

Washacre Primary School

September 2018

High Expectations Policy

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” (Aristotle)

At Washacre we believe in establishing a high expectations culture based on the core principles below:

1. In schools with strong cultures, pupils receive a continual message that nothing is as important – or as engaging – as learning;

2. Pupil culture is formed by repeated practice – using every minute of every day to build good habits;

3. Pupil culture makes sure that pupils build the habits of mind and heart that allow their learning to fly;

4. Pupil culture is the foundation that pupils develop virtuous action; 5. When it comes to developing an outstanding pupil culture, it’s the details that

separate contenders from weekend warriors.


To provide all staff with clear systems and key procedures both in-class and out-of-class.

To ensure consistency of high expectation throughout school from staff and pupils.

To ensure consistency of highly effective classroom management across the school.

To instil the core ideas into every-day classroom procedures.

To help pupils become moral leaders, accepting varying degrees of responsibility, with the purpose of promoting independence, self-reliance and trustworthiness.

To increase the productivity of pupils by utilising every minute of the school day.

To track pupil progress and support children in achieving their targets.

To encompass pastoral care for each individual child within a happy working environment.

To consistently and fairly implement reward and sanctions systems.

To promote children’s education and maintain high standards of behaviour.


Behaviour Policy;

Anti-Bullying Policy;

Lunchtime Policy;

Special Needs Policy;

Attendance Policy;

Marking Policy;

Teaching and Learning Policy;

Environment Policy;

Physical intervention Policy;

Home/School Agreement.




Lining up on playground (morning, break-times and lunch-times) 3

Arrival in classroom - EYFS / KS1 - KS2

3 4

Transition to and from assembly 5

In assembly 5

Break time / lunchtime – playground KS1 and KS2 6

Wet break time / lunchtime – KS1 and KS2 8

Class-to-class transitions 9

Lunchtime transition / dining hall - EYFS - KS1 - KS2


10 11

Dismissal after school - EYFS / KS1 - KS2

12 12


Opening procedures 13

In-class transitions 14

SLANT – Classroom Management 14

To develop consistent, schoolwide routines for each of these areas we must consider:

1. What is the leader* doing? 2. What are the teachers** doing? 3. What are the pupils doing? 4. What will happen immediately when a pupil doesn’t comply?

*The use of the terminology leader refers to the person leading the activity and can encompass SLT, MMT, classroom teachers, teaching assistants, SNA’s, SMSA’s and any other adults working in school.

** The use of the terminology teacher encompasses teaching assistants, SNA’s, SMSA’s and any other adults working in school when not clearly stated.



Lining up on playground (morning, break-times and lunch-times)

What is the leader doing?

Leader signals time to line up by blowing the whistle once and then twice.

Leader stands at the entry to school and greets pupils, redirects off-task behaviour, checks for uniform compliance, reinforces smiling faces, heads up, hands by sides and walking silently.

What are the teachers doing?

Teachers greet pupils by walking up and down the line.

Teachers pinpoint pupils who may have had a rough start to the day and handle appropriately (a smile, words of encouragement, walk-in next to them and so on)

Teachers signal to pupils to face the front, one behind the other with hands beside their sides in silence and on the left-hand side.

Teachers target pupils who are non-compliant.

What are the pupils doing?

Pupils freeze on the first whistle in silence. On the second whistle the pupils walk sensibly and line-up appropriately in single-file.

When signalled by classroom teachers, the pupils follow the line walking silently into school on the left hand side of the corridor with hands at their sides, heads up and with smiling faces.

What will happen immediately when a pupil doesn’t comply?

If a pupil is not walking silently or with hands by their sides teachers use a nonverbal redirection or stand in close proximity until the behaviour is rectified.

For continued non-compliance the pupil is removed from the line and reminded by the teacher of the expectations and warned that future behaviour will be monitored.

Continued non-compliance results in 5 minutes practise lining up at the next break-time to be supervised by classroom teacher.

Arrival in classroom EYFS and KS1

What is the leader doing?

Leader stands at the classroom door and greets the children and parents/carers with a smile, redirects off-task behaviour, checks for uniform compliance, reinforces smiling faces, heads up, hands by sides and walking silently.

