
How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stage?

• When it came to research for our media product we had to used web 2.0 to go on the search engines such as ‘Google’ to look up on websites like you-tube to analyse the theatrical trailers so that we were able to follow the codes and conventions we also went on sites such as IMDB to view audience research and audience ratings lastly we went on Google images and imp awards to gain ideas and inspiration for our ancillary texts we then made power-points using Microsoft power-point analysing key points within the ancillary texts and uploaded then up onto our blog .



For planning new media technologies made things more efficient and easy for example when taking photos of our cast for our ancillary texts we used and SLR which we then upload the images onto a memory card making it possible for us to have access to these photos whether we were in school or at home .we were also able to create several different layouts for our ancillary texts using Adobe photo-shop and put them up on to social networking sites for feedback and make the changes straight away and repost the changes right after. We were also able to write up scripts and filming schedules onto Microsoft word and forward them as emails on Hotmail to fellow actors if they were absent. When creating our theatrical trailer we also had some issues using adobe After effects and Live type so Jeff went on to You tube to view tutorials on how to achieve what we were envisioning which made it much easier then chasing after the media technician. We decided to se an SLR to film our trailer and before filming the trailer we made a short film to see how the camera look once we filmed it we uploaded the footage onto the computers to edit the shots on final cut pro to see how the lighting, colouring and sound was then look back to see what and how we would film for the trailer. During the holidays some of our group were away so we used Skype and Facebook to contact each other to discuss what changes had to be made and how much progress we were making.


When it came to the evaluation we wrote up a short summary of what we were to say for each answer and filmed our selves using an SLR camera we also put up what we wrote onto the projector allowing us to look at the camera which was in front on the screen instead of having us reading from a sheet once the evaluation was all filmed we uploaded it onto final cut pro selecting the right clips to use and assembling them together for the images we went onto Google and you-tube to copy and print screen images that were needed and placed them to where they fitted in the answer of our question.

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