren arc Flor- , F UOit, telephone 463, and the truck Sholes will ave a t4x pf 15.66 -----~-- are B regIstrants with the same

alert to acquire oh [of th~se p!ants let, $ .00, Fullerton Lumbe ';0, j'nce Hammf'rs of Ogdpn, Bl'tty J.(OI- Cannin u StIgo:ll- WI 1 call. thiS year. The otal las~ ~ear was Increase Is ShO\\-n dependency.when lUthofitlesl begm looking $'i!0.01' Carhart Lumber Co, June Lyon. Madllwn, ClaIr Stall- - Lf 16.50. 'the new tax 1D~II~eS 5.54 A(\ Sixth list to be subject to call

$355 LJ I " ('anvass Rural Areas. L d ' I d Aaround or 10CatiO~s. We,have the ..... . 5I111th 1Tl CallforrlJa. Cha.s. St<1ll- For soliCItatIOn In the rural state and county, 6 62 ~c 001 an In Rural SY!iiitelll~ me u E'S regIstrants wheremalO c~senllal-n ver-failmg corn Ca Ital

y. Mmac roo ,Ray l'mlth 111 Erlmonds. Wasil., and Mrs Volunteers Give Ar.sistanFe areas. A. F. Lueders and W. C. 350 Clty. The cIty levy lS based, " dependent 15 Wife and c

SUPPIY'~J\n advan age hes in the H S~l'bel~. $:2 45. W A I lSCOX. J{('If'1l VPrklf'''('n of Omaha Ttwrl' • ,. on valuation or $92,785, , no \....Ife but one or rno. 'r $154t FUll! t L b C To Ration Board Here In \...QryeU have organized crews each U d h ffact th t mal~mg~Ynthetlc rubber' .: ,er on urn r 0; HIC t!JI('{' gn'rtl grandchJldrpn Wakefield tesldents In \Vayne Wa,yne Power Oreanization ;:tn WIt amily reI

Will no blow.up fter the war. It U68. 7. I mstruments, ~ s. C. Dec",asel! also Ipa\{'s two slstf'rs, Completing Worli. I ~~'(>~~~~€'t~~:t~;O~;u:~~a~n~~~:;:~~ county wlll pay city t~x of 11 Is Arnone Those Making se\·enth group are B reglstran~s

will be ~a pcltrnan t busmess.' fig t, )<1,ntol1e horn. $4 '10

, Mrs. LydlR Iknson, EVl'r{'tl. Wash. \Vilii I Ill' assls!ancp of V hlmhjpr ad\jed ;>,000 pounds. mIlls, based on \'a~u,bon of Record in State. wI~~~~:ra~~ew~pe~de:~ified* 1 * 0 flf--· '-~-TS---I-" I and Mrs. Edith Cherry of Waynp hr'!? Wayne county rallo bOiilro l\1r. MarCh has been assisted by $42,755. I a~ need develops and as var,o"o

Cong ijs~man l~~rl Stefan writes I I (t C 1'8 C e1te< I-rll reE' brothprs. William. l\1arsha!1 IlHlll~'rl Monday ('prlifiCate aJlo~v- ('!Jet Walte,oo and T, Ip, Roberts ~ Nebraska rural electrification ~th t lh b 11 f Wh t I q ,. edt S t groups are depleted, The 3-A mena I 0 IC 1 Ie was ca- Ai'" I R _ and Grdnl MPiHh, and 1I1rp(' SIS- mg IlH}rp ('anrllng suga' ·11hp In the rural areas 011 ue 8 on es systems, one of 21 bemg In Wayne th h d'Introdu 1;'1', provltlmg for produc- t !t'.-1111113 e1l1 1011 tf'I'S, Mrs ~a(JIP MIlls, Mrs EstlH'r amount I~ flgurpd al om' pcuhd flor Rural eBnVaSf> and collection at countv. achu~ved greater fmanCIal are osc \\It ependents and 3-BtlOn of 'yntlletiCI uhhrr from gram . IJOglH' and Mt·s Maty Cross. prl'- each fOUl' quarts o[ Irult al; e1.1- WinSIde ha"'e been Ul charge of For Ki'\'311ie Clubl stabil~ty m their operatIons for are tho3€' With dependents andalcohol "has the senate and -- ~ ~ cO',le,1 hI"· III df'lllh I I jiM 1941, according to a report Just also wlth occupational defennent.

N b~ k N I St d I mate( \V IN} Ol"lglna app Icatl ns rs. Waldl-on Weible, MISS Flor-house nd a executive ap- e as a orma en a M,·s StallsmIth had Ih'pd 1Il I made by iAdminis~rator Harryproval. spoh,,( the g"l'run a1- 'ather at Collelle or Wayne lInlli 1~):.:!8 v.1ll'n she Wf'llt \\el-e flied ente Evans. MISS Rosemary Neely, Group Attends Services at Slattery to Governor DWight Grls- Primary Election

I cohol I '!oeess,~ not opp,,,ed 10 Dinner and Pro ram. to Ihe L;on home, grr";':~~dl":;~:n~~,'~nOil'ec;.~n;~'V~~I 0:; ;:~OYN:I~tl:~dC~~:lerW~::bl~~: Baplisl Church in Wayne wold Net Income Of thc systems Will Be Tuesdaythe pe rblNllll I lerests, but want g tht' Clly hall Fnday an Satur- Thle Gaebler & Neely and Wittler Sunday Evenine. In 1941. b~forp deductIons for Primary elect,on wl'll be held 'f'agl'lcul 'ural ahul dance to shal'c rin Nebrasklll Normal College asso_ J)' EI I I h fi t d('preclatlo~ were made. amount .

.1the. til k 01 me tmg the rUbbpr clCitl()n, holdmg ItS annualrcunlOn lrc(-lOI- ecte( lay 10 prepare t e Cerllca ps. trUcks were used SIX loads were Klwamans enjoyed a songfest ed to $13~,80169 as compan'd Nf'braska Tuesday, August 1l.

I , t Sl f " S d Some of these ha\c gIVe mare brought m Tuesday nlght, these Polls will he onDn from 8 a, mo 10scareI1., onf;-r s 'man e an le- un ay at the student-umon at the B W' PI t h 1 th d tid Monday at th1ir regUltr meetmg, WIth $44.78145 i

11940. an In- 1"'....

Iports ,t lilt Ole bl I "has for its base college, elected Ralph Crockett, y ayne ayers Ime 10, e Pln,gl tWI' u ~J Sl ~lnn In dludmg farm tools, car bodies thiS be,ng ied by L. G Relsblg. crease of 2 3 nor c nt Rlh~' nC"ly\'Ohta'"lgl PfolarceFsirslntWWa,yn,de, aOride

I much t1ndlspute ~vldence,supplled Wayne, preSIdent, J. J. Steelp, ~~; IOn WJ 1 lC S ga ra I an home eqUipment Dr. C P. Quit rep rted tha Gross re';'en~: w s up 36 per ' 'll"cby' ou~stanchng c:hC1TI1"ls and etI~ Watyne, v1ce pr~sident, Mrs. Claude .I k tICk-UP from Carroll reslde~ces about 17 Kiwanians attd elgh cent and gross Inc~me up 59 rw>r Crace church in second and court

. f a~ ~il 1 d' t h W I:rrht W.. t d Program Is Presented For In the group assisting I sq we w s In charge of Mrs. lEd. TJ1aut- r- hoUSe In ThII'd.fll'~~~'lre~)U~~llbn a to anjus~~f;r~h~ CI:~dc'Wrl:h~Cw:;~:~~::~su~~r. Drama Group in Wayne were: Mrs. L. W. ElliS, M . W.. w 'n and Chas. Whlt~ Rural "queens" aU nded ~ervices tQ-1 cent, even though f nds advanced


I II k Eilts, Mrs G. W. Costerls ,M s. ar as there too have sponded. gether Sunda evenIng at th

1by REA as investments In Ne~ G d C d

cone, I n t lat l'l.E' qUlc eSl way Th~' nex~ reunIOn WIll he at the Tuesday Evening. j-u S k "I J R ~ BaptIst ehure on IrlVitatlOn 0 b"aska syst'em" Increased b.v only 00 row Hj;ieI b 1 t th It t f ~l I th f S d f ~ .... ~IPS, y, L~ 1'5. 1n..,,' n, t St T '''I 'u rl n lOU e prO( IC on 0 SlH.,1..: P ce e Irst un ay 0 M F I M R C ' orz ('8m • 8, Rev c. L. Ea s. lS per cent, the repbrt shows The F S 1 fsynthe l(' rubb('~' with the se of August 111 1943 Wayn(' l'I<t¥('I·S Jnpt Tuesda)' rs_ S ~errY'M rg I . . ~- torz team of Omah I, defeated The club na ed W t. Swanson, number of consu~ers connected or a eo armsthe--Ie' Sit am'ollr'l~ of crillcal mate- MeJII"hhondlls't Sm'la,nY,(sOtne'r caWnl,',o,n, dS,r'"lc)loS' evenIng eleclmg T. S. Hook as a \:~'I~~ M~·o~(~~~':~lPl,an"~'rs. J. \~ W yne players Sunday 7-1 Ilt the J. J. Steele a Chet Walters on a lI1creased 17 IX'r C nt durmg the A good crowd attended the saleru'rtf. I 1hrobgh consumpllon of memher of ttl(' board of dIrectors ga e staged at the at letlc park ~ . 1 f r of E'lf;ht Wayne county fatms con-agricu tUI alar forest producU,. reI gnus educatIOn In Lincoln 10 replac(' Harry ElliS l'lsher who Slralnn, Mrs. LJ. B M urr y, to Iboost the scrap rive The committee to ee abo~ Improving year. while ml eagel 0 mes ener~ ducted here Friday by the Lmcoln

,~ * '* I Mrs. Larry Brown, Mrs L '. P r- d ' the KiwaniS s gns at tIle entranceq glzed advanced 71per cent over-" cotlnity, came the, farthest. He had went to C/-I. If,01'llla. 'I'll(' other cr wd was l'shmated at0/0,ooo'l and I JOint Stock Land bank. &bes trUlStThe i puhllc IS not lIltel'es.ted m not been III Wayno for 30 years. board nl('mbpr~ are Mrs Russel ry, Mrs. I'loyd Conger, s. R ly thl!' metal salvage at 3. pot,inds. to Wayne. . 1940. , be appro\ed by the comPany be-

how r lobI'!" IS madC'. It Just want" MI'S. Kahlel' and Mr. ami Mrs. Ed Anderson. 11. Jo:. Ley. Ur. L 1'. GaIl'S, Mn.;. Jamc!> Su t Qrla~d, The VISiting team paId all it~ ex- The mem ershlp a.comrruttee, Energy purchased by the fore they are confirmed.It for mJlltary and CIVIlian uses 1 unjak o[ PI rcc M S F1I PP1TY, MISS L('nlll·{' ILlIIlS('Y, MISS Mrs. C L. WI·lghl. Mrs~' Cla~'a p rtJ d t Q with R. K. KI kman ch~nnan, was systems increa&ed 137 per cent,with t. le lI:'a;~t pm;sible delay. Con~ Hoi es ct.lld Mi~s Elizabl~t'h WIll~ Ruth no·.s ,Inll Harold \v{'s!. Hpylmun, Mrs llarvey Mey¢r. c~'Ifl:~ ~~fe~~/f~~~~IPtsgo t I the adVised that hree ne membens eVidenCing the lOtrpased use ofg ress an Stelan .says tlns among liahl of INorfolk, are others who 'flIp <{.'-rOll'~ ;:11"0 VOINI 10 amElnd NIi ...,. Charlos Lapham, I S Nt ll may be adde to bnng, the club tl labor-saving electrical eqUipment

'" I:' L' ~1 ,- B h "I .Reli<"s Are Contributed. I I f 50 f d t

10 dother things In hi;; r('port: cam fronl more distant plaeE'S. A th¢ ('onstltutIOn and the Jear wdl look, n rs vE'orge orn ,H ss .l. I I S maxImum 0 " on arms urlOg perlO .

", _v. N. I Beulah Bornhofl, Mrs. Texll'Y il\-mong the ~ntrlbuti,ons to the F. S. Bel' , chairman of t~ Increased lOCO enabled the,.' " " num )er were present from Wayne start m September lIlc,fead of d.l· T"Du Ing the past year many rJ- and nearby POInts. February. ? Slmmerman. Mrs. Lloyd I;lChilli. scrap rJ\ e e stJrne relics citizenship ommlttee, report. , dIstriCts to meet . elr payments.

spomd Ie indiViduals and orgamza- Alter covered dISh dinner, the M SAL t h Mrs. L. A. Fanske. MIS Co la brought from the batpehelds of that the grou is formldatmg deH

iand some even increased t!;Iese.

tions aVeJ.endeavored to secure gro P enJoyed remmiscences of of r~~: ~)ro*ra~g;~. \\~71: 17n~(,:I~~' Potras, Mrs John Keith, rs. M - France III World War I. Mrs.1paul ntte plans . sponsor la benehcl I Wayne wa~ Ofle of ,the latterthe 8\ rov~1 of the war productIon scho 1 days. , MISS Lpnor¢ Ramsey. chall'lnan of ne BntlaJn, Mrs. R: B. andl€1Y, Harrmgton, who servetjl ovet~,eas program thlS year. ;to BRIEF INDEX.board fot' tb.~ construction of I, ~elcome Extend~d. the play readlIlg commlltcC', and Mrs. Ralph Berridge. as a Red Cra"s worl<er at that ,~mc •• -~.- I Books Are ~llipped Section Onegrain- kohol nnd synthetic-rubber Inl a lettpr written by Dr. H D. M~S. John A. MaOle gave se\pral ----- ---- gave several pieces which se 'IC~ Maglel. Com.l"'-Y. From This D,'strz'ct Page T'wo--Locals. ,plants '11ll their! respective co~w Grlffm welcome to vis-Horn was ('x· sh rl pl8y revleWs \\ihl('h are pos- Program Plann 'd : men had presented tlo her as T C t A d"t~ Page Three--Service Letters.mUIll~Jes. Almqst without excep- tend,'ed In behalf of Dr. J. T. An- Sl IlJtu's for pl'esentatlOo later. ~t souvenirs.. A condiment can; .one 0 I U (. rill'" The fmal ShlPffilint of books m Northwest wakefie1 War

tliuOrnne' '"d'OewnPr"Pn""tshaeISprehma\,s'ee bteheen

ydel'sbn, the state normal board, "deorge Washmgton SIE'pt Here" For Friday lP WI~h diVISions for coffee, sugar, Sighi, the agician,l W II appe~ the VictOry Book nve was made . News.

• , 0 ff f J. The pr~l"Um for the Way e salr and pepper, was included, as at Wayne ci y aUdiibt1um We Tuesday when 338 ooks \'..ere sent P F u Editoria Concould qot be built because of the' ~tr~c;t~~n~ l:ed~~i~~~l~~\~~~~r~~~~~ ~t~~<;e:'l~~-.~~ L~~~~ t;~r~ha~~~~~: MUnicipal band concert i~ F J- well as two mess kItS, She also nesday eve lng, AJgUst 12, to the USO club a Junction City, a::ess~ r - ].-scarci ~ of thl: materials needed ni of the 33 years fO~'lmng an un- I h I day evenl IS Hello Ma h! P ul gave the solid brass pa!rt of a 281- 8:45, sponso d by !the Nortal Kan Where Fort Iley IS located. Page Five-Societyfol' tJll"ir constJ~ctlOn. At the same bra}.ten link between lhe normal ~ \~f~reAg~~~~:c~"Pf~ye{... ~lIC~~~~ ~~~ Yoder; So th~~n Belles, Capr ,; mm. Gennan shell from the Cha- Mills and t e compdnys Wa)\ne Dlst~ict Three, +::luch inclUded Ppaaggee sSetX\':-en~wkeafnieliciCOllo

.. time appl'oxim:ately 30 petroleum school and pre~ent college and be· in Widely used in the east as the NatIOnal 'uard, maJ;"ch; E~em g ~~:~ :~~~C~~e~:do~trr~~:is~~~ dealers. Defe se stam~s l\'i11 be ad- wayne, Cunung, IBurke, Dixon, umn, plant~ were n~ only approved by hq.lf of the cI!Jzens of Wayne refresel1t~ive Nebraska play was Star, Tannhauser; Thall', tal Z; , miSSIOn and the PUIfh~sers WIP DakotCij. Thurston ~nd Cedar coon- 'Page Eight-southW~'s ' Wake-

h d t b d b t f ••• d Th M' f th R re and was about SIX inches in di- k th top f 4al K I r f ld Lo Vall si't e wa.t pro u 100 oar I U 1- "v\lhat we see to ay upon thiS gi en by r. Perry, Mr. Ley, Wl1. e lSSIQ;n 0 e ose, na; eep e s ps. I ties wl;th ro.. e ess e as Ie. gan ey. Ie.nance~bY the ubber Reserve Co" cdmpus-these well-Itept grounds, la d WiltS, Mr. West and Dr. R. Merry Mmstrels, march, altes1c' f amleter_ , , chairm~n, receIVe 9,500 books Section Twoeven lough thie petroleum process tl1ese trees and shrUlbs aM f1ow- R Stuart. Ocala, waltz, Fa\orlte H ns, 0 A Gennan helmet which Ralph Term Is to Cl(J8e since tPe campa~n started ~n Page One-Pilot Co . BamIS ma Iy unproved, Its material f~s and these beautiful bupdmgs - I, 5,'tar, Spangled Banner II ,Berridge picked up on the Chateau C II U id January 12. From Ith1s number ;),- Destroyed State;T Levy,

IreqUlr ments \(astly ,greater, and f:hS only made possIble I by the rJ,cason Wl'll Close I Thierry battlefield lJ1 1918 was In ege r ag 300 were swtablei for sending to Locals. -,the tl' c Clem~ht for constructIOn p,bJleermg work of those I d~voted ~I Photograph Let e~ ~ tyted over to the CartlI:jl31gn here . \Vayne c llege s er teti" the ca..mps,. i Page T\\-o-Early Daf'S. Ex.100 p cenl h rher, 8en and women who, ~otethel' For Reading Club C F A th, week Mr, Bemdgel had senl doses this rldayo ~eH:'fall term Wayne city ~onlributed, the changes. service CoJ'l""" Le-

I - *'" "'I ~ PreSident and M PIle W A P bl' L'b d' omes rom r a th,~ to h>s father, Wm i mdge of will start w Ih two ,of regl'- largest number ~, books, glVlng gais., I' ~ d ' , ~ ayne u ~e I rary rea mg WqU t th t f lh h ,.....,..'T eomml, tee IS not oppose' e t bllshed and perpetuated the cl b for children will hold the l~st Mrs, Meyer, the forme Vl~gl'1'a ~ sa, a e Ime a e, at el' Iralion Sept mber 7 , n1 8. i chainearrmanly2'lJ9!lOf' lIlblreSod',Ety',S~oBs~ier d\:~Ys paeogencThro_:e - Rural , LocaJs.

to lhe se of p' roleum or .ny oth. I' of the Nebraska Normal col- eeling of the season next Tues. Lund, student at Wayn cQll~fe w.a"kand the helmel ~ g m the I = "~

1er m erJal th t wlil pt'oouce rub· i1 during the two decades of Its dt!ty August II Prizes wIli be this sUmnier. received a "\'0;- blU~ at Wausa ~nll SoUverur J,OHN R. EITH aUY . Prof. 0, R. Bowen, R. W, Berridge, Page Four-Winside~ ~askins.~er 1 qUj3nt~. Its members be- (cOnqnUed,onlyage 'i'WO) aVJ~rded to the' ones who have graphed l:tter from her h~Jba d hu~ers had taken pIecej of leath- HOR EY S,DENCJ:: Mrs. ~. E. Fleet"'..ood, Mrs Carl \Vilbur4.

,heve ha~ eve p[acbcal process I • • h I__ c d¢Jne the best acting ln the bve Who IS \Ylth the arm d fpre s er ff the hnmg. Prof, and Mrs. 1J R. Ke11h Nuss• .Homer Everett Scace and pa...."geortFhie"aset-'-WCarroa~. lLBl-Shnn~~S.,J shoul be e:ip Ited to the fullest flee W liZ v pen a¥e groups and spectal entertam- abroad. TIus new plan nsrrv s Ii moved this <e$ to otney pro _ Bob Dale, the la~ two represent· j'\j .J~_~ ~o;- a..

exten to me t!"e Vital demand I 1 ent IS planned All members are sluppmg spa<!e The v- l~tte 'S To Position ~ 10 ra. erty WhIch t Y boug 1. rIbe ho mg the boy scouts Page Six-ltt'Pubiican f Ba40L

Northwest W»"le, t' Ii Weeds t Hiev ,~ vle~ of the re- . e to t e large tmo nt of de- a e also invited flown frOl is th n beJn Pile hall preceptre1fs for the pus. The tr action Was made y ion building at til Wayne college, Page Seven-Democra'c ~d

I,;",taQce f ce III government of· I~.I work in conn <tlOJ ~llh ra· _ printed from t se I 0 pa$year, has reslgned 'to ac~epl Martin L, ger, I Mrs, R. P, Cuff, rs, Stanley Ful-, Non-Political Ballol . Soup>-

IflCla~to oke 0 ",antage of th~ it ~ I g:1 Ule WoynellcoUt ty, ration patrolM1Rto Coli/e. 1 the one to whom addres <t ' ••' ilion at Cedar i flaIls, la" ler and Mrs, O1all Moore aSsisted P:lSt Wayne. Sou~hwi~t.~~st SUCCCSSfpll synth~tic.rubhe C In th~ pas! fflel Will n01 Jone or the, h Shway patrol,*-:n dow enve10pes are ~5e so tl t \,1 re ~he will be In charge of the Leglo Hao E ell'lon. Prof. ~essJer m srrlmg lb~ bOOksj Wayne,

1 P~OCb s Imow~_to meet ~at:Hm aftetnooQs only frclm 1 to' III be at t~c court lIouse In addresses "'ill not need e co I ' IthOdlSI Studenl Center, Mrs, American LegJon P'!t Wedn • for selldmg" Page Eight-Scrap,On"e Pi""1 r qUI etpcnts ,I; or t\iIS ~,te~\al.1 ~Ei!en e~· Wayne the a~lte~noon of Thursday, - ' rytdford goes to Kanlia~ thIS Fr~. qay evempg to electrofflcers. 41. Th~1 Watson. bIioflhers ~onated tures. UnllsU!1l. 'Altb~.~-

is d~ nlCq nec1ssary 10 ob by lcglSi is GI d~s Vath IAugust 13, to ~ss on d~l,'ers' per· Mrs. J.~M CherrY' ill Id to sta¥ until lbe !Irst of l'ep- Swan was hairtnan of 1,I>e l' lbell" services In nsporting the ea,Is- 0" hi,I 1 ontlnueld b

nPake 'Fau'r.J offtct;;>. I I Qt., ~ I scYcr~l ~ y;,:.1 tt berl i I ina-tmg co ttee book:) to the cam • "\..~';":''''';'~~-T-+8T:-)-{,'I f" --~.-.,. '_. . -, - I I ~ "'+'" . Ij '._. i·

, ,1."

"" 111.. !"I"· I !I'!"I"I "11\'1""'"'' "\"'"'I""'''"'!''I,I,,,,,'''·I"''··lliJ~,-",''''"''.I-I'''' 1~1¥.lj~'iII!*_'h'f."", i'I" ~iI/i" 1_ :". I" I!! .111 1

i I )! 1 J 11 I II I r I I, I' I I I J" ! \ 1 I Ij I r 1" I I ~1

Page 2: I:; ' Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950... · "rhe his ~I'y of WU1.'~de extends Bacia', ... MISS~Theodora car1 0n, RpeU and they rC'lurned t 't eir








24-oz,,: Pkg. 23cWashe~ clothes to apleasing white s.hsde.


-1Y WAnI1'l '. ib ~.;.b..yJAl1g;i2

j,.ij·,·-,'HY.i,,,,' :"".:".


Why don', you 1-' ~ur ''blg'~ Grderon o-;'.efrtioy.too?

:\ot onh~ will )'Ou· hn:'ve more time to

Li~ll~~;' :t~:~~;\[;::u~~)~:~big grocery]order on a weekday, Sate­waJ"s spe(':i~Ur low ~verti..":e;Jpnceft

i you k:n.()w.'~re n~w good ~tly i1l i}j4.


Buy War Bo~d. and Stampswith the money yoq. save at Safe~ay


Su-purb'sOAP' ,

24-0z, Pkl;, 22c:EasY on bnds. doe5 a

grood Job washln.g.

We can proudly say-our servic:emay no1' be qaftl! CIS fen

(Jur ~eTvi(·e rna .... n"t 1.(. qllit" :J~ fa·t a_U' ~ you·ve (....'me to l"x!W"cl J.,r ea... h d,...'.,·

6... (,.. "~;~.~.'.- /'".' !n<.,re a.m..! more s.arew.a,> .'.".'"....arl" if.1in).. lOlI:

~; tbe anned for<'el. We tt"1l ,·ou OUo< w,th./ i/ i , pride and with the hope,Lhat .I-""llilun.

e/I 1 dN_",tan<f. Fnr thne lsl'(l~ htne to f,1ff'-

i.1 )! fully tram new fwonplf' to- fake the rblrp'I"" (,f f!x!X'TIf"nced :-.afeway men'. But ,_"IT, 'new p61ple at" all workm~ ha'rd to: fill

I their ..hoes a..'i' fa.~t as Jl/Y'Slble. I

.p .. h California. Elberta;e"e es 11-lb, lug $1.39

.hl California Duarte,rums largf', red.meated

• I b' AdaptedCueum ers '0 slicing•CI t CalifQrnla-quality,, arro s tops removedLemons ~~(~~~~~f'~r;~:m

•FloJt ~:~~~cn 1~~b, s9c :t.~b. $1 ~59

~::J~~k:,o~ied'e~10;' ~. '!i~Brooh1s DaisY, 4-'le . Each 35cBlui~g~~", Stewart" ~~z. 14e

L.a F~a. 'n.. ce For easy Ironlng Pkg, 8cStar1hEkslle . ~2~'8cMat(jb~s'; Favorite t::.x ~Ic

Jet Oil] I.lqold sboe p<>1I,h Btl. tOeSoap ClIips White F.agle ~~~~b. 21eS 'fl i h 2C2a-<lnZ. 2'''eani U$ ,\ hathroom;My it1

Cleanser Watch dog Z~:=- ·9c:


12V,-0z. Pkl;. 24c'j soap for thosewho care.

Roy 1SatinVegetabl Shortening

S-Ib, n 6Sc:KeepH co ng quaUt}'up - sh rtening cost


Jars !Ilall, MllSOn , ~~~ ~ge ,~~,69cJ {' .. Regnlar, I:· ('t.n~ !>f21car ",apo1 sell-.eallng !.. )-doz, rP . Fot Jellle. ! .1-lb. 14c'aro~ax or preaervesl 'po. r

v, j Old Mill. .; ~-ugg·L 31cInegar cider,·ltno depo,lt) I I. " rT~.pitca French's Hasty JII' ~-~;: 9fR ' l-Ib. ItIce 10 Cellophane t.. Bag f 'Kraf~ Dinners ~~':.~~:~~ 2~~;.z, 19fCh ' Krait Amerlran, Brl] , 2-lb, 58

e~~e Vel\'eeta.. Pimento-V li'.eeu iLoaf f

~i:1~a~;~;i~;rl:::I<II·· ~ :~fPotato Chips M '" G ···t I;;:;' 19fBe Orange or Gra, II i-gal. IJ"..verages «lIu, deposit) ,. Jng,):'1'"

~ SAF,WAY!. i, '. GtlARIN1J 'ED frATS

Cook any cut of Safeway meaithe wayyou prefer. S~rve. and eat it If '?Il donltlike it for a.ny reason what oeve' f'; yoUrmoney! baclt, without fuss quib'le. Tosecure i refund, sitnply writ y~, nameand addr~ss on the cash re ister lip andreturn to us., ;

That is what We mean b "Guaranteed~eats.'.i.· and this l!'uaranteefolda good on~It your meat purchases at 5 feway!

: I

P. ,. ~~s~~~yntJ~ee~(o~:<i~:~ t:~~:::c~I at> Safe-way .prl('t'"~ will 1n!1i('ate~ ;

I; I i

'~These li~W 'lsatur~. a~". prices ar~~good every da~ of I~he ]Neek ,at Safeway ~\!"il~

Peaches Castl, (rPSt j:~2' '22c ~offee Alm'j brand :;:' 20cA I, S . A,e,.onabl,: -Net 2 12'" h !l R't ll-oz, 18pp 'e . auce >Ide disb ~a? '" ee'fe I Z "abi..o Ctn, C

Green Beans ,~~:~;~;rd 2c:~: 23t Ritz Crackers ".blsco ~-~:: 21eI

J II II ' &-0" 5 B' ••- k For Short""k... 46-oz. 33e -we Gelatin d...scrt ~I*. C : lsq '¥e ami b,,",utts Pkl;, C

B Nol 2 11 S' Sli'ley', or 5-lb. 30eets "'hby's. dlred ~]ar C . yr up HUbinge,',. dark Con C

Spinach Emerald Bay J,;1;2"16c Ketchup neinz ~~~. i9cMilk ~;;'::::~;:n or Pet ,3 ~4~s 26c Baby f Food Heinz, morted ~,~,~oz, 7C

Milk ~~~e~)~~;Y'''OrmUla, I ~F Bc CornStarch Argo ~~~'.7cPeanut' Butter Beverly 1_ 1;~' 23c Rice f(rispies Kellogg', :'~;,O'Z' 12 cPreserves ~,:~~~;'s ... , };I:, 23e Corn Hakes ~fmer's 2 ~t;:: li5 c

I i



Cl1iscoVegetable, Shortening

S-Ib. Can 70cIt's :::~.~;.mix .


* How ·to /Jal'e. more fun during t'dea! n ,"'"Jf 11M! ojfine oods.

'lowMpriced :eve~y d4y ,'* What one gj. le,irnnJ ~#out ~asy soo/Jping'i' f (I

Be leisurely. Sho early in t 'vwh{'n stores are Ie!':!'! crnwded L. yt I ;clesl' rHshed-and th sellO'dioq i;l ~I t 'r.

Be forehandeda Plan r~od'~ t atcnn he prepared II rulvanre. , I 'atlou-vcti, ca..'iScn~les. I (Jlded sah.adsj p 111­

dings and coukies I re good bXR1r p ('''l.

Be cool. Do YO\l~ heavy doOk inthe cool of the m1 ing, or' eVt' h~

night Lefore if pas,: Ie. '

Be smart. Purpo Iy Plar,a I.£t­overs every so oft for e y:s d­day, cooking. Ro ts, frie Jh f'O,

baked ham, for in ance. ; I

And here's a me~ that hd,w auwhat we mean by f vance repa iun

and tn'ity eating. ~

VAC;Atl I ME U,Baked JIa oaf-S rv~d

(MiX and mo~o~ t ~~a~f';; ke lRrt'f1'tgeraIM 1l 1'6Wll bafY )

Scallo INoodl 8

(rook nOOfllell, C ~'lD'ith It cre~m allc~;hill) 11I refrigerator U Il ttm fa ba rlol,nth /fIlUered crumba anil br 11, fn m)

Buttered FreS~Y.Coo~edP s{Shell and cook J at be~~1 8erm

. Sliced Tomato, G ape~lt ~ tlon,

and AVF~::~h i~::~:dwi(Keep scalded tomatDes in re!rgera readIJ

to pul; prepaT~ 8aL:id atjtM la8tHeated R~U6 ; Bu ter

Fresh 'Peach~8 an.d ~rea(Slk, !,uil jU81 btjoe.,

Oatmeal COOk es(Baked ~n an ambitiotu momt'n

Coffee'. Milk, oll Ie d Tea

More laItout vaca on Iv:Read the article, "V is f r VacToo," in this weekls F yCir;about mbr,y.!, vaeationa, d IDat home wlitbt, cooking orri~s

JIaled. Out' every TImrWaYISafeway. r-.; , I

~l Home~ k:':sfreall~! fOLIA LEE, W GH';C, . ellter



I'!JGUST 6, lJl42 I .

4tU8i~;;l ~lfi f BUSY~: ~":,I~ e~ Wed-By tUde~ families who had pirnic Sunl1a;V nesday, . July 29. in: th Ben;. Nl,S~

Wayne ~flchers c lege pre- at the Bressler pafi< Were Mr~ anp sen home: Helen and o~ise Os~·sented stud *8 of P f. Russel Mrs. Russell Pry and Sharolyn, burn were hostesses. A picnic'Anderson a' of P a ~ John~. Mr. and Mrs. wa~er Ulnch ana was planneer at Bressle pal'"k forKeith in it USicale~m the audl- Dale, Mr. and Mt'f. :Walfr~ Carl,.. l"nday, ~ugust 14, at 7.30 'Wlth I

t,orium Tues ~y eve nf Both in- ':on and Evelyn, IMr: and 1V~ the families as ~ests,..~1The, lead­strume~tal fld vo all selections Clarence Beck! an'f. Linda, Mr. and ers gave. a d:eI?onstratI n O~'. howwere gIven. ; , , I\1rs. Oscar .Rarrl.sey and Jane~ to make a- diVided box nd SIlver·

Phyllis S 1th Pla~~a violinI:\1r, and Mrs. .ktl1es Maben and ~ar~ .case. The next Iub me~t-solo, "Cava· "bv ff; M~ra family, Mr. an~ Donald Carl- mg WIll be. August 12 tn the N.1£-Alderson a lotJs eyers' a son ana faml1y, Mr. and Mrs. sen home wIth Logene pydow andclarin>et due iChrys~J" ," by I~n-I Oarence Carlson" Mr. and Mrs. Bonna Bell~ Pflueger a$ .hos~esses.genu.<;. Th .r.iog enRemble, com. . Arthur .LiPP.: Mr. and. Mrs, f-nton ~11 call WIll be suggestlOns for apas. I Nordsftrom, Phyllis Llpp an~~\\o so~. ' fair boo_th_. ~-Smith, Jose !lme AhJrnl and Shlr- I ~ley Johnson layeu !'T~ See You 1 C Hair Dresse~ CoaveneJ Improving at Home•.Again," by award.: i Cnit 9 of NC'bra.c;ka Hair bress- Mrs. W. H. Rac~erbaumer who

Jo.yce M.il1 r sang "Th

1u,rt.LO\..-e- ,. (.rs.'. ass.OCIatJon. ht'l.d a .P1CnlC at h~s been serlo.usty III aJ. he,r home

ly as a Fl ,J.·('r," b:y I chumamn; Ponca Monday evening. ::\fIrs. Ma- smce July 13 IS somewfilat Improv-Sallie Welc , "On Wing of Son~," I bel Stpele, s('cretary, Drelores ed. Mr. and M:3. Joh~ H-esemanby M<.:ndel Sohn; .Leij Dotspn, 'I StPP\J:', Mr. a,nd :\ir:'l. Irvme '::\'Ia':l-s, Land Betty of Norfolk" an? Ed."Car[;jSlma,' ~y Penn; 4anese Ri~ )1iss. )'IarjorJc Re,-=,ker . and. MISS IHag~an called at ftach€'rbau­cl('l1~ "My other Bidsl' :\'fe Bind .Judy Mooney went fTom \Vayne. meT s Sunday afterntJOh. Mr. andMy Hair," y Hay(In;, and Iris '[ The Septernbflr 7 m('etmg wlll be ~rs. Amos Echtenkamp and fa~-Kau~fold, " JIelui.a,'~ bb' Moz4rt. lfi Wayne. II.Y and Mr. and Mrs. \yalter Cl-

-- ------ A trIO, consi tmg of NeoiJa Dohren, . nch and Dale were eve-{nng guest~.

aberer's WlIl Superv[se Musl<>. Iris Kauffol and_ -nhnke Grarls, lA>ave for \!rest (·oaKt. -----.----~

ad bluel Mi s Bette Blair ha~ been elect- sang "Hone Chile,'" b~ Scrick- Don Fitch assigned hIS grocery Wayne )\lsrkeh, Augti§t cor- e t supervisp vocal Jnusic in the land·Harris. !I stock 10 his creditors last week (Prices subject to change)

oseS and h gh chool and grad~~" of the Del Accompa ists werp Milo J-ten- Wedn('sday and :he and his son, Corn ,. 70cblue delPhiniums., ; rt , Colo., school for the next kels, Shir e~ J~Hmlan, Betty, !f·ft for Seattle, Wash., to I Oats 37c

A reception for !ahou 30 was t nn r Krause- and VirginIa McCammon. hf' employr'd. Barley .. 50c


shirt just to fool the I "~hen your hus­baby." band, I take it, is

eldetly?""Eld~rly? Why,

he's sd old he getsWind.e~ playingches~'''1

" -We still have ,one I

or two of those goodWill-BUrt stokers on I

hand. As soon asthese are gone therewiU be no more, Ifyou want to savemoney and get bet­ter heat, don't passup this opportunity.

"Does your ife

~~Sh{~~? o-~ n"Ye,ah, all extept

I her back." pe~~l~ ~~~rt f~~1 i~:

The f~t tha so ~i~:ltyb~~OU~h~eAnid~rJ1n ~~Xro~in :;.: when they find outcoa~ su)jlply earl , is a product is reallyreally a great lief E'oct, you can't ~elep

h ' ople from coming~f '\v~y~e~l Ml~r; ack fpr more :of

have thought hat jra\ssa~~ P~~~fe~the threat of a coal then, t hat, weople

~~~rt~ te~to i~~ Who have onc~ user)more than a "sc re." Glidden "Time TetS.t­ActuaBy, it is othM ed" paint, waysillg ·of· the ort. come back for mQre.Right now is the Why not Glid en on

ll~~ bU~deeh u~u~~ your buildings? Another ea r of

I j th creosoted ~ts wasy s nut on e coal Get ready for unlo~ded theJ first of

industry. If yo are winter by getting the week. That's theone of those who the neW storm sash logical ans

1er to

have not bough any ~ou need and re- the ste~l pos short..of your coal, 0 so pj:l.iring all the ones a~ Now t at youat~nce.. Ify:QU hink that·sre in bad con- have fi~ished

i ~s~~:e/~o~~rtan~ ~miln. y ~~n'tn::li! ~~r~hh~::. ffC:t; l~~~i let ,us ten' yo thr t~e~. No one knows hav~ yQU.r fences in.

I faiCt~. I .'IV-hat you,. Or we., shsJ;!e ~or winter.

~' will be able to g~t' a

"."t ildn't ill dohpl~. 0 f moritllSwashiJIg dishe. fo ~tom now: ' -r AI.o~g'! with' do-YOu," wailed th" S 'henp~cked hus artd. ~~Se~:i 't;:~nc~iri'~"And I will eveh school, teaches pistolSweep the f oor$ s h O!oit i n g. Th is\~~fot Inoairn',tb °onn"!'s' sho-J.}(~ gradually do

'J away with theth ugh IlJY ighl- bl'i e's biscuit joke.

'i,; b"

'"-J:':i:lj·ti:~:"~~~~at~~:k~l'!;Fiii'~Y~G~~ i;~-- DrtF~~C~Vr~~~ClTerm, "~I '. ,.9" . ~I'.·.'.IW.h .cpm... I>I<I.'tc~.. '30,.· I.~ ThIrd ~ ~rlCt l/Iebraska High'S.chool.Activilies

~e "~erY:ic I¥, 1in~~,~n f.91"' ~ t' I -- I association has' ,*nnotmced dates..'~' I ':rel"E!p~o1'le C.'Q~M C ~~.fees~an K.arl ~If.n 18 for: events of the.!clmi!1g.,year as.,j ry, was. tran;r;s- 'IMake Appointm nt on fcrllows;.. iOctober 28-30, teachersI l;ilha eqtupme t! " conventIOns; Novqrnber 21, teach-~~tice, I ,ee:ti~e': ~ugu:st .1. ,·,Way.p€ ~ DaMe oE Te&~8., 'i er!:;' examinations; Dl;!cemb:r ~ll

II,~.._,LFt.I< ,,-CiJf:,:, Nort, , , Platte, came Itq , I ne vacarlcy for i4sh pman at dele~ate. ,ass~Wbjlv and dlstnct) I'~~~~~..".'&t" ~r~i1;1 MOfld~Y, :t1i'e, UnitE;d State's da~al academy mapaging co~it-(ee meeting; De­! succ, ;, 1Wg ·Mr; H4~e-1 In teleph~he la~q one, vftcancy for cad t at the cember 19, all-state basketball!'}R.St..~.1.1a.. ,',bh.·.ial:f.. Cdi.r.t:e,JPair..~e,rvice. B"e :"0.. ~'ted States .n:iilitary ,academy ?lh'ic; January 23) teac~ers' e,xa.m­,', ~:I'f\:YIll:~ "W1tf.J:,:1ohn:' $ mer. ! W·l accrue to the criCd~l of the lOa,tions; Februa~y 2-:J, sectronal

, "p ~t: :, 1)"4' lWr~< ,Hage went :to.;T i ct. congressional distri t of Ne- drCllumatory and ~n; con­'.. j'_.IC?m.a.h.~ ",s~ttur~.~r a~9 ~oughti a ..ib a'l~'~ due to graduatio of _one tests; r~cbruary 19-20, dlf tr1ct de-­,I,. < t~Y(~Mr ~ pra~IFa11y neW home lat :T li cl district midshipn an and clamatory and one·act JPlay conM

i ,~Gr:tfo:"n th 38~h:, st~eet. They ~il1 ,OJ e third district cade in 1943" tests; February 24~27, Class C and·....".IJPPvp..a so~:m ~s:the occupants fi~d )C...1essrn~n Karl. 8t fan an· D district:basketllail tOUlpaments;

! _an. a~n tn:en't. 'l;'he gagets retu~,hM i'rJ~un es. Nominations to fill these March 3-6, Class C a~d: ~ play·Sd lher i TUesd~y and 'Mr, Ha.gel ,vaeR cfes will be made by or soon offs, clapS A anc~ B dIS~I'lct basM

,i'Ycnt.1. jthe Ci.tsl Weqnesday to be..- :a(to.r.: Ja.nuary I, 1943. k-etball tourna.merh.s; 1l~13",:~in-:his ~w duties. ,'E!igipJe candidates ~r the:;:;c state-tournaments in basketba.ll.

" : Mr.. : d lYtl"s. Lak{!' have come' fir11iirations, in a.~dition to wrestling,!11gymnas­.Ito-",a n, and ave ,an ap~rtment a t.':r~l residents of 1 e ThIrd tics; March 20, dlgt·rJ -state com-


10.•. ""...r '.' rp. Beck nhaner.'s office, c ryg1f.legsiO~a, district 0 Nehras- mE'rcJal contesl~; Ma Ch. 27, di~--f-'-'--+~---- k , nltu~t, In tJjle case of he naval triet cJebate tournamc ts\; April

Mar. ied. a't Church aadorrl.. 'Y; be.not less tha~ 17 years 10, teachers' eXaminati"".'~; April, , ", .of a~e or m~lre than 2 years of 16M17, dJ~trict music contests;

1 . Wayne Monday a~e~n, Api'll 1 of thc calendar April 9-May R, qualifying track, Rich ~d' b. G51~t'saeeve son of yt>ar Iri which tbey und~rtake to meets; May 7-8, nationa~-regional

I.A.:~r. l~n ldl Gi~drslel1>ve' ~n.te the naVal !a~~dem : and, in music contests; ,May 14l.15, s.tRte

'Ofl Wn e. and :i'ss Bet"Y 'Jean tljIe age of the mIlitary academy, golf, track, t('nOlS tournamen1s.!~!.~<j.nder, dalJ'gh~er" of rs. R.oy b~ n t lesS than 17 yerS of age .. _, ;Udab c~ ~ Wayne, we e mat- at ~r~ than 22 yea.r.. of age. 0 f f·. ~ ~ I -I d,l.ied jIf ndaY a..fternoon at 2;15' at 9'.0 ldllJtes fo~ the, mill ary aca- .' ICe» S ",e ,e(, e

, :it. Pa 1 Lutherj!1'l churell. Rev. G. ~~:nY become JnehgIhlc ,or adm~s,- A A ~ I R .Ji, •Gies:htrn readjng the m(:l'rriage Stln upon :he day they l~ecomf' 2:2 l - nnua (-,U:nllf_.HlserttlC(!j y ars of age. ~ (("OI1JlnUPf] fr()nl Png-e One,·1'" e f.nd'deth wobred·Ipowder blue ~~~i~~~~~U~{~~~i~~~~ hi u~t 'sc,~J~~i ~~te-~~;--~-nd~;-~-h~t-~;~-;- Wit-h=

{I S, n e rl egropm \.\lore '~ t h I· J t' 't - I·k I,- (( b M d M' CWo be ~s8un" of grad ation not ou t at oun a iOn, I l"l .un I e, Y.: L~r 'on, ~~e la~te~na Sist~~' 'of' lh~ 'l ~er than he spring of 1943. that WayTH' WOUI.d have been

br·d k tt, d t 8ih school 'graduates ho have chosen as the locatIOn fo~' a north-~e, b~t; 3 l e~ an] 8it \v drl also completed one or ore years cast Nehraska state teachers Cp_l-

day'~~ 1'~ e e ,es- 0, cqllege or university work will lege. Thus, as'citizens of this coht~

~' a~my jrVlce. ,'find ~he 4IddiUonal llcad1rnic pr('~- muni.IY w{' owe a great debt, fi-

'. . . ... . I , i _~ atati?n M co.n.S.'iderahk' value In nHnclall~' as well H:, ~>uIWralJy, 10. . I' F m:eetm~, pntra,nce tesd and in thosl? pioneer admInIstrators and

G~ T" ,'I. PlJl. rsuirlg the tl.'''.".itIi!}p fOl,..oWing ad- f~CUltY..m.embers '":",,hom Jfou so in-

Y' h·· ' t·tf (m~s~ion to eithfr acaderrjy. tlmatcly knew anp loved," stated, . : ea· e 'Congressmall ,'Stefan JVill maJ{(' Dr. GrIllin's mpss4gl::'·

... ": the n.OljTlinat,iOrj~.on a p rl~.. lY com- "~'VI;IY. your- dOl:r\ hert'. he h::IPPy

. ' p~titilve, baSIS 8.,?d the ~elimInary and Jovial, and y€\t may It be hal-, 1 WAYNI: Clmpetition will be· init atl:'d by a lowed by precious and sacred

1 ' ,c ngressionaJ designatio examin_ mqmorips. This day is the Lord'sA]W,ys Comfortably Cool atio.n CO~(~uct.ed .bS' t1~r. day. LeI 11.01 one uf us forget,

Sates CIVIl servIce c miSSion therefore. ere we leave I this cam-·===I==F=F======18 tarday, October 3,1 2. This pus, to offe>r a sin~ere q,nd-heartyi5 1"no1 an admission e~amination prayer In Gor! for thlternal re­btft '~QlelY an examinat,i n . to <;l~. sponS'f' of I hI' souls of g r depart­ter~lt1e the c~mparatl e ,l(lu~ltfl- cd bf.. n('fHct<wS and If.r ·nd:,>. AndCajtlO'rS of candIdates ,fQr th€' pur- let us also pra.y for t e. welfareP<1f. IOf enabling hu"ljI ,to makp of thIS pre!-.('nl instil tion, forno i~f:!.tions of princip4h; and al~ strength anrl gUidance to thosete, ates on th~ .. or t~e com- who direct it and carryon its work

p~..a.t.JV.,.e q.u.ahflcatlOn~s; dlSC~OS(,. d t.oday

. And.IPt .u.s. pray ~or Our th¢ exammation. Th nommees ed country and for thl? alumni andfot admission will subs quC'ntly be students 01 t hiS school Who arecalled !up~n to present themselvfls sl'l'ving the victory effort of thefor physical and m nlal {('sts united nations.pI!ecedfnt ~o aetua] a mission. ~'May t his meeting tJoday, then,

,At a,1i tll~(,S b~twe(l, nOIlN and not only 111' ,I relaxation, but a re­8~te~~er 3. 1942. bUit not latpr dE'ctication and <t J"('con$ecration of

~qn Sfptember 3, 19~2' t hE' c~n· all of us to Ihe good-cit izen pro-

~ssman shall ~e g~a to receive gram for which NebraSka Normal

e wnh:ten, ~~~I,catlo S o~, young college and Nl'lJra:-;ka Slale' Teach­, ~ w~o P?~ses~ the r-bO\e, m~n~ l?rs Collegf' at Waym' haVE' pveor

tlb ~ quahflcations cf-'upled WIt h stood,'· Dr, Griffin concludNJ.a eSIre to enter thC'1 naval aca-d"t'Y ot the military c~llemy, as DeNis Are Re{·orded.t1) case may be. The ·ni~ ml appli· Property deeds filed in Waynec4 ion will be to parti Ipate in the county the past week include thecd petitive C'ongres. ional df'sig- folJowJng:n$. ion! examinatio~ ar.d each ap- (' E. Wrig-ht ami Wife to Wm.pli an~ should def l ni14'ly stat!' the BN'kenhauf'r, July 1u for $1,:250.

~ ~~.. :%P~fid~i:lo~~OiC1~d requests Wl,~ of north lUll f('('1 of lot 2," ill 1!lock I, Brit ton & Br('s:-;]('l' acldi­rpIl further informati 10 ,;hould head~ressed to Karl S efan, M. C., tlO~. t~I.vv~;t~~·n to Berniece M.

,-...;,.+-...;,."--'+-----'Iatl 101.1 House orfjce building, Dotson, August 3 for $1 and af-Washington, D. C. fecUon, WI; of lot;:; 10, 11 and 12;

I' Me<~hll,nics·-~~-----;I~~t, block :2, original Waym', E''2 ofIf,ames Matheny ~nd Howard lot 8, block !J, Crawford & Brown

11 I h --. addition to Wayne and west 50ie1 o~~=~~, ~~~,lf~I~> l~~d~~(~~iJ~ f<.~('l of Jot :!;~, Taylur & \Vuc!lobt~.' ir families for SUiDif\gO WI1P'rl' addition 10 Wayneth~ men will b(' in Cfel1SLj work. Don Fitch and wi[(~ to D{\lmC'rW'. Matheny had _en in j-he D. anrl Martha Frerichs Fitch,

yne garage eight ears tmd Mr. JUly :~1 foJ' $1.050, Jotf'i 27 and 28,Tompson three, ~~l~~(~l, College' Hill addition to

Ii Card of Th nkfl. Mary A. Pritchard to Russell W.wish to thank ,he Here and Bartels, August 3 for $2,800, NE il.1

ere' club and t.he r guests for of 34-27-2, excepting the railroad!t ~~r gift, I~;"was eaUy appre- and part of the E% of NW%. oflei tJ.e~-:--M~,s." aert urber. 134-27~2, includin 1!OO acres,

Page 3: I:; ' Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950... · "rhe his ~I'y of WU1.'~de extends Bacia', ... MISS~Theodora car1 0n, RpeU and they rC'lurned t 't eir

STRAiNmmttfOODS2 cans .. 13c

FRIDAY .t{8D uTUl!iDAY. AUGUST 7 A1IID . . .

