Page 1: How to improve your e mail open rates in two simple ways

Page 2: How to improve your e mail open rates in two simple ways

As a business owner it is important to explore all fields of marketing which may help you develop new customers and leads.

Also of importance is the implementation of a marketing strategy which will help you retain current customers and convert them further in this digital age.

There are a number of key marketing areas of which you truly cannot afford to ignore.

Page 3: How to improve your e mail open rates in two simple ways

E-mail marketing is one such form in question and, has become in recent years, an essential part of any marketing strategy according to eMarketer.

They conducted a test towards the back end of 2011 which concluded that 97% of small businesses utilize e-mail marketing as part of their wider strategy.

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If you have a current e-mail marketing campaign which isn't performing to its full potential, or are looking for tips on how to create a solid e-mail marketing campaign, then this presentation looks at how to improve e-mail open rates.

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Make A Great First Impression

If you go ahead and open up your e-mail inbox right now, I can guarantee that the main things that you will see are the dates, subject and title of each e-mail.

It is the title and subject of your e-mails that you need to get right first time in order to create a great first impression.

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Now, every single e-mail is different based on exactly what point you are trying to get across or what you are trying to sell, however there are a couple of key points you can use to aid in the end user opening your e-mail:

-Utilize an e-mail address which uses a real name.

[email protected] looks far better than [email protected].

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-Write the e-mail based on hierarchy. E-mails from a company director, CEO, CFO or president are far better than e-mails from a desk clerk for example.

In terms of your subject line this will differ based on what you are trying to say.

There are a few things you should keep in mind however, which include:

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-Localize your subject. Got an e-mail list from people in New York, US? Include 'New York' in the subject.

-Got an e-mail list of people based in London, UK? Include the keyword 'London'.

- Create a unique subject line for each new e-mail batch you send out. If your e-mail subject gets repetitive, this will decrease your open rates.

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- Avoid salesy words. 'limited offer', 'free' and 'reminder' are key turn offs commonly found in e-mail subject lines.

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Time Your E-mails Effectively

If you work within a business which offers seasonal products then it makes sense to send out your e-mails when your product will be in the highest demand.

Even if you don’t offer seasonal products or services, timing is still very important.

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Avoid sending out e-mails which are way out of time zones.

An e-mail received by somebody in the UK at 3 a.m. for example will often be entirely overlooked as compared to being sent during the day.

Sending e-mails at lunch time, breakfast time or tea time is good practice to try and reach the highest number of eyes as physically possible.

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Over-allAll in all e-mail marketing is an incredibly effective marketing practice and easily manageable form of marketing for any business.

With the above two tips, hopefully you will be able to take your e-mail marketing campaign to the next level and reach out to even more potential leads.

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