Page 1: How To Restore Your WordPress Website in Under 15 Minutes
Page 2: How To Restore Your WordPress Website in Under 15 Minutes

Contents WHY DO WORDPRESS WEBSITES CRASH? ....................................................... 2


Imagine you just installed a WordPress theme and as soon as you clicked activate, your

entire WordPress website crashed.

You’re now, unable to even get access to the WordPress admin dashboard to change

the theme back to the default WordPress one.


Imagine, being totally new to WordPress and all things Web. You log onto your website

through the wp-admin portal and get a weird message: “Forbidden XYZ Error”.

So you dash to the phone and immediately contact your web host to verify that all of

your settings are correct. Your web host informs you that there is a conflict with one of

your plugins and the WordPress software and that you have to deactivate it.


You have no idea how to fix it, or what has gone wrong. All you know is that there is a

plugin that is messing up your WordPress website and you want it fixed.

Believe it or not these are issues that turn up on a day to day basis for business owners,

like yourself and online marketers alike.

But why do WordPress websites crash? And what can you do about it to get your

website up and running online again?

A few months ago I was updating a WordPress site to the latest version (at that time, it

was version 3.8.1) and the whole site went down. However, it was not anything that I did

wrong. It was a simple click…click…click – as normal.

In this section of the article you’re about to find out some of the reasons your

WordPress website can crash.

So let’s get started.

1. Upgraded WordPress Version

Page 3: How To Restore Your WordPress Website in Under 15 Minutes

Sometime when you upgrade to the newest version of WordPress, your website may

crash. The reason why is because WordPress may not be compatible with some of the

plugins or theme you’re using.

2. WordPress Plugin Conflict

Sometimes there will be a plugin that is active on your site that will cause your

WordPress website to crash. The main reason for this happening is because of bad or

outdated coding issues.

Now that you know the two main reasons why a WordPress website will crash, we now

to look at the…

As a small business owner or an online marketer there are some dimple things you can

do in getting your website back online.

Accessing your server by FTP or you cPanel

You will need to access your hosting server by ftp or by cPanel. At any rate, the steps

below apply to either option. Try each one of these solutions and once you found the

one that works you won’t need to do anything else

1. Rename the last plugin activated – In the plugins folder on your server, you

will find the plugin folder of the last plugin you installed and activated. Rename

that folder.

If this didn’t fix the problem, go to option 2…

2. Rename the plugins folder – In the wp-content folder you will need to rename

the plugins folder if the first option didn’t work. The problem may not have been

with the last plugin installed and activated. It could be in conflict with another

plugin. So by renaming the plugins folder, you will deactivate all other plugins.

Still not fixed? Move on to option 3…

3. Rename your active WordPress theme folder – You will need to rename your

themes folder to deactivate the current theme. WordPress will then –

automatically activate the default theme.

This is one of the last things you can try before you have to hire a WordPress


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In most cases using one of these options will get your site back online. However, there

could be a deeper problem that will need specialized skills to fix.

In this case, as a small business owner you will need to hire a WordPress expert to help

you get sorted.

After all you don’t have time to fuss around with the techie stuff. You’ve got a business

to run and you need to focus on what matters most.

If you ever find yourself in a pickle and can’t fix your crashed WordPress website after

performing the steps above – you can find me right here and I’ll wipe your tears away.

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