

“The Spirit of Legacy is Service”

‘PHONE: (03) 6234 6581 (03) 6234 9245 FAX: (03) 6231 2346 EMAIL: [email protected] WEB:

Bulletin Editor - Legatee Kathryn Edwards

HOBART LEGACY LINKS A Bulletin for Legacy Widows

November 2014

Mrs Gwen Chamberlain (President – Sorell LWC), L/Peter Hodge (Legacy President), Mrs Lola Phillips (SVP – Sorell LWC) and Mrs Chris Watson

(President – Northern Suburbs LWC); photographed at the recent handover of MAJGEN Sir John Gellibrand’s

medals at the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery. For more please read our story on page 8.

OUR PRAYER Let us be genuine with one another

And see in each the best that we can find. So many lives depend on us for brightness, Lord, keep us brave and help us to be kind.


Hello everyone.

Well spring is here in all its splendor and it has been very warm so far which has been lovely.

We have had a reasonable turn out at our meetings which has been great as its always enjoyable to spend time with each other.

We welcomed our Mentor Julie Paul back from her travels. It was nice to have her back with us again and our thanks go to Ken Butler who filled in as our mentor whilst she was away.

The club has had some nice outings thanks to our Travel Officer.

We look forward to seeing you all at the Christmas luncheon in November and as this is our last newsletter 2014, we wish you all the best for the festive season. We also hope all of you who are feeling poorly a speedy recovery.

Christine Watson - President

News from the Northern Suburbs (Meets 2nd Wednesday of the month, 1pm at the Glenorchy RSL)

Mentor - Legatee Julie Paul

DEADLINE for inclusion in the next Bulletin is

15 FEBRUARY 2015

Could the President, Secretary or an Office Bearer have their report in by this

date please.

Hello everyone and greetings from Sorell. I cant believe that we are almost at the end of yet another year! Don’t they pass by so quickly? As usual our Club has had some great outings thanks to Lola, our Travel Officer. In August Lola and I were privileged to attend the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery to witness the handing over of Major General Gellibrand's medals. These are to be on display in the museum to commemorate World War One. Badge Week was once again well supported. I offer my thanks to all who gave of their time to sell them. It was an enjoyable activity. It will soon be time to all join each other at the Christmas Luncheon but until then, enjoy the spring weather and keep well. Gwen Chamberlain - President

News from Sorell (Meets 2nd Wednesday of the month, 11am at Sorell RSL)

Mentor - Legatee Bob Wilkinson

Christmas Gift Wrapping 2014

At this time, it is expected that Hobart Legacy will once again be involved in Christmas Gift Wrapping at the Northgate Shopping Centre (Glenorchy) over six days in the two weeks leading up to Christmas Eve.

Final dates for the gift wrapping are yet to be confirmed but will be soon. In the meantime though, could any interested volunteers please contact the Hobart Legacy office on 6234-6581 to register your name and a contact number and we will get back to you with the dates when they become available.



A very big thank you to all our Friends, volunteers, supporters and donors for once again making this year’s Badge Week a memorable one. With fewer people offering our wares in exchange for donations this year, we were still able to emulate the successes of our immediate past years. Thank you everyone.

This year, we were very fortunate to have had gloriously fine weather for most of the time on each of our collecting days. Whoever was responsible, please keep Legacy in mind next year.

I cannot mention all our Widows in this brief report but I will take the liberty to mention Iris Rigby, Joan Hutchins and Marie Tame who collected at Huonville. They called for more stock after just one day. When I met them outside Woolworths, I was quite taken by the energy, enthusiasm and happiness they brought to representing Legacy. L/ Graham Knight has passed the Huon to safe hands. I believe the total raised by everyone in the Huon will be a record. Just meeting these widows made me proud to be a member of Legacy. Area Coordinators remain key to the success of Badge Week. Without their particular knowledge, energy and support, Badge Week simply would not be successful.

As Badge Week activities come to an end for this year, I am encouraged that new Legatees are putting up their hands to participate. No job involved is onerous, indeed, quite the opposite. I look forward to welcoming new Legatees to our Badge Week Committee.

L/Rob Grey Badge Week Chairman

Delicious Legacy Puddings are available again this year from Legacy House in Macquarie Street and also many butchers, banks and pharmacies.