What are the teachers doing?

Teaching Assistants are stationed in key areas greeting the children and parents/carers with a smile, redirecting off-task behaviour, checking for uniform compliance, reinforcing smiling faces, ensuring belongings are placed in the correct place.

Teaching Assistants are supporting children in pre-teach/booster activities.

Teaching Assistants in EYFS play the sitting down music promptly at 8.55am and direct the children to the carpet area.

What are the pupils doing?

Pupils are walking in quietly and hanging their coats and bags on their pegs.

Pupils are engaging in pre-teach/booster activities.

Pupils sit promptly on the carpet when hearing the sitting down music.

What will happen immediately when a pupil doesn’t comply?


If a pupil is not complying then teachers use a nonverbal redirection or stand in close proximity until the behaviour is rectified.

For continued non-compliance verbal redirections may need to be given.

Continued non-compliance will result in the pupil being asked to sit by teacher where the behaviour can be monitored and redirection easily given.

Arrival in classroom KS2

What is the leader doing?

Leader stand at the classroom door and greets the children with a smile, redirects off-task behaviour, checks for uniform compliance, reinforces smiling faces, heads up, hands by sides and walking silently.

Instructions to seating are given, reminders of equipment needed and direction to the DO IT NOW task.

Further opportunity to pinpoint children who may have had a bad start to the day and handle appropriately (a smile, words of encouragement, walk-in next to them and so on).

What are the teachers doing?

Teaching Assistants are in corridors greeting the children with a smile, redirecting off-task behaviour, checking for uniform compliance, reinforcing smiling faces, heads up, hands by sides and walking silently.

They should be urging children to be in class promptly.

What are the pupils doing?

Pupils are walking in silently and hanging their coats and bags on the pegs. They promptly go to class.

On entering the class children should equip themselves with pencil cases, rulers, whiteboards and pens so they are prepared for the start of the lesson.

They should silently begin the DO IT NOW task set up by the classroom teacher.

What will happen immediately when a pupil doesn’t comply?

If a pupil is not walking silently, with hands by their sides or on the left-hand side of the corridor then teachers use a nonverbal redirection or stand in close proximity until the behaviour is rectified.

For continued non-compliance verbal redirections may need to be given.

Continued non-compliance will result in the pupil missing 5 minutes of their break-time to complete times tables / reading or other appropriate activity they have missed due to their non-compliance.

Transition to and from assembly

What is the leader doing?

To Assembly - Leader signals time for the children to line silently in sensible boy / girl order in the classroom.

Leader stands at the front of the line, redirects off-task behaviour, reinforces smiling faces, heads up, hands by sides and walking silently.

Leader is at the front of the line and Teaching Assistants follow at the end.

From Assembly – Leader leads the children out of the hall redirecting off-task behaviour, reinforcing smiling faces, face the front, heads up, hands by sides and walking silently on the left-hand side of the corridor.

What are the teachers doing?


Teachers lead the line on the left-hand side in silence.

Teachers reinforce expectations of pupils, redirect off task behaviour and remind pupils to face the front, walk one behind the other with hands beside their sides in silence and on the left-hand side of the corridor.

What are the pupils doing?

Pupils are walking silently, in boy / girl order, one behind the other with hands beside their sides in silence and on the left-hand side of the corridor to the classroom.

Lead pupil to hold the hall door for the rest of the class.

What will happen immediately when a pupil doesn’t comply?

If a pupil is not walking silently with hands by their sides teachers use a nonverbal redirection or stand in close proximity until the behaviour is rectified.

For continued non-compliance verbal redirections may need to be given.

Continued non-compliance will result in the pupil being asked to go to the front of the line where the behaviour can be monitored and redirection easily given.

In assembly

What is the leader doing?

Leader stands at the front of the hall and greets pupils, reinforces smiling faces and sitting up straight with legs crossed and arms folded in silence.

Leader leads the children in the school prayer.

Leader signals the end of assembly by dismissing children from the hall class by class in silence.

What are the teachers doing?

