Page 1: How to Solve the World’s Most consider them ... - Miessence · health by prioritising an organic lifestyle. That same family might introduce the idea to their ... We encourage you

What is Certified Organic? The only way to verify an organic claim is to look for the seal of approval by an independent third party certifying body such as:

How do we know what is truly “natural” and safe?Have you ever bought a cosmetic that you were assured was natural, only to get it home, read the label and wonder what on earth those long names are? I believe it is high time consumers were given the tools

As the number of informed people who are concerned about the chemicalisation of society grows, more cosmetics companies are seen to be jumping on the “natural” bandwagon. But what does “natural” and “organic” mean?

What is Natural? Did you know there is no legal definition of natural for cosmetics? We believe the ultimate definition of a truly natural ingredient is one that has been extracted and processed without a harmful chemical process. This produces a product that is truly safe, edible and food grade. The vast majority of natural cosmetic and skin care products do not meet this definition.

What is Organic? Our research shows that the vast majority of cosmetic and skin care products that claim to be organic still contain synthetic, toxic ingredients. Some companies even claim to meet organic standards, but that certification is an unnecessary expense. Organic certification fees amount to 0.2% of organic products sales. The majority of the cost of certified organic products is in the raw materials used, not the certification itself.

“What sort of world are we leaving our children?” That question should be the source of immense excitement, yet it is one that haunts many of us.

The chemical soup around us is having a devastating impact on our planet, our health, and our survival. At the same time there are many positive initiatives, such as the one spearheaded in Finland to solve ‘The World’s Most Wicked Problems’ (see front cover article).

They are huge issues, which by their scale might leave individuals feeling overwhelmed. This is unfortunate because if we want to create real change, it is individuals who will make the difference.

Like all great movements, it will be humble at first. Perhaps a parent boosting their family’s health by prioritising an organic lifestyle. That same family might introduce the idea to their neighbour or friends, spreading their influence and multiplying the impact of their choice.

That is the way lasting change happens - a little at a time and, dare we say it, ‘organically’. For every certified organic product purchased, it means a chemical laden one has been replaced; the organics industry supported; and sustainable alternatives become more accessible.

This is what drives many of us in the Miessence community. Whether buying these products for personal use or as part of creating an ethical home income, we are all part of a bigger mission for change.

We encourage you to be part of the solution. However you wish to contribute, whatever change you can begin making. Moving to an organic lifestyle will impact on your own wellness, but also paves the way for something more far reaching. Ultimately it is about making choices so when we pass this world onto our children, we can be excited for their future.

Grow your ownOrganic Home BusinessWhy not join a community of like minded people, keen to make a positive impact on wellness and the environment

- purchase world class organic products at the best prices possible- create a family friendly income from home, with full support, training and resources provided

If this is something that interests you, we look forward to you being in touch.

Grow your ownOrganic Home Business

to be able to differentiate the deceivers from the truth tellers in the cosmetic industry!

A simple way to do this is to go to your bathroom now, and check your labels for these toxic ingredients. If you don’t know what they are you can contact us and we will send you a Smart Shoppers Guide To Cosmetic Toxins which is a handy guide to keep in your wallet or purse that allows you to identify and avoid hazardous toxins found in many every day cosmetics, shampoos and personal care products.

For this article’s references and to download a version in PDF format, please go the website listed at the back of this newspaper.


DECODING TODAY’SPERSONAL CARE PRODUCTSNatural claims abound... but are they safe?article by Narelle Chenery, Director of R&D, Miessence

The above words may seem like they were expressed by a young social-environmental enthusiast, but in fact were written in a report carried out over a two year period between 2008 and 2010, which is the basis for Finland’s national strategy : Mission for Finland.

The report highlights that the value of industrial products is decreasing in the global market, but of greater concern is the scarcity of solutions to environmental and social problems.

With a delegation headed by Jorma Ollila, Chairman of Nokia, a number of workshops were held around the country. The subjects included Finland’s role in solving global environmental, social, educational and political problems, and the workshops yielded creative ideas like wiki-democracy and a goal to become a “silicon valley of social innovation”.

The Finns went as far as broadcasting a national live TV show entitled “Task for Finland” inviting the Finnish public to send in ideas for action to the Task for Finland website. The winner was a proposal for making Finland’s expertise in water purification a world leading project. The runner-up was a proposal entitled “Let’s make Finland the country of organic produce”.

