Page 1: How the Zombie Infection Started By: Matthew Ablaza...I guess I should jump in the box, ok here I go.52 minutes later.Where am I and ... was a cute, teeny tiny golden retriever puppy

How the Zombie Infection Started

By: Matthew Ablaza

The birds were chirping and the sun was brightly smiling upon the faces of people who just woke up. I opened the door to go for my morning walk, but I saw a box outside my front lawn. It was taped together and it said fragile on the outside in big bold letters. I delicately carried the box inside my house like a newborn baby and quickly texted my dad.

My dad immediately called me before my heart could beat and asked, "Is the box for me or for you?"

I replied, "It's for me." My dad said I could open it. I opened it discovered a wet piece of cotton, a syringe, and a bandage. "What the?" I immediately thought to myself. I walked outside and told a random person I was a doctor. I wiped the cotton on his arm and injected him. As I was getting the bandage ready the random dude started making groaning noises and almost bit me.

I ran inside my house and called 911 someone said, "Hello, how can I help you?"

"There's a man banging on my door," I cried.

"We're sending officers," reassuringly replied the police.

I looked outside and I saw the flashing lights come out of the police station. The police came out of there cars with there Tasers loaded up. They yelled, "Sir, put your hands in the air, now." They revealed their handcuffs, but the zombie bit one of the officers and he bit the other officer. Before the officer turned, he ordered backup. The SWAT team arrived and I was surprised to see a helicopter with Donald Trump inside. I got one of my toy Minecraft swords and whacked a zombie with it before it decided to bite another officer. Donald trump yelled, "men open fire!" But the zombies suddenly disappeared.

Everyone started cheering and thanking me. Donald Trump said I was the hero I was even on news! All my friends even heard about it when I went to school that next day.I also went to the white house and shacked hands with the president. scientist studied the infection and named 4 types of zombies. The common infected, spitter, bomber, and clawer. they went to a infection free envirment and tested the injection. But it infected the whole lab. Soon the zombies escaped and infected the whole world and one survivor remained Matthew.


Page 2: How the Zombie Infection Started By: Matthew Ablaza...I guess I should jump in the box, ok here I go.52 minutes later.Where am I and ... was a cute, teeny tiny golden retriever puppy

The Zombie Apocalypse

By: Jamal Ahmed Adan

It all started when I arrived to my house from school one fateful day. There was a wide, tan box in front of the door. Usually boxes were sometimes set on our front doorstep, but for some reason I had some feelings about this particular box. It was a mysterious box. It was unusual because there was a box that was placed on our doorstep the other day, and my mom was not expecting anymore packages.

I snatched the box and ran inside the house. My mom took a sharp knife and slit the box opened to reveal something that was so shocking that it turned my blood into ice. My mom screamed, “Ahhhhhhhhh!” As I was saying it was a…

Bangboom the door rumbled and the door opened and it was my dad and he came early and I asked him “why are you here so early”

He said “it was because they released me early.”

“Ohhhh” I said.

As I was saying it was a...

My dad screamed "ahhhhhh."

It was a …. Gunnnnnn!

I just grabbed it and tested it out on a person when I shot it and it turned him into a zombie! Now there's a zombie apocalypse.

Page 3: How the Zombie Infection Started By: Matthew Ablaza...I guess I should jump in the box, ok here I go.52 minutes later.Where am I and ... was a cute, teeny tiny golden retriever puppy

Mystery Box

By Yash Agrawal

I went outside on a beautiful Monday morning and was going to school and then I noticed a peculiar box on every single driveway, same size and everything. I was compelled to open the weird box. But I decided to only check out the box since I had 20 minutes till I would be late. I scanned the entire box, It both my address and name. I was so quick that I took 1 millisecond in total. When I decided that I was going to open the box I accidently dropped my backpack.

That incident gave me a kick in a brain which yelled to tell me, "Get to school you are going to be late for sure!" Instead of listening to my brain which was trying to warn me I made such a poor choice that it could not afford free stuff. I opened the box. I saw.....

A wormhole that tried and succeeded of getting me sucked into it because of my terrible athletic ability in running, some say horrific. When I got sucked my eyes eyeballed all of the greens and blues looking crazy cool and life threatening all together in a formation of a spiral. I flew into the end of the spiral that looked like a portal that had an aqua blue color around it and was a white in the middle. I got vacuumed into the portal. I woke up and looked at all of the red ground. I jumped up because of this shock. I thought of all the places I knew that had a red ground. The only places I could think of that had a red ground was either a simulation or Mars.

I first said to myself, "Well I never decided to a simulation so this must be Mars. Then I fainted because I really scared there.

When I woke up I yelled, "There is air." I laughed hysterically. I fainted again.

When I woke up I noticed that my friends were there and were yelling, "Wake up bro!" I woke up instantly.

I asked, "What is going on?"

They responded hurriedly "We have been abducted by aliens and were stuck on Mars!"

Page 4: How the Zombie Infection Started By: Matthew Ablaza...I guess I should jump in the box, ok here I go.52 minutes later.Where am I and ... was a cute, teeny tiny golden retriever puppy

They also screamed so loud that my ears wanted to close and become deaf forever, look at the aliens on the right. I then looked at the right and noticed nothing.

"Our right," they rudely responded. Then I looked on left where a big alien base was.

I screeched, "what are we doing here?"

"Military government bothers are fun with exploding ships on the Bermuda Triangle the aliens screeched back. Also some of our gifts meant nothing like the pyramids. We also hate rovers and this thing you call Area 51." said the aliens

I said carefully, "Is there anyway to get back to earth?"I replied carefully because I noticed their evil claws.

They answered with, "There is a portal back to earth but you and your kind are not welcome to use it!" I was scared of this thought but I knew I had to break in.

I called all of my friends to where I was standing and I told them the plan to get off Mars and never come back unless this alien species extinct. I took the rover and programed it to scan the entire base so we knew where to go. I opened the gate easily. Abhinav my 3rd grade friend who was very fast, ran to the lab to get extra lab coats for disguise. We went to the middle of the base to the portal.