~~~o!:~ran~~o!IG YALtllS!)mow v~lue,; and mostg~ cooks KNeJW BOTH! La Platt~. •We feel prtjtty safe in Saying that most 'good cooks SPAGHEnIdo thW'.' ~Ppingl at co.unell Oak, he"'luse for both. . '.'.'quality A~ljI value you :can'1' find a het1,.,r place to ;In Tomaro Sa"",•.sllOp. Our s1jOc~ are kept e0i.Plete andOUIl' prices are 2. I. Subject. 10 Slockj ,Mway. att~~lve. . . ' 20 :Ounce 'VO

Council, Oak 1$ a Safe Place lib Save ,Tall Cm .......1. C

,~.-riOOa Kellogg's Rice Krlspies, Pt,~' fl.~ 8-oz. pkg. 14c! F" t P" M I B ,,"LB t3c. Irs flze ea y .eans, 'I. BA'f·,

I·',' OA1iE'Al S b £ MHk 2 TALL / ; I'5c'..0, ...... 14c: oper' yap. ,""'" ....."",."

. , 8-oZo _" , . r

Morning Light Supprb Brand

PEARS ASPARAGUSTenthI'. Cot. Gr:eeD..,"Every Bit ~le..

Hitle,rjhaa, r - i in all I· U$ed ~r {teferred to AU'gt,ls 1 to gi~eiron a d st el, and added,: I'~ctive thOSe operators engag d iI1 war

.s,uppal of .• he. W.'. a<:tionjwJi•.Il:be a~.Vj.. ties .time to confo.', to 't.".e the demantl fot' AU!tUSi't '!'h@Au-brough ab, ut by urufonne<J, po- laUon. ,! gust Quotas for the -bdwesMrn'ice:' I - • j ! /) - ~,. j states' ."". MiWluriJ 4114, Arkk_

• .II........! ~ i War work is not on! fot abl.e-- sas. 191. Kans~. nohe~. Nebraska,Mar easter or. the s~U! s;U- bodi!!d men, Uncle Sam' just M- ,2Q1; I II •

~va.~(> oonmiittee:, nnoun d' tIkt ginhing to take advan g-e: of an \' i _ ; ,I ...state ~ighway triuc will a.vail- estimated unused 4.000.p00 rnan~ ','.'?B ha~ an, qrglmt war de-able for hauling! rap fro~.1 po~er. This inCludes. t e blind.. or .mc.,.-,-", lor seccm. d-qan.R; oil tallksc0nu:rtulnities. The ighwaJY part- thqse who have lost a b' or are and 'pipe, !ou~ incluis Wide ormenti"'~S giving 7 obsole : el otl1erwise handicapped. Thf blmd wider. " I'bridge~ for the dri e. ii a~ used in industrial Ope;rauciIlS I I ~ -~ I.: ;-- : , Cl$ wen- as office wor ~uch as It is ,estimatRd that ~or each I.--

Only, trucks esse Hal to !the war st ograp. hy. Men, a d lv/omen \000 populatlOn tly~.~.11 'Q'olunt-eereffort pr to publi health and Wi~hout ~s can be us at work workers are MedeJ~ Pfir raId war-safety will 'be allo ed to haVe re- that reqUires only han . dens, 8-12: de~ 0 1'1 ta in ina t jontread tlres:.i·!.fter J y 28. There has I ~ ! squads, 1-2; d~mo1i~or and c1ear-been a!drastic tie revision of the ']f'he OPA consume ' Hh'is!on anc(;' creW'S. 24); fire watchers, 10-~ire. r~tlonl.. ng pro am and it was adYise.s rni.dwestern fa ilie-t to e~t 12.(,J: m.e.dical 'perso~e~., ".;. nurses'mdlc.ated that I?V more' drastic popltry. f~h and oth r 'pro(em- 31de-s, 3; road. rvpaJr: CfeVo'"5. 2-4;

measures might. h VI? to b~ taken. fofds.. " dUring the short ge of pork,. tUXihary nrem.en, 1; {lUXlliary po_

beff' and v~caL ~ 'I ~c:'a~~ ~~~~g~~:~o~~~~~n~ee~~an~nS.~~e~n~oO~h~ n~~~:ir:ei:~~ All new adUlt bicyJes will be ; rescuE' squads. 2: sb:ff. 6.simplification Df izes and stan- rationed eVen though! parts. are ' : ~dards of all' hand ools have been chhnged or the bicycle altpred in I KE'w instrLctioris' for deahngprOVided for in L rnitatioh Order ayW way. Reports ha\"e l:}('('n re- \\ith fire bombs ~Vtt been issuedL-147 Fa'St tools 0 be covered by cf'!i'\'Pd that bicycle de-alers are by the u. S, office or Civilian de­the order \\-11I b€" hand sbovels. c~tt~ng,down seat pal""ts' so that fenst" The- maJOr change In thespades. scoops fnd tPlegraph t e m£03:Surements fall In the defl~ proc~dure call" for a drrect. streamspoons n IOn of childs' blCYcles uf "ater O~ r e bomb mstead of

~ I ~ the ~ray httherto necommended.Tpchmcal and rofesslOnal stu~ More new cars are r"allabie for I Also nIl? need of s.peed is empha-

dent::; art' to be fl anclally helped IratiOnIng In August I than therC'1 SIzed In attacking the. bomb WIthto Rpeed up their raining for \\ar h4ve been In any oth~ month ex- a Jet of \'-alpr as ...don as It fallsJobs Thr WBr rna power comml~~ cijpt July. due to the ~l't that the Irather than waltlDg Ifor the ther­slOn announced hat S5,()(XJ QO() q~otas for July '-'!ere not used up mIt reactIon to be completed

soon ,"ould Le "'illable far that, r PoilU,.] Ad' ",I.omonl hll',,;;:' ""e-i,e","en"

pu::: ~ellJngsjPlY In general i .1I \.;.;.m·H·····R·..E·..E·..S··············ito ~e«)nd-hand g cis as l,l.ell as : I V•• 'n~ •

