Page 1: Horoscope of Jawaharlal Nehru as seen through different · Horoscope of Jawaharlal Nehru as seen through different

Horoscope of Jawaharlal Nehru as seen through different Ayanamshas and Author’s New Chara Karaka Scheme

Buddhike Sri Harsha Indrasena, Sri Lanka

[email protected]

(First version on 14th September 2011, Revised on 17th October and 26th November 2011) This article analyzes the horoscope of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru using five different ayanamshas in common usage.

The different ayanamshas that will be used are Dulakara, Lahiri, Raman, Yukteshwar and Sri Surya Siddhanta.

The recorded date and place of birth of Mr. Jawaharlal Nehru is 14th November 1889 at Allahabad, India. Time of birth has been given as 11.36pm LMT in Dr. B. V. Raman gives the time of birth in his book “Notable Horoscopes” (page 318) as 11.30pm and his lagna as Cancer. He is not specific about the time zone. Therefore it is not unfair to consider this 11.30pm as 11.30pm IST (11.27.24pm LMT). The horoscope of Jawaharlal Nehru was chosen for the study for several reasons:

1. The time of birth is less ambiguous. Only two figures have been proposed and are widely accepted as correct.

2. The birth was in a Rashi Sandhi (late Cancer / early Leo) 3. Only a single planet, Sun, was in a Rashi Sandhi. This is a less complicated

situation than many planets changing signs with different ayanamshas. Sun is a highly significant planet in horoscopes of politicians.

Since both Sun and Ascendant were in margins of signs, this horoscope is very sensitive to ayanamsha errors. It is possible that Lagna falls either in late Cancer or early Leo, and Sun in late Libra or early Scorpio depending on the type of ayanamsha being used. The article is in two parts. In the first part (Part I) the ascendant is verified using chosen ayanamshas, and in the second part (Part II) the major life events are analyzed using Chara Karakas and Karaka Dasas. The 7/8 Chara Karaka scheme of Maharishi Parashara was used through out as per my understanding and modifications of the topic. Ancient astrology texts give eight Chara Karakas as follows: Atma Karaka (AK), Amatya Karaka (AmK), Bhratru Karaka (BK), Matru Karaka (MK), Pitru Karaka (PiK), Putra Karaka (PK), Gnati Karaka (GK) and Dara Karaka (DK). There are different opinions regarding how and when these Chara Karakas should be applied in practice. In my modification I reduced the above mentioned 8 portfolios to 7, when no true planets share the same degree, as follows:

1. Atma Karaka (AK) 2. Amatya Karaka (AmK) 3. Bhratru Karaka (BK) 4. Matru Karaka (MK) and/or Pitru Karaka (PiK) 5. Putra Karaka (PK) 6. Gnati Karaka (GK) 7. Dara Karaka (DK)

Page 2: Horoscope of Jawaharlal Nehru as seen through different · Horoscope of Jawaharlal Nehru as seen through different

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Please note that in the above modification of Chara Karaka scheme, MK and PiK are always considered together and both portfolios always go to one planet that has the fourth highest number in degrees. So, in essence, only 7 portfolios are considered when no true planets share the same degree. Rahu is considered for a portfolio only if two or more true planets share the same degree. In that case instead of 7 portfolios, 8 portfolios are considered by separating the 4th portfolio to Matrukaraka (4A) and Pitrukaraka (4B) sub portfolios. To predict events using Chara Karakas, Karaka Dasa was used. The length of year was taken as 360 day Savana Year. Jagannatha Hora 7.51 software was used in all the calculations and preparation of charts. Chara Karakas and Karaka Dasas were also computed using the same software using the option “7/8 Chara Karaka scheme of Parashara”. However in JHora MK and PK are considered together as MK/PK. Since I do not agree with this I have changed MK/PK portfolio to MK/PiK portfolio. The planet representing the portfolio of PiK in JHora was given the portfolio of PK. Chara Karakas were used in the interpretation due to a solid reason. Since Sun was in a Rashi Sandhi, depending on the ayanamsha used Sun would be placed either in last degrees of Libra or early degrees of Scorpio. This variation of placement changes the all Karakatwas of the horoscope. Interpretation of such two sets of Karakatwas is like interpreting two different horoscopes!

Part I

Analysis of Ascendant There are two times of birth given by two authentic sources. It is commonly believed, universally accepted and agreeable to almost all Vedic astrologers that Mr. Nehru was born in Cancer. It is not the purpose of this article to find out which time is correct or to rectify time of birth. Rather both times will be used because these times are considered to be correct by most astrologers. The lagna-sphuta for the two recorded times of birth based on five different ayanamshas are as follows (Table 1): Table 1 Comparison of cusps of ascendant 11.36 pm LMT 11.30 pm IST Lahiri 0 deg 11’ Leo 28 deg 17’ CancerRaman 1 deg 37’ Leo 29 deg 44’ CancerSri Surya Siddhanta 1 deg 38’ Leo 29 deg 45’ CancerYukteshwar 1 deg 33’ Leo 29 deg 40’ CancerDulakara 29 deg 37’ Cancer 27 deg 43’ Cancer According to Dulakara ayanamsha there is no dispute about Nehru’s Lagna whether he was born at 11.30pm IST (11.27.24pm LMT) or 11.36pm LMT, for for both times the lagna is Cancer. All other ayanamshas fail at 11.36pm LMT (Leo lagna) but go well with Cancer ascendant if the time is taken as 11.27.24pm LMT (11.30pm IST).