On three we jump to a possibility of death but a 0.00000001 of surviving, one, two, three I said. We jumped.

We went back into the crazy, spiral portal.We were back on Earth.

I quickly yelled," Lets never talk about this again!" We quickly threw the boxes into the portal, since it was still open as a gorilla's mouth. Everyone said, "Agreed" I picked up my backpack and went back to my normal life and went to school. This my weird adventure on 2015, October 9th.

Page 5: How the Zombie Infection Started By: Matthew Ablaza...I guess I should jump in the box, ok here I go.52 minutes later.Where am I and ... was a cute, teeny tiny golden retriever puppy

Crazy dimensions by: Andre' Dawson The adventure begins This Friday I found a big box outside my door and it had my name on it so I took it upstairs.when I looked in the box I was very surprised because inside the box was a portal Dinosaur age I guess I should jump in the box, ok here I go.52 minutes later.Where am I and why are there dinosaurs wondering around, I think that box is able to send someone or something to another dimension.Why is that dinosaur looking at me and why is coming towards me, it would probably be great to run!. Please go away, there's the portal.Hey wait isn't that the meteor that hit the dinosaurs, I should probably run faster, into the portal I go. 52 minutes later. I made it,1,2,3,4 no more hungry dinosaurs!. Dawson dimension Andre: hey dad Dad: yes dre Andre: do you want to go to another dimension Dad: sure dre Dad: besides I thought you said you were taking Aj with you Andre I thought you said he was sick Dad: well yes I guess I did Andre: so are you coming with me? Dad: sure dre Andre: ok lets go 52 minutes later Dad: where are we dre? Andre: I don’t know Andre: hey dad why is there a castle crushing Liberty Elementary school?

Page 6: How the Zombie Infection Started By: Matthew Ablaza...I guess I should jump in the box, ok here I go.52 minutes later.Where am I and ... was a cute, teeny tiny golden retriever puppy

Dad: I don’t know Andre: Dad look I can see our future selves on top of the castle with the rest of our future family Andre: I think were in a Dawson dimension Andre: ok I am ready to leave now. Future Andre: c'mon dad lets go! Dad ok dre I am ready Andre: ok now lets go to the future. 52 minutes later Andre: dad look flying cars hover boards and a futuristic city Dad: dre mom texted me right now and said it time for dinner Andre: ok I am ready to leave. End-portal I had fun using this dimensional box and I think I will keep it as a souvenir I wont be using this for some time because I don’t want to spoil the future. Bye dimensional box and into the closet you go. The end

Page 7: How the Zombie Infection Started By: Matthew Ablaza...I guess I should jump in the box, ok here I go.52 minutes later.Where am I and ... was a cute, teeny tiny golden retriever puppy

Laser Puppy

by Kirti Dhinakaran

I walked out of my front door and found a HUGE box in my front lawn. The box was moving. I [how do you take the box inside?] the box inside. "Ugh! The box is soooo heavy!" I slowly lift the lid to the box and what is revealed was something that could only be found in my wildest dreams. In this mysterious box was a cute, teeny tiny golden retriever puppy who immediately popped out of the box as soon as the cardboard lid was opened revealing the bright blue sky and fresh air. "Awe, it's so cute!" I [happily OR frightenly] screamed. Suddenly, a bright red light shot out from her eyes. "Whoa! She shoots lasers!"

Ginger, the name I give this adorable golden ball of preciousness, started running around my house to explore it. She starts looking for stuff to shoot lasers at. She finds something. Sssssss, Ginger made a hole in the couch with her laser. "Oh no! Mom's going to mad!" I thought in my head.

"I have to teach her how to control her lasers," I muttered. "AAAHHH!" I screamed. Ginger tried to shoot a laser at me! Thankfully there was a mirror next to me, so I could deflect the laser. "Wow" I exclaimed, "that was a close one."

It was probably 6:00 pm when Ginger finally figured out that whatever she shoots her burning hot lasers at it's going to come back to her. Suddenly she stopped shooting her bright red lasers one after the other. "Yay!" I screamed. "I tought her how to control her lasers!"

"Finally," I said, "my house won't burn up," I was telling my parents what had happened, and asked them, "Can I please, please, please have Ginger, with a cherry on top?" And guess what? They said yes! I was so happy I could just... just... SCREAM!

Page 8: How the Zombie Infection Started By: Matthew Ablaza...I guess I should jump in the box, ok here I go.52 minutes later.Where am I and ... was a cute, teeny tiny golden retriever puppy

The Mysterious Box

by: Lahari Gadde

This is a story about a random box in the middle of my front lawn. I loved the part when 15 puppies jumped out of the box. The box was the size of two elephants stacked on top of each other.

One morning at 10:45am I was watching TV. I got bored so I went to play outside. I asked my brother if he wanted to play with me.

"Yeah sure, I can play with you," he said. So I went outside. My brother went upstairs to get something.

"Go ahead outside I'll come in a minute." "Okay," I answered and out the door I went. As soon as I went outside I

screamed. "Ahhhhhhh! what's that. I screamed so loud that my brother heard me

from inside the house. "What's wrong?" my brother asking me while he was coming outside. I

pointed to the huge box. "Wow! exclaimed my brother. "Let's try lifting it," I told him. "Good idea," he agreed. So we both tried lifting it but it was too heavy. "What's in here?" I said. "Who knows, wait I have an idea let's open it," said my brother. " Good idea," I agreed. So we both opened the box and 15 puppies leaped

out! they jumped on both of us. "Where did all these puppies come from?" I questioned my brother. "I don’t know, who would just leave a box of puppies on our front lawn," he

said answering me. "Let's drive to pet smart so we can drop all these puppies off," I suggested. "Sure," my brother said. My brother can drive so we took the puppies to

the pet store. We took them to the pet store because we did not want to keep 15 puppies. We explained to the pet store pet store people that how the puppies jumped out of the box. Finally the puppies got adopted to great families.

