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How to Finish What You’ve Started:

Seven No-Nonsense Practices

Presented By:TONY

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A little about me…

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“What's Harder? Starting Something New or Finishing What You've Started?”



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No shortage on creative ideas

…but the discipline and follow through needed to complete those ideas were always missing.

So here are 7 “In Your Face” tips I recommend:

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7 “In Your Face” tips to Help You Finished What You’ve Started

1. Stop Talking, Take Action:

Stop talking about “I’m planning to…” or ” Here’s my vision…” or ” I’m thinking about launching…”.

Don’t start talking until you can tell someone how cool the last project you just wrapped up is.

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7 “In Your Face” tips to Help You Finished What You’ve Started

2. Start Small:

Don’t try to launch the book or graphic novel until you launch the short story.

God teaches us that when we are faithful over the seemingly small things, He’ll set us over more. (Matthew 25:21)

“His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’

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7 “In Your Face” tips to Help You Finished What You’ve Started

3. Quit Being a Perfectionist:

Launch now with what you have. Just like Hollywood, you can get better during the sequel…get the first movie going NOW!

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7 “In Your Face” tips to Help You Finished What You’ve Started

4. Write It Down and Date It:

This allows you to see what you’ve written once you get down the road and to see if you completed it.

The date emphasizes if you’re wasting your time away, or better yet, if you are progressively accomplishing goals.

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7 “In Your Face” tips to Help You Finished What You’ve Started

5. Know When You’re Most Productive…and when you’re not:

If you know there’s a time when you’ll get most distracted and interrupted, find a better time.

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7 “In Your Face” tips to Help You Finished What You’ve Started

6. Stop Working Alone:

Accountability: Once you start involving others such as fellow artists, sponsors, clients, etc, it becomes bigger than you. You have others that are counting on your follow through., find a better time.

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7 “In Your Face” tips to Help You Finished What You’ve Started

7. Acknowledge Your Age:

Once I began to realize that God placed me on assignment, I also realized that I had a finite amount of time to complete the mission.

I’m getting too old to always be in the same place I was 6 months or a year ago with no growth to show for the time.

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7 “In Your Face” tips to Help You Finished What You’ve Started

1. Stop Talking, Take Action

2. Start Small

3. Quit Being a Perfectionist

4. Write It Down and Date It

5. Know When You’re Most Productive…and when you’re not

6. Stop Working Alone

7. Acknowledge Your Age

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My Contact Info:

Tony Snipes

[email protected]

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#[email protected]

“How to Finish What You’ve Started: Seven No-Nonsense Practices”

Best Practices:

1. Stop Talking, Take Action

2. Start Small

3. Quit Being a Perfectionist

4. Write It Down and Date It

5. Know When You’re Most Productive…and when you’re not

6. Stop Working Alone

7. Acknowledge Your Age

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