
WHAT YOU’LL NEED:• Yarn or string• Tape measure or yardstick• Scissorsl

HOW TO DO iT:1. Decide what dinosaur or dinosaur part you’d like to measure – you can use the list from above or do your own research.2. Use your tape measure or yardstick to measure out a piece of yarn or string to the desired length. 3. Take your dinosaur-length string and compare it to things in your house or neighborhood! How does a triceratops compare to a car? Can your cat or dog fit inside an apatasaurus footprint? What else can you compare the size of a dinosaur to?4. If you’re up for a challenge, see if you can measure out a Supersaurus – they were 110 feet long!

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Dinosaurs came in a variety of shapes and sizes, from large to very small. For example:

Allosaurus had 8 inch long claws!A Tyrannosaurus was 40 feet long! The footprint of an Apatosaurus was 2 feet across and 4 feet long!A Triceratops was 20 feet long!Compsognathus was 2 feet long and 2 feet tall! Use simple materials to find out how dinosaurs measure up!

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