: Republican CandidateAn c~ntract ,c~'rriers by tMJck •

and water mu~"t a just t.heir ratE'S : For

~~e ti~~ :e:~s s ~1tt~d ~~c~ = County Clerkg(meral maximu price regula- Wayne County

~~~~~~1~: ~~~ili~:l f~sapr~~:ta~~ Your S,upftftrt Will Be .Appreciated.carriers other th n those servmg .....-the general publ'i as cof11!llOn C8r~ .: Primar), Election Augu$t 11. 1942rier.!. AppHcabili y of price con- • I j16t4 ,t roJ to contact arrier rates had ...........-n-.-...._.-••••••••••••••, •••••••, •••••••••


'}\·h., :-i> -'\.

"It;q~~;i -~;;CTT':~;,, ..j'l? qi en.Approva1

i",,",(i . ~Vavne co nty' rationing bOilrd

'.' i::rj~tfJ~aYe~1:'l a~qd ~~~\"c~~:'I.:r:;"h.'.','.'.- tir~,$ and t.u.. Bl2S: KlcQJ)1an Trans:1, _:,~I le.ti' of Sioux ity, two truck tubes,~~1,f,:~f:1 ~nd, two tru k tir~s; fWaynl? Ice

" 1mp. ,'Cold St. rageJ Co." t\\"o truck IA: tires, amI on tru9k tupe; Otto'!, Cnirstep.s ,of ins.lde, one ,.tractor I

:'. ~'r.~~;, R:o.b.ert, lia.ef of Winside, .l.,;:, racior tire' uti one tractor tube; Learl18 Deep ,Sea 'l'()'J(.

:' ~'J'I May f Sholes, t\vo traCtor Donald U. Mm~r of W'aJ{ e, \fo'ho,~. i es; E.nlil .UIlI.Of wakefie.~d, tw.o is stationed at San' Diegt..' i· learn­:tr' dor tires: Dean Hanson of fog to be a deep sea divet in qon-


w yne, one 'ractor tire: Clare1'!ce neS:ipn with his stlbmarin rep.aii­H 'mmuof H skins, one tracto,r tire wor~: H;e is also getting ins ruc,tlOna done traqtor tube; L. C. n.oh~e~ in 'u~ipg a cutting torch i1~d v.eld-

~'I 1~~~t~g~~~~11~~;;ra~~~~~e~~u,~ ing un~er water, I

I. ,..,.th.ers, Of.' .Y'{. yne, o.n.e ~~.act.,)r ~!: &-a\,eg ~;;TralDJnlI ,I"nd on" tr" tor tube,· Vletor Km('~ l. 11' d'1° '" <l icr Llie.ders, who'):>n ste, 10I ;sche of Win ·ide. two tracWr tire~~ th.e mechanical branc-tr of t le army,,,,' and two tr' cto~' tUbC'5;'; Dale E. aIr corpSj went to 'Fort Crook

'Brugger of ,arroll, twb tractor Tuesday. He was to go Ol1l.

l''to Fort

tires and tt: 0 tractor tube-s; Roy Leavenworth (J,nd then wil be sent!Sundell of akefield, two tractor to one .Of the camps for ~a.~ c train~ Itires and Qn~ trartor tube; John D. i~, Mr. and 'Mrs. Chns Lueders

IGrier ,of Wa ·ne, two 1:raq:tor tube~; a ',d Ml~S June Krohn too him to,fAlbert w~:on of W~yne, t:-"o 0 aha.

tractOJi ~ ('s;. Fanners' ,~;mon b----==~....=~a==-===--.:~=-=+foi;___+===F ....- ...=-...."""~produce. ·\If VlnsldL', one I.Ja.''i.~cn~::r Th,kes M~ehanl('s (~o ~. WuhiDgton, D. C., l\ugust a.-While mllintaining I These 3. ,tor. have be taken into account intiFe land .~) q p:l~l~n¥pr tube, G~ ~~ tvt..i Atlgust E, Lorcrl! en has a tentative annual level of twelve billion dollars as determini g,tac stale's sh re for the national quutahum !ct' CHam of \I.,'aynl'. ont: pas~ .lwt'll transferred to Ito. t Knox, its goal, the Treasun' Department today bed tile [or Angus id ill be giv n consideration in fi.XinP'

,senger t it' and on(' pa~~{m,ger, I' k ' ' h - Anvnst quota for the sale of War Bonds Ilt S815,OOO,~ quotas fo s bs quent moo hs.tu~~'. G.len \i\.'i.lcOX of Winside, Ky., to ta c(' nIne W('(l S ' ('c 3m~ ~... Ih

'- I I t veh·' les He DOn as shown by the accompanying map by states. ti 'h t, e state quotas as set out in the.dn passen ef tub". ~+i1~,~u~~~ltO~em~e~~IY a~ ~re~iates In .owering the quota from a billion dollars in map the e ffi·I a federal pa toll allotment quota of

Dr. 1.. J, Klllan (If Wayne. was gettmg Iflome news th' ugh the July~qS815,OOO,OOO,in~ugust,theTreasuryhasgiven$9,750,009 a ,t rriturial qu tas as fOIl~S: Al:l:Ska.,g.rant€'d r~e m. i.'.t 0 }lurrhasp H ne"",.'. Herald. His address is; P" . August recogn.itiOn. to cerla,iljl tactors which may be expected $760,000; Ca:, al Zone I $213 000; Haw~ '. $4.800,000 ip8l"Sll'ngei ar, E. Lon~n;,.:en, No. 37146~l, 14th to result inj variation's in sales over the 12~month pe· Puerto lC ~ $4'40,000, a 4 the VI gm Islands,

Four la p ica~ Ions wprE' mad;:> for Co. Tr, Gp" 2nd. Student Rfeg. A. F. riod, such as the seaSonal characte~ of farm income, $17,r'.t.IO. 'I' f:, s. T,~a~ .. rJ D"Pfl"'..uHlrE'caps 0 lI'f'~' two apPUCi1ti.ons K

,for"uln.j(JI(>t tin's and, om: appllca- S., Ft~ Knox, y. I

111· '·'-"c,od Thl' st'lt(> l:lllow~ , . t th t ThO,ere 's n Sunday afternoon and Bonna a d Merlin, and Miss Be-r-" ,1O~. was r, k ~ " ,', Likes Home cyon~t8. sen ou ere 00. C' I 0i'] ed Jhe cou ty Hi tircs and 10 tuhf's News of horne 'folks, co dition df doubt that WE." will win~' the youth guests of Mr. and Mr r ni~e Au t were Monday evening

i('~t, a. this onth. Cf~P:; and addresser bf? er b?YB ~~~:.;~~;:\~~~i~u~~r~\i:;~: ;:.~ JO~~~~~ Panl spent Sun ay a t r- ~~::rf; e~lt:r:~n,~h~i~·h~:rest()nA---L"'----'-------~".. - -W'·;-S in s<'rvict:' e.speCm'IY 1 erestmg Cpt. Pippitt apprecia~es the Her- 'noon with Bobby Hanso an he Mrs. ettie Pomeroy has' ac-

to. Sgt, E. C. Muqhlrne er who aId and looks forwar~ to getting boys went fishing. each atch' a cppted t e pbsition of Clerk in theWayne lC'uners.' Pili ne' -:11. aGH \Vl1i~S from Fort ftiley, Ie'Kan., to th? home lown news tach week t' catfish, Their birrthdays 'ere Largon ry goods store to replaceMrs. J. . Gillespie and Joel (>xt.) pss apprecia~tn {or ~ eCSeivinE~ 1. hJ$ \Va. y. 'HI" IS hear th t day and Monda}(. Mrs. Albert Jones Who is mewing

sPEjnt !Frid, y wfth All'S. B., A. Viel'- the. Herald. His a...,....ress \: gt. . crops art' good' In tfhis area th S Dale Anderso* was dnl: the to Cnlifdrnia.

gUMtzl,e,i,.n, BOU ,"ehr"'Slrahan of Albion, ~.-~~t,~e:.lm;ie~" Jb2, FU']I~~h a~~: Sf'a~i()n group of boys ~ntf'rlai eel a the i,\-'Ir. and Mrs, M. C. Jordan. and

;0 Ir % Clough home !rlur~dBY veOi m 1\-11!'S Mary Cbire of Winona,carne, Sun~~y:,<In(~, \·.iSllE'd hel' hus- Camp Fun:-;ton~~~~ (jOl'S to OffiC'el', School. I honor .Of JU.nw. r .. Clou/g. wh( ~ en· Mmn .. a.rrived TUE'Sd.a y evening toLand Uh11J,\-\,dntsday, ,. J Cpl. Ar1hur L. I:/ress]er, wJio tered the servw('. l' L.." \"lsit in'the J, H. Brugger'home

l'v1i::;ls Cdl'tr>udt' l\1cF,1l'lwn came Moyes to MlChJ.g n. '.j 'b 'd I ~ 'Itd Adelln£' Johrlson, .Slf' dj-{> 'lOci with relati'v('s at Winside.htllmE." fr~~1' Lincoln 111~l'sday for PVl. Dwight Robert.s . as been ~~;ld P;::l. Sl~~~Jn;eenatselec ~~ t~ Dahlgren, Elallu:,' and LCOlflr:i\1<lY , cl ..'the rest 9r ttw summer. moved' fr~m Ca"!p,Robm on" Ark.: take 'tr~ini'ng 'in air corps dmin- Dahlgren weI'} gues s of ),1iss Don enbeck left \\ ednesd~y for

J" N. Elnung went to Gl'and !s- to Ft. Custer, Mich. Wa e ~ount~ istration at the officers' ca dictate Edna Dahlgre.n. "a. SI .. ffilw.r .. art y Lr.,s '.Angel€'S t.o be .ernPlo.yed.. 10 anl~wd TueJla.... aml then on to Sld- boys who were m Arkal sas have hIM'. 'R'" h FI Af Vv'e-dnesday ('ve ing. aIrplane- plant until fall v,,·hen ~e

I . l ' ." 1· 'en scattered the Y04ng man sc 00. 11aml (Be, 3. tel' Mr. and Mrs Otto KI.aUI,r. of wdl he~caaed to the. n~\-'y all'ney foJ' a few lllSI~.(,~; JE't' , . I "thn'(' months' int.f'n~ive schooling, H !lassed exammatlOITS for

' Mrs. lIe 'b('r~ spenl r \"l(Iay \\-'1"1 I:'s. . , '. he will be commissioned second Clarinda, 1<1, rs ~nna j-\ohl- co:p~. e.. .', ,wnd Satur~IlY m the Frank BakQr Ft. Cu~tcr I~ a largE'. carmp a,bout lieutl~nanl. At I-Iamilton Field, Cpl. mpier, Clara an Marrarr't .11 ~~·,-,re thL<.;., ~'-'I'\'lce last v,eek in Kansashonw lwlping cook for hhrE'shers. seven mlie~ sou.thwest of Rittle Dressler, who is in the quarter- Friday f'venm gue'1:; l1' the City I .

.Mrs. F~'d Kr,a.use a.nd Betty" Creek.. He hkes?t betterl ~,ha,n t~e, mas_.t"'r s"'rvice, \\I;as employed in Oarence Wolte hom. I :Mrs. ,B. J; Holle. ,of NdTfolk,I k k them camp as the 9hmate IS I ~ '- Mr. and Mrs'JLeo chultt and carne 1l$t wel1k to VISit her stste~,

' and .Marg ret. \.11' patne, weKre sou I I'k' th' t [W 'the office of supply and was also Loann. Mr. an Mrs, LouI's I',~,t)h\! l\'lrs. V. A. Senter and MISSMond.aV.l vpnlOg C'allpr~ 8!t.l. . near Y. 1 e a a ayne 'h' d',. . tho f· Id. E _ r" J

., , un\#;., Crop' in Michili1an on,' a C OIr Irtctor on e Ie. n and Gene wprr SUlhdav ,'r'1nn(>1' Blanche Meeker. alsp hpr mece'Jolm,.;on S~Mrs. G, G. Haller spent fi~tle ~·low b~t they 11k, good. :oute to Florlda',he Vlsitedwtll~ 'wife and supper gu~ts a~ the fJ:arold MI'~ R M Carhart She plannedM. il. tht' It. w. l-.{;lIlei' home 1\i.l0~t f.armors are harv stmg. A II ~ndw<;on at ~~ll.~h: a~,d as :rlso Briggs home atl Beldlj'n tj III) t'emam until the middle of thiSn :ide, :\11". HalJi-'r was ttwre heavy rain fell Augusl . ~ ll.ayn~ Wlh ~ slst:Ti rs. MISS Marla~ Mliler r 01 nf'd I\\, <.:k ,again flsctrq:. T~e young man lookR ~l'\\lard 10 ly -ae~c7ovf'~gjne~.J){' ~t~~\'~~~~l Thursda, E'vpn ng trom \ISlt .------

Mr. ami Mrs. George \Vads- gettIl1g home ,news thIOugh tlhe bank ~el"e \\11h friends I C'1f'\If'lanlll Thf', ~'"Ews ABO'lTT WARworth of <b'Neill, spent Friday and IHerald and writes to e prE-55 ap-· went sy,.lmmln~ In 1-6k( t:r~e and I 'From Office of EmergencysatUtdaVJWith Mrs Ipertha Hood, Preclation for this servlC_. _.""~ "pent one day in ChiJcago I Managementand oth~'r rel~ti\'(';·here. 'I' Pv1. :DWight. Roberts jS in 12th ~ In Advanm~d .8ch~ol., Mrs LIZZie :Burm~tE.·r a~d Mrs \ Alt hough Amencan mothers

Betty, rause was alSun~ay dir- Chemical Co., Ft. Custe • MIch. _ Cadet Burdette ~ygren IS now Tllhe Rewmkl~ retu!nwd ~oi thell"'rhd.~p dbne a lot for their country

n~r guest in the S.)\.. ~ohns6n ---'-._,- In•. a.n a~van.eed. flYing school ~t home at ~~ons IFndj aft,el po. eX-I dUjrmg thlR Iwar. there are still 1

hQmC.".Mr. and Mr:,;.. KL~nne~h. .JOh."- '. 'I.'rainln~ IS. Ben,e.f. '' . \'. FH.ld. at. C.h,a.n.dle.r, Artz. tended VISit a~. the Enlll! .t.'M11 lr'r !.some t.b.ings the.y can do. They can I~;on and Slharon were ('veniing ("al1- Army tralmng provld s quite a He will be graduated as a second home. Mrs. 1I.'Il'kr iJ d F.ltP~1 took! pay all debts promptly, sha:re ~he'ers.. -. Ibit of pxpcrience that wil he help- lieutenant III th(' "HI" forcE.' m about lthpm' home.,.1 I ~ I co:;t of the war through taxatIon

MitIs. ~OY Ross and Miss Ailee ful after the ml;'n retu n. home, four weeks. ." Mrs. Luclndla Rus!"cll ,I f TP-I an~ put all 'the family budglet thatMoo.r(' a Laurel, were Thursday ,,"VTltes. CPl.. Paul F, Plfpln from Th.e youth \Vntps" I am now kamah, who dhser~[>d h€'.1'1000.1 cah bp spared 1Oto war bonds.guests il the A. Vl. Ro~s home.IScott FIeld, ]11. : flymg tWln engine lrummg planes. birlhdayTlj('sd~y. ugust r IS nn] _Sharon q>Ison accompanied them Thp \\layne youth wal graduat- 1 enJoy my WOl'k \'E.':y much and aunt of Ernest PC!. kf'r ~nqt 1\~rs'l fAn urgent appeal has been is-home fori a \'isH. (~d from radio school Ju y 2:1 and hope thaI I may contmul? t~ go on Bertha Bean" a Sl "tf'r of

lMrs.; sut~d by the Igovernment jor type-

Miss DDrothy Liedtke anel. Miss was 00{· of se\'('l'al takin a lO~day and slap c1o\',:n ~ few Japs Emily P<1cker, , i '~\'rI1prs..Any typewrlters whichRuth L~hdl<l('rg ret Ul.'.nC'd ' advance Course 10 comm nicatlons,. Tht.'. \V<lyne. :youth, thanks the ..::'vlr: an.d 1\'lr"~' Pa ] L.I'SSh13:n and IClry' lylIlg Idle around homes. or arC'"M.,onday dW'hing from Camp 0' the this being finished Aug st, 1. The ~erald for s('ndm~ him the paper. BonnlP Ann a ~l D Ie' L~'$.srt)lan of not urgentJy nE"erlf'd, are ,wantedfl·II'· n'~'fS'i(1UX'ci1.yas tl'lE.'RPUSOn corporal wrote ~ugust that he- I,f'liljOY rpudlng It very much. It Df's MOlnf's rrp Frida) JA.f.lf'r- ttw government, The go\'('rn~ ih,l. .,~fcr~~.'d' Hc~man. LU,.n.. '".bCI'<T. was a.1I I"rarly tOJ'be sent to a. n.('w brmg-s hack many pleasant mem· noon guests ini th1' MI~";. j:!.11Onlr: n.H?'n.l v...'ill pay for the typewnter ~~.:.

I '.'W~'~11;~.t.~.. 'f·i~UX .Ci.ty

Jo..r.. I.h.". girb~ s.,a.lion. Hl· p.n'.i Y.E'd S. o.1t .Field .ones of m. y many years ~it. W<.IYne, .. MiIlPr. hom.r n.alf' 'l.>l.urnhl,ltn hJ.~ i.1 " ..S a stl..,.nda.rd model', an I Mrs. Freel Si('/'krlniln nnd and lli{('rl 111(' people an the food All' Car}(·j Burdpflp I... Nygrpn's \wJrk SaturdaY,~, I' tu!"pd in 1935 or later.

I 1 • F ed Sil~ckmah jr, fumily of l'I1t're., I 'addr('s!,: IS ('[ass 42-H, Co. B A. F. ElalOe and 1~('nl MaiY I" D:'Ihl· ~ g'. t)~:"i()\\~a, vere in 111'(, Alb/'i'! Bah(! Mrs.: Pippitt i" from I llOOis'lll;ld :A. ,F. S" Williams FiC'ld, ChHndln, grpn and Mis" '-:dn, Dahlgnn Wf'rf' ThE' OPA ordered that low c~st ,',; .....~ .. ,.,loI.It'TtCS'h • M l d'lY 1'hE' vi!'ilors,nnd "I he had IH~en li .... ing npar S ott F~('lrl ArIZ. Sunday dmnr-r g If'sts aj Paul ~(lr\"lce. mal:ntamed by laundrIes CHOPPED FOODs LAll.GE 21)... " 11)....~:~~i,~;'~;0r~;I~~r~:~'"~I~I~,~:; I;~~,I,; sl~('7;f:,~~:c:.~':~~n~~ ~~ h~:,;;:'=i------~ ~~~;1~e:~·d ~~~:~~7~~,o~J:'~~~::1 ~~~h,.~~~~~~~~:~a~,~'~~i~~~~ ~~)~.~ 2 cans .. 13c 10. 21' ca. ... \ltI 18~··0Hce CI~ «i

Ohiowa folks relU~'ncd hor~e Tud- from rren on th(~ lme tcl of lOt('f~ I ' '. 1also. supper ': d the laU~dJiies were offermg such OEDSEN NORTHLA,Xll t..~.c\'. . ,! esting;C'xpcricnccs, "I h pe to get North.we.sfWakefizel Mrs. C.,ath.ehne~ <?UI.t.lon:. ani s.e. I'\ Ice. 10 Irr.larch' DILL PICKLE PLAIN and KOSHER .......•....•

t <1), _.....j.__ ' • grandson, Lf'0t p ggl(', I\\"~o hurl '1-(By Mrs. W. C. Rmg) ~ spent the pa t 'onthi' tlw The '\VPI)'s order prqhibiting I

!--------------I!II countn-.. \vent, 0 h s hOITIe unday the U$e 3' \viri-dow carbons and MA BRp!WN WI:~~~ '~:~~~ , ,.~ -424 (i~~~,E 1:5c' : :y I C,rl E.' l\'idlolaisen. repltblican, at Co~ncll. ~l~[fS 'herefMJ f' Cul- c('lloph~n€'I--J; 0 v f, r wraps except I'ht'kI ,'" ""''''''~; WiD. ~appr~~:iatc your vote ~Ug. 1~ ton. WIll VISI.t ~l da'

n\~ hen l1.cce.rrary, has been repealed,. I ' ','OcT· ,'n''I ,.. 0 torWaynccountyt~easurer, a6th Mr, adn~1 f"'JO;'lea l.loom'~1 A " I -I d IdA·NCY·ANIUI;'i.,.~,E,~'\,Eb,.. W".H.".£;•• :,:~,., .••...•- ••..":' .•••"" ••,...,.I' •.•,••• I,,§, o,,,~~,?' ' I ' P k B'1l f". '1\ d th >h' qULSt an n r. an 1'r:'i <-nne -L m(>T!ca$ lOme.ceepc\s, arc n - ~~ n.- ~ . . _' ., _.. '-:'0 J.'

" ,,' I _,r d I run lnlS'!Je res mg Slutz and dau ht rs sp nt Friday V1sed tlo ~~tve theH-'fnm1Jie~ rnn:-? .I._..:.=.=..:.::..:;:..:.:;:.:;-.;...;.;...~~;..:;":"+~~_..~'"'l"t'-~.,'., .' ..' . ,. E''. ' .' " on llt°

nay, , ' evening in 1 e Ericl' Ohn,on <her,e, A 'yoar ago It we!: " ques- 'Mornina LiCbl AI D,e1icious. Su,ar S;verl ,: SUPe

R S M~·s. B~n FredrIckson; s~~t borne as a\.f're ell f ~ IiTh~n' tion w~et~~r .America cp;uld. ,meet - I ~ iFA M Monday with MM. Arlhur Felt, JOI.lOson w},o. Ief Sa' rd,,~ for thr demand for ShiPmen.t. abroad, L·.-ma· S· . Gr--l-;.,"t ~n2 PeanutI ,'" : N. P. Chris'ensen and Delbert til<' serviee." Now. In addItion 10 'quantities CIJ"IO" In ,_, I 1 Oak are employed at carpenter Mr. and MM. J !'s BrAwl'lell and ~ought for the armed ,force£ and HaDdlpeeled fnIIt wI&b evet"7 trace 154 K . h

I work npar Lyon!'. Jimmie visi1efl at 11he Roy Cot:kh [or alJie~, Nvilians will have plen~ Beans of thf btt6er inDer peel removed,'" ru,.C .iii ! ~ilIpr, Erna a~d Arn.. old home at Allf'rl St'nda y. IEaft".:.,rnoon. 1iful suppp.e., '. C.heese is., a concen~ ~

, ~Ol' the genjl<ou;;, I'eSI)"nse'you m~de Spell! Sa'urdayevenmg WIth Mrs, G~'seh is M. Br0'1"nell's ,is, tratlort <1f,kn the food "alues that No. :I.can I 'Po1l!ld!Jar]' ."!l Y Emerson relatives. ter. l\il~. Brownel. \....hol had been make flTli)k necessary t9 any diet, Lara, Sweet 6It' ' Vktor .Jorgenson spent Sunday cmploYfd o,'Sio,x Cty, came 'and ennitie used as part of 'he 9 C ~rUNES Pot;:!<D ',_ . ,......-':I3c 2' C. '.0 01

1..11' ad. ,.r .1'tiseJ1nen~ appealing. to at t.he home of his uncle. Marmus home Wednesday and 'lpft Tues- dailv milkiallowance. " BAG....... r ...--;O~ ••••••• ' I

'I I Jorgenson, ~~ \\'inside: , day m(j)rning ,for Min?baPQliS to ' I:1 _ j

ou for mo~, sweet 'cream. You have Mr, and lV]rS, Le\', Dahlgren be simi'arly eo/lpl yed '1 a defense If nee~",ary wiring Is installed D_.''D''to OW'S , I' .,.1 IRAn'" . Ia~d daUgh.ter spe.~t ,M'0nday E've- plant. ' and if MrS. Americ~, ha~ real need uaru. ~ r

one a fin J'obandl we are mist nmg at GIlbert Lmns, for a ne~fele~trk rang., a recent "CHI-eu., .-41__, rlll£D' I : CHEEI,SE FOOD SPR:.E DMrs. Catherine Culton and Ther- LO'C Wp' order p ~its her :, tol buy one. ,,~ ..... ~ 1 _

1 t f 1 tn" W on W,ere ~e~day .ev~n, Ing visitors , - . Ranges, lflr02.en in :!the,. b,ands of. 1llloo -. Db tI

¥I r,a e ~ .' eep on co lng. ·e re at mrs. Mmme MIllers., Wayne Cle ner , Pho e 4; ., aEtf dealers i .!May, ha"e be¢n released, '" ,satlstriDz' meal In 10 ,..-- .- < 1IIa.Y be had in PlJl.iD o~ r I en Anna Kohllmeler, Clara ,Bert SUJbe re ams Ivery III at now to e~orts who' ca~ certify in JDIIkes ..~ , ~ 2 ii' 2St

II nr.w paymg ., and Margaret spent Sunday evel1- hiS home In Way c, writing ,that they reqUire a new Per PaAL,SO'A i _ '~,..... faR! .. ~"I"# ing at Leonard Dersch's. I Verda ~n~e Fo~yce, spent stoye to!,;{Place oneiW~Ch is worn I l"'~ ~I······ • ·-"-"·,1 ~ .,..~ ••• ~f· -1' .',

, I Mr, and Mrs, Cl~rence Woller the wqek-r


! 1n the 'Ired Thun out, dalJ!l!gedbeyond pair or de- ..I~o:'~ :T€il" PlRE'X~ ,:Hw'I..,';"V'Y.'."x'.." 'T",GEXH,~"..and :R 0 b e r t VISited at Leo home. ' strayed i ¢" that no ot -er penna.-Schultz's Monday evening. Dea~ and Mrs. 1. H, laho were nent c~king equipme t ,is avail-

SI . LeRoy .L.E'vene left Friday eve~ in So~th I Dako a 0 busine~s able an4,!~~at the horne alread~ is

I I!C nm~ to VISIt Pvt. Be.rnard Le"ene Saturday, !. properl~ W.,.ired for Itn jnStallatIOn. StiX. ." a ~ '.ISc ;1•.,',Af' "wn..ED, ' Jefferson Barracl}s. Mo. Suptl. and Mts. T. If' Friest and 'I '! - .... .DV"",, &

Mr. and'Mrs. Lei:m!ird' Dersch sons of Wisner \ve e Sunday Plans! bf organizing; local de~ 1Sc__and 'Vivian spent Thu1'Sday even- guests of Mrs. A. A. \V leh. , fense co~ were cliscuSsed aUly 17 Per 0 Dim 0:'- M GeL 28 . .

I d ing at t.h.e Irvirl ,BCf.rt".lS home. Mr~.JU1~.·a Lag and ar] t.'isited When R.~ifOQal.,J)l.rec~ot. ;JOSeP.h 1 C e 4K:a C t - ••

F J1r

'S•.ieet. ,'re~,n Miss 'Marjorie L~nd Visited Mr, 'Mr, d Mrs, as ar nder~on in SCholtz: 'and Governor Dwight Oau ...• Pkg. ••••• BoMkl ••• , ,j , .UI W and Mrs. Allen 1Keflgle at the Sioux ity Fri y aft moon, Griswold Ithet in, LfhcO~j TritiniJ1g .j I ! fo I j : I .

Jewell Killion home Friday even~ ~t. Ro~ert St ele a rived: Wed- courses,le$PeciaIlY.jn air pid war~ • II I, i ' i ' ing., r' neSda

118st .,Ive k fo a 21-tla:r den schoOls,' were lencoura:ged.

Th 'I' '~ .. l .. ,~. f 'The Joseph Erickson family furlou h from F . Leo ard WOOQ, i I! -,,' I;, i , ;'1' I .'emon~.YiSi"'1, lal mg" or.lyou. wereSllltdaydinner and supper Mo. '.! . !!thaq~'inetoth~sihiedefense ••.

guests 01 Dr, and: Mrs. A, A. Sun- Mr, ~ndj Mrs, ym d L.ange· Cdnunltl"" that In som~ "'ral cdln-:'delliln WlSner, ". ' meler j' ~n~ lami y we e SundaY mUnitieS~'jnNebraska .,f"1"6rs and '


1 ;r,. and M:rs~•.Ern.~st PackJr. gu.ests in! the ~ rs. ulia~. Printed~ .," >Ph.Jet.. ' s; a.r~...;lcircuIatin.'g. week n4 price.••• C?aJifOZ"Dia : 270 .'e along ;lf.1

ast to.. ., Ga and Ma.rvin Packer were home. , I in an a t' pt td sabot!8ge the rub--; ...i .....t ItO'W' .. the K Mrs W ldn B 'd 'dol\se' VI> ' ot'8SIgeB lIO'O uo;- I _.c:.e~

~~ ~Yll(~~~~o~:sts!'Jfi en~ ~Ugh r 're~ur: d to' ~~~ !h~~e ~;:rh~ n~:~kFl'" a:a~~ ; 'I~ i at Ul' Ibest•••• Sweet. aDd. 1 ;~.'.:~.

M !.".. aU.1 .Da.h.lgren.fann.Oy were a~. ~r.i~e.Sun aY.f m a !SiO,UX ed. to 40 ise; ... 1= .• defense. I· juicy Il&Il be. ' ·~un~

H·t .'. Su y e"enln!i guests at. the CIty ~,;;,p,tal, . i' conumt if suchjaneffort comes , Golden'He¥ B.~--tC>!q'" P' nd"J.l. • fir _. .. I c.luJ. ie' s.c.'1w

. a.rt.en h..orne, follow- Mr?Ea.nd 'Mrs.• '. Kee.n et.h to their I t~nt.iO.n, .' • .1.. 'C~Y ,..... FIrm... , .... ,I O. "'i' ~BaIf ..... . . inglc Urch services. and 1 'iylspen last eek in thei!i 1:-'" .'".,' ..' ," I· I' ,I, i

i . . . , . ; , lit,r. and Mrs. Clarence Wolt~r Ftc,d LikeS an'1\', A1hrig,ht FI'AA', eticallS ;JiW.',. h~ve a .,1 . 1'I"r..~.. I ""e B';''' •• l'1l'""d

. : an~RQbertspent Thursday after- hom at Burke, S, IJ.' r i ~~itprO)/!! that alreel>eol>l~ I~.j~·i'~1~·~~~!I~~'··~:i43I~s·;··~TO!·~Io6!··~~~·~:ij'·~LB."""~ij~~1···~·;,;'.r'·~·~'2~1'~~!j~l"!Yp' ,"b':",,·' i nob ihSio,uxCityandwere'sup-, :Mrsl Henry,Gese!w nt to C8.r+ cando ~tierjo~thanthose:~ , 9'"C'.II,Ia .. e" ,e,. Per guests in the Leland Jacobs ':'ill ,SUnday to Vi"it' her g",nd- a <lieU. rshiV." 'Ji'lt~lnltZlsi"""cl,

ho e I ' dimghter, Mrs.. , 1 Anderson;. 'scrap k n· W'~I ~,' the I~lies.~ , ,..·· •.!II~....._.__I-...'....1......-.._ •••..111 ~: Ernest 'Ande1'9Ol)- family and family rot a/out rrwee~.: and t' ~lgOing:~ter it.iAlre.'. .- an Ml'S. AJpanda LiJidberg Were,' Mr. I and Mrs.. Russ II p.r]estbn. cent b 'dcast trom Germa~sai4

, • i i.',' .. .•··1 f'! i , ·1'·1·" .. ,' 'I ' j ".1·'" , I', .i.'1 ',·I'.J·..:j,:,il"i.!:-i:'i,'I:',' '~l:! 1;,;,!II:>,[,:(',1 ::iCl:i:;,!::!;;ii;;!t,;!,ii,:I:',i:jL!,i~~Ji;!,:\i'i~,tl'"'<A.I~;f~ti:;I}:,:JI.I:;':,l,": :;,. . I~ ~, ",1 :d' r_:·ld,IIIIJIII.,j!If..!,ur~j,r" I ~,!; if:laililH:;~qli lil1rj:iWHjlj' ;1 di! J! 'I ~"IJ f,"U:lf rl!. I ..

Page 4: I:; ' Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950... · "rhe his ~I'y of WU1.'~de extends Bacia', ... MISS~Theodora car1 0n, RpeU and they rC'lurned t 't eir






---l:--------: ;,

LUSHES 59cSHortening, 3-lb.

i, ", '

COOL ADE3 for ..... -.

CUT GREEN BEANSNo. 2 can, 2 for

CATSUP14-oz. bottle

IJ'~ ,:Th. _" ,", ":,;",,, II'1h~ve; de lsed a p:ocess \\!h('n"IJ~ d. •

j:Can.ibeused WIth a reletll";, j,small t of fresh rubill'l ;." I

,:, ;re~t tires sufficll..'llIJ:rIII :keep ions of moto;. VChlc]r'

e$entia operauoD~ ~ I hI::, CLlII I,done without mterfenng \\1111 I'

I sUpply qt natural rubber lUI \

purpose~. In fact, the ,,;-jtn( III

cess r;na~ be used to , ,the nat ral rubberactlVltJe. There IS a I{ Ithis I sq bble 0" er IE ~ . 1 ( ber r an who will milk( Jl I

L • Vb~i garner he profIts, and It gl 1w~eks' sQ'u eti~hl ~l ';l~ ually 15\COmmg out, but till' J

'gil! h<,\s aroused national in- I rrt on, a~~ ~u: WIll l"Jlong after the \\dl

In Jh~ ef.[(j)rt of its people ~~;~~JO~nd T~~~~SI:q~eWhIC n~~:u :tih~ ~re Ir:nore - , _,P t elnatlOn scrap can ha\e beenYchangcct h1ld ~men~: e . lishing a mono- Can s~ t~ok qUIck .':( (Je,ll I

~dught in t~,ta:rket qUickly; mentl~ been 10 order. Yhe t closed.POly of the ynthetic supplies put t~ polItIcal. pU.l.J 1m,],.~:u fme as 0r.r ff , 1't has been, th.e rUle'''' prevent th~t.' U . so a'c~ WhiC~ will yie them billions of out of Ine~s. Wlthm, dn III·\JI~" ults rrtu~ be uch greater If Coun~ed for the/rlearly uri nimouS' profitS after e war, than they passed he bill puttmg if "1' 'IJ~, ~campal n ~s It s\Jcce:~. \/ote by WhICh It passed. It has are in creatin a Supply for war the garrk of commiSSIOns (!II

~~erefore~ I, D igilt GrIswold, gone to tht: senate fman eom- ~nd ciVilian~uoses. and na~ contracts, through \'.',

o er~or of reb. ka, hereby pro- mlttee, where It will b 'recon~ I' _ the bro ers ~ad made nlJllj(,~,~a~. .1 structed. Secretary Mo enthau I The oil com nies had a long a few ooths. Some of tllo

~r.lctay, i\jugust· 7, as Harvest expressed the ~ope that I WIll bel lead at the ~t t, and attempted ri.Ch~qUl k artlst~ ha\,l' 1)+,' IJ

e iJv~1 da~ for every village, so changed as to increase he total Ito keep the 'n-alcohol supply of dIeted, knd oth~rs may bl. .t rt ~nd c.~ty ort the state, ';hen of It~ revenut:s from SIX bi lions to butadiene out?f the picture. Mid- new tAx bl;l IS mte,mkrl , 1"

erv rydne ~J11 co~er eVery lOch of nearly nme bIllIOns Df d liars. It· western senators took up the fight broad jnough to ~ecapt\ltl 11,

~o .e, attlc~ basement, yard and may be. Nobody ,Will kn w untIl in earnest. Th~n the Standard Oil of th~protlts whIch hd\'-' I,.u~H'~_ess plafe, to ga~her scrap not the senate flnaJly acts lJon the: of New Jersey which owned bo~h made. '~e corporatum,- \":'r~VIOUSIY ~ellvered~ nnd scores of amendments W Ich will American and Gennan patents. mused t 1S method of olJ1.t.". atlilrday, I A~g-ust 8, as -Farm be proposed. Nor can any ody tell 'affiliation wiU~ the Gennan Far~ huge c nt~acts for We.l!" '-UI'i'

pc lap holiday In Nebrafika, When when that final Yote may be (ak~ ben.industrie, for the petroleum and m crlals hav<:, bL'cn ;... 'IIe.v~ry,'farmer WI'll turn .fro.m his en. Some say in Octohe , others'lprocesses, fimlllY conceded that ?Ubl~CI'f which IS lIkely ,l{:'/~'t.:·'lel:<i ~ork tnd d~vote himself to in November. It wlll co tlnue to gram alcohol [could be used.. At m the1 gett:n/;} no mO~l b) ••

collecting a d takmg to hlS nenr- be a' ll\e subject of discyssion in that point the senate committee men b mess w?e0 th,lIr IJI~ ,Ilestf .town, t e scrap metal our and out of congress fol' weeks to brought In its own bIll to set up a contrn.c s are· tilled. flw 11,,_ "solt!I,ers must have. eome, as It has been fo~monthS new board independent of the comIUlt ees are continIlll1:;; 11' t·

I appeal ~o evertY community to past. Even when the bill a~ been WPB, whose synthetic experts searer- mto the practlL'l'" ,,\\1. 'I

,arf"dnge puhlJc fe~tlvals on Satur- approved by the preside t, dlS- were all froITi1 oil compames and made} rtunes for tho....c ill 11"

day, to welcbmc the farmers with cussion of taxes will ot have none were adVbcates of the- qUle~- know ,of getting contra('h, j'!thC'jr scrap .tnetfll and to celebrate cnded. Senator George, airman er possibilities; of using wheat and there 11l be more cxpo;;un· ....what promiEes to be the most of the senate (wance co mlttee, Corn for rubber. ~,Iprodigious collection of scrap states that sUIl anotherftax bin: - The attic betwecn Leon J I, '1.

:metal eYer assembled i." any state will be In the making by anuary.. Matters then moved more rap- derson ,and hiS OPA and ~'I: c

lof free peo~le in America. and hints that It may be ased on Idly, and the wPB conceded an or· tary tIckard over contml~=t:::j::=::f:=====o:::.:.:11 Neljraska l wl!l fot fall in this sales taxes. The end IS n t yet in!der for 200,000 tons of rubber from prices n farm products

• war effort. fmal.< this proclama~ Sight. .grain alcohol, I but it gave the or- hotter Ight along. ThIS \~ ('(.'1\ ",j'.HI tory tion with co fiden e that the high- ~ i der to the alcohol makers whose departrpent of a g riC u I t U I ','Iways on S turda will be flJlcd Bya rather odd p<JrJi' lentary pla~ts are in Ieastern states, af;ld throug~ lts marketing dl\I"',"'I

~~_nt nup~ rom!'~~ With scrap fmetal on the way to twist, as the bill came p for a WhlCh are alle,ged to be under oll~ put ~ pncc of 39 cents on bl]' 1'1

JatlOn wh t app rently cannot ot!l~ toWn, anCJ;,.: that e cry Nebraska.n, vole In the house, there WlS added ,company domination. Tran'sporta- purcha$ed for lend~lea,:';e PUq'f)"erwlse b aChlIVCd. Therefore, It of eVery age, WII! ake Nebrask-d'~ $4:24 millions to the re\' nues ex- bon of 125.00q0<X.l bushels of gram an ~nqrease of thrr'c ll'!1I.':> I" Iwas felt js Ie IslatlOn was nee('::;· scrap pile the piggest of any state peeted. NallJng up all po slbJiities ,from the midwest, and other ,pound.IThat prIce still h at I, . I

sary at t IS t~ ~".* j in l~e ~~~J';SS WHEREOF, I ~if~~~nd~~'n\~~C{'I~~~l~ ~~;,en~~ ~::r~~~n~o~~t~~~;~~~~h~I;~~ ~r~~I~I~t~nd~~\~~~~" \~~;~/,11 I/I'~';If a p ograrr for the ('onstr\lc~ ha{·e herruhtu sei my hand and seemed proof u~Clinst ch nges on ~han that rna e of petroleum. The Wlcka¥ ('xplamed hl'- ;if I " 'I, "

tion of ram !cohol plants IS caused thp he~lt seal of the state the floor. At tbe last mal ent, the ~illette com 'ttee revealed tIllS :--tatmgl that the flo\..· o[ milk 111 1•• '

launched, WilY 1(' should be 1m of INcbratika t~ be afflx"d. committee offered an endment SituatIon. Th senate and house cheese fadoncs and c{)nrkn<",tl,''''

hand to la1m i ::; sharc. Done a~ th~ capitol, lO the city redUCing t!le surtaxes a corper- have .both\pa~ed the bill to set up from ftrm~ \VhlCh [ornwl ~ ~of Lincoln, the 1st day of Au~ atlOns by J [Jer ('ent, and mcreas~ an mdepe~drnt rubber .supply pIled he creamerIe'S ,ROIL gust, 10 the yl>ar of our Lord, Ing the rates on exces profits agency to lTlqrease the supply of anc('(J he ~dalry SltUiltJrlJl I! {'

Mr. an Mrs Utto WagOi'r and (Gre~~4ieal of the ~r~~mJ~:~~t ~\?u~t:l p~~\~ :~d~~~ ~~~~~e~anf~~tu~~ri~r~I~U~foh~::1~~~lo~e~'~';~~~'~:>~III\J~fll\:;;jI Ill' ,daughter spen Sunday In Uma~ State of Nebraska) prporatlon surtaxes by .515 Illil. forest p~oduds. T.hls Was accom- cre~scq c\fn bl'yonrl til!' d"Il,ha. By the Go\~erJior: lIOns, and added $<t.!! m IIlOns on pilshed In the face of the OppOSI- while ~utt~r produCllrln \\d ....

Clyde errln f SIOUX City, ~pE'nt FRANK MARSH, excess profits. By calb g for a tion of the poterful oil corpor~ krpt up to!standam. r.\I.n hi'" :from Th rsday Cvcnmg until ~at· Secretary at State. separate ,"ote on the do ble-bar- allOns. But the fUbllC has become planatipn failed t(l <"dt{~Jy l/,j'urMdar

y. amn rMnJrns

g.'pISDfaal~lj,I';r'l·.J rcled amendmenl, the ho se voted aware of the l i sue and the big Ideas C;C Leon Hend,'r'-I 111 , i-Ind :'11'

c ,.1 ~ ~ down the decrcilse on co poratlon question is hbw to get immedIate, hiS attornl'! til,,';Robert Ie sPfnt Sunday evening; ~'/_' " surtaxes and ildoptrd the Increase operation of~ants which can be strong~ protest the ;I(II'))] ror till',With the clltet R. Bresblt;l' family on excrss profits. TIwre \ as noth- turning out (5,000 or more tons secn~tiY' I Some of trw (\!' +I

in Wayn. ~' mg the comlmttee lead rs could bf needed s thetic rubber per folks s emmgly an' ].ihnrrn~ un/-:Mr. an~ Mrs. Clyde Pernn spent do about it. They had 0 ned the month this fqU, and not 'ylalt for der.1'n andlcap of a' flock qf t''J- ,

Friday n10rnm With thei'r daugh"1 People on Coast door, and the house me bers did 1943 and 1944, Wfhen the oil com~ perts \tho know all alJuut <,,0 n~udl'ter and falml the Geo. Noe-llf's- the rest. Such things ca happen panies can !ge their processes that t~e)' ow'r)ook ,I lot oj \\, hit'near RaldOIPh~Donald Perrin l~ Are Helping Men in splte of Iron~clad rules perfected. I they d not know. Thf'\ ma;- dl~~ I

spendmg the mmer there. MIT In Armed Forces ' : L cover i the l1('xt ff'\\' n;rlnth~ thnt'and Mrs. Perri vlsltedl with Mrs~ The row OVf>r syntheti rubber The drive fpr used rubber made the btJtter ::-aPPly \\ III nOlt h,' <,,[;f. ~Etta Per In at Wmslde 10 the aft." du~~I~~f~o~:J~~e ~'~st ~~~~ ~~~ continues with unabat d \-igor. 454,000 tons I available for re- ficicrtt I to meet II1\' d, tIli-lnd Mld,

er~~~~~ ~errJnland WiIblfr Swan~' hilppy and iorrlfort::rbl~ ~~r ~er:pcI~1 ~::n ~~~l~:~ig~~:;\t~~ec:S~C~f ~~~ ~~~i~ii~~g'fit~hi~~r~·:~l ;::I~~~~l~~~ ;~~i~~t1~t~~re;t:~:~ nl" ('~~dl·~ tt>son of Sirmx C ty, spent Saturday men accor,:,\Ing to rs a ~. .mght in the Pe~·rJn home, f.'omg to bfJy Clnd MI~S Ruth _Talboy of ~anGrand lsjand Sunday to do defense IJlego, \\'ho spen~ F rJ(Ja~· to Sun­work fori a cO~Ple of wee}.{js. They day here fflends. 1 he youngwill then be tr nsfer-red to Pueulo, men .are lO'1!ted for meals and a~Colo., 011:'Hutc mson, Kan. . pI'ovlded aSi muth as pOl'slble, of

Mr. a d Mrs. Hasmu~ ~1f'lsen' ;;\'~I~ll~~:f'~~~::kl;~r.....~~t07~(':CC~~<;~~:~anel dal! lIters of Iloskw:i, <JntI ef! most. o,lC' of

lthp anSWf'I'S was

gn~nd~O , ,R?gc,l'..l\1{)rn~, 1\1r. :IIHI 1" h,tYr' huttons h('w"d on ilnd ripsMIS. I r<lnClS p(~tJll oJ. IOUX Clly, (llendrfl, Since then groups ofMr. and, Mrs. IGC'orge NOl'lle Hnd \\omen h,i\e been ~pendJllg part ofsons, Donald Ferrtn, till' Jast of (dell \H'el< m this sernce. Another~andolp~. an(~ .Rolwrt I'('tnn of Il'fluest was for Ishowers and as a(arrolJ, Ispcnl 'Sunday WIl\l Mr~. rf'sult the boys have been im-itE'dJ. C. A~ders:n a~d Mrs. I Clyde to USf' the facilities of many homes.Pernn ~nd la~nJl).. BeciJ.use of defense and traming

l N QTIC E centers, ~he sizelo.[ San Dle~o hasThe afnual meeting of the lot dou!Jted In the paEt tv.-'o years.

oWners f the I Greenwood Ceme~ Resl~~en,ts. have aons~qUl:'ntly gl\,:e~tery As ociatibn of Wayne N _ up '.acallons arid v.-e('k~end triPSbraska, III bd held Tuesday', A~~ <-i.nd arc ,spending: m.ost of their

l 1811942 I,t 10 ' I 'k:' ~ tIme at home to a ....Old congestIOn:~s th~' Sta't a Nat~o~~~ ~·a~~' and to allow ~(IVaIlta~es to serviceWayne, Nebra.lw. ' Illen and thell;" relative&. l\1ost of

PEN! IETTA l-IURSTIAD the travel .1 ..., dOhl' by mp/lllwrs of

"_6=':::I=::t:=::j::====s:::ec:::'I=.e:::"":::1':;:Y: ~;~~n~~~~e~lf~~C~~ sec theIr folks mJ Not only haii elr, street CRr, bus

-----~---- I" IP'~ NTI{;RP~[SE. and train trav~l been turned oVerMeeting The Challenge. Tur ing a'ffairs qf gOvern- mainly to the· IN]':r, but plane SCl"V-

(]ndustr'ial Press ServH~e)1 ,ment ver toltho ne'qr'-do~walls ICc also is ras rlctf'd to militaryThe muj(j)r part of the COll!version of would can, rusting: those \1,'110 npcds. No pri'v<. te planes are al~merica'~ peacetime incfustries to an aUf could ot plnn for thrmselves, lowell in the il'. Volun.teers all

o t war production basis has been accomlJ+ to pia for Isociety generally. along the coaS!t report every planeIi 'htd. Schedule8 set for the manufacturE1 The 1 provi~ent and incompc· that flies. If ~hlj! iderRity is not

h · 'fl h lis tent a e oft~'n desirous of rUn- certain, the mltler is checked in10.o' I lanes, tanks, guns, S dIPS, rI es, S e ' ning t lngs t the expense of San Diego is \fell protected withh ve been met an.d passe . those f pro ed ability. In ~a· balloons that ,flpat high over the

Tille main load formerly carried by the tion's usin 5, Merle Thorpe city at night 'amd are lowered' toIt r~er units iH now being shouldered to a calls· ttenti n to the Success the height of buildings in daytime.g e<jttel' extent by smaller plants through of gov rnme~ts in democracies These assist parties who are ons lb-contracting and through outright and th faihtre under bureau~ watch duty.c a!lges fram so-called luxuries to imp~e- cratic r totalitarian systerns. The coast dty had sufficient.

el ts of war. Typical is. the fact that sm~ll To ha less I planned economy blackouts and ~¢hools of In.struc-atrhine gU~l parts, gun sights and gljIn. after t e wa~ with more ~imu- tlon to prepare Ipeople for safetyollll1ts on through heavy tank parts, are Jus to rivatj enterprise' is the 111 CBEe of neeq. Recently it has

n 'AI' lJeing manufactured by plants which hope ~xpressed by Writer heen announced' that only Ifeuld ' 1· Thorpe.! He q".lOics from Rob~ danger \\Tl11 cause alarms to be

firmCrlY made home laun enng app 1- ert Hupter, fi.uthor: "Capital~ ,....ounded. ~a lCt'R. ism is a~PtOduct o[ the freedom, Miss Ruth Talboy, graduate ,of, "Overnight, the face of AmeI1ican indus- thrift a d ha~ labor of JTiulti Wayne .college,' lisupe,n'lses 1101hehy has Cl:1L.uged almost beyond reCOg1~- tudes, nd~ t eir standartls ~of. f'conomlCS tramitJg 10 fi\·c south~U )d," MI'. William P. Witherowl, Preside t liVing e' nnlQt e' improved When 'pm. California (counties, havinga the N aLional Association of Manufactu; - they ar the h bitual victims ,of . nearly 90 schools under her j~ris~,f~ ~ll ~aid in a recent. maga~inela~-t:icle d - t~e jnt rfere ce and depreda- diction., r

R rllHng thEj all-out converSIOn f Industry tlOns of a des Jotie state. If a Mrs. Talboy ~nd Miss TalboyfiO~l pcace~ime t.o wartime pro uction. planned econony l'ldmimster€d came to 'ImYq <:;lty to see Wlllis

, A faC:~OJry that made orang squeezers by a bUlraucr ey could produce Talbo)" who is :entering service.b f re Pe:lrl Harbor is now turnmg out bU,I- and dist ibute Iwealth pro{usely They ....isited Mrs. Ernest Jacobsen,

the peo Ie in the autocracies 'the former MaIjie Talboy, at Te-let IpoU(;hcs. A peacetime manuwacturer of would h've be n the riChest;!,;;1in ',~amahJ and alkol :went to their for-I' I~r coasters is now produ ing signal the wo Id." This platfo , '''~ II H th Ymer home In ljle vcas e. ere. et \ ers for the Army. A firm t at used to predicate on 160 YearS~f were guests of rs. Anna AddiSon,

'\ e brassieres is Ifabricating mosquito Ametica deve opment, is f- ,the E, 'W. Htis~s and F_ W, Ny-U t iug for our soldiers in the I tropics. fA fered by g,reat student: .. ur bergs. I '\ a lpaper company is filling lincensliarY rulersca q~st romote,thei t' ,b bs. A plant that made footiballs ~~ to- ~~~~:;e; f~~n h~he::~~:esb


lH~PPY· LUCkY! Club.

d' ~ producing g~s masks." 1 I th . L t Happy-G~ 1 ky cluJil met :V~d-1{es, industry with typical American ih~ . eIr legit ate uties, by'le v- nesday. July ~, in the Ben NIssen

~A M mg ca(lita to fi d its most ,u~ "home with lIel n and ILoui~e Os-

Itmty "is meeting the challen e. "'f:t.S 1,".' crat!vcl.c u r s , commodl~les ' S'~ be"L k t k d b 1 /. ~ 'Iburn as hostess s. 10'- mern rsi hcrowl say~. I oc, S OC n arr~, their tair price mdustry nd 'were pre,sent.! picnlc. for the I

ericlin industrial and b~sinl~'s m:ntge

- intelligenc Itlwl' natural re- imembers 'and,!' ilieE Will be held FRESH GROUND BEEF . " 19c ." .It h:I~\molled to the firmg, He,. 0 u~n Ward, Idle ~ss . d follyilijelr ;August 1d atEi~ ler park_ eplor • Pound" ..-.--....1...--.- ....--------.,-... -. " I I,the wnel'ewithal of warfare pro - natural p is\lm t, by /II~in. 'charts in :reeo II ooJIs were work- ",,

i its world leadership not only With tec_ - tammg, po c1' ~ defendjng led on. Mirs. ~sll ds~m wao' a' II JUICy'TBONe'';' , 2'A' ' "ni ues alld ingenuity-that blaz~new ~raJ s p"1perty,. y dl lmshmg Ihe iguest. Tlje lasw"mecti ~ill .pe. , P i 't"':' . 07rC' ,

( ,with record-shattering outp t. In ~a - p~~e of Ia i_and by observng ,IAllgl.lSt I~·.atl,. I} f'JI -Ifns 'fltP'l (-1 ~~.r·-.-:··---t·T··_..+4.:-~-';_•...----;.- II 11'.'. decisions,l industrHH exeeut!i eS use 'only ~:~e~C:~ ~~at . ,Bonnabell~ Ptif ger ~nd Lbgene ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!~~~~~~~~~~~~i~~!!~'1

~y').rdstick:, ,'WUl it!!elp win he :war?'" , 'Sydow as host, £es. , ;:; II '

II IJ ,r 1 "'" '" I "0 ""1 I 0;,'1 ("""1' 'I ,,' 1\:'''''''''''''\''\'''jl:''.I-' 11'1: j':1 I, 11"1 '," I 1'1'" I'·:' "I ~~i\:;~~1'~:J'~ ll:,lfP :;!1'~ii ~r,!r~r;~~:~f:~~!I,P;l< :til'~1!i1);'I!"" r~ '~f:,r,t; \':,:.'1' t',:l'l ;,~'~~'!ifl\ "F ", ,I, 1, '

, ,In he ~eantme, let uJ defeat our enemiksall Ifve th~ preside\ltial campa1gn tvYoye rs henee to popula[ judgment ,formedaft l' he conflict has

sen'd. ,

e eard ~'radio sp~aker recently whosetee 'h doubt ess the ,artificial Ivari~ty-:­made'lhim wist/e. It f,erves advtmtage mlcal infthe family dog, but knockseuphony,ou Ofja sp~ech, D'enti~ts should ~e carefulin lal nchhlg 'their iustallations--temperrna 'hi ],Cry to provide, more dulcet notes

an I~~s whi~tIing_~~~~

fill writer suggests that putting a cefl­o~er wages cannot safely wait until

l' the November ele'ption.~ i

I Not Ready For Horses.I (Omaha Journal·Stockrnan)

'0 imay elfenttially rfturn to "horse andbu gy" days and ways, bU~'t is certain tobe rei 910\\1 and Jaboriou~ p cess, We haveth hrrse. put casual re e"ll"~ demon­

,str tes that there is "I fat I Is ortage ofha 'ness of buggies and\ of wag s as wellas of the m"tel'lals fro~ which these vitalac 'essories are made. 0W'ng to tlae war theha nC$S makers are tihu ting Mown Qecauseof he lack of leather. agon makers arccl sing their faclories lI>ecause of their iii­ab lity to obtain wood, iton and other ltems.It ust goes to show that "necessity knowsno law." At the time ,vher! eertain itemsar most urgently nee,~e4, they are not tobe had. And this is onl~ one of tbe reasonsw arc not going bac1~ to the horse andbu gy days-at least not right away.

---- $"-j

Scotching a Fa~oe AnalogiY.(NaliOn's BUSiness) :

ur Cynical Visitor dropped iJ~ again the

at er day. He said: t'There's a very dangeto~s idea run jog loose

'nel I meet it o[t('n. It n~asom; thu y: If the! a lIOn can malw this lmmcnse effort under the~pur of war, and put cvcrtbody to w rk by the\ ill of the rep.ublic exprcFsed througjh its gov-

I rnmcnt, why can't it dOl the Same thing withubllc wurks Itl peace Life? Why should. wevcr have unemPIoymtntl and depreSSions*aJI?? That's a vcry s ductive analogy. YouljJ.gl1~ to ansWer It in Nat on's Businel>s.'re rr'minded hi~ t at ~'ve been ans-

'w in' ~bat ,'allacy in pver~ssue. If ~ll ofth $ 1:1,000,000,000 *0 fa approprIatedb. Congress to carrY Qn thi ~ war i8 spentW WIll have a debt mlJre t an double theaT 1 LUil Ilat iOllal income, or two-ihirds ofo estimated national, wealth. Under thest 53, of war, the Hatjon is consuming itsC' pit:U-eaUllg up jt~ seed corn, If youW I'~at a t('rrific rateJ We are all resolvedto endure it. for victoty, but to make theS' tre thing' permancn~ would be akin .t? aci ,jwelle!" with $2,5~0 sa~~dup, rebrm%fr, \vork and living ujn hIS !iavmgjs whIle Itla ted. Or a bear that tried to hibernateaI ~I'liH off his fat 1~ months out of they >II'. ,

-~- ---0+-- ---, Why Mak" l1hem Wait?

I,elmsl'an Sc,,,hce Monilocl

It is easy to raise tlhe cry of politics imt e p'rovisiun by Conll1ress that allowancest d'1pendents of ser'[icemen shall not be<1·s~u"sed before Nov~mber 1, eve of theel (-t·ons. 011 the surface, it would seem ast JuJh politicallv aRttate gentlemen decid­e to 11:'(' j hi..' lump Kums ihat will accumu­I, e 'Is bids 1'01' electoral favor.

: The odor of politic~ may, indeed, clingt~ the date but it is only fair to point outo1her rem.,oI1K advanccld for delayed act.ion.~r H't'f' was ~()Ilt.:('rn IC$t the payment of al­1U\\,;111('(':-; <:.'I!J('Olll'au-e a ha:.;ty (\nlislment ofat1:ll'gp llllnH)(11' of rnalTied mt'n bpfol'c ~het) 'derly oflr.ra1 ion or ~cl('{:tivl' Service hadiJ dl1d(ld 1ho:-;(' Withotlt dep(,lldcnL". More­y, PI', both th" Army nnd Navy insisted theynppd('d 1ime to :·.;('t LiP 1)-w mechaniCS ofdjstribution. While fhis io~ valid, the book­kf(>Pin!~ for th,' refatIvel)"·_.few lI1volvedR auld not require four months. There areo lly some 1 llO,OOO mPH now in the s~~l"Vice

\ ho have dependents. The number WIll note pand heyonql 200,000 in the n~ar future.

If paytpentiJ cnn be expedIte'<l, Congresssl auld amend its arbitrary date! Each day'0' del'll' adds to the burden of d~pendents,whil~ earlier payment would help removes' ,piriou that Congress plays :poiItICS so


, Thursd y,. Ju y 30, 1942 II

ommg PRI ARIE~e nd,mma-• tiOll~f candidat</s tor thle No-

Tzmary vern 'Or 3 electlO~ wIll b~ hcld~xtTuesday,an voters are rged to~studYamlple ballOts ~WhlCh appe I' m t day'serald, go'to t '0 polls and,e~pres I theIrreferences, Vo mg JS a prIvIlege }Vhlch

Page 5: I:; ' Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950... · "rhe his ~I'y of WU1.'~de extends Bacia', ... MISS~Theodora car1 0n, RpeU and they rC'lurned t 't eir


Final Sale

Cool Summer Favorite~

Gowns andPajamas

Seersucker and BatisteCLEARANCE PRICE !

79c and$109


Summer: Wat,;, • I

II Be sure ~~~eSthis fine







Clearance Price


All Our

-----r----One Assortment of

Silk H:osiery


mer saving event timed for your

Included in two groupo in thi. sum-


DRE$SESWonder Valqes if! Cotton Sheers

Regular amI .I"nlor sfe~~~'~d:d In this 1'0. 1 group.FornU'r pri<'c lip to $3.\)5. I

Clearnnc~ Price

Include.. "pun rayons, tub silk and beroberg-s.price $5.95.

GROliJP 3Thh. ~oup Inc)utle~ jer~~'~. '1lrlnted nept's, l\llaml dothand some dark sheers. Valul'sl up to $10.95.

Clearance Priceto

Slack~Now .when you feed themmost IBnd wearab e all thruthe summer and all. Value!l

to $5.95~LEAR~~CE




I . I, . I' I i ,iA Great: St:ote-wide Clearance of Vfomen'!iRe~d~-t:o-weat.

, Event: No O'ne Can A~ford t:o ,~et: p~ss By!

----.,.---Begins Fr~day, ~ugust 7, yl942 !


,O'MQrnmg ~otthiPlll~:OOt Fran.i;"'·~.... tellia TIt 'i,:v/ho W..i,Sh.,I to./.go. it m.eetYduth,lmeetil'g,7.:30. I. Iii. Lessman~. ')i( " , at h church! at 7:30/p. r;. A

: We will'b;e Iglad to h f IYO ',' ~~.-~;'i ~ wie r roastI\fill be pah p'/I'the ,worship :with Us. I ' i, I Our Redeem~ 8 Ev. Luth. urch. pro~rarn. and each ohe ~ a*#1 to The Gal ell !Text is' "Where the", - I" I IJ' ii' • (ttev. W ~F. MO$t, pas( or) brl g his oWn rolls and weners. Ipt of, the Lord' is, there is

Immanuel '~,n 1h,.q; Worship s fvlces at 11 a. In. Sun- All who are takmg cars re re- "II Corinthians 3:17).(Rev. F... :C. Doctof. p 1tr~ I day school f 10 a. m Ql:' ted trstop at thf t#h for Arno the citations which com-

serv,ices in the Engtish ChOIr re-hearsal 1 uesday e~enmg Hia e Wh. may 'fIlsh; tal L'ld~ \MIth prise . ',.e Lesson-Serinon 'is theati 10. , ' I I I;' at 7.30. III i the ~ Y I I. tolla ng (rom the Bible :"But as.~Walther League ThursflliY rve- Lad,les' Ad are havIng 'a ~i _, Olr/ rehearsals S~ill?~ ,eho~r It~-,Wntten.i Eye hath not seen~

nmg at 8:30. ._ I I o'ctoc,k dinne;r., thiS. TbU.rsday at. t,h,ft F. n ay;at 7:30 p. '~:. {4nJOr/chOir nO,r ar heard, neither have enter- _- church parlOrs honoring Rev. aDp sa~uy at 7 P'/" ! 1r' ed .into the heart of man the

Baptist Church I jJ Mrs. W. F. ~ost. who leave s9~n • . Rance HtHer, wtls 1

1'ceived t ~s which God hath pre~ared

(Rev. C. L. Eads, pastqn)I' for Fremont. , ! mt the cosggrgation~ adul~ fo them that love him. But GodChurch SChool 'at 10,' 'I:' .Council ni.eeting Thursday eve· ba ism ~und . Jnly . ,I ha~. revealed th~~ unto us b~ hisWorship at 11. The serrOA:SUb-. nmg at 8. ! aldeen n, thfant . n'of Mr. Sp,mt for the SpIrit searchetp all

jC'ct: "Art Thou; T h i Ma.'n's. ~uthe,r League nury,a- -a,l Mrs. Vol _lace M!yer, was bap- thIh~S, yea,. th~ deep things atDisciple?" I ~ benng :LO go to BloomfH:!\d thiS tiz d Sunday, JUly 26. at the God (1 Cormthians 2;9, 10).

-~" \ ! i: I Sunday aft~oon to be gu,sts of ch rch. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Nel~ The Lesson-Se-nnon also in~Grace. LutheranjChure,IL., them for a trIp to the D;Vll,$ Nest sell were sponsors. cludes th? f.ollowing!passage from

(Rev. Walter BraCkerrSjC~ part r>1 a~d the Lmpy MISSIOn. rhe group The annual camp and convention the Chrlstlan Science, textbook,Sunday, annual mj~sion ~st val WIll meet at the parsonage at-1 p. of Ithe Luther League will be held "Scienc~ and Health wltl1._ Key to

at the church. A German· nlg' h m. Ail. thos~ abl~ to. take cars are at ICamp Shel?cn near ColumJ:5us, the SCrJ~tures" by ~ary" Bakerservice will be held at 10:30. iil t e to noUfy M.ISS SophIe. Damme. A~ust 9-14. 'Tne group leavirig _~d,dY:, "The,re are neIther S~iritsmorning, Pastor Martin (lr e- The reg~lar meet.lng , ~f the h~e Sunday afternoon includ~s: many nor g~s man$. There JS D:0mann of Columbus" the s er. Leagu.e WIll be August 1:2 at 8.p. aries Surber, Merlin Meyer, eVl~ _ In Spmt" . b('c~use ,God ISIn' the afternoon, Pastor A. , ' se, m. MISS R~th DU~klau an¢! Mis~ E .nice and Roger Gieschen, Nor- ~PJrlt.... Splflt, IS ~he on~y ~~b­vice president of the Northdrrt Ne- Kathryn Lcrne~ WIll be hoStes~. m~ Powers and Rev. Gieschen. ~tance, the invIsible ~d mdlvlS.braska District of the ~.s.i'ouri Rev. Most WIll preach his Ia,st T e latter will be in charge of the Ible mfl~lte G.od .. "sYm,Il,OIS andSynod Lutheran church, wj) de- sermon here August 16. Bj Ie hour. clements of diScord a~d decay areiver the sermon~ This service will -- __ not products of the mfHtlte,. per-

begin Sit 2:30. Dinner and 'lunch St. I'aul's E\·an. Luth. Church. ~ feet, and eternal AJL From, LovejJl l:5f-Served by the ladies 'of the (Rev. G. Gieschen, pastor) i ",~.. ! &! ,.~ • and from the lIght and ~armony

hurch Iyou are cordially invited Church -school atllO a. m. \Vor- ~~ :,,"~"anj. ~16nc. which arc the abode of Spmt, onlyo atte'ict u,ihese services and spend ship service at 11 a; rn. ,t!JIJ.1~A~~ refleetl~n~ of good can come"he day ~ith us. ! The Luther ague meets dk-,~ (pp. 33J, 280),

Wednesday, Ladies' Aid meeting Thursday at the harles HeIkes !'Spirit" is the! sUbjfct of the Service in Woman's club roomt 2:30 p. m. Hostesses: Mr~. homc. All ;young eople ih...Jted. Le::;son-Sermon which "till be read Sunday at 11. _: _



••g ::: .fi:: .:: ­:: ..:: ai •i •:: a:: a: ­:: a:: a:: a:: a:: a:: .:: -

tL, 'in.'


r.,.'••••Individualit~; -in ev~ry line of these =

I .~lovely frocks.

Brims. ofl-the-fsce,., and bonnet ~ IiVal~e& to i$19.75 styles. i-I:

I C~~~~! :

$795: - !$'I095 5ge 51 Iii" 1 I I I t II I. !" '. I

",..","~",I!"",,~~ "" "I"' ,,"u "..""11

1;.I': , :...:: i ".. ,!:"" "" ;""",,": ''';''''''~'''''''''':''H'I'',''~:' ,.I I I ./ I J f I" J •••••••~••••••••••~••••••• '....... ······7'····1··~··_·1······· ..····~..······i· 'I ~ II::l" 1- . i It;l, .1 I II ' II I I j 1::' b:. ~

.x- .)(0 *. B. C. in Meeting.

a~;'~' !~. ~: g~o~~J:y. e~~~~ .C. Hcl.hlbeck entertains in

wo wee4:s.

" er park for Mrs. George Boirthd<:ty. T~e ~vening,was 'spent

~n~a:~~e~~d' listenh;lg to the

* .x- *ith _1V'rs. Liveringhtuae•K o. 1<'~ clUb met thlslWednes­

ay 'eyenjilg with Mrs. Tom Liv~L:lfIghouse;


* .x- ~

,ith M~o. Andersen.Mrs. Paul Andersen entertain- * * *

ed the Contract club Tuesday I Coterie Meeting.afternoon. Mrs. J. W. Sutherland! lVII'S. A. T. Cavanaugh,'ntertajn~,in two weeks. Paul Mines, Mrs. L. W.

* * 'k I ~~i~ed~r;::; ~~t;~ie~~~~~ran~ i~;ave.Pi~ic Tuesday. I guests, Mrs. W. C. Coryell and. Prill'lCll1y Cl,as::;,c::; oJ tne~MNh_1 lvlr::;. l-L M. Carhart, at eon

Odl~t pumday school and each-I and bridge Friday at Mrs. ~avper~y~t~ a PlCnlC Tucsday neil" anaugh's I home. Mrs. M. N. osp

: .x. * * 1 ter won the defense stam'p~ foroya

I'Neighbor Picnic. high score. Thcre will be an­

other party ::lome time in AI»


Ho al NeIghbor lodge inem-'gu::;t.

hers ml families had a Pi.£ni~ * * *TU{'sd y evenmg at Bressler H'onor C. Hagela.


p<1 I'l<. The lodge held a short l::mployees at the telcp oneIJu::;jhJss me(~in; :ftcrward::;. office had a farewell pi 'nic

t Tuesday evelling at thc irl~~~~~~~~~;;E~~~~;.r;;;.;.~~;..;.;~;;;;;;;;;;;'~lwor rs. Harlan Boyer. scout cabin grou~k1s for Mr. nd, .Mr.. J. T. Bressler, jr., enter- I Mrs. C. Hagel who arc rno ing

:,aa'nnc. ~~~nhel<" }aty 1 iOo'mc!°pCI·,.kmeIUnntaChry- soon to Omaha. Those pre ent'-- '--\.I ·'u C were Mr. and Mrs. Hagel, lissto Mrs, Harlan Boyer of Long Madelaine KauUman, MI::;::; il~Beael!. formerly Dorothy Ellis rna Evans, Miss Ir~c _J anof W~yne.r Dunn, Mr. and Mrs. _ JoHn I-l.

L-. * * * Schmer, Mr. and Mrs. C. L.iss t ox, Hostess. Pickett, Mr. and Mr1:>. L. M.Mi$s Nellie Fox -entertained Armentraut, Miss Arlene Ro lif

IW(Jr1.h~V,bj~C' ,~IU,b Pl.,cnluC'rs an.d and Miss Georgina Eckstron.1\1r~. ~. L. } ox, MISS Beulah * * * IBornhoit, MISS DqrL::; and MISS Juniors in Recital.

iBeI'Y~ Nelson Tuesday afternoon Mr::;. Grace Keyser presen cdin t.hQ~ Chas. Lapham home. Miss piano pupils in a recital at ~erFox had Iho lessun on histury. residence studio Saturday eyc~

itl~~:c{~:OI:~rL HoggehlJach will be ~~I~~,:;~hge: I~~:;a~p~~~\~~CdI3~~~: ·i~ .'/. ncr, Rosalyn Ellis; Cradle So~g,

buJI,cate Ciub Meets. Wilma Dorman; Un the Gl'cClil,1 *,1jor group uf {he,Duplicate Stl'cabbog, and On the BrigtIt

Blue Sea, Francl's Jane Man};i clu,.) n.d Monday lI~tC'rnoon with 1


Mrk! J~. B. Uecker. Mr~ROY America,' Donna Young; Tl,eGater i\mJ Mr~. W. A. llcn- Wind's Sung, Ada RiChter, Jo~n

haul'. were guests. Mrs. W len- Beckman; D,ancing Marqui1"'hnup ami Mr~. H. W. Be idge Gaston LeMaIre, Rosalyn EI1I$;


, t.led. 'ur llll;ll :-,corc. The inur In My White BD<;Jt, Lil.a lJormu'l;grou~) me-cts next Monday WIth Littlc Colonel, Hellard, Pats\yMl's. Wollr'llllallpl. The two IIoul<; A Study, ,Berllni, :r~ayt,r:

Igroups will havc' a rC'organiza· Ann Most; Playful Breeze, He·tion lmceting August 17. lard, Jacqueline Andrrscn; MI -

.)C. ·x· ·x· uel, Mozart, Donna Day; ,SOldiC~'

I Key~ Paha Picnic. Parade, Mabel Hatch, DorothYoung; two pianos, Garden 0

The 1th annUal picnic of for- Roses Irene Ritter, Warren an~

~.~i~)()~i'~~Iu(~~:ll~~, ~~~~I~~rs ~~~~ Rosal~n Elli::;; Waltz, Brahm~1Faythe Ann Most; ShephcreJ,

friends \-\-'IjS held in Brc~ler Boy, Wihion, Warren Ellis; Son~

!~~r\T::llr:,~~:'~Y\~:~~::'~li~fi·s;(~IYF~· aline, Beethoven. and Fal]jn~ i,~m~O~i('~~~ ~ml'JIc:len 'P~ter~o~ WMat.erKs, Truax

s' Fa~epBec~maannJ, ,: I

of Springview, bptiJ students in rs. eyser erve unc i 'the State Teiuchers college; cookies. Adults will give a re-I ~

d' D 11 P M C f P'l cital later this rn,onth. \ c~e;,t~:~d ~;. (and ~r~~y ~exI~; ~ I ~~~:111~';~~1~1.1ina~Hlv~I~\i~' :~~c'D~l:~ JOh:'~~~re~~~:~~z~ ~~c~f wisi ~

~;;;;;,;,;;;;;fI;;;;;;;;~;#~~~::";';~-Hri~""'''''';'''*~'''''''''''# na. and Miss Susie Sourlers uf nero died Saturday. He had li\"e~ l~,~E:"BUY-DEFENSE-5TAMPSthcre 50 years. I. ,

Information on Freezing. IBulletins on freezing foods fori

preservation may ,be secured from 'I

the extcn~lOn offIce at the court Ihou::;c.


Page 6: I:; ' Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950... · "rhe his ~I'y of WU1.'~de extends Bacia', ... MISS~Theodora car1 0n, RpeU and they rC'lurned t 't eir


,----,- ....: 22 yea....

~perience inLAW f- ORDINANCE

'and '



StateRailway Commissioner

Garden Hose25 feel ..

Grain Scoopat

Special Close.out on Ball BahValues up 10 $1.29 for SOc and

Special Close..out on Red Linimentselling price sSe, 12000z. bottle


"Btiy Wakefield, Store.l'Fhe Redeifs sisters, of Talmage,

b~ght tte Snyder variety storehJh> this week. Mr. and Mrs. Sny-dJt-, plan 0 go to Omaha. '

l ...eav~s for Service.iLawrence Ekeroth went to Ft.

Lclavenworth, Kan., Saturday fqrin(1uct1on into the United Statesarlmed forces,

Light Rains Fall.

~bOUl .03 inch of rain fell In

W kefield Saturday morning, AIi ht, shower was received Wed­ne day night.


dave Scrap Drive.

iMembelrs of Wakefield fire de­p rtmentl .are making a house toh Use canvass to collect scrap in

~akefield. They began Tuesday

e ening und expect to comr1ete itiT ursday evening.

~""."~, .. ''';::j~I'~'~'''J;'r; ;-:'1'1; """r"

a',1 . I h'e',11

11'"",- II' I'q I ":+'91-=--r-""F'T~"7"',',i'-m-=----,t=""1'='e'--,F,.I,'n'';;:'';',='it±,II.='_:;:;;;;;_~W",,:¥'~1¥",a~:'I"••, T,,~,nl,[,'Ir¥=~9f~9f.I§=-~='::'.. '=---........",.-=r,eR,'7,=--~1-;=1~~;&=Nim=rOd;=;=:onJ=~~r:dbiJ!t*',Vi~;gil*=Ek~ebej1:~": 9=d'~chil~aren

Southeast Wake,' fiel Iniversary Frid,ay Iby taki,,>g, a fo- w,ere,sund,a,Y., aftern, ,of>, ,a;:;F, ,lunch·

I ,,' op~rative luncheo~ and spendin~ a eon guests m the' q rge J~nsen

I(By Mrs. EIlts Johnson) sOfal afternoon.~rs.4-lcarl- home. , T t' '

I' I Ii I \ I ' ii, , I I'''' S0J;l, !vlrs. Carl dersdn. _~~1, J. Mr and Mrs. DfL' chambers" I ARJO~IE H+RRISON ,i ' " 1 ' Oarl E, NIChoIJI..n .' hil A'Sundeli and iss '~ele • Mrs, and navid:Lee of "~n. MissI I' ~ , Will apprecia~ your: ~'~~:~Ug~ Ii IE0 1~~ Hypse, Mrs'iLizzj~ A ~erson. Marj~ry LUnd. Aztt;h r' Thorvsen .1$' ~. I~,i 1_, I t tiT' k' P I_ t - 1~1·lled Itl rl.riS~ Hattie a fforWaynecount;Yhell.Slirer. at1IMrs.JoeC.JOhnson~~d !11dred, VisitedMr..andMrs·AflenK~~glelI', OCU) "al:1Jil" enlnrtS 0" Vr,lee, OSI Ions I, 'hal, returned home'':;,,~thn~~, MAW C 'I h v,l, and Mrs, Charles P,erson, Mrs, tn the Jewell Killion home Fnday;

, 'So",I Fo, WIt. f'f,' I, __,ti, ," For Local S"'ho h' or I,erl and, will spen,d" this week AlexrsCar·lso~ S:;u~a .l~~\:~o n° IWIllie Brudig~n find E1uge~e, ~~ evenml;. '. ;, 1

" ~,. ~ y , . trons of MISS Fern' Nlmroq S Mr and Mrs. Nels' Petersen and

Au,xi!;~rY [;;1 ~e.l Mo ., aJ, forll~'' u. nCH DSJ 1's.), Anna KOht ier, M*S D~th~n~is~e~·i~~te~~~~.IJE r~ school, were al~ visitors. ", Donaid of fiers?fl' .~fl·' --:ere ~~-'f J. E~ d S _I el~~l~ g~.p,:~~ ;~ur~ .,.~.aft- j.IL K il,: JU~~~i, ~~~\e~n:~~t::.eI , ~,:apn:veM,nl~~ %a I'~ ,~:~e~~:rJ hO;:;: sun~aY.even'idk I I I~~~a~ns~~~rJe~~] o~~~~~:~~~

'\IV r pen.., erpoon at the ehu eh:l~ MISS _: e c~ ~ome" Isse!> Mun1~p an J:e~ GUstr,f-1

Northeast :Wqkefield and Sunday d,inner glje~ts in the

I ,: ~ ct d Monda N~;"'be ger, Miss Franc~~ . Stt paul'sl~~thera.n'Church. .In Wakefield~ I C Linden of SiOlliX City. ",pent ~~n~::eAln~~~6r:~~.rnJght gti'1lS

(By Mrs. Jewell WilHnn) M~~lries, LuJone~AnahldehrOsomne, c'nter>-I'ne",n 'DC In h~ch. '~ /13.; obe t Tu~er~ alild (Rev. W. jA.. Gerdes, pastor), Miss Frances Si~an of Genev • f d Wednesdar unti Saturd,y I i- lV.l.a Yo_

1, Linb'Oln, b I ti~ ,Frc:nces row haste ses. Services at 10. Sunday school at has been elected' to the home ec -~ it, his daUgJ:llq.r anid amily, the' dr:rs~, ~~ed CMJOh~~n a~. ~1:f11- i Tuesday afternoon fqr her daugh-It' ' nomics department' of the Wak, re~ce Johnsons. I W d 1~1 e f rs. ago Jer on Mrs. Chris Rogers and' Otte ler, Mildred's, birthday. Mildred's

h c ~fWa if :,. J octa. . I 11.•.n field school. Miss Simon is a UI1- p. ~nd Mrs, J. H.I ntgamery" ~r~SLay a,le~~n, is' were Sunday dinner gues-ts in the friends and their l mothers wereaJ.:, m.", ~n fY ''"Ilth .MIfS., He nold '~etersttn. IF versity of Nebraska graduate aJil f.l Mjrs. G. W. HeM were in day oSvernO,trgh"'tn;nd IOMcdrnwdaays ~"", on: Em"i1 Rogers home. guests, and enjo,Y,ed a social aft,'

,M s, " f.AJgro~p 01 I dil'<" were giliests bf pre'byter.laf~hvrch" h 1 " " . f h h MAd,F n~ral M ,. Re nold Pet rson ~Onday (R,ev Allan Me 111 pastor) as h r B. S. degree in hOrme eC ~ I) thi!ll Sunday aftern 0 visiting of Miss Norma Jean H· Emelia and Minnie Lundahl Mr lernoon, a ter W le rs. n el-

I, ~,. [ , ..J nomic. She l'\~s serve,d ,as COlli - I i elFrank Lee hqm . :Miss Marilyn H~~~~on. ~s and Mrs. Oscat, L,undahl ~pent son served a.birthday lu~c,heon.,." L' l,y1a ,:p~ a( ernooP

d' AI.rt r yi -iting t e host~ lIS,,u'lday SChool_a~ 1 . se\rvJCes at selor at M~-Ha, girl scdut camp i . D, Col,lins and,t; ry 01 ~s- a:r,nong a groun wh rv> t S 'Y ISunday in SiouX Clty. Tuesday afternoon VISitOrs In

I'I mco n, at!. ,a: e.s serv~( un heo . I; Omaha this summer. s ... It. and Alv,'n r of C,._ II 0 sr~n unljiay , th M ' K'II' h 'I d d

L theran F~turch' r - J .~ at Riverv'lew park in Sioux C~ty. !~Ir. a,nd Mrs.: \plmer Anderson e arvm I IOn ome me u e :Sc cips dffiCHlt~p~ W~t 1\1 . LJo d ugelma~. ChrJstian l1hurch. Music position was also fill' g , , ere in Wake~ie dover t e Mrs. C. A. Kinney, Mrs. Wa pr and family were Sunday, dinner Mrs. Roy Holm and dau~hters,

!'Mr S d <> V d~'ro 1 E f ~ '_.) last week when Miss Stephan e '\ e! k-end vjsiting rela ives. Otte and Sandy and D'uane (tt.... guests 10 the Ed. Carlson h,ome-. Mrs. Reuben H,oIm a,n,d cluldren.

I~ . p r a r"co ere J. j rs. ,yps ,Mrs . JoRn (Mayle Dunnmg, pastor Cowling of Morningside. was ele _ r. iand·- Mrs, Alber Nelson of C I Th d

an 0 era ~oh erC lJ1llcCl s ir I A~ e sop ~ the D It S 1 10 S visited Mrs. Floyd Clough Wed es- .Mrs. Velmer Anderson vl:it,ed urs ay eyenmg ViSItOr: we,re:Weeks ag J a h d .., v t d "M

r·W H al rIO I d

ls urytla y schoo at " ervlCes ed by the school board. Miss Co - 0 co~d, Mr. and Mrs~oe Phillips ,dayafterno,on, IwJth Mrs. Roy Atlderson of New- Mr. and Mrs. George Jen..,en,,' Mr., , 1n ~een lSI g a rSI . u e man ne a at 11. ling was a grraduate of Mornin _ 'on,ca, were SUn ay d,'nn"r I d M N A d

J :M"rs. J!la ,M s hit1enden t k; group o~ ladl S J jthe Ll d Bu- -' • ] 0;;- Mrs. Josfphine Gustafson Jac. 'I port, 10 the :'vIr:. ;Blanche H,m- an rs,:': orman n erso,~ 1.1SItedhi ~ II! ~I sid,e COllege in 1935 and has h l' u sts', in the L. W. pse hom", k h F d'" :\1rs K1Ilwn and baby whIle thI m t Sn If T UI S a~ even g gelman orne on ay afterlnoon to EnglJKh St. ,John's Lut". Church. b ' ... companied Mrs. LaurencE' Rin to n('rlC some n ",y. . . ey

Ii apd Pinn go td Lm ~ln help Mr~ Hu elm r'l celeb~e her (11ev W A Gerde.!'!, pastor} ache-lor of science in music. Sl e rsJ, Wm. Westwi,C of Peoria, Omaba Sunday. returning h9m" I The community extends theit were at, Emerson. Sunday after-

fl/:Ort;l lie H Wa take 11 th b" ihd Aft .-J has oeen teaching at Dolliver, 1., II. Mrs. Evelyn Wig ains, Mrs. Monqay evenmg. best wishes to Mrs. Dona-Id ReIth nlX)~ VISltO~S were the Grover I

II' hel ~ ~ 1 aft 1 WJ:;I ~rt a~h r ISJtmg '10opera- Sunday school at 10:45 Serv- the past three years: i1 Hendrickson 'W re Suntla Mrf;. R. A. :"llmrod, Fprn ~nrl who has announced her marriage I Brown .fa,mily, Mr.' and Mrs.- Al-:la

,8 I.. C{ 00 I.- er arrJ g. tlVe IJn eon as served. l Ices "'t 11 30 The school board has one !}o.,·- in er gue',ts I'n th- y S, W',g· I Id Be h Ih~rt K II M d MAil\ 1 Arn ri)'of io ~ost 0,3 ct- f J '-t 'I Darw:in were Monday afternoon to Pvt. Dona It . ~-, I JOn. ~ r. an rs. enII ell Jas Ilal]b~a er. and I mlIitkr ~ 11 Fr J k: WBiII er League meets thiS tion in junior high yet to fiJI. ai s home. I , visitors and luncheon gucst~ of Mr. and Mrs. DIck Cham~ers ~eagle, Mr.. and Mrs. Jewell Kil-'~i w j H d W k J... y ~,e<~ r 80n.! Thud ay evenIng at 8 ~-- rs. Catherine Di't~ and Mrs, Mrs. Ellis John~on. 'and ::vIarjory. Mrs. \Vm. ?Ylmer hon were Fnday afternoon callf'rs.I: C QS Ie' t I yu a ce4"e-..-.I el awre ce Johnso1 Eric t- Home from Hospital. . Hugelman werel guests of G. Alfred Johnson was am~ng!were Monday, evening Visitors in I, ,M, r. and Mrs-., Allen Ke,agle ar-,I er . I . f [~I eClnc son'l Al In Fre~Jckson !WJ ~don Co enant Chu1'Ch. AI, Borg was "ahl o to como:r I a,s~,nt Valley Air! IWhich met II ,Mr. SPeincells UFl'Vdd by HIS Id I L~ ern re rlcks(im famil1("s (Rl1'1,.. CAT rn UISt a~tor) ~... t '1 the ?ro~p of relatives PICnJC ing th; Harold MJ.ner borne. . In"'~d by car F~day mornmg fromI WIfe, Clara II' h er Spen1er; sent E? nday af ('f1iloon a~ Leon- • q . P his _h,ome'isund8Y .after being a p. ~"n,.SdaY afternoon, with Mrs. at Llk-U-Wanta Sunday, hono~in;:- h1r, ,and Mr;;;. Al.lf'.n Keagle. M,r. C:hlcago, an,d vlslt~d relatives un-

tHree dI.1~~ht , r Pau~ a ~JFre rIcks n' In obser'{unce of rhis Thursd~~ evenJng mHl- tient in a Counel! I3luffs hospit II r d ohnson. : Mr, and Mrs, Allen Keagle. and Mrs. Jewell KInIOn .....ere :Mon~ ul Monday mornlOg when thf'YI baug ,LI Colh, an TwlJa Mae hnd ~I'S Irthd y ajnmversa,ry and \o\ceK ervlc(' a h 8 30 for a feW; weeks. 'I ~d., arlson and Llbyd, Mrs, Roy Miss Jennie Bixby of Bardng- day mornmg breakfast guests In left for JacksonvIlle, Fla., \\ ht>rt·

Betty Ld , atl h me; two) Stns, b c use he \ ill s4Jon l~aV(' for Su~ ay Sun ay school at 10. ----- nard and Jack of Wymore, ton. and John Sletton of Canfon. i the Monie Lundahl ho~e. • ~llen IS bem~ tra~s.ferred for ad-Jam,e '~f:t E~ga1 Jr, at to e. ~I y sqrvlce A ter! VISltl~g coop- Morrll g wor:~hJP at 11 Evenmg Wilt Serve In Office. erie Tuesday afle~oon and sllp- ~. D., were Saturday supper gUr·ts! Dal.'ld Lee ~hambers of "Hurs~ I I.anced ,pilot!' .tra1nmg. A COOpN-fdur 1, t g'JM da Ba~lo nd e a ive 'unch dn w~s servfd IservlC

j at 8 30~ Miss Edla Collins has been na - er guests in the L{le Churc m the Bert Harrison home, 110n , accompanied Mr. and Mr". AI-


atlVf' pIcniC dmner wa:o; held atIMrs. Lin k mangeJi, ~a- I I Lad £IS' AId ~eets Wfldnesday, ed to serVe al'-; city t;easurer t °3(' at Wa~ne.: • Mr. ano Mrs, John McCorltm-llen Kei'lglp to Jackwnvlilc, FlA., Llk-U-Wanta beach in their honordena, ~1, 1\1: s Io"ranlf Barlow, 'I' ElttJne P t r~on. I Augqst 12. at '1'30 Hostesses Will succeed 11r~, SUna John;-,on who j' nys. Wm. Westwk of Peoria dal,e, Mrs. .G,('orge Boonrtra land wJll rf'turn by tram the latter on Sunday. Guests included: l\Ir;-, ..Ajlhambra an rs. :epn else, Mr. artd M t. Raul ~~ronbe-rg be Mr~ Alfred Nordstrom, Mrs mOVing to Ponc!a I II., l'pent thp we,*- nd in th were Sunday dlDn('r guests m the Ipart of the wE'ek. l\Iary Green and Vena. Joe Keaglt·,W~kefieldl hal -si tier, Mrs, I ary a d patn:ela, M and MJi.". Law~ John Barden, :Mrs Walter John- I ~'~ 'j 1rsl Evelyn WiggaihS~hOt1W . Mrs Wilton McCorkmrJale hom£'o , :'.lr;, .. Donald was a Su~- I :\Ir. and :'tIn:;. A1be:t Killion, :VIr.P~illips, '~iut S oux Ot)';; wo r hee J/Jhnso nd f,am1l:t Mrs son ~aYes for Henke. (a"t,W, iteok ,~v"sa"St er~rlaOWtlve st,o :,DougJas Mrs. Georg£' BoonsLril.. ,,;o,'ho! day dinner guest In the Morns 'I and :i:\Irs. ,Jewell K1liJon, Mr. andbfothers,'f an 0 Hershey, ,J" '~Ia Patters n, MISS 't>1L'p'la and The pastor was unable to return ' L 1 k h G t f h d II ~ ~I D d Ch b d D 1'G 1"J 1 '9 1 v' hit k d t th d h ~r. an~, Mrs.. Charles N~·f' 0 r. antl Mrs. Ot'to Krau-"e 0 spent ast we(' In er parertal: ,u:-, a son. ?mE': ~n a ·ere I; rs. an am e~ an a\J(

., apd eor e of A'1 ~a, MJ~n: I 5S Elame, and Mt$ I H B orne as ~..... ee ue 0 e eat WJlber, Vlslted In t,he V. H. . la inda Ia Mrs J1.n~ K hI . home, re'tullnf>d to Omaha Tue ay I(>I.·emng- nSltors In the Frank of Thurston, Mr. and .:\Ir~.i'li ; a~e, Mrs e e Parks ~d J1m- of a brother-m-law at Rockford, Han$on. hchme Friday E'v~nin~, M. 'r 1nd Mis~' Ma~~arE'taKb~lm~~ accompaniC'd by hpr molhl'r. '1r~. Belth home in Allen. Lloyd Conger and daughters. :Vll·.;: I,V',outll,' I I r,ow,n, ,~' ~r ol~son Ity. la', h~ PiCOlC Ill., k

buthe IS e-xpected home thiS Nye, W',ll !Ieave for sC':v,Jce In th er Saturday OV"":.'1'n call"rs ,. John McCorkindale. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Frosberg of and Mrs. Harry Keagle. Ht:'Jt'n

'1' 0,", I ,s pper FrIda evening I Wake- \\ce and wjll conduct serVIces U dS· L '-'I ... Mrs. John McCorkindale and SlOUX City. were Sunday dinner Ann. Stanley Keagle and Edith

£[ -H t I ' S nd nltE' tates navy F Tlday. Mr.. he Mrs Wm Woltd h iI

," f .cwast 'rn Co S' ~ I~ pa k, in . nOIj of Mis' Elaine U ,ay

. _ Nye wlll attend school in (jmah;~ Mr.' a~d M;s. Jim'1Ahd~rmSoen' an Mrs. George Boonstra CiCCO pa· gupsts in the HIlITY Johngon home. Skidmore. all of Sioux City.I ' atter n s 11' hday ann versary ~ ~ nied Mrs. Will Driskell, J'r., lathe Helen.~Johnsonreturned home aft- -~- -- -----,.-~----

'j I' .~'" Ii i , • Salem Luthernn hurch. ~~ imrv' Miss Mary AnJierson Mis,.. I ' I I ' -, I To Florida !'3tntion 'r' ' Will Driskell home for a gallo 109 er spending a week in SIOUX Cily. Ranrlolph city tax lev)' has bf'f'n'I'Fu',',rl'·e'ral 'R t 1" 'Con:d"'d'-'d ~ C~~et a Mr~. Keage. (Rev.,c, P. Hall, pastor) , . en, Bertelson; all bflBlair, WeT t Th d f M d M NIP t d t t

j 26- ·Il th I

IJ'I1' I'· J ~ U IU:: U1-' . Cadet Allf'n Keagle, wtilo hA. unr,a y dinner and! afternoo ea urs ay a ternoon. ~. an ~. e s e ersen an, Ise a ./ ml s, e same as ast

':" For' Cecil T ,'ne- L'a" tl eIaUves h ,pienic din er Sun~ Illlpresslve ¢onfir tion serv- b Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Herg en, Donald of Pierson. la., Mr. anti, year., '. " ' , . 81 I q...} at l Lik~ - anta be h near ices \Vcre held at Sal Lutheran een training at Glenview, ]Jl, Uf'.B of Miss, Vera! ~uernbprge David and Alan from Kansas. who 1'1I iiiii""iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiil'I

'" Fr",utlay ~,t ,t'l~amesl i,d,ux City, honor Cal-let and church last SUl1day when:21 young was tran.:;fPrrf'd to .Jaeksomilhk Mrs. Leona Brt and JoAnn wen ~ III til.r Fla., for advanced work. Ht' an~ 0 Litlcoln Tuesday far n wee have been vls!tmg relatives ~n I

' ~cil Tppene: 1', sBJ) of :'VI .Iand ,rs. All en K gle Who 'a~~ visiting peop!le we~~ c?~fi~ed. Members Mrs. Keagle visited relatives l~ o~nn will visit her grandmothe Oakland, called in the ~Ia 'I.·m 'End Of' Harvest: V'aluesf [Mrs.' Henry! T~oe e of 81. ames;, elie enroute'to Jacl{sonvJJle, Fla. of thl;' class ",ere. Jnmes Ander- Wakefield enroutl' to FlOrIda. Da~ at WjJber, and Mrs. Brt will 're Mortenson hamp Tue~da\'. , I'I: ,Cedar CP.lln~' N~braSkafand lher~r~se were: M;r.!nd Mrs. son, ,LaVonne Anderson, !Jale 'lid Lee Chambers accompaniqd ceiV'e treatments for' one of he Mrs. Wilton ~1cCorkl~dale land

n~ph,~v{ qf, iss,! ~la Re di of tel Jlhen r. and M .. David Bar,d, Dean Dahlgren, 'Gene Flseh- the couple to F,lorida, land will r,"- yes. 1 Bobbie were Tuesday su~pcr','Wl,k,'e,field.,.va dl...o ned at 'alt,'- flm~'ers d David Lee of er, a'ordonForsberg, LaVernGrosc, t t W k f Id r guests in thli' John McCJ..rkin ale, c. M d M F th G f J H urn 0 a e](' soon. ,Miss Myrtle Johnson of Wayn , rin re' M91' ,wh rei h was tr ihingj ,urs on, ,an , r~. Albf'rt al lista son. ames anson, home. Jimmi€' returned home l"ithwith ~ the! :'mer ha,* marline, ~uI~ i~lio~,: G. Al ed JoHnson, Mr. and Dorothy Helgren, Joann Holmberg, Buys ProJlf';rty Here. took Mr. and Mrs.' G. Augus them after a two wf'f'ks' :ViSiLj'tJ;S: F'jlner<itl ser ides ere bel IFrif ~Sl .L..l?yd nger ft'ld !family .of Mildre~, John~~)TI: Wendell, John- RoHana Harding has purcha~q.d ~oh~~~o~h~~tw~~~~sf~r::~c~~~~~, Mr. and Mn:;. Fred Harrison. mortling In 1St. Phillip's:' anli f~tfx CJty, s. MaI]Y Green, MI~s son, LOIS Lubbel'stildt, ~orrl,s Nel- the housE' located five blocks wcl;t the home of their soh, Lawre-nc and Mrs. Wa!tpr Carlson and Ted-~ames' ~athol C I ch rch at I 81. ~r:a Green, r: anr: Ha!'ry son, Janet Nelson, Mayvln NImrod, of the Wakefield post ' Ofille, Jollin30n. dy spent Sunday ('\'ening iWith, Mr.""a,me,'s. Bt.,rial wa,s i, BowlVn,lley eagle and ~1l1Y ~ S~ou~ CIty, Ang~laSandaHl,BonnIeSchroeder,known as thE' Backstromlesta,e, Mrs. Anna Grie~, 'Donald an and Mrs, Mell.·in Hpnry ih observ'-~atho~ic ceme~erY. I • I I ,Jot, ~eagre.' ISS E lth IS~ldmore \VeH:lon Schw~rt:en and Lawre~ce and he and his family will mo 'e Bonnie of Wayne, i' and Mr. ance of their wedding annivf'rSary.i': ,Dbp~ased }V's ,the youn~e~jt 0f bf SIOUX Cit I ~ Sundell. A f~ature of the service I there about September 1. 1'1(> Jake Johnson were onday ev _ Mrs. Waltpr Otte ancJ Sandy,seve'1 .chi~ren. ", ,f 'II, -I ~as the !>jngJI1g of thf ~las~, song, Ihouse is being repaired. reShingr'd ni.J.g eallE'rs in the I in Stronbe Duane Dtte and ¥rs. C~ A. 1<m-" D~taitl:Jof t~e rrowning"jt'l'e not WAKE EllDfLOCALS 0 .Jesus I Have. PromJsed, as a and rep~intt'd. Lawrence John::s s '~ ney enjoyed a birthday ~ lunc~pon:k .~i. ' . I' , 11.. I' ,. cholir ensemble dIrected by R. G. . . . horne. Donald Grier I ft for ar Saturday aft"rnoon __"t h Irs'lII ~~OWI). , ha, e Its ed III he! rna- and M . JIm Itdhell spent H\)· d b M' Ek lIve In the house at present. - service this week. <:-'J Il-

/ lril1 sl JUl~ ,5. I 't" Sl.Inday in th Elme Keegen home .ans n. aceompanl; . Y ISS.. - I A.. 'L. Nuernberger and Miss L _ Fr.ed Harrison for Mrs. ~inn€lY, it

" '~e ,el~est so.n ,iinl, he faJilY left ,at IWynot. ;I ~ ., ~l<l~tl~r ~:il Pin ~he(~rs;onnfj~~~~~;~~ To Di~trid ('am(lr . lelia \Vent to Gothenburg MondaY be~gE~e~e~~~~dd;r~~;k ~H~;-- G61dH' '

SatJrda~ rno,rmng fr m st.IJame~, ;Lor~n Par~ was,a ~tlletlt III the, ritE'~ At the e,-,('ning <'ervice the A goodly numl~(lr of. Sallj'm 10 vj";lt in the Robert Osterberg Leonard, Miss France~ Turnl'[1 and!for ~ervJce m, toe nHed IStates Wakefield h9spital ~Onday after I ... 'I . I leaguC'rs ar(' planning j() a t1end hlJme. Mr. l'\uernberger will st I~army, I' fa~nting in ~he morning while ~r~ia~~o~o~:o~]~~~~l~na h~~~ec~o~~ t (1(' dlstri~! Luthro/' League Bible about a week and Luella will r _ ~I/t~; ~~~~~~~~~~~:~e2~~~1(1,O\\"~~O::~

, ' ~!' down town. I mUJp,ion. The mothers had decorat- camp at Niobrara state park'1U- main for a longer visit. overnight -visitor of MISS F<llih in,t~ Have Toh ve 'r tev. and 'rs. cJ P, Hall and ed the church wit\1 flowers f th gust 17-22. For reservatIOns WI'te Mrs. Eunice Hahn) Mrs. Agn s the L. C. NuernbergeT homp.'lose unde Ie tdrnies if!, ily were ondat evening din-_ . Th nfJb f th or1 e at once, to Rev. Philemon Sml h, Hingst, both of Etnerson, M ,

~he J?ist ~ee~ t~e local H~~pital !* r, g~ests i the Rfv. iWm. Chell: ~~7t~on. ~ rpe t" 1~rs ~ I e c ass Wausa. Ask those who have b en Gtl~ebauer of Homer, accompani d sa~J~ :'~~e~~~d~a;~~~~~~ V~~i~.lne}UdedJ ~etty '~lfo k, Sa~~tdaYi h'q~e itt Co ord. :, J sonUli::c

e~~~ S ;atur~a a ~~~~r~ there I.vhat they: thJn.k of t IS ~I!-.-;. A!. I30rg to P?n~a Mond;: Y tors and suppt:'r g~ests 10 thej Will' ,

Il A,rle,re ,~~cht, I' Sat rday;U [MrS,' ! II[rs. J. G. 1'11e~JI sp,'~ ra, Cal., N "t· l' 'd' .. ih' '11 bg

· camp. Camp offic;('rs thIS year re £'\I:'mng to attend ~ piCniC of nort - Evans home at Carroll D'uane I Political Advertif!f"ment Poll.tica.l Advertisement~ nale Furness, ~ll n, ~~nday; anc Mliss M< rian E\ ertan of Crof- e ue-". ay e\ enl~g e} Wl eRe\'. Smith, manag('r, Rev, Chq'll, ('it:':t Nebraska haJrdressers Ott . I d b b II . h: h 1••••••••••••••II•••••••••••••Ii .

.1.. 1: ~axine ;tQngstol~,.1 South f!Sio\.lx :t~h w~re T ursday att*noon and tue~'LS of the Salem Luther dean of camp, Mrs. Hall. dean Iof MJss Verna ,StiPP and Bil'l Sti p' wa~e~eal~eMidg:~: :t E~:s:l t e ::,)Lfltrt Monday;' 4!rI . nfr and, arian ,~4P e~ gues in'th F. J. Hoydar e~h~ej)orcns soc.iet m('l',ts in h women and C~lil1P nurse, Don Lund, ldt Monday eve,:i~g fo~ lIlino. ::\lr. and Mrs. Nels Bjorkli~nd.: Clarence A [Sp"ldel Bard,,1.,Westrqan, Cone d ,ruesda r ~meJ churcl r rl" . II ~n 'd \/' rI'crC'<ltl(m (lirectol-, l{('v. Fldyd \I.·~f:'re t~ey wlil ~ISlt theJr fnth . Dwaine, and Eunice. G. Allfred 1_. • ''!I·'I'" ,: I"~ ,', i~; ~I Del res I-I 11 ac~ornpafii0d Ric~l- ernlDo~ )<1 ors liS lur:-; By H - Laucrson, Dible teaclll'l'. I Riley St,IPP,. who IS at p,atoka, a d Johnson an.d Mr. and Mrs.IElliSI_ ' I l

[ :: ' " '~(~the~ V ty 111,: d P terso of qhlca~, who has W' 1· h" , I other relahves at $alem, Al 'Johnson w"r" , amon'. tho farg" • ~"t' rt f th[ 'I 'Mrs. a,eo: Pra g,~ Was ca"ed, to 0 en isitin in, ,thO 1 e\', C, P. ,'f' co';!e to wors Ip WIth us thiS WA'KEFIELD LOCALS S J d Ch <:- <; '=' 0;;- ~ <:-. InVI es your suppa or e1 ell 't ': la' ' T a I, ." 1 comlllg Sunday 10 a m Sunday . ~n ose an ampalgn. IJ'h y group entertained at a party m the • f

I· , r:tr o~, ,..,', /.s ~y' by t r ·sc~ alii 0fc he past 1 days, to schOOl and Bibl'~ cl .'. ·'11 MISS Edna Dahlgrl::'n viSI~C'd WIll be gone about a week. Walter Haglund home,Fndajj eve- • Republican nomination orr~ous 'lIlness,'I'of'lih lnother\' Mrs.' oux City ontIay to isH in the h· , e 8 asses. a. m., Mrs. N. P. Nyberg at Wayne ,Mrs. James Thompson of Sio ning :

I~ '~:~ot~, ':~I1,,~J nger to~k h~~' Ob! He nburg~ home a few i~~~c~Po~et~~~c~hurc~·;a:·~.~~~:~ Tuef;d.ay: ,r _, . " ! ~ity, who has been j~ her parent 1 I\I;lton Hagberg and Donald): County Clerk

" ,I' , I r . d ys,. sin,g the beloved hymns in the cool ,Mr~. Erne~t IIypsc \\as a ~ es- Ernest E~eroth homi for about a HuH of Wausa, and Miss Allcq Mae I.I· of ~he evening hour in' the beauti- ~ay guest of Mrs. N. P. Ny rg month, \\ent to 0 rk. Ala., 0 Nimrod werE' Sunday dmnN gu('sts I:

ful outdoors. m Wayne. make her home so,s to be np r of Miss l\Iarjorif' Rolwrt.-; 1m the _ Suhject to the Primaries August 11Il-LItheran Brotherhood meets at . Mrs. Ray Trouf of Allen, ca led hh husband. ,w~o i.s lin the arm d Mar\'in' l\1ortPnson ham!', All, \\'{'rr' I :

chlrlrch Monday night, August 10. ~~ thef

Wm. Hugelman home Mon- fbrces apd lSI statJOned at ea p f;Uppf'r guest,.; In the R. A, :\"tmroc!' - Xatlye of 'Wayne eounty and -Young Women's Missionary 50- a~ a ternoo~. , Rucker, Ala. home. I: farmed for him~l"Jr tlvcnty-seven :

ci~~t~~('~~a~~;~~ ~~~~rt.month_ weo~~~n:·inI·~·th~~~f:k ~f~~n~1 )~~~ a'n,~1~0~~(~l'~r~10~~~~r}0;~d~~~ ~ lisGjo~~:~~l ~~~~~~:~l~~~~;~ ~;~r <~~~i!: Ye1lrs. Four ~'ears of clerical ex- aly meeting Tuesday night, August h~~~ n.ea~ ~t~n'J M N . I f 1I·I.p tJ~rough ~h(', Ozarks. T e Mrs. E. W. Lundahl and Glenn. I: ~~~ie::~u~t7~~ ;:~~~:~~~n~:O~"~ =11.1 Y~r~,' ~lpncnt t~Sc: Vv:cck~onJ\\i~ thee Wd],<efleld folks ~Ian. to me~t t : and Mbs Helen Pl'INsOn to SIOUX I_ •

... lit· ~rcdstrqm famIly lIn t~c 0Z;<lr s. City Thursday aftE"rflOOn ,...·here I. .II!~! _. ~:. ,Fra:etures Elbow. H.:;. ;;naJeMhr~~~eo.'Eic~hOff and Mr·1 Fredstrom taught In Wa - they joined the Lester Lurdahl : •

Richard ,Roberts, Allen, suffered nel~ ~ fe~ years la.go, and is n family and Miss Maybelle l.:4"dahl : V0 TERS' =a fractured elbow Friday. Elaine called in the Hpnry Ite teachmg In S1. LolliS. for a picnic supper at RivE1n'lew • • '._

home last Tuesday evening. Mrs: Stina Johnson plans 0 park as a ,farewell for Missl Lun-I ••Mr. and Mrs. Otto Krause of mov~lnafewdaY$tPPoncaw~e e dahl who left by train for ijrook.

l• Remember the August 11 Primary Election! It is .:

Clarinda. Ia .. spent 'the weeklend s e IS employed WIth the Dlx n Iyn that evening. I 'I.. probably more important than the November Gen- -in the Mrs. Anna Kohlmeier h 111e. ~nt~ draft. board. ,The P I ~iss Norma Jean :Harrison \'lent _ eral Election. \-ital world affairs naturally tend to :

Mrs. Win. Wolters srh;nt ast nckson family wHI move to h r 10 Newport Saturday for a visit m I. diminish our interest in seemingly less important :Wednesday in the Clarence t.'OI- siClence here. MisS, Hilda Ben t- the Albert Everingham home.: local decisions which, nevertheless, must be made :ters home helping cook f,or thr sh- s 1l~ w?O has beenl"iith Mrs. Joh - Paul Everingham. wh? was home 1= and merit a share of our time and thought.~The con- _ers

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Eickhoff an s n, WIll move to MISS Edna Da 1- on a furlough. brought her [home I- stitutional right to help choose public officials is on~ :

~ren's., .. Tuesday evening and visited ,n the: of our few privileges not affected by i warti:me. re- _

Ernest E. Hensehke visited in th Mrs. Stma JohIllson, MISS HII cl. Harrison home until Thyrsday. strictions and it is our DUTY 'to exercise thIS TIght •Henry Rastede home Friday ve eJ1gtson and the latter's peph.e , when he, accompanied by I Bob = on Tuesday, August 11. =ning. I ete~ Swa.nson of San Mario, Wright from Wayne. returlled to • =

Mrs. Roy Leonard and Jac~ 0 aL, were In Wayhe Sunday to e Sausalito, Cal. Bob will ,"'isH !Verle : Clarence A. Bard •W~more, came Saturday eVe in ~. N. P. ~yberg, Peter, w~o s Miner at Tacoma, Wash. : =to Visit a week in the Ed., Cn Iso 1('en spendIng the ~ummer 10 t e The following rerncmbccC'c/ ~Irs. 1I••_ ••••••••••••••II .II!I••_••_••_••••••••_•••••••_••

:~:~da~~e:~i~f~~g~~~~~r:f:~t tr<~f:~te,B~~:~aFd~~f.etoatb:o;~h Politico" political Ad"e"',eme"t Politico' Advertl••m.ot

