Page 1: HIITBURN - Amazon S3...took, and how long your workouts take. • Drink lots of water. Be sure to keep yourself hydrated as these workouts will take a lot out of you. • Get good
Page 2: HIITBURN - Amazon S3...took, and how long your workouts take. • Drink lots of water. Be sure to keep yourself hydrated as these workouts will take a lot out of you. • Get good

Copyright DISCLAIMER: The information provided in this guide is for educational purposes only. I am not a doctor and this is not meant to be taken as medical advice. The information provided in this guide is based upon my own experiences as well as my own interpretations of the current research that is available. The advice and tips given in this guide are meant for healthy adults only. You should consult your physician to insure advice and tips given in this guide are appropriate for your individual circumstances. If you have any health issues or pre-existing conditions, please consult your physician before implementing any of the information provided below. This product is for informational purposes only and the author does not accept any responsibility for any liabilities or damages, real or perceived, resulting from the use of this information. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language, in any form, without the written permission and signature of the author.

Page 3: HIITBURN - Amazon S3...took, and how long your workouts take. • Drink lots of water. Be sure to keep yourself hydrated as these workouts will take a lot out of you. • Get good

Introduction From Dennis...

Hey and welcome to HIITBURN Workouts!

12 brand new workouts that include just a dumbbells or kettlebell and your own bodyweight.

I've been testing these for a few months now and I have to say... They are awesome :)

Anyway, if you have any questions on them, just let me know!

To your fat burning success,

Dennis Heenan, MCTTMaster Certified Turbulence Trainer

P.S. Don't forget my other sites... Blog posts, videos, motivation, free gifts, free content, and more. - #1 Ab training System designed for immense fat burning in as little as 4-minutes. Oh, and you don't need equipment! - The best progressive system on the market taking you from bodyweight to weighted exercises in under 12-weeks. – 6-week sprint and bodyweight combo plan designed to blast fatutilizing the most underrated and under used exercise on the planet: Sprints! – Discover how to lose 22 pounds of fat in the next 30 days without counting calories while still enjoying the foods you love.

Join us on Facebook at

Page 4: HIITBURN - Amazon S3...took, and how long your workouts take. • Drink lots of water. Be sure to keep yourself hydrated as these workouts will take a lot out of you. • Get good

Tips Before Starting


1. If you are unsure of how to do an exercise, be sure to get instruction from a certified trainer.

2. If something hurts or feels off, don’t do that exercise. There are plenty of alternates that you can add in.

Please feel free to email dennis (at) hiitburn (dot) com for ideas or see the Exercise Library manual for alternative exercises.

3. Because this is a new program, be sure to start slow to avoid injury. Pushing too hard after not working out for a while will only lead to injury or being overly sore.

4. If you find you need more rest in between exercises, take it. Over the course of the program, you should work on shortening your rest periods.

5. This program is demanding so if going three days per week is too much, start by going 2 days a week with your others days being “active rest” days (walking, hiking, etc.).

6. Always warm up properly. Be sure you are fully warmed up before starting your workouts.

7. Use a foam roll and stretch consistently. This will greatly help with eliminating soreness throughout the program.

8. Get good rest. You must allow your body to recover from your workouts so be sure youare getting good sleep.

9. Drink lots of water. This will keep you hydrated and allow you to lose fat more easily.

10. Have a cool down period at the end of each workout that includes stretching and foamrolling.

Page 5: HIITBURN - Amazon S3...took, and how long your workouts take. • Drink lots of water. Be sure to keep yourself hydrated as these workouts will take a lot out of you. • Get good

Things To Remember...

Below are some guidelines that you should read through before jumping into the program. The reason I have put these together is to help maximize results.

• Always start with a warm up.

Your warm up should consist of some dynamic stretching, foam roll, and warm up sets. For example, start by doing some bodyweight squats, lunges, and push-ups before starting. Always be sure your body is fully ready to go before starting.

• Ease into the program.

As was stated, this is a challenging program so be sure to ease into it.

• Always have perfect form.

It is much better to have perfect form doing less repetitions than have bad form performing lots of repetitions. Form is very important, so keep focused on it throughout the workouts.

