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Are You Eating Enough, & The Right Stuff?

Protein: The Building blocks of muscle.

Aim for 1g of protein per pound of


Fats: Good fats are essential for health,

recovery and growth. Include 0.5g of

fat per pound of body weight.

Carbohydrates: Provide your body with

the energy to grow. Consume about

1.5g of carbs per pound of bodyweight.

How To Gain Muscle Mass:Y


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Are You Lifting To Build Muscle?

Build Strength: Maximize strength in

major exercises like like the bench, &

squat. Provides bigger base for growth.

Use Compound Exercises: Avoid

single joint exercises. Do exercises

that use many muscle groups.

Use Free Weights: They allow you to

move through a natural rage of

motion and require more muscle

activation to stabilize.





Are You Getting Enough Rest?

Sleep: 7-8 hours of sleep a night is ideal.

While it's not always possible, get as

close as you can.

Eliminate Blue Light: Make the

most of your sleep by shutting off

all electronic devices at leas 1 hour

before bed.

Off Days: Take time off. 3 - 4 days a

week in the gym is plenty.

Other Mass Building Rules To Follow

Change Your Rep Ranges And Get Strong At Them All

Train With Dependable Like Minded People

Be Consistent

10 Things You Need To Know To Get Bigger and Stronger

In summary:

Consuming enough calories is critical. Start off with 15 calories per pound of bodyweight consisting of the proper ratio of macronutrients: proteins, carbs, and fats.

Not all exercises are created equal.

F i t n e s sD o c t r i n e

You don't grow while you're in the gym. Growth occurs when you rest.

Sample MuscleBuilding Workout

Exercise Sets Reps

DB Snatch 4 3

Deadlift 4 6

Shoulder Press 3 8

Pull Ups 5 10

Close Grip Push Ups 4 Max

Barbell Curls 4 12

Ab Wheel Roll Outs 4 8

Training partners aren't essential but they can make a world of difference. They keep you accountable, provide motivation, and help you through your workout.

Making Adjustments

If you're not gaining weight after two weeks increase your calories by 10%. If fat and protein levels are at correct proportions then the increase in calories is to come from carbohydrates.

Monitor and Adjust

consists of compound exercises.

includes progressive overload so you get stronger from week to week.

provide your body with the necessary foods and calories to grow andfuel your workouts.

Have a plan for your diet and workouts. And make sure it..

Recovery means growth. So...aim to get 8 hours of sleep a night.

stop using electronics 1 hour before bed.

keep your workouts to a maximum of 60 minutes.

provide your body with the necessary foods and calories to grow andfuel your workouts.

don't spend every day in the gym (3-4 is enough). Take at least a 2days a week off.

don't go to failure on every set.

Making Adjustments

Keep a record of sets, reps, and weight. If your not increasing weight or reps, change your rep range.

Get stronger in all reps ranges from 3 -12 on upper body. And 5-20 on lower body.

Record And Improve

Are You Always Doing 4 Sets of 10? Get good at all the rep ranges. Improve strength with reps of 3-5. Build more muscle with reps run the 9-15 rep range. Get a mix of both with reps in the 6-8 range.

10 Rules For Beginners To Build Muscle As Fast As Possible

Progressive Overload: Strive to

improve one thing from workout to

workout... increase weight, add reps,

or do same work in less time.




Are You Winging It?

Have Goals: Set short and long term

goals. Knowing where you want to go is

the first step in getting there.

Track Changes: What gets measured

improves. Take regular measurements

of what you want improved.

Plan: Go into each workout knowing

what you need to do for the day...

exercises, sets, reps, and weight.

Without out goals and a plan who knows where you'll end up.

Building muscle is a journey. It doesn't happen overnight. The mass building rules need to be followed day in and day out.

Want a free full workout plan?Click the button below.

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Muscle Building Rules

Consistency is everything.

Arnold Schwarzenegger started lifting when he was 15. Wasn't untilthe age of 22 that he first competed in Mr Olympia.

Eating well one or two days a week won't produce results.

Get out of the 6 weeks to a beach body mindset. It takes time. Butfollow these mass building rules and you'll build muscle at the fast ratepossible.

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