~~~~~~Week,lreturne,dhOm~las ~artin MalOney: 83, Pend r, 0_ H,_Br-.nkman--"Mrs. A. SCh?t2: and, Marie 0 tiled' Saturday, July 25. at is

Sioux I City, were SundaY rtftel' home.noon and supp~r guests ~f r, J I I ' ,Hoydars.! I ~t. Cha.plain Jos ph Vanderh i-

Mrs. Walter Moller and thi dre den, I.vho said his first mass insp~t'fromThursday untill·S nda Randolph in 1937, i reportedmi s­in :the Dr. \V. R.I Hall home ,at N,.or ing in action in th Philippines

Page 7: I:; ' Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950... · "rhe his ~I'y of WU1.'~de extends Bacia', ... MISS~Theodora car1 0n, RpeU and they rC'lurned t 't eir

1-'_ -, : '- -'-- . ""~;' ,,_ ..;By J. MILLAR'WATf,

1 (»lCt: CAME DOWV lW~ Tl-lEf<E WASA ,SIGN "

• KE$P OFF ., l'"Ttlf: • ' I6l2ASS. r


FOR'SALE;---40 head ,of shoats.I A-ug, R. Longe, Wayne. a6tlp

FOR SALE:- nvo Red Polledbull calves, 14 and 16 rna, old.Priced reasonable. 'V. E. Rag·genbach, Wjsner. ' 'ant( "

-'----'--,------- (F9R SALE ;~-Very .choice Hal.

stem dairy heifers. :):W each,Non·related bull frre with 5

I head Hampstead Farms. MCM,I Fully a dollar hIgher than two Graw N Y )23tS

weeks before, fat cattle scored IfurtheL' gains Monday and Tues- FOR SALL ~3.W·aCI(, stocl< andday on the SlDUX City market _I gram farm good IrnprO\l'lTIf>\ancc's rangmg from 30 to fiO S4,000 to hand)e, balance lq'ngcent~ :~h;'It hoi;;tcd the top to 1enns at 1m\-' rutC'. Martin L.S15.5U"cqualling "the 41~_ypar high Ringer. a6tlset in iMay. N~merous slaughterstcers rnd yearh,ngs \\-erc bracket- FOR SALF.:- -The Huff propertyed TUfsday at $13 ..50 to $15.25, at i13 Nebraska; a 5 bedroomwith :comparatively few under house, adaptable' for roomers.$13.25.1 Fed heifers were strong to PrJcc $2,250. Ma~tin L. Rin::tl'i

~~dc~!1~f.lohla'gthaOrnn~~. h~,·~lh 'oar O,~11},'2755,tl c~ ~ ~ ,II 'of FOR SALE:-100-aere farm. mostM

Stock icattle, hpgir}ning to arrin~ ly bottom groundt

fair lmprove-from ~·pst{ ttl ranch areas appear- ments, $2,000 WIll handle bal~E'd to ~e 15 to 25 cents hIgher ance easy terms This IS a 'PlumHOg~J\ele up a quarter Monday Creek \alley farm Martm Lbut;) to 10 ('('nts Im-H'r Tuesday Rmger VlayTlf' a6tl\\-Ith 1 1 35 thr top SO\\S ..... ere 25\------ --'__to 3'5 ccnts hlgh( r at 31325 to FA.Rl\l Buyer", Save By Seeing~13 60, Lambs \\hlCh Saturday had Our:,; Fll""St DAKOTA COlTNTYa dre$sed mf'at celhng appiled Impro\.ed RO acres Sl_I\'"W 1.,. 2-to them for the fll'St tIme, were :!7-6, 1 mIle east and -1 mllpsstead}1 10 :25 cent:,; 1001,'er ':"lo'nday·, north of Emenon. Nicply ImMand ~rtrong to rJ quarter higher proved. Good gf>ntly rollingTuesday. Top for natlVe springers :'larshall SIlt loam. Finf' pro(}uc-\\'8.S S14, WIth Idaho." up to 314.25. cr. Banlwrs Llfp of l\"eb" Lm-

Cllppml lamhs brought $13.25. coin. a611ewes S1 to Sf), and f(-'"('der lambs 1=::;::::::::::::==:::::=====mamly $13lO. FOR RENT

Among \V::tynf', Dixon and Cum-I:-=;===:-=:::':==:-r:===

I ~i~yc~:~e~hj:~r"\\"~':kth:n~i~~: FOR RF:~rT' -BUilding 2ft So.follo\\jing: Main, Wayne. J. F. Cr;dt. Hos-

Grover Ccrrr, hog:) at S14.40; kins. a6t3pNels .:\.1. N.elson, hog:,; at $14.35; r

Darrel EndeDi, hogs at $14..15; Art I WANTEDc. Anderson, sows at $13.25; EI-tmer Taylor, hogs at $14.15; ClFire . _ -Buskir,k, spring lambs <:It S14:,Joe \VA~ED:----:-Glr!at Hotel WISnf'f.Karn45', wethers at $11; 0 G. \\' Isner, Neb. } a6t 1R~:ll1d?1. hogs at $14,S:); Roy Sun-I \VANTED: -. T,"vo \vUJtresses mdell., hogs 3t ~1·t40; l-!l'Dnan cafe. Pete's Cafl', \VakefieJd.WrJ£'1 t , :,m\·s Cit Sl3 ,')0; :vrartm j3Ut2pBeacom, stp('rs at $14; \\'al1('rPearson. Slepr:,; at 814; Don and \VANTED;-One shop mechanicEph "f3eckenhauer, heifers at ~13,- and one shop helper, Coryell3~; H, L, HarmC'r, hogs at $14.25, 1__A_u_to_C_o_, a_6_11

SALES GIRLS int(>r('~tE'd in retailpmployment apply at the BpnFranklin Storp, \Vayn('. a6tl

- '~-- :-:-'I;--~:--lf~--' -'----F-----, ,-~ ---;--;--. Sll:y:or Soum calffq~nla,'L ~ A,ng , , I

les, Hus summer. 'I

Robert E'orthh sa bagly lnle t-- Mrl: and Mrs. IW. S, Bre~Sle

right fdat:· j' ' viSiter' in Brock from aturda~9:drCd !:ckstrom ,was In {\lim \:VedrJ.(:Sd~ Wfth. th latter'Tuesday. 'I brother, Harom Sears, a d fam ,.!\I"~·Y Krr,'ger spent W~ll--. i1y, Mrs; <\l. ,A, Wade lace mP'I"ie10 SIOUX Jty. Ithem as f,h·j as Omaha were I sh

Joe ,Ke,:.;~le'r; I Lincoln, . wis V'\'SitJd a ~i~tcr, Mrt J. . Farnsre f9t·the wet:- -end.. ,I I\\orth. \ I iMfs~'Palt;y T 'O~~S?ri retu~n~~d ,Prof. anfl Mrs. F.! G. Dple, ,Mrs:.tur,da~ from a VI~lt In Ma,ell?)n" ,T. H. MOfllison, and " MiSSl Vir~ini :IS.. _ EpC'rly lcaye the last of tp,is rvee 'Mr,l <l:11(~ ,Mrs. ~o,uglas' I~uss.:ll.for ~al{e"qeorge, Mi'nn., np1V' Par,d, sf.n mr,ved p, IS WCI!lt to ,Plair; IRapUl,S, 1flw Dalqs WI!1l Ista I

'. i ' I I • about a w6ek and b~ing tlheir son

'nE!,st ~[Of(lldl fell !<l:"t ,Frldl'Y,1 Ja,clt.' hOl,n,C' "l~tL'l' spendin~ severahe W'ftvr.:'1 u d injul'ud llis Ie rt, wi'('kl-:' there.' ,. '!'. I, I :Mi£s Hat.tie F'ise~er ofl ChicagoI'f. A, 1;. Sw~ n left SUll(!ay f~l' 'cam(! 'I'ue$day <,vc ing. to visit. hellagt) to ~~tt 'nd I, nKtl'k,<h t.l~is f~dh('l', H.1v. w.. c t'lscter. Mis

• I '! i ~1>':Ch('I. came as far ~s Sioui1>~, Ar,I,iC' SlItrcrlnnd \vi1~. i:c;perd (if Y TIlf':'iC',aYi and, vi:)ite I in t.h

rt ,of her ""tcation : at. IPark rl Brunri hom~~. T~e B unes anpil1sl ' Minn. I I Miss Fl;.;c~rr spent Sund Y''1in th·larry 1':', Beelmqr. gol a l'li~lcC ,Baldwin Flschcr h me t Beres~teel il11l~dd('d in his lpft Wl' ~;t ford,' S. D. i

i;;~u~;;~' ~~tdPr and J:rJlur -~ewspal)Cr' estL - ,spEmt S nda~ evelUn~ at . (Norfolk Dail Ne 1» ,

H:arder'~. .,' 1 Tn' doci~ing, to cohsoliHate, theVIva Fr :dl'lCkson of ~(n~ Fremonl i l1owspapJ~s !fulfilled

the weeli:~el1d, 1n ,he .three pr€ldictions made liang agoen mc. J by Nebrajskans familiar with the,un~~ gh1m of Si.1~X needs 'anc~ wants ff the feaders ofcd J. ~~1 Mrs,., C. • this stfl.te~ , ' ,ern y. ttl d t Jhe U) lIt was forecast t at therel

I 'i 0 e~ s~ C I ali would be il consolidati n of ther'~~~b1(,~ ivedet~~~.ay [n( two papers fqr the obvio,'us reasonE. Nif.h lai!'ien, rP,Pl!lbl~('lln, that r remont could nOF ~upport

aPlm,,'eill,tl~,your vo~e Apg. 11 two ¥ood papers, And :thls goeslWav:n4~ {'(lu'11Y tre,tsurf'rl a(ltl a.lso for ('very one of 1!1(' f('('ondar~J's. 'Mib' Ktrel plans to CI~,~ ol tllc,state. It js ~a.fe ~~ny fOl~ Slw'Jpard Fit'ld, I I)1~('.di£1 tl~al. JI1 Ihe othe

JCil.H:':-i 19

re hb~ husl and 'is ill, traininG"'I\,\'~~ICh lwdJ pap~rs are str,lgghng t9rs. ,'G~o. 1- oHman, il'., pii'lns C'XI~;t, ~h('~'(> WIll be e~'e tual coolleaVe jVl'l(la for Fort S,un s~lll~jatlonr o~· suspen~JOn,~' J

n" ITexa" wlll're h('I' hus- ~ J '. It, ,was ,assurped.1

that thtnl:inin y. I talJloJd format would gl'l'e way t

11:c;l('n Nirisen, Miss 'Mar-, 1h.(', 1°,nvcnti~n~1 page t'ize. ,Tab]cllfluck bier and Mrs, IJa 100tk ~lre speclalhzed type' of newseThier h d a picnic dtnl1er papers intended fo~ ¢le, ated anI

.~;n~on ~~,~, Ray ~ '0 n d ~~~~e~;';t:a~'f r:~~i~rs. ~~n~4~7:n~~ti~t ane daughter \ will handling in a-crowd. They h~v

P\~ vaci tion '\lith relati\'es I npver beet! If:m~. suc~essful ibr~\ska C ty. Ismaller qommumtl8s. 'arid Md. G. O. ~mith ,~f IC3.) ,It f,v'as a ~ertaintt that tht

n, ~amp I,W~'dnesday (0 \'I~,lt sllrnvmg newspaper would bp is,ttC'I"S sisters, Mrs. J, \V. sued in thl' afternoon. ~=vening if'and Mr-sl Pa,ul IIarring1on, the 1 imoc,' the local re,i}d" wants hi'

rs, (~arlos l\1nrlin will lH1WIPAPN. Tl1(' morning edi ion is fo, Nettie Pfmi:roy"s Vla,ce in more dJ.'i1anl. circlllatioIi,college ca 'c1crin. Mrs. POnl_ The I'xpcncncc of th? Fremoni'will ,be P played .n.t· L;lrson'". np\VS1Xl]J('I'S is a test, of thcs

iss is \(>l1a Hammitt ret urn;.;Iestablished principles it'llsmall citY,' ,1'0 L(l~~a~, Imva, aftcr ~isi1._ lW\,VSpar,)cr, puhlicatJOns" It ,fixei>'~tl jJw h m1f' of Iwr ~aslel', th(,lll more firmly thar ever a~

, C i C. tjl'iz, about (wo Slll:C gUldps for nC'wspaPFr maker1-S. I , "---, " .. ----1---

.," ,Gl'r! rjlclf' Boyle' accom-I It 'r~' !! 11hoO' ,qo\V[u:d Thom!j}f;ons II . oma~(~e I i Mrf.;. HC'nry Arp vi;;itf'd :'1rs,. !.,. I" Jamqs MatlH'nys 1u San fN()rJolk Dally News) I Juhn;Rush Tuc:,;day. I

,! i: ' .IICnlJj'.,Jo livt', Thl'Y Ir'fl ,'1'111' S(:Wl1ty Year.,; :~gO columr .rol~n Bu.<;h. who underwent a!. 'j.:, day ,r'v\'n~'19. ' ,oJ till' Lmcoln Slate Jeurnal ~a11S goitr~ ,operatlOn at Rochester, MISCELLANEOUS:' i.::~:, Mr, aJ1C1 'M.t". F, E. Strahan 1'('-1 tl1al .IVlos('~ SydenhaDl had given :"llnnL. I" ImprOVing {llcely. =============

\'il:~Jiurne.d here,' IH'sday from Cfll'ro- up hlS hop£' of removing the 01- MI]. and l.Irs. EmJl Baker and II NOTICE' . __ Anv radios left at';,':,'~I~O,e"'1,.OW,'I\' WI~re. they had vlsilcrl,I 110nc,',1 capi-tal to Foq Kearne:y, Clc~~a Jane :;pent Sunday e\'emng He" Ii d' S .,;' rIB. F Str< han's. They arc in I"which he claimed was the exaot in ttt Lcyj Thompson home. mmll:,gson ,3 10 er\'ICc may:1 ~ (,:r. 'IVl t

, SIre hrm hOlllP. Icrnl!:'I' of Ilh' United S;tates." I .:\1


,and ~k.;. Ir....c ReEd and I bf'. obtained at 616 \\,:est St.,,"'to. B .Iki, 'ilian cft l,ast \VCdiaSday bThl.S js a,n item fr~'m the r~ Mrs. Keith Reed called in the this week. a6t1

t' l---oll,is, Mo" to visit his 'antlc I~eriod of this ·tate's hi- - John Bush [lome last. ,:"ednesday. I A!"l, B~CK on "'layne territory!Mrs. A dC'n Chase, tJ few lory whqn the bdundl ss energ Sh rley :'1ae and LOIS Larson ac- WIth tllt.' Siou.x City Journal-1 'D>r.' fl.l d Mrs. L. Jr. ilian [the ne~ settleJ1's bra ght wft ------..+--.--~----'-----------------__I---'--,-i______---+----+---;----"--+__----+---1--____ com anied their grandparents, Tribune and hope to call on my

, as f t as Omaha. j them was diverted to trtopian <Hn(I I . t Mr. nd lVlrs. W, S, Larson. of Lau· old suljscribers and new ones. Mis, James P\att nnd Igrandiose schemes ctopmed froih Good CIUJ,nce for Dewey. plaints concef,:,ing the pr sen~ the people nformed by goy.e n·1 because Qf the situation created rf'], fO Oakland Sunday. also, E. J, Way. Emerson, Neb.

