
1. HC TING ANH VI MR.BILL - TOGETHER BI 6 VS 2. Lets put some things together 3. Vowels letter names A a E e I I O o U u and sometimes Y y 4. A a apple among at alarm aware a (ah) an a (ay) happy major station bare fan came data attraction 5. ask asks asked asking assign assigned assigns assigning assignment 6. apply applies applied applying application applicant 7. Some A words and phrases An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Apply good principles to the situation. She was asked to come along. Asking for help is a great idea. The teacher assigned some homework. He has one assignment to finish. There are many applicants for the scholarship. 8. An applicant is a person. An application is a form that is completed to ask for work, or a job. An applicant puts in an application for a job. An applicant applies for a job. An applicant turns in an application for a job because she wants to get work. 9. E e economize economically ecology ecosystem ecotourism edge edict edit easy effort early earth economic economics economical economy 10. edit editing editor editorial educate educator egg educated education educates exercise exercised exercises exercising eggs 11. elephant elephants element elements elementary elementary school 12. embarrass embarrassing embarrassed embarrassment 13. Some E words and phrases Im taking it easy. A lot of effort went into the work. I like to get an early start. Planet earth is a big place. I study economics. That is not very economical. 14. She is the editor of the magazine. He is writing an editorial. Who will educate my children? My father was an educator. Exercise reduces stress. She has exercised everyday this week! Walking to class is exercising. 15. I i I in ice idea inside ill illusion imitate immediate immediately instant instantly intimidate intimidated intimidation intimidating 16. idea ideas ideal ideals ideally immense immensely 17. I sentences and phrases Can you do it immediately? I can be there in an instant! She answered instantly. That doesnt intimidate anyone. Ideally, it will not rain while we are outside. Cat Tien National Park is immense! His appearance is an illusion. 18. O o obey obedient odd object October off office officer official officially out outside outsider 19. operate operated operates operating operation operations opinion opinions ocean oceans oceanic oh on only one once 20. own owns owned owner owners once old olden oldie oldies older Old Testament okay 21. O sentences and phrases Children should obey their parents. It is important to be obedient. Thats odd! I object! An object of beauty. October is the tenth month of the year. 22. How many CDs do you own? She owns her home. Who is the owner? Do you listen to oldies? Theres thirty-nine books in the Old Testament? Are you okay? 23. U u ugly ulcer ultimate ultimately ultimatum universe universal universally unite united unites usual usually unusual * unusually 24. under underlying underneath underdog university unjust unholy understand understands understood understanding understandable understudy unit 25. U sentences and phrases That is universally accepted. It is an ugly situation. United we stand. We usually meet once a week, on Mondays. The rule is unjust. What is the underlying reason? She understands biology. 26. His choice is an unusual one. I am underneath the everlasting arms. Cheer for the underdog. University or college, whats the difference? Her usual way of studying is reading. The speaker is understandable. That was the ultimate holiday. 27. Y y yank Yankee yes yesterday yell yellow yo yodel yoga yoke yolk you your Yuletide 28. Y y apply very try fly berry merry Mary buy boy easy breezy briefly 29. relay rely play ply plywood 30. Y sentences and phrases Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away. We can apply the principle here. Relay the message to the teacher. I enjoy playing badminton. Lets buy some berry jelly. That is an older boy from town. Take it easy! 31. apple among at alarm aware apply a man an and ant arm a wire 32. happy major station bare hippy mare student bore 33. fan came data attraction farm cane date attack 34. Greetings Formal Hello, _ _ _ _ _ _. Good evening Good morning, Good, afternoon, _ _ _ _ _ _. How are you; How have you been? Informal Hi _ _ _ _ _ _! Hey [there] _ _ _ _ _! Hows it going? Whats up, _ _ _ _ _? He-e-e-y! Long time no see; how ya doin? 35. Formal Hello, _ _ _ _ _ _. Good evening [Good morning, Good, afternoon], How are you; How have you been? Informal Hey [there] _ _ _ _ _! Hows it going? Whats up, _ _ _ _ _? 36. Formal Hello, _ _ _ _ _ _. Good evening [Good morning, Good, afternoon], How are you; Whats new? Informal Hey [there] _ _ _ _ _! Hows it going? Whats happenin? 37. Click here for video #6

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