Page 3: Horoscope of Jawaharlal Nehru as seen through different · Horoscope of Jawaharlal Nehru as seen through different

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Most astrologers believe that times given in are much more reliable than any other source. In that case those who practise Raman, Yukteshawar and Sri Surya Siddhantha ayanamsha will be required to subtract 8 minutes from 11.36pm LMT to get Cancer ascendant whereas those who practise Lahiri ayanamsha need only one minute to be subtracted from 11.36pm LMT to get Cancer ascendant. There is no need of time correction if Dulakara ayanamsha is employed.

Part II For the sake of uniformity and convenience 11.30pm IST has been considered as the time of birth in the rest of the discussion. See Figure 1A, Figure 1B and Figure 1C. 11.36pm LMT (11.38.36pm IST) was ignored since this time does not give Cancer ascendant with the ayanamshas other than Dulakara ayanamsha. The only difference in different Rashi charts is the placement of Sun in Libra in Figure 1A and in Scorpio in Figures 1B and 1C. However this change of sign of Sun gives rise to a different set of Chara Karakas in Figure 1A as opposed to Figures 1B and 1C.

Horoscope Analysis The effects of only Sun will be discussed against chosen ayanamsha. There is no difference in the analysis of other planets because sign placements of other planets are same.

Dulakara Ayanamsha Horoscope

Chara Karakas (modified 7/8 charakaraka scheme of Parasara) Sun - AK 29 Li 43' Visa Moon - AmK 17 Cn 32' Asre Mars - GK 9 Vi 25' UPha Mercury - BK 16 Li 36' Swat Jupiter - MK/PiK 14 Sg 36' PSha Venus - DK 6 Li 49' Swat Saturn - PK 10 Le 13' Magh Rahu 12 Ge 09' Ardr Figure 1A Dulakara Ayanamsha Chart

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In Figure 1A, Sun, a functional benefic and Atma karaka is placed in 4th, a quadrant, human and an airy sign with Neechabhanga Raja Yoga. Sun is in conjunction with Venus who is the most benefic planet in this chart. Venus is exceptionally strong because she is in her Moolatrikona sign with full Digbala strength. Venus is the Duplicate Yogi and its association with Sun gives extra strength to Sun. Sun is aspected by functional malefics Saturn and Rahu, but Saturn and Rahu are political planets who are capable of giving success in politics. Saturn is Putra karaka (or Pitrukaraka according to unmodified Char karaka scheme) hence its aspect on Atma karaka Sun is beneficial for fame and power (a Raja Yoga). Sun’s aspect on 10th is another advantageous position for political success. For a politician debilitation of Sun in general is not a disadvantage. I have seen many successful politicians with debilitated Sun. Politicians with debilitated Sun are said to be easily approachable to the common man. Even children are not scared of such people. It is said that Nehru was fond of children and children affectionately called him ‘Chacha Nehru’ (Uncle Nehru). His birthday, 14th November, is celebrated in India as Baal Divas (Children's Day). Although debilitation is often considered a weak placement for a planet it is not always so. Even in the horoscope of Albert Einstein Mercury is in debility in Pisces. Jaimini sutra says that Nakshatra Dasa lord planet in debilitation gives wealth (Part 2, Chapter 4, and Verse 28). “Thasminnuchche Neeche Vaa Shrimanthah” Debility is a special rare status of a planet which is possible only in one out of 12 signs. A debilitated planet has the advantage of attaining Neechabhanga Raja Yoga when the dispositor is conjoined with the debilitated planet. In Nehru’s chart, Sun and Venus are in the same sign so there is cancellation of debility of Sun. However it is true that Mr. Nehru did show poor qualities of a debilitated Sun once in a while. He could not prevent creation of Pakistan. He had unsuccessful clashes with China.

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He was a renowned orator. It is said that Nehru was able to give many speeches on different topics on a single day. In his Dulakara horoscope (Figure 1A) 2nd house lord Sun is conjoined with pleasant and functional benefic Venus and natural Karaka for speech Mercury.