"I loved the puppies and I wish they could stay," I told my brother. "I know but the good part is that they went into great families to take care

of them," my brother said. I loved the part when the puppies jumped out of the

Page 9: How the Zombie Infection Started By: Matthew Ablaza...I guess I should jump in the box, ok here I go.52 minutes later.Where am I and ... was a cute, teeny tiny golden retriever puppy

box. I liked the puppies and I wish they could stay. Maybe I will see them again. After all they found a place to live.That is my story about "The mysterious box!"

Page 10: How the Zombie Infection Started By: Matthew Ablaza...I guess I should jump in the box, ok here I go.52 minutes later.Where am I and ... was a cute, teeny tiny golden retriever puppy

The Mysterious Box

By: Tejas Hariharan

"Mom, I'm going to go outside to play!" I yelled. "Okay go ahead, but come back in one hour," she replied. "No mom! I'll come back whenever I want!" I remarked angrily. "At least get the box in our front yard!" she screamed. "I'll do what I want to do!" I shouted rudely. I slammed the door as I sprinted outside to play. Suddenly, something

stopped me in my tracks. "What in the world is this massive, orange box doing here?" I asked myself. My heart started to beat at a crazy pace. Thump, thump, thump-thump! Feeling like Curious George, I unlatched the enormous box. I peeked inside. "No way!" I mumbled.

My heart stopped beating. My stomach churned. What I saw was something no one would believe. The box was a house. Actually, it was more like a mansion. I climbed the ladder down into the colorful palace. I walked around and saw a colossal, red door. I didn't know what to do, so I opened the door. I walked inside and glanced at a steel cage. A pair of overgrown, green eyes stared me in the eye. "Aaaaahhh!" I immediately started to run away.

I ran at incredible speed. The gigantic, green eyes were following me. I climbed up the ladder and shut the box. "I can't believe that just happened!" I yelled. I picked up the box and tossed it in my large, green trash can. Soon, the garbage truck came and took the box to the landfill. Suddenly, I woke up. It was all a dream!

I got out of bed and went downstairs. I cracked open the front door. My eyes peeked at my front yard. The same box was there. My journey was going to happen all over again. "This isn't a dream. It's all real!" I whispered to myself. I unlatched the box. "I can't believe it! It's a mansion!" I yelled.

Page 11: How the Zombie Infection Started By: Matthew Ablaza...I guess I should jump in the box, ok here I go.52 minutes later.Where am I and ... was a cute, teeny tiny golden retriever puppy

The Dream

By Ethan Hebert

RING!!! RING!!! RING!!! My alarm blared as loud as a screaming baby. I hopped out of my bed, stretched, and out peeked outside the window. I noticed a giant package outside on the lawn. ZOOM! I ran down the stairs as fast as a lightning bolt hoping the package was for me. Was it the spaceship I wanted? Or was it the F-1 fighter jet I've wanted forever? Who was it from? Granny? Papa? Aunt Jane? Plenty of thoughts of who sent it or what it was rushed through my curious mind.

As soon as I stepped outside I was shivering. Fine powdery precipitation slowly came falling to the ground. I couldn’t tell from my bedroom that it was snowing. The sun had just come up so the white snow blinded my eyes. "That’s weird!" I said to myself. "Oh well, that’s not the reason I darted down here." I ran to the package as cold as a popsicle in my red and blue pajamas. As I got to the package, I looked for the name that revealed who sent it. Randall, James. 46879 Pelican Dr. "Stupid mailman!" It was my neighbor. Rage built inside of me worse than the Incredible Hulk. "I hate the mailman. Hate him! Hate him!" I yelled. "WHYYY!!!!" I screeched at the top of my lungs.

I was so angry I ripped the box. Once I got inside the box, I was shocked. There was nothing in it. Now the wind started to blow faster, sounding like a howling wolf. I hopped inside the box acting foolish. THUMP! THUMP! "What the?" I said frightened. I opened the top part of the box to see what happened. I turned around and looked down. I was flying! "HELP!" I screamed "PLEASE!" I reached out towards my home while I involuntarily flew away from the place where I grew up.

I dried up my tears and ducked my head so the chilly wind wouldn’t hit my face. After about 20 minutes, I peeked up and noticed I was in Baton Rouge. I saw my Aunt Dootsie hanging up a reef. I was starting to feel a little better. Then I flew over Tiger Stadium where I saw Zach Mettenberger, my favorite football player, dart a pass to Odell Beckham Jr., the best LSU wide receiver. That weekend would be a battle between LSU and their rival, Alabama. On Saturday, in fact, Christmas was on the same day. Wait, today was Saturday. What? Then the box began to wobble. I was about to fall out. Suddenly in the blink of an eye the box swung upside-down. I was free falling. AHHHHHH!!!

In an instant, I was in my bed with Mom, Dad, Granny, Papa, and Aunt Jane oddly staring at me. It was only a dream."How was your sleep? We were

Page 12: How the Zombie Infection Started By: Matthew Ablaza...I guess I should jump in the box, ok here I go.52 minutes later.Where am I and ... was a cute, teeny tiny golden retriever puppy

downstairs having breakfast until we heard you screaming," Mom said with an exhausted voice like she just ran a marathon.

"We rushed up here as fast as we could," Dad blurted.

"Yeah, I'm fine" I told them. There was an awkward moment of silence.

"Come on downstairs Ethan," Papa said in his funny voice, "your mom made the best biscuits and bacon!" We all had a laugh and went downstairs. I ate breakfast and immediately went straight for the presents under the tree. I got my spaceship and the F-1 fighter jet I wanted. I was so happy with a big grin on my face. I looked outside with my red and blue pajamas on a saw a giant package outside.