After this feedback from the Finnish public, the delegation concluded that Finland should take action immediately to ensure, amongst other important matters, that Finnish agriculture should increasingly be shifted to organic production, with the goal that organic production should account for at least 50% of total produce by 2030.

For any government to look at shaping its nation’s future through the values and strengths of its people

is inspirational; so much so, that whilst reading the report, for a moment I wanted to become a Finn!

No doubt many will wonder if these

initiatives will in fact bring prosperity (jobs), health and other social-environmental benefits to the nation.

Using organic agriculture as one example, let’s see what the possibilities are for each of these areas.

prosperity and jobsThe notion of “green jobs” has become something of a symbol for a more sustainable economy and a society that aims to preserve the environment for both present and future generations.

With sales of organic produce reaching over $100 billion worldwide in the past year, organic farming is beginning to have an economic impact.

An increasing body of studies shows that per-acre yields on organic systems can match or outperform

those of conventional industrialised farms. Additionally, a 2008 study of 1,144 organic farms in the United Kingdom and Ireland showed that they employed one third more full-time equivalent workers per farm than conventional farms. Organic agricultural land amounts to 4.3 per cent of the total farm area in the UK, and 1 per cent in Ireland. If 20 per cent of farmland became organic in both these countries, it would create an additional 73,200 jobs in the United Kingdom and 9,200 in Ireland. Whilst the past has seen many people leaving farms to work in cities, an increasing number of youth are beginning to seek work on the land as an alternative to cities, and therefore, organic farming presents the opportunity for many to do so.

environmental pollutionPollution takes many forms — the air we breathe, the water we drink and the soil where we grow our food.

Results of a study conducted by the Rodale Institute showed that every three acres of land that is organically farmed equates to taking one car off the road, when you compare the capacity of an organic farm to remove carbon-dioxide from the atmosphere to that of a conventional industrial farm.

Whilst the above numbers may seem small, consider the following: If only 40% of the farm land in the world, which currently occupies nearly 45% of the earths surface and equates to 12.35 billion acres, was converted to organic, that would be the same as taking more than 750 million (yes, million) cars off the road. Add the fact that there aren’t even 750 million cars on the road in the entire world, and we can see the enormous benefit that would be effected if every nation moved towards organic agriculture. It’s BIG in any language!

healthThe artificial fertiliser, pesticide and agricultural chemical industries are growing at a rapid pace, whilst environmental and health consequences grow in parallel. Many health professionals consider a large number of “foods” and “body care” products to be a major health risk. If we look at the use of synthetic pesticides alone, we see they are being linked to a

range of health disorders, which include Parkinson’s Disease, obesity and decreasing male fertility, whilst also being ranked among the top three environmental cancer risks. It has been calculated that 25 million people a year die from pesticide poisoning, and that children in homes that use pesticides have a 7 times greater chance of contracting some form of leukaemia.

Let’s look at this from another perspective by asking a question. How would you feel if one of the world leaders was to announce that its Nation would, over the next 12 months, drop more than 70,000 atomic bombs on another country? Quite a scary consideration isn’t it? Whatever your answer, please ponder the following:

During 1964 the world used 265 million kilograms (583 million lbs) of pesticides in agriculture.

In 1974, Dr Americo Mosca, famous chemistry prize winner of the Brussels World Fair, discovered that toxic genetic chemicals used in agriculture are more dangerous than atomic fall-out. He stated: “I calculate that in the U.S. the yearly use of toxic generic chemicals (herbicides, insecticides, hormones, steroids…) causes damage equal to 450 H bombs”. (This equates to 72,500 atomic bombs of the Hiroshima type). “If use of these toxic generic chemicals persist in agriculture and on food, this will cause destruction of the American people”.

The worldwide usage of pesticides increased to 500 million kg (1.1 billion lbs) in 1991.

So where are we today? The current world usage of pesticides is 3.3 billion kg (7.27 billion lbs) a year.

If you expose a human cell to high levels of radiation, it does one of two things: it mutates and becomes cancerous. or it dies. If you expose a human cell to pesticides, it does the same, mutates and become cancerous or it dies. There is only one difference between the two exposures, and that is time. If a nuclear bomb were to be dropped on your city today, the devastation is instantaneous. Pesticide poisoning, however, is much more insidious as it will take ten, twenty, thirty or even forty years, depending on your immune system and your capacity to metabolise and eliminate those pesticides that have stored in your fatty tissues.

can we afford not to go organic?Clearly a worldwide conversion to organic has the potential to increase food production and reverse the degradation of our soils, atmosphere & waterways, while conjunctly increasing the wellbeing of humanity in all aspects, from physical health, through to social and economic benefits. Therefore the question that begs to be asked is : can we afford not to go organic?