,trrs.lol1 :elha oolf o.f q;).~mbers, the first to failure. J, ." (Norfollli Daily News) ndminislTation III the recent past ment agenc esi 1is. in many n-I by aie w r and QUI' lend~lease, I '30t2w,~r~,:~U~day ues,ts 10 ih~ R ~'. c. Th? Moses,' ,SYdenhaJ~s belIev d Farley is saJd to han' n majority has concerned expehdit~r of stances, man y ~tastcd, The pea le lpr~gram.. Addressing a meeting I ALTONA J pL .. Ea~S rome 'Rev. EadS:,was 1'01'- -that. If the Ul1lte~ Silat s ",:,ere ba - of the New Ylrk statf' democratic public funds for PJJblicity. here Ige.t their i fopna.ti~m from .~hc of agricul u~a~ Ic;].(]rrs , and de'- :'vIr. and Mrs. Chas, Pflueger Carl E. XlchilHaisen•. repUbll~~.s-Jmet1~ iPastor t Chambers. I ~I anced on a pin pomil, th 'pm wou d dE'legates on I.e; side now, but po- \I.:ill be F1PP,rova1 of a congres ioool 'news ,oreporu; ~rid the columm1ts, partrnenf fflcJaI~ Jl1 ChIcago last spen

i1 Sunday cvemng at Frank wHl appreeiate your -vote Aug•.1:t;:-.;

Mr~r:Ella ~ardQr spent on- be exactly under Fo t Kearne , lll,icia,ns are lrcdiClin,g that \\JI,h commll!pt"s int.entwn to. g intto iwho do a I)ette'r job than ~hc w~(-'k. the ecrc1aty said: Pflu~ger's, for Wa~"De county tre-~urer~ liSt!'I,' daya,l~dJ,TlleSlay in the Otto Hi!1M To $e1. that way t,h, ey must ha e tlhc powcr pa ronagt' and big ap- thIS' mattcr, millio s are, ipubliclty agQnt~. I' j 'My co ('rn is thp ,h(,Pf situa- ;\lrS, Frank Pflueger and daugh-

~~' ne:ficnf,~ome. Mrs.' Har«er was counted, on Alaska 0 balan e propnations IVen 111m the prl':;j- spent. for pUbiJClty and t e re~', -.-------;----- t idn, Man of the cattle that nor- tel's spent punday afternoon with Robert Siemers, son of Mr. and~.! with··';M~s. Bl' nchc Hinneh~h~ at Texas an? Flor~da, :Bu.' of c~>urs , dl'nt wiJr wca~ ,some or thr'm away suIts of lhat public~ty go d rectlY,! No (]orn, S~rpIU&.ln Sight. mally wou d go onto mldwe~t fee.d Mrs' Aug Erxleben Mrs John Siemers Wisnet escap-~: Wak;~fi~ld, a er_ the WP~lt_e~, the locatl(j)n of ~he c~ tal did n ~ ij('fore coO\'p!1tJon timl'. \Vlw.!cvcr rn,lm tlw mails to 'the waste asket (omaha~OI'rnal.StOCkrnah)I lots to b fattened are gomg dl- 1 Mt a~d Mrs. c'has. Erxleben. ed ~eriOUS injUrie~ when ille car;i; Mi~s ,'bpl;ot ly c:a:sper entertain~ depand o~ geographlc I balan . !happens Tom IJ)PWI'Y 1J:l~ a goorl nnd ('ven1unily eit.her to an in Sebt'etary of Agriculture wibk- redt to t (' ~laughtf'rhoL4ses, AB Mrsf Harold LeImer and two chil- he was driving hit a bridge three~ ed TIJ.¢'~day ight at a slu be,r The hope I!'oon faded t the r M chapce ut. tile gU\,(,I'Ilorshlp and . I tI Bjrd is grave y oncerned ovp,r the a result, am 500 to 700 pound,; dren \vere at Frank Pflueger's miles north of Beemer SaturdayI p~,rt~ !~ill i.he Dr. R:\V':. C sl~er rnll~tic heli~f ·of eve Nebrasl,a ~he way to ~hf' pr'('sidC'ncy of Ien cJnflralor or back to the papen beef situati n od declares, that bf,'heef n ally 8vailahfe is lost. \Ve~nesday evening. morning about 1:30.~".,' h~m,C, for MiS', Margie Fltch, M,lSS t(}~V, n that 11, Was ~le3 ed for b~g 1~<Hls thmugh, Alhany, l,nl!IS <lS, matf'nal 1~ bE' rec aime~ 4merie,ans a~ ,be fo.reed to Ils e That ~muc extra we,ight Is put on 1--;--":T:P--:;'--:::-;-,F':';'';::::;':::-====='':;':';';;~;'';''==''';;'';",*=''?':''1'!!~i,',1 Ri:l}ty '~homp on, Miss Jac«u'line 1hll1gs r('mam('d for; couple ,of .----j~- fhe co,st of the effort t kee lrss beef an ~ore daIry products In the fee lots ..~II \ViglltnHm, 1\ iRS Nancy Ml'n. s, dec:HI('s. ' 'In('reasf~ ~uKar l"lIntment. --'O'--__.~_ _ "Conseq ently, \\(' are not go_,~, 'Ml~. fRo T"jDaesehn('r of, LCM,n as lat~ as,18,0 Kearn,y, Tile incrt.'<Js('(\ sug;lr allotmrl1t ing 10 ha'e the beef tonnage \veV IWars, 19wa, ~i~tcI' of W!m. Bcql{enM, Beatrice, HaRtmgs, G and Isla d, gr~ntE'd to industrial and ms1l1u- might oih rwi~E' haw', I don't seeT:'- ~'auer, -'v\1aS, , '}, saturctay , anti SllIi~ Fremont, Norfolk and the ot er ~jonal users for July and Augu:-;t the anS\~f'r t·o thlS problem. T

4ay guest t the Beckenh~lUer towns; that jl3Jd b¢g n to fa e \:vill be exlf'nded through St'plcm- belJE'\'p \ p will hav(' plenty of'',' home here, .Iv rs, DaeschIK'r' iSilpl'l?~ ahead saw them~e1ve as met OM ber and Ocll\lher. Thr' increase bef'f this all but I am concerned1., te~)tr~"s' at Il' girls' doIiinitOl"jY' in p<;Jlitan citieS'l with :hu e industr es gives these ccj)n.e;umers 80 cent about 11('·t spring \-,.I1('n feedlot

I ]1 e:c'~S~nd Mrs. Will Goed~'and ~~~~rFr~mt~~~~I~~~i~~rc~~t~~~'C- ~~n~~rmal supply in~tead 70 per c~a~:tte:fer~; m:g~~~opri~1~~~:;~ICm~~~Jr. ,c;hUdr:en . of"[ Texarkana, .kla., Th? ,hard' ~,~rdes ?~, ·1 .93 ~nd he:~~ t'am~' lllst wfek to spend se eral' foll~wm~ 'y~ars" No;! ed ·5 q e !" 1 A ,Wp:rld of :.J,unk.1 ,",,'What. ve. need to do now, Is to'~J d,aYS:W!t,h re~tives here, The and reall~m mto the bOP.mrs and at er (N()rfol~ Daih' News) plan a p warn of livestock :¥eed~',.t~,',' ihe Albert ahe family had un- that the statr ~ett~ed own t.o he When thisl war (.mels, obs('r\'('s ing that ill avoid too much of a:,' day ~' tEd'. Bahe's. The hard and proEaI~ Wor of ,bUild ng the Lincoln' State .JoUT'rwl, the drain on he ev('r·normal granary

wom(~n :are sistL'rs, <~ ::;OUllf1 foundatlOn un er Its p SM !jUnl< l1ealers IncaI' lJa1tlcficlel~ will of corn. Every hushel of whC'at) Mr

W" Stella Chichester, Mrs 1 AI- peri1y I I ~ind business brisk. \\'l1rn this war we fecd \ ill mean an extra bushele , d of corn r serves."

chIe eI't al son spent suncliY In 'en s th('l'e Won'( he much hutthe IMIs H C Lmdsay horn at Restrictlol. junk in the \l'orld, and it won'l be ,Undpr resen1 and prospectiw?' IWmslde ln he evemng lhey <Ill· (Norfolk rL>all~ News) I '\\'Ol'tih gathNlng. ~~~~~~~s ~Tat~~: ~~~n ~~~nbeJ~:

( ed on Mrs. lbelt Gamble an m~ A-ccordmg to the Army ~nd -"---~-J-"-------- cut down and. the secretary pointl .':F fant!'::an wh ~ returned home~at- Nav.y RegIster thiS lSI appea m Plal~ unior Fa-Sr. j I ~ , ' ', '" t th h I I· [Ii I b ' Madison county fair officials ed out t at the big 1942 crop is , t:. brIdIurcfay from local hospItal e .,.,arroom Q t 1-:: cers Q s Ueonard, K. Firestone (right) is "hOi over tre . e o~

I ~ I IS' . t M t h 1l f Id L g I I d 'have planne ,,'for a 4-H club expo~ not occa ioning the' depart~en1 IJ~;\"al Alumnus .4th frow Gi~n St,waJ1, 23-yes.r~1d ~ne";"~' Sa{ ~ay iSltor In th~ a1-~... I" t' c e tIel '~I n r th

Sn . ,sit,ion Augus 26 to 28. any grea concern, The 18 million ) 11n h'ersity herdsman. Loyal AlumnUS, I 1941 Internatl,onal Grand

~]aC~ Hugh1s home were Mr,nd L~IeU enan co on s ° e air more.hog on our farms than evet qhamph~n Steer I i

t lund :~rs II Harry Dresslel of corps wh?' aJ:e les I ~ an 21 yars Showei' Falls Her",. before wi I use a \ot of corn and NEBR. 1iHURSDAY :AUi"' 13I ,SplJingileld, ij ~br, Cp] Art!\. r \r,' of age WIll lOt bel s rvedl at hiS A good sh,;wer rell in Wayne there is not too imuch of thi) ~OM~~TO LAUREL, 'I. ':.-~ L. Dl'€ffiler f Miami Be1aclt 1s.. bat unless ed ~y t elr ,Wednesday afternoon. grain in ght. ' I~e will ~pear at Pettersen Super Service ..t 8:.30 p. ~., um;Jer the8 Miss v:.Y~ rednckson of petldE:.~t. paJents" 1 sponsor p of O. F. Pettersen. A cros~ between.a pUJ1'!bred Angus

~ and :O~le Fl erst of Wayne. I ~ - saJ:~1~~ l~k~i ~i's ~fro~~~~~~~i~: \V in ""Irst I\latcb. ~~~I~ifr~~e:~e~u~~~::t~\~~rt~:e ~r:~~~~~\Vnr::~I Glfn GIl orsleeve leaves on- r.Stop Makiqg 'J1? ~te... 3, The ,latter ~l! into a water tank W. C. orrel! and catWrjgh ;;1 tbe It~st De Tire & Rubber COljlPSDY by Leol1l'r-!l ~,Flre-

t I ~,~r ~1~1fn, ~o~;ou~ta~~~:~ ~;,h m~n~~a~~~~~I~t:r"j~t ;~r\wrl~:~ r~~ and th_e_fo_l_·m_:!~_lle_d_h_.I_m_out. :TO~o~re~ ~;~~tm~~:Ch a~a~;;~:fol~' ~~~~rsJ·l~{~~':,m~~~~~:.'I~~~°V'shr~~orlm~~~j~:~ :~tl-' hiS ~pmtsl ¥r. and Mrs. . E. halt product on Oc 0 ~ 31 ex ept PI ' f k '1'11 t.thers ~nterested In livestock raisini;" An experienee<J catt~eman~~ 'I pilderJ$leeve Mr, Gildersleeve was fOl~ a smaU, numq r Ifdr gOY rn~ Pr°'7Zi~:~~b~~~%a~~obe. w:~~Ot: l~u~~l~ m:e,~ ;d~h~·r thi

1,yill de~ribe tbo!'le points, which ntadCJ, the ~teer UKt Grand Cham-

,-t I a ~est fns, ruator at the Un vel'· m nt work. nion, a t;I wlIl di5CUSS metbods 1)( r,lslng betWr ~f ~ore eco-~ '~'" I, . , , ''. A joint committee! of congress week. I r'l'"m1ea Iy. , ,I:L~'r '''" " ".,,' .. ,' " "'" in a recent report. on its findings

'I ~oncerning rduetion 01 noh·es- CARROLL iii, - FROM1-'i~' i,sential fedet,'a ,"efpenqi~u~~s con~ Mrs. C. Bartels has gone' tl I ; " FIRESTONE NE; BUREAU~~'. eludes with a promise to ·cont.inue I I'1~ • lits efforts. 'D e promise ~ncludes COWley, yo., to visit her daugh!' L AKRON.O 10


:.",:,',',"., further' exa I ination, of "prac- 'ter.! ltices and con ifions in purchasing,'IC,laS,sification, ,:.salary, I transporta­

tion. publicit ,and other' 'o\7ef'l\eadlitems of the various departments:and agencies of tpe government."

~. " I The commi tee expresses the be-

l', ' lief. that ,the, e, is" ne~d .tor more

~ffficient adI1jl nistraUon and effecM

i . tive -controls' among many, if not,\!", I iall, 0 f the 'o~called permanent

f\ 1 ig~~iel~no~ ~~;~r~~e~~l,IUP' by ~1,'r': reference to' past PO]~ISof peblic~ i ~entiment niade the pl im Ith<l;t

the people' 'are ;'ahead'b congresslin demanding reform and newIlegiSlatiOn. The sel)ti ent of the,people, it ,was indioate" eventual­Ily, becomes, t e sentint1'nt of com·Igress. Wher cOl,lgres;;, s' ~upposedlitoriead, it fo ~()WS. ,I ~nt com~

"'I' '

Page 8: I:; ' Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950... · "rhe his ~I'y of WU1.'~de extends Bacia', ... MISS~Theodora car1 0n, RpeU and they rC'lurned t 't eir







Finest. Brand



,Jack ~llrat



So. 2 can



2 1\.·0.2Can~

Canned Fruits and


:California Alberta

PEACHESWe belfe\"e this w('ck wl1l be thehf'st pr «.~ and b("st quality.

! Red or Black

.ASPBERRIESPer $1.05Gallon I·

I.}ll(·k :-iprn.t

\\'ho~~ Kernd Goltlf'n Bantam


2No.2 27cCanf



2 ND. ~ 27eCan~ ... ., ......• .......








Banner Blue


Jadi Sprat




.' iI" .'!'; .,'I-,I'! '''''(''-':'i'''l~'l~:\:t, " ih i'. oi': I 'h 1\1' .!Bernard ErickSon 'where they ! Plchtb ,~~ Park i ispending EJ C. who came (rom th~"~as,6~ic~o~

.', ':"'" "-:Ii' I._"'-~·'· " ,enn;;il hri~on' ~ eJ~~id' ~1~ at ended 'ppen~air services. 'rhe Mr. and MrS. JOhn in, Lois,'.'Rhoades home. at Fremont; to...SP~rid,. va.c.a, iO."...••.~UthU!~8t ... akef1eld dn were..*nfirltle t Salem Luth- gr up had lunch in the Erickson lara and Janet, 'Mr. n Mrs.' The Carl. Nuss la ily returned Mr. and Mrs. Milton Beck on

l: ' (B.·y:Mrs.', '. Law.f,.Dee Rin.1ig) '. ran. cliu. e .that rning as were ho e on their retur::n. att Fin.n, John, Rich r , Gene,! Sun"day frorp' a two-wrek outing at were' in Scribner Saturday an thei' ,! I'f:~. Ie Bartl" Lawre be Sundell ,and rs. Lawr~ce Ring,' Mary EIi~ can and Betty,1 Mr. a d Mrs;1 Lake Okoboji. former went again Monday to pre..

:,:, " I,J, ," I,! ildred J~hnson. 'all of this vi~ no and LarfY·Joe Visited in the red Thun, Kathtyn Betty, Mr. and Mrs: R.t. I-Ialler of pare for school work. The fa +IjI'; (J~r1 E,.,.~lchOlals 0, ~~Ubucanl inity. I I RQv. C. P.liaH horne Friday after- ean and Verda L~.nge, t e last of-I'Winside, spent s~n. ay afternoon will'move there soon_

•.':.1.... .01 8Pprec.,,18t6,~.QU vote':, U. Mrs. eli f Mun o~ was in the no'm. Saturday Iy.lrs. HaH and De- ord'ycC'. had a piqnie di n r Sun-- at G. G. Haller's. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Qs- i"'If r Wayne county t 6asur~r. a6tl, larenee olm ho ~ !\4onpay aft- lones v.{e!re at Rmg's to learn the ay In the BI"esslelr park Mrs. C. ,L. Eads and infant wald of Omaha, 'came Wedn.es4jr i ':. M. jS.S EV.eline ~in sp~nt all daYI ¢r.\1oon att~nding aby ,linda's 1st a;~' of thresher eooidng arid see the , t t daughter returned h 'me Thursday to visit until Sunday with Mrs..R-

I,":, rid~Y .~1th _M~~. J ~. Ch:amber~.1 J)irthday party.' ,I.' mJchine and crew in operatIOn. T? Attend jlnstit e , from a local hospita1. E. K. Mellor and the Wm. Mellor,1.'" At Hetkes \hs1te In the C. t. ,1 Mr, and~rs, L wrence Carlson ~jeut. Geo. Larson and two Prof. 'A. 'q-. William of the Mr. and Mrs. J. r. March of family. Mrs., Oswald is the famier

.J ~ndahl"hqme la~t Mo~day eve-I· oct .Larry Gene ~re at Claude fri nds who were recently com· f ~YMneen'fmlleogneI'e',ICfwtllsa.,sttl eaktt'eenn.dd· Vtheermpi.I1Lio.nM'Sar·cDh·'hsoPm,ne.t Sunday 10 Ev~~na~del~~s. Victor West lett'~,.tng. , '" I ':ptanley's t Dixo ~unday after- mi sioned at rOt. Monmouth, N. J., v 'I'

'j:' ",Mrs" ,l?if:;k , Sand, hI. ,l and sons, I/100n and f l' ,sl.lP ~, ~n~ driving through to waSh.- tout, inptitute for thr e week,S' Mrs. H. L. Keefe of Waithill, early Monday morning for Minne~'"::'. e~ at A~ Munso 5 Sunday eve-I. _. Thursda eveni gl gue-s:~s in the In ton state wnere they WIll be i tenslvE1 course in indus r al arts. has been spending ,I scvC'ral days apolis' Where they are spending··

'.: .,~ng, ,I, .. _ Paul Olson home ;qrc: Mrs. Law- sr tlObed, were Thursday dinocr _- -'-.~.++ this week In the F. A. Mildner several: days with thejr son, -Of.'. ". T.h.e. R:ay, Ro.nerts faml1.Y vIsIted ~'enee lUng B,abe .n.d Larry, Reu- gu sts in the Art Borg home, :\"Ir, Placements Made. home. ,: Royc..e West, and family. They will

), the J; 'M..RObett home. ~un~aYI ~cn Oldon 'nd Da :I'>rl. an Mrs. Harry Larson and Billie Wayn~ college student&: n posi- Mrs. Jennie Johnspn and,Mr. and return to Wayne Fri'day of thls"I' ternaon. . I . ! I The Wal €!r He ~an family had were others pr~§ent. tons arQ; Carol Heide, 5t , Walt- Mrs. Buford Johnson were FrIday week., :Betty Ja~,e Bar~ spc.~t Frld~rl a picnic d~'1ner in tfie park at Co· punday a family group had a h II; Marjorie Wiegert, cp erce evening guests in tne J. K. John- Dr. A. J. Foy Cross of Omaha,

I.t.e.r.noo.. n... WIth Mar an sel.lon nea!rl ~umbus .su day, tfr. they visited pi<tn,ic at the Wayne park to eele- i the Norfolk junior fQllege:' son home. J came Friday evening and took hisndo!PQ, ~ ~n the H. . Smit ljlome. l?rfite Elvis Olson's birthday. At- uth F.' Pllterson, junip high. Paul Whorlow of Norfolk,' Mr. wife and children home Sun<jlay

Alice Jane Beck nhauel:' W~lS a 'The Lc mrn Fr derickson fam- teJltding were: ~. and Mrs. Jack e. ntral iCity; LUcille. 0'1 Boyle, and Mrs. Loyal ScHuler of Belden, evening after visiting here a week.1 at.u:rday 'overnight guest of -Mil- ~IY was at ILeonar Frederick.son.'s P"rk iind fam , Mr. and Mrs. I wer elementary, Soutp Sioux Were Sunday guests of Mrs. R. T. Bobbie Cross remained this weJk

rea Jptinson. ~unday af~el'noon celebrating Ce· Elvis Olson, th P~.Ul Olson fam- (Ity; El~'a Fisher, musIc ~d Eng- Whorlow. with his grandmothers, Mrs. S. X.Rev. and Mrs, Al m Giese ~alI- eil's birthd~y of riday. Hy, Linnea Joh 0 and Velda I sh, Wausa; Jeanette Ril y, kin- Miss Mildred Pa~e of Cleveland, Cross and Mrs. Jennie Schrumpf.

dfn the Ray Agler, Jr., home Sun- ! Mr. and 'Mrs. die Lange and Park, Clarence Ison, Jerome 'rgartqn and mUSic, Ai worth; Ohio, arrived Sund'fY to spend sev- Mrs. Louisa Brune entertaineda afternoon. I thildren 01Sioux City, were dm- Pearson and Donald Fleetwood. enevieve Norcross, 3rd, nd 4th, eral days with her; sister, Mrs. E. at q.inner Sunday for Mr. and'Mrs.

. A. SundeIl'was a SundaY,dm- er guests and sent Sunday'in Mr. anF Mrs. Ray Agler, sr., ottsblufC RaCh.CI ~miti , inter- M. Laughlin, Emil Vahlkamp, Mr, and Mrs. Ar-e guest In the ho e of hiS Ison" he parent I WID1Victor h9me. Chauncey and ~ildred Ireturned cdiate" DIxon; .Erma cCune, Mr. and Mrs,. Wm. Schmer of nold Vahlkamp and Delmar, Mr.a 1, and WIfe. Mr:s. Cartl Helgr n, Mrs. OrVille Thursday eve-ning from a week's mmerte, Coleridge. pr~. K. N. Norfolk, and Jack; Dahl, jr., who and Mrs. Erwin Vahlkamp, Janice.'$rs. Joe JOhPS01 and Ml~redl fIelgren alild Mrs. Byron Heydon tr~p to Texas where they visited :nkc has more calls f r rural is employed at Mead. We're Sunday and Lynette, Mr. and Mrs. Har;.js,~ed Mrs. Chas. Pierson cd, sSlsted Mrs Le J Helgren With Darwin at Lubbock, also his wife t <Ie-hers. in the state. thar. he ,guests of the John Schmers. man A. Vahlkamp and Vernice.esd1Y afternoon. I hI'C'sher c(!)okmg ast Wednesday who is employed there and went s rply, and h(' asks anyd e quali- Dr. and Mr~. A. D. Lewis and Mr. and Mrs. John Gemmill 2nd

. IVIr. a1nd Mrs. Em; rund, J<imcci

Mr and Mrs . C Rmg and on to Carlsbad Caverns in New f ('d to tCilch to get In to ch with Arel, Miss Virginia McNulty and son, Billie, of New York. and Mi~smil Gene VISited Mrs. l;:lenryl Ru- ~er1e, also Mrs. G40 Buskirk were Mexico. They covered ~,600 miles t e plaC<.'mcnt bureau. I Weldon Haas spent Sund':lY with Barbara Felbor went to Emporia,egk f.rIday evemn . ..hI 't Yankton Mond,iy and went on aI1d report an interesting and in~ .~~_' John Alden Lewis at Sioux Falls, Kan., Monday to.spend a few days.nir. and Mrs. Ro S~ndelll:an'-tl 0 SprmgflCld, S.f' to ViSit rela· sUuctive experience. LfiCAL NE S S. D. with !'vlr. 'and Mrs .. Victor Trus;]el'sofothy VISited to he C. A Bar~1 'lves. I Mrs. F. A. Suber accompanied \.i.1 Miss Alice Crockett r~turned an,d daughter. Vicki. Walden Gem- ~

oebe Sunday eVem g. d j Mr. and Mrs ane Andersen Mrs. Lawrence Ring and Mary Eli· 1!~~~;""~~~~~~~I.!~F~~~~~~~i:::>.~~ I Mrs. Letha Cook of C Tuesday from Lmcoln whElre she mIll remained here WIth his- grand-,~rs. Joe JOhns~and MIltlre I ~nd Peter Leon of Pilget, brought ndr to Omaha Sunday afternoon 1- c lied Slmd;-q at R. Pote attended the state univer"ity this parel)-ts, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Felher.

pept all day Tues ay WIth Mrs. -1oan Suber to he home Monday where the latter returned to her Stolle and daughters, Mrs. Miss Elaine Rhoades r summer. She was accompanJcd by The Gernmills will visit here again. A. Sundell",and elen. II afternoon after a eck s \lSlt with dyties at Immanuel hospitaL Mrs. Ro Holm and daughters, Mrs. oise, Iraho, this Thurs her nephew, Pneston Hancock, I before leaving for the east.Elmor Soderberg cnt to ~louxi ~hem.l Jdsephine Gustafson went to the Re ben Holm and children, Mrs. li-ii.iiiiiiiiiii~~[QI~--~--

I_tt, Sunday evenm to spcnfthis Mrs Lawrence Ing and Mary 'c~ty with them also to visit rcla- An on Anderbdry and Verneil, Iii J!..UY DEFJ:NS_E .STp...~.p~~~: WIth Beverly uoff. I :pmor, accornpam d by Mrs E E tfves until Monday afternoon, Joy 1~--+--j--t-------"'I Mry, ClaIre Anderson at:'ld sons,

~" and An ela saneahll t!ypsc, were ThUj'day afternoon Cochran returned! here with the Mr~. Joe ErickSOn, LOIS and De- Mothers Best or

~ el~~.d Mrs. L~oyd ~clman Ith ¢offee guests of rs. Lenus Rul'g group to visit Betty Bard indcf· Mr. n Mrs. Russell Park and wayne, Mrs ola Stnckcrt, Mrs. Mary AnnIfsher COOkIng FrIday. ; "''''d Lenora. inJtely. Janice we e Su day dinner guests Cl'fr M u I c'" k

*~. Miss Martha Ri~k of Pcrj.der" 'j'-'·Mr. and Mrs. lbert Sundell A birthdp.y part.y was planned at thOfO is P tel's home at Em- so~. unson un ns l. reuene . FLOURs•. ettt Saturday nigh.t and SU~ldaYI were at Plainvie Thursday aft~ er50n.

. h M' J II R b' for Sunday evening to celebrate -.---------- 48"8b•.g" a'1.45It, ISS ewe ,9 mso~. I ernoon to see the' latter's sister, Mrs. Ellen Backstrom's anniver- Janc harto of Allen, was a tl'

'. ~r. ,an~ ;Mrs.. Lenus, Rmg b~~ Mrs. Lottie weidm~n, who has not H f 'I guest t. the eorge Borg homeora VIsIted"m the ~wr; n, I been so well. ~~~~e~\~~~U~~~YEri~rS.a~lh~'S~~~from. e nesd y un1Jl Sunday LE'S.LIE

i g home Fricla:x, ,eve.mng. I II Mrs. C. F, Sand hi and children and Clarence Ol~on, brought lunch night. Staley's.....~..a nd M~S. ~ot Lm~SaY. ~~i~ jVisited in the Ed. Sandahl home and went to the Art Borg home Mr. an I Mrs Reuben Johnson (By Mrs. Grae~. Buskirk)"f'..y were un at evemng V1S - Monday evening. rs. J. C.' Bress~ h . 1 t· '.1 w"rc $u ,lay c '''ning "bil(),'s al SYRUPr~.m thc Harry W 'rt home. I leI' and Gordon we 'e there for din. were a socIa ime was enJoyeu L L

I\Ilr. and Mrs. C. ~. Bard' anq, ncr Tuesday and ~ent the day. all of which w~a complete sur- Will Bf,r s. Mr~. Walter CHinn was a Tues- Golden Table6 S d d ~ prise to llf'r Mrs Malcolm Jensen Mr. n Mrs. Anders Jorgcnsen day callp( of Mrs. C;eo. Buskirk. 5-lh.

/' nthewg:IT\e~~ ~rml:r~~n~~o~~~. N:~a~fJ~n~r~ar ~l;:; ~~~~unt~ and Larry' <~nd <~nver spent the ~~~[~ <V~ '~~ii~e at Russell Park's Mr. nnrl ,Mrs. Art Longe called IJall

j • Mrs. Carl Sunde I was at W~n- Omaha Tuesday ""lhere the latter aUcr-?oon in the Borg home and Y, g . at Honald '1'larding's Sunday eve-Ide Monday to spen the day With remained to rOSlllme her nurses' rmnamed for th cclcbralJOn. llJllJ, enson spent S;lIunlay ni g

. t M F dE' k M d M s C F Sandahl a.nd night n Sune '\y at his parental' n. WHEATIESer. SIS er,. rs. 'r 'riC s(j)? course atl Immanuel hos- r. an 1'.... < < home t ';mns n. Many out tJ.lis way w.0rc "?- r, S ON "'COL 5,,"\1'16Dean, DIcky, We l~y and Gene pitaL ~ family, Mr. and Mrs, .Ed. Sandahl t tI i\I f t W I f ld ' "-",,,v

ubberst.e.dt were dmner gllests We"nesdayallnnoonMrs.Law- alild family, Mr. and Mrs. Dick 'Marya t IIcglund aor! Leora ~ l,e l'lSSlOn"cs III a<CJC, Breakfast FQodB h Ue S d hI d d h La Johns n "cnt r hursday afternoon Su-':!day., : r' , I' P 10up.sday m the Art, org . o.rpe. reneol RI'ng and M' ry EI,·nor. Mrs. an a an sons an t e w· l' J' . 5 R' h 11 I or C

'. M-rs. Ed. sand8hl

mnd d8ugp~ers C. L. Bard, Laver e Olson, 'L~velyn ronce Rings were Sunday dinner ViSitinf ith E ily Grose. Miss Ruth J()!lOson spent a few F U".t u."ce'i. pU1uO. b'oC

ttledepo-,'t J/aI2'rg..a. 3ge l'kg'.

•,. I h t I M~ J "l . lh E c' H h Mr. a~ Mr: Cbren('{! P.akcr days last \v('ek' at the Ilenry 13a1'- ~".. .el UNC eon gl\e s 0 s., and E,"ldon were ax'ong those who gues sine '. J.J. ypse orne.I Th d It A"g I S d hi 's conf,'rmat,'on of and Cl·ld en w re Sunday e\'ening elman home. iI· ress er urs a erno n. helped Eunice Gus afson celebrate e a an a ; AI'I '

I r. ,and Mrs. Gus Swanson Iwere her birthday ~ that d~y was observed as was visitor t !fen eth !3aker's. Mr., and Md· Henry Earelman 1001 Ade Fl1 3 10c Kellogg""Uh,day aftel'nQon~'.and s~.p.per Mrs C 1<" Sa ahl, Pn8cllla, Mary Elmor Rmgs going a~ay of ThC. m· ; DJ rklund .returned \Vore at. Be. rnaL'•• d Bare.lman·s Sun- ,- F, avors ' Pkgs. ... BRAN FLAKES

If,u~sts in the Art; unson ~ome. Angela and Kath yn Mrs Bob that afternoon as well as VIrglOla home u day a tel' a month's stay day evenmg. .

, ij:lmer Sundell nd fami~y of Nelson and Mrs H~nry Nelson and Faye Sandahl who left Wed.. at the CI aune Agler homf'. , Mr. and Mrs. I Che.ster IIan.sen T~ndeMn". N'an Camps Per 9c 2-1h. 25cI', ixon, were at A bert Sunpell'S were among a gr up who vl.~lted ncsday mornmg fo'" Cdllfornla Osc r jorJd Ind land Hl'gina and cluldren were at Thurston " _~ Cooks, in,,'? min. Pkg.. _. Pkp;.' uhday afternoon nd for s~pperl Mrs. Lloyd Hug Iman on her Where they WIll remalllmdefInIte-WereuayaternoonVI.sltorsatSundayevening.1 B ~ .I, Mr'. and Mrs. has. SCt,H of bIrthday Monday afternoon ly the Olaf Nelso horne riear Cun- Mr. and Mrs.: 1\.. \V. Dolph were C~ndy ar All' 3 10e


r i~UX. City, were *.onday s pper Mr and Mrs E W Lund' hi en ~ -- ---~ - cor.d. , I . Sunday dinner l.:l$itors at Mni. Ida ,. , Kinds. ... _: For , ,Jack Spratu~sts. in the Lavfrence C rIson terlamed at SU~·ay dmn:r and BIRTH RECORD Mr. a d Mrr.' Dean Fry£' and West's in Wayne. OATMEAL

' orne ~ sUflper. Mr. and Mrs, Ene S A daught(,r was born July 20 tu chIldren wpre


:Sunday (l!t;1,ner Mr. and Mrs. Dan Flynn of 'Q'rapes Ro:d ~ Per 21

IJ tr'h~ Henry Nels nand R sseH Johnson and faml y, Mr. and Mrs IMr and Mrs Emmett Jordan of guests at'the 01 ver Noe hom.e ~~ar Sioux City, are'•. Vi.Siting at. the Au- ·L·Fmons

' M~aolaatfr"i'ze"""" _.. ~ePo~O.UDd..·2"ge Large 16co~nson families a d Mr. an, Mrs. Melvm Larsen a Mr and Mrs. Everton, Ark She has been named Allen. 'gust Meyer hornd. Pk2'.db Nelson were dinner Uests Lawrence Hansonl and sons Beulah Ruth Mrs Jordan was Mr. an Mrs Charlie Fleetwood Mr. and Mrs.' Walter Chinn and

I.1p~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiii"iiiiiiiiiii.~il Fnday evemng ViSItors In the formerly Mane ChIchester of were Su lay a ternoon and IUllc!l~ famIly were Sunday supper \·isi-II Wallace Ring ho e were; Mr. and Wayne. eon gues sat t e Mrs. -Mary Olson tors at Chas. ChJnn's. ~ p 12 ~:i~o;\·;tt~~:

Mrs. Russell Pre ton, Donna and A daughter weighing 9 pounds home. Carl E. Nit'hoLaisen, republican, maloet ew \ er eMerlin, Mr. and l'S. Henry Pres- was born' to Mr. and Mrs. B. C Mr. a d Mr.,. Kenneth Wt'l1- will appredate YOUF vote Aug. II " l10me grown , Pound__ MUSTARDton, Mr. and Mr '. Verne Brock- Booth of North Platte, July 30. strand a d T1rry were .sund'IY for Wayne (:ouot.v treasurer. a611 J ~ 5 .man and Miss Mi nie Denkinger. Mrs. Booth was formerly Bernice dinner g est:; at the Gust Well- Mrs. Geo. Buskirk and Mr~. lat."ne ac prat '4 211: Fun: qt. 13c

To celebrate N rman HaglOnd's Sylvanus, daughter of MI'. anti strand h mc. Wallace Rlllg Wen~ Thursday call. All flavors .... ' P~gs. ... Jar ,<Mrs John Sylvanus of W'lyne Mrs. eCkeriof ne3.r Martins- crs at the AmOn lleckcnhauers

birthday of Frid y a grOlJp of '. b < • burg, sp nt M dny al ternann \·Io.;~ ncar Wayne.neighbors numb ring about 4() an~ :r~~~h~;t~~S Cooo~n T~~S~~':: iting he daug tel'. Mrs. Ceo. An- MI'. and Mrs. HarvC'y \Van~ and

,i ~~~~~~~~ ~~f~~~hh ~l~/ori~:I;.~~~ag~ August 4, at a local hospital. Pvt. derson a d chllrIrcn. Mrs. Gene Park und son of l\la:->on


, home-made ice cr'am were s&rved Cook has been located at Fort ~rs. 'inna ohnson and niccl', Cily, la., wert!' Sunday evening

at the close. I ~~~~~ ~~t~~"he~n~a~e~'its, C~I,~. <~~~~ 7~/1~1 R~: I~t~{~ )~~}~~~~d'f~~~t('~:,I(~~ ca~e::s aa;dIt~er~ ~~:~:t~chultz ofMrs. C. R .. Asl, together with Mrs. A. C. Sahs at Carroll. ncsday ntil anqay. Martinsburg, whb were ViSIting at

Miss Minnie Lu ahl of Omaha, A ~on' weighing 7 pounds was Mond' eve ing and overnight Albert Ute¢ht's, were Sunday aft.,and Emelia Lun ahl of Lincoln, bom to Cpt ijnd Mrs, Arthur guests a the alter Grosc home .ernoon callers at Fred Utpcht's.

I', and their hostess, Mrs. 0.scar Lun- Dressler at Neligh Sunday, July were E nice . nd Jean Gustafson Mrs. Geo. Buskirk accompanieddahl, was a lunch on guest Satur- 26. He has been named Noel H. and Ma ian C rison of Dixon. the Wallace Ri~gs to Springfield,day afternoon of er mother, Mrs. Cpl. Dressler, who IS being trans- Mr. a d Mr.. Bernard Park and S. D., Monday; Their aunt return-

. Charlotte Lundah . ~erred from Hamilton Field, Ca!., children enjoy d picnic dinner at ed home with /.-.nem :for a few days' 1

Paul-Olson, Lav rne, Evelyn and to Miami, Fla., to take officers the \Va e pa k Sunday, and also Visit. 'Elddn' were acco panied to Con- training in the air corps, was visit- cclcbrat'ng 1'::1 'cs Olson's birthday. Lois Barelman, Catharine Sim-~ord Sunday eve ing by Mr., and ing friehds in Wayne Saturday. Mrs.. J. B ngtson. Marguerite onsen and EldOtl Barl'lman spent I

Illir-_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiii~liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.. land Alb rta Me of Detroit, Mich., Sunday with th~ Fred Tuckers invisited ith t e John Bengtson O'Neill. The ~irts remained for a

A N K E T Sfamily f om T csday until Sundily. few days. '

: II , I: : Mr. a d Mr '. John R. Andcl·son , Sympathy iti J.xlendcd to Mrs.and MrJ and n'i. George i\nd('r- AUglst Kai UIHV

1Mrs. Dan Dolph

. " Son and childr n were Sunday aft- in t e death lof their father, qIC .' "Q).. '~~"" Melo Ripe

0% .alII-WOOl crnoon nd unchcun guests at late Berna:rd H brock, of ncar 1'1_.Ial - Claire nders n's. Emerson. I I i C~n

Jeu ed' or 014 wool~ but 100 percent pure gU~~t~d~ t Cl~ ~~~~, H~~'s S~l:.~,~ da~=~ter~ik:7te;~~~', Ofw~:st:;n~ . -'M'---J~-·C-kV-s-p-ra-t""""b-I-"" GRApPE&FGRUITMr. an Mrs. Reuben Holm Rnd Neb., were Monday callers at 1... . ixe egel~ es

virgin W 01 blankets. Blanke13 like these are not children Mr. and Mrs.. Hussell J. Bressler's to Allen. on' a "being m de now. W('nstr nd an Ronnie, Ins Fr('u- bUSiness trip. 1~-oz. i I lOe ~:~ 2 15c

erickso and Norman Larson. Mr. and Mrs Victor Johnson, F-' CaD i---··_·············,·Mr. d M s. Herbert Johnson Rev. Robert Wy ie and family, all : ,

Were S nday fternoon and lunch- of Wakefield, Mr. and Mrs. George '~!,."n·eg·ar Pure Per 33e~eon gue ts at Clarence Pearson's. ;Buskirk were Sunday luncheon Ii Cid~r Gal. ... _ ,~

Marjori. an Arlene returned visitors at L·,J·IBressJer's., 3· 11 ' :!::.:.uL!J)home lh th m [or a fpw days' Mr. and Mrs.1 Henry Tamow, J:,I,'ar R."n"gs , I C tGM&stay. Junior, Miss D~lorjs Greve a.ld . Dbz...

Mr. a d Mr . Clarence Henning- ,Miss Lorinda Hansen took Miss J C Mason P~r 21 SUMMER SA'tSAGE ..... 27csen and 'ami! , Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mildred T8Jrnow'to Omaha Sunday ar aps D' C· Per poundBrockm I}er a d family and Louie to resume he~' ~uI'scs' traming. , 1 ,Zinc rz ,,- .Hansen and f mily of near Lau- Mr. and Mrs~' Bubert Leuck of t Per 12 GROUND BEEF . 20creI, wer Sun ay dinnt-.r gUests <.It ..'Pilger, called, a .F.·'red's on ~a ra*ax Pbund. C Per poundthe Har ey H nningsen home. Mr. their way to M nneso~a for a va- $ n • MINCED HAM 21cand Mrs Ches e,r Bentl:lll and chll- ication. They S[ eht the mght at : Beet l~'~tb 69c Per pound .,dren of ear,A len, welte afternoon the Dunlap home in Hawarden ugar With ~.tamps ... -. Bag. 21c' ',.visitors Iso. IIa. I ! I' , ' BOLOGNA

The J ed uller. MelVin Lun-, Stanley 'Rihg, who is o'n the -0. S' I d' D I- Miracle ·er 39c Per pound .....-... :•.. _....

din, f.r..e L.. u.n in, A14e. rt A...n...dcr' .. IS' S. South .Dak

1ta on the. east.ern.. ,a a· reS$lDgWhip QL.. BAeo:\' SQUARES ...... 19c

so~ and aul Bengtsqn families Icoast, ,came fro Philadelphia for Q,,; Maxwell 2-lb. 61 c Per po~nd .enjoyed fa 'Iy gathering and la few ,days' fur ough. He spent 0 ee C' \"EINER~ ·27picn~c di ner t ge,ther at the John )Wednes~ay fit .i\rt Longe's and ,: Hous~ ... -.~ ... ,._... ' an..... Per pound. CBengtso hom SundalY in. honor! Thursday 'the L 'nges, Mrs. H~nry 1 b. Prillce Albert lSc 10cof their uests Mrs. ~. J. Bengt- :Rubeclt and Mrs; Herman Hansen '0 ac~o T·· Ol.EO. Sunlight ~rand 19c

. so~ and -daug t~rs, q,f D~tl.:oi~ Ivisited; at ,tlW Rtngs in ~ioux City. I, I'" or ~elvet .-.... In.. _... Per pOlmd.

