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第一课 Lesson one汉字的基本知识(一)

the basic knowledge of Chinese characters(one)

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一 汉字是怎么来的? Where do Chinese characters come from?

汉字已经有 3000多年的历史了,最早的汉字是象形文字,就是用画出一个实物样子的方法来表示这个汉字的意思。比如: 代表“日”、 代表“月”。

Chinese characters have had a history of more than 3,000 years. Ancient Chinese characters were pictographic, outlining the rough shape of things with simple lines.

For instance, ancient people used to symbolize “日”、 and used to symbolize “月”。

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二 汉字的种类: 我们从汉字结构的角度把汉字分为两类:独体字和合体字;从造字的角度把汉字分为四类:象形字、指事字、会意字、形声字。

We divide Chinese characters into two categories according to its structure: Independent characters and combined characters.

We divide Chinese characters into four categories according to its creation methods: pictographic characters; indicative characters; associative characters; picto-phonetic characters.

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What is independent characters? It is composed of strokes, it cann’t be divided, it contains pictographic characters and indicative characters.

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1 象形字:用画出一个实物的方法来表示这个汉字的意思,象形字只占汉字总数的 5%。

pictographic characters: to show the characters’ meaning according to outline the rough shape of things with simple lines, only 5% of all Chinese characters belong to the pictographic kind.

For instance: → 日 → 月 → 水 → 山 → 木 → 刀

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2 指事字:用抽象意义的符号来表示这个汉字的意思,指事字比象形字还少。

indicative characters: to show the characters’ meaning according to abstract symbols.

例如: 把一条短线加在一条长线的上面 ,就是“上”字, 把一条短线加在一条长线的下面 ,就是“下”字,

把一个短横加在木下面 ,就是“本”字, 把一个点加在刀上面 ,就是“刃”字。 For instance: Add a short line on a long line , it is “ 上 ” , Add a short line under a long line , it is “ 下 ” , Add a short horizontal under the tree , it is “ 本 ” , Add a dot on the knife , it is “ 刃 ” .

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What is combined characters? It is composed of two or a few parts, it contains associative characters and picto-phonetic characters.

1 会意字:由两个或两个以上的独体字组成一个新的汉字,表示一个新的意义,这种合体字叫会意字。

associative characters: it is composed of two or a few independent characters, to show a new meaning.

比如: For instance: 日 + 月 = 明 女 + 子

= 好 小 + 土 = 尘 人 + 云

= 会

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2 形声字:由两部分组成,一部分表示汉字的意义,另一部分表示汉字的读音,这种合体字叫形声字,表义的部分叫形旁,表音的部分叫声旁。

pictophonetic characters: It is composed of two parts, one part shows the character’s meaning, the other part shows the character’s pronunciation. We call the meaning part as meaning radical, we call the pronunciation part as phonetic radical.

比如: For instance: 女 + 马 = 妈 木 + 几

= 机 氵 + 可 = 河 冫 + 东

= 冻

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三 八种汉字基本笔画: 8 kinds basic strokes of Chinese characters’ :

汉字是由笔画组成的方块字,汉字的笔画有 20多种,这其中有 8种是基本笔画,其余的笔画是在这 8种基本笔画基础上的复合笔画。

Chinese character is composed of strokes, there are more than 20 kinds strokes, there are 8 kinds basic strokes among them.

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一 横 héng ---- horizontal 它有两种形式,长横和短横。

比如:一 二 三

It has two forms, long horizontal and short horizontal.

When we write it, pay attention to the way of writing, it is from left to right, and it must be written levelly.

For instance:一 二 三

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丨 竖 shù---- vertical 它有两种形式,长竖和短竖。

比如:川 临

It has two forms, long vertical and short vertical.

When we write it, pay attention to the way of writing, it is from top to bottom, and it must be written straightly.

For instance:川 临

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丿 撇 piě---- left-falling 它有两种形式,横撇和竖撇。

比如:千 川

It has two forms, level left-falling and vertical left-falling.

the way of writing is from top to lower left, it is softly. They are different between “丿” and “丨” .

For instance:千 川

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捺 nà---- right-falling 它有两种形式,横捺和竖捺。

比如:之 八

It has two forms, level right-falling and vertical right-falling.

the way of writing is from top to lower right, it is softly.

For instance: 之 八

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折—“横折”和“竖折” zhé----turning ; héng zhé and shù zhé


比如:马 区

It has two forms, horizontal-turning and vertical-turning, When we write it, pay attention to it is one stroke.

For instance: 马 区

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竖钩 shù gōu---- vertical hook 比如:水 手

It likes a fish hook, When we write it, pay attention to the hook is sharp and short.

For instance:水 手

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丶 点 diǎn---- dot 它有两种形式,左点和右点。

比如:小 六

It has two forms, left-dot and right-dot, When we write it, pay attention to dot to lower right and pause or dot to lower left and pause.

For instance: 小 六

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提 tí---- rising 比如:冰 渴

It is dot from bottom-left to top-right. For instance: 冰 渴 有一个汉字基本包括了 8中汉字基本笔画,它是“永”字。

The character includes 8 kinds basic strokes, it is “永”。

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四 汉字笔画顺序规则: the rules of the strokes order:


Every character has its rules of the strokes order, following the correct stroke order one can raise the speed of writing and ensure correctness.

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笔顺规则 例字 意思 笔 画 序顺

1 先横后竖 十 Ten 2 先撇后捺 人 Person

3 先中 后两间 边 小 Small

4 从上到下 三 Three

5 从左到右 八 Eight

6 从外到内 月 Moon

7 先 后关进门 门 四 Four

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The rules of the strokes order

Example Meaning The strokes order

1 Horizontal before vertical

十 Ten

2 Left-falling before right-falling

人 Person

3 Middle before two sides

小 Small

4 Form top to bottom 三 Three

5 Form left to right 八 Eight

6 Form outside to inside 月 Moon

7 First come in, close the door at the last

四 Four

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五 汉字的基本结构: the basic structure of Chinese characters


There are two main structures in Chinese characters, one is independent characters, it is complete, independent because it is composed of the strokes; the other is combined characters.

The combined characters include three kinds of structures. 1.左右结构 left-right structure 例如: 好 你 2.上下结构 top-bottom structure 例如: 男 要 3.内外结构 inside-outside structure 例如: 四 回

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汉字练习: 练习一:下面这些汉字都是象形字,你能猜猜它们的意思吗?

All of the following characters are pictographic characters, can you guess their meaning?

1. 7.

2. 8. 3. 9. 4. 10. 5. 11. 6. 12.

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give the name of the following characters: 八

六 川

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Count the strokes of the following characters

1.丰( ) 2. 川( ) 3.大( ) 4. 下( )

5.区( ) 6. 千( ) 7.入( ) 8. 木( )

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give the structure of the following characters

回 尖 好 林 男 国

吗 四 花 明 字 园

左右结构 : 上下结构 : 内外结构 :

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练习五:找出下面汉字相同的部分 find the same part of the following

characters 1. 妈 姐 妹 姑 2.河 湖 海 江 3.叫 吃 喝 喊 4.你 他 休 们 5.花 茶 草 荔 6.快 慢 忙 怜 7.字 家 它 安 8.到 刻 刘 别

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