For this article’s references and to download this article in PDF format, please go the website listed at the back of this newspaper.

make a difference!


how to solve the world’s most wicked problems?

► How to Solve the World’s Most Wicked Problems... consider them solved!

► Probiotics - our best friend

► Rust-proofing our bodies : anti-oxidents, an essential utensil in our anti-aging toolbox

► The importance of daily greens

► Decoding today’s personal care products : natural claims abound but are they safe?

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Page 2: How to Solve the World’s Most consider them ... - Miessence · health by prioritising an organic lifestyle. That same family might introduce the idea to their ... We encourage you

restoration of health and as blood builders. Chlorophyll is abundant in all green foods. Chlorophyll’s cleansing and healing effects and its ability to detoxify heavy metals from the body has been well documented. Chlorophyll has also been studied for its potential in stimulating tissue growth and red blood cell production. Chlorophyll is almost identical to haemoglobin, the red pigment in blood, and its ability to support the production of red blood cells is most likely due to this similarity.

According to an article in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 1995, Vol 87, No 11, p. 7, chlorophyll fed to laboratory animals reduces absorption of three dietary carcinogens: heterocyclic amines (found in cooked muscle meats), polycyclic hydrocarbons (found in smoked and barbecued foods), and aflatoxin (a toxin produced commonly by mould that infects grains and peanuts).

Some Deep Green FoodsBLUe-GReeN ALGAe Algae are an incredible source of densely-packed, broad-spectrum nutrition. Algae contain more cleansing and healing chlorophyll than any other source. Spirulina has been shown to be effective in treating certain allergies, anaemia, cancer, hepatotoxicity, viral and cardiovascular diseases, hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia, immunodeficiency, and inflammatory processes.

GReeN GRASS JUICeS Studies have shown that grass juices are beneficial anti-aging, anti-inflammatory, regenerative and cellular health therapies, and are used in advanced healing clinics all over the world.

NOT GRASS; JUICe ! Importantly, you need to look for products that only utilise grass juice powders in their formula, not the pulverised grass powders, which are almost useless for humans! Unlike cows or horses, we cannot digest the cellulose in grasses, therefore all the nutrition remains “locked” in those fibres. Only grass juice powders contain easily bioavailable nutrients

“eat more leafy greens!” we’re told... “Drink grass juices!”, is the cry... “eat spirulina!”... These are the “deep-greens” of nutrition. We know we’re supposed to eat them, but do we know why?

To optimise our health, immunity and energy levels, the ideal balance of food intake is 80% alkaline and 20% acidic. Alkaline-forming foods are mainly vegetables and some fruits. Acid-forming foods include just about everything else we eat, including meat, poultry, milk, cheese, bread, pasta, pastries, snack food, soft drinks and packaged foods.

If you’re falling short of the recommended 5-7 servings of vegetables every day, and include processed and packaged food in your diet, you could benefit from a deep-green food supplement.

Why we need deep-greensDeep-greens are highly alkalising, neutralising toxic acids in the blood and tissues caused by eating acid foods as well as by excess stress, excessive exercise, environmental pollutants, drugs, alcohol, coffee and tobacco. When our bodies are acidic, bad bacteria, viruses, yeast and other unfriendly organisms flourish. When our bodies are slightly alkaline (from eating alkaline foods like raw veggies and green food powders), bad bacteria, cancer, yeast and viruses can’t survive!

Deep-greens offer major benefits to your entire body. They’re good for your brain, your bones and your heart, AND they help to prevent cancer, detoxify and alkalise your cells, boost your immune system and give your more energy.

What are deep-greens?Deep-greens are the pigment-rich dark green vegetables, grasses and single-celled algae that form the basis of nutrition for all complex life on earth. These dark green foods contain all the essential nutrients, and precursors, upon which all other life depends. Deep-green foods are concentrated sources of easily absorbed vitamins, amino acids, chlorophyll, enzymes, phyto-nutrients, and alkaline minerals.

What’s so good about green? Chlorophyll!Chlorophyll-rich greens have long been used for

we can absorb.

LeAFy GReeN VeGeTABLeS ‘Dark green leafy vegetables are amongst the most concentrated source of nutrition of any food on the planet. Today, with our diets high in salt, meat, and processed food, we absolutely need the alkaline minerals found in the leafy greens. These minerals act as a buffer to neutralise excess acid. If not present in sufficient quantities, the body “steals” these much mineral needed buffers from our bones, and such deficiencies are thought to be a leading cause of osteoporosis.’ • American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2000, Vol 73, pp. 118-122.

