Page 1: Holt McDougal, Adjusting to Peace The Big Idea After World War II, Americans adjusted to new challenges both at home and around the world. Main Ideas As

Holt McDougal,

Adjusting to Peace

The Big Idea

After World War II, Americans adjusted to new challenges both at home and around the world.

Main Ideas

• As World War II ended, leaders began planning the future of the postwar world.

• The United States and the Soviet Union went from being allies to enemies after World War II.

• Americans adjusted to postwar life.

Page 2: Holt McDougal, Adjusting to Peace The Big Idea After World War II, Americans adjusted to new challenges both at home and around the world. Main Ideas As

Holt McDougal,

Main Idea 1:As World War II ended, leaders began

planning the future of the postwar world.

Yalta Yalta ConferenceConference

• Leaders met to discuss Europe’s future.

• Supported creation of international peacekeeping organization

• Agreed on free elections for countries liberated from German control

Potsdam Potsdam ConferenceConference

• Allied leaders

divided conquered Germany into four zones.

• Britain, France, the United States, and the Soviet Union would each control one zone.

• Berlin also divided into four zones

War Crimes War Crimes TrialsTrials

• The Nuremberg trials put high-ranking Nazi officials on trial.

• The International Military Tribunal of the Far East put Japanese officials on trial.

• Established that individuals must be held responsible for committing war crimes, even when acting on behalf of a government

Page 3: Holt McDougal, Adjusting to Peace The Big Idea After World War II, Americans adjusted to new challenges both at home and around the world. Main Ideas As

Holt McDougal,

The United Nations

• In 1944, American, British, Soviet, and Chinese representatives met to draft a plan for the United Nations– an organization dedicated to resolving international conflicts.

• In 1945, representatives from 50 countries met to write the UN Charter.

• One of its first major actions was to divide Palestine into separate Arab and Jewish states.

– May 14, 1948– Jewish leaders announced the creation of nation of Israel.

– Arab leaders protested and invaded.

– Israeli forces drove Arabs back and a truce was made.

Page 4: Holt McDougal, Adjusting to Peace The Big Idea After World War II, Americans adjusted to new challenges both at home and around the world. Main Ideas As

Holt McDougal,

Main Idea 2:The United States and the Soviet Union went

from being allies to enemies after World War II.

• After the war, differences arose between United States and Soviet Union.

– Americans committed to capitalism and democracy

– Soviets hoped to spread communism around the world.

• Stalin established Communist governments in Poland and Eastern Europe, cutting them off from the rest of the world.

– The term iron curtain came to be used to describe this division.

• The phrase Cold War came to be used to describe the struggle for global power between the Soviet Union and the United States.

The Iron Curtain

From Allies to Enemies

Page 5: Holt McDougal, Adjusting to Peace The Big Idea After World War II, Americans adjusted to new challenges both at home and around the world. Main Ideas As

Holt McDougal,

U.S. Foreign Policy

Truman Doctrine– policy of providing aid to help foreign countries fight communism

North Atlantic Treaty Organization– a coalition of the United States, nine Western European countries, Canada, and Iceland.

– Members promised to defend each other if attacked.– Soviet Union responded by creating Warsaw Pact, a military alliance with its Eastern European satellite countries.

Goal– containment, or preventing the Soviet Union from expanding its influence around the world

Marshall Plan– Western Europe received more than $13 billion in U.S. loans and grants for European economic recovery between 1948 and 1952.

Page 6: Holt McDougal, Adjusting to Peace The Big Idea After World War II, Americans adjusted to new challenges both at home and around the world. Main Ideas As

Holt McDougal,

Main Idea 3:Americans adjusted to postwar life.

• More than 35 percent of non-farm workers were union members in 1946.

• With inflation on rise, many went on strike.

• Labor unions became a major political problem.

• Government worked to reduce power of labor unions.

– Passed the Taft-Hartley Act in 1947 that outlawed closed shops, or business that could hire only union members.


• Government urged women to give up their jobs once veterans returned.

• The Servicemen’s Readjustment Act, or GI Bill of Rights, offered veterans money for school, as well as loans for houses, farms, and businesses.

• Inflation rose as people rushed to buy products that were limited during war.


Page 7: Holt McDougal, Adjusting to Peace The Big Idea After World War II, Americans adjusted to new challenges both at home and around the world. Main Ideas As

Holt McDougal,

Civil Rights after the War

• African American veterans faced segregation and prejudice at home.