• Finish with a cool down period.

Once you have finished your workout, always perform a cool down with some stretching and foam roll. This will help eliminated soreness and get you better prepared for the next day.

• Track your progress.

This is very important as you go throughout the program. Be sure you are tracking everything that you do. This includes the weight you used, the amount of rest you took, and how long your workouts take.

• Drink lots of water.

Be sure to keep yourself hydrated as these workouts will take a lot out of you.

• Get good rest.

Sleep and recovery time is going to be huge on this program. Try to sleep at least 7-8 hours per night to allow your body to recover and grow.

Your biggest goal on this program should be to IMPROVE. If you are improving each workout, your results will

continue to get better and better.

Page 6: HIITBURN - Amazon S3...took, and how long your workouts take. • Drink lots of water. Be sure to keep yourself hydrated as these workouts will take a lot out of you. • Get good

A Note On Exercise Substitutions...

It's important to note that each exercise on the HIIT BURN system has a substitute that you cando instead.

Whether you are looking for an exercise that is harder or easier, I have you covered. Don't be afraid to make exercise substitutions to make the workout your own. Put something in that fits your fitness level.

Here's some exercise substitution examples:

Squat Jump Substitutions • Easier: substitute for Squat to Toes, Total Body Extensions, Bodyweight Squats

• Harder: substitute for Star Jumps, Tuck Jumps, Electric Hops

Lunges Substitutions • Easier: substitute for Split Squats or Bodyweight Squats

• Harder: substitute for Bulgarian Split Squats, Jump Lunges, Bulgarian Split Squat


Burpee Substitutions • Easier: substitute for Squat to Toes, Mountain Climbers

• Harder: substitute for Burpee Star Jumps, Burpee Broad Jumps

Pushup Substitutions • Easier: substitute for Knee Pushups or Incline Pushups

• Harder: substitute for Spiderman Pushups, Decline Pushups, Clapping Pushups

Pull-Ups or Chin-Up Substitutions • Easier: substitute for Inverted Row, Bodyweight Row

• Harder: substitute for Weighted Pull-Ups or Weighted Chin-Ups

Sprints in Place Substitutions • Easier: substitute for Quick Feet in Place, Mountain Climbers, Squat to Toes

• Harder: substitute Full Speed Outdoor Sprints (REAL Sprints!)

As you can see, it is very easy to make each one of these workouts harder or easier if needed. Just know that each workout found below is challenging and will push your limits IF you pushyourself!

Page 7: HIITBURN - Amazon S3...took, and how long your workouts take. • Drink lots of water. Be sure to keep yourself hydrated as these workouts will take a lot out of you. • Get good

Making The HIIT BURN Workouts Harder or Easier...

Aside from exercise substitutions, there are a few more ways that you can make these workouts harder OR easier. Let's take a look how:

Change Up The Rest and Work Periods

Most of the workouts outlined for you below give you a general guideline on how much rest you should take. You will find some that say “rest as long as needed” and this simply means take enough rest so that you can go hard on your next circuit.

For the workouts that have rest periods in place, you can make the workout harder or easier simply by lengthening or shortening the rest period.

For example, if a workout calls for 30-seconds of rest in between circuits, you can make the workout easier by taking 60-seconds of rest. You can make it harder by only taking 15-seconds. Pretty easy...

Now when it comes to WORK periods, the same thing holds true. Work periods are how muchtime you will spend doing an exercise for. For example, if it says to do 30 seconds of pushups, that would be considered 30-seconds of work.

So to make that easier, you would simply do 15 seconds of pushups and to make it harder you could do 45 seconds of pushups. Simple as that...

Our next variable that comes into play when making a workout harder or easier is YOU!

Many of the workouts challenge you to push your limits and depending on how much you push yourself will determine how hard or easy the workout is.

For example, if a workout says to do as many pushups as possible in 4-minutes and you only push yourself 50%... Your workout is not going to be very good. If, however, you give it your all out effort... Your results will soar and your workout is going to be amazing.

Push yourself. That's all I can ask :) And when you do that, you will get incredible results!