Price for Legacy Widows is $9.00 (Retail $12) for the large puddings or packs of four minis for $5.50 (Retail $7) per pack. Please note that this special price is only available at Legacy House, 159 Macquarie Street, Hobart. Please call the office if you have any questions or would like to know your nearest stockiest - 6234 6581.

Legacy Christmas PuddingsLegacy Christmas PuddingsLegacy Christmas Puddings


We are still welcoming new members making our Club a large Legacy Widows Club in southern Tasmania. Members went on a trip to New Norfolk – the ladies going different ways to eat at the Chinese restaurant and the hotel opposite. We then explored New Norfolk.

Fay Bevis accompanied me to the Kingborough Annual Meeting at Kingston RSL and Pat Greatbatch and I attended the Glenorchy Annual Meeting at the Glenorchy RSL.

Joy, our Travel Officer arranged our Ausmas luncheon at Colebrook – another great luncheon and outing.

We had an interesting visit and talk from Zoe Polacik, from Guide Dogs Tasmania. She was accompanied by guide dog Dexter and members were very generous with their donations.

The Mystery Trip lived up to its name, especially when Trudy drove past the Lufra and turned into Eagle Hawk Neck. We arrived back at the Lufra and had a very enjoyable lunch with a fantastic view.

We were unable to have our monthly meeting at the Clarence Library due to another booking, but with Bev Willet’s and Joy Watchorn’s organising prowess, members were transported to the casino for morning tea/luncheon. A very pleasant outing – thank you Bev and Joy. We are a very fortunate club with the wonderful organisation of the great trips around Tasmania.

Dot Rose - President

News from Clarence Legacy Widows’ Club  (Meets 2nd Tuesday of the month, 10.30am at Rosny Library) 

Mentor ‐ Legatee Peter Bruce 

Image rich, the exhibition explores the human response to the demands of war, physically, emotionally and psychologically. It takes in the wider societal response and the flow-on in the years after.

A key experience within the exhibition is an immersive soundscape; depriving the visitor of traditional sensory cues and demanding auditory attention and response.

For the individual visitor, this exhibition provides an insight into the war experiences of Tasmanian soldiers, nurses, airmen and navy personnel, acknowledging their fears, courage and stoicism.

It features a searchable comprehensive database of names linked to a Memorial Wall, which will be populated with poppies placed by visitors over the three-year life of the exhibition.

The Great War 1914-18: Sacrifice and Shadows acknowledges the universality of war and suffering.

MUSEUM EXHIBITION WHERE - Queen Victoria Museum & Art Gallery. Inveresk (Launceston) WHEN - 28 August 2014 - 13 August 2017 ADMISSION - Free



Like many in my age group, as a child I learned to knit. When World War Two began in 1939 we all knitted khaki socks and balaclavas for the Comforts Fund which was an Australian wide Institution providing necessities and extras for our fighting forces. We often put in a little note including our name and address, in with the gifts and some were acknowledged. I remember corresponding with a South Australian soldier as a pen friend for several years afterwards. In our hallway at home one wall contained a row of coat hooks and there we hung and worked on making camouflage nets for the Army. Weekly dances and Euchre Tournaments were held with proceeds going to the Australian Comforts Fund.

Thanks to the Public Trustee who have contributed to the costs of production of this Bulletin


VALE TO OUR PATRON Legatees, staff and widows join in expressing their sympathy and condolences to the family of His Excellency, The Honourable Peter G Underwood AC, Governor of Tasmania and Patron of Hobart Legacy. The Lieutenant Governor, Chief Justice Alan Blow said that Mr Underwood died in his prime with so much more to give. Former Governor of Tasmania and past patron of Legacy, the Honourable Mr William Cox said that he admired the energy, expertise and open mindedness of Peter Underwood.

Mr Underwood served for 23 years on the bench of the Supreme Court of Tasmania, which included more than three years as a Chief Justice. He held the position of Tasmania’s 27th Governor for more than six years. In delivering the eulogy, Frances Underwood described her late husband as a natural communicator, a man full of warmth, knowledge and good humour. She said that his energy was infectious, and he always inspired people to be the best that they could be. She told the 1000 people attending the state funeral that her husband was loving, compassionate, and a beautiful man in every sense of the word. He will be sadly missed. Thanks to Launceston Legacy.