– Helped lead a major effort to gain equal rights

• Truman appointed Committee on Civil Rights to investigate discrimination and suggest solutions.

– Congress failed to act on the committee’s report.

• In 1948 Truman issued an executive order to

– End segregation in the armed forces, and

– Ban discrimination in the hiring of federal employees.

Page 8: Holt McDougal, Adjusting to Peace The Big Idea After World War II, Americans adjusted to new challenges both at home and around the world. Main Ideas As

Holt McDougal,

Election of 1948

• President Truman faced many challenges for reelection.

– Southern Democrats opposed his support for civil rights laws.

– Republicans controlled Congress and felt their candidate, New York governor Thomas Dewey, could beat Truman.

• Truman took his case for reelection to the American people.

– Traveled thousands of miles and gave hundreds of speeches

– Defended his views and attacked Congress

• In 1948 election, Truman won a surprise victory.

• Urged Congress to support his plan for a package of domestic programs called the Fair Deal

– Congress approved some parts, including higher minimum wage and expanded Social Security benefits.

– Congress rejected other parts, including civil rights legislation.

Page 9: Holt McDougal, Adjusting to Peace The Big Idea After World War II, Americans adjusted to new challenges both at home and around the world. Main Ideas As

Holt McDougal,

War in Korea and a New Red Scare

The Big Idea

During the Cold War, the U.S. government confronted communism globally and within the United States.

Main Ideas

• The United States fought Communist North Korea in the Korean War.

• Fear of Communists led to a new Red Scare at home.

• President Eisenhower faced Cold War crises around the world.

Page 10: Holt McDougal, Adjusting to Peace The Big Idea After World War II, Americans adjusted to new challenges both at home and around the world. Main Ideas As

Holt McDougal,

Main Idea 1:The United States fought Communist North

Korea in the Korean War.

• Cold War quickly spread to Asian nations of China and Korea.

– China: in 1949 the People’s Republic of China was established by Communists, led by Mao Zedong.

– Korea: after World War II, Korea was divided at the 38th parallel with a Soviet-implemented government in North Korea and a U.S.-implemented government in South Korea.

Page 11: Holt McDougal, Adjusting to Peace The Big Idea After World War II, Americans adjusted to new challenges both at home and around the world. Main Ideas As

Holt McDougal,

Korean War

• On June 25, 1950, North Korea invaded South Korea.

• United States and United Nations responded by offering support to South Korea.

• China sent support to North Korea.

• By 1951, UN forces drove North Koreans and Chinese back across the 38th parallel but fighting continued.

• The unpopularity of Truman’s actions during the war helped Dwight D. Eisenhower win the 1952 presidential election.

• Korean War officially ended July 27, 1953 with a cease-fire.

– More than 130,000 Americans had been killed or wounded.

– Over 2 million Korean and Chinese casualties

Page 12: Holt McDougal, Adjusting to Peace The Big Idea After World War II, Americans adjusted to new challenges both at home and around the world. Main Ideas As

Holt McDougal,

Main Idea 2: Fear of Communists led to a new Red Scare

at home.

A Congressional committee known as the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) was in charge of investigating Communist influence in America.

Explosive spy cases also fed fears that Communists were at work in the United States.

In 1947 HUAC launched hearings to expose supposed Communist influence in movie industry

– They branded as “red,” or Communist, actors and writers who would not answer questions or refused to reveal names.– People suspected of Communist sympathies were often blacklisted, or denied work.

Cold War fears led to a new Red Scare in the late 1940s and 1950s.

Page 13: Holt McDougal, Adjusting to Peace The Big Idea After World War II, Americans adjusted to new challenges both at home and around the world. Main Ideas As

Holt McDougal,

Rise of McCarthy

• In 1950 Wisconsin senator Joseph McCarthy charged that Communists were working inside the State Department.

– Had no concrete proof

– When charges were challenged, he made up new charges.

– This method of making aggressive accusations without proof became known as McCarthyism.

• In 1954, during televised hearings, he finally went too far.

– Used brutal tactics and bullied a young legal assistant

– Public outraged

• Senate later voted to condemn McCarthy’s actions.