Page 8: HIITBURN - Amazon S3...took, and how long your workouts take. • Drink lots of water. Be sure to keep yourself hydrated as these workouts will take a lot out of you. • Get good

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Page 9: HIITBURN - Amazon S3...took, and how long your workouts take. • Drink lots of water. Be sure to keep yourself hydrated as these workouts will take a lot out of you. • Get good

HIIT BURN�⇥⇤⌅⇥⇧⌃⌥�✏

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Page 10: HIITBURN - Amazon S3...took, and how long your workouts take. • Drink lots of water. Be sure to keep yourself hydrated as these workouts will take a lot out of you. • Get good

HIIT BURN�⇥⇤⌅⇥⇧⌃⌥�⇣

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Page 11: HIITBURN - Amazon S3...took, and how long your workouts take. • Drink lots of water. Be sure to keep yourself hydrated as these workouts will take a lot out of you. • Get good

HIIT BURN�⇥⇤⌅⇥⇧⌃⌥�⌘

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• "1⇥⌅�⇤��⇥�!⌅)⌅⌦↵⌅�⇥,!⌅���#⌅/⇣⌅⇥�1�⌅!⇡-⇥0• �⇡�⌅✓��⇠��!⌅)⌅9⌅�⇥,!⌅���#⌅/�⌅⇥�1�⌅!⇡-⇥0• 4⇠�,⇥⇥!⌅)⌅�⌅�⇥,!⌅���#

-⇥⌃ ⌦⌥�⇥⇤⌅⇥⇧⌃⌥-�,↵)⌥✏⌫)⌘⇠

Page 12: HIITBURN - Amazon S3...took, and how long your workouts take. • Drink lots of water. Be sure to keep yourself hydrated as these workouts will take a lot out of you. • Get good

HIIT BURN�⇥⇤⌅⇥⇧⌃⌥�✓

#↵���⌃$⌥⇡⌃⇤↵��⌃⌧⌥%�⌃↵⇤& ⌦$%&$'⌅(⌅�)*⇡⌃⇠�⇥!

+*,#⇥�⇥⌅�!⌅*�⌃ ⌅�⇠⌃-!⌅�!⌅,!!⇡.#⇥⌅/$%&$'0⌅�⌅��⇥⌅�##◆⇡⌃�⌅⇥⌧⇥�1⇡!⇥!⌅◆⇡��⇡⌃⌅�⌅�)*⇡⌃⇠�⇥⌅�⇡*⇥⌅1�,2⌅


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#↵���⌃$⌥ ↵⌃ !⇥⌦�"⌥%�⌃↵⇤& ⌦$%&$'⌅(⌅�)*⇡⌃⇠�⇥!6⌅�⇥!�⌅⇠,⌅�⌅73⌅!⇥1⌃-!6⌅�⇥,⇥��⌅↵⌧

+*,#⇥�⇥⌅�!⌅*�⌃ ⌅�⇠⌃-!⌅�!⌅,!!⇡.#⇥⌅/$%&$'0⌅�⌅��⇥⌅�##◆⇡⌃�⌅⇥⌧⇥�1⇡!⇥!⌅◆⇡��⇡⌃⌅�⌅�)*⇡⌃⇠�⇥⌅�⇡*⇥⌅1�,2⌅&⇥!�⌅��⌅�!⌅#⌃�⌅�!⌅ ⇠⌅⌃⇥⇥-⌅�⌅�⇥1⇢⇥�⌅/⇠,⌅�⌅73⌅!⇥1⌃-!02⌅&⇥,⇥��⌅��⇥⌅�)*⇡⌃⇠�⇥⌅$%&$'⌅↵⌅�⇡*⇥!6⌅��⌅�⌅���#⌅�⌅���⇥⇥⌅�⇠⌃-!2


• ⌥⇠*..⇥##⌅⇧⇢⇥��⇥�-⌅'�⇥!!⌅(⌅9⌅�⇥,!• ⌥⇠*..⇥##⌅⌫�1⇡⌃�⌅4⇠�,⇥⇥!⌅(⌅9⌅�⇥,!

