Page 1: How to use instagram to market your ecommerce store

How to use Instagram to market your ecommerce store howhowhowhow----totototo----useuseuseuse----instagraminstagraminstagraminstagram

Are you wondering how to use Instagram to promote your products and drive more traffic to

your eCommerce store? Or wondering if using Instagram is going to help you with your

marketing efforts at all?

If so, read on…

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Page 3: How to use instagram to market your ecommerce store

Did you know that Iconosquare’s 2015 Instagram study showed that 70% of Instagram users

report having already looked up a brand on the platform?

What does that mean for you?

Instagrammers are shoppers.

However, you can’t simply share pictures of your brand and expect your followers to just buy.

There’s so much more to marketing on Instagram and this post is going to give you exactly that.

How to use Instagram to promote your

online store

1. Create Attention-Grabbing Images When it comes to learning how to use Instagram, it all starts with creating images that speak

volumes. Your images on Instagram need to be creative, evocative, eye-catching and give your

brand the positioning it deserves.

Use the right size.

Use photos that tell a story.

Use colors that reflect your brand personality.

And don’t worry, you don’t need to be a professional photographer to create images that stand

out in a crowded niche.

These free photo editing tools can help you add filters and textures and even, text overlays

with incredible ease.

We love the fun personality-filled photos that the folks at Dollar Shave Club share.

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2. Sell the Experience, Not the ProductHow does your product make people feel?

Does it spark joy?

Does it evoke reflectiveness?

Does it inspire?

Does it bring alive simple moments?

Does it empower them?

Share experiences on Instagram to actually help customers see what they’re missing out on!

Nike Women does that incredibly well sharing “stories” that show strong, unstoppable women.

2. Sell the Experience, Not the Product How does your product make people feel?

Does it bring alive simple moments?

Share experiences on Instagram to actually help customers see what they’re missing out on!

ike Women does that incredibly well sharing “stories” that show strong, unstoppable women.

Share experiences on Instagram to actually help customers see what they’re missing out on!

ike Women does that incredibly well sharing “stories” that show strong, unstoppable women.

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3. Use Hashtags that HelpHashtags help you get found. That’s true. .

Using the right hashtags help you connect. When used properly, hashtags will help you find

your right audience, expand your reach and build your brand and community.

Use Hashtags that Help Hashtags help you get found. That’s true. .

hashtags help you connect. When used properly, hashtags will help you find

your right audience, expand your reach and build your brand and community.

hashtags help you connect. When used properly, hashtags will help you find

Page 6: How to use instagram to market your ecommerce store

When thinking about what hashtags to use, here are a few things to consider:

• What’s trending (but only if

• What your competitors are using (so you can tap into their audience as well)

• What your brand and products represent

We love how the folks at Stitch Fix have created their own hashtags and used them along with

the “right” ones to connect and get found.

To get more ideas for hashtags, you can use a tool like Iconosquare’s hashtag search. We

searched for #Etsy, for example, and came up with a list of related hashtags.

Keep in mind that Instagram lets you include up to 30 hashtags per post (including in the

comments and caption section), so take adva

4. Partner Up! Join hands with people who use your brand and invite them to share their photos on their

Instagram accounts. You can do this two ways:

When thinking about what hashtags to use, here are a few things to consider:

What’s trending (but only if it makes sense for your own brand)

What your competitors are using (so you can tap into their audience as well)

What your brand and products represent

We love how the folks at Stitch Fix have created their own hashtags and used them along with

ones to connect and get found.

To get more ideas for hashtags, you can use a tool like Iconosquare’s hashtag search. We

, for example, and came up with a list of related hashtags.

Keep in mind that Instagram lets you include up to 30 hashtags per post (including in the

comments and caption section), so take advantage of that.

Join hands with people who use your brand and invite them to share their photos on their

You can do this two ways:

What your competitors are using (so you can tap into their audience as well)

We love how the folks at Stitch Fix have created their own hashtags and used them along with

To get more ideas for hashtags, you can use a tool like Iconosquare’s hashtag search. We

Keep in mind that Instagram lets you include up to 30 hashtags per post (including in the

Join hands with people who use your brand and invite them to share their photos on their

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1. You can invite folks who’re already influential in the Instagram space and have them share

photos of your product being used by them.

2. You can feature everyday people using your products on your Instagram account.

Experiment with both strategies if needed t

People relate to people.

People also buy from people.

When customers see others, just like them, using and loving your products, they’re willingly

whip their wallets open.

Kelly Lester of EasyLunchBoxes does that brilliantly

her product!

5. Streamline Sales with Sales

You can invite folks who’re already influential in the Instagram space and have them share

photos of your product being used by them.

You can feature everyday people using your products on your Instagram account.

Experiment with both strategies if needed to see what works best for you.

When customers see others, just like them, using and loving your products, they’re willingly

Kelly Lester of EasyLunchBoxes does that brilliantly showcasing “real” lunch boxes made using

Streamline Sales with Sales-Boosting Apps

You can invite folks who’re already influential in the Instagram space and have them share

You can feature everyday people using your products on your Instagram account.

When customers see others, just like them, using and loving your products, they’re willingly

showcasing “real” lunch boxes made using

Boosting Apps

Page 8: How to use instagram to market your ecommerce store

Finally, you can make it super easy for people to buy from you on Instagram using apps

like Spreesy and Soldsie that turn social networks into single

comment selling features and more!

There you go! Five easy, effective and engagement

increase your product sales and get more traffic to your eCommerce store.

Finally, you can make it super easy for people to buy from you on Instagram using apps

that turn social networks into single-click sales points, with their

comment selling features and more!

There you go! Five easy, effective and engagement-rich tips on how to use Insta

increase your product sales and get more traffic to your eCommerce store.

Finally, you can make it super easy for people to buy from you on Instagram using apps

click sales points, with their

rich tips on how to use Instagram to

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