Lahiri Ayanamsha Horoscope

Chara Karakas (modified 7/8/charakaraka scheme of Parasara) Sun - DK 0 Sc 17' Visa Moon - AK 18 Cn 06' Asre Mars - PK 9 Vi 59' UPha Mercury - AmK 17 Li 10' Swat Jupiter - BK 15 Sg 11' PSha Venus - GK 7 Li 23' Swat Saturn - MK/PiK 10 Le 47' Magh Rahu 12 Ge 43' Ardr Figure 1B Lahiri Ayanamsha chart In Figure 1B Sun, a functional benefic, is positively placed in 5th. However this is the second Panapara house, which is weaker than quadrants. Sun is also placed in a watery sign in D1 and Navamsa charts, which are not comfortable positions for a fiery planet like Sun. Sun is more comfortable in Airy signs like Libra than in Watery signs. Above all, Sun in Figure 1B is isolated from rest of the planets because it is not conjoined or aspected by any other planet whether benefic or malefic (except for by AK-Moon by Rashi Drishti). Such a position of Sun is hardly favourable to obtain political success. In Figure 1B the Atma Karaka is Moon. Although Moon is in lagna in her own sign, Moon is subjected to Papakarthari Yoga and hence weak. Since he was born on a Saptami tithi, Cancer is a Dagdha Rashi, which also renders Moon weaker than otherwise.

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Raman, Yukteshwar and Sri Surya Siddhanta Ayanamsha Horoscope Horoscopes of these three ayanamshas can be considered together. As seen in Table 1 the difference between Raman and Sri Surya Siddhantha lagna sphuta is just 1 arc minute and Yukteshwar lagna differs from only 4 or 5 arc minutes from the other two.

Chara Karakas (modified 7/8/charakaraka scheme of Parasara) Sun - DK 1 Sc 43' Visa Moon - AK 19 Cn 31' Asre Mars - PK 11 Vi 26' Hast Mercury - AmK 18 Li 37' Swat Jupiter - BK 16 Sg 37' PSha Venus - GK 8 Li 49' Swat Saturn - MK/PiK 12 Le 14' Magh Rahu 14 Ge 10' Ardr Figure 1C Raman, Yukteshwar and SSS Ayanamsha chart The only difference in Figure 1C as opposed to Figure 1B is that of placement of Mars and Nodes in Navamsha chart; otherwise both horoscopes are same. Therefore what was said with respect of Lahiri ayanamsha in the previous paragraph holds equally well with Raman ayanamsha chart (Figure 1C). Sun has the same (weak) Digbala strength in Figure 1A, Figure 1B and Figure 1C charts. Do not be mislead by the fact that because Sun is in 4th in Figure 1A and 5th in Figures1B & 1C Sun has more Digbala strength in Figures 1B & 1C. Digbala strength is measured from Midheaven to longitude of Sun. Since a given ayanamsha affects both Sun and Midheaven equally there is no difference in Digbala strength of Sun in Figures 1A, 1B and 1C. In Figures 1B and 1C, placement of Sun in 5th makes a strong Mala Yoga in the horoscope with six planets been placed in all six houses from lagna. But there is similar though less potent Mala Yoga even in Figure 1A formed by four planets placed continuously from 1st to 4th houses.

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Chara Dasa Analysis In Nehru’s chart, no true planets share the same degree in longitudes. Therefore, Rahu does not qualify to own a Chara Karaka portfolio. This is true with respect to all five kinds of ayanamshas considered in this article. Therefore Matrukaraka and Pitrukaraka portfolios go together and Rahu does not qualify to own a portfolio.

Dulakara Karaka Dasa Analysis Karaka Dasa (360 day Savana Year) AK Su: 1889-11-14 1892-10-29 AmK Mo: 1892-10-29 1904-08-28 (local education) BK Me: 1904-08-28 1907-08-13 (studies abroad) MK/PiK Ju: 1907-08-13 1912-07-17 (quit education) PK Sa: 1912-07-17 1913-07-12 GK Ma: 1913-07-12 1915-07-02 DK Ve: 1915-07-02 1918-06-16 AK Su: 1918-06-16 1927-04-30 AmK Mo: 1927-04-30 1927-04-30 BK Me: 1927-04-30 1936-03-13 MK/PiK Ju: 1936-03-13 1943-02-05 PK Sa: 1943-02-05 1953-12-09 GK Ma: 1953-12-09 1963-10-18 DK Ve: 1963-10-18 1972-08-31 He was educated in India during AmK-Moon, who is well placed in quadrants from AK-Sun and lagna in D1 and D9 charts. In 1905 he went to Britain for studies. This was at the beginning of the Dasa of BK-Mercury. Mercury is placed in 9th from AK in D9 and conjoined with AK-Sun in D1. In D24 (Figure 2) Mercury is exalted in 5th. Mercury is a natural Karaka for education. He remained in Britain to learn Law during the Dasa of MK/PiK-Jupiter. He finished studies in the same major period of Jupiter and returned home in 1912. Jupiter is badly placed in 3rd from AK-Sun in both D1 (though in Moolatrikona sign) and D9.