We are still meeting monthly alternately at the RSL rooms and at Corumbene Nursing Home. This is because there are several ex-members at the Home and it gives them an opportunity to attend without the stress of transport worries. This is to be reviewed at the AGM. Fortnightly after each meeting, those who can meet at a hotel for lunch together. It is always enjoyed. Some of us were out and about to sell badges with the help of Legatees, the CWA members and local schoolchildren. It was a most successful day. We were interested to know that the Gellibrand Medals were being donated to the Museum (We were represented at the ceremony). There is a local couple now owning his property at Ouse. It seems ridiculous, but it is time to extend to all other Branches, Legatees and office staff, our greetings for Christmas and the New Year. May it be a healthy, happy and prosperous time for all.

NEWS FROM T NEW NORFOLK (Meets on the 1st Friday of each month, 1.30pm alternate weeks at the New Norfolk RSL & Corumbene Nursing Home)

Mentor - Legatee Allen Duggan

Pictured at the launch of Legacy Badge Week are Mrs Betty Beament (New Norfolk), Mrs Dorothy Rose (Clarence) and Mrs Kathy Sargeant (New Norfolk) .

THE DIGGER This is his day. With ageing body firmly held erect. Medals and ribbons in their brave array, Among the reverent throng he takes his place. Pain and the passing years Their lines have deeply etched upon his face. With 'halting, slow, yet ever steadfast tread he joins in honouring the hallowed dead. A soft mist falls. In the grey dawn the bugles, thin and clear echo through time the oft-accustomed calls. Now thoughts of other faces, other dawns crowd fast upon him.

For a little while he walks transfigured up the sloping lawns. The present fades and vibrant youth returns As Memory's potent fire within him burns. The hour is over but not the glory. By one perfect act of selfless courage on a far-off shore He has been linked forever with a name Inscribed on stone and in the hearts of men. His person is obscure, unknown to Fame, but he has purchased immortality. He is an ANZAC.

-Peg Morgan. Thanks to Mrs Isobel Smith for sharing this with us.



This is my first report to you as President. You are our first priority. With this in mind the Senior Vice-President L/Peter Woolford (pictured below) is leading a survey of widows. He is visiting all the Widows Clubs to get a better understanding of your needs. Don’t be surprised if the ladies in the office or the Duty Legatee ask you a few questions. It’s all part of building a picture of your priorities and how they are changing. Early next year we will conduct a more formal survey. We need to know that what we are doing is what you need rather than what we think you need. Never hesitate to contact us if there is something else we can do.

A lovely ceremony was conducted at the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery to present MAJGEN Sir John Gellibrand’s original medals. Sir Guy Green, as Chairman of TMAG Trustees, accepted the original medals on behalf of the museum. He spoke eloquently about Sir John and his role forming Legacy. Their exhibition now means the public not only can see his medals they can also learn the Legacy story. Hopefully many more will come to know about our families and the price they have paid because of war.

This year’s fund raising has started with a bang under the guidance of the Junior Vice-President L/Peter Bysouth (pictured right). Badge Week has been exceptional. Our result is the best ever at $73, 000. As I moved around the various centres, it was wonderful to see so many widows helping with badge sales and to meet many more. I found it very humbling to hear that Legacy has done so much good. May we be able to live up to the standard set by our forebears. Our next big fund raising will be Christmas gift wrapping at Northgate. If you have a hour or two to help we would love to hear from you. Your presence not only boosts our effort, it also gives members of the public an opportunity to meet you, the special women who are Legacy widows.

A reminder! This year’s Widows Christmas Party will be in the Hellenic Hall on Sunday, 23rd November, starting at noon and finishing around 3pm. There is plenty of parking. The Christmas Party is always a great occasion. The ladies in the office are already underway with preparations. Please call them if you can join us. Perhaps organise a group? Help us make this year’s Christmas Party one of the best. There is more information on page 11 of this bulletin.

Yours in Legacy Peter

Legatee Peter Hodge

L/Peter Woolford

L/Peter Bysouth

Our Office Manager Kaye (Rudolf) at last years Christmas



Many thanks to the ladies who continue to send material in for Legacy Links. Please keep it coming, especially YOUR stories, there will always be an interest in the items that you send so if you have a favourite recipe, a photo, a poem or some humour you would like to share, then we would love to consider it for one of the next editions.