There is a large and growing body of research indicating that vegetables can prevent, and treat, many diseases, including chronic degenerative diseases such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, cognitive decline, vision deterioration, arthritis and advanced aging. Imagine if they created a pharmaceutical drug to do all of that?

100+ medical studies can’t be wrongMedical studies on blue-green algae, green grass juices and leafy green vegetables have demonstrated:• Strengthening of the immune system• Improvement in mental focus and clarity• Increase in energy• Anti-tumour activity and natural killer cell activation• Cholesterol lowering effects• Improvement in digestive problems• Improved recovery after exercise• Stabilization of blood sugar levels• Stabilization of blood pressure• Reduction in symptoms from allergies

For this article’s references and to download this article in PDF format, please go the website listed at the back of this newspaper.

One of the secrets to optimal health is cultivating a great relationship with bacteria. While just the thought of bacteria may have some people immediately reaching for their favourite antibacterial soap, there are, in fact, certain species of bacteria that we literally cannot live without.

Some strains of bacteria are our best friends. This is especially true for the bacteria that live in our gut. Our digestive tract is home to a thriving population of life-promoting bacteria that take up residence within us from the moment of birth. These microflora are so critical to our survival, that without their presence, every aspect of our health would suffer.

WelCoMe to our INNer WorldOur digestive tract, all 30 feet of it, is one of the most complex and important organs of the body. The healthy functioning of our digestive system depends on the 100 trillion microorganisms that dwell there, outnumbering the ten trillion cells that make up our body by ten to one!

While it is commonly believed that intestinal functions are relegated to the absorption and assimilation

of food, a healthy digestive tract is intimately connected to our overall wellbeing. Medical science has recently discovered

that it plays a fundamental role in our immunity, emotional health, and hormonal balance.

In order to have a healthy functioning digestive tract we must have a robust gut flora population.

More than 99 percent of microbes living in our intestinal tract are a diverse group of bacteria, numbering between 500 to 1,000 different species. Collectively, they add about three pounds to our weight. To keep things in order, a healthy gut population needs to be composed of about 85 percent beneficial microflora.

Microbes are a natural part of the human nutrition system. Our microflora are little factories that convert plant and animal products into usable nutrition. Humans require many nutrients that can only be manufactured by these industrious microorganisms. For instance, trillions of cells of bacteria manufacture the following vital nutrients: B vitamins (thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, biotin, pantothenic acid, pyridoxone, cobalamine), Folic Acid, and vitamin K. Friendly bacteria also allow the efficient absorption of essential minerals including calcium, copper, iron and magnesium.

Beneficial bacteria are responsible for insuring a strong, responsive and balanced immune system. 70 percent of our immune cells line the intestinal wall.

Probiotics are the “good guys” that compete with harmful ones. However, the equilibrium between beneficial and harmful is delicate. Many of our 21st century habits wreak havoc on our friendly gut bacteria: a junk food diet; pharmaceutical drugs — antibiotics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, birth control pills; environmental chemicals; and psychological or mental stress. Specific beneficial strains can be killed or crowded out, allowing their neighbourhoods to be overtaken by harmful bacteria or yeast, such as Candida albicans.

Friendly microbes help prevent disease in several

ways. They deprive invaders of nutrients and secrete acids that harmful microbes can’t tolerate. They reinforce the mucosal barrier of the intestines, which block pathogens, toxins, and allergens. Some bacteria stimulate the immune system by increasing T-cell counts, while others produce natural antibiotic and anti-fungal substances.

The trillions of probiotics which populate our inner ecology provide beneficial nutritional and therapeutic functions necessary for human health and vitality.

ProbIotICs For better MoodsBeneficial probiotics come to the rescue of people dealing with mood disorders. Recent studies indicate that healthy bacteria have a direct impact on mood and behaviour by influencing the production of brain chemicals, including Serotonin and GABA.

Friendly bacteria, specifically Bifidobacteria, help prevent bad bacteria or yeast from altering the inner ecology of the intestines. People suffering with mood disorders may be affected by an overgrowth of Candida albicans, which is often a cause of anxiety and depression. The presence of abundant Lactobacilli bacteria can contribute to a more relaxed state of mind. During fermentation, lactobacilli release Tryptophan, which produces the calming neurotransmitter Serotonin.