Fig 2 Dulakara Siddhamsa (D24) chart

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DK Ve MD: 1915-07-02 (23:27:00) - 1918-06-16 (23:27:00) Antardasas in this MD: AK Su: 1915-07-02 - 1915-10-22 AmK Mo: 1915-10-22 - 1917-01-11 (marriage) BK Me: 1917-01-11 - 1917-05-03 MK/PiK Ju: 1917-05-03 - 1917-11-05 PK Sa: 1917-11-05 - 1917-12-12 (birth of daughter) GK Ma: 1917-12-12 - 1918-02-25 DK Ve: 1918-02-25 - 1918-06-16 He married Kamala Kaul on 7th February 1916 when Dasa of DK–Venus had just started. Dasa of DK gives marriage. In both Rashi and Navamsha charts DK-Venus is well placed in quadrants from AK-Sun. He was probably blessed with a good wife and life. On the day of marriage he was running the sub period of AmK-Moon. In both Rashi and Navamsha charts AmK-Moon is well placed in quadrants from DK-Venus. 7th house in D1 is aspected by Moon in Lagna. On 19th November 1917, his daughter Indira Priyadarshini was born. Major period lord DK-Venus is aspected by PK-Saturn in D1. Sub period lord was PK-Saturn. Dasa of PK gives children. AK Su MD: 1918-06-16 (23:27:00) - 1927-04-30 (23:27:00) Antardasas in this MD: AmK Mo: 1918-06-16 - 1918-06-16 BK Me: 1918-06-16 - 1919-11-29 (first contact with Mahatma Gandhi) MK/PiK Ju: 1919-11-29 - 1921-01-14 PK Sa: 1921-01-14 - 1922-10-24 GK Ma: 1922-10-24 - 1924-06-04 DK Ve: 1924-06-04 - 1925-11-16 AK Su: 1925-11-16 - 1927-04-30 His real initiation into politics came when he came in contact with Mahatma Gandhi. In 1919 he joined the Indian National Congress (INC) which was fighting for freedom from the British. This happened at the beginning of Atma Karaka Dasa of Sun. Sub period lord BK-Mercury is in conjunction with AK-Sun and aspected by PK-Saturn in D1. Probably he had a brotherly relationship with Mahatma Gandhi. BK Me MD: 1927-04-30 (23:27:00) - 1936-03-13 (23:27:00) Antardasas in this MD: MK/PiK Ju: 1927-04-30 - 1928-06-16 PK Sa: 1928-06-16 - 1930-03-26 (president of Congress party) GK Ma: 1930-03-26 - 1931-11-05 (lost father) DK Ve: 1931-11-05 - 1933-04-18 AK Su: 1933-04-18 - 1934-09-30 (leader of Congress party) AmK Mo: 1934-09-30 - 1934-09-30 BK Me: 1934-09-30 - 1936-03-13 (wife’s death)

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In December 1929, Jawaharlal Nehru was elected as the President of the INC. The major period lord was BK-Mercury who is in conjunction with AK-Sun and aspected by PK-Saturn. Planetary periods of AK and PK could elevate the person to power. Sub period lord was PK-Saturn itself. On 6th February 1931 he lost father, Motilal Nehru, during sub period of GK-Mars of major period of BK–Mercury. GK is the significator of rivals. In D12 Mars is the lord of 12th from MK/PiK-Jupiter and is placed in 8th from Jupiter (Figure 3). In D12 Mercury is placed in 12th from MK/PiK–Jupiter with malefic Ketu. In D9 Mars is placed in 8th from MK/PiK-Jupiter and Mercury is aspected by 8th lord Jupiter from MK/PiK-Jupiter.

Figure 3 Dulakara Dwadasamsa (D12) chart (Considering the unmodified Parasara’s 7/8 Chara karaka scheme it is clear that the lord of the 12th house from PiK-Saturn in D9 is Mercury (major period lord) and 12th house from PiK-Saturn is aspected by Mars (sub period lord). In D12 chart, Mars qualifies as a Maraka to father owing the 12th house from PiK-Saturn but Mercury is not related to 12th or 3rd and 8th houses from PiK-Saturn) In 1934 Mahatma Gandhi formally resigned from politics and Nehru became the leader of the INC. This happened during the AK-Sun’s sub period of BK-Mercury’s major. Dasa of AK gives Raja Yoga. Major period lord BK-Mercury is in conjunction with AK-Sun in D1. In both D9 and D10, Sun and Mercury are in trinal relationship. His wife, Kamala Nehru, died on 28th February 1936 after a long term illness during BK–Mercury / BK–Mercury. Mercury is placed in 3rd from DK-Venus in D9. MK/PiK Ju MD: 1936-03-13 (23:27:00) - 1943-02-05 (23:27:00) Antardasas in this MD: PK Sa: 1936-03-13 - 1937-07-30 GK Ma: 1937-07-30 - 1938-11-01 (death of mother) DK Ve: 1938-11-01 - 1939-12-18 AK Su: 1939-12-18 - 1941-02-02 AmK Mo: 1941-02-02 - 1941-02-02 BK Me: 1941-02-02 - 1942-03-22 MK/PiK Ju: 1942-03-22 - 1943-02-05 (arrested and sent to jail)