– Came too late to help those whose careers had already been ruined by his attacks

Page 14: Holt McDougal, Adjusting to Peace The Big Idea After World War II, Americans adjusted to new challenges both at home and around the world. Main Ideas As

Holt McDougal,

Main Idea 3: President Eisenhower faced Cold War crises

around the world.

• In 1952 America completed development on hydrogen bomb, a weapon more powerful than the atomic bomb.

• By 1953 Soviet Union developed its own hydrogen bomb, thus beginning a nuclear arms race, as both rushed to build more weapons.

• In October 1957 Soviets launched Sputnik, the first artificial space satellite.

• In January 1958 the United States launched its own satellite and established the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).

Page 15: Holt McDougal, Adjusting to Peace The Big Idea After World War II, Americans adjusted to new challenges both at home and around the world. Main Ideas As

Holt McDougal,

Cold War Crises

• Eisenhower supported strategy of brinkmanship, a willingness to go to the brink of war to oppose communism.

• Used covert, or secret, operations around the world to overthrow leaders and influence politics.

– 1953– Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) helped overthrow premier of Iran.

– 1954– CIA helped organize removal of Guatemalan president.

• Crisis in Egypt briefly brought Americans and Soviets together.

• After crisis averted, Cold War continued.

Page 16: Holt McDougal, Adjusting to Peace The Big Idea After World War II, Americans adjusted to new challenges both at home and around the world. Main Ideas As

Holt McDougal,

The Nation Prospers

The Big Idea

An expanding economy led to new ways of life for many Americans in the 1950s.

Main Ideas

• America’s economy boomed in the 1950s.

• Americans enjoyed new forms of popular culture.

• Social critics found fault with 1950s society.

Page 17: Holt McDougal, Adjusting to Peace The Big Idea After World War II, Americans adjusted to new challenges both at home and around the world. Main Ideas As

Holt McDougal,

Main Idea 1:America’s economy boomed in the 1950s.

• Many businesses and workers moved to the Sun Belt– southern and western states that offered a warm climate year-round and low tax rates.

• 1956 Highway Act encouraged travel and made commutes easier.

• Millions of Americans earned more money than ever and could spend more.

• Young Americans getting married and starting families led to a baby boom, a significant increase in births.

On the Move


Page 18: Holt McDougal, Adjusting to Peace The Big Idea After World War II, Americans adjusted to new challenges both at home and around the world. Main Ideas As

Holt McDougal,

Suburbs and Cities

• Rising demand for homes encouraged development of new suburban neighborhoods.

– By mid-1950s, builders were constructing preplanned suburbs all over the country.

– By 1970 more Americans lived in suburbs than in cities.

• Suburban life appealed to many.

– Many enjoyed the additional space and convenience.

• Suburban life was criticized by others.

– Critics believed suburban life too heavily based on consumer culture

– Lacking in diversity– most people living in suburbs were white and middle-class

– Discrimination– some communities refused to sell homes to black families

• Move to suburbs meant cities collected fewer taxes and began to decline.

• Federal government began urban renewal program to improve life in cities.

Page 19: Holt McDougal, Adjusting to Peace The Big Idea After World War II, Americans adjusted to new challenges both at home and around the world. Main Ideas As

Holt McDougal,

Main Idea 2: Americans enjoyed new forms of

popular culture.


• By end of 1950s, nearly 90 percent of American families owned television sets.

• Americans shared the experience of watching the same news, comedies, and sports shows.

• American families watched about six hours of television a day.


• New styles of music helped reshape American culture.

• New style of jazz, known as bebop, became popular.

• Rock ’n’ roll swept the nation.

• Teenage fans bought more than 70 percent of all records sold in the late 1950s.

Page 20: Holt McDougal, Adjusting to Peace The Big Idea After World War II, Americans adjusted to new challenges both at home and around the world. Main Ideas As

Holt McDougal,

Main Idea 3: Social critics found fault with 1950s society.

• Some women were frustrated at lack of opportunities.– Could only find work in limited fields

– Discouraged by expectation that they would give up jobs when they got married

• Novelists commented on society in their work.– J.D. Salinger criticized culture filled with love of money and conformity.

– Ralph Ellison wrote of how African Americans were excluded by society.

• Young people known as beatniks, or beats, criticized society with unusual writing styles and rebellious behavior.– Beat authors inspired many to question the rules of mainstream


– Many identified with rebellious characters in popular movies of the 1950s.

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