Page 1: High-temperature masking products

Circle 437 on the reader service card

Electroless Nickel Process Sirius Technology Inc. Oriskany, IV. Y

Millenium ACN-2 is a low-phos- phorus process that yields a deposit with an as-plated hardness nearly 40% higher than standard electroless nickel coatings. Postplate heat treatment to increase hardness may be eliminated. In addition to offering greater resis- tance to abrasion and wear the Mille- nium ACN-2 deposits are compres- sively stressed up to 6 metal turnovers and produce a deposit with a melting range of 2,000 to 2,300”F.

Circle 438 on the reader service card

Paint Stripping Solvent Kleene Inc. Peabody Mass.

D-Zolve 333 makes it possible to re- move cured paints and powder coatings from metal and plastic surfaces. Immers- ing painted parts in D-Zolve breaks the chemical bond between the paint or coat- ing and the metal or plastic substrate. When this bond breaks, the paint layers pull away from the substrate and drop to the bottom of the tank. Strippable paints include epoxy. urethane, alkyd, iridium, and others. The stripper contains no me- thylene chloride, acids. caustics, or chlo- rinated components. The product is com- patible with aluminum, brass, copper. stainless steels. carbon steels, TPO. and other plastics.

Circle 439 on the reader service card

High-Temperature Masking Products StockCap St. Louis

StockCap offers clear silicone mask- ing caps and plugs used in powder coating and electrocoating finishing systems where temperatures reach

Circle 046 on reader information card

600°F. There are no coloring agents to bleed under high heat. The caps and plugs offer good resistance to acids, bases, and solvents without hardening or cracking and are reusable.

Circle 440 on the reader service card

Corrosion-Resistant Tank Tri-Mer Corp. Owosso, Mich.

SuperCap large-capacity process

tanks have 1 -in. solid wall material manufacturled from polypropylene, PVC. Korzan. and several other spe- cialty plastics. The tanks feature structural supports to hold the tank in position and prevent bowing of the sidewalls. Support material is 3 I6 stainless steel or plastic-coated steel. Tank sizes range to 75 feet or more and all are rated for 200°F continu- ous operating temperature.

Circle 441 on the reader service card


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