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His mother, Swarup Rani, died on January 10, 1938 during major period of MK/PiK-Jupiter and sub period of GK-Mars. Jupiter is the owner of 8th from MK/PiK-Jupiter in D9. Mars is placed in 8th house from MK/PiK-Jupiter in D9. In D12 chart, Jupiter is the owner of 8th from MK-Jupiter. Mars is the owner of 12th from MK-Jupiter and is placed in 8th from MK-Jupiter. Hence this was a Maraka period to mother. (The above paragraph is true even for unmodified 7/8 Chara karaka scheme of Parasara because MK portfolio does not change in two systems) Jawaharlal Nehru spent in Jail for 10 years on 7 occasions spanning from 1921 to 1945. The longest and the last instance that he spent in jail happened to be from 1942 to 1945. He was arrested in August 1942 during Quit India Movement. This initiated during the sub and major period of MK/PiK–Jupiter. Jupiter is badly placed in 3rd house from AK–Sun in both D1 and D9. Jupiter itself is badly placed in 6th in both D1 and D9. Jupiter is aspected by GK-Mars in D1. PK Sa MD: 1943-02-05 (23:27:00) - 1953-12-09 (23:27:00) Antardasas in this MD: GK Ma: 1943-02-05 - 1945-01-25 (spent in jail) DK Ve: 1945-01-25 - 1946-11-04 (released from jail) AK Su: 1946-11-04 - 1948-08-13 (Prime Minister of India) AmK Mo: 1948-08-13 - 1948-08-13 BK Me: 1948-08-13 - 1950-05-23 MK/PiK Ju: 1950-05-23 - 1951-10-09 PK Sa: 1951-10-09 - 1953-12-09 (1st Lok Sabha election victory) Starting from Jupiter’s sub period he was in jail continuously for 3 years inclusive of whole sub period of GK–Mars of major period of PK–Saturn. GK signifies rivals. GK-Mars in Dulakara horoscope is placed in 12th from AK-Sun in D1. During this prolonged unfavourable sub periods of MK/PiK-Jupiter and GK-Mars he spent the longest time continuously in Jail. Nehru was released from jail on 15th June1945 in the sub period of DK-Venus. Venus is well and strongly placed from AK-Sun in both D1 and D9, and Venus is aspected by PK-Saturn in D1. Nehru raised the flag of independent India on 15th August 1947. He became the first prime minister of independent India. This happened during the major period of PK–Saturn and sub period of AK-Sun. AK and PK Dasas give Raja Yoga. In his Dulakara horoscope (Figure 1A), AK-Sun is aspected by PK-Saturn, and PK-Saturn is placed in the sign of AK-Sun. Sun and Saturn are well placed in D9 in 4th and 5th houses respectively. In D1 Saturn is in 2nd, the house of status in society and Sun is in 4th aspecting 10th the house of worldly affairs. Accordingly this PK-Saturn/AK-Sun period happened to be exceptionally beneficial for him. He continued to hold this post, which was initiated during a highly favourable period in his life, continuously until his death in 1964. General elections to the first Lok Sabha since independence was held between 25th October 1951 and 21st February 1952. The Indian National Congress stormed into power with 364 of the 489 seats. This was the sub period of PK-Saturn of the major period of the same.

