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(1st Edition)

Hannaford Street Bible Church 830 North Hannaford Street • Helena, Montana 59601

Page 2: HSBC Video Tech Handbook - 1st ed

HSBC Worship Ministry Video Tech Handbook

Page 1 (1st Edition)

Thank You For Your Interest We are pleased that you have expressed interest in the Worship Ministry here at Hannaford Street Bible

Church (HSBC). We believe that worship is one of the primary responsibilities, if not the defining characteristic, of a believer in Christ. Therefore we treat God’s requirement to worship Him as a priority in our lives and lifestyles.

The Video Technician’s Role In The Worship Experience That’s right! Your role as a video technician is a crucial element of the worship ministry, Praise Team,

and the worship experience of the congregation, members and guests alike. In fact, your duties of running the video system actually constitute worship in light of Romans 12:1, “…offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God - this is your spiritual act of worship.” And what you do as a video technician has a direct effect on how our worship and service is perceived. In understanding this, we want you to know some simple truths about taking on the role of a video technician.

Your Job Is Part Of Worship First of all, thank you for your willingness to help Hannaford Street Bible Church and the Worship

Ministry in this important component of our Sunday morning worship experience. Your assistance as a video technician enables our service to run smoothly and, in turn, facilitates an atmosphere of worship that is conducive to spiritual growth. Your goal as a video technician is to serve as a seemingly invisible factor of worship that, at the least, does not hinder the worship process and, at the most, helps to enhance the service.

Your Job Is Difficult You will carry a heavy load from week to week, responsible for making our visual elements and media

look good. When slides don’t change and video clips don’t start, you will get funny looks from everyone turning around to see what the problem is. A poor visual experience can be an obstacle in leading the congregation to the throne of God in worship – if the praise song slides aren’t there or if video clips get cut off it can be difficult to communicate the message of worship and life that we present each week.

Characteristics Of A Godly And Successful Video Technician In any area we use our God-given gifts and abilities, there can be defined a number of characteristics

that will help us excel under that particular role in the Body of Christ. The following characteristics could be considered qualifications, if you will, in taking on the role of a video technician. You may possess them in varying degrees, but we ask you to closely examine yourself to see if the role of video technician is the appropriate area in which to use your gifts.

In doing this, consider Romans 12:4, “Just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we who are many form one body…” and 1 Corinthians 12:18 “But in fact God has arranged the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be.”

Excellence For Christ A video technician will pursue God's best through technical excellence in everything he does. Strive to

honor Him through a “whatever it takes” work ethic. (see 1 Corinthians 9:24-27, “…Run in such a way as to get the prize…”) Recognize that God isn't looking for perfection, but excellence – that is, offering our best to Him. (see Colossians 3:23-24, “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men…”) And realize that we can minister to Him and others through a mutual desire to seek God's best.

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HSBC Worship Ministry Video Tech Handbook

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Cooperation & Recognition Of Authority A video technician must have a cooperative spirit. Remember Colossians 2:12-13, “Therefore, as God's

chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another...” and 2 Timothy 1:7. Encourage and support other members of the team and those who are served through your technical gifts. We should build up one another, and have the responsibility of eliminating any word or action that is not constructive to our team. Therefore, think twice before speaking. Don't overemphasize skill, but rather total dependence on the Lord.

Remember that as a video technician, you are not the final say on the way the video system is run. We are to submit to each other and to our leadership, out of respect for each other as fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. (see Hebrews 13:17, “Obey your leaders and submit to their authority. They keep watch over you as men who must give an account. Obey them so that their work will be a joy, not a burden, for that would be of no advantage to you.”) In the end, the Worship Pastor and Senior Pastor will be the authority on how the visual elements of our worship should appear.

Experience & Teachability A video technician should have some experience or training at running the video equipment and may be

responsible, individually and as a team, for further technical development (such as classes, workshops, or self-study). Be prepared to humbly share with and learn from others in regards to new information and techniques.

Knowledge Of The Video Equipment Think of your job as to that of an artist - having a relationship with the video equipment that is similar

to the one a musician has to their instrument. The thing that often separates good musicians and poor ones is practice, practice and more practice, until the instrument nearly becomes an extension of the individual. You need to do the same. (Psalm 33:3, “Sing to him a new song; play skillfully, and shout for joy.”) First, get to know the different aspects of the video equipment exceeding well – these are covered later in this manual.

Sense Of Artistry & Ability To Listen A video technician not only needs to know the mechanics of running the video equipment, but must

also have a sense of artistry in order to get proper transitions for the flow of worship. Your ears and eyes are the most powerful tools you have as a video technician. That's what the whole job is about – being attentive. Your eyes are the visual reference point for the entire congregation. Spend time paying attention to professional presentations, videos, TV, movies and other media. Fix those observed elements in your mind and work hard to match those elements when you reinforce the Praise Team musicians and singers, Pastor, or any elements of the worship service.

Balancing The Two Goals – Flow and Message The two goals of the visual presentation during worship are 1) a smooth flow of worship, and 2) clear

and effective communication. A video technician will consistently try to achieve a balance between the two. First, we try to achieve smooth transitions. For instance, it is good to avoid awkward pauses to create a smooth flow of worship (i.e. cuing media beforehand, watching for changes in program, etc.). At the same time, problems sometimes occur. It is also important to make sure the visual message is clear and effective. When problems do occur, we will make what changes we can to ensure the message is communicated (i.e. restarting a DVD clip if the audio was off the first time, making sure the lights are off if a slide or visual is hard to see, etc.).

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HSBC Worship Ministry Video Tech Handbook

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Who Are Your Team Members? Of course, a video technician does not work in a vacuum. You will be working with other technical

team members in creating the overall worship service experience. While you have your own responsibilities, your efforts should be coordinated with the other members of the technical team.