Page 13: How the Zombie Infection Started By: Matthew Ablaza...I guess I should jump in the box, ok here I go.52 minutes later.Where am I and ... was a cute, teeny tiny golden retriever puppy

The Mysterious Box

By:Arnav Jain

"Mom!" I screamed, "Can I go to my friend's house?"

"Sure!" Mom replied.

I was walking on the same route to Adam's house, but then, I stopped and peered down at a miniscule box. I felt that I should go tell my mom or ignore it, but my curiosity got the best of me. I started to examine the box closely like a child would examine wrapped gifts under a Christmas tree before tearing it open to reveal its contents.

As I examined the box closely, I noticed a few peculiar features. First, there wasn’t a company name, so I couldn’t recognize who it was from. Second, there wasn’t a address so I didn’t know if it was even for me. And most importantly, I don’t know what could fit in that pencil-sized box. All of a sudden, a weird feeling crept over me. I started to rip open the box.

Whoosh! "Aaaaaaaaaaah," I screamed at the top of my lungs as I was sucked into the box. My body was compressing into a pancake. When I thought I was going to die, I popped out of the box into a replica of Earth.

"Wow!" I thought out loud excitingly, watching someone go on hover board, "Hover boards exist. I want to get one." I turned around and tried to get into my house, but there was an invisible force field blocking me from going further.

After that, I saw a holographic keyboard pop up with a booming voice that said," Please type the password." I punched in my favorite number, 5984, but then, a holographic security dragon popped out of my house and zoomed down to get me. Every muscle ached as I ran as fast as a cheetah toward the box. I begged the box to open and I felt the compressing feeling and finally I was back.

As I turned around again to walk back home and tell my mother about this crazy story, a horse carriage pulling George Washington galloped down the road.

"What time period am I in?" I asked Mr.Washington.

"1776," he replied.

"Oh no, not again," I moaned. Then, after I muttered my complaint, I woke up to my alarm beeping. BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!

Page 14: How the Zombie Infection Started By: Matthew Ablaza...I guess I should jump in the box, ok here I go.52 minutes later.Where am I and ... was a cute, teeny tiny golden retriever puppy

The Surprise Birthday Box

by Gurkirat Kaur

It was 2:30 P.M. On this glorious Saturday afternoon that's when I saw something bright, bold, and red on my yard when I was cleaning up my

room. So later on the day, I went to see what it was. When I got there the bright ,bold, red were signs of fragile all over the box.

The box had so many holes in it. When I picked the box up it was as heavy as 50 over-grown elephants that I was carrying. But, I couldn't carry it up the tall, close by hill to my house. So instead, I brought my red with blue stripes wagon to carry it up. Finally, I saw who it was for, it was for me! right, when I was about to

put it down light barking noises came out of nowhere.

Soon enough it hit me, I should surprise my parents with the box. So I put the box in the safest place I knew that was safe for it. I hid it so nobody would find it. I called my parents to tell them to come home early they usually come home at 6:00. It felt like I waited for what seemed like a century, but it only had been one

and a half hour since I had called them.

I finally saw my parents parking in the driveway so I carefully brought the package downstairs. They came around 5:30. So when we were about to open it the first thing I wanted to do was to see who it was from. It said it was from my

uncle. I showed them the box to surprise them, but they weren't really surprised. Finally, I opened it. It was a Golden doodle puppy. I literally screamed my head

off. It was a present from my uncle for my birthday.

I couldn't believe I got a puppy. Soon enough I was calling my uncle and thanking him so much. I talked to him for twenty whole minutes. That was one of

the best presents ever!

Page 15: How the Zombie Infection Started By: Matthew Ablaza...I guess I should jump in the box, ok here I go.52 minutes later.Where am I and ... was a cute, teeny tiny golden retriever puppy

Title of Story

by Erica Kim

When I woke up I went outside and saw a big box. I tried to pick it up but then I thought I might drop it. I opened the box and saw a cute puppy! Honestly I love dogs. Don't you? I realized I needed a leash for the dog, so I went to my dad and told him I needed a leash. My dad said he had one for me. At this point I was shocked. I asked him how he got the leash.

He told me that he bought the dog and the leash for me! Now that made more sense! But here is the question....... Why did he buy the dog and the leash? My dad said to figure it out. I went in my house and was still thinking why my dad would do that.

I went in the kitchen, and saw that my mom gave me some clothes. Honestly I don't like clothes that much, so I just said thank- you and left. Right when I was about to walk away, I heard my mom's voice say that we are going to my cousin's house.

I was so excited like a bunny ready to eat! When I got there I got a book from my uncle, some lip gloss that I did not need, and some card games from my cousins. I told my cousins that I got a dog from my dad. They were very happy because the dog was jumping around.

At once all of the people were shouting Happy Birthday to me! I said, '' I forgot all about my birthday!'' My cousin said, ''can we eat the cake?'' My cousin says that all the time when it is somebody's birthday. She likes sugar, unlike me. I never eat cake.'' Happy Birthday!'' said my dad. Every year when it is my birthday, my dad and I go out to get a present of my choice. When I woke up I realized that it was just a dream! All that was just happening was just a dream! I woke up and felt someone licking me. It was the real dog trying to wake me up.

Page 16: How the Zombie Infection Started By: Matthew Ablaza...I guess I should jump in the box, ok here I go.52 minutes later.Where am I and ... was a cute, teeny tiny golden retriever puppy

Bionic Beagle

By Sarah Koltisko

I walked out my front lawn and saw a huge box just sitting there. I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t know if my brothers ordered something ,or it was just a creepy box sitting there.The box had no address or anything on the box. It was a blank old brown box.

I told my mom about the box. I said, "Mom, there is a mysterious box in the yard."

She kindly requested, "Bring it in sweetheart." We opened the box together. I saw one of the most cutest puppies I have ever seen.

"I was actually kind of scared to open the box," I told my mom.

My mom let the puppy outside for a walk to get some fresh air. While I was on a walk with her, I told my mom, "We should look for the owner."

