  • Slide 1 Slide 2 What a Website is? A website is an online identity of a company through which you can attract more visitors, promote companys product, and generates business leads. To represent a companys online operations you should have good website. For generating huge amount of traffic and to rank high you should have well designed, easy to navigate and search engine friendly website. Slide 3 15 basic tips for a successful website: 1) Quality Content Website should have a rich content for attracting new visitor and to retain the old ones. Update your website timely. To identify important content and keywords and highlight them (underline and bold text). 2) Pick a Domain Name Register your website with unique and easyto-pronounce Domain Name. Choose a domain name that contains keywords which appear in your website. Slide 4 4) Color Scheme Colors have a significant impact over people. Use colors carefully as they are associated with feelings such as Red for hot, Blue for cold, White with purity and clarity, Black with darkness and death, Yellow with happiness and sunshine, etc. Slide 5 5) Favicon Known as Favorite icon. It is one of the smallest graphics that appears as company or product logo in the URL box. This is a unique way of gaining recognition in bookmarks and social networks. 6) Use consistent typefaces and sizes Font style and text size should be consistent. Slide 6 7) Properly Sized Graphics Graphics and images on web pages should be properly and correctly define and sized. To reduce the web browser workload and for quicker loading of a page, use properly defined graphics. 8) Copyright Notice Copyright Notice is included at the bottom of each page of the website. Keep this up-to-date. Slide 7 9) Browsers Compatibility Website should be browser compatible. Check website compatibility on different browsers such as Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer, etc. Design your website till looks great on all major browsers. 10) Optimize Links For search engine indexing use short and readable links. Use short URLs for easy remembrance. Slide 8 11) Interact with customers Build relationships with customers via interactions (W02). Leave websites name, contact numbers and email address for communication. Prepare registration page so as to update your customers with latest news and special offers of a company. 12) Dont clutter your site with ads Advertising is essential for any website but web page should not be overloaded with ads. More and more ads degrade the quality and accessibility of content. Slide 9 13) Easy Navigation Navigation of links plays a big role in determining how long a visitor stays and explores your site. Generally they read the content of the present page and then look for other page that interests them. 14) Optimum Load Time Make sure your websites loading time is low. For this you must: a) Minimize Graphics, Flash and scripts. b) Optimize your HTML & script code. Slide 10 15) Promote your site Designing of a website is an important task but promotion of a site is equally important. Promoting a website means spread awareness about your product among people. Slide 11 Slide 12 Slide 13 Slide 14 Slide 15 Slide 16 BAD !!! Slide 17 Slide 18 Slide 19 Slide 20

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