Download - How to do a rainbow

Page 1: How to do a rainbow

By Sydney White

Page 2: How to do a rainbow


• Soccer ball

• A flat surface

• Appropriate footwear

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• Warnings: This is not very dangerous. If it goes wrong, it goes wrong. The worse that can happen is it doesn’t work or it goes up and hits you on the head.


This is not very dangerous. If it goes wrong, it goes wrong.

The worst that can happen is doesn’t work or the ball goes up and hits you

on the head.

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• Introduction to the rainbow: The rainbow is used in soccer games as a flashy move, usually to make the other team think you’re better than you are. As you dribble up to a defender you can use a rainbow to lift the ball up and over them. The ball will end up at your feet and you will have a clear shot at goal. This is a cool trick to learn to do. It’s an original trick too and you’ll be rewarded if you learn to do it because it looks good when done.


Introduction to the rainbow: The rainbow is used in soccer games as a flashy move, usually to make the other team think you’re better than you are. As you dribble up to

a defender you can use a rainbow to lift the ball up and over them. The ball will end up at your feet and you will

have a clear shot at goal. This is a cool trick to learn to do. It’s an original trick too and you’ll be rewarded if you learn

to do it because it looks good when done.

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Step 1

• Place the ball between the instep of your right foot and the heel of your left foot. Your left foot goes in front and points forward and your right foot goes in back and points to the right of you. Your feet will make a

right angle.

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Step 2

• Roll the ball up your left leg using your right leg. Roll it high enough to get a good kick under it, about to your calf.

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Step 3

• Lean forward. It’s very important to lean forward or else the ball will go straight up and not over your head.

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Step 4

• Look backwards over your right shoulder. It’s pretty important to do this because then you will know what is happening with your legs. Also, when you’re learning it’s good to do this so you can memorize the steps.

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Step 5

• Kick the left foot up hitting the ball, hard. You will be hoping off of both feet. The ball should be arcing behind your back and up over your head.

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Step 6

Land on your right foot and become balanced again.

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Step 7

• The ball should land at your feet in front of you. You will be around your defender and have a clear shot on goal.

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• Make sure you lean forward

• -Make sure the soccer ball is inflated enough.

• -Don’t get discouraged when you can’t do it. It’s hard, and it won’t happen immediately.


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What can go wrong…

• If the ball goes straight up just make sure you’re leaning forward enough.

• If the ball goes backwards it may mean that you aren’t getting a good solid kick on it. It also must be a hard kick for it to actually go upward.

What can go wrong

If the ball goes straight up just make sure you’re leaning forward enough.

If the ball goes backwards it may mean that you aren’t getting a good solid kick on it. It also must be a hard kick for it

to actually go upward.

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