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1How To Make 3-50 Times The Profit From Your Traffic

How To MakeHow To Make3-50 Times The Profits3-50 Times The Profits

From Your TrafficFrom Your Traffic

by Chris Munch of

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You're Sitting On A Gold Mine...If you're making $100 a week now from your traffic this report may help you make $500 to $1,000 a week from that same traffic...even more...

For most people that's the difference between working a job to make a living and making what you need online.

That's how powerful the methods in this report really are.

What you'll discover are what the real online marketing masters use every day to make themselves serious profits...and you can do the same no matter where you're starting from.

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Where Smart Marketers Really Make Their Money...

To really understand where to put your effort online you first need to understand what the one man marketers and smaller operations are doing to make their money.

The reality is the guys getting the highest revenue per visitor are NOT the big online companies with hundreds of employees.

Those big companies only make a fraction of the money per visitor that smart marketers do...they have an entirely different business model.

So if you're trying to copy the really big corporations online you're always going to be frustrated.

I've seen dozens of different operations from small to large and the online businesses getting the highest return in most niches usually follow have a revenue breakdown something like in the list below.

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Yes there is huge variation from one business to another but understanding these revenue sources and the money behind them is the biggest key for you if you want to start making serious money out of your traffic:

Typical Revenue Breakdown For A High Return Per Visitor Online Business

• Email Marketing Revenue 55% +/-

• On Site Product Sales 25% +/-

• Joint Ventures 10% +/-

• Ad Revenue <10% (usually much less than 2%)

If all you're doing is trying to make money by getting visitors to your site so they can click on ads then you're selling for 1/10th to 1/100th of the money you could be making.

Even if you bought private label rights products and offered them on your site you could dramatically increase your profits by three times or more.

As you'll see in the next pages of this report many of the methods you can use to increase your revenue are incredibly simple.

Let's go into a little more detail on each of these revenue sources...

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Email Marketing Is Much Easier Than You Think...

Email marketing is one of the biggest keys to online profits because the reality is everyone checks their emails and despite what you may have heard most email lists run well are highly responsive...

Many people are intimidated at the thought of email marketing or creating their own products.

But you don't need to be.

If you can create content to put on your own site then you can use pretty much the same method to make your own products and to do your own email're already 90% of the way there.

In fact with email marketing the content for emails is considerably easier to write than it is for a quality online article. You can learn to do it yourself or your can outsource it.

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The Simple Email Marketing Method Anyone Can Do...

Here's a proven email marketing method that anyone with content on their site can start using immediately.

First set up an enticing offer to capture email addresses. That can be as simple as something like “FREE Email Course: “101 Secrets About [Your Niche Topic]”

Then a quick blurb like “Discover the little know secrets and methods about [Your Niche Topic] completely free.”

Then create a series of emails set up in an autoresponder that sends your subscribers back to different content on your article at a time...that will dramatically increase your traffic and your revenue.

And you know you can do that...

It can be as simple as putting the headline of the article as the subject of the email and the first 3 paragraphs in the email with a line:To read the rest of this article go hereThen a link to your article.

That's about as easy as it gets.

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Anyone can do that. As I said if you can create content in some way and put it on your can do email marketing.

Just doing what I've outlined here should at least triple the revenue to your site.

Why? Because the people who join your email list are your biggest fans by a huge margin.

So even though only 10% of your visitors or less might join your email list they're also the 10% who love what you do and will go to every page on your site happily clicking on ads and buying your products!

Simply being able to follow up with these fans simply and easily is the huge marketing secret the smartest online marketers are using.

It's really not that complicated but it's incredibly profitable.

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Profiting From Your Email List...

Starting out with your email list sending subscribers to your best content is a great way to build a relationship with them and you always need a balance with your email marketing.

If you try to sell too hard you'll lose too many subscribers. But if you never sell anything at all you won't make any money.

So you have a balance between relationship building and offering products and services to your subscribers.

What products do you offer?

Ideally your own (we'll cover that later). Let's start with the easiest products to promote...affiliate products.

In many niches there are a wide range of products you can get paid an affiliate commission for promoting.