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GK Ma MD: 1953-12-09 (23:27:00) - 1963-10-18 (23:27:00) Antardasas in this MD: DK Ve: 1953-12-09 - 1955-07-22 AK Su: 1955-07-22 - 1957-03-02 (2nd Lok Sabha election victory) AmK Mo: 1957-03-02 - 1957-03-02 BK Me: 1957-03-02 - 1958-10-12 MK/PiK Ju: 1958-10-12 - 1960-01-13 PK Sa: 1960-01-13 - 1962-01-02 (liberated Goa) GK Ma: 1962-01-02 - 1963-10-18 (3rd Lok Sabha, Sino-Indian War) Nehru led the Congress to a major victory in the 1957 elections during the sub period of AK–Sun. But his government faced rising problems and criticism because of the major period lord of GK–Mars (rivals). Mars is badly placed in 12th from AK–Sun in D1. But Mars is well placed in 10th from AK-Sun in D9. Hence he was able to continue to be in power despite major oppositions. He liberated Goa from Portuguese occupation on 18/19th December 1961 during the sub period of PK-Saturn, and then he formally annexed it to India. It increased his popularity, but he was criticized for the use of military power (because of GK–Mars’ major period). In the 1962 elections, Nehru led the Congress to victory yet with a diminished majority. This was because of the sub period of GK-Mars. GK is the significator of rivals but Mars is well placed from AK-Sun in 10th in D9. During the same sub and major period of GK-Mars, the Sino-Indian War began on 20th October 1962. (But unlike in Goa during the sub period of PK-Saturn) India technically lost, but China gained no territory as well (GK-Mars is well placed from AK-Sun in D9). The war ended on 21st November 1962. Nehru was widely criticized for insufficient attention to defence. Nehru's health deteriorated and he spent months recuperating in Kashmir through 1963. This was the time when sub period of GK–Mars of major period of the same was in operation. DK Ve MD: 1963-10-18 (23:37:00) - 1972-08-31 (23:37:00) Antardasas in this MD: AK Su: 1963-10-18 - 1965-04-01 (death) AmK Mo: 1965-04-01 - 1965-04-01 BK Me: 1965-04-01 - 1966-09-13 MK Ju: 1966-09-13 - 1967-10-30 PiK Sa: 1967-10-30 - 1969-08-08 GK Ma: 1969-08-08 - 1971-03-20 DK Ve: 1971-03-20 - 1972-08-31 He passed away on 27th May 1964 during the sub period of AK-Sun of the major period of DK-Venus. Venus is the owner of 12th from AK-Sun in D9. Sun is aspected by the same Venus in D9. Therefore his death took place during the Venus/Sun Chara Dasa period. Planets related to 12th from AK in D9 bring about death.

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Lahiri Karaka Dasa Analysis Karaka Maha Dasas (360 day Savana Year) AK Mo: 1889-11-14 - 1901-09-13 (local education) AmK Me: 1901-09-13 - 1904-08-28 (local education) BK Ju: 1904-08-28 - 1909-08-02 (studies abroad) MK/PiK Sa: 1909-08-02 - 1910-07-28 (studies abroad) PK Ma: 1910-07-28 - 1912-07-17 (quit education) GK Ve: 1912-07-17 - 1915-07-02 DK Su: 1915-07-02 - 1919-06-11 AK Mo: 1919-06-11 - 1919-06-11 AmK Me: 1919-06-11 - 1928-04-24 BK Ju: 1928-04-24 - 1935-03-19 MK/PiK Sa: 1935-03-19 - 1946-01-20 PK Ma: 1946-01-20 - 1955-11-29 GK Ve: 1955-11-29 - 1964-10-12 DK Su: 1964-10-12 - 1972-08-31 He was educated in India during AK-Moon and AmK-Mercury. Mercury is well placed in quadrants from AK-Moon in both D1 and D9. But it is debilitated in Navamsa. In D24 Mercury is exalted and conjunct with AK-Moon. AmK Dasa stands for education. He went to Britain for studies in 1905 with the onset of BK-Jupiter’s major period. Jupiter is badly placed in 6th from AK-Moon in D1 but in Moolatrikona sign. Jupiter is in 9th from AK-Moon in D9 but again placed in 6th house. In D24 Jupiter is placed in 12th from AK-Moon and AmK-Mercury, and in malefic 3rd house from Lagnamsha. In none of the charts Jupiter is associated with AmK-Mercury. Overall Jupiter’s placement is not conducive for education according to Lahiri ayanamsha chart (Figure 4).

Fig 4 Lahiri Siddhamsa (D24) chart He continued to study in Britain during the major periods of MK/PiK-Saturn and PK-Mars. Saturn is badly placed in 8th from AK-Moon in D9. In D24 (Figure 4), Saturn is debilitated and placed in 8th from both AK-Moon and AmK-Mercury. Therefore Saturn is not conducive for educational matters.