SOUND TECHNICIAN – This person will handle audio output to sound system (including sound output from satellite TV, DVD/VHS player, and sound to foyer). It is important that the sound technician understands which visual elements need to be accompanied by audio, and that those efforts are coordinated.

ASSIGNED LIGHT PERSON – This person (often an Usher) will control the auditorium lights according to the “Order of Worship.” Again, coordinate your efforts for tranisitons.

OVERFLOW TECHNICIAN – When applicable, this person will setup and run the camera in the auditorium, as well as the television or LCD projector in the overflow area.

A Video Technician’s Primary Responsibilities So as a video technician, you may be asking, “What will I be doing each time I am on rotation?”

Primarily, you are responsible for the PowerPoint presentations and other visual media before, during, and after our services and events – both in the auditorium and in the foyer. Here is a brief rundown of your contributions during a typical worship service:

OPEN SHOW POWERPOINT – You will start & monitor the “Auditorium Open Show” PowerPoint presentation in the auditorium before and after the service.

LAPTOP POWERPOINT – You also will start & monitor the “Laptop Open Show” PowerPoint presentation for foyer.

WORSHIP POWERPOINT – During the service, you will run the “Worship” PowerPoint presentation in auditorium.

OTHER MEDIA – You will also operate any video media (DVD/VHS Player, Satellite TV) in auditorium and/or foyer during the service.

Basic Preparation Steps For A Worship Service There are some basic preparations steps that must be made before and during a worship service.

Following these guidelines will help us achieve our two goals of smooth flow and effective message.

ARRIVAL – Try to be in the tech booth at least 15 minutes before the worship service. If applicable, consult with your other technical team members and/or the video technician for the previous service for any special considerations.

POWER UP – Be sure to power up and/or check all applicable equipment. This includes the Laptop Computer, Tower Computer, LCD Preview Screen, LCD Projector, and Foyer TVs.

OPEN SHOW – Begin the “Laptop Open Show” upon arrival. Start "Auditorium Open Show" at least 15 minutes before service.

REVIEW THE ORDER OF WORSHIP: Review the “Order of Worship” sheet and take special note of the “Video/PowerPoint” column. Also review the “Slide Printout” and any other notes to become more familiar with specific slides or expectations. Take note of any special cues or media and be sure to ask questions of the pastors or other sound and video technicians.

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HSBC Worship Ministry Video Tech Handbook

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CUE MEDIA – Be sure to cue applicable media (DVD/VHS/Satellite TV broadcast) before the service – work with sound technician to make sure he/she is aware of audio support needs.

STAY ATTENTIVE – Watch for visual and audible cues from pastors and leads as needed during the service

The Video Equipment Used In Worship At Hannaford

As mentioned before, it is important to familiarize yourself with the equipment you will be operating as a video technician. Although our technology, equipment, and needs change, the following is a list of hardware we typically use for our visual elements. In addition, we suggest you have a working knowledge of VHS cassettes and DVDs, as well as Microsoft Windows and PowerPoint software.

Auditorium Computer

(Tower) LCD Auditorium Projector LCD Preview Screen

“X” Preview Switchbox DVD/VHS Player Satellite TV

Foyer Computer (Laptop) Foyer TVs “Black” Switchbox

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HSBC Worship Ministry Video Tech Handbook

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Specific Knowledge And Training Quite simply, there are some procedures you must know well. This means not only being familiar with

the equipment you will be using, but you must also how to accomplish these tasks smoothly.

POWER ON/OFF – how to power equipment on and off. This includes the Laptop Computer, Tower Computer, LCD Preview Screen, LCD Projector and Foyer TVs

TOWER COMPUTER – how to start a PowerPoint presentation; how to setup and switch between PowerPoint presentations without exiting to desktop or slide sorter; how to show a “black” or “white” slide; how to jump to a particular slide number

LCD PREVIEW SCREEN – how to switch between Tower PowerPoint and DVD/VHS Player using the “X” Switchbox. What is shown on the LCD Preview Screen is a different signal than that sent to the LCD Projector

LCD PROJECTOR – how to switch inputs between the Tower Computer (input-b) and DVD/VHS/Satellite TV (video); Also know proper use of the LCD Projector feature “Pic Mute”

DVD/VHS PLAYER – how to cue a DVD and a VHS cassette; how to switch between DVD and VCR; how to use the remote and perform DVD/VHS player functions such as enter, pause, play, forward, backward, chapter, title, subtitle, audio tracks, VCR/DVD, VCR/TV, L1/L2, etc.

FOYER TVs – how to switch inputs between RF (Ch.3) and S-Video (S-Video1) and know what each means. S-Video signal comes from Black Switchbox. RF comes directly from the Laptop Computer

SATELLITE TV – how to get the Satellite TV signal (Turn on DVD/VHS Player, switch to VCR, change channel to L1)

You Are Important And Appreciated The point to explaining all this is to stress that your job as a video technician is an important one in the

worship experience! Operating the video system provides you with a tremendous opportunity for service. It will also exercise your faith and humility as a servant. As part of the Worship Ministry and the Praise Team, you serve those who are ministering on the platform. Please know that we do not take for granted the time and effort you put into operating the video system on Sunday mornings!

Thank you for your willingness to serve in this area of the Worship Ministry at Hannaford Street Bible Church. We appreciate your dedication and service and recognize the sacrifice you are making in serving the Lord in this way. A lot of time and work goes into preparing for each Sunday, and your dedication will reflect a commitment to making each and every Sunday worship service a blessing. May you glorify the Lord.

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