Many of the vendors of these products will even give you emails you can copy and paste into your email autoresponder to send (I suggest your customize your emails to your list but if you're not confident doing that you can just use the emails they provide).

You send the email, some of your subscribers buy and you get paid.

You have to admit that's pretty simple too.

With most smart marketers promoting other people's products using the email list they've built makes up a huge portion of their business profits.

It can be the same for you.

Also when you build an email list that opens the door for another profit center.

When you promote someone else's offer in your niche many marketers will be perfectly willing to promote yours.

This is called a joint venture and it's a powerful way to increase your profits and build your own list.

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Profit Through Joint Ventures...

Just promoting other people's products using your list is not the greatest deal for you.

You go to all the trouble of bringing in traffic, getting them on to your email list and following up with them building a relationship.

Then you promote someone else's product and your best buyers become subscribers on that other person's list.

That's why smart marketers ask the people they promote to promote their products in return.

That way you get marketers sending you their best email subscribers and you get to add them to your email list...

Once you have an email list your best chance of setting up a joint venture where another email list owner promotes your product is with someone you've built a relationship with (it pays to make friends) or someone in your niche with a list that's similar in size to your own.

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The smart marketers with monster email lists started out just like you building relationships with other marketers (many of whom had similar sized online businesses to them).

Then they did joint ventures with each other growing their lists and building their traffic.

Then over time they got bigger together and were able to set up more and more lucrative joint ventures with other marketers until they became the big dogs in the niche themselves.

It really is that's just building relationships and building your business over time.

To be perfectly clear what we're talking about here is building relationships.

When you're actually choosing products to promote to your email list you want to promote the best products you can find that give real value to your subscribers.

When you talk to potential joint venture partners you say “I'm thinking of promoting your product to my list. If I promote your product would you be open to promoting mine?”

You're not forcing anyone to mail to promote your product and don't be forced by anyone to promote theirs. It's an open relationship where both of you have the best interests of your email subscribers at heart.

What you are doing is making sure most of the products you promote are with vendors who are likely to promote something you create.

Over time there may be products your joint venture partners create that you don't want to promote and vice-verse.

The most important concept here is building relationships whenever you're searching out for products to promote to your subscribers.

Those relationships will become incredibly valuable to you in the years to come.

To do joint ventures requires having your own product you can sell and that's what we'll cover next...

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The Easy Way To Make Your Own Products...

Many people find making their own product too intimidating but it really shouldn't be.

If you're creating content in a niche (articles or blog posts) then creating a product is just as easy as writing 3-10 articles on the same topic.

What's the easy way of doing it?

To keep things simple in this report I'll talk about information products which are easy to sell and easy to deliver online.

The easiest product to make is a digital report...

In most niches there is some information a lot of people are searching for and will pay money for.

A short report of just 7-20 pages is easy to make and easy to sell in the $7-$20+ price range.

And yes in most niches people will happily pay for a report if it's valuable information geared to hit their hot buttons.

Now let's talk about how to create a report that will hit those hot buttons...

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How To Create Reports That Are Likely To Sell...

The first thing you need to do is look at the traffic you're getting and ask yourself a few questions:

• What are people searching for when they're arriving at your site?

• What kind of content do they like?

• What are their hot buttons? What's really important to them?

• What kind of information will save them or make them money?

• What kind of information will save them time?

• What kind of information is really high value to them?

Answering those questions should give you some great ideas on topics you can create a report on...

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From there actually writing the report (or getting it written for you) is as simple as having half a dozen articles written on the same topic.

Each major point in the report is just another article. See how simple this is? It's really just as easy as writing content for your site.

Most short reports will have a title something like:

• 7 Secrets To [Topic Of The Report]

• 7 Ways To [Topic Of The Report]

• How To [Topic Of The Report]

• Save $x By [Topic Of The Report]

• How To Make $x By [Topic Of The Report]

So very quickly you can create a report, save it as pdf format (you can do that completely free in Open Office software) and you'll have a product you can sell on your website.

Best of all you know there's a good chance some of your visitors will buy the report in the $7-$20+ price range because you worked out what their hot buttons were before creating the report.

Let's move on to an important profit multiplying principle...