Other contributions to the Widows’ Bulletin are always


GELLIBRAND MEDAL PRESENTATION TO TMAG Parliamentary Secretary to the Premier of Tasmania Guy Barnett, Chair of Trustees Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery Sir Guy Green, COMD 2nd Division MAJGEN Steve Smith, (who alongside MAJGEN Sir John Gellibrand is the only other Tasmanian to reach the rank of MAJGEN), we acknowledge Deidre Flint, Mayor of Central Highlands which includes Ouse, where MAJGEN Sir John Gellibrand was born. We acknowledge especially John and Miriam Gellibrand, the grand children of Sir John who are with us in spirit today, the Presidents of our Widows’ Clubs, other distinguished guests, Steven de Haan, Deputy Director Collections & Research and staff of TMAG, and Hobart Legatees.

As we mark the centenary of the declaration of ‘The Great War’, Hobart Legacy remembers how those events of a century ago affected our nation and continue to impact on our future.

In Hobart that impact led MAJGEN Sir John Gellibrand and like-minded men to form the Remembrance Club which later became the Legacy Club.

There is a tendency to see the impact of war as all bad but Legacy stands as a shining example of the good that can come from adversity. The badge of Legacy includes a laurel wreath symbolising remembrance. Remembrance of whom? Our departed comrades - men and women we knew and honoured. Each week we walk with them in the corridors of our memories. We recall that they left us with something far bigger and far better than any of us. They left us with an ideal of personal service. They left us with their most treasured possessions – their wives and their children.

As hostilities continue across the globe we remember all victims of conflict but particularly we remember those who bear the cost of war, the families of our veterans. It is appropriate that in Hobart, we remember MAJGEN Sir John Gellibrand and mark his contribution to Australian society in war and in peace. Legacy, by gifting his original medals to the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery, ensures the public can see them and learn the story of Hobart Legacy. More importantly, visitors can come to understand the impact on the families who bore the cost of war. We are indebted to TMAG for its conservation of MAJGEN Sir John Gellibrand’s medals and their professionalism in telling the Legacy story.

Legacy is part of what makes Tasmania special. MAJGEN Sir John Gellibrand’s medals, given by four grateful nations, remind us, not only of a distinguished son of Tasmania, but more importantly of the legacy of service he left to us.

LEST WE FORGET Legatee Peter Hodge


Hobart Legacy will again this year have Christmas Cards available at the Combined Charities Christmas Card Shop at St David’s Cathedral.

From Monday 20th October, the shop will be open from 10am to 4pm weekdays and 10am to 2pm Saturdays (from November 15th). Cards can be purchased individually at St David’s. The Hobart Legacy office will also sell packs of ten cards starting at $8 per pack.


The Kingborough Legacy Widows Club visited the Female Factory on the 8th of September where we were greeted by a delightful guide who gave an amazing talk. The lady was able, through her words, to bring to life the conditions of that era and the people who lived them. The visit was greatly enjoyed. Lunch followed at the Cascade Hotel.

At our next meeting we are looking forward to diabetes educator, Maggie Lasdauskas speak. Maggie is a charming person and the talk should be interesting.

We wish all ladies a happy Christmas and look forward to catching up with many of you at the Christmas Function at Hellenic House in November.

Mrs Aline Paley - President

News from Kingborough (Meets 2nd Monday of the month, 10am at the Kingston Beach RSL)

Mentor - Legatee Peter Martin

FEMALE RELATIVES BADGE Female Relatives Badges were issued to the wife and/or mother (or nearest female relative) of those on active service overseas during the First and Second World Wars.

There were two badges issued during the First World War. One was issued to the nearest female relative of soldiers, airmen, nurses and masseuses who left Australia for active service abroad; the other to the nearest female relative of members of the Royal Australian Navy (RAN) who had enlisted for general naval sea service for at least a period of the war, and who actually performed service outside Australian waters. A bar was suspended below the badge to indicate additional relatives involved in the war effort. The Female Relatives Badge was promulgated under Military Order 280 of 1917 and superseded by Military Order 1818 of 1918. In the Second World War there was only one badge issued to the nearest female relative of members of the RAN, the Australian Imperial Force (including members of the Australian Army Nursing Service), and the Royal Australian Air Force on active service abroad. Stars displayed on a bar suspended below the badge represented the number of relatives involved in the war effort. Authority for the issue of the badge in the Second World War was issued under AIF Order 200 dated 14 February 1941.

Left - Department of Defence Female Relatives’ Badge, First World War. The badge reads "“Issued by the Department of Defence. To women of Australia. For duty done".

