Page 1: How Seeing Things Employees’ Way Builds Performance · The research included an interview with Stephen Martin, CEO of construction company Clugston, who took part in the Channel


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Home Ideas Library How Seeing Things Employees’ Way Builds Performance


Ideas for Leaders #353

How Seeing Things Employees’ Way

Builds Performance

Key Concept

By adopting an employee-centred attitude to the way you lead, your staff will

not only achieve the best for themselves and their own goals, but they will

also deliver the best for your business. It requires a move away from the

controlling orientation of traditional leadership and towards a more

communicative process, in which you try to understand the strengths, fears,

and aspirations of employees, and manage them accordingly.

Idea Summary

If you could eavesdrop on your employees’ conversations, what do you think

they would be saying about you? Or if you look back over your own career,

considering the good and the bad bosses, how would you describe them?

‘Inspirational’, ‘empathic’, ‘open to new ideas’, or ‘controlling’, ‘autocratic’, and


Whatever the answers, there is no escaping the fact that bad leadership

exists, but why? Perhaps it is the system that is to blame – we are so busy

doing our jobs, and so results-driven, that we simply don’t have the time to

deal with others. Perhaps we are too egocentric, looking inwards to our own

desire for control and for ‘getting on’, rather than outwards to the people we


Recent research suggests that by flipping the lens and taking an employee-

centred perspective, leaders can reap the rewards of a happy and engaged

workforce, a more productive organization, and a less self-centred self.

The research included an interview with Stephen Martin, CEO of construction

company Clugston, who took part in the Channel 4 programme, Undercover

Boss, in which business leaders go ‘undercover’ to find out how their own

companies really tick.

Martin’s experience of his company from the viewpoint of the workforce was

both insightful and, at times, disappointing. He realized how poorly he had

understood some of his employees’ concerns, and he was surprised at how

certain initiatives had gone awry, often because of poor communication.

Going undercover prompted him to make some important changes in how he

ran the company and how he communicated with employees across the


Business Application

If going ‘undercover’ is not a realistic option, here are some alternative ways

you can tap into the mindsets of your employees, and find out about the day-


Birkenshaw, Julian


London Business School


Business Strategy Review

Idea conceived

November 2013

Idea posted

April 2014

DOI number



Culture Change Management

Employee Engagement

Career Development

Emotional Intelligence

Page 2: How Seeing Things Employees’ Way Builds Performance · The research included an interview with Stephen Martin, CEO of construction company Clugston, who took part in the Channel

to-day realities of your business:

‘Skip-level’ meetings, during which senior executives can talk on a regular basis with employees

two levels below in the hierarchy;

‘Brown bag’ lunches, which serve a similar purpose in an informal setting;

Web-enabled chat and discussion forums, which are particularly suitable for large companies,

where meeting all employees is unrealistic. Whether you are answering questions posed by

employees via the intranet, or using private social networks to exchange ideas, use technology

to give your employees a virtual connection to the top;

Front-line work, a simple way to cut through the hierarchy. Whether you end up dealing directly

with customers, or working alongside employees at shop-floor level, it not only helps you see

what day-to-day issues exist, but it also makes you look more human;

Reverse mentoring, in which a junior but tech-savvy employee tutors an older manager in the

latest technological developments affecting the business.

Whether your employees want more responsibility, a chance to develop

certain skills, or recognition for a job well done, leaders need to use

techniques like these to try and understand their desires.

Structuring opportunities around the skills and motivations of employees may

be more costly and time-consuming initially, but it will be far more fruitful in the

long term than fitting employees around the jobs.

Once you have worked out what motivates your employees, and tailored

opportunities that combine those motivations with their own skills, you need to

manage the experience for them. Essentially, this is about keeping their

energy and enthusiasm levels up by maintaining a high-quality work

experience, involving them in projects which excite and motivate them, and

giving them the chance to let off steam when issues arise.

Managing the employee experience is inextricably linked to understanding the

employee mindset – if you don’t know what they want, how can you give them

what they want?

Further Reading

What your employees really think. Julian Birkenshaw. London Business

School Business Strategy Review (November 2013).

Further Relevant Resources

Julian Birkenshaw’s profile at London Business School

London Business School’s Executive Education profile at IEDP

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Page 3: How Seeing Things Employees’ Way Builds Performance · The research included an interview with Stephen Martin, CEO of construction company Clugston, who took part in the Channel

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