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“There Should Be More Than One”...Create At Least Two Reports

Beginner marketers often create one report, then stop and wonder why they're not making as much money as they want to.

Smart marketers build multiple products in the same niche. You should do this too for several reasons:

• You can get a much higher return from the relationships you build with your visitors and email subscribers. When you have multiple products to sell you make far more money than with just one product.

• Your email list becomes more valuable because you can send multiple automated follow up emails promoting each product and sending subscribers to quality content that also subtly (or not so subtly) promotes your products.

• When you're selling your own information products (instead of other people's) you keep your email list and you keep 100% of the profits (which is often almost the entire price of the report). The more reports you have the more money you make.

• When you sell a product you can create a product “funnel” where you automatically offer another product on the thank you page after people buy your first product (more on this later).

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The Amazing Profit Multiplying Power Of A Product “Funnel”...

Here's a question smart marketers are very aware of: “When is someone the most likely to buy from you?”

The answer is “Immediately after they just bought something from you.”

I know that might sound crazy but it's 100% true. Buying is an event that requires you to get into a certain emotional state and once you're in that state you're far more likely to buy something else.

As a smart and ethical marketer you can take advantage of this and give your visitors a chance to get information you know they need by creating a product funnel.

Ideally you would have multiple products including related downsells when visitors don't buy and related upsells or one time offers when they do buy...

At its simplest just putting a product offer on your thank you page which you send people after they buy will increase your sales by around 30%.

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Think about that for a minute...

That's 30% in extra profits for putting a product offer on your thank you page.

You can also put a product offer on the thank you page when people subscribe to your email list. That can also be a big profit maker for you.

These are all VERY simple things you can do.

Next we'll have a list of the simple things you want to start setting up:

The Easy Model To Start Making Profits In The Next 2-4 Weeks...

This list is really the minimum if you'd like to make 10 times+ what you're making right now from each visitor to your site.

You'll also build an ongoing income that's not dependent on traffic. When you have an email list of your best fans you can create your own traffic, your own sales and affiliate sales any time you choose simply by sending an email.

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Here's the list of things to do to start making fast profits:

• Put an enticing offer on most of your content pages to get people onto your email list.

• Use automated email follow up sending subscribers to your best content and to your product offers automatically. (Just doing this should triple your current revenue by dramatically increasing the traffic of “true fans” to your site.

• Create at least 2 reports.

• When someone buys a report from you offer them the other report on the thank you page.

• When someone subscribes to your email list offer them at least one of your reports on the thank you page.

• Get anyone who buys your product onto an email list.

• Send broadcast emails promoting other products in the niche with marketers who are willing to send emails promoting at least one of your products

This one is simpler than you think. After you've created your first 2 reports contact list owners in your niche who are offering affiliate commissions to sell their products and simply ask “I'm thinking of promoting your product to my list. If I promote your product would you be open to promoting mine?”

To set all this up in its most basic form would probably take 2-4 weeks of work at most.

I know some beginning marketers who've got this done in under 5 days and if you outsource the tasks the time it will take you personally is minimal.

If your entire revenue right now is from ads then I'd expect you to multiply your profits by a factor of at least 10-20. So if you're making $50 to $100 a week from ad revenue now I'd expect you to start making $500 to $2,000 a week just with this simple setup.

And that income will grow because all those joint ventures lead to more fans, subscribers and traffic in the future and your website will start to build a reputation in your niche.

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Action Is The Biggest Key...Over the years the biggest difference I've seen between the people who make it and the people who don't make it is taking huge action.

The people who are successful have simply done this stuff instead of just reading about it.

You've probably read some of the things in this list before and really that's the problem...that you've read about it but haven't done it because it seemed intimidating or required some skills you don't have yet.

To start making good money online simply requires pushing through that and doing the things you can, developing your skills and outsourcing what you can't do.

It really is simple, as you've seen in this report...and this really is something you can do.

Now it's up to you to just start doing it. Just getting started right now can honestly be the first step to a complete change in your online business and your life.

Sometimes you just need to make that first leap and get started. Believe me, it's a whole lot more fun than agonizing over what you think you can and can't do.

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