
Holy Family Catholic Primary SchoolHall Lane Cronton

Nr WidnesWA8 5DW

0151 424 3926Headteacher: Mrs J Cook-Hannah

[email protected]


Weekly NewsletterFriday 25th September 2015

Following in Jesus’ footsteps…We pray together

We play togetherWe learn together

Come and See

Our RE Theme this term will be the three themes of Domestic Church (Family), Baptism and Confirmation (Belonging) and Advent and Christmas (Loving). Each

class will approach the themes through different topics. The children will also spend a week studying Judaism.

Our school PrayerJesus, Mary and Joseph bless my family at home,Jesus, Mary and Joseph bless my family at school,

Jesus, Mary and Joseph bless all the families of the worldAmen

It’s Time to ShineYear Group Achievement Certificates Dojos

CertificateYear 1 James


Year 2 JacobZach


Year 3 IsabellaAlexanderJake


Year 4 OliverFinlay


Year 5 AngusIsobellaMikey


Year 6 OliviaConnorGrace


What’s happened this week?Coffee MorningsMany thanks to everyone who came along and supported the coffee mornings this week. We hope that you found the information shared informative. Dont worry if you were unable to attend as the information will be sent home and shared on the website.Many thanks also for the raffle prizes and donations to MacMillan; we will let you know next week how much we raised.Football LeagueOn Wednesday selected boys from Y5 & Y6 played the first round of football league matches. They lost their first match against Evelyn School 1-0. Mikey scored a great goal in their second match and beat St Leo’s 1-0. Well done boys.Sports MarkWe are delighted to let you know that we have recently been awarded the Silver Sports Mark award through Knowsley School Sport Partnership. Well done to everyone involved, special thanks to Mrs Featherstone, Mrs Gray and also Mrs Quigley, what a team!Trees & PlaygroundWe would be grateful if parents would ensure that younger children are supervised at all

times when on the school grounds. Children are allowed to play on the equipment at the front of the playground but unfortunately are not allowed on the amphitheatre or in the huts. Please ensure that young children are not running on the ramps as this can be a safety issue, especially when children are coming into classes.ParkingWe have received complaints from some of our neighbours regarding the deeply upsetting behaviour of some of our parents when parking at the beginning and end of the school day. We are very lucky to have the use of the car park and would be grateful if parents would use it. Please do show our neighbours courtesy and respect and do not park across their driveways. Some parents are preventing neighbours leaving or accessing their properties. I am sure you can appreciate how frustrating and upsetting this can be. The local community police are now monitoring this situation.

What’s coming up soon

School Meal PromotionOn Thursday 1st October the kitchen will be offering a party meal for the special price of £1.00. This will include a filled finger roll, sausage roll, a packet of crisps, a cookie or muffin and a carton drink. A separate letter was sent home earlier this week and we would be grateful if you would let us know by Monday at the latest if you would like your child to participate. Football Fun FestivalSelected children in Y6 will be taking part in a fun festival on Monday 28th September. A separate letter has been sent home to the children involved.Selected children in Y1 will also be taking part in this festival on Monday 12th October. A separate letter will be sent home to the children involved soon.We wish them all the very best of luck and hope that they all enjoy this lovely afternoon.Book FairWe will be holding a book fair each evening next week from 3.30pm. The fair will continue until Monday 5th October. Please do come along. We receive commission from every sale which helps us to replenish the school library. If you are unable to come along and would like to purchase a book for your child please complete the order form which was in the flyer sent home earlier this week.

Welcome AssemblyFr Michael will be coming into school on Friday 2nd October to celebrate an assembly with the whole school to welcome our new children.Coffee MorningsThe class teachers from Reception, Year 2 and Year 3 will be holding their coffee mornings next week. This will give you the opportunity to come into school to meet the teacher and find out what exciting things your children will be learning over the coming school year. I do hope that you will be able to make the meetings as they are very informative and we always receive excellent feedback. Mrs Hannah and Mrs Evans will also be giving a presentation on the changes to the curriculum and assessment. We will be supporting the fantastic Macmillan charity during the meetings and would be grateful for donations of cakes.Monday 28th September – Reception meeting @ 9.15amTuesday 29th September – Year 3 meeting @ 9.15amWednesday 30th September – Year 2 meeting @ 9.15amFoodbankLast year we were amazed by the support received for Widnes Foodbank from Holy Family for the Harvest Appeal and so this will continue this year with collections from Monday 12th October until Thursday 15th October. The shopping list will be in the newsletter next week.Family LearningThe Family Learning Service are offering a variety of workshops for parents over the next school year. The first of these will be starting on Monday 5th October from 9-10.30am. A separate letter regarding this has been sent home but we would be grateful if you would return the slip as soon as possible if you have not already done so to give an indication of numbers.

Monday  5th Oct 9-10.30am KS2 Maths workshop for parents/carers only Monday 12th Oct 9- 10.30am second KS2 Maths workshop for parents/carers only

Spotlight on IPad ClubThis week we had to choose an IPad to use in club. We will use the same IPad each week as we will be

creating folders for our work. We chose our favourite book and wrote about it using word. We took pictures of the characters

and learnt to cut and paste from it. My favourite is Seahorse Stars and mine is Tom Gates.

We learnt how to use pic collage and will save all the information to our folders on the IPad. Its a

great club and I will definately be back next week.

Many thanks to Olivia & Alfie

PTFA NewsIn the last five years the PTFA have contributed over

£25,000 to school funding. All of our pupils have benefited. Here is a list of purchases made:

10 x Mac Computers64 Ipads

Furniture for KS1Playground equipment

Garden & Landscape workSchool residential transport

& much more

The PTFA is not only committed to raising funds for the school but raising funds in a way that develops and

strengthens our school family community with events such as spooky disco, chirstmas cards, christmas disco,

bake sales, family fun night and lots more.We are always looking for new ideas and new members.

You can commit as much time as you like or if you have a great idea but not the time to spare please let us know: we would love to hear from you. Our first meeting of the new school year will be held on Tuesday 13th October at

3.30pm and will finish at 4.15pm in school.All are welcome.

Diary Dates

SeptemberMonday 28th Reception Coffee Morning @ 9.15amMonday 28th Start of the Book Fair each evening @ 3.20pmMonday 28th Y6 Football FestivalTuesday 29th Y3 Coffee Morning @ 9.15amWednesday 30th Y2 Coffee Morning @ 9.15amOctoberThursday 1st Meal Promotion - £1.00 lunchFriday 2nd Welcome Assembly with Fr MichaelMonday 5th Last day of the book fairMonday 5th KS2 Maths Workshop 9 – 10.30am Monday 12th KS2 Maths (2nd Workshop) 9 – 10.30amMonday 12th Y1 Football Fun FestivalMonday 12th – Thursday 15th

Class collections for Widnes Foodbank – Harvest Festival 2015

Tuesday 13th PTFA meeting @ 3.30pmMonday 19th CEOP workshop for parents and carers 9-

10.15amTuesday 20th CEOP workshop for parents and carers 3.30-

4.30pmNovemberMonday 9th KS2 Encourage a child’s reading @ 9-10.15am

with childrenMonday 16th Reception Numeracy 9am – 10.15am with

childrenMonday 23rd KS1 Maths 9am-10.15am with childrenMonday 30th Reception & Y1 supporting children’s reading


And finally…

A positive thought for the week to promote discussion in the classroom and at home…

I treat others the way I want them to treat me.

If I want people to help me, I help others.

If I want them to encourage me, I encourage others.

If I want them to love me, I love others.

Many thanks

Mrs Hannah

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