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Mars is placed with debilitated AmK-Mercury in a quadrant from AK-Moon in D9. In D24, PK-Mars is placed in 6th from both AK-Moon and AmK-Mercury. He finished education in the Maha Dasa of PK-Mars and returned to India in 1912. DK Su MD: 1915-07-02 (23:27:00) - 1919-06-11 (23:27:00) Antardasas in this MD: AK Mo: 1915-07-02 - 1917-01-28 (marriage) AmK Me: 1917-01-28 - 1917-06-21 BK Ju: 1917-06-21 - 1918-02-16 (Indira was born) MK/PiK Sa: 1918-02-16 - 1918-04-05 PK Ma: 1918-04-05 - 1918-07-10 GK Ve: 1918-07-10 - 1918-12-01 DK Su: 1918-12-01 - 1919-06-11(contact with Mahatma Gandhi) He married Kamala Kaul on 7th February 1916 when dasa of DK–Sun had just started. DK stands for marriage partner. In D1 DK-Sun is well placed from AK-Moon but in D9 DK-Sun is ill placed in 8th from AK-Moon. On the day of marriage he was running the sub period of AK-Moon. Moon is not related to DK-Sun in D1. 7th house is aspected by Moon from Lagna. On 19th November 1917, the daughter Indira was born during sub period of BK-Jupiter of DK-Sun’s major period. In D1, DK-Sun is placed in the house of PK-Mars. BK-Jupiter is aspected by PK-Mars in D1. His real initiation into politics came when he came in contact with Mahatma Gandhi. In 1919 he joined Indian National Congress (INC) when he was running major period of DK-Sun till June and after that major period of AmK-Mercury. Since the date he joined INC is not clear further comments cannot be made. BK Ju MD: 1928-04-24 (23:27:00) - 1935-03-19 (23:27:00) Antardasas in this MD: MK/PiK Sa: 1928-04-24 - 1929-09-20 PK Ma: 1929-09-20 - 1930-12-30 (president of Congress party) GK Ve: 1930-12-30 - 1932-02-23 (lost father) DK Su: 1932-02-23 - 1933-03-03 AK Mo: 1933-03-03 - 1933-03-03 AmK Me: 1933-03-03 - 1934-04-27 (leader of INC) BK Ju: 1934-04-27 - 1935-03-19 (leader of INC) In December 29, 1929, Jawaharlal Nehru was elected as the President of the Congress Party. This happened during the major period of BK-Jupiter. In D1 Jupiter is aspected by PK-Mars. In D9 BK-Jupiter is placed in 9th from AK-Moon. PK can confer the nativity with power, fame and status. On 6th February 1931 he lost father. Major period lord was BK-Jupiter. Jupiter aspects 8th house from MK/PiK-Saturn in D9 (Figure 1B). Sub period lord, GK-Venus, aspects 12th house from MK/PiK-Saturn in D9. Therefore this was a Maraka period to father.

Page 14: Horoscope of Jawaharlal Nehru as seen through different · Horoscope of Jawaharlal Nehru as seen through different

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In 1934 Mahatma Gandhi formally resigned from politics and Nehru became the leader of the INC. This happened during the BK-Jupiter’s major period. Jupiter is aspected by PK-Mars in D1. BK-Jupiter is placed in 9th from Karakamsa. This happened during the sub period of either AmK-Mercury or BK-Jupiter itself. Mercury is aspected by MK/PiK-Saturn in D1. MK/PiK Sa MD: 1935-03-19 (23:27:00) - 1946-01-20 (23:27:00) Antardasas in this MD: PK Ma: 1935-03-19 - 1937-03-22 (death of wife) GK Ve: 1937-03-22 - 1939-01-11 (death of mother) DK Su: 1939-01-11 - 1940-08-19 AK Mo: 1940-08-19 - 1940-08-19 AmK Me: 1940-08-19 - 1942-06-10 BK Ju: 1942-06-10 - 1943-11-06 (spent in jail) MK/PiK Sa: 1943-11-06 - 1946-01-20 (spent in jail) His wife died on 28th February 1936 after prolonged ill health during MK/PiK–Saturn’s major period. Saturn is the owner of 8th from DK-Sun in D9. She died in the sub period of PK-Mars. In D9, 12th and 3rd houses from DK-Sun are aspected by Mars. Hence his wife died in the sub period of Mars of the major period of Saturn. His mother, Swarup Rani, died on January 10, 1938 during major period of MK/PiK-Saturn and sub period of GK-Venus. Saturn is the owner of 8th from MK/PiK-Saturn in D9. In D9, Venus aspects 12th house from MK/PiK-Saturn. In D12 chart, Saturn is the owner of 3rd from MK-Saturn. Venus is in conjunction with 12th lord Mars. Hence this was a Maraka period to mother. Jawaharlal Nehru spent in Jail for 10 years on 7 occasions. The longest and the last instance that he was in jail happened to be from 1942 to 1945. He was arrested in August 1942 during Quit India Movement and was released only on 15th June1945 after 3 years. This happened in the major period of MK/PiK–Saturn. Saturn is badly placed in 8th from AK-Moon in D9. However Saturn is not associated with GK-Venus, signifying rivals, in D1 or D9. Sub period lord BK-Jupiter is in the Nakshatra of GK-Venus (Figure 1B). PK Ma MD: 1946-01-20 (23:27:00) - 1955-11-29 (23:27:00) Antardasas in this MD: GK Ve: 1946-01-20 - 1947-09-12 (prime minister of India) DK Su: 1947-09-12 - 1949-02-27 AK Mo: 1949-02-27 - 1949-02-27 AmK Me: 1949-02-27 - 1950-10-20 BK Ju: 1950-10-20 - 1952-01-29 MK/PiK Sa: 1952-01-29 - 1954-02-01 (1st Lok Sabha election victory) PK Ma: 1954-02-01 - 1955-11-29 Nehru raised the flag of independent India on 15th August 1947. He became the first Prime Minister of independent India. This happened during the major period of PK–Mars. PK is a Raja Yoga Karaka. The sub period was that of GK-Venus. Although the GK signifies rivals, in Figure 1B Venus is aspected by MK/PiK-Saturn. Hence he attained power.