-⇥⌃ ⌦⌥�⇥⇤⌅⇥⇧⌃⌥-�,↵)⌥✏⌫)⌘⇠

Page 13: HIITBURN - Amazon S3...took, and how long your workouts take. • Drink lots of water. Be sure to keep yourself hydrated as these workouts will take a lot out of you. • Get good

HIIT BURN�⇥⇤⌅⇥⇧⌃⌥�◆

#↵���⌃$⌥⇡⌃⇤↵��⌃⌧⌥%�⌃↵⇤& ⌦$%&$'⌅(⌅�)*⇡⌃⇠�⇥!

+*,#⇥�⇥⌅�!⌅*�⌃ ⌅�⇠⌃-!⌅�!⌅,!!⇡.#⇥⌅/$%&$'0⌅�⌅��⇥⌅�##◆⇡⌃�⌅⇥⌧⇥�1⇡!⇥!⌅◆⇡��⇡⌃⌅�⌅�)*⇡⌃⇠�⇥⌅�⇡*⇥⌅1�,2⌅


• '⇠##)=,!⌅�⌅4- ◆⇥⇡���⌅&◆!⌅(⌅✏⌅�⇥,!• ⇧⇢⇥��⇥�-⌅⌥⇠*..⇥##⌅8⇠⌃�⇥!⌅(⌅⌦3⌅�⇥,!⌅/✏⌅�⇥,!⌅⇥�1�⌅#⇥�0


#↵���⌃$⌥ ↵⌃ !⇥⌦�"⌥%�⌃↵⇤& ⌦$%&$'⌅(⌅�)*⇡⌃⇠�⇥!6⌅�⇥!�⌅⇠,⌅�⌅73⌅!⇥1⌃-!6⌅�⇥,⇥��⌅↵⌧

+*,#⇥�⇥⌅�!⌅*�⌃ ⌅�⇠⌃-!⌅�!⌅,!!⇡.#⇥⌅/$%&$'0⌅�⌅��⇥⌅�##◆⇡⌃�⌅⇥⌧⇥�1⇡!⇥!⌅◆⇡��⇡⌃⌅�⌅�)*⇡⌃⇠�⇥⌅�⇡*⇥⌅1�,2⌅&⇥!�⌅��⌅�!⌅#⌃�⌅�!⌅ ⇠⌅⌃⇥⇥-⌅�⌅�⇥1⇢⇥�⌅/⇠,⌅�⌅73⌅!⇥1⌃-!02⌅&⇥,⇥��⌅��⇥⌅�)*⇡⌃⇠�⇥⌅$%&$'⌅↵⌅�⇡*⇥!6⌅��⌅�⌅���#⌅�⌅���⇥⇥⌅�⇠⌃-!2


• ⌥⇠*..⇥##⌅&⇥⌃⇥��-⇥⌅&◆⌅(⌅9⌅�⇥,!⌅���#• ⌥⇠*..⇥##⌅;⇠*,⌅⇧⇢⇥�!⌅(⌅9⌅�⇥,!⌅⇥�1�⌅!⇡-⇥• '⇠!�⇠,!⌅(⌅9⌅�⇥,!

-⇥⌃ ⌦⌥�⇥⇤⌅⇥⇧⌃⌥-�,↵)⌥✏⌫)⌘⇠

Page 14: HIITBURN - Amazon S3...took, and how long your workouts take. • Drink lots of water. Be sure to keep yourself hydrated as these workouts will take a lot out of you. • Get good

HIIT BURN�⇥⇤⌅⇥⇧⌃⌥�

#↵���⌃$⌥⇡⌃⇤↵��⌃⌧⌥%�⌃↵⇤& ⌦$%&$'⌅(⌅�)*⇡⌃⇠�⇥!