Mich.; an . Mrs. Johnson and niece ~~'--r---- BUTTER. Parchment Wrapped. 39c 'of Oa~la ct,. ., ;1 ~'" • ,WIU~o" to West. i lJighi--;The Magician Per pound

Mr. an Mrs. Fred L1mdin, rs. The R. B. Stn dley family plans I '" 2--8 45 'John B.e. gtson a.I)d M~s. Jo .' son to mov.e t.oCalijfornia this month. j Wed,n.e'daY'~Ugu.t1 :. p. m. CHEESE, Brlrk or ,.i\merlcan .. S5e Itook-,M A.• [Be'rUttson ,~nd Mrs.,Standl~y,~pdMaril~.wi1Lgo I ""'ayne unicipalAnditoriUDl 2-lb.boX· ..·······:·······..············. 1 ·1d~ughter to 19er, S*nday 'cye- to Peru AUgUSJ 15 to VISIt rela- I i!==:;'~Jl,~dmI~S~si~O~n~w~ar~s~av~,i~ngs~S~t~a~m~p~=,==l...======~=====~1~=:flmng ~n~ visite 1t ~~J. Petcr- lives. Mr.;,stan ley plans to leave :'

e no 'm~re of these all w:o.oJ- blan~et$ son ho . Mr., Ben tson and August 20, goi g to P¢ru for his I I CASH '

J s7;3~:::~ia~ilJ:t:~~~ft~i~t~~~f;:~~~~ ..;~::~~

Page 9: I:; ' Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950... · "rhe his ~I'y of WU1.'~de extends Bacia', ... MISS~Theodora car1 0n, RpeU and they rC'lurned t 't eir








':·~~~ ......I,II,Sedtiorl Two

Pageslto 8,

1 1939 Ford Tudor

1 1936' CheVl'olet Coupe

1 193~ Ford Sedan

1 193~ CheVl'olet Coupe

. II! l~'r,


2 1941 Ford Superl Deluxe Tudors

2 1941 Ford Delu'1 Sedans

1 1941 CheVl'olet J;ecial Deluxe Tudor

1 1940 CheVl'olet '12-Ion Pickup

,C~n!!~}s!!!!,gePHONE 220 ; I WAYNE,.NEBRo

••••••••••••••••~~•••, •••••••••••••••••••••M•••••••••••~••••••••~••II~••••

: ...•...••.....~..•...~...............•.~..................•••••..••~.....:: I I " i :

: For Republican Nomination For i= I E.

wayn~ tounty Treasurer

tFxl~ ~ar~ E. NicholaisenYour Jrnfidehce, expressed ill a vote for my nomitw:

tion, will be 10ncerelY appreciated. And if nomilUlteda+d elected it will be my sincere effo,rt to satisfy el'erycOllfidt:nce pi ced in me. I 1

I I. ,J"he frust you hate olaced in me in '"'ario~ COFunity enterprises inthe past leads m to a desire to serve you in lithe capacity of county

treasurer'r- I

Due to lire shorta e, it will be impo••ible for m~ to see tilth of you, but

I wi.h to take thi. reiln. of le\ting you know tha~ I .hall truly appreciate

your suppor! and ~i11 do my uhno.i to merit Ychf vole.Ii'

i i

Carl E~ NicllblaiseI !' iii ,I i: '~' 1,:1 :', I~ I I

:; , Yourl~te andlsupport ,..mlle ap reciateCI af0rim"'1cs AU(itst II. ,-• 1- ' >i I, I I ' . 1 I I' Ie

\r-:r·1jr·r'·~··J-r1 ··~··r~~··~···r·r·J'·~~,,·,:r··.·~I:I[·~I'.~ ..···~~aanaloiii I '!II r,'" 1,1 ."..j,'>.J I /-"."'.. )\;,,,i1.:::; ~ I ~·jf.~),.~~

IState Tax Levy~'

I Fixed by Board 4

'I Auess.ment Is Lower Thia ;,I Yeilr Thila in Several .i Due to Valuation.

i_Tne state board of equalizationI last Friday set thE' Nebras~a tax


1e\J..' at 2.39 mil!3.. the lowest since, 1936. Last year's le,:y was 2-?1 andI thl? 1936 tax \.':as 1.76. ~

t The mCJ'Pased property I\<-alua­I tJO~ IS mamiy responsible flDr theI" ~u; T?hlS year's valuation 'lS £2.­

~ ~;~;2a5~d the 1941 total was

-~:j-- Th?Ugh the total valuatidn was"'AY~E C0I..!LEGE CPT IS nowlunder ann~' and C:\....~ regulatlon.s. up 4.1 per cent, land VallilationsAll memirs lof the ~nit ha."e enlisted lD tbe anny &ll' corn<.: re- dropned 166·sent> afte p~ssmg mental and [phYSiCal tests The ~oup';hO\\n I'. per cent.. Pe'l"SonalIS recel\""1D . ~dlO ('ode instructH]D at \\aynf' airport. Left to n~ht r~t~p':;~l~~~~_d22~~.ce:nt andthey are. Jorl'mt ro", \\. C .s\\~nson, "a'-'lle, nIDio code tnstTu('- A.tolr, Ge~ld R(.DDfpld~, flubhard, 6eo1"gf" ,"\;. Derry, Wayne, Leon - ssesspd valuations for cCiuntIe3BllrkleJ, "aY,nc, Klf·hard Bf"cnnann, Dakota (It,), Robert Harn- 10f this area for last year and thisson, W8yne'~Ck TO",,", Prof. A~ F. 6ullh-er, '''layne, coordinator 1 }'rar follow: .for CPT pro am, R. 6. FuellKlrth, n8)'nc, James Holt \\t>St 1COIint) 1941 1912Pomt, Lee S ith, (o)-rf"("tlO",,;I~, 10\';1" paul F8nl'"nS, Arlington, I \"Vayne :517.936.930 S17,~~9.0:5M:orn~ Shapl, o~ Om . :Srrf'en~ng tpsts for tht' fall umt \\ III be j Dixon 13.230$95 13,043.730

_ .::hen AUg"Ust'I_. -P oto by J t\. l\loort~. ! ~edar 20,936205 '2l,(110.26n! I i Cun: r:g ·:24,450.512 244166,225

RepublicoJn Roily Colwnhuo and went to Oakland for! Dakota 8.260.310 8~!<U.8i70'.. ./ HILI. DT i a Thursday noon meeting. I Knox i14.305.420 " 14';54.,870

S (! ~ In r~ aynEl i ~~~-.~~~ I"'e.ce 14,91£.709 14)168.201State and Ioq,l candJddtes wer~· Wayn Y M ~ Stanton 15.039.050 15.028.040

here WednesdaY: evemn$ Est week I e ollng. an lOuNon 10.992.268 9~!41.soofor a dJstnct '1'PUblica.n I rallY. at Wed.s at Papillion IMadlson. 18.388.515 18.'192.7.65the auditprmID.i Kenne~hl \VheITy, I ValuatIOns of lots Were:state c~airrnan.!Mrs.. D; ~. Wlghtr. EI....I,n SWinney of Wayne, and 19i1 li942man. ~trlct Clialf~Tl', and T. S: i MJ~.'i ~argar~i Everett of \Y('('p-! \Vayne $1.871-765 Sl.i161.870Hook. county qhamnan, Were In Img \\ atcr, :-;cbr.. W{'fe mamed! Dixon 1602 no 1:)48,280charge.: II Tue~day· evening., JUl~ Ll, .at ~ .. .~

Leonard PatH:-on ]c.dl \\·a""Tl~ IPapillion. :\lr../Swmney" CQll<;tn. B ii P t tband in ~USic tkfort' tme meet;n lliaroid C.roio;on. and Wllf' o~ Coun- i a s on 0. a oe8

Mrs. \.\; Ightrn-tm op€ned thr pro;. I' ell Bluffs. and :\lr<;. ~TD Jang- I Are Un.usui11. Gra,wthgram. Candldatts were intrqdUC~ 10 of Omaha. accornpamE'd them. I Potar - . 'and spoke brJef~y. O. H. Brinkmam ,The ceremony ""as performed by! seen In 05gaIJ~~::ew:~~ b~ hasfor r~llway corrtrnissionler, Charlif'~; Judgp C~(Ilns.. . ' P. C. Crocie-tt,' on ~ hiso~d ~yJ. 'Warner for: governor Hen~ Mr. S\.\mnp) I~ a .:;:on of Mr_ and I I pota~oBehrens. Jor ~udltor; 'Carl :\lI.j. Harry SWinney of Wa~lle,!; fo~~~~~l\Season.Th~ sma~ gre~nSwanson. for treBSUI'f'r. Vayle He 15 a graduate of the hIgh schoonIters on ilkf fruits de-\elop Ul clus-Rpctor. for V. is. senat~r. spok. ~€"re. Mr;. Swr~nE"Y, a da_ug:~ter of! If one ~1~:Sst~~ks of ~,tat~F. S. Bern' represented Governor Mr. and .;"lrs. Charles W beret~ I \'ar!ptv grow . El~D-"\'Ight Gr;is;woJd_ :~vlr'. whern'f" j of :\_\"ee'pwg \YalPf, attended thEi! Sf'f'ds'f of r tato

he pl,ults t~ecandidate.flar U. S. Sf'rta~or. pre iun,\,ersJty at Lmcqln tast y(>arl~tt -E'x;lbl~SeseTh~llS. Mr. Cro<:i-sent<>d thE', stat~ (,:;lndid.~lt<>S_ ,'l.f.ter ~Jng grn

rhlMt"'d' from hl.~h'. .k."· ~ .' fruJ:l


. M~. Hook' introducE'Q h~ l~~,! school at Weepmg Water. !~~~l~~n t~ ~;:.,c~r::~~!f~candldate~ prest'nt. C E ~ -lch;I~J 1 The young folks aTE' staym:;:'· _ . i :."s('n, \V. I:!. Re~s, Ho\\'<.'rd .Jame~, WI,h the ('~",.,(mc- fOT I;i lime but: \ Burt :\lc:\att and ,Gordon J~:Burr Da\·l~. Fr~nk Er:x:lc-ben, Jeap pl,w to mr-,., .. :0 Omaha S00n. I i son rode a motor scooter to Lfn-Bo)d I coin last ThursdaY to spend the


Page 10: I:; ' Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950... · "rhe his ~I'y of WU1.'~de extends Bacia', ... MISS~Theodora car1 0n, RpeU and they rC'lurned t 't eir

An institution ~';of community


perfedioR you may want b~' th.

'amOUJ TRAUB nome doe.. we

..uaranlee it. $0 tip him off 10 ~e the

aftd pt'ic. may not S1uarClnt~ th.

TheBeckenhauer SE:rvice

BJosS<lm" ••• 'he best in eve~ cost

clan and the ultimate in bea~ty


PaUl Min~sJeweler

This Is theCity of '

~Tomorrow!!~~ j'~r--_.J"_



( 'i

'--._ --_L~j;/1~.,

and !'Minf/8S01ir' TeslnJjill.ishes prol,CI its /u~

IroNS bti4ll11 from IN ektfl6itts as th'ey have tlle 'cities of,yemrtla, ad tqday~'S;"ce1870-

Cities !wiI1 chanll"; paJo~ .. ology ,.m chaQge;the co.Jposhioa of paints change , '.' Bnt:'Mina~~olS'~Tened 'lu'!fl7 ..J,iII~~e,_e! i

-The "Minnesota'l1'ested Repu/ation Will be then'... it i. DO~!~ , , tile best 'paJa~ and 0zi11 the'best, :that mone,: can buy at all timq.' ...

Ask to ~ these bea"tilul.1 durable! DzUshes iaglOW!.-nl/, n~8 color, They'~ ~~ed iA mod. '.'era cr"'tiba~ ..Ad...,ccd StiI~ itl <::otott'This :Year's Colot,Prevue,'l whlch~" 'ca.i>..~ OJ>:

, I request!~'! . I 1"" ',' ' • i

>~ey~r '&, archei ~: 'Pl>one 308

1' , '; Wayne, Nebi'.~ .J:i! 1;:1 __1. '". I" II i 1"·-1 ~,,_',_._:,_I~

Uill i HI 'i:'>;IIII,>v'll~i~;t!'!'II~\:t,LII:

ti~n of th~ re~~d~ :;l~~-t- ~.-c1~~- W~y-;~~'-~~~er pf, t '. Re~a' determination of the heirs. fa tition r be,nat granted. I .construction oflthe! will: of sai~, de Da , d thIS ~lst day o~ Jtll ~2.ceased, and for ~ qischarge. ~a ~Sea1) ,J. M j c:a ¥.ing will be had on said acc~un J23t3 I Count,~ age.and petition at the County c~·! ' r IRoom in Wayne, Nebraska, ~jt~ ~OTICE'OF.PR~BA~T8th day of August, 1942, a~ II ' In the Cou'nty Court or t~yneo'clock A. M. when all'personS in County. Nebraska. I : "terested may appear to s1)o In the matter of the :E~st~.te of

Icause why the prayer of ·the petit H.ans Ol~f Hansen, Decea~ep, ThetionlO'r be not granted. '\ State of Nebraska, to aIJ ~rsons

19~2~ted this l1t~ dAy of Jr1y in~~~t:~:h;~~Yes~~~i~jeJ that

(SEAL) J. M. CHERR"~ Pet~r Christian Hansen ,has filedj23t3 County .:tupg1 a petition in said court ahli'g~ng

-~--+'~-- that Hans Oluf Hansen departedNotice of Settle"*nt qf Acco~t. this life intestate on or ["b9u;t theIn the County Court of Wayn~ 17th day ot June, 1942,1 and;, pray­

County, Nebraska. I ing that E. -:r:. ~arnemunlje.J:>e ap­The State' of Nebraska, waynJ pointed admimstrator of s~ld E~~COlKlty, ss. tate-. Hearing, will be hacl ani said

ToAll persons interested in th petition me at thlOl Cdluntycstate!of Oscar Reinhardt, deceas-' Court Room I'n. Wayne, Netlm"kCl.ed: : ! on the 7th day of August" ~~4:!, 8.t

Youi are hereby notified that, oni 10 o'clock a. ~the 21st day of July, 1942, Emil (Seal) J. M, CHEHRY,ReinhArdt and Selma Pfeiffer, exJ j23t3 County:Judgeecutorl;, filed their final accountiand petition for distribution of the l

re"idue of said estate, a determin­atIOn of the heirs and for a dis~

charge. Hearing will be had ons;aid account and petition at theCounty Court Room in \Vayne, Ne­braska, on the 7th day of August,194:!, at 2 o'clock p. m. when aU

I,persons interested may appear toshow cause why the prayer of thepet Itionr:r be not gra:Q.ted

I Dated this 21::;t day of July, 1942.I (Seal) J. M. CHERRY,

J23<3 County Judge.1=====







_,.' LIGHt AT 100 FEEL.:


, ew C~rs ~it~ ~ife miles on them~

11942 PLYMO~TH,l~D R !1942 CHE'\'RQI-ET rpw SED,AN i~ NEW 'A:l<iJ..I~CHA~ME S TRACTORS, i~ NEW AtUS' €HALfd DISCS I11 USED AJ;.L~~C~A;L,ME till\.CTOR :.1 USED FAR AI+ , i

I~~r 'ell' uto c:~.Ijllone 1521 ' : Wafr' rlIebJ1 ,-. ,.,. I;' II ' ,I, I

To Ente'r :SaVill Reserve."Vard Reynoldson, Wayne col

lege graduate who has been employed in the State National ban ,went to his home at 81.. EdwarSaturday. He leaves from thersoon for Notre Dame to take 3days' training before going t

~C;;~ hf~'~s~~~e ~~~~~~it%f i~ai~~~fOI' t he naval reserve. ,,1


In the County Collrt of Wayne

-co~~~~s~~~r~~k~ebraska,Wayne :...,County, ss. '

frot Rjice, Calif., thati he appre.., . daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ha~ry ,To all 'Persons intcr~sted in theCia ('5 I the Herald. "No matter arnett and a sister of Mrs. ('state,of Mary Trmvbndge Honey,I,vh re n fellow is the ~om(' town Everett Roberts. The Linns also deceased:pal r f'iS always welcqmed," he Jbave relatives at Ca~roll. i I You are hereby notified that onsa'. he youth has hf('n moved Mr. and Mrs. Byton Ruth~'e- the 16th day of July, 1942. Myrtl.efr ouisiana to th,f Mohave urned Thursday to Wichit.a, K' n., ITrO\.V~ridge executr:x: filed her f~-des rt ~or desert maneqtvers. And fter a fe\v days' visit here. ey nal account and ,petItIOn f?r dlstrI­It'S rea~ly hot there. Ope day the 'ere" accompanied by Joyce John- butlOn of the .resldue of saId estate,th(' mor1eter climbed, to 143 in on and Dorothy ~arder who l;ire a dct~~inatlOn of the. heirs. and~hf sh~de, and vpry l~'ttle shade isiting in their home, also by for a dIscharge, HearIng WIll beIS It be found. ['We ha~'e to haul enry Rehder who visit~ in the had on said account and petition atour water and we don'l~get all We ene Hale ,and Byron Ruth homes. the C9unty Court Rooffi,1n Wayne,el d use. Now we are bnly allow- orothy Harder will be with Ihe Nebraska, on the, 7th day of Au·('d. ne: gallon ada.y. I IN.auld give ully Straight, jr., family part of gust, 1942, 8.t 10 ~ clock a, m, whena liar for onc qU'art qf good old h~ time she is in Wichita. all pe;rsons Intere~ted may appear\V ne county water, lfeople talk I to show cause why the prayer of Ia t sunny califormf' but I'll OTICE OF SETTLEMENT fF the petitioner be not granted.'ta gqod old Nebraska any time," ACCOUNT : Da~ed this 17th day of July, He', s~art-blJf you can't ~xped

co luelles the corporal.' His new In the county coUrt at Wa e 1942, 1 him '0 be Q diamond expert! $i%.a eS$ is: Cpl. Louie f,l. Brogren, ounty, Nebraska. 1Seal~ J. M. CHERRY,C . ~,33rd A. R. (M), AP.O. 253, The state of Nebraska, \Va",ne j23t3: County JudgeRI etalif. ounty, 5S.

I To all persons interest~d in the NOT~CE O:C~~~~~MENTOF

c. ::~~~~~:a~~1n~;s earn~ :~~~~: of Alvin. H. Ren1iCk, fe~ In ~the county court of Wayne

(' he new rating~f corporaL You are hereby noti{ieq thatl on count~, Nebraska.H s ddress is: Cpl. Em 1 W. 8tall- he 25th day of July, 19.j12, A~ice The state of Nebraska, Wayne

m ,Cq. F, 32nd a ored regi- ennick, administratrix. filed per CO~~iISSp'ersons interested in thern n . }\. P. O. 233, Ri e, Calif. inal account and p~tition for ll1is- I

- 1 ribution of the residue of slaid estate of Chris Maas, deceased:

tromoted Ip Ser.Yice. state, a determinatilrm of the h~irs YOU are hereby notified that on

ca:~tQ~I:n~:~~~~~:~StI'aJn~ b rt F. Johnson I has been nd for a discharge, Hearing will the day of July. 1942, Ottomg tor a commlSSJQn m the aIr pI a c>d to sergeant. He IS In e had on said account and prti- Maas, filed his final account and

I FJ d t E' E'rt tramlOg cente-r In Cal1- ion at the county court rOOmj in petiti(m for distribution of the resi-corps n orl a, atten<l1ed me- f B f HE h h N b k h 14 h .tI due of Said estate, a determinationmoria} Sflnlces hf'Jd In Jackson- nIl ecause ate eat, t e ayne, eras a, on t e: t yay of the hpirs and for a discharge'.vIll(' Fla, for the late EnSign Al- n l~ most of theJr TI1aneuverlOg 1 f August, 1942, at: 10 .o'c1oc~ a.VlO F:ckert of Anthon, Ia The for~ I a~ nJ ht The }outh s new address . when all perSO)"lS Interested H~ari'ng \vill be had on said ae-

~~~.. c6unt and petition at the county

mer Wayne student was lost when IS SI RObedrt E Johnson, Co A, ay appearf,to sh\.JIw c~use Why court I room in Wayne. Nebraska,hiS plane crashed mto the ocean 3. n < ore reglm('n~, A. P, O. the prayer 0 the pot

2, :\ ice CalIf rranted, I. on t~~ 7th day of August. 1942, atnear San DII:,go C'<lrly 10 July The Dated this 27th day of: J~l'y, 10' o~k a. m., when all persons.Ta(>c~~~~~,lil~~r~~~s~;t~r~~~n~lll:~~~c~t. 1 1 Report" ~ Kansas, 1942. inter~sted ma~y appear to sho\y

Ib]:(~ lVTeyer, son of :rv~r. and Mrs. JS"(!aJ) J. 1[ CHER~Y, •••~•••••••••••• i1•••••••••••••••••••Ii•••••••~•••En.loys ReadillJ{ Pal)t"r. B'ml1td Meyer of \Vayne, report- '30t3 County JUige, ' I

th:t'il('K;~~/" ~:('}~:~~~'~~~, I~,r;~~~ ~ Ol~~~~~~h~f ~:~~, 7orkm~~~~:~ NOTICE OF SETTLE~IEXT ,IOF ~.* Keep' Them In Servitealmost as long as he hHr; been in i tn S,:-rvice. After a :'fcw days' ACCOUNT I ~, .... :.. "'~'service and hp hAS (,Pl'tainly en- P 'Innjinary instructior1 at the re- In the County Court of Wayne '. .11joyed rf'llding it. He has b{'cn mo\'- c pllon ccntl'r, Ill' will be trans- County, Nebraska. Our modern shoe repaIr WI putpd to Fort Dix, N. J., for a few f rn'd to ,one of the camps for The State of Nebtaska, vVEliYne ". . yo~r .shoes in condition to givedays be'fore going on. Tht- men arE[' e' rht ,~.veeks' basic one County, 8S: . Ihaving a grand time and hope to b ancl~ of the armed forces. To all persons interested in Ithe " longer wear-and look better.

~~~rt~,,~::V;;~r~:~;~w;~~~rn~~ LOCAL NEWS ~~~~:~edOf Martha iM- Merrlnjlan, All Kinds of Harness Work39680100. Hq, and Hq. Sqdn" 7th 1Jr$t W. M. Linn and children of You are hereby notified tha~ on -"air depot group, APO 1254, care of ar*; Texas, ~rrived MondRy last the 11th da)\ of Ju]~, 1942, R~llie We are prepared to give you prompt 'and efficientpostmastC'r, New York, N, Y. eekl to spend thE" month ,of Au- W. Ley, Exe¢utor, fIled his hnal

g :;t !with relative". Mrs. Linn is account and petition lor djstr~bu· service in harness repair. We are open evenings dur~Br,others in Rf'lrvi('f'i. I . th b f

Mrs. W, C. Wrobel, formerly of If," .1 lI;tg e usy arm season.

~~"h;'r~;~~BS~~Sm;,~e~~r;~r;:;~~: USED :'tl'erne'r',,.Si'·"S·i:;o·'e'~":' -a'.Jn"·'j'>~a'-··r'··n·-'·>e·~'s··'s· ,- S·(;;o'.pThey too would appreciale hearing 1 I • II U III IIfrom relatives and fl'irnds in this! i •vicinity. Theil' addross('$ Bre as i ,:' At the Red Boot Sign ,follows: 1 I ' ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••II••••••••~••,.•••

Don F. Wrobel, sra ltC U.S.N. I _

U. S. S. Trinity, c/o p stmaster, Ilf '1'_ .-~~~--~-- ---'------- t-·San Francisco. 1 I,. ,

Pvl. Gene M. Wrpbel No. All of the!J1 have good t rea and are :in condition 136243949 Co. B. .179 Infantry, .' to give many mil~s of d pendable service.APO No. 95, Camp Swiq, Texas.

Returns to Submarine.Don Udell Miller, who has re~ I

turned to duty a~ the submarine!unit at San Dieg? after recovering Ifrom an operation. writc~ to thank Ithe Wayne Herald for home news. IThe papers wcr€fl not forwarde~ to

~~7 e7~~et" h~~ :~~u~u~~l~edhO:t~~~Jstation when he'returnJd and helapprf'ciated getting theSe. Don is'a motor machinist mat~. His ad~idress iii: Donald Udell fdiller, ,MJo -M M, 2nd cl<)ss, Vi S nav~submarine repair unit, San Diego

Cal _.~ ~Goes to New CffiP"

Pvi:1 ChrtstIan E Ba holz, whhad ~een at Fort Sill, has beetranSferred to Camp Ch ffee. :peaFort 1 Smlt'1' Ark. ThIS IS a metank idestroyer diViSio~l" oPfneabout! six months ago, a d consi _erable work Is Yet to b done ~put it into full force, , ./

TI,e Wayne young m n aI/or ­elates the Herald and speqiallikes I the column gi ng ne sab0tli,1 bOYSI In sel'!Vlce. I

W nile a tJ Fort StU, Pvt

Chllng-~s in Mis"ouri.Pv1. HHI'(JJd FrNlrickson, \\.:110 i~

in Camp Crowd('r, Mo., has thi~

new addr('."s: LCll St., SIgna] Oper­ation Co.

In Camp Roherts.Pvt. Leslie Youngmeyer is train­

ing in Camp R()berts, Cal., whE:'rehJs address IS: iNo. 37]28198, 1stPlatoon, Co. D,!78 Inr. Tng. Bn.

lIu~ 'Nffw Address.Pvt. John 13.:Lynch has the fol­

lOWing new ad(kess: No. 37124900,3rd Co. ht Provo En., Oak Branchstation, N. 0, P. E, N('w Orleans,La.

Apply for se~e.Victor Koplin and Ro crf Witte

of Winside, applied for enl1stmentin the naval rcsC'r'\'C t lrough theNdlrfolk office.

Nurse 'Viii SerV('.,Miss Dorat by 1-lor'1'('1I, \I,:ho ar~

rived from Pittsburgh \VednC'sdaylust wf'ek to sp('nd two wC'eks' va­cation in the Frank Horrell home,will in September go into duty asa nurse with the armed forcps.

Fonnf"r StUdent LOf'atfld.Pfe, George A. Lebl'ns. former

Wayne college studl1 nl, is now lo­cated in Alasku. His urldress is813th Engr. Bn. Avn., APO 912,Seattle, \Vash.

To (~olqmdo Camp.Lieut. Henry Moeding has' been

transferI'Nl from Fort drook,Omaha, to Tort Logan, Colo.! He,Mrs. Moecting a~ld daughter Iwerehere over the Wl!CIH.'nd wi tl~ Mrs.Anna Mau. Th0Y l"ft. Mond:ly fortheir new hot;rlc.' I

1 _ ! 'I'Statimll'jtl in 111l1coln" I

Pvt. Marviltl E FI'cdrlckson ofnorth of WlIyJr1c, who I~ Inbw in


h Hospital Path·nt.1)\,t. Martin C..h'nscn of \,\'in­

side, has been in a ~lO:;pital thepafit threE' months. I~is nt!dn'ss IS

StaUo~1 Hospital, \Vllnl '1."), .lef·ferson Barracks, Mo.

At l~ortlllnd Alrhu......(',Pfe. Selmf'I' ]. Sampson, \Vayn("

has this n('w address: 406th Bomb'Squadron, Portland Airbasc, Port­land, Ore. He' wntes that he ap­preciates each i~~H' of the H('rald'


Is Flying In~trtu~tor.Ensign Reuben Mcierhpnry. son

of IFred Meierhenry o~ Hoskins, isstationed at the: navaf air stationin Pensacola, Fla., where he is abasJc instructor, He was hom(' on'furlough la~t w('('k.

I'll Medical DJ\.'ision,Pvt. Joe G. ,Lulg('n ~l<1rted his

training 10 Arkansas last week.His address is: Co. A, 106 Bn.Medical Training Cl'nlcr Camp!Robinson, Aj'·k. '

Enters Army Ser\'h-e.Joseph George, former student

~=a=======~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:~~dW~~~e ~ft~~,T:~CJH~I~~r?qll~~~George I of J)rchard, Nebr., re­ceived tlrders to report AugUst l,in Omaha where hp will enterarmy servicf'.

Page 11: I:; ' Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950... · "rhe his ~I'y of WU1.'~de extends Bacia', ... MISS~Theodora car1 0n, RpeU and they rC'lurned t 't eir



Railway Ce;tmmia.ionREPUBLICAN TICKET

Qualifled-25 Yean •ActiveLaw Practice '

The Railway 'r CommJssionrunctions muchl like a courtand legal expelience is de•sJr<lble.

fXl (LAR~N(f Ml~, DAVIS


Wayne County Sheriff

Resident of Wayne County 38 Year,.• I·

Poll tIcal AdVfIlrtlsement

PatronIze the Advertisers

Yo~ can "elp conserve critical war materialsI I i I

and keep the lines open for war callsI

Longl distance lines to Washington, D, C., the

Atlantic, jPacilic and Gulf coast areas and. other

centers :if milit~ry activity are very bllJlY with

war calls, I !I' 'I, !

If it is reall~ necessary to make a c,all over

these lin,s, won'!i.You please try to avoid tfe busi.

est hOursl.. which on week days betwe~n9 and12 in thl/ £orenopn, 2 and 5 in the afternpon and7 and 9 in the ev,ening? i

I I IIf OU share Ii. line please be cOIfBiderate

of the 0 er fellow. In war-time, many; 'mo"/,, people

have to use party-line service. II ' •

Everythlngl mustl~ • •ubordinClted to *inning th.:war. and t"r Bell ~Jf.m 's dedicated ff fhaf fask. :


,,--~. . ~ I

~ f"'1

J ~ .'1';

G,~·., LanthersonReal Ie. and All~ 01

TaJ;l'Ce Except Life.

I. Wayne, ~ebr.

,olttlcal A vert se e It

•Qub.Iified to serve yot Y"pr vote al.d s~ •port will be appreciated. r:rimaries ~ugu t

11, 1942.' .. ',···1,

Utlcal Advertls€" nellt

I ,1_Tli "i~~I'~1~~~I_"_:rl"'JII:1'<~JlI!1C"~,r1'~~;;~~~~~~~~i~:;~~==:=~=;rH~~~~~nra~~~rl~~i~1~~~l1~~~~~~~~~~~~i~~~~e~h~t;.,~qp~~~;a~~i;q~n~?r appendicit's ~Issage:~ be: "Trpsting Be- _Miss:Flq iElla W~Cke~"Bloom~

10 a 81 l,lx C.lty~hospltal Monday. '.' n ath the W?ngs e,f',Go~." Evening lield. hpd Erwin-.He.nni.ngl. Sto

~' - I! ice, 8:15~ at the bandstand at Lake, Ia., were Ir¥lrTied Jaly 26 a

. Frie ::rt~~ re~~:~ere en. ~tnec~h~'fg~e Free y~urch will Bloomf~eld.. . , !tertain?-. in.t e Carl' Doescher rrayer se}vices are.' held each Mrs.~.~iJie Breetzke, 8.9. resi~1hre unday n honor of Mrs. Wlednesday night at 8:BO. . dent of I Wisner for 65 yeairs. diedD sch r's birthday which was r''The biggest moment in the. life JUlY. 29 at the hotJl13 of al daugh-oiSa urd y. i Of\ the prodigal or any other man leT, Mrs. August Le!sy. I

- is that one when he comes to hi:p1- IFor EllUl swa:n~on. se, f." .' !

Mr. nd MrS. h.lbm _PeterSon I"No sermon is ever' finished un- 1

and sO s, Mr. and Mrs: George ti' someone has done ,somethingMagnu on and family, Mr. and aQout it." ,Mrs. ans Johnson and Marie 'All are welcome to attend Thespent riday evening in the Emil Efangeucal Free Church. .Swans n honor of Mr. -Swans n's birthday. ~'Concordia Lutheran Chu.rCh.

(Rev, Wm. T. Chell, pastor)Binhdia-y Service. , SundaY school and Bible classes 1---:::~-:-::-'-=-r-=---1

Mr. nd Mrs. John Hattig and e 'ery Sunda;y at 10 a. m. Sundayfamily and Floyd McCrigmt were -. h' . 11in the Mr~. Anna Hattig home at d' °1~~1::.g ;~~~ali~ s:;~~~:sa~t the IWayn SundaY, Th~ Henry Hattig b.r'ndstand Sunday evening al of ;Laurel. and a group of Dorcas society will meet todayfriend: of Waype, were also guests (Thursday) in th~ church parlorsthere n ronqr of Mrs. l-Iattig's e~tertained by MISS Famy Fred-birthd y.! i rickson.

I - IJUniOr choir meets Friday eve-or lM:lhlred Swanson. n ng at 7:30.

In h nor of 'Miss Mildre¢l Swan- , Jl 1 F .son's 1 th Ibir~hday Sunday, lunch- ., Senior choir wi a so meet rJ-

eon g ests in the RUdolph Swan- dfY evening at 8:30.son h et.we~e Mr. and 1}'rrs. AI- 'The Luther League will meetyin R ber 1'. Mr. and Mrs. Bill next week August 14.We-sel h nd John Kohn of Ran- : Confinnation class meets Sat­dolph" Fo nt RobE'rts of Savanna, Ur'day at 1.:15 o'clock.Ill. M . ahd Mrs. George Lippolt The annual Missionary picnic

~~~sts adY~ Heese were 'evening d:~1~~~~I~a~~~~;~~;r~:nW~I~be sponsored by the Woman's Mis-


jnton Chell of Kensington. Minn.,ho will be visiting at Concord,ill bring i a missionary message.

We will leave for the park aftertre mornii' services at the church


d join t ether in a .general out­oor dlnn r. For the menu bringvered w$h, chicken, sandWiches,

pie and vfhatever else may add to~ picnic 4inner. Also .bring your

~~e~i~~e~h;~;~haf~l~oo~S~ft~~the program. All are invited to~ttend this enjoyable eVf;nt.

.1 Pia . ..I eeting! I L I 'fit 1

of August1I1~~~~~~I¥~~11l'f':ope~'1g. .~ay for. Waynq', j'F ,I

coun!:y ,ru 'al teachers will be ,I'T~o:r. ¢rwin was a No_rf Ik V.iSi~held a:t th

l'I court house :.satur~ torr ~un~h,Y. :1

day, ,~ugu, t:' 29, and all instruc~·' I:Epns Jl.astede ~lsited Fri t ~ft-

tors l~a~teJ;"equired to atte>nq. ejTti()ol} at RUdolph Swan on,,5.'su.p.t .F. B.... JDeC.ker Will,I!.ive in" l\:I:' Ii .strU!tl "1 Mrs. Viola Weather- r·1an Mrs. Verne Carl. oq can~field N r, aha county superin- edi·in the ,Henry Anderso 'hQmetcmd I 1, , ill be one of the SlulnctalY· evening. ~"spea rs. I She will represent Ran'Uall Allen was a Flridayenid W b~ok company a·nd will o~'bnilh~1 ~upper guest in tee. ,n l'f,.J4ding and on English. l\fagn'fls~'n home. ~ :Ano~~er ~~strllctor \Vill also oc Mr" and Mr~. IErnest e~e,Iisonsecur~rd, 1 cftl.1ed! inbthe C. J. Peters n ,homo

i ~ Re~lg-liR Position. ~~1~ ~~~~~~oncarlson!~el;pedM~s:,~'u Rc'\V l'usign(ld C.'lOk. fO.r. thr~shars in th B. ilger

her .~~acl."~ll{ POS~tiOIl in: diSh'iet,. Hearson Ihome Saturday.58, ~h:~s Ie ving f1V(> vacancies in Miss' .t>el?r1s Nelson of tadowWU~19.f.' eo.. n,ty rural school.s. \ Gl'ove, spent the week-en In the

1- I Garfield Joh son home.I , Box t'ilets Arrive. Mrs. ,Anton Granquis spent

B1~SE'tJ,/con,taining supplies 'Tuesday night and We-dn sday infor I;e fajIl,term have l)cen J'C'~ (the BlaiJjle Gcttrrian home.ce-iv. by Supt. F. B. :Deckor. Miss dierthy and Miss ',MildredTh1e ml3IY be secured ! now by i.swanson called in the He~ry Ras·the ..,' Ch,C+S \rho have contrac.ts !t~de home, Thursday evenipg.

. in .' yne .Icot1nty. They will be ' Wallace, Harlan, AlVin anddist~i ute-<~ at. pre-apC'ning day Clayt.on Anderson spent SundayAugf',t" 29

1<1.fterr:IOon with Ernest Swimson.

Mrs. Albert Nygren and Geneva; tenJfh Charts C(U~le, w;er(! Wednesday afternoo visitors

~upt. F.~B. Decker h~s receiv- i9 the Raymond Erickson orne.ed r~(~ ,tl e st.ate hcalt1:'1 depart- 1 Mrs. George Magnuson nd chil- Several truckl ,ads of scrap were added to- the Halva' e d 'iva oy .Jotn~ eoa~t Guard;.

I men~ uffi ient. charts 0.1' ,each d11en visited in the Willia Schrie- I~tudents of Wayne 'college. Inspecting th'€ collection are, left to Mr. nd:Mrs. Fred Salmon, Mrs.,Way~ co nty school. hesc de- bel.' hbnre ~edn.esdaY afte Don. Clarenc,e MeG nn, Miss Lenore Ramsey and Dr. J. R.'John on, 1 Bonge and Frederick Salmon took

scrib.~ !all disJases, tell ,RcY~"~__ lYIrs. W. T. C ell left ~__-+---'___' ._____':_ +-+---+.-.--__;_----ILeona d Salmon to Omaha Sun-their,t:gen ral Sfmptoms, give W~dnes(]ay to---lrt--t;end the oS ate Lu- . ' . ~. I • . day wert: he -'jolned the coasttlefi~it or ers a out wl1a t-,t.o do th~~r League conventioniat Wahoo. ~s,Mr. and Mrs. ~oseph Er~cson, hO.~e lfl. honpr of M .-,~av recentl.y from a VIS- guard. A t.areweJl supper WaS heldwheJ1.' upi oS havl< these ,and a~sp Mr. and Mrg. John 90 horn of Carl~on. ". Ericson s 72nd blrthd<jl.Y· 1t w th the ~ormefs daughter, Mrs. in th~ Allen Salmon home atgive~r IE'S overni!ng othell's of the WayIie, were Sunday dir~n I' guests Mr. and Mrs. Arvi P~terson Mr. and'Mrs. Gust An.derson an Har y .D.ah~qUlst~ and family at IWake, eld-.·iSaturday evenio.,g fortami y Th se cha,rts will, /:Ic given of Mr· and Mrs, Haro* oshorn, and ~amjJy were Sund yafternoon daughter, Jean, of Haward(!n, la, Wo thIn~top., Mmn. A sO~', Ray- Leona'd Salmon. Those ptesent:t t h t· MrS. Max Holdorf a d Mrs! luncheon guests in he Adolph came Wednesday and VIsited unt 1 mo d. who, 1~ on ~ week s fur- Mr. a d Mrs. Harvey Taylor andj~g..a er at pro -opemng mcct- Everett Hank helped * .James Bloqrn home. r,i sund.aY in the home of his Isiste J ~OU.h from~ls dulles as a plumb~r Bobbj', Mr. and Mrs. Fre~ 'SaI-

I I' I, , . 1-:Ianl< cook for threshers turday. W~s Ruby Fredric son spent Mrs. D. A~pauI' and familjY. In e nav was also there. He lS mon od' family, Mrs. Minnie" • c~ ~.,,, •• , Mrs. Verne Carlson: a d Opal Friday night and Sa urda&" with Mr!. and rs. Evon Peterson a sta loned 8, .Portl~nd.. Maine. and Bonge Mr. and Mrs. FreaerickUO AL' NEWS Carlspn helped Mrs. Art u~ ,An- M~'SGail Hughes in] the Earl sons were S nday dinner guests n rep t..c; ~e! lIkes, 1t fine and the Salmon and children and Mrs." Mr~Sj' ~ .. , . Blad· Went" to Heron delrson cook for threshe Satur- Hu es home. the George .Magnuson homf:'. A - cou try IS beautiful. Murp1.'.•..

I:ILa:k¢, ¥i n., Saturday, to spend day. .i ·ss Joyce Peterson spent a few thur ,Johnsons and Mr. and M s. , -

.,-seveir Iida S V.iSiting her uaugh- '.Mr.. an~ Mrs. George LI P?lt and day!! of last week in he home 'of Kenneth O~son were afterno n Speflcer Passes "Have Good Sen·lees.,tel', rs. m. Hawkins, and far.n- IMauJ!ilce :Johnson were -hursday her ,grandparents, Mr· amd Mrs. visitors. If'H t A tt k A ry successful season of out-

I ily. 'I lun?heofl! guests at Rudol h Swan~ G.; O. Johnson. 'I ~' Mrs. Anna Hattig and daught r, ler ear ac door andstand services is beingJ Ritv, W. F. Most was in Colum- son~~.' , lI1r. and Mrs. Blai,+e ettman Mildred, of! Wayne, Mrs. Ma el r. and :Mrs. Earl Orcutt and held t is summer at Concord Sun-bUS~f>·dn:; to confer ,vjth Rev. ; Emtl. Erlartdso~ and ,~aughter, and, Barry visited in I~he. Harold Geis and daughtf'l'. Karen, of Ju ius Kirchner were caLled'to day e nings. These services have

~;~tct n~~~~~c~ l'~:~et~_~c~~-s~~ct(~~ ~~~:.~ ~:r~heTU~~d;~ 1f;:~~~~~ ~o;~~~;e~:~~~a1 Siou C y, Sun- ~~~~:,X~~it~d' i~n~h~a;~h~au~~~~ ~ _i~OI~ro~~~~~i~_I~~,t~~. ~;:~ce~~ ~~~ ~ ~J:yn1h:n~r:e~v~~=~~~~iRevl' Q~t for this charge.' hom~. _ ' . ~r. and Mrs. Henri' Anderson home Wednesday of last w(,ck. W 0 passed.away following a heart churl" wiql be in charge. The gath·

D.,r.-'r-ii... O ,e.l Rust. leaves. the last. Mr.s. George Anderson nd MISS and' Helen were luncheon guests Mr. and Mrs. Emil Thir>s nd at ack at the horne of a niece in erings are for the community andOl]h w ek for BrainC'rd, Minn" CIElra JCf'hnson were Thur day aft- in the Robert Andersonl home Sun· family, Mr. and Mr~. Ruda ph Wisner, Neb. Mr. Spencer \fas on all fol s are invited. Others areto . nd I'p week or two before ernoonjiSitors in the Rpy John- dayl afternoon. 1 Swanson and daughters and Fo nt hi way, home from a vislr with invite to come to Concord forgai to ~hart, Ind., to vir5it. her son ho e. I 1141'S. Floyd .Reynolds ~pent Wed- Roberts, ,the last of Savanna, 11.1 r Jatlves here and had stopr.ed at these plifting services. Come, anddau er, rs. Dale Cripe, for rc:' M.,-s. ohn Vollers, Mrt. George nesci1ay and Friday of last week in were Sunday dinner guests ast Isner when he became IP: His enjoy he music., join in the com-flaih er 0' Aubust. Voll¢rs and Charm weI' Sunday the W. A.' Erwin home helpIng week In the George Llppolt ho e. lfe was tJ1e fanner ClarBj Kich- munit singing and hear ,the mes-

lI1..~~. E~ es.1. TSi('fk~n a,ld little af.tE'rnO, n visitors in the . ~rlc Nel- cook for threshers. Mr. and Mrs. John Nygren nd n r who with three da'ughhjrs and sage a brought by one of the pas-daughter and 'Mrs. Gpo. Hugh~s son home. Miss Unnea Ericson spent ,all family, Mr. and Mrs. Albert y. t m sorts survive him Fjuneral tors.left" ~rt ay for Fort CoJuns, ,Mrs. Eerne Carlson, ppal and day Tuesday in the Jdhn Nygren gren and Geneva, Mr. and rs. s [VIces were held Montlay atc.OlU~...,r~~h~re '.~heY will make th(dr Min.nie .~rlson spent Tu~Sd.aY aft- home anti Wednesday aftiernoon'at Raymond Erickson and sons ·ere linCOln. ,Ea;rl Orcutt, Mr. aryd Mrs. E aug-eUeal Free Church.