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General election to the first Lok Sabha since independence was held between 25th October 1951 and 21st February 1952. The Indian National Congress (INC) stormed into power with 364 of the 489 seat. This was the major period of PK-Mars. The sub period lord was MK/PiK-Saturn. Saturn is badly placed in 8th from AK-Moon in D9. This placement of Saturn does not indicate an enormous victory. GK Ve MD: 1955-11-29 (23:27:00) - 1964-10-12 (23:27:00) Antardasas in this MD: DK Su: 1955-11-29 - 1957-03-23 (2nd Lok Sabha election victory) AK Mo: 1957-03-23 - 1957-03-23 AmK Me: 1957-03-23 - 1958-09-14 BK Ju: 1958-09-14 - 1959-11-08 MK/PiK Sa: 1959-11-08 - 1961-08-29 PK Ma: 1961-08-29 - 1963-04-21 (liberated Goa, 3rd election victory) GK Ve: 1963-04-21 - 1964-10-12 (criticisms, poor health, death) Nehru led the Congress to a major victory in 1957 elections during the sub period of DK–Sun of major period of GK-Venus. Venus is aspected by MK/PiK-Saturn in D1, hence capable of giving Raja Yoga. DK-Sun is in the house of PK-Mars in D1, hence capable of giving Raja Yoga. But his government faced rising problems and criticism because major period of GK-Venus was in operation. But Venus was well placed in 4th from AK-Moon in D1, and in conjunction with AK-Moon in D9. Therefore he was able to continue to be in power despite major oppositions. He liberated Goa from Portuguese occupation on 18/19th December 1961 during the sub period of PK-Mars, and then he formally annexed it to India. It increased his popularity, but he was criticized for the use of military force (because of GK–Venus’ major period). In 1962 elections for 3rd Lok Sabha, Nehru led the Congress to another victory yet with a diminished majority. He was successful because of the sub period lord of PK-Mars. GK-Venus’s major period was the reason for reduced popularity. The Sino-Indian War began in 20th October 1962. India technically lost, but China gained no territory as well. The war ended on 21st November 1962. Nehru was widely criticized for his government's insufficient attention to defence. This was the period when sub period of PK–Mars of major period of GK-Venus was in operation. So during the sub period of PK-Mars of major period of GK-Venus three important events happened; liberation of Goa, victory of general election and loss of Sino-Indian war. He won twice but lost once during the same period! Nehru's health deteriorated and he spent months recuperating in Kashmir through 1963. This was the time when sub period of GK–Venus of major period of the same was in operation. He passed away on 27th May 1964 during the sub period of GK-Venus of the major period of the same GK-Venus. Venus is associated with 8th lord Moon from AK-Moon in D9. Therefore Venus was a Maraka planet and killed him during her major and sub periods. But Venus is not related to 12th house from AK-Moon in Lahiri ayanamsha chart.

Page 16: Horoscope of Jawaharlal Nehru as seen through different · Horoscope of Jawaharlal Nehru as seen through different

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Raman’s Karaka Dasa Analysis Karaka Maha Dasas (360 day Savana Year) AK Mo: 1889-11-14 - 1901-09-13 AmK Me: 1901-09-13 - 1904-08-28 BK Ju: 1904-08-28 - 1909-08-02 MK/PiK Sa: 1909-08-02 - 1910-07-28 PK Ma: 1910-07-28 - 1912-07-17 GK Ve: 1912-07-17 - 1915-07-02 DK Su: 1915-07-02 - 1919-06-11 AK Mo: 1919-06-11 - 1919-06-11 AmK Me: 1919-06-11 - 1928-04-24 BK Ju: 1928-04-24 - 1935-03-19 MK/PiK Sa: 1935-03-19 - 1946-01-20 PK Ma: 1946-01-20 - 1955-11-29 GK Ve: 1955-11-29 - 1964-10-12 DK Su: 1964-10-12 - 1972-08-31 As seen in this table there is no difference in Dasa periods between Lahiri and Raman Chara Dasas. The only difference in the horoscope (Figure 1C) is that in Raman’s D9 chart Mars goes to 2nd a Moolatrikona sign when compared with Figure 1B. To avoid repetition Dasa analysis for Raman ayanamsha will not be written down here. It is as same as for Lahiri ayanamsha.

Conclusion It is up to the reader to decide which ayanamsha gives the best results. I tried my best to remain impartial and unbiased in the preparation of this article. All five ayanamshas were capable of predicting events to a greater or lesser degree. None of the ayanamshas failed all together as a whole.

The only way to decide which ayanamsha is correct is to study carefully the principles, methods and materials behind the ayanamsha in consideration. Some ayanamshas are scientific, straightforward and give better clear-cut results consistently than others.


1) A chronological account of Jawaharlal Nehru.

2) Parasara's Teachings on Chara Karakas. An Independent Interpretation

Further Reading 1.


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