My mom said, "She is a beagle." My brothers love beagles! After hours we couldn't find the owner. While we were on the walk the beagle started to run.

I screamed, "Mom, she's running faster than a cheetah!" So I let go of the leash. My mom looked on her phone if super speed was possible. "She said some rare beagles do have super speed." I thought it was awesome. The beagle actually ran back to us like we were her owner. So we kept the beagle.

Right away my mom said, "We should go to the store because the beagle must be hungry." So we got toys and food at the store.

"We even have a caged track just for bionic beagles," the clerk said. So we got exactly what he said.

I told my brothers that the beagle was a pretty cool dog. I didn’t like calling her "the beagle", so I named her Bionic Beagle. Everyone loved that name and so did I. I told my mom, "Am so glad I opened that box." And that was a day I will never forget.

Page 17: How the Zombie Infection Started By: Matthew Ablaza...I guess I should jump in the box, ok here I go.52 minutes later.Where am I and ... was a cute, teeny tiny golden retriever puppy

The Box By Umar Luqman

Ding-Dong. Well, I thought, the bell just rang. I think I will open it.

"Hello, can I have your signature?" asked the mailman. Just then, my older brother came.

"I can do it," he said. Then we got the package, and it was huge! It looked bigger than the door itself! And it felt heavier than ten elephants.

"What do you think is in this?" I asked my older brother.

"There's only one way to find out!" he said.

So he got a knife and tried to open the box. It took about half an hour to open it. I guess it was pretty hard. And the whole time I was wondering, what could be in it. But now, after it is opened I am wondering, what is this? And why is it shaking? So I asked.

"Dude, why is it shaking? And what is this?" And all he said was

"I have no idea."

"Do you want to play with it?" I asked.

"How?" he asked. "We don't even now what this is!"

"So," I said. "Let's use it!"

It looked kind of like a portable toilet you would bring to a camping trip. And it was purple. So like everyone would do, we went in it. But it was really dark, so we went to get a flashlight. When we got back, we noticed there were some chains in it. There was also a thing with a date in it.

"I have a feeling it is a time machine," I said. He did not want to go in, so he said

"Let's play,"

" Sure," I said. "You can play. I will be in here."

So, since there was only me and him, he also came. I guess it really was a time machine, so I changed the date to this morning.

"Want to go?" I asked.

"Sure." And with that, I pulled the chains. After about a million years of shaking, it stopped. We went out. There were two kids at our front door.

"Who are you?" we all asked.

Page 18: How the Zombie Infection Started By: Matthew Ablaza...I guess I should jump in the box, ok here I go.52 minutes later.Where am I and ... was a cute, teeny tiny golden retriever puppy

The Unicorn Invasion Part 1

By: Jeet Mangrulkar

It was a nice beautiful morning. The sky was so beautiful I opened the door

to feel the fresh breeze. I saw a box covered in neon green duck tape, it was really bright, and it was in the middle of my moms beautiful colorful garden. So I pick the box up take it of my moms garden and took a peek inside it. It looked like a very colorful object.

I went inside to get my phone and texted my dad I said "Hey dad theirs a box outside can I open it", "sure" he said. So I went outside and opened it completely. I saw a thing that looked like a 3D checker board. I was so interested in this.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH," I screamed and I went completely black out.

Three hours later, I woke up and got up and looked at the checker cube thingy. It kind of looked like a spawner from Minecraft. The unicorn was so cute. BAMMM!!! 200 unicorns right in front of my eyes. AHHH, I screamed again. They had lasers shooting out of their eyes. I got my phone and called 727-291-3197 (Donald Trumps number but not his real one)

I said " hey uncle can you please come over, I see some unicorns"

"sure" he said

So I went inside locked the door, and I looked out from the window and I saw Donald Trump and Barrack Obama talking .

" what" I screamed and I ran down stairs and slightly opened the door.

199 evil unicorns disappeared in front of my eyes. " That bazooka is a beast" Donald Trump said back.

"I feel like Trump is doing all of the work, I used a foam diamond sword:-(" Obama complained

Trump gave me a shake hand, his hands we really warm.

So we sad down I gave him a bottle of Coke, he liked it. I saw a red thing behind him so I said

" hey Trump there is something behind you,

Page 19: How the Zombie Infection Started By: Matthew Ablaza...I guess I should jump in the box, ok here I go.52 minutes later.Where am I and ... was a cute, teeny tiny golden retriever puppy

it was a baby unicorn, so then we wanted to decide too keep him or slaughter him, it was too late there were lasers shooting out of his eyes. So we did the mean idea. " easy enough" I said. So then we ended up doing stuff and he had to go because he had a emergency to go to so he left and then it happened all again.

That was my story about the box that I found outside in my moms garden. Hope you enjoyed my story.

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The Barking Box

by Olivia Mayer

OH MY GOODNESS WHAT IS THAT," I said as I was walking down the front stairs to get the mail. I could not be live my eyes, there was a 4x4 box on my front lawn. So I brought it in. The house went quiet all the sudden, a loud bark sounded. In the morning I could tell that something was going on. As soon as the barking stopped I started to open the box, I could not believe my eyes!

While I was in shock I took the cute surprise out of the box. Unexpectedly as I was taking it out of the box dog drewl ran down my face. The surprise was a cute little St.Benard puppy. But that wasn't all this box had something special about it was endless I kept pulling out random dog supplies, but the weird thing is it was empty when you look into it.

There was one thing I was surprised to see come out of this box, it was a dog drawn sleigh. It had bells, red ribbon and even a whip. The next day I got dressed and prepared for the cold day ahead of me. As I was putting my snow suit on I thought of a name for the puppy, Baily is the perfect name I thought. As soon as I said the name her ears perked up.

After I was done preparing Baily for the snow I started to put her on the sleigh. As soon as we got outside I saw an icy glaze of ice on the snow also on the street.