~~~~~~~ ~~~fe~e~niSc~~~:~~e~here :~~o~:l~~~h ~rs. HenrYf:nderson H%~~~ ~~~nc~r~~~.and' Karen of ~~~~a~el~~~e~~~~~~~i~o~a~~ It.:.h~ ~~~~n~;r~.~erL:~~ an:~~.r;ifd~ (R;~~ y::~g ~~o~;:~:aSC:;ie~;s~~~'R~~' an Mrs. W. F. Most and Mrs. Fred Flege, Mrs. Franklin Fairfax, S. D., are spending a'week Lola Mae Erwin and B nie 'irchn('~ went down for thb serv- m(>et t the church at 8:30 Friday

ra~'l:Y.. M . and Mrs) Dallas ~ieck- Flege Bind ~h~Idren .wer Monday with t.he former's mother, Mrs. Lisle left early Monday mo mg, ce;<;. Mrs. Orcut who hafi been night. Dorothy Anderson will berna nl an family, Mr. and,' Mrs. afternoqm VISitors m t e James AniOa Hattig, in Wayne. for Wahoo w~ere .theY W.. ill s end I here Since': Friday, returnE'~. home the Ie der. J.

Fre Siee an, SII., Mr. and MrS. Hap.k home, : Mr. and Mrs. WaIter Reynolds this week attending the stat Lu- lth them: ! The services for Sunday are as Your vote will be appreciated at the pri..Fr~ . Slec_ man,' jI'., and Everett, Mr. amd Mrs. Lav~rne Peterson and! Dean of Sioux City. visited Mr. ther League convention at L ther -~ follow: Sunday school, W. All thethe Hist wo families of Ohiowa~ and Norman of MarqUette, Neb., Re:;.tnolds' parents. Mr. and MrS. college. Young folks from all arts Society Will Meet. 1 memb rs are urged to be out on maries August 11.were ISu,n ay dinner guests in the came Saturday for a f w days' Fra.'nk Reynolds, Sunday. of t~e. stat~ will be in. at~en ~('("I The L. C. A. will hold a regillar tti~m~e~.*~rn;gin~g~W~ors~h~iP~.~l~l.~T~h~e~~=~====~~=~====~=~~=::;:==~Ch~rl~s S eckmann home. r visit i!,Il the horne of M s. Peter- Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Cleveland MISS Mildred S\.\-;:Jmon, ami meeting in the Albert Lphman ;= -------

, ---.------.~. I- and! Gary Don attended a family Fount Roberts, I.t.he las.·t Ofls:,an. home August 12. IPoOU('al Ad\';'·";,;'·',;;i~;;.e;;.n';:,";;.n':.... ...,',..'.;.it.;.i'.;.n;.'.;A;.;d:.;V"";.;l;;.I,.;.,+,a.;.;I__.'ireuhion of Mr. ClevE-Iand's rela- na, 111., were FrJday dmner ests

tives at Riverside Sunday. last week in thQ Emil Thies omp. l;hdflrgtK'S-operatton.Mr. and Mrs. Albin Carlson and They were afteIl.n.oon guests n the < Miss R"-'.• bY Fredrickson under-

A ec'att'on Mr.: and Mrs. Virgil Carlson were August Dangberg home, als call- -;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;\1 ·1 '

p pr 1 ~'~~:yH~I.:~~rGa:~~:~::ne~;~~sts ~~;~ethe IIear~ Weseloh h me a' - D T T J S·y Ta'Ik-.n9 lesSMrs.. Garfield Johnson and Gary, Sunday ~.. ina"r g.upst..s .i'jh." " ..1 r... ones ;

ay I express to you my apprecit Miss De]on's Nelson Hnd Mrs. Mil- H. Tuttle homClli'(,I"e: lVlr H U. Mr_,,1


ion fd-r the support that you have given fpre') Johnson called in the George ThoI'. Erwl~ a d laml]Y, 1', ani OsUjopathic Physician IMa~J1uson home ~ri~ay ~~t('rnoon. Mrs. Elmer N'lson ami hIr!('y Eyes E~a.~lned - Glasse8 Fitted

1 e during the p.ast foul' yeats and ask YOUJ ~1'r, and Mrs. E. E. FISher and Mr. and MI1I. C. H. Nelson, lI". an Wayne, Nebraska w' C Sh 1M1 . I soTl,s, Pauline Madsen and RogC'r Mrs. Art Nels , Mr. an M,r . I ;;;:;::;:;::;:;::;~:;::;:;::;:;:;,;:;::;:;::;:;:;,;:;;;;~ t

If~~~i}~'~':~~~~~~l~~~~ ~r;~·~;('~,m(hl~~:'.~l~~~~1 ~~~£~i;:;~E~~:~~~i~~ ~~~t~:: ~~;~~~~hh2fe1nanc~I~~~U' ~~ ~; ,I· CAYANADGH ! e "In 00 ore"11 jed wol'ldnlf £OJ' and "lith you, ~I\n ErWin home were Phyllis. D.AAf.ampalluYtldhion INSt!J~ANCE AGENCY i ' '1

1 I I rl up and Edgar Hanson, MarIan j"I u~ser and A\lS and Jewell Tay- and Mrs. Qust AII,Kinds of Insurance" F B edker r 01 Hawar~lm, r. and M s. J. f. Phone 8~ Wayne, Neb. Nev r belore have SO many local and long'I, • .' ," Mr Ian~ Mrs E J Hughes and Peterson and f mil", of Ca all, 1·1 ~:;::;;;;:;;$I~:;::;:;::;;;;:;;:;::;;;;;;:;::;:;:;;; dis'tance 'calls been made. During the past lew

~, ~ ,. Gall drove to AlbIOn Sunday to bert and Arthu Anderson Mr. a d I· I ' I.~Ollnty'sIlP~~in,endfnt oIls,t Mr Hughes' mother, Mrs. Mrs. Wm. Has ell and hn, r. D E D years this Company and the 0t!¥'rcompanies 01 the

tJilnie Hughes, and other rela· and Mrs. Pau Hart a d Da y. r. l • H. otson B.ell System haye made tzemepdous additions to

'~~~~=========~:;==~==~~==!':I iV~s. Mr. and Mrs, lenn Paul and iss t th - 1 It ~ t d . ti t h dl... Mr.,.an~ Me> Erwin S).ronberg, Mary Olive Ha l. EYE IG.HT SPECIALIST ',e~r?aI1(~. ~~,~:",o!~m~a pn 0 .anei~ .,.,.",i-.:..;:l;:;.;=...:.:.===='----...:.r=-=;,;:,,;=.F.......... I ts. Louis Johnson and Hannah 01 Miss eerthy and Mis Mil ed ayne, Nebraskaili~'fn'ar9i'if&d(I of·tel!Wlione ....rrice;.yet

II . akefield, were Thursday eve.ninl! Swansqrt Were Monday eve. ing many lon9 distan,ce routes and in manyexc!langes

Ii~itors in the Henry Andel'Soti vl,ito,. la" w .k of Mrand r"!ii .! there is a'shortage ollacilities.

~ J i, lome. .Alvin Roberts and Mr. and r.s.e,,· aude ,L. Wri,!g·h·tlSaturday afternoon visitors in Wm. Weseloh f :,Rando ph. F unt 'I I .

~ he Harol~ Gonnarso" home were: Roberts of Sa nna, Ill. rem ned BelllH. ack Hospital In normal times, we would build more lines,, lirl Gunnarson and IVina, Mrs. in Randol~h af (:or'spend I1g a .eek ~ but we can't now because copper and other ¢ritical~Republican Candidat~'for I~renee Dahlquist, Donavan and in t!le'Rll~oIP Swanso hom, He , ' ,Phone 20 metals are needed lor the shooting side of the war.

I ", arue. left ,the fi st qr this w ek fo his ~.(}ollnly Clerk rMr. and Mrs. Clarence Ericson home afte vi~iting rei tives here 3.20, "',.Iil;'t' St. ,W&Y.De. Neb.nd family of Laurel, were Sun- a mondo. I J ::::: :.

WAYNE COUNTY y dinn~r guests in the Victor Mrs. Anna ljiallig a d dau hter

m....._r;";";;":;.it:;,k;;orl1;",,,;;A'".d,;.ve~'·,;,;li~".;;'n~";.:;.n~l .;P.;:Q,;,;lI~ti';;;C";;,;I+==~;;,,;;.+_,,\ IDrs.l,tJewis l& Le\vis, C!fiiOPRAtiTORS

A NEW PUTU 10~~~~i1.4~erv\cei Wayne, Neb.

12 llaSt 4~ St. '

Page 12: I:; ' Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950... · "rhe his ~I'y of WU1.'~de extends Bacia', ... MISS~Theodora car1 0n, RpeU and they rC'lurned t 't eir


Commissioner iniThird District

Republican Candidate for


- AbilitJ[I


I,Your Vote Will Be Apprj'ciated at

Primaries AUgU~J1, 1942'

JUDGEof the


PrimarieS, Aug. 11

of COLUl\lBUS. lor.


Three Essentall Qualifica­tions Ortered by

Experience. For. iSt,ate superintenden~of

Puhlic Instruction

IXI Conrad Jacobs n- lIoldrcJ;"c. Nebr. :

!~I! ,I ' ']"" • 1"111'

I'I' "I""'I !. .~


! J r'l 'I I, 1 I II ., U(j.UST'6, ~M2 .; I,


, bilit~


, j~+ i! , r I'd',;Mrs', Elm~t SCh~ede of N rtolk, Winsi e. ~~re Sunmiy suppe'r EI in,' ,r:\'~l1d Mrs~ F~nk.Hi'ctt.~,

1iI'1f' ' ,era M~. an.d Mrs,' L~,tjmer Richards of gueS~i~ the George OUe hom~. an~. Mary,' M.,r. and Mrt~-. Gllmo,re:_I ~,I Carroll, 1Yl~. and Mrs. Wm. TPke Ve nie Larson. jr.• spee Sun- Day. and daught~r were Sunddy'

,I I I : ~ and Marc~~me Witte. . d~y afternoon in the Aug~t mIlner ;glfests, In the Roy D5lY', , '- Kruse home. . hol"". I

\ 4 I' 1/ ' ~' Highland Women's Olu . \ Mr and Mrs. Albert atson Mrs.! Minl1ie Graverholt a[lcl

~;~l~~---J-~-~~~-~~~~~+~~+~~~~~~~~~~===T-~~t±~tt~==~±I~ ~fl==~~=!'~~'~=: TheHi~hl~d~en'SClu~~t~nd~I~~~d~.~.~futib~tTh~daY~VC~ing:III.r: . . . I, I I'~ at; the ~orris Schroeder horne 13toakes and family had a plt:mc t~ Allan p.t.:rdue h.ome.:~rs._ Johr~re vllnpng hqt E'~ dham left for! ..yOljlg ,Beach, Thursda,Y!a:fternoon'. TWelve em- dmner Sunday at NlObrarji park. Fmn and children and mrs. II(~n:r)S..W,m,' ltatl~, Cal. aturday mo.rn,m,g: Mr. an,d. bers were fcsent. Guest wai Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Damte and Arp called Wedn"'sdily, dnd Mrre~tIVes am:1 Mrs eedham w~1l V1:S1t theIr Russell Kc dall from Omah~. The famIly were Sunday dmn guests and Mrs. Henry Bush $unday

, I: I dau liter and famIly, the Arthur afternoon as I spent infOjallY In the John Dunklau hom Rodel- -

WINSIDE LOCALS 'ps' of Wisn~~,. Gre rls . They will be ,gone about Onc-cour~eilunch was served Mrs.: la Grarnberg was an ternoon In Local HOSJlltp.1.WIth 1\111' two· ~eeks. # Hubert T Swenck wm be next guest VernH! Larson v..-~IS takpn td R

F. E. Bright was in Wayne Sat- bernice off an j the Gus Hot1j- 1a.nct Mrs. OUo Graef and hostess. I Mrs Julia Perdue and ISS Lot- Wayne hO£Pltal Sunday' aftNnoonurday. man hom., tchi! q;:n joined Mr. and ,Mr5. Law- 'haBush called Tuesday erening In for treatment for blood pOlsonJn~

Mrs. Nenry Ulrich was in Wayne Cpt. IlH~ Rei¢ ert, who ha re , IT~ppert and Patty (jl~ Nor- • L-- +-..., the Henry Bush and A C Sahs 10 Jus ldft handThursday. been VI::;I mg in thj t)am ReIchel folk, for a plcmc at Layman s lake I hOlTles and Fnday evenln at Hen-

AX~'1 Smith was in SiQux City home, Ie t ond~ for camp sunaJy. Mary Graef, who had WILBUR ry Haase's·. I Wilbur Proj("("f Club.111Ursday. Tucson. tiz. , been at the ITappert homrl! for a Mrs. Fred Beckman a_'1 d daugh- Wilbur Project club n1f'~'t~ nf·:\t

I';dgar Marotz was in Norfolk ..Mr. an l's., bert B~ullin" week. returned t~~h home WIth (By Staff Cort'Psponden ) tern, Mrs. Russell Bec~an and Tuesday afternoon \\Il/1 Mrs

Saturday. \ Doris an D nna!, lmcr G,llcspI, her darents ~rnauooghntercawlleerrsela,.nsttWheedJnamf,sdeasy Matet-, AmygnUswt,l"'l-rua,s,e,.s·t.MTrl',·e A,,(~,g,l,l;"lt 11I~:,lfr-1• \VaJt(~l' Bleick ·was in Norfolk and No a can er:e in Belde~ .M!t"J and Mrs Ch Stxcfvater Carl E. Nlcholalsen. repu lican, r;: ,Ii ,n.

Salurday. \~ l"riday e eni g. I. " and !chIldren and Mrs. Luclhe Kel- will appreciate your vote A • 11 Intosh home:· I sisters for the year wjJj IJL' rc-Harw'y Podol was a :Wayne Mrs. r an B ttger of Portl+ ly, ad of SheldOn, a Mrs Anna 4tr Wayne county trea....urer aSH Mr. and Mrs. Elden Meyer of veaJed.

visitor Thursday. land, Ore, a rive~ In the ~ilhaJ11 Stlcf~ater spent . turdalY and Hrva Barnes spent the we -end 1';;~======C:==:::;iiiiiii.iri~~~~~~~~Miss Bf'tty Sue s~ent Sunday Wade ho e 'und mornIng tb Sun~y In the Cary home \\. th B W t \ I ,

ev<'nmg at Carl Jenseh's. visit for' ti e. I Mr.s; .i\nna :StIefvater remained to .1 essIe a. son. I I KNOW lHEY DO AI ~-:Ioward Jamt>s of Wayne, was in NIl's. E me Gill spie returned ViSld f'Or a tIme before returmng to M~. a.m1 Mrs. AI.. ~~gel ispent GOOD· JOB _DAD IWmsH!v Saturday evening. home Su da aft r visiting her her lAome at Verdel. SunddY a1 Henry Bush s. I

Shenff J. II. Pile of Wayne, was sister an f· t11er i Maurice, 1al, AJ.lgust Dangbcrg and Hen~y, DOn?8 Day is spending this LWAYS SA,10 50.m WmsHle .Fnday on business. for a sho 1 ·me. Mrs. 'Frank Dangberg and MISS wcek m the Frallk Hicks h~me,

Rr'v. II. G. Knaub called in the Rev. G o. eebe nd Rev. Olah Edna Swanson were Sunday dm- Farmers UnIOn met T csday.1\1. B. Barner home Sunday aftcr- Moore, b th of W yne, were Fr~~ ncr: guests In the' Wm. Janke evening in the John Grier orne.noon. day evening dinne guests in th!' hOrIl,C,;. Mr. ,a~d Mrs. Alfred Janke Mr. and Mrs. Shi:Jey S rague

The FJorenz Niemanns spent G. A. Lewis orne, andlohlIdref1 Jomed the group and spent Sunday evcnmg at RoySunday afternoon at Fred Nie- The Otto rad were m th all VIsited in the Werner Janke Pierson's.maMnr~.·""·n,l M,'..s. Wm. n'ab" called Fred Tra p hom at Pierce, Fri'- ho?)e: in the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Lon e and

.LV C day even ng to he p Mr. Trampe Mjr; a:fJd ~~s. ~'Ioward Ne~r~ and ~o.rothy spen,t Sunday even ng atin th~' H. C. Hansen home Sunday celebrate- hiS birth ay. MrS\- Burns ~1l1.,;0? and sons, all of Iorank Longes.

evening. Arthur'Mc 'ain f AsheVille, N. Denver, arrlvL'rJ In lhe Art Her- Mrs. Kenneth Johnsonl and IJ:!~~~~~~~~~:::::::::~~~~~~~~~-:::MIS.'; Vema Drews of Norfolk, C. arnv d 1 WI 'Ide Thursda,y SC,hqi~, hO, me. Monday to ViSlt f,or Sha:ron called Saturday aftlrnoon _

spent 1/l(' weeJc-end with Miss Ann afternoon rs. M Cam has been abo\lt a weck.!\1r. and Mrs. Neary at Frank Griffith's. I',dIU'Hl ,\iI., '"

Jorgensen. here wit he mot er. wlill also visit in lhc W. F. Dang- Mr. and Mrs. Will Lutt wereMr. ?-nd Mrs. George Gabler Mr. an n;. T ny Backer and berg and Roy .:Neary homes and in Sunday dinner guests in th Ken-

were in SlOUX City last Thursdky family 0 ndolp, were Sunday the Otto Gehrke home at Hoskiits. neth Dunklau home.. WI"llrOam J. (B,OII Jaftl+noon. evening 0' lock inner guests in MrS. Ellison and sons WIll go 10 Mr. ~nd Mrs. Wlllard leeke

Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Trautwein of the Ed. in berg orne. Co~~mbus~ where they plan to a~d chIldren called, Sunday ev€-Carroll, spent Sunday at Henry Mr. an rs. 1. F. Gabler re. make their home. nlOg at Wm. Blecke S. J .Trnulw('in's. turned Fr day rom LIncoln, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Reinhardt, Mrs. Clark Banlst.f'r and! MIS·fELDT

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wittler calI- where th y ad vi ·ited a week In Mrls. Oscar '"Remhardt, Clare spent Thursday afternoon I Withcd in the Fred Wacker home Sun- the Muri I arris n home. RohHf, Mr. a~d Mrs. Ed. Marotz Mrs. James evening. Mn a rs.. cd Foote and and boys, Mr. ·aod Mrs. Martin Mr. and Mrs..~obert fAuk~r

Mrs. \Twla Swan.,>on and Bonnie ehildrcn nct Miss cssie Foote, all Pfeiffer, Mr. and Mrs. Norris Wei- were Mon~ay evcmng callers In

cultod 1n lhc W. O. Smith home of Pilger ca lcd' in the W. B. WCr- ble and Judy, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph the Roy Pierson home.Friday ('venlng. ncr hom S nday afternoon. Ralliff, Mr. and .1\1rs. Norman M.r. and Mrs. Ted Young B:nd

