


#1: FAKE ITWhen it comes to film-biz confidence, ya gotta have it

(before you’ve earned it)

If you doubt your abilities as a director, the script, your crew, or your VISION, everyone involved in making your movie will too. If you're a total

newb, you will encounter aspects of the business you're not yet privy to, but don't show it! Don't give them a chance to doubt you.

#2: DO YOUR HOMEWORKWork harder than anybody else on your crew

Directing is not something you can wing or show up day-of and just see what happens. Make sure you have your storyboard, shot list, script notes

and EVERYTHING you need for each day's shooting schedule ready before you show up to set. You you can't risk losing the respect of the crew. Stay

organized and be PREPARED!

#3: DON’T BE ARROGANTCheck your ego at the (film-set) door

LISTEN to your crew, be open minded, and don't assume you know more than everyone else involved. Losing your cool and SCREAMING at your crew will make them far less willing to put in good work. If you're polite

and gracious, you'll get better performances from everyone involved.

#4: FIND YOUR OBI-WANMake sure you have a GOOD producer

It's widely accepted that the Director is the BOSS on set since they get most of the credit for a finished film, but the producer is actually the one

who calls the SHOTS. They get your movie made and work through logistics. Having a producer you work well with, who understands your

vision and who is organized, will help greatly in your directing role.

#5: WATCH MOVIESBe an avid student of film

A good director doesn't just know what a director does, they must also be well-versed in all things film. To make their VISION a reality, they need to be able to

communicate to the grip about what kind of lighting they need, what sort of audio they’re aiming to capture, and different editing techniques. LEARN as much as you can, WEAR as many hats as you're offered, and you'll be able to communicate and understand what you can and can't accomplish logistically.

#6: HIT THE STAGEUnderstand the craft of acting

Some of the best directors are ones who have ACTED before. In order to get moving performances from your actors, you need to be able to understand the

art of acting. If this means getting in front of the camera yourself, give it a shot! Being able to emotionally CONNECT with an actor and their associations with

the role they're playing will yield much greater performances.

#7: GET INVOLVEDStay connected with your film community

To stay sharp and keep your instincts strong, it's very helpful to regularly ENGAGE with other filmmakers. They'll help you BOUNCE ideas back and forth, make discoveries and stay inspired. It'll help you find who you are as

a filmmaker and boost your confidence as well. (It's also always good to have a few connections in the business when you need a favor or help

along the way.)

#8: GET EMOTIONALYa gotta emotionally connect with your story

Even if you didn't WRITE the screenplay, make sure the film you're DIRECTING is one you can connect to emotionally. You need to

understand each character's emotions, fears, and hopes in order to visually CAPTURE the same sentiments and to get those performances out of your

actors. If you don't believe in the story, your crew won't either.

#9: PEEL THE (STORY) ONIONUnderstand your script inside and out

Don't just know the lines and the order in which they're spoken, to really DIRECT well you have to UNDERSTAND the subtext of each line, the

blank spaces, and each and every look and pause. You need to understand what the characters are THINKING at any moment so you can let your actors know when you want to get a different performance out of them.

#10: HAVE A VISIONKnow what you want (then communicate that)

Your cast and crew wants to be DIRECTED. If you can communicate your vision well and your ideas are sound, the crew will LISTEN to you. You just have to be sure that you know how to communicate what it is you see to all

the different crew members. Know their language. Be patient and make sure you know exactly what you want so you won't have any trouble


#11: FIND TALENTKeep talented people in your corner

Yes, you may be a first-time director, but don't be scared. You'll catch up in no time. A good way to COVER your bases until you do is to make sure you have talented people working with you. They'll be able to take up the slack where you're still LEARNING until you're up to speed. But

don't take them for granted!

#12: MAKE THE DAMN FILMLearn to get out of your own way

With today's technology, it's easier than ever to make a movie despite what your limitations may be. So there's no excuse! Don't TALK about how you'll someday DIRECT, do it! Don't procrastinate until everything is

perfectly in place, just jump in! Don't get in your own way.


“There are many vampires in the world today. All you have to do is think of the film business.” –

Christopher Lee

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