Page 1: Hollyoaks Trailor "The Wedding" Evaluation
Page 2: Hollyoaks Trailor "The Wedding" Evaluation

The opening sequence, starts with a dark lighting and the 2 females are lit up to make them stand out.

Immediately the audience can see...

A-semetric shot of the two bridesmaids, with light that is reflected on there face to represent that they are important, it contrasts with the dark backgroundImmediately the

audience can see they are flower girls at a wedding as they have bowls full of rose petals, they are in matching dresses with vales and there are people in ques

The dark lighting suggests straight away that morbid events are about to happen.

The black is repetitive in the dresses, rose petals, lighting

Minor chords-A bass guitar and electric guitar start playing as the bridesmaids take there first step

Page 3: Hollyoaks Trailor "The Wedding" Evaluation

Close-up shotThe audience can see from the shot that there are black rose petals in the bowl

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Dark lighting again suggest something morbid is going to happen

The flower is shrivelled, dead rose. This implies also that something bad is going to happen

The male who is attaching the rose appears to be the farther as he isn't wearing a rose, so he is attaching the rose to his son implying that his son is the one getting married

MCU shot

The candles in the background are out of focus

The candles and the lighting which reflects on there face are the only source of lighting.

Page 5: Hollyoaks Trailor "The Wedding" Evaluation

Close up shot of the father attaching the dead rose.

The father attaching the dead rose to his son could imply that he has done something to bad to his son that will effect the wedding, so he is attaching the rose that could represent evil

Page 6: Hollyoaks Trailor "The Wedding" Evaluation

The only light in this shot is coming from the candles, a little natural light from the windows and the light in front of the two females to contrast them against the dark background

The bride is wearing a black wedding dress which again suggests that with the colour black something bad is going to happen

The women who she is licked with must be her mother as maybe she doesn't have a father to take her down the isle so her mum performs that role

The bride has her had on top of what is a baby bump, this could imply that the badness of what is going to happen could have something to do with the unborn baby

Page 7: Hollyoaks Trailor "The Wedding" Evaluation

The then goes to a close up shot of the brides hand on top of her unborn baby

The camera tracks through the phews of people in the close-up shot, focusing on where here hand is placed

As so much attention is being drawn to the unborn baby, this shows to the audience that the baby may be bringing along massive problems

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The camera pans across the only natural source of light shining through

The camera then goes to a close up shot of the brides face, she is looking to the right as maybe her family are seated on that side of the church

The brides makeup is far from a normal bride, as she her make up looks gothic showing to the audience this isn't going to be a fairytale wedding

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3 of them look serious like they know something bad is coming

The camera then goes to what the bride was looking at, this looks to be some of her family and friends

This women looks like she is humouring what is going to happen.

She is holding a pot doll maybe this could be represent the unborn baby.

The women then lets go off the baby pot doll and it smashed on the floor in slow motion showing the intensity

This could suggest that either the baby might die or be close to death.

The lyrics “ Dear little sister what have you done” start when the camera goes to this shotThis makes the audience think what has the bride done?

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High angled shot which also establishes the location which is a church

It looks very dark and spooky.

Page 11: Hollyoaks Trailor "The Wedding" Evaluation

The bride then looks to the left

Close-up shot

This must appear to be the grooms family.

The women is smiling pleasantly while the boy text to her is giving a horrible look as maybe he knows aswell

Mid-close up shot

He looks evil while he does a sarcastic, fake smile as he is saying “goodbye” to her and waves.

The black leather gloves suggest he might do something evil to her, even murder.

From then doing his sarcastic smile he gives an evil stare just like everyone else

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The mum parts away from her as they must be at the end of the alter

The mum doesn't show any emotion when she is giving her daughter away, suggesting that maybe she knows what is going on

The hand is still in the same position on the unborn baby

Natural light shining through from behind them

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Over the shoulder shot

“Its a nice day to start again” lyrics play as the groom joins her

The man who joins the bride is the groom

“Its a nice day to start again”

The candles set a creepy setting

The priest is the only person in the whole entire church wearing a colour which isn't black

Light is shining down on him to make him stand out

The priest looks very scary and pale, fitting in with the dark creepy feel

Mid close up shot, the camera is slight below him to make him appear larger

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Close up shot of the bride with a black vale covering her face

A tear of black runs down her face, showing that what is about to happen isn't how she planned out her dream wedding to be

“Its a nice day for a white wedding” lyrics play as she is about to lift off her black vale

A womens voice comes in as the tear travels further down her face. “To love, honour and betray”

This could suggest that she loves and honours the man she is going to marry but as betrayed h him

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