A FrIeNd For lIFeIncorporating an effective probiotic supplement into one’s daily program should be a fundamental part of everyone’s health strategy. Probiotics help maintain a healthy immune system, efficient digestion, balanced moods, vaginal health, and vibrant energy. There is no doubt that the use of an effective, proven probiotic supplement is most favourable for a life of optimal wellbeing.

For this article’s references and to download this article in PDF format, please go the website listed at the back of this newspaper.


article by Narelle Chenery, B.App.Sci,

Director of Research & Development,


RUST PROOFING OUR BODIESAntioxidants, an essential utensil in our anti-aging tool box

article by Dr. Sherrill Sellman, NDwho is a

naturopathic doctor, women’s health expert, best-selling author and international lecturer.


What makes the difference between average health and optimal health? The answer lies not in the genetic blueprint of your family tree, but in our body’s ability to be well nourished and ‘rustproofed’.

Our three top killers in the developed world are cardiovascular disease (encompassing heart attack and stroke), cancer, and Type 2 Diabetes. It has been proven that your risk of developing any of these diseases is directly related to the amount of antioxidants your diet provides.

Antioxidants found in food protect our cells against the damage done by free radicals, known as oxidative stress.

Damage is particularly intense in the powerhouse of our cells, known as the mitochondria. Free radicals are unbound oxygen molecules that bombard and damage our cells and capillaries. Recent research indicates that poorly nourished cells are more vulnerable to oxidative stress and have a higher requirement for antioxidant-rich food and supplements. This creates a double insult, with poor nutrition leading to micro-malnourished, vulnerable cells and an increased need for antioxidant protection in the presence of a diet that is inadequate for optimal health.

Most natural therapists will be aware of the importance of antioxidants for skin health, rejuvenation, collagen production and the prevention of skin cancers. More importantly, antioxidants forge a resilient barrier of protection to cells undergoing renewal. It is at this time of cell division that the mistakes in genetic messages may lead to uncontrolled growth, which we call cancer.

Incredibly, medical research has only recently confirmed what natural therapists and vets have known for decades: that over 70 percent of the Australian population are micronutrient-malnourished. Regardless

of body weight, the average Australian, on an average diet (the traditional meat and three veggies for dinner), is lacking in at least one or more essential nutrients, in particular, the antioxidant group of nutrients.

Our vets regularly provide supplements for cattle, sheep and horses to prevent and treat nutritional deficiencies, but the medical profession has been kept in the dark about these facts for years. The cause for these deficiencies in animals and humans is clear. In 1992 a World Health Organisation survey reported that Australian soils are the most mineral and vitamin deficient of all the soils of the world’s continents. It is commonsense that the fruit, vegetables and grains cultivated on these soils are also lacking in the nutrients required for optimal human health.

how to assess your risk of oxidative stressLive blood analysis is a useful health practitioner tool. This can instantly confirm the cellular consequences of poor diet and oxidative stress, by examining a droplet of fresh blood under a microscope. These damaged cells look somewhat like a dried up sultana on live blood analysis. Compare this to a healthy hydrated cell, full of antioxidants, which looks like a luscious, full-bodied grape.

The most important defence we have against unfavourable environmental chemicals and our major health challenges is a well-nourished body. Sensible supplementation is essential for optimal health when deficiencies are suspected. Plant-extracted organic supplements, with high ORAC scores and phenolic content are preferred, together with a balanced organic diet and a healthy bowel.

For this article’s references and to download this article in PDF format, please go the website listed at the back of this newspaper.

Did You Know?What Are Free Radicals And Why Do We Need Antioxidants?Oxidation occurs when free radicals (highly reactive, high-energy particles) ricochet wildly throughout the body and damage cells. Free radicals can be produced within the body by natural biological processes or introduced from outside via tobacco smoke, toxins, pollutants and sub-optimal eating habits. Free radicals are believed to accelerate the progression of many diseases. Antioxidants found in fruits and vegetables help to neutralise free radicals in our bodies.

What Are ORAC Units And How Many Do We Need?ORAC, short for Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity, is a standardised measurement of the total antioxidant power of a substance. Antioxidant power is the ability to neutralise oxygen free radicals. The more free radicals a substance can absorb, the higher its ORAC score. Nutritionists recommend that we consume 7 servings of fruits and vegetables per day to significantly impact antioxidant activity in the body and reduce free radical damage.

Seven servings of fruits or vegetables provides approximately 3500 ORAC units.

article by Dr. Karen Coates

Probiotics – OUR BEST FRIEND

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