
1. HC TING ANH VI MR.BILL BI 2 VS 2. Speaking English Deepening Conversation 3. Review and practice 4. First Speaker Second Speaker Hey, Im ___. Im new here Hello, nice to meet you. My name is _ _ _ _ _ 5. Greetings Formal 1. Hello, _ _ _ _ _ _ Good evening, how are you; how have you been? Informal 1. Hi _ _ _ _ _ _! 2. Hey [there] _ _ _ _ ! Hows it going? 3. Whats up, _ _ _ _ ? 4. He-e-e-y! Long time no see; how ya doin? 6. Greetings Formal 5.Hello, Ms./Mr. _ _ _ ; good evening, how have you been? [or how are you (today)] 6. Good evening Ms./Mr. _ _ _ _ its great to see you! Informal 7. Hey _ _ _ _, whats up; hows things? Evenin, [_ _ _ _ _ ], howre you [ya]? how ya [you] been? 7. Foreigner 8. Is this your first time in Vietnam? 9. How long have you been in Vietnam? 10. Where are you from? 11. Where have you been in Vietnam so far? 12. How long will you stay in Vietnam [Thai Nguyen]? Resident 13. Where are you from? 14. What school are you attending? 15. going to? 16. Where are you studying? 17. What is your major? 18. What is your work here? 19. Where do you work here? 8. Vocabulary & phrases Hello Hey there Hi Whats up Hey man! Good morning afternoon evening weather whether How do you do? great good live (as in I live in ) live (in person) kilometer 9. Vocabulary province town village north south east west from kilometers about give thunderstorms (rain) showers sunny cloudy blazing (hot) 10. Responses to How are you? or How ya doin ? fine great never better good wonderful not-so-good Ive had better days Ive had worse days OK or okay super well swell it is well/ its well/ swell 11. Now, lets go deeper 12. Now what? After breaking the ice we need to talk about something! 13. Formal Speaker #1 Good afternoon, [Mr. Tan]; how are you today? Oh, thank you. Im good too; Im on my way to _________. What are you up to? Speaker #2 Hello, [Ms. Nga]; Im doing well, thanks. And, how about you? Good! I am heading (going to) _________. 14. Informal Speaker #1 Hey, Tan! Hows things? Oh, Im just walking around, doing nothing much, really. Speaker #2 Whats up, Nga? Things are great! Where ya headed? Nice! So, a day off? Have a good one! 15. Informal Speaker #1 Hey there, Ngc; whats going on? I just got back from a few days in Sapa; I took a night train with some friends. Speaker #2 Hi, Jeff; its good to see you. Where have you been? Sapa? NICE. Ive never been there. A good trip? 16. Formal Speaker #1 Hello, my name is Mr. Tom, I am a teacher here. I teach micro- biology; whats your name? Speaker #2 Nice to meet you Mr. Tom; what do you teach? Oh, sorry. I am Mike. I work in administration. Micro-biology? Interesting. 17. Possible choices (topics) Formal tone= (mainly) not coarse/street) Weather: the weather is great/[very] good [pretty] bad/[pretty]/[just]lousy/ [just]/ [pretty] terrible The weather is rainy/cold/chilly/hot/ too warm/[very] nice/perfect/rotten 18. Informal (less formal) Weather: Its my kinda [kind of] day; nice [outside]! - Great weather, huh?! N-i-c-e day! - Lousy weather, eh? Humid like crazy! - Rain, rain go away! 19. Life in general Formal Whats going on in your life, lately [these days/today]? Anything new happening with you? How is _______ going? school/life/work/the project it 20. Compare two versions How is _______ going? Hows it/school/life/work/the project How are ________ going? things/studies/you and ____ Where are you going? Where ya goin/headed? 21. Less formal Whats goin on lately [these days/today]? Whats new? [up/happening/shakin] Anything new goin on? 22. Family Hows your family doing [these days]? How is wife/husband today How are your children nowadays Howre kids parents folks 23. Click here for video #2

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