
Human Galactic History

• Is it possible?

Roger Stack 2021

Timeline Evolution

20 billion Universe as a point of light

14 billion The ‘Big Bang’

14-12 billion Minerals and gasses

12 billion First planets

12-10 billion Basic life

10-4 billion Plants

4.5 billion Earth

4-1 billion Animals (except Earth)

Source: Rachele, Sal. The Real History of Earth(2015)

Exo Planets

Oldest Known Planet12.7 billion years old - Planet Psr B1620-26 B or the Methuselah Planet. This Earth-like exoplanet is the oldest ever detected in our Milky Way Galaxy. (Source)

There are approx. 5 billion habitable Earth-like planets in the Milky Way Galaxy. (Source)

Channelled Information Current Knowledge


Oldest Known Stars14.6 billion years old - HD 140283 or the Methuselah Star. The age of the oldest known stars in the Milky Way Galaxy approximate the age of the universe which is about 13.8 billion years. (Source)

2✓ Possible

Timeline Evolution

20 billion Universe as a point of light

14 billion The ‘Big Bang’

14-12 billion Minerals and gasses

12 billion First planets

12-10 billion Basic life

10-4 billion Plants

4.5 billion Earth

4-1 billion Animals (except Earth)

Exobiology or Astrobiology

Based on the evolution of life on Earth the oldest basic life (single cells/viruses) in the Milky Way Galaxy on an Earth-like planet is likely to have evolved 1-2 billion years after the planet formed.

This means the oldest basic life would be 10-11 billion years ago.

The oldest plant life based on Earth-like evolution would be 3-4 billion years after the planet formed.

This means the oldest plant life would be 8-9 billion years ago.

The oldest animal life based on Earth-like evolution would be 4-5 billion years after the planet formed.

This means the oldest animal life would be 7-8 billion years ago.

Channelled Information

Source: Rachele, Sal. The Real History of Earth(2015)


Current Knowledge

✓ Possible

Murchison Meteorite

Witnessed falling in Australia in 1969

7 billion years old – oldest material on Earth

A 2010 study identified 14,000 molecular compounds, including 70 amino acids and nucleobases

Nucleobases are the basic building blocks of nucleic acids that lead directly to RNA and DNA

Timeline Evolution

20 billion Universe as a point of light

14 billion The ‘Big Bang’

14-12 billion Minerals and gasses

12 billion First planets

12-10 billion Basic life

10-4 billion Plants

4.5 billion Earth

4-1 billion Animals (except Earth)

Channelled Information

Source: Rachele, Sal. The Real History of Earth(2015)


Current Knowledge

✓ Possible

Age Map – Milky Way

The oldest stars in the Milky Way Galaxy are at the centre.

Life could have first evolved near the centre of our galaxy and then moved outwards.

Sentient life could have existed before Earth was formed.

Timeline Evolution

20 billion Universe as a point of light

14 billion The ‘Big Bang’

14-12 billion Minerals and gasses

12 billion First planets

12-10 billion Basic life

10-4 billion Plants

4.5 billion Earth

4-1 billion Animals (except Earth)

Channelled Information

Source: Rachele, Sal. The Real History of Earth(2015)

Age Map Credit: M. Ness & G. Stinson / MPIA


Source 5

Current Knowledge

✓ Possible


Source: Royal, Lyssa & Priest, Keith. The Prism of Lyra: An Exploration of Galactic Human Heritage(2011)

Channelled Information

• DNA evolves over long periods of time

• DNA manipulation was (and still is) used by several star races to improve adaptation to different planetary environments

• Earth primate DNA was combined with Lyran DNA to improve adaptation to Earth’s environment


There is compelling evidence that human DNA was purposefully and intelligently modified hundreds of thousands of years ago


Current Knowledge

✓ Possible


Source: Royal, Lyssa & Priest, Keith. The Prism of Lyra: An Exploration of Galactic Human Heritage(2011)

Channelled Information

• Many star races developed rapid (faster than light - FTL) or instant travel across the galaxy

• Wormholes are used to travel interstellar and intergalactic distances


Faster Than Light Travel – The Science behind the fiction


Do We Believe in U.F.O.s? That’s the Wrong Question

UFOs/UAPs• Are real• Move extremely fast and beyond classical physics• Don’t use fossil fuel propulsion• Are transmedium – water/air/space• Are under intelligent control• UFO/UAP material has been retrieved

Current Knowledge

✓ Possible


Channelled Information

• Advanced civilisations existed on Earth at least 100,000 years ago

• Pan, Lemuria, Atlantis


Anatomically Modern Humans (AMH) have existed for at least 200,000 years

DNA analysis shows that AMH with current human brain and speech capacities existed 200,000 years ago

Current Knowledge


Source: Rachele, Sal. Earth Changes and Beyond: Messages from the Founders, (2016)

✓ Possible


Channelled Information

• Advanced civilisations existed on other planets and moons in our solar system

• High energy weapons have destroyed planetary ecosystems and even entire planets

Astronomy• Mars once had oceans and a thicker atmosphere• Evidence of thermonuclear explosions on Mars• Possible evidence of ancient built structures

Current Knowledge


Source: Rachele, Sal. Earth Changes and Beyond: Messages from the Founders, (2016)

Ocean on Marsbased on geological data

by Ittiz - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0 ✓ Possible

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