"YA" I said for Baily to start moving, she kept getting faster and faster. Once she

hit full speed I was kind of freaking out. "BAILY LOOK OUT" I screamed with fright as we were heading toward a nice looking snowman. Before I knew it I was eating

a carrot, I was wearing a hat and I was wearing a scarf that was quite warm. As soon as I looked back I saw two disappointed kids looking at me.

Once we got home I turned the fireplace on. (Slurp) while I was drinking hot chocolate me and Baily thought about the day we had. After this expirience I will

always open mysterious boxes on my front porch that say my name on them.

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Jaydin Murillo

Page 22: How the Zombie Infection Started By: Matthew Ablaza...I guess I should jump in the box, ok here I go.52 minutes later.Where am I and ... was a cute, teeny tiny golden retriever puppy

I saw a box outside By Ashley Newman

I woke up in the morning and saw a box outside I wonder what that could be? I said. I opened it to see what it is...OMG a puppy its so cute! but wait what's on its collar It’s a note it says Dear, Ashley happy birthday here is a little gift I got Love, Grandma. Yes! I got a new puppy! But what am I goanna tell Mom and Dad there goanna throw him out on the streets. I have to save him. All I need to do is tell the truth, but if I do he's gone so I will keep it a secret for now.

Now all I need to do is give him a name. Prince? no to girly, Jack? no to human,. Oh I know Harley that’s a perfect name. now where am I goanna keep him? Oh my room. When I get back I will take him outside. Before I tell my parents I have a dog I will be the most responsible girl.

One week later... Mom Dad I need to tell you something. I have a dog who on earth gave you a dog? Grandma how long have you had this, this beast a, a week a week Yelled Mom I thought you were goanna throw him out on the streets so I hid him and I was trying to be really responsible I'm sorry can I keep him? ok ok what ok you can keep him but you have to take a lot of responsibility thank you thank you thank you I will never lie again I promise I said ok but one drop of pee on the carpet the dog is gone ok

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The Surprise Box!!!

By: Livy Piper

I walked outside at 7:35pm to get the mail and saw a HUGE box. It was as big as me! The box read, fragile and had wholes in it. It read, To: Taylor Piper ( who is my sister ). I heard barking from it so I took it to my room. Then I put the box on my bed, which had black and white stripes. While I was watching TV, I heard a big BAM!!! The box busted open! I looked inside the box and there was a cute little puppy.

The cute and little puppy was small and petite. On her blue striped collar it read, Ellie. I took her outside, which was so hot that I thought I walked into a lava portal. It was like 100 degrees outside! There was a bin of little clothes outside, so I had an idea, I could make clothes for Ellie! The clothes could be pink, blue, green, and more bright colors! I loved to sew and especially make bright colors!

I made Ellie a dress with white, black, and blue stripes. As I was sitting in my room, I thought to myself, I should go show my sister, but I couldn’t actually say the puppy was for her. She said, "where did you get that puppy?"

I told her, "I found her in a box outside on the front lawn."

My sister and I went to go play outside. We started talking about what mom and dad would say about Ellie. Taylor said that, " we should tell dad first because he has always wanted a dog"

I told her, "she was crazy, because dad would flip out if he knew we have had a dog in the house for at least two days."

She said, "what are you talking about, no he wouldn’t."

Finally, we told mom and dad, and they said we could keep Ellie! We had to fill out a whole bunch of paperwork but it was worth it! I love Ellie so much! Ellie and my other dog Summer got along so... well! I love all of my dogs, such as my new one and my old one. And in the end, it was all worth it going through all this trouble to get my new dog, Ellie!!!

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The Ginormous Box By: Reya Prakash #20

One crisp spring morning, I headed out the door on my way to grab the morning mail. Suddenly, I stopped in my tracks. "Wow!" I gasped, "look at that!" Slowly, I started to walk towards the big, no HUGE box, sitting in the middle of my front yard. I was just about to tear the box open when I heard my mom calling me. "Reya", she said. "Where's the mail?" So I grabbed the mail and sauntered into my house in defeat.

The next morning I ran outside to see the humungous box. I trotted towards it and I saw a little tag hanging off it. It read my address, but it was addressed to my grandparents who are supposed to live in India! Curiosity took over, and I burst open the box, only to find a lot of luggage,purses, an\d bags?!

Still standing there perplexed, I suddenly heard "vroom,vroom!" I whirled around and saw a taxi zoom up. It stopped and two familiar faces stepped out of the car. Suddenly, I recognized them! They were my grandma and grandpa! But what ever were they doing here?!

I ran up to them and hugged them, but then I asked "what are you guys doing here, and why is all your stuff here?" "Our house went up in flames "said grandma wiping away a tear. "So we talked to your parents and now we are going to live here with you guys.", said my grandpa. "Oh!" I exclaimed, and ran inside, happy and sad at the same time.

So I saw how depressing that was, because I did not get a really awesome gift, like a play station three or something like that. But happy because, my grandma and grandpa were going to live with us! HOORAY!! I went outside and "wham!" a huge package landed in front of me! Could it be a gift for me at last?! Probably not. !!!!:-(

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The Mystery of the Box By: Ananya Raghunath

Ding-dong! The door bell rang. With excitement in my heart, I raced over to see who it was. When I curiously opened the door slowly, I saw a small sized box outside on my lawn. I couldn’t wait to see what was inside. I carried the box into the dining room of my house. "This box is kind of heavy," I thought to myself. I went upstairs to get my brother who was playing Wii. We came back down and stared at the box. We guessed what could possibly be in the box a few times before we finally opened it.

"Here it goes," I said curiously. "One...two....three." Boom! ''The box is open!'' I yelled! My parents ran downstairs.

"Are you okay honey," my mom asked with her sweet voice.

"I'm fine," I said to myself. The box was opened my brother shouted in my ear so it could fall off. It was a jewelry box. Also there was a map and a note. I opened the map and looked at it. It was a piece of white paper with drawings of all the rooms inside of my house. "This is useless,'' I said.