+*,#⇥�⇥⌅�!⌅*�⌃ ⌅�⇠⌃-!⌅�!⌅,!!⇡.#⇥⌅/$%&$'0⌅�⌅��⇥⌅�##◆⇡⌃�⌅⇥⌧⇥�1⇡!⇥!⌅◆⇡��⇡⌃⌅�⌅�)*⇡⌃⇠�⇥⌅�⇡*⇥⌅1�,2⌅


• ⌥⇠*..⇥##⌅+�⇥!�⌅'�⇥!!⌅(⌅⌦3⌅�⇥,!• $#�⇥�⌃��⇡⌃�⌅8⇠⌃�⇥!⌅(⌅⌦3⌅�⇥,!⌅⇥�1�⌅#⇥�


#↵���⌃$⌥ ↵⌃ !⇥⌦�"⌥%�⌃↵⇤& ⌦$%&$'⌅(⌅�)*⇡⌃⇠�⇥!6⌅�⇥!�⌅⇠,⌅�⌅73⌅!⇥1⌃-!6⌅�⇥,⇥��⌅↵⌧

+*,#⇥�⇥⌅�!⌅*�⌃ ⌅�⇠⌃-!⌅�!⌅,!!⇡.#⇥⌅/$%&$'0⌅�⌅��⇥⌅�##◆⇡⌃�⌅⇥⌧⇥�1⇡!⇥!⌅◆⇡��⇡⌃⌅�⌅�)*⇡⌃⇠�⇥⌅�⇡*⇥⌅1�,2⌅&⇥!�⌅��⌅�!⌅#⌃�⌅�!⌅ ⇠⌅⌃⇥⇥-⌅�⌅�⇥1⇢⇥�⌅/⇠,⌅�⌅73⌅!⇥1⌃-!02⌅&⇥,⇥��⌅��⇥⌅�)*⇡⌃⇠�⇥⌅$%&$'⌅↵⌅�⇡*⇥!6⌅��⌅�⌅���#⌅�⌅���⇥⇥⌅�⇠⌃-!2


• +�⇡⌃⌅=,!⌅�⌅=⌃-⇥���⌃-⌅&◆!⌅)⌅✏⌅�⇥,!• ⌥⇥1#⇡⌃⇥⌅'⇠!�⇠,!⌅)⌅⌦3⌅�⇥,!⌅• ⌥⇠.#⇥⌅=⌃-⇥�!⌅�⌅>⇠⇡1⇤⌅4- ◆⇥⇡���⌅�5⇠��!⌅)⌅↵✏⌅�⇥,!

-⇥⌃ ⌦⌥�⇥⇤⌅⇥⇧⌃⌥-�,↵)⌥✏⌫)⌘⇠

Page 15: HIITBURN - Amazon S3...took, and how long your workouts take. • Drink lots of water. Be sure to keep yourself hydrated as these workouts will take a lot out of you. • Get good

HIIT BURN�⇥⇤⌅⇥⇧⌃⌥��

#↵���⌃$⌥⇡⌃⇤↵��⌃⌧⌥%�⌃↵⇤& ⌦$%&$'⌅(⌅⇣)*⇡⌃⇠�⇥!

+*,#⇥�⇥⌅�!⌅*�⌃ ⌅�⇠⌃-!⌅�!⌅,!!⇡.#⇥⌅/$%&$'0⌅�⌅��⇥⌅�##◆⇡⌃�⌅⇥⌧⇥�1⇡!⇥!⌅◆⇡��⇡⌃⌅�⌅⇣)*⇡⌃⇠�⇥⌅�⇡*⇥⌅1�,2⌅


• ⌥⇠*..⇥##⌅⌫�⌃�⌅�5⇠��!⌅(⌅⌦✏⌅�⇥,!• ?�⌃-⌅���⌃-⌅'⇠!�⇠,!⌅�⌅⌥⇥1#⇡⌃⇥⌅'⇠!�⇠,!⌅)⌅✏⌅�⇥,!


