Page 1: How Can I Care for My Toothbrush?


Page 2: How Can I Care for My Toothbrush?

While you may not think about it,taking care of your toothbrush

is a very important partof dental hygiene!

Page 3: How Can I Care for My Toothbrush?

WASH YOUR BRUSH:Make sure to thoroughly rinseyour toothbrush in tap water

to remove debris after brushing.

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You can also soak it inantibacterial mouthwash.

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For deep cleaning,you can use one of the many

different toothbrush sanitizerson the market.

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Store your toothbrushproperly in an upright position

where it can dry out.You can buy covers that let aircirculate to prevent mold.

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Make a point of replacing yourtoothbrush every 3-4 months,or whenever you start to seenoticeable signs of wear.

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Throw away your toothbrushor electric brush attachmentafter you or someone elsein the house has been sick

to avoid possible contamination.

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Never share your toothbrushwith other members of your

household or friends.

Page 10: How Can I Care for My Toothbrush?

Always protect your toothbrushwhen traveling by putting it in aplastic ziplock bag or some othertype of container that will preventthe bristles from getting dirty.

Page 11: How Can I Care for My Toothbrush?

Don't brush your teeth too hard,as it can damage the toothbrush

as well as the enamelon your teeth.

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