Dorothy CarstC"n is spending a Mrs. G s arU and Blanche of Swenson spent Sunday afternoon famJi~. we r e Sunday efenmg

~~~c\VI~~a;n('~he Emil Steffen H.oskins, Ie last week for ~'o~t in ~he Carl~ Ritze. ho:ne. Mr. and gU~;;~.l~~~~:r~~~r~:~~:.n:~(t~:;~:~.1\11<;.'; IArkiJnp Pjl]man of Stan- SIll, ~kl., 0 .Vl:; t . Fvt. Lester Mr:;. Carl Sch~{,lf'r and NIl'. and J\larian Kruse helped Mrs. George

Martin jhO is 'in rammg there. Mrs. lIermitn Rltze and Dons. all 011 k f th h 1'.1 dInn, \isi10(] In the F,·ank Bronzyn~ Mrs. au lee r ansen and Jac- of Pilger, called in the ('V('nlng. C coo or res f'rs on ay.skI hOllle Fnday. que line nd Mrs. H. C. Hansen . Mr. and ~rs. Hermap VahJkamp, '

Raymond Bronzy ski of Omaha, . t d· t M A'h I ' t .Jr., and family, Herman vah~amp, !~p('nt Sunday with his parents, the VISI e 1 e a. ;; wme <:Jj sr., were Sunday evening guests 'Aillert Rronzynskis. Wayne 1 st Wedn sday aTfternoqn. -~--_._- . --I In the Rudolph Greunke ho e. I

Tho LOllIS Willers family spent ~r. amI Mr~, tU~. Kant an? HOSKINS MISS MIldred Youngme· r ofSliliday l'wning in the Ray Ander- ~~ll~~~~g~l?:a~~)~ ~o~S~~~~yMe~:~~ Norfolk, fmd Rmsell Thorn son ,?f :~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:':::~~~~"":son home at Belden. ning III the arvi Dunklau home. by l'"titir'al Al)v('rti.<j<,mf'n f'olltrcal Ad\·Jrtisf'mpnt Polz(lral Arlv .. rtl.~pm"'nt

Mr·s. Maggie Iverson afild Irene 1VIr. and Irs.•J' mes Nelson and Marion Potterc<Jlled Il1 lhe Chris Jensen, jr., Eddie, Mr. nd M . Harvey petCI'-llll~~~~~~~~~~~home- Friday cvpning. son and son c:-dle In the Rasmus Ii ---.--~--­

1\11". and Mrs. Hugo Fischer and Rasmussen orne Sunday after'-Ruby cal]pc! in the Hiram Wilson noon, WI~;a~~:;~~~~~o;~~:;n;o~~p~I~~~alni1101110 Sunday ('v('ning. Miss Carl ie Hahscn of Norfolk. 1

Mr. and :\!Irs. Russell Pryor ahd spent the w '('k.enb in the Maurin' fO~~~~~~n{'o;~~~r\~,~~a..~U~~iu:'~~ySlJIlI'olyn calJ(>d in th(' T: J. Pryor Hansen hOI c. Emll Synovee of .. h M M hhurn!' Thursday evening. Omnha, als visitdd in the I [ansen I ~\-;~~;C; I~'~~~~.r 10 tel l"S. art a

MI". nrid Mrs. Herman Frese and home. II Lf'nnis Schellenberg .,;pent the ILJI'!ililh (':)llpd Sunday evening in Mr. and 1'5. llenry \Viltler of weqk-end at the LcglJe' Coleythr\> Harold Frese home. vVayne, Mr·. Hat'vey Relbold .of hOrlw at SAoles.

Mr. and Mrs. Gurney Benshoof Norfolk, sp nt l~st Wednesday (lpJ. WilliS Reichert of Tucson,

~'l(;~~d~r~ ~:)m~t~~\ lt~::~n~<;~nday and afternoon i 1 the I Fl'ed \Vittler Anz.. vl?lted in th.;.- Ilarry Stratc I,'

John McIntyre of Bellevue, hO~~: and 'rr~. J,i.mes Nplson and hO~~~:h\~a~:ekThomas and sonspent tile wppk-end with his moth- EddIe, Mr. and :NIl's. Harvpy Pe- \\('1'("' Tuesday guests in the Adolph('I', Mrs. B. M. McIntyre. terson and ons c~lled In the Ras- Bruggeman home.

Mr. ann Mrs. Wm. Suchl and mus Rasmu sen ~me Sunday aft- Mr. find Mrs. II~rmiln GrimmfamJly called In the LOUiS Ehlers erooon. :-pent Sunday at the Otto Zelmer Well prepared. Jhotlle ;-;unday afternoon. TIe\'. Oln 1\-10 re, Mtss Fayma home at Stanton. EXI)('rlenrcd. • Born on a Cuming coun~

Mrs. Pc'an Baird &ncl daughter Salmon an Rev, (;eo. Bcf'llL', all Ntr. and Mr~. \Vm. Langpnhprg Knows (1UtlflS of thfl 0 Ico ~a~~~Am~ri~e::n\V:~. t~;~pent last WPf'k in the Emmett of Wayne, \ ere S nrlay dmnf'l' and '>'{'I,T viSitors in the Geo.. Langen- aml n("('ds or Ncbr8iska .years' experiellcc as attorneyT3:lird home fi('ar Wayne. lunchpon g rsts II the ("hnt '1'rou1- hl'I'g home Sund,lY, ,s...~rn·lplO'l(t'lh"~tl(' attitude toJ,ard in Nebraska courts. Exten-

'r:\'d Wilt wpnt to ()rn<J.ha the man homf'. NIl'. and Mrs. Frank Mllk'l' \\/ere .• sivel;y engagea in fannin",.fir!">l of I he w('ck to accepl a posi- Mr. and I·S. harlps Cary. jI·., ~\ltl(lay l'v('ning visitors in the A~lI(,~~I~;~:~~al )P3df'r.jow Active last ten years in pub-!lOn III ;t cahinet factory. and son )f Wa dield. ('harks ,\lr·s. M'll·tha Rohr*~ nonlC. Pn~sident of Nebraska Ed- He pOWf>r andj rural electri- _

t move td O'Np111 tlilaSL of lhls TIl!' \\'. (1. SmIth family sprnl Cary, sr., { Pilg'[', Emtl Lucders .:.Ars. Martha no~rke amJ Lloyd u('.ational A.sSOCiatiOD'~ fication development. . .wek. Mls$ Ruby Te'd' who has ~nd Bf'tl~ Mr! .1Od Mitt: Jlamps Sunday altcrnoon in the Oluf anel son of Waho , and Bah Cary \\"f'f(' Sunday visitors in the Mrs. Your·support solicited. I I. \- . db n makirg her h e Wlthl Mr, (!lson and l...:d{ H', MI.I flndJ Mrs S,vanson home at C.arr~ll. .. sp('nt Sum y a ternoon in the H. W. Rohrkc home at Ha(br., Vote for "A Man wit a Your V~te and Support WIll Be ApprecIate.

a Mrs. J,VIoscs, IWIlI go to Mrs. asmUs Rasmu sen, Ml ~ ~nd Mrs Mr. lind Mrs. ArlIc Fisher V1Slt- Will Cary ome Mrs. Gus lioHman of W.inside, 1~~p~la~n~.';'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:=:~~~~~~~~--::;~?:-:::=?;---~C a Bradd's hom The .riCk arvcy Pctcr~o ,lnd $>011, 1\-1 .1Or! cd In thf' Harold Pallas home at Mrs Ifre Hal es and AIl('n of s!)('nt from WCdnes,ctay untJi Sat- ---l-~ ---- • __

SIS C 1 S d 1 ' .. • t politlca.1 Ad~('rtIHf>m('nt ]',.tllkal Ad\·'·rll,~"'rn")jteger f~mJ1Y' who1re no IIv- rs. H CHan n, Mrs ILars L~n'- • out 1IOUX I y, . tm ay. Beemer. a d Mr Walt Spmdon uniay in the Gus Perske home. • •••~.I.t.C.~:.~.J: "_..~ , .in in the '~IclOk Fkl' hnus~LWill I~!('0 and J:rnt'st, Mr.I~nd Mil'S H L Gdrrtne!' Df Omaha, Rpent called JU day fternoon In the Mrs. Carl Strat¢',' Emm.a and Im ve mto the hous the Moses ave Nelson and Larry. thrl~ .1]>('- ldst :Vcdnesday and Thursday In Carl Je o;C hon Harry Jensen Walter spent Sunday in the '\fa ly vac ted. I erson and 1allil I). , Emil SynoveL tilL' (Julncy: Benshoof home was also a lSI tor ben Miller home at Danbury, la.

----,- [ I f Omaha, pel~ Hans(' 1 W!lqUl Mr and Mrs LaUMtz Hansen Mr. a d r:s. Ed. MCIerhcntjy Mr. and Mrs. !E.? Be~m('r K hWh I f S l. irth Ricco d. an Foss~n,IM ~s C*"rt ( Jlansen and Mane ~alIed In the Peter Jen- and fam ly calll' In the Jacdb we r e Sunday e'venlng omher t err'Y or ena 0r

II\. son weIghing De" Iy 8 pounds' nil M'" Verha prcws [' Narloll-, ><n hom« Sunday afternoon Miller ho Su day a[[ernoon ~ltl'sts In Ihe Ill'nry, Asmus home. enne, '1 . '

' b ·W dn sday July 2~ to IlctOr JOlg('OSC , MI dnd Mrs Arl Hr'rscheld and, Mr and!M sEd ('~nsten and son Mr. and MI·s. II~lmel' PulohJ ofW 5 0J~ eA c, ld • nke ~ this -~ Mdl\m spent Sunday m the Mn~. called I t C eve 109 Denver, Were ViSit~ in the HarryV ~n~y In r:. N~~f~lk 80SPlt. I Immanuol ·ron~l (unh. II'Jmma B~ker home at Wayne Mrs m 1 Std en and Elame Scl~wcdc home Th rsday evening.

daugh1E'r weighl g 8 P unds.j (Rev GIi cldcspl, .1l~tor)1 ,MISS FAhcl LeWIS was a last Peterson 0 Wa ne, ~pent Satur- Mr. and Mrs. E. K611ath and 1·:iunces was born Lo r. and Mrs. SerVIces at 930 Sun Uy sc::hool fucsday afternoon and supper day m he Hen Carsten home. daugh,ter were ·sitors in the iC He is Prf/gressive:nald Craig· of W nside, in a at 10. guest of Mtss Ne-,vllIe Troutman Mrs. Fe dl and oss and children Henry Asmus ho c Sunday evc- , irfo)k hospital We esday, July 1 I Mrs. Carl (~ensen.' MaTJOrl~J called I tl e aft rooon. ning., He supports legislation beneficial to Nebraska, without partisan

~. ,. \ I Clarcnc~ Joh son of I~t. P'fru.l, P~tc l1nc~ Art VISIted 10 the C~ns Miss eJ n Wi t left this Wedl- Mr. an~ Mrs. Hf.~r:r Klec.nsang '.' -'-- IMinn., arrIv!i'd eOn¢sQ. S' 10 V~Stt JLnscn, .Jr., home Sunday evenmg. nesday or Cin innati, Ohio, to and family were VISitors In the prejudiF


e. :rs. Willis Raze s cnt S4nrlay his parents,lth Robert Johnsons, R?v. an~ Mrs. H. G. ~naub and visit her b other Frederick. Si)e F'red Klecnsang home Sunday af- _

~he Krist Jense» " e a~ Pilger. for a ·short time I famIJ~ arrIVed ho~e Friday a~ter also pia S 0 Sl'e er brother, Pvt. tcrnoon. . , •, spendmg a short time vacationmg, 'Clarenc . t For Knox Ky. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Miller and it: He Gets rhings Done. I :

..I!!_~!.\!!~~~~~~~_..j._...:;j>~ot~tt:::tc;;J...~t4~:J.:::::.:r~-'!-,\I Mrs.,F'rcd Haines of Beemer, and M d rs rn r 'Janke and son, Gene, were Monday evening I . I •Mrs. Walter Spinden spent Sunday B r. a . Os ed d· . \·iSitOI\ in the Paul Schwindt . His reorganization of the RfPublican-party in th~ ~tate Ihas. at- !afternoon in the Richard Jugel g~:~t~ i ~. :~': a~nF~~SC ~:~~~ home at Wayne. . nd~ .1 t"home. " The Ja e and Mrs. Frese and R~v. an~ Mrs. F. C. E?mger.a tracted: national aUen Ion. i :

Mrs. 1-1. S. Moses was m Lmcoln D n hId' th M D kl family arrived home FrIday mg~t ,i -=.from last Wednesday until Sun- he I a d ~ e t~n f: . un au after a two weeks\ vaca~ion 10

day visiting in the Richard Moses om: rl g e a ernoon. Iowa and Illinois.. iC H'e'ls 'Experie'nced: i = Ihome. . MISS 0 othy eeks of Los An- Mr. and Mrs. Victor Clocker, • j

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boulting geles, is Mir am Bracken of Miss Argean Wilson, Ben Wilson He has been active in publi .life for 15, years, in his. home town !and family Bpent Sunday evening Vaneou I r, W~s.., ~. F. Bmcken and Gus Gustafson visited in the and county, ,.n the State and ,n the NatlO.n. ,', the Chas. Mitchell home at of Erne 0, VISI ed In the Edwin Gus Deck home Sunday.Wausa. Ulrich o. e la~ . Wednesday ~ft- Mrs. Ervin Zut~ and daughter _: •.

Mr. and Mrs. Chris Weible and e.rnoon. I S Mil I!"m Bracken IS a Mildred. of Norfol~. Mrs. Suzann _Mr. and Mrs. Gus Kraemer called sister 0 s. UJ eh. Soenneken of Losl Angeles, were • IF' ~ •in the Carl Ritze home Thursday Mr. a d Mrs., Louis Rodekohr Friday evening visitors in the 1< He Is a Naflona Igure~I' 5,evening. and Ru h, Mr. d Mrs. Melvin Mrs. Martha Rohrke home. His accomplishments in Nel?rask,a. public aEf.airs ~,ave le~ t~ th+ . :..

Miss lone Anderson of Pierce, Rodeko r nd ancy. Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Ebinger .1 ... hId •an~ Miss Betty Ann Evans of Nor· Mlj,S. rt ur reudenberg and and Mrs. Elizaqeth Lortz of Western directorship of theiNahonal Comnut~ee anI" t e er e;~~ "Ifolk, 'spent the week-end with Mrs. Rd~~r, n of B ttle Creek, were Plainview, were S/tlhday' evening ship of the Association of srate Chairmen. ' • .:,.=',',Joy rod911. ., : Su~tlay af erno() and luncheon visiton; at the Rer. F.--C. Ebinger

Miss Arlene Rabe visil~d in ,the, guests Iin the . A.. Mitielstadt home. ., ,H: d. Hans~n home Saturday aft-' home. SundaY. visitonf in ~h~ Ha~ M d ."ernobn. She lelt tor Denver Sun- Mr. a Mrs, Dyer Henry of Schwede, home Ito vrSlt Mrs. 1< He Is a Business an a~ l' armer:,'. ::day ,to resume her, duties after Sic,ux 't, ;md Mr. and Mr~. C~ Schwede and son~ lWere~ Mr.· and At hi. home toWY). of Pawn~e, population of 2,O~J Ibe condueb ~ i:

I f' ., d' b • •.a general law practice, mrnaa-es several 1lrma, r., USme&S _,

ventures., \<, I , 5~, I . . . ;' :'

Kenneth Wherry has the e~perience, :slandin~ and +ampaigninlf: I,ability to be elected MmatOJ if nominated. . •

iWe urge our friends to vote for him at the primarie~, August 11. at


:' ,I ,! I I .1;• I . , I ·.1' I I I . ,·1, .,. I=: i •••••••••~•••II••••••, ••••••••••••~•••••~.,.•••••••••••.•_,..!·i···~···r·····: i: ii :I'liI dLA,;:;;!jlfjl::liM:JfMliiti~j~~~~,;il':ti:L [I

Page 13: I:; ' Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950... · "rhe his ~I'y of WU1.'~de extends Bacia', ... MISS~Theodora car1 0n, RpeU and they rC'lurned t 't eir



... IW 'ITI~!T"=7'''7.i,1"', 77711"'!1":'.. 1:1,.":''':j'~,'l~'T"rn'l':l!!~","l!!!'l!!I '~1

Do you want to aaa li£e to your car? Do you want ou \:economy? See Your Conoco Mileage Merchant todayana get Conoco Nth. Continental Oil Company

FOR THE DURATION of your car"""Don7t depend on hurried stops for gasoline tohave your tires and car checked. Join 1:DY ONCE­A~WEEK CLUB. Choose one day ~ach week tohring in your car. I will properiy cheek your

tires, oil, radiator, and battery. I will report anything thatappears to need attention. I will keep a~ record andremind yOu when greakmg and oll change are needed. I helpyou get maximum serviceand car life at the leastpossihlo cost and t,rouble.

MAN: Here she is, , ,what'll you give me for bar?

DEALER: Sounds like she just breathed 'her Iast,.wewant good seeond,hand cars but not this Jtin4.MAN: Why, it's got ,only 30,000 ;"i1es, , • ..;,d lookl••• it's the same make, model and yoar as that grayjob you've got tagged to sell for $450. '

DEALER: But that engine is OIL-PLATED and runs likenew. Good for another 30,000 milos. Ita owner tookgood care of it ••• greased it and drained the crankCllBElevery thousand miles. .~

MAN, I always thought that was the bunk.

DEALER: Well, you've got a pile of junk there to prove

you're wrong. "

MAN: All right ••• all right ••• I'm wrong. Tell you '"what. I'il give you three hundred cash and my car forthat one ifyou'il wise me to the motor oil thatfellow used.

DEALER; It's a deal. He used Conoco Nih oil. That'soil with the synthetic that helps keep both the motor

and the oil clean.

MAN: Oh, now I remomber reading about that,oil andthe synthetics they use. Brother, I'll use nothing butConoeo Nth from now on!

Eddie Oil CQ"


1 '

Conoc~ Nth Motor OilFOR Sl:RVICE


Thou~allds of motorists are keepln~ their caffl In A4 1 shapewith modf"rn (;ono("o $tll motor oil. Try It in yours,

Join thf" ("onf)("o Oure a Wf"ek Club. We'll keep a record 01your oil and J;;"reasf' chang-es so"ihat, Jon may keep your motorprotectf'{l. \Ve'll also dhcck your tires, oil, radiator and bstterycar.·h week for maximum ser,,"ke.


Farmer - Stockman

FOI' GovemOl'

20 Years State Senator

Speaker First Unicameral-Notedlor Fair and Impartial' RuUng..

Ca.rl E. ~"Ikholl\is{'n, rf'J!uhlican,will apprpdatf' your ,,"01(' AU~. IIfor \Vaync £'onnty trf'a.surcr. a6tl

Mrs. C. K. Corbit !';pent Fndaywith Mrs. Edw_ Perry.

Miss Lois Curtis of Royal, spentthe week-end in the S. J. Halehome.

'Bonhie Hinncrichs was a Satur­day overnight guest last week atOtto Heithold's.

Mrs. Harry Beckner and chil­dren spent last Wednesday in theS. J. Hale home.

Mrs. Simon i..essman, {.nlta andKenneth spent Thursday afternoonat Ernest Brammer's.

Mr. and Mrs. Otto Hcllhold andfamily spent Sunday e\,ening lastweek in the Will Hansen home.

Mr. and Mrg. HC'nry Haase andfamily Wf're Thursday e ....eningguests in the August Haase home.

Mrs. Ernest Brammer and fam­ily spent Tuesday afternoon lastweek In the George Rocber homc.

At Ar~hlir~Glass 1101ne.Legipr:- Auxiliary met ~~SdaY

last wti'ck wit,h 'Mr.s. Arthu Glass.Mrs. Lewis Johnsqn and M '. Hen­ry JOl1es joined the group. I\\1rs.Gust johnson, Mrs. N. A. Vatthand Mi~.s Winifred Collins werechos~nl ~ele~atfs to th,~ state con­vcntlo~ In Omaha August 23 to 25wi tli 1jIrs. H. L. Bredemeyer,I..Mrs.Glass.lanel Mrs. Tom Roberts al~

uernatp. Mrs. John Davis, MissJ!tuhy :Davis, Miss Leota Johnsonand M,rs. Da vi~l Jones Were guests.Mrs. Gust Johnson entertains inAugust.lrthd~s. I

lvIr. an Mrs. bam Jenkins en­tertamed ~aturday ~vemng torlVICrrJ~ Je kms· anti Dyruthy 13at­ton s IJlrU days.


H ' Iii ~II 'I week wit~ his ·grandpar~nts•• Mr. Lila Brammer emained or the '·1•• I ,and Mrs. Frank Lorenz, and Del~ ,r.est of the wee •. I'e,'r~I: i mer is helping ha.rvest at t~e Har· Mr. and Mrs. Hans Hold rf andU i Ian Stephens home. da\lgh~e.1·s f>P('Ot IThU~sday after- .-

_ I : ' 'I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I~~~('. In t.~c Ernest! Echt nkamp '----+-!--;...:...:...-__'..I I

+~~~~~-~~-~~~--~~~---~~-~~=~=~~~==~~=~~~~_~~---~-+--_--~~----~-1W M~andM~.~~t~~e.a~

~ ~ SHOLES I MelvIn SchrOC'dei were T ur::;day" f k Ba r of Wau. a. were in t e G. . Beach',Hurlbert family will ~ovel evening g:ul"~b In the I ermanI, lin 5 0 ",lee. Jorles home ~,U,'ntiay lor su per.. to tne plOpcrty we Jcn!.cns~'v,a- hy I Gcewc home. spC'nl~la~t eVenIng at

~ Itlr. and Mrs. .r..Vcrett ~ees f cated.'· . Mr:i, 0. J. IIale, Mrs. arilla WIll Test·s. I.W9-ync, and.! .irwin Jones call d lYUS:i Marian Carlson of D' 9n. Mrs. Ma.-Un ~~~~_I ·TlulJlc;j cinct l\1Lss LoiS CurtIs ~m Puis of Anaheim, Cal, was

en, Mt. and jrs. DJve Nelsen SUllday in ih~ Dave hom' \Vas a FrIday to :::.unday g ue4t< In 1B!!:~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ispent Friday afternov:J. Wl~h Mrs. a lhul')day supper gue,st in theI t ~r. and iVhs. Albert 10, '1I'OU ~ the Do~e Love e,ome. lY,ll",:; ji~m- I ~ !!"ITY Beckner, George Bruns home_ , •ld La ry, Bmi Synov~c of Oma- ~ a

k. Pctb Hans'cn, Vlctbr1 Jorgensen, m of ,sioux 'City, were S turd nail Mills waJ there for ':::'atur~ay Carl E. Nicholaisen, republican, 1\1r. and· Mrs. George frevert M.r, and 'Mrs. Ray NIChols and,~ri~ .Petersen, IAnna ~nd Magnus ov rmght sue,Sl~ at Ca .t-'au - supper, ~ wlH appre<:1a.te your vote a(lg. 11 and famJiy of Wausa, were 'unday fannly were ThUrsday SUpper.f PIlg~r, Wilb~.r Va~Pj9~~E'n, Ver- se 'sr', and Mrs, ~'r"nk Lo enz I at "tl',sl'h'oTmheomahSelee,rlJa


, ve , ~~,I lor l't'iio.YDC county treit.~umr, auu dlnncr guests last week in ~ 1e Har- gUl'sts a1 ":Ill T~st's. .na Dr~ws. Carr~e Hansen of Nor- J- u. '" oW The railroad crossing Just east I"IS Sorensen home.: Carl E. Nleholaisen. republican.folk. A'picnic dipner arid ice cream Ra dolph, were ~unday at ernoo .:;tnard of !I'alrbury, callie Su day of town was repaired last w(lek. Mr. and Mrs. Herman; Gcewe .~\.H1\~,ppre.'ia.te your vote Aug.· 11.Were ehjoyed. an supper gue'sts at to orr t Ne - to be With hel'l parents. Mr. and Threshing is well under way in spent Sunday afteI'noon l~'t week oM llyn; ~ounty t~vurer. a6tl'

ttelon's. Mrs. Thomas. , ~ this vicinity, and the small gram in the Fred Aevcrmann ariGI Frank s' J. an ft- rs. Allvl~ agel.spentMrs_ Eric Cook moved to a roo PvC ~lmer Haberman of p is good. Brudigam home near WIHj.;,ide. MU"'~. 3LYoao,<,ca'rnTooh,':.S "Sthomweeeakt '"wt,hne, .

in IMrs. Emma ~ddie-'s ho c. 'l'h Roberts, Cal.. expects to com he A goOd rain feU here Wcdnes- a r,.. "-.stAnley GrHflths rented t Coo mJddlc of AugUist on furlou . to day rught WIth a very :)evere elec- Mr. an Mrs. Ed. Frevprt and side.

tnc storm. Fa-uncil, Lavon:,~ I;onge arbd Mar- Mr. aJnd "!y~rs. Fred Hurd andprtf::.t:~att Jones and M . Ma ;~~~t ~i~e~iS:~l~t~~~:Gust Jbh" . n, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Timlin visit- delle Lar~en, \'Isitea at Herbert family attended a farewell Fri~day

, ~'R • G S I k h' ed In the ~'r"nk Kuhl home near Echtenkamp s Thursday clienmg. evening for Elmer Kal who leavesgl~ Evans were in the .I.. ran ev, C. '. tevens 00 I. am- .I.. u.

Hljtghes home at lHodmfi 1<1 th ily to Clearwater Sunduy to 'stay Laurel Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred n.u~er, Mr. soon fat the army., k th k 'th" Ct' Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Hopkins of and Mrs. Henry Bush. Herbert Mr. ard Mrs. George Bruns were

pa::;t wee. 1S wee WI Inrs. oJ evens cpar_ IImncrichs, Betty ahf! A1tre W('T(' iSULJd<Iy dmncr :and supper guestsM~~n~n~~:~r~va}~r~~~cs r~~~\. ~~~~:c~~ei~ t~~~V~j~~n~~y. helping In ~lXt~ ~e~~ ~~~~a~o:;:;ner guests Tuesday e\"enmg gllc.,>ls I' ·t wCt'k Ilast week m the Wrn. Thomsen

, ' d ,. f He Frdncis Gubbels and Mar y at P_aul Lessman·s. home at WaJ{e; Stanle Gri1fith hurne 'un a Jean Marie CrecruJUs 0 ron. ;\lrs. John Fran4cn, M .-;. Wl',,- Mr. and Mrs~ MelVin Bruns, Mr.tol: dinner. S. D., who is a guest of her ~unts, Evclyn Hinkle visited in the k 1\ ' I j ,

Rlcnard ,Harnson, of mah', Mrs. Stanley l.TntUth and IMrs. LOUIe Gubbels home Sunday. ~~mRpU~~~ da~~~t~:C~~(:~L~·:~L~-;l~;y- ~~,(e~~~j (~CO~~n~r~~~~yndr';'~~~~,,' M d' I· /... . t' l ',' J t LU d 'hI Mr. and Mrs. Myron Larson ,c'"'jme on ay or a "lIort VI. 1 \V1 Lvan ones, !-l{Jt'n oJ n ay Jug after~oo,n gue:,b last week In the Iat V/est Pomt Sunday.

hiS uncle anp aunt, Mr. al d MI With the E. L. Pearson gll·lS;. ~~~n f~.~g;r;e~~ ~~eurs~~~l a~;:~ Harns Sorcn.-;cn homC'. I ~--_F, E. Beyeler. MISS Laura FredrIckson, Miss Mrs. Fred Flege, l'."1rs. Franklin Cynl T. Thoene, son of Mr. and

~ IThe Waltc:r Lage and ennet BcrIllce Hampton, MISS !June hO~~.. an-d Mrs. Mike Smith and Flpgo and daughter:;, .l\~rs. i\iax :\lrs Henry Thoene of Hartington.

tgH,U'R"(-HE51 Ed,dle. fam~hes and. I,Jete -'lanse Whltney, Mu;s Cleo Mae iJavl~ and Holdorf and Yvonne \-q~re last I waS drowned at Curtis Bay Balti-

II wfre lO tnq James Stepnen hom MISS betty Lou "Vmtcrstem 'were two 'daughters 01 v..agner. S. U., Wednesday afternoon g'-l(:.sLs of lrilOre, Md., merchant mannesI, Yhday evcni~g. .' In Concord Sunday evenmg fpr an were Sunday dinner guest!; 10 the Mrs. Ernest Echtenkamp.i 'tralmng statIOn on JUly 18.

•*'il!BI!M";'.iB!i!'Iii_ j Mrs. KCmIlt.'lh J~ddlC, arlen Epworth Leagul' raJly. ' Tom Smith home. ~~~-- -arP,d Delmat wcre 10 the l{' man M d l\i( Tt B dt l' The 'l-H Cooking elub met in

Mo.th_ddtst (;hurch. IJ.I6.rmeicr home Wednesday after AU:i~·;~~a/~Jsu~- the Francis Gubbels home Thurs-(R (G 8t t ) day. Mrs. G,Uhbels se['v,ed luncheon Icv. '" , even.';, pas or noon last week. day guests of the Carl Lumlahls. at the close of the meeting.

ScrtllcPS as W,;tial Sunday. I ,Mr. and Mrs. Clyde \Vac r an The women arc sisters. Bob Bifandt Charles Landberg Visited in thed$ughtcr artd Delores Har wer returned WIth hiS folks after

Presbyterian Church. ii~ the Henry Wacker. sr., hom spending the summer here. home of hIS mother, Mrs. Emma

(Rev. S. N. Horton, pastor) ISUnday e\·enmg. Mr. and Mrs. Lawr.ence Butler ~a~~b;;o~e;UnodnaYth~r'L;-ean~~~~~Services Sunday morning and Rev'- and Mrs, C. E. Fred ·ckse and sons came from Hill Cily, S. farm.

evening. II~re in Wakefield· Sunday to at- D., Friday to visit in the W, R. Hans Tictgcn sponsored a danceLadies' Al~ met W~dnesday in tqnd Rev. W. A. Gerdes' f stival Scribner horne until Mr. Butler is h

the church parlors With Mrs. E. a( St. John church. called to a new locatIOn. Tho cce c~:~t~:~~~~~72~~~~1~s~~~~'i:I~:dJ. DBiVis, Mr~. Edwin Davis and ,Miss Mabel Lorenz and onnle camp at Hill City has been closed.Mrs . .Elizabeth Williams hostesses. ~~~~rOfgl:.~~;O~~,th~e~?ranS ~;~ ::VIr. and Mrs. Ray Kelly, who J~Ca~~~~~·n~e.capacitycrowd was

CongregationaJ Chun::h. elit, i: home at Randolph. came here from Texas, moved to Mr. and Mrs. WJllls BurnhamIR ( ' G St ) ~Mrs' H. C, F,lzpat",'c'k an Mrs·_ the Elmo Jenkins farm home. Mrs. and children of Spl'ingfll'ld came I fredr"lckson Serv"lce Stat"lon

ev. '. . evens, pastor E izab-eth- Free of Norfolk, wer~ Kelly lS a daughter 01 the Fritz ,Sunday to \"i-;it - Mr. Bur~ham'sISer\'ices ",IS usua,l sundalforn- t 1 B{''''clcrs Mr Kelly is recovering moth£'r. Mrs. G. D. Burnham, and I

~ng. Prayer meeting and oung S turday supper guests 0 t l('lr oJ •..' h \\"m. Fredrickson .',

lJeopl0's service at H p. m. allint, Mrs. Robert Eddie. fr~mf an arr1 injury· sustamed in i~:~t~;ii~~iSS~~~dd~~('nt a fpw \~:p~h~o:n::e::34=F::30::'==:=:.:=====2;;:m:i1~e~s~n~o~rt~h~O~f~W;;:.~yn~o;:;~Ladies' AId meets next dncs- Mr. and Mrs. J. R. lIeft nnd a e ense p ant. days last week in thc Al Kuhl _, __~~ _-.

day with Mrs. W. H. Rce. and Wilbur, Mr'. and Mrs. Wrn. non Mrs. James Brink and ~s. L. home and the F. J. Hopkins homeMrs. T. P. RobC'rts hostcsses. were·in the!' Lloyd Miller ho c at V. Morgan of H.osalle. Mr. an Mrs. at Dixon, Mr. and Mrs. Hopkins

"'ayne, Sunday afternoon. MeredIth Be-h¥td ot Los Angeles.." ;dav F d bcing hpr granpparents.

'Rev. and Mrs. C. t;. Fredl"l 'ksen were Thursd ~ to n ay ~U(:sts Glpn Burnham and son, Boh. re-callf'd on Mrs. Dora Brugg'man in the Don Brink home. Th fIrst turner! hom!"' from Broken Bow

~r:.d~~da~r;~~:~~r~~~~t17,~~·ts of ~~~~(}j 1.~;~.O~~i~~~· the othcr'wom- TucsdelY night Hf\cr \'lsllmg i\ few

Mrs. Elmo Jcnkllls and d ugh- :'\1r. and Mrs. Anton Jcnscn, Mrs. ~~~'si~a~;~~t;~()~~~.~~},,~t;;'~.Ii~l~~~tdr, Mr. and Mr::;. E. L. Pc rson Frank H.lchards, Jean and ,fI.1onte Porter. Mrs. Burnham and twoand daughters were Sunday din- of W11.1('n, S. D., came Sunday to daughters rell1Llined for a longerncr guests of Mrs. Emma Edc ic. hl"lt the LCD Jens('n~, :lnd other visit.

Mr., and Mrs. MarVin Vlclo and !'I,rl'j;J1 i,\.es. Tl,leY v.,'ill. attl'nd the .:vIr. and Mrs. Everett RohinsVarnc'r of Vv'aynC', Mr. and Mrs. Jensen family C('Union at, \Vesl nnd son. T\Iarlps, of nertr Col('­Ge(). Wacker and Marian \ve e at IPiJlnt next Sunday. nngp, W('C(' Sunday dinner guestsHolliS Wtlilams' Sunday alter (lon. l\lrs. Edna Kllsart, LIPu!:. <Incl In the' M<Irtin Mad:-.en home..Janice

Walter John.-;on. MISS Aldath It\lr~. Robl'rt Link of Omaha. Mr. aml Sharon Robins returned home~a['clman and Miss 1mla Hi hf'r-I~lr1d Mrs. Hay Link and farmly of With thpir parents after spcnclmgJehs of Wakefield. were Su day I\lbion. 1\11". and Mrs. Gerald Fox a few days WIth theIr grand­dinner guests al Pert'y John. on'~. wd Jt"'(inptte of Belden, were Sun- parents, Mr_ and Mrs. .:'Ilartm

V10ccnt McClln\och of Ma cus, [<lY g1J('sts III lh(' L. E. LmJ{'home. Madsen.Iowa, vliilted tll(' fjrst ot last ve('k 'Ill.' Allnon folks also called at Art ~~~_~_~~__in the Wlll Collins honte. II left Ink's. 1.--_.,- ---.~ond8Y this w('ek for army ser- I Wm. Zepf of Monowi, Nplj., was\'ICf'. ~ Saturday supper' and ()\·~rnight

Mr. anrl Mrs. Franl{ Lawso and gupst in till"' Hans Rct11wischMary Lee' of PJlgpr, were In tlll' I ~onl('. J fe is a hrolhl'!" of Mrs. An­f). ,J. ,~_'h~n-'h hon:e S~nday" ,;:~nd II na Stoltenherg who 1i\·l'S tlwC('.abo callLd 10 the lIalry I In:, &lrs. Stoltcnh('rg and Mr. Zepfhome. .. 10/1'[(' Sunday dinn('r guests at lIar·

MISS Lon'ne' <Ind l\lISs LU1111l' (lId Stoltenherg's.Wittler ami Alfn'cJ Patent of an-I ~Mr. and Mrs. Homer liinn of¢Iolph, were S~ndilY ~linncr ,mel I hlcago, we're here last week with$upper guests In the PI,e're,e J nes t, e, fU,rmc["s parents, 1\1r. and Mrs.home. M. S. Linn. Mrs. Wesley Linn and

Eel. Stephens was 1D \V< yne ~Jldren of Pha~r, Texas, who are ,u~ s :~dl~~ot1~~r~~~:h ]~~t ~;y:~tlenly Friday evening after a hart eek. Supt. Hugh Linn of Laurel,attack visited the Linns Friday.

The A. H. Jensen family rno cd I~urney Lorenz of Rahdolph,to Mead Sunday. Lieut. Je ·en qelrnar and Dale Shipley Of Nor­~ame for the week-end and his f~lk, were at Geo. Johnston's Sun­Ifamily accompanied him. e Iday with Robert. Dale spent last

Page 14: I:; ' Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950... · "rhe his ~I'y of WU1.'~de extends Bacia', ... MISS~Theodora car1 0n, RpeU and they rC'lurned t 't eir


Rep~blican For

rlnitetl Stotes· Senl/tor.,




fulSpcn ing out ofour War Effort"

, ~.

Vpt;"for :

Adolph E~.I1'Disq


Cpntrnl Sodal Circle.Central Social Circle meets this

Thursday with Mrs. \Vorley Ben­shoof.



Wayne First Ward


Wayne Third Ward

For Delegates to County Conven~ion


NOTE!The Commissioner District Ticket for

rJist.ri~t N.o. 1 will appear on the ba,llot inSfrahl\n, Hunter, 'Plum Creek, Leslie, Lo­g n Precincts and the three wards of~lllyne only. ' ,'1 The Commissioner District Ticket f?r

~.stri~t ~o. 3 Wltl appear on the ballot III

spin, BrJnna. IHancock, Itosklns andrr--1~TT~7rjIj~m~~rn~iiiiil,Ulide Prel'mc onl~•

'I I· (1' I' I ,


......~ ~ .


I·············1··· ..


.....\ ; .

················..························ ..····r······· .................................: 1....-1- : .



For Delegate. to COil ty C

De for.FOUR j : .o j. .OJ !"" .

oFor Delegate. to coul1ty C nvention

Vote for SIX .







....t .····1.1..

D.oo0 + .

oo ..u· .. ··Deer..cj..~----

For Delegate. to COU~IY ConventionVote for FOUR '


0·.························1 .

O., -j-- , .

o .1. .............•••.............. 1- : ,> ..


~-+-"-,..--T'----- ----+--1 0oD : .


For Donna Mae Shlnaut. .Mrs. Ann Spahr, Mrs. Julia 1__-"Pc.,-,I::..H::..'qa+='-I..:1<::..d:...V:..."~t'_>_em_._n_t__

Haas and children, C. J. Johnson. 0·W·UFUSAM. RDMr. and Mrs. 'Harold Sorensenand family, Mr. and ~lrs. H. \V'I HPeterson and family and Mrs.Marie Nelson of Pilger, John IPeterson. Bill Peterson and familyWere Sunday evening guests inthe Donald Shinaut home for Don­na Mae's 10th birthday. I


Learn About Death! IM~fHf:o~,stc,,~?nV~~~~c~e~;

Gereon and Ernfrid All\'in of near

Wayne Second War,d ~::g(>e~. ~:~~e~o~':~~~e~tJ;:~~I;::;

Fo~ Delegates to Cau' ty Jnvention -------------------1 ;~I~~v~~I~:rd~:,t~~~~: ~~t';:~~=Vote for'FOUR Fpr Delerates to -C~':'Jlly ~~nvention ~~h~e~O~~~~ t:':~ke-tt~~iro~r~~~~ jo ~·~~m·

, .. .1. 0 KA1;HRYN LOU FELBE~

For C..i..·~nty Commissioner Third District O! . E. B. Ashburn bought the ·P. F .'1''' .....•...•..•.•••• [j] GHTMAN Boyens mortuary at Plainview., r.;~~t 5Ie k~~~ICf.:~'~1 ~~~:cf f,* ONE 1 ! 0 . . J.f.................... .~ DON WI e/~;~n~;~~:~~';o.;:'~;,.a~n~~n~~ , ,.'ned In goV:,"m.nta' .ft.I".

O WM, J ..MIS~ELDt 0 .'.:..:..:..:::.:::.::.:::::: ~.L.................. , TR·USSS· HELLOO:. BARTEIB ~~~~:~;~o~n:~ ::::, ~m::~ 'e~~n:m~:e:n'~ta~~f:O ~daN~e;bn2;t':k'aW:,OnO::~~~:,

,.. .. I... ~~:k:t~i~~e~~r;,,:~dm~~~i.:°JX d~ed.nd a Ion. ,.

JREC~CT ''"I~-I·C-K-E-T---'I Straha : I, I1J '" " ~fi:s~hn~~be~ A~~i~fw iZ;:~ 'REPUBLIC N C~NDIDATE FOR

For Delegate. to Co~ ty 1-91.nvention OJ', Mrs. Olga Klawitter of Pilger, ~ lEU TEN~NTr received word recently that her l GO :E RN..'·O RVQte for THREE I son, George, and his .1:::5..:-y:::e:::a:.r-O.=ld:.:...


QJHENRY ARP . : -' D ····.···..·················.. ···· ····I .._.:;p~OI~It~lciil·il.I.Alldllviier~till' ..lijemiillijenlilt.IIII..I.·.lj;_~·__'ii·iiiiiii,..~dJ MRS. IRVE REED I D····..················································ .GJ r f 1

14J ~ ............................................................................., .rn 0 .

.................................... , ~:::::

For County SheriffVo~e for ONE




For C()un'ty CoaJmissioner First District

Vqte for ONE I



For County A......or

'I ote for ONEo ALf;x JEFFREY

D ..·.".····.·························,··········.·..: .-

----;:]Delegates Ito Co*nty ConventionVote fdr FIVE :

O .; .I '

'1 0 ..1......•....(;.:: ]" 1 .

ID ..'i·······,···..···f·,··,,··j···:..·..···············..·, :O··t:·········;·····I········:···,;··················· .0,,,,,;,,.,..

••••• ~ ••• ~~••-•••••••••••••• ~ •• : ••••••••••••~••• I••• _ L .

F r State 1'reaa

torpNI I1\,n; JO NSON

, , ·C· U iI .. For AUOrnry ·· .

Voe~orONE '



••••J•• , ••••••••~ ••• ~ ~ ••••••••• , •••• ~.L ~ .

...o~ Railway Com~i. onVq e for ONE



,9., t...: J.I1JH.NSON, . I'C•. R0SS


!-,LO~l)I!R PETERS~N..~,LBE~tS. JOHNSrO~:; .' t ",A..•. R, .E ..!MISTON i

! EiJCIEjM:MiIALL I \1 .

Gil .:M. i.tilRSONII '

:~11~$.f. ~NS • ji

;~wJ~1it~,~ D~~I.'..: . J' 'I'

i.l. '':IVo~, for ONE

. O,D\]lGH'i' GRIS10LI~

'CHARLES J. WAiRNE~. 1 IO····+·······.······,··:····~·······+········· ..······· .

, . For Lielltenant Co~e ,or

Vot for ONE 'i ]1,


10 RU;U~ M. HOWARD,' ,

10 HARRY L. RElC~ i

r0 ROY W¥IA¥ iJOH~O~I' L

I0 WFI~Jr L. nANDA . I



11,0 :.~~~.l~~~;~~~~~ ~~ .. ~~~~ .

Ilo:;~~:ID~oN. WANSON


\ ,

•••••••••••.~••••••••••••.•••••••••••••• I••,~ ••••••••••••'••••••••

Page 15: I:; ' Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950... · "rhe his ~I'y of WU1.'~de extends Bacia', ... MISS~Theodora car1 0n, RpeU and they rC'lurned t 't eir


I •






",;,' 'i.,·, ...(,","V~iiST






For Delegates to County C nve tion

Vote for TWO i Io MRS. E. J. HUNTEMER I0 '1


I'{'I'············· ..1········..·..,···· .. t··

For Delegates to County! Con

Vote for TWO i Io HENRY E. LfY ,

o RoLLIE W'Jgy .



0 "· · ·1 ,



For Delegates t, County Cony otio

Vote for TWO '

For Delegate~ tVote for TWO



Carl E. Xkholai!;en, rf"publlcan,will appredate your "otf» Aug. 11for \\"a,Ynf' (~ount:,,' trpa,surf'r. a611

Pauline Swinnl'Y .spf'nt thewf'(·k-f'wJ in Ow Harry SWinneyhun1£'

fUJlph !\.Iilliken spent last \Ved­nl>:,cJay e\'ening in the Albert·n home.

................ - __ .. ?\'Ir. and Mr;-; F. \V. Vahlkamp

~p('nt Tuesday la~l week at Emil

For Member of the LE;gislalure Vahlkamp',.Sixteenth District Mrs. Emil Vahlkamp visited in

Ithe Fred Heier, sr., home Sunday

Voffor ONE afternoon last week.

OMrs. J. D. Boyce was a Sunday

WILLIAM A. CROSSLAND ;~;;.'; l~7~~e/~'~me~eek in the

OMr. and Mrs. O. B. Haas and

l OTTO C. WEBER Weldon spent last Wednesdayevening at John Goshorn's .

OLue-tta Baugous and Rayoma

HENRY HOPPE Heikes spent Thursday eveningJll the Bernard Grone home.

O WA BROWN I .:vIr. and Mrs. Lavern Harder

O.. i were Thursday afternoon guests

.......................1 1 f 0 in the ;..ielse Gmnqui'St home I~~~~~~~~~~~~Mr. and Mrs, Ervin Hagemano 1----------·-..-.. -.. ·-·-.. ·-·-.. ·-..-··-·-·---I ~~~ ~~~n~~g~~n~~r~~~~tt~,~~·I---""==~~~::::::~+-

,;;;;;;.-----...f-----~-+--- Directors of Wayne CO\1nty Rural Kenneth Kraemer and Mrs.

Public Power District " ~~~e~~~ernat~~ ~~~'s~~n~o~~~Vote for TWO Cpt \Villis Reichert of Tucson,


,,'. Ariz., was a Monday dinner guestA. G. SYIlOW last week in the Oscar Hoeman

..6 Year Term home. '

O I:\lr. and :\Irs. John Goshorn and

EDv\T ARD GRUBB ::\lrs. Ed\vin Tf'mple spent Sunday


in the Harold Goshorn home atConcord.

... l'vlr. and Mrs. Ollie Bartels andfamily and lona Heikes of DakotaCIty. >,pcnt Sunday lh the CharlesHC'ikes home.

I ~Irs. Edwin Temple of Wake-

For Directors of Consumers Public field, eame Friday evening toPower' District ~oes~~r~e~~:~. days in the John

Vote for TWO ' :'Ir. and Mrs. Henry Wittler and

O I:\Irs_ Harvey Rcibold called in theCLARENCE C. SHELDON Fred Wittler home at Winside last

I\VE'dn('~day aftprnoon. !

OWilma and Linda Janke, Bon-

W. A: BOETTCHER 'nE'll and Loretta Hoeman wereSunday afternoon guests las t

O GE;O"GE W. KLI~'E i ",'pk at Frod Wack,'r·•..1!""""I 111'5. Louis SchultC' and

, ! I Victor Kniesche and sons . JUDGE ,

OJ. LLOYD McMASTERI ~;cn~la;; o~~':;n~~em~~~:.ts FrederickL. Spe

O· ...".. "'~"" Mr. and Mrs, H. \V. Winterstein OF FREMONT

, r and Mrs. Lester Klinger were Sun· Now Belinillnl' 15th Irearday dinner' guests in the T. C. District. Sodrll'


Winterstein home at Carroll. Graduating., (rom the Unlv-• --'rr' Mr. and Mrs. Richard Baugous Nebraska Judge Spear; beg

1 ...;.. -++- ~;o~ L~~~:Sd~fy ~f~~;~e~~a·tosr:~~ t,r:c~:tu;, County Superint~ dent of {lay afternoon in the Charle.s practice to 'inll1tarY Moe

P bi' Ide Hpikes horne. dUring that war. Returning Ie Du,.ru on Mrs. Henry Wittler spent four pracUcea with Dol~i S r &;:,

Vote for ONE WE'l:'ks in the Harvey Reibold ~f:ia.untu beeommg diBtrtct die

O!Jome at Norfolk and returned l

fl. B. ;DECKER!I PnlitiC'111 AOn'rl.l!'l,-.mpnt Political' Advt>rtl",e!ment


For Delegate~ t County Con enli '!Vote for TWO

o A. L. SWAN




For. Delegate. to County CobYe~ iOltlVote for TWO

D _..___ '1'".. "


home. Eileen SChIin~s retn~~ed fO;-h S d ' "the week. ; orne un y eveJ?ing :.lasM.r: ~d Mrs. Art UT 'Jdann and Mrs. ReibO~ accompanie

famIly, Mr. and Mrs. Au~t Witt~ :~~ni~~i.ted i ntil lRst ;weleT, sr" Mr. and: Mrs. Ed. Damme. Mr. and Mrs. H<{rold'Quihn andMr. and Mrs. Mark Simpson and d h .so aug lers '1'ere Sunday aft.~Fnoon

la~ ::~~ ~~~~iSe~~re~s.callers guests last week in the !~. W.Mr. and Mfs. John Brudigam Wi~terstein! home.. Mr. ~ Mrs.

• I Mr. and 1\lrs. Arnold Hammer Mr' ~~~nC:~~d~If~~~ i:::. ~n;~;:For Deleeate. to County' c;:clnve and Mrs. F. C. Hammer and Mar; h h . '

Vote for :T\YO , !' , AlIce, and Marcella Brudigam ~::.s.t ::m:.~eF~~~::~Ok~ Nor-

Dwere at West Bend and Arnol~, rna Jean. a,nd Iapa Heiltes came

•..... ':.,........•..••..•.•..._.•.•...••,......~J.... i .......1.. • • Pa{y~ I~~;~andNay,.Chlaoslst WJ ee~. d\' frpm Dakota City Satutda and, c ~ I ...........r--~------..l.----_.I " , umor an stayed over ~unday in the Chas.

.0I I' Katle Mae of Norfolk, Mr. and Heikes home. Mr. 'and Mrs Ollie

of the Supre~e Court- Mrs. Leo Daniels of Stanton, Mr. Bartels and Mr, Foreslioe came

Vote ~!Jr ON' 1\hird D.iatrict ~~~~Mrs. Robie Nichols, Donald, for Sunday and took them b k.

Jr: ey and Phyllis of Morningside Betty Lou Winterstein r turn­IMr. a~d Mrs. Amos Echtenkamp: ed to her h9me at Carroll Tues-

D KMadelme and Kathleen, Mr. and day eveni~g last week after

ADOLP.. E. 'WENKE I, JM~s. Ray Nichols, Wauneita, Lor- spending two weeks in the . W.rame, La\'onne, Joan and Jimmie Winterstein home, Mr. an Mrs.

.0 FREDE~CK L. SPEAR~i~~ an: Jdoan "Wert had a picnic Winterstein, Mrs. Lester I ihger. er" un ay at Riverview park and Laura Jane Quinn took er toIn Sioux City, her home.

r:! AUGU~WAG~ER I For Oregon II<llatlves.~ Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Penn and GOlden~~Id~I:~dm~~~~·thi

O s?n, J. A. Gifford. and Gayle Dun- day afternoon with Mrs.A. • nmg had a picnic Sunday evening French at Carroll.

1-----..........----------:..'_ last week In the Dallas Gifford I---::c-:--::.:.::----+--________+ -1_-.,1=- . Ihomi;> ,honoring Mrs. Carl Wilcox Pulitlcal Advert~em,mt

For State Superlnte~dent of Public Iand Blli of Portland, Ore. Bill Wil-Instruction cox left ::'vlonday afternoon last

Vote for ONE W(lek for homE'. ~'lrs. Wilcox is re-maining longer. )'lrs, \Vilcox and

D W AYNL O. REED her father, J. A. Gifford. went to~ Belden Thursday to visit reiatives.








, , Deer Creek

·j···..~l· .. ·· .. ······ .. ···_··..

.... "1'- ....


For Co ntf Cor\illni.~ioner Fi...t DislrietVote for One I

~or D+legat"s to CounlY ConventIonVote lor two0-... 1... _...-. '


........ .... .. .... _..... _... ~


---;: Dllellat"~ to Co~nt~ Conventil>nVote for TWO

For D legates: to County Convention

Vote for WO


I, Hancock,


For Co nty COqtmi~sionerThird District,Vote for ONiE '



For Cclunty A••e~.or

~e for ONE '


D .. ·

F~r C~~¥Y Atto...leyVo~e +r ~£~; "1 .O······ .. ·· ......···,'t'.. ········.······;I··.. ···········I.......

, For CO~hty Surve~orVote :for ONE

O-r..:'., ·;·: ·· r.

0 ·,,·, · · · ·· ··· ..o

For D leaates to Counly Conven~ionVote f~r wol' ,·O .... l



........I..., II

... ""r o ' ••••••••••••••••••• ~ •• ;.;..

Secretary of State

or State Trea~urer

·_·f.. ·,.. ···

For iC~ngre••man 3rd bl.billt




.. I

., 1~;Al!L H4LPINE II. 1

._ .j.. ..- "- " ".. "..

Page 16: I:; ' Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950... · "rhe his ~I'y of WU1.'~de extends Bacia', ... MISS~Theodora car1 0n, RpeU and they rC'lurned t 't eir

PHON'E 99 FOR TANKWAG(i)N SERVICEAny time, BIlJ" pla('e

protect yo~r molor. For long service and greatesteconomy j10jn the thousands using these famousproducts.

STOCK SPRAY .2:ll'al. $1.79, 1 gal.90cBrlhg ;your ('ontaincr.

EARL MERCHANT--'-~-' ~---------~-4......~..•••.........•........•................•

I I i=.-:


i••i=. i

S =.



Comfort andLong Weal'Guaranteed

In our modern shoe re-_pair service, We' keep

dainty shoes dainty.

May we help youyour needs?

The Gove,.nmentU,.ges Making Re­pail'S to Keep p,.oP-.

e,.ty in GoodConditiono

ALL SUPPLIES Coal Is Ready. Ifor ·."pairing, remodel- ~~ ,

:::~~:..:~:~::~:.":: (fJIIli: Your favorite Choice of MratsSHEQWI~-WfLLIAMS -- .' f'prinh Fries ,fish,Painr~ an~ Va~ni.hea to, to play ito part in the: I

d b 'f struggle. ORDER TO- : ~ •preserve, n eautl y. DAY to be prepared for. I

,'I., • -,.~ :i Joh~n's :1..'ili:N food Markel:IF.III~rton I,'l! br. Co. i 116,W~ot ~.d : , ' P~~ne 73 ;

~ '\)~ve Theophi::I, Mgrr b. I ' WayPe, Nebr. , " II Wayne, -oNe r~ 1 = I I I' I' i!" ~t

Phortr 78 I ," ••••••••, •••••••••••••••II••••••••••••••••••I!~••

• --I!\I ij'1t1'1 I I, i 11 ~,I j d

ing mabhi es hat ave been added tal the salvagelheap. ! ground. This souvenir was Dlaced by W~yne G. A. R. post.Secohd ic ure bove is of heavy iton buckets ~t an old coaling sta- At right,.is one of the pi1~s of scrap Wayne county folks are adding to

tion. Belo a e he vy cast iron1culvert tubes. I 'J th~ campaign. The aim of the salvage committee is an average of 100Secoftd fr m th right is the,old Civil war' reliF on the court hous~ I pounds per person in Wayne county. '. ~

I Joel jV\cCrea Jo~k pretty· EllelJDrew irt his &rms, her eyes. closedin e~stasy, their. lips ",et' in ibeconclUding, 'passionate' embraceand tHe movie screen caught onfire, Salt "Lake, ~ity's, .-audienceknew the show was over and filed

! ~o~~n"f~:e~:~ t~~~ or~~:s fa:~~stteet came over and put the blazeout. .It hasbe.en caused. not by16v~ making" btlt a short circuitelticlrjj,°r swfl'CIi ' ·resUlted in an'esllm~reif$t7d8damage: .

At Camp Lee, Va., members ofF com~any of the 13th regiment,quartermaster replacement train­

~ ing center ~nclud~" Pvts. JohnJ oh~s, iAndre~ 'Aptlrews', JosephJoseph: StephOll E;tepbcn and Wil­

I Jiam Williamson, '

Mrs. Josephine G. A. Baker ofDenver had sought for 33 yearssince her father's Hdeat.h for a

who Iwere visiting sample of his hand writing. The Iilll~~~~~~~~~~~~ II--.+,-~~~,~~J'~-t;-::~'"~e'~' t--~ I~~~n~ff~~~~b~\~C~U~~i t~:~o~~r~~Z

,.-~,:;,;;;~...::.::.:.:.:..::;.:;;,.;....+--..;;,,;:;;,;,;~;..;,:~~~~.;..-'"Ibasement a postcard written byMrs. 'Baker's father from Scar­borough, England, 40 years ago.It was mail~cf August 19, 190:2.

Ip t· t· I Jeek in the JOhh, Lubbers home at day of :~aturday we're, Mr. and meas~res about five by 10 miles is IS~it.hland, Iowa," that ('\"cnin~r

a 'rlo IC Pender. I J.. Mr.s. AH,'m Daum of Wisner, Mr. especially pretty because three MIss l\1etcalf, who had bcen a~I I, Mrs. H. A. L¢imcr and children and r-.p:rs\ 01toGrcenwald and Lor- iSlan.dS in it can be *een from all Fort Robinson for. a While,. :..tilYC.1

and Mr. and Mrs. c, J. Erxleben r;:l.lne, :d-nest Grpcnwald, Mr. and shores. The weather y.ras idea~ and at her home in i'v~'Ovjllc, lawn. She01 V. c,,-lled Thursdayl evening at Frank :\lrs. i B!r u n.o Splitt gerber and fishIng good. A number of cottages i will ta4:f! up nurse's. tralnlng thiS

n ICt! PrJuegcr's. Lynd1c,' Phdlip Greenwald, Mr. arc at the lake, I fall. Captain Thr;ophllus and fiim~• ! Mr. and Mrs:~ Frceman Lubber- and N1rs~. Valerius IJamme, Joan r <:apta. in and :'vII'S. Donal.d Theo- i retur.~cd here ,,'cdnr-selay for *

s~edt and famdy were Monday ami Lorl'ta, Mr, and Mrs. Paul phllus and son and Mr.;. Theo-I \ ISlt hefore gOing- h0me.i ~.___ ~_+-+~-J,- ~__ I gpests lilst \\-'cdk in the IrwJn ~Plilt~1'cI~b('r and E:"Clyn. Mrs:. philliS' -cousin. Miss LOIs Metcalf, I. The of.flcer . I flve-cIa,y It-'a\'~

F ..: F . I L ~ Lbnge home. I I Spilt. criher entertained Tues- arnved here Saturday.' .from Fort' [rom hIs duties,rog rozen In ce o.~g ,.cust me thl.' st a ticket :-;tub 8.t j [I [G G t I.,

1./_') I Mrs. Ralph iAustin and Mrs. (ay 'a prnoon ~or. ary. ues s Robinson, Nebr., to VISIt the first L ----

i Period Is evived W~I!__ J ~~m an h sald '-:Snap ~ut, of It Aden Aus1in SIlent Frida,Y in the were, Lynette Sphttgerher, Joan named's parents, r-.'1r. and Mrs:. I'" Office In lIospital~

, Out of aptivily. c:~d y; ~ L~:p~;o~c~~at(-:Ull~~~$~~~ Earl B('nnct_t ~omc helpmg cook ~~)~litt!~eor~~~~l. Darnrnc and Evelyn Dave Theophilus, and granctmoth- j Dr. S. A. Lutgen has his office: At Kansas C ty, R. Daniels, in- s~pe 'vis s abo t 1,(JOO movIe house for threshers. I ' ~. ' er, Mrs. Ellis Jones.. They \.... ent to· in the Wayne hospital. Phone 6].!spired by prrtri tism and spring- cmp oy", s( mlUC't'cd, "Second Mr. nod I\1rs~ I3runo Splittgcr- I "'or ;\1rs~"('ar<o;on, -~-~ ~-- --~---,~'time, Planted. a victory gar.den.. A ai$j('~'~o.the.Ie'fl' PIt'a.SL' ... Ttl(! s~'c- Ix'r .and LY,netlll' .were M:lOday iYlrJ and Mrs. Harold AndcrSon,short time ago he picked an ap- onel lsI' to t It' left, an utlderhng evpnJng guesls last week m the M ~ l' \1 J" If k J hpropriate ear of corn. Its ki'r- h'1:-lt ly 'xpll1l cd 10 tilt' cmbar- Ed. I:0nge homd. . iI(:~'k'¢~~":;,; 'Iv;;· ~I\r;; I\l~~. ~.~~~rl~i~k~n01s were bnght red, whIte and ra~s d lanag'I', would the Mr. anri Mr~. Frank nrurlq:~:1m vm and Leon ~1JrprJ~('rl :''1rs, Ah-blue. cU'sU me In ~hL' of the and .hnice, Mr.. and ::\-1r:-;. Floyd lin It(,:lr~,on in llw OS(':1r Pcter~

:-;lre t 'aI' track...:; H1 lhe next Conger VI.'iltcd ! In. the Lou B::ucr son hbml!' c\"Cning in.Allgust Kercklow, 79, long time stre· t. h'omc Sundiiy ch'nlng-, h()nor' of' h('J'

resident of Manlcy, went to a har- Mr. and Mrs. ,Frank J liCk", 1\11';;.

i bel' shop at Weeping Water Lo get I Jlljrc' thr.> ~:.~~~ ,~g~l;~J~~,h~::'C'n~~~j Vi~:tC;:~(~t~~ JLOCAI~ NEWS~o~~\~l'~(fl~h~aadtt~~l~~\t's~~~r~~d~~I~ ~:(~l;:dT~'j( Id, Ow E. P. Caau\\!(' honH' Dr. L F. Perry, dentist, phone Ihanel him a paper. ,As the cus- til;!!: th' Mrs. J. C·. Bcrgt, Mrs. Rov 8S-W. n17tf

I tomer made no move, 10 take the {'cn.":;~Jr(' Dilniels, Miss ClarCi and l\II:-;s Flor~ 1'1](1 Ow('n Tyrrell :amily ofpaper, the attendant In\'C'stlgatl'd, mnnJlm Bergt -"pent Sunday in lhe Paul ppndel', ,..:;}wnt Sunday With 1,1rs.'and discovered he was df'ad. PJ~'a:-; .:\Iupllpl' hOIl1f' nt Thay('r. [l,lary Semel's Rnd l\-Irs. DeiJlah

-- IS~~h(r;l HL'lcn Stu1hmann, Lol.'i IT 11 [

ROTy~~, N.O.e~~~~t,' ~:~ .:~~~i.~.g(:I~c~c~f:~ tl~)~ ~~~~~lrj;]I;, l~:~~h'c;l;;,d.n~a'S~~~;~.:~:~t~~~lrlIJ(~::~ ~~I(:I~r~' Hn[1pe of Schuylf'r, and~' Jospph l~udpra O.f Howells. \vere

icehouse when he nollccd a small week WIth Velma Schmid1. 111 \\'aynd S::Jturclay to )00k afterdark object In one of the blocks. ]\,Irs. Carr!f' PII'hl, Glasgow, _Mrs. Oscar Petcr~on ::Iml R('r~ )11'. II(]rpt"~ c,mdldacy for stateHe kept on sawing and on c!o:-,er .!\lont., who ~;.;ed to [~O to hl.'r r:lcc, ;~n.r~ Mrsl Abner ,Pearson senator. Iobservation noticed the slllr-lil nfl- ranctI '1) tnilt:!!) aw.'ClY by c;.!)Cn.,t l' r,J(ja~ a. tf'rn()(~n ~V.I:h ~lrs. ii'll' .. anti :\frs. .T. r. C<'Jrhart andject was a frog. Johnson 100k tlw tr;:lIlllo ro~' 1h(' good old Lm(ly I('Htson,m Wclk{[Hld. ...:;ons4nd itlis.:; Evelyn }lPSf'm<ln re-block of icc oul and scI It Hl till' ()n ~]('r ttri J1 ' WIth lh(' l\1~. anrl 1\-11'.".; Elmi,'r. :Jnd lllrn(,,1 SLlnrlCl}' from a v:lCHtionsun. When the icc was rf'dllCed to wHg<1ln rail 11 w undpr Peck Llkr', [JUdY and Mr. Gtnd, l\Irs. .'-JlI'nt_1 <It :.he C. E. homeliqUid state, the frog, reJca~('d "lie hac to: ' akp il train to Cul- B('rr('s, ~;r., ...:;p"nt Sund,ly p\'C'nmg III R<~tt1e :Lakp, Mmn.

\',,1 from his long captivity, !wgan 10 hert::;on ano!, cr t(.) Sidnr'y, it !IUS.' la!'t v....('e.k at l!~'rll(,rt n('r~i\'s Mr. an<l .i\'lrs. C. L. Plcl{ctt aI'-

I: Ole Johnson was so !IU Glen !iV(', 'I'o1!lC't' tt'ilin 10 Mill'S M~s. If. A. U·'HJH'r.at1,d ch'~drcn I riv('r1 hO~l1l-' \\'<,dnp!'(J;\y eveningI . seemg the "dcad" Clly, a hilS I Jordon and a mail of WKhJti~"J<;~ll" Mrs, ( J,']:~rxl{'~ I:lst week !(rom a two \\,'ccks' vaca-

I. come to lIfe that he J.ust stood .stage '. Ilax y. The.1():2-111iI1' trip h~'n sp.pot I u('s(ay w('Ck III Ole ! k K M' I1 there, When the frog began h()p~ look fo rail s (lnd ('ost $17. !',rnC'st Ba~Hle !iomp at Wakcfl(_'ld, ~li(');.r sr~:tri.~~v~~c.C T~~n~~<O;ke ~~~'t

I.'. I

Pin.g, JOil.nson made ~ dl~(' fol' II Mrs. Marie I SP\lt1g,f'r'lwr andI and wen1 about shOWIng It to the A t 'amp: F(;J'~·,.":;I, 'f{'nn.: 111(' Mr. and Mrs. John 1· rahm and I

Im:'f·"': '.' '.' "I neIghbors. npwly <lppoihlC<! 1ranspol"tutIOn Helen Marie 'of Wisner, were

, :';,,' i~' ste~l·-s,haft n t c Fr~i', Clarence Sore sen ,Icut the old - officL'r s 1st ILl. I'ullm;:ln Carr. Thursday supper guests in the!

Ko....r.'.....~e.. si.d.,e....,. n..d~ ad.d. go.o.d .If.U" d'~. ~hl~ee. -.foot. stan.dr ipe i to pieces so As ~e searched through a pik of ~" SPlittgqrb.~r. hon.le" ., to 't~e ~serap m t~l drlv ~I It could be turn d Vel' to the litter in his garage Farmer Uel AJ;lwl a P('t~'O!~; 1:5, was pinned Mr. and Mrs, F red Koch and ibrings to·',hght a rill!: of ea 1 s,alvage pile. He as nable to ex- Chasteen discovered a six-foot h('nJati tilc1wlwl'1 truck of a famJiy of Ida Grove, Ia., ca!lt-'d In 1days. In .the pietu 'e are i" t'ricatc the part of t e standpipe, blacksnake coiled in a corner. The strel!'t ar w~('n she steppcd off a the R H. Han~cn home Saturday IAnabil Korff 'and . C. Cory I, below the grou . snake bulged suspiciously and safety sland :in front of the mov~ last week. Mrs.. Elsll' Miller of Ida Irepresenting... t.he Cha..b:.~ of: com., . used' riva ~ wells fori Chasteen killed it. Inside he found ililg ea nal'hCl' j hen wait for a G.r?\·c, accc:mparlled the Koehs and~erce oh tl;ie Salyage. ?, mJ!11tte~. dd.nkipg water nd ~d a bucket what he was looking for-his lost re.seue. qUa.d' .~O. pa.ssengers lift. VISIted until S~nd:~y afternoon InT~~ ,d~b~walter, lSi .part, brig<i..W' ~ire d~p rtm t with two automobile grease gun. ed tear wile others pulled the the H,arrse,n h~me. I he l(ochs spent I

Waynes Qrtgmal siand1)lpe~, we~lS in the busi esS istrict untill g'irl fr be eath, She Ruffered a the tIme In·~~ shafti.which eli~lY -resi !the water systc wa eptablished.: 'Just talking proved a hazard to (rae ur.d rlg1t arm and possJllly 1------: " !wlll,n:member stOOd, In t. ,It was in 1890' t at, "t'izens yoted, .Eugene .Jager of Sioux Falls, S. D, ~bm ~ 1'S' Ilut. " c.,•. - Altona ~(J(.t:lI (treh'. Iof; Mam s~eet atop: the ,hill ,n~a.;r $18,000 in bonds for wCiter sys-i He was taken to a hospital for fleet'd to rCC )\'('r. Altona. ?ocla\ Cll'c.le, nJcmlll'J'S10th ~t.:ee.~.,The .present sta~dPIPf. tel.n. In May;. 18 1, t C cOiuncil, by! t~eatment when his jaw.came un- iln~ famllll'.s h'ld i.' .p.lcnIC suncl."Y\Val.? b~..ult In ;.~14, and the: ,o)d 0i unanimous vote, deci ed to locatel hmged. D pu y Un t(~d States Marshal las~ w('ek In t 1e J',U5t DresslerwaS dlsmanped the f~ll?~m~ YEla. the standpipe at p tht Main street 'fpd Hi lIon of Dnllak \\"ent 10 p~rk. The n('xl. rpgular, m('e~m~

p.,.ro..f ..WylIe, colle:e mst..rl,l~t h.ill after 1 hil.S.' . had beeni At Houston, Tex., William r..:. seat'.h fa S 'Ic('tl\,e sen'Ie<' regls- WIll he. August 13 In the I' red l'1'?-Wh.Q.. bUllt the ,h~ust. t?e KO~tf considered.. ' Bergin and Miss Hazel Del Beal of 1.ra 1., I ng 0 'erdue at draft IH'I-J.d- vert home with Mrs. Aden Austin'now fitwn, ,bought ,aeitectlOn'ff ~ ',! Anaconda, Mont., met for the qua tOIS. 1'h lad wasn't fit worl<, assistmg.p~pe, probably 45 fe t and'htd, h Residents J ap rC~H~.t~d the r~·, first time in 30 years but recogniz- He w sn't at home, Kmfnlksplaced in the new hbme, ab ut 3 mo\-,al of th! 01 PIP! from MalO ed instantly They were m'Hr-ied did~'t I now \/.'h('r(' he was Ci1tH'r. At Wal1pr: splitt~l'rher's.feet of it below the 'gro!-wd.; 1.:ca!- street years ago but trTObably very right awa;. The engage'men1, Hin on foun him ,in lIw army. Sunday evening guests in th€'ble was used to lower fooc1s'+i,rtp f~w knew to hat ,I purpose thel "Bergin said, had lasted 32, years. He ae signe 1 up tlw \\,('('k befl1rc. Walter Splittgerbcr home forth.e Shaft to keep' thCrfi Codl.J1Thr pl~e was placed until th(! salv?ge Dependencies had postponed the Gary's second birthdC1.y of TupsdayKo~ffS have never used the d mij. dnve o~encd an ~r. Korff ofter- marriage repeatedly but, ''I've and io~eta Damme's'second birth· IwaIter. cd the Iron [,or Ithls . urpose. been getting letters from her for ;~~~--~,-~~~~~~-~-~-:--~.:.~~-~--~-:.~-::;:::;:::;::::-:::;~~-;;;;;;-;;-:;;~~~~,I

30 yeaFs." , J

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