#↵���⌃$⌥ ↵⌃ !⇥⌦�"⌥%�⌃↵⇤& ⌦$%&$'⌅(⌅�)*⇡⌃⇠�⇥!6⌅�⇥!�⌅⇠,⌅�⌅↵)*⇡⌃⇠�⇥!6⌅�⇥,⇥��⌅↵⌧

+*,#⇥�⇥⌅�!⌅*�⌃ ⌅�⇠⌃-!⌅�!⌅,!!⇡.#⇥⌅/$%&$'0⌅�⌅��⇥⌅�##◆⇡⌃�⌅⇥⌧⇥�1⇡!⇥!⌅◆⇡��⇡⌃⌅�⌅�)*⇡⌃⇠�⇥⌅�⇡*⇥⌅1�,2⌅&⇥!�⌅��⌅�!⌅#⌃�⌅�!⌅ ⇠⌅⌃⇥⇥-⌅�⌅�⇥1⇢⇥�⌅/⇠,⌅�⌅↵)*⇡⌃⇠�⇥!02⌅&⇥,⇥��⌅��⇥⌅�)*⇡⌃⇠�⇥⌅$%&$'⌅↵⌅�⇡*⇥!6⌅��⌅�⌅���#⌅�⌅���⇥⇥⌅�⇠⌃-!2

'(↵⇤"��↵�)• �5⇠��⌅✓��⇠!�⇥�!⌅(⌅⌦3⌅�⇥,!• ⌥⇠*..⇥##⌅⇧⇢⇥�⌅4⇠�,⇥⇥!⌅(⌅⌦3⌅�⇥,!

-⇥⌃ ⌦⌥�⇥⇤⌅⇥⇧⌃⌥-�,↵)⌥⇣✓+,��⇧⌃↵�

Page 16: HIITBURN - Amazon S3...took, and how long your workouts take. • Drink lots of water. Be sure to keep yourself hydrated as these workouts will take a lot out of you. • Get good

HIIT BURN�⇥⇤⌅⇥⇧⌃⌥��

#↵���⌃$⌥⇡⌃⇤↵��⌃⌧⌥%�⌃↵⇤& ⌦$%&$'⌅(⌅⇣)*⇡⌃⇠�⇥!

+*,#⇥�⇥⌅�!⌅*�⌃ ⌅�⇠⌃-!⌅�!⌅,!!⇡.#⇥⌅/$%&$'0⌅�⌅��⇥⌅�##◆⇡⌃�⌅⇥⌧⇥�1⇡!⇥!⌅◆⇡��⇡⌃⌅�⌅⇣)*⇡⌃⇠�⇥⌅�⇡*⇥⌅1�,2⌅


• ⌥⇠*..⇥##⌅�5⇠��⌅✓⇠1�)⌅⌘)�⇥,!• ⌥⇠*..⇥##⌅&◆⌅)⌅⌘)�⇥,!• ⇧⇢⇥��⇥�-⌅⌥⇠*..⇥##⌅8⇠⌃�⇥!⌅)⌅⌘)�⇥,!


#↵���⌃$⌥ ↵⌃ !⇥⌦�"⌥%�⌃↵⇤& ⌦$%&$'⌅(⌅�)*⇡⌃⇠�⇥!6⌅�⇥!�⌅⇠,⌅�⌅↵)*⇡⌃⇠�⇥!6⌅�⇥,⇥��⌅↵⌧

+*,#⇥�⇥⌅�!⌅*�⌃ ⌅�⇠⌃-!⌅�!⌅,!!⇡.#⇥⌅/$%&$'0⌅�⌅��⇥⌅�##◆⇡⌃�⌅⇥⌧⇥�1⇡!⇥!⌅◆⇡��⇡⌃⌅�⌅�)*⇡⌃⇠�⇥⌅�⇡*⇥⌅1�,2⌅&⇥!�⌅��⌅�!⌅#⌃�⌅�!⌅ ⇠⌅⌃⇥⇥-⌅�⌅�⇥1⇢⇥�⌅/⇠,⌅�⌅↵)*⇡⌃⇠�⇥!02⌅&⇥,⇥��⌅��⇥⌅�)*⇡⌃⇠�⇥⌅$%&$'⌅↵⌅�⇡*⇥!6⌅��⌅�⌅���#⌅�⌅���⇥⇥⌅�⇠⌃-!2


• '⇠##)=,!⌅(⌅✏⌅�⇥,!• 4⌧⌅;⇠*,!⌅(⌅⌦3⌅�⇥,!• '⇠!�⇠,!⌅(⌅⌦✏⌅�⇥,!