"Arrr!" I'm a pirate," my brother, Raghav said.

"Let's read the note" my mom suggessed.

"Good idea," I said. I took off the tape and scrolled opened my note and read it out loud.

Dear Ananya and Raghav,

This a very special gift for you. I had made a treasure

hunt . Please do the hunt and enjoy it. You will find another

surprise. There was also a jewelry box and a treasure map. Have

fun finding your surprise. Oh! One more thing. The clues are

hidden in your house.



P.S. There are three clues hidden

"Okay!" I said. "Let's start!"

''Yay!'' my brother yelled!


" Clue 1"

"Ohh!" I forgot to tell you that the person whoever wrote the note gave us clue one which is...

"It's found were mom makes delicious food."


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"The kitchen!"

''Lets go!''

We got to the kitchen and looked everywhere but couldn’t find anything!


"The only place that we didn’t look is the stove."

''To the stove''


''Let me do the stove part.'' said mom


''Yeah!'' he said

''Can you look high?''

'Yeah!'' he said with a laughy giggle.


'' I shouted a note!''


''I found the note!''

''What does it say?''

''It says''…

''Good hunting skills.''

Your next clue is where you go to sleep and take a nap?''


'The bedroom!''


''There are four bedroom in our house.'

" Well We have to split up. Ananya said.


''Yeah!'' He said with an excited voice

Check your room.

Okay he said

''Mom, Dad go to your room and check if the note is in there.''

''I will do my room.'' I said

We will meet back in 10 minutes.''

''Have fun!'' I said.

Ten Minutes later we met in the hall.

"So did you find anything?"

"No!" I Stressed. " Me neither" Said Raghav.

Did you find it Mom and Dad?

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''Nope!'' they said.

"Lets go to the final room" said Mom.

''Yeah!'' I said.


''Yeah!'' he said.

''Why are you smiling?''

''I am not.'' He said.I looked at him one more time but this time very curiously.

''Umm!'' I said.

''Let go!'' I said.

''Yeah!'' my dad said.

''Good idea!'' my dad said


My brother screamed!

''What now?'' I asked.

Me and dad raced over to the room and saw that mom and Raghav found the second note.

''What does it say?'' I asked.

''Umm!'' my brother said.

"Wow!" " You're good!" "Thanks." I said.

Your last clue is a plane where you can play. P.s

no electronics in this plane.

''Its place... moron not plane.''


''Don’t be mean to your little brother.''


''Let me read it!''

"The last clue is in the place where you can play.!"

"P.s NO electronics".

''Outside!'' Raghav yelled

''Nah!'' I said


''Raghav you’re a brilliant!''

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''Lets go!'' ''One year later!''


''Where outside!''

''Let spilt up again!'' Twenty minutes later.

''Where is it?'' we all screamed.

''Hey wait a minute.''

''Hey wait a minute there is a mini hill next to our lamp post.''

I looked at dad and mom this time they both had a smile on there face and also hey had this unusual look as well.


''Yeah ''he said

''Get me a shovel''.

''It's time to go digging''. I digged but then the amazes thing happen. My shovel hit a box.

''I found it!''

''I found!'' I screamed so loud that the whole world can hear me scream.

I opened the box and found a key.



I went inside got my jewelry box and opened it with the key.When I opened the jewelry box I saw beautiful ruby necklace and this fake plastic gold color Lego man or my brother. Then my dad told me everything that mom and he made this treasure hunt and it surprised me and my brother. "It was your mother's," said Dad. Mom came over and cried. She told me I look so pretty in the necklace. I told them I loved it. "Thank you so much!" I said.

Page 29: How the Zombie Infection Started By: Matthew Ablaza...I guess I should jump in the box, ok here I go.52 minutes later.Where am I and ... was a cute, teeny tiny golden retriever puppy

The Box By: Mats Raman

I see a strange box outside my lawn that started to get my heart pounding. I come out to my lawn and I opened the box and I saw something that I got so excited about. Something that I never see again.

BAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a gemstone that could make me rich forever I almost started to cry like a baby. It was the size of my fist I knew it must have been a lucky day for me. I started to play around with it. I did not know exactly why I was playing with around with it. I felt a bit stupid when I was doing that. This day was a day I would never forget.

I wondered who it belonged to. I started to search the box for any address, name, and phone number but I found nothing so I felt like I could just keep it. Just then a man came in I knew who he was. It was Chockers Johnston. He said , ''may I have the gemstone.'' I decided to just give it to him before I threw up because he was an angry man.

It turns out it was a bomb that could have exploded in front of my face. That guy was evil and it was still a mystery to me. I was quite surprised it ended up here in my lawn. Luckily enough I gave it to him before I was in a grave. I woke up and it was all just a dream. That was a sigh of relief that it will never happen again in my life.

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by Mohamed Riahi

I woke up on a nice, cool morning to hear a knock at the door. I felt excitement surge through my body. I found a box at my front door. Then I carried in. I wondered ''hm it could be money or food , um maybe not'' so then my Sister came , she had a look of shock like she saw a ghost. She asked ''what is that'', then she ran to get my brother. they came and then went like a Cheetah and Gazelle.

After that I took it to the park. Then my friends were there. We opened it together and found a bunch of paper bag masks. We were all confused until one of my friends pointed out there was a blank note. At the bottom it signed sincerely Freddy Fazzbears pizza. We were all shocked and mesmerized ...but this was only the beginning of a horrific experience. So one of my friends took out there phone and said ''lets take a picture' 'So I put on the mask first and everybody followed, but we looked silly. Right as I put on the mask I wanted to go back in time and not do that. then he took the picture, but when I took of the mask off I wasn’t at the park anymore, I was in a very dark box. I felt taller and bigger. I couldn’t see myself since it was so dark. I stayed there for a while until I got out. So I heard music coming from, sounded like pop goes the weasel.

