  • 7/27/2019 HOW to BE HEARD Preaching Fsmith Aug09



    (Mastering five overlooked fundamentals of clear communication)

    By: Fred Smith

    1. Establishing a friendly _______________

    To a large degree, the _____________ we establish will determine how effective our

    sermon is going to be. _______________ is created by both our verbal and nonverbal messages.

    Things to avoid: sloppy opening ______________ .

    If so, what kind of impression do these introductions make on the listeners?

    People need to know how you feel before you start to speak. They want to know whether

    youre friendly or worried or mad. The most difficult discipline in speaking is going in with theproper ____________ . if I dont want to speak, it is so difficult for me to speak well.

    2. Encouraging _______________, not observation

    Another way we all can improve is by remembering that our goal is not simply to have

    people sit quietly while we talk but to have their minds actively __________ by our subject

    matter. One of the keys to ____________ people is using a conversational style. People listen to

    it without antipathy.

    The minute somebody starts yelling, people mentally distance themselves. Many

    preachers think theyre doing it for emphasis, but generally it doesnt work that way. It


    If I want to say something really important, Ill lower my voice and people will kind of

    lean forward to hear what Im saying. In a sense, youre putting intimacy in a point by lowering

    your voice. Youre saying, This point means something to me. Im telling you something from

    my heart.

    What else can we do to encourage participation? Not necessarily by providing

    entertainment. If people are listening for the next story or next joke, Ive become a performer.

    My goal is not to have people say, Oh, youre such a great speaker. Then I know Ive failed. If

    they are conscious of my speaking ability, they see me as a performer. They have not

    participated. My goal is for people to say, You know, Fred, Ive had those kind of thoughts all

    my life, but Ive never had the words for them. Now Ive got words for them. Then I feel, Ive

    given them a handle for something. Ive crystallized their thoughts and experiences into a

    statement or story and made it real for them. Ive enabled them to give it to somebody else.

  • 7/27/2019 HOW to BE HEARD Preaching Fsmith Aug09


    3. Ensuring Im _______________

    I keep a constant watch on my _______________ . Ive got to practice what I preach.

    Unless I can believe me when I make a statement, I wont make it. As credible speakers, weve

    got to establish some authority or theres no reason to listen to us.

    You can establish your authority by being a researcher or a Bible scholar, or by relating

    certain life experiences. But whatever your authority, you have to be careful of extrapolation

    taking a principle from an area you know and trying to apply it to an area you dont know.

    Extrapolation is where most speakers show their ignorance, and it undermines their

    genuine authority. So Im careful when I extrapolate. Do I stick to thing I know? When people

    see Im pretending to be familiar with something Im not, that hurts my believability.

    4. Making my voice _______________

    Few speakers have great voices, but most have ones perfectly adequate if people can

    understand the words. But Ive found people are turned off by preachers who have a seminarybrogue, who have developed an intellectual pronunciation, or who preach as if they were reciting

    Shakespeare. I immediately say, Theyre performing.

    If Im conscious of a speakers voice after listening for two minutes, then the voice has

    become a distraction. In the first two minutes, people should make a decision about your voice

    and then think no more about it. Its exactly like your clothing. When you stand up, if people are

    conscious of your clothes after once seeing you, theres something wrong with your clothes.

    Youre either overdressed or underdressed. Youre not properly dressed to speak. The same is

    true of the voice. It should come across as natural.

    But theres more to it than that. The voice should always contain some ____ --conviction, animation. ______ in the voice means that the mind and the voice are engaged.

    Theres a direct relationship between an active mind and an active voice.

    Fire in the voice has nothing to do with having a good voice or a poor voice. Some of the

    whiniest voices Ive ever heard come from the best speakers. But audiences will listen to a poor

    voice as long as theres ______, because as soon as the audience realizes the voice is real, they

    adjust to it.

    5. Using __________ effectively

    Gestures have a vocabulary all their own. The Spanish painter Goya charged as much to

    paint the hands as to paint the face, because the hands are the most difficult of all parts of the

    body to paint. Delsarte studied for several years how the hands show emotion. He got so good at

    it that he could sit in a park and tell whether a baby was held by a maid or its mother by the

    intensity of the hands.

  • 7/27/2019 HOW to BE HEARD Preaching Fsmith Aug09


    My friend Haddon Robinson has one of the finest pair of hands I know. Ive tried to

    count the different formations his hands make, and the number gets astronomical. Yet theyre

    absolutely spontaneous, and theyre in harmony with what hes saying and with the sound of his

    voice. He has a large vocabulary of both gestures and words.

    Ive found speakers cant develop mastery of gestures quickly, but they can give

    themselves permission to improve. Heres one to start with. If youre going to be delivering a

    climactic statement, instead of getting intense too soon, its better to relax your body and back

    away a half step from the audience. Then just before you come into the climactic statement, step

    toward the audience and straighten up. That way your body as well as your voice projects the


    Gestures also include giving people your _____ . in speaking, ______ are almost as

    important as the voice. Everyone knows the importance of eye contact, but the temptation I have

    is to zero in on a few people up front who are attentive. Maybe Im insecure, but its easier to

    talk to those people. I have to remind myself not to neglect those out on the wings. Like the

    farmer whos feeding the chickens, you have to throw the corn wide enough for everyone to getsome. So, I tell myself, remember the smaller chickens on the fringe. I want them to know Im

    thinking of them too.

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