-⇥⌃ ⌦⌥�⇥⇤⌅⇥⇧⌃⌥-�,↵)⌥⇣✓+,��⇧⌃↵�

Page 17: HIITBURN - Amazon S3...took, and how long your workouts take. • Drink lots of water. Be sure to keep yourself hydrated as these workouts will take a lot out of you. • Get good

HIIT BURN�⇥⇤⌅⇥⇧⌃⌥�⌫

#↵���⌃$⌥⇡⌃⇤↵��⌃⌧⌥%�⌃↵⇤& ⌦$%&$'⌅(⌅⇣)*⇡⌃⇠�⇥!

+*,#⇥�⇥⌅�!⌅*�⌃ ⌅�⇠⌃-!⌅�!⌅,!!⇡.#⇥⌅/$%&$'0⌅�⌅��⇥⌅�##◆⇡⌃�⌅⇥⌧⇥�1⇡!⇥!⌅◆⇡��⇡⌃⌅�⌅⇣)*⇡⌃⇠�⇥⌅�⇡*⇥⌅1�,2⌅


• �⇡⌃�#⇥⌅$�*⌅⌥⇠*..⇥##⌅�⌃��1�⌅)⌅9⌅�⇥,!⌅⇥�1�• +�⇡⌃)=,!⌅�⌅=⌃-⇥���⌃-⌅&◆⌅(⌅9⌅�⇥,!⌅


#↵���⌃$⌥ ↵⌃ !⇥⌦�"⌥%�⌃↵⇤& ⌦$%&$'⌅(⌅�)*⇡⌃⇠�⇥!6⌅�⇥!�⌅⇠,⌅�⌅↵)*⇡⌃⇠�⇥!6⌅�⇥,⇥��⌅↵⌧

+*,#⇥�⇥⌅�!⌅*�⌃ ⌅�⇠⌃-!⌅�!⌅,!!⇡.#⇥⌅/$%&$'0⌅�⌅��⇥⌅�##◆⇡⌃�⌅⇥⌧⇥�1⇡!⇥!⌅◆⇡��⇡⌃⌅�⌅�)*⇡⌃⇠�⇥⌅�⇡*⇥⌅1�,2⌅&⇥!�⌅��⌅�!⌅#⌃�⌅�!⌅ ⇠⌅⌃⇥⇥-⌅�⌅�⇥1⇢⇥�⌅/⇠,⌅�⌅↵)*⇡⌃⇠�⇥!02⌅&⇥,⇥��⌅��⇥⌅�)*⇡⌃⇠�⇥⌅$%&$'⌅↵⌅�⇡*⇥!6⌅��⌅�⌅���#⌅�⌅���⇥⇥⌅�⇠⌃-!2


• 4- ◆⇥⇡���⌅�5⇠��!⌅)⌅↵3⌅�⇥,!• @⇥��#⇥.⇥##⌅�◆⇡⌃�!⌅)⌅⌦✏⌅�⇥,!⌅• 4⇠�,⇥⇥!⌅)⌅⌦3⌅�⇥,!

-⇥⌃ ⌦⌥�⇥⇤⌅⇥⇧⌃⌥-�,↵)⌥⇣✓+,��⇧⌃↵�

Page 18: HIITBURN - Amazon S3...took, and how long your workouts take. • Drink lots of water. Be sure to keep yourself hydrated as these workouts will take a lot out of you. • Get good

HIIT BURN�⇥⇤⌅⇥⇧⌃⌥�✏⇠

#↵���⌃$⌥⇡⌃⇤↵��⌃⌧⌥%�⌃↵⇤& ⌦$%&$'⌅(⌅⇣)*⇡⌃⇠�⇥!

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Page 19: HIITBURN - Amazon S3...took, and how long your workouts take. • Drink lots of water. Be sure to keep yourself hydrated as these workouts will take a lot out of you. • Get good

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Page 20: HIITBURN - Amazon S3...took, and how long your workouts take. • Drink lots of water. Be sure to keep yourself hydrated as these workouts will take a lot out of you. • Get good

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