I felt a pull on my head. I pushed the top of the box. It slipped through perfectly. But my vision was a blur when I got out. But what I saw was shocking. I saw a stage but what was on it was unbelievable. It was Freddy, bonnie, and Chica. But they were withered. But on the second stage was the toy animatronics, including me. I looked at my hand, had black and white stripes.

It looked pretty dark inside and outside. It was night. But I was the Puppet. I looked as I had to go to the security guard. but what I saw was terrifying, it was a Purple Man covered in blood. He was grinning and checking the cameras. Then I walked over there and hid. The camera was looking at my direction but I had a feeling it couldn’t see me. Then I looked at the Purple Man behind these tv things. Then with all my force jumped and hit him right in the head. He got knocked out. all the animatronics came behind me. Then Toy Bonnie came and took the tablet thing and threw it on the floor and smashed it with his foot. Suddenly the power was all out, it was dark. Some thing pushed me down

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and same with the other animatronics, then I heard crying. I remember waking up in a card board box.

I had hope and ripped it in half. It was the park, my friends were there playing tag, they noticed I was here and ran to me. They said they went to all types of games, one even said he went to Mario Kart. Then they all went home. And I was in the breeze. I heard some sort of howl. I took out my trusty pocket knife and went to see what that came from. I went in the forest but then I heard it again, I was like ''I'm going the other direction' 'and ran for the entrance. Then I picked up my torn box and heard it again. Then it finally got to my nerves and screamed ''SHUSH' 'then ran my life home. My Brother and Sister were there.They asked ''let me see''. Then they thought it was weird. After that I put it in my room and went to sleep. There goes another awkward day. the end

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The Mystery Box

By: Allison Tran

As I was getting a snack, I saw the mysterious box softly, glowing on the porch. I quickly ran to get it. "I wonder what's in here?" I thought to myself. When I got the box there was a pink note with silver writing it read: Take good care of this unicorn.

I slowly started opening the box. When I did, inside was a sleeping baby unicorn and some diamonds. I guessed the diamonds were food. There was also a rainbow leash. As I reached to grab it, the little pony woke up. She stared at me with her bright, blue eyes. She had a coat as white as snow, and a mane bright pink like cotton candy. So I decided to name her Cotton.

She looked hungry so I gave her some food. I quickly took the unicorn to the backyard because a car passed by and I wanted to keep Cotton a secret. I wanted to ride her, then I noticed the sparkling, gold horn. As I got on it gleamed from the warm sunshine. We went around for a bit, and it was getting late so I went inside quietly as a mouse and hid Cotton in the closet. Almost at the same time ,my mom called, "It's time for dinner!"

The next day, I was playing with Cotton, outside, when I found a mysterious note. It said, "Please return this pony to where you found her, at sunset." It was 4:30PM, so I only had one more hour with Cotton. So I took a little of her soft hair and put it in a safe spot, then we went on one last ride together. Then it was time for her to go.

I packed up her things, then fed her some candy and set her in the box. Then the box sparkled and disappeared! Then another note flew out of nowhere it was a picture of Cotton, I kept it with the silky strand of hair she gave me. I will always remember the cute unicorn.

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Random Box

by Mia Tran

When I walked out of my house and go to my front lawn, I see a mammoth box that is probably as tall as the tallest man in the world. I did not know how in the world that was there that my eyes popped out three inches from my eyelids because I was so confused and shocked.

I was in the living room watching Modern Family for the tenth time on the TV because all there was to watch were old men playing golf like newbies. Since I had nothing to do indoors, I ran to the front of my house so I can ride my scooter. But once I opened the garage door, my eyes burned as hot as the sun touching my skin because I've been indoors, in the dark, all day. but when I turned around to the garden area, I see an enormous pale box in the middle of the front lawn.

I yelled for my mom to come out here. When she came out, I told her that there was a random box right there in the middle of the lawn. she told me to just open it but there id probably boring work stuff in it. When my older sister came out, she literally dropped her phone into bite sized pieces because it was so huge that she was surprised. So I just opened the box. First it was awkward silence then an awful lot of money exploded.

Then I thought what I was going to do with all of that money. So I made a long list of about eight feet tall. Since it was to long, I narrowed down to three options. So I told my mom and she was thinking about it for five minutes and finally she said yes.

I got really excited so my first pick is to save some, obviously. my second choice was of course donate some to charity. And my final choose was to buy, wait for it, Lego's! I loved Legos since I was a bite sized child.

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The Tale of the Suspicious Box By: Renata Wolf

It was the day before Christmas break and there was a inch of snow outside. But sadly there was still school. My mom said “Goodbye! I’ll see you after school! I walked down the long cemented stairs to my drive way. There was a big box in the middle of my driveway that was shaking and rattling. The brown box had no label on it, not even what address it was suppose to be delivered to.

My mom had already locked the door, and is getting ready for work so there is no point in ringing the door bell. I was debating on just leaving the box but it was rattling so..., but if I brought it to school everyone would want to know what was inside. But who could blame them I kind of want to know what is in the box too.

The box was shaking and rattling so much that it burst open! I checked my watch and I realized that it was 7:35 A.M. I heard the school bell ring! So I grabbed my bike that I had left outside and I hopped on but then I realized that something was behind the bushes so I got off my bike, and as slow as a snail I walked closer to the bush. The bush shook and made a crazy sound as loud as one million cars on a New York City street during rush hour.

Then, I saw a big huge purple scary monster, that was as big as an elephant! I stood there still as a tree in the winter. The monster groaned as loud as a big red fire truck trying to get through during rush hour to save people! And then, it coughed up a big slobbery hair ball! He picked it up and handed it to me.

It was so gross, I dropped the gross hair ball. The monster threw his hands in the air running around screaming like his butt was on fire! I had lost interest and hopped on my bike and road like the wind during a tornado to get to school. I never saw that fuzzy purple monster ever again.

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Nicholas Wong

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