AWM REL/11143

Left - RAN Female Relatives Badge, First World War. The badge reads "Royal Australian Navy. To women of Australia. For duty done".

AWM REL/18508

Second World War Female

Relatives Badge. The badge reads "To the women of

Australia" AWM REL30287 Do you have one of these badges in your possession? We would

love to hear from you and record your story - Kathryn (editor)




Name ………………………………………………………………………………………….. Address ………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………….. Telephone (Home) …………………………………………………………………………………………..



INGREDIENTS - 125g butter, 125g sugar, 1 egg, 2 tablespoons cocoa, few drops vanilla, 1/4 cup chopped walnuts, 1/4 cup sultanas,250g sweet biscuits (crushed not crumbs)

METHOD - Melt butter & sugar in a saucepan over low heat, remove from heat then add the beaten egg, making sure the mixture is not too hot or it will curdle, add cocoa. Return to heat, bringing slowly almost to boiling point. Add vanilla, nuts, sultanas & crumbed biscuits. Press into a paper lined slice tin. When cool spread with a thin layer of melted dark chocolate or ice with chocolate icing.

EASY QUICHE Ingredients - 3 eggs, 3 rashers of bacon (or left over Christmas ham or turkey), 1 small onion, 1 1/2 cups of milk, 1/2 cup SR flour, 1 cup grated tasty cheese,1 medium carrot (grated), 1/3 cup canned corn, 1 cup of broccoli flowerets or any vegetable available ie grated zucchini, peas, spinach, cubed sweet potato, peas etc. Mix milk & eggs together, then add all other ingredients & pour into a quiche dish. Slice tomatoes on top if desired, add salt & pepper & bake 160 degrees for about 25-30 minutes. Serve hot or cold with salad.


375g only just melted butter, 155g pure icing sugar,

500 g plain flour

Mix butter & sugar well, add sifted flour. Roll into logs, refrigerate if needed, cut in rounds & place on over trays. Cook in fairly slow over 150 degrees for about 15 minutes.

Makes about 50.


Dear Ladies

We extend an invitation to you to attend the annual Legacy Widows’ Function which is hosted by Legacy, and this year will take the form of a two course luncheon (main course and dessert). This will be held at the Hellenic Hall, North Hobart, on Sunday 23 November 2014. The meal will be served at 12.30pm, however, buses will begin to arrive about 11am with entertainment commencing about 11.30am. The entertainment this year will be provided by the group Act Your Age. Please note that the venue is wheelchair accessible.

Buses will be provided by Legacy and will leave from:

Huonville - Leaving the Woolworths Supermarket car park at 10 am, via Kingston Central, Hobart Legacy (159 Macquarie St), Hobart Bus Mall Stop H at 10.45am. All stops preceding up Elizabeth Street to Hellenic Hall, Federal St, North Hobart.

Eastern Shore - Leaving the Shoreline Hotel car park at 10 am, via Clarence St to the Rosny Bus Mall , then Lindisfarne, Geilston Bay, Risdon Vale, across Bowen Bridge and down the Brooker Hwy.

Northern Suburbs - Leaving Austins Ferry at 10 am then travelling on the Main Road through Claremont, Berriedale, Rosetta, Glenorchy, Moonah, New Town to Hellenic Hall.

Anyone living in other areas (including south of Huonville, New Norfolk and Sorell) please advise the office before 30th October of your requirements.

All buses will leave Hellenic Hall at around 3pm for the return trip.

Please RSVP by either calling the Legacy Office on 6234-6581 or by returning the tear off section below to 159 Macquarie St, Hobart by 14th November. If you have any questions at all please contact the office.


NAME (PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY) ...…………………………………………………………………………………

SUBURB …………………………………………………….. PHONE NUMBER ……………………………………...


TRAVELLING PRIVATELY WITH …………………………………………………………………………………...





If undelivered please return to:



DATES TO REMEMBER Remembrance Day - 11th November

Hobart Legacy Widows Christmas Function - 23rd November 2014

Hobart Legacy Office will close at lunchtime on Wednesday 24th December 2014 and reopen at 9am on Monday 5th January 2015.


159 Macquarie Street, Hobart, 7000

Phone - 6234 6581

Email - [email protected]

Staff - Kaye Bailey & Renée Patterson

The office is open weekdays

9am – 4pm

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