Teachers sit silently at the side of hall modelling high expectations of behaviour, participating when necessary with lead, joining in with school prayers, singing and clapping appropriately with children.

What are the pupils doing?

Following SLANT – see below.

Pupils to Sit up straight with legs crossed and arms folded in silence, Listening to lead, Asking / answering questions by putting their hands up, Nod their head to demonstrate good listening, Tracking the speaker.

Pupils to clap in support of their peers.

Pupils to place hands together, bow their head and participate in saying the school prayer unless religious reasons prevent them from doing so.

Pupils to participate when singing.

What will happen immediately when a pupil doesn’t comply?

If a pupil is not conforming to expectations then teachers use a nonverbal redirection or stand in close proximity until the behaviour is rectified.

For continued non-compliance verbal redirections may need to be given.

Continued non-compliance will result in the pupil being asked to sit by teacher where the behaviour can be monitored and redirection easily given.


Break-time / Lunchtime (playground) – KS1 and KS2

What is the leader (Staff on duty) doing?

Leader is on the playground before the children.

Staff on duty are stationed around the playground to ensure a good view of all areas.

Leader signals time to line up by blowing the whistle once and then twice.

When whistle is blown, two members of staff to walk up the lines reinforcing expectations, redirecting off-task behaviour, reinforcing smiling faces, heads up, hands by sides and walking silently on the left.

One member of staff to stand near entrance reinforcing expectations, redirecting off-task behaviour, reinforcing smiling faces, heads up, hands by sides and walking silently on the left-hand side of the corridor.

Leader to collect their class from the playground at the end of break-time / lunch-time.

What are the teachers (Staff not on duty) doing?

Teachers to arrange snack, ensure children are wearing coats and remind children that break-times are appropriate for having a drink and going to the toilet.

Teachers to monitor cloakrooms and toilet areas reinforcing expectations and encouraging children to be on the playground.

What are the pupils doing?

Pupils should calmly retrieve their coats from the pegs and leave school promptly, walking on the left with their hands beside them.

Pupils are playing together following school behaviour policy.

Pupils to use the equipment in an appropriate manner.

Monitors tidy up equipment.

Pupils stay off the grass if it is raining or the weather has been wet.

Pupils freeze on the first whistle in silence. On the second whistle the pupils walk sensibly and line-up appropriately in single-file.

When signalled by classroom teachers, the pupils follow the line walking silently into school on the left with hands at their sides, heads up and with smiling faces.

What will happen immediately when a pupil doesn’t comply?

For non-compliance verbal redirections may need to be given.

Continued non-compliance will result in the pupil being asked to stand on the wall or stand beside the SMSA for 5 minutes.

Further non-compliance will result in sanctions dependent on misbehaviour and at the discretion of the class teacher.

Wet break-time / Lunchtime (playground) – KS1 and KS2

What is the leader (Staff on duty) doing?

Leader signals to pupils that it is wet break-time and arranges for the wet play box (containing board games, playing cards, dominoes, paper, speed tables, crosswords, colouring-in sheets crayons etc*) to be accessible.

Leader is in the classroom supervising the children.

Leader reinforces expectations, redirects off-task behaviour, and checks that all children are playing safely at an appropriate volume (e.g. table voices).

Leader to signal to the class several minutes before the end of break to tidy-up, put rubbish in the bin and prepare their equipment for the next lesson.


Computer use by pupils at break-times is prohibited

What are the teachers (Staff not on duty) doing?

Teachers to arrange snack and remind children that break-times are appropriate for having a drink and going to the toilet.

Teachers to monitor cloakrooms and toilet areas reinforcing expectations and encouraging children to be on the playground.

What are the pupils doing?

Pupils should calmly choose an activity from the wet play box or a book from the library.

Pupils to ask teachers for permission to go to the toilet and drink water.

Pupils are sat at tables taking part in their activity following the school behaviour policy and using the equipment in an appropriate manner.

When signalled by the leader, the pupils tidy their equipment away in a timely manner, put rubbish from snacks in the bin, prepare themselves for the next lesson and sit in places as directed by the leader.

What will happen immediately when a pupil doesn’t comply?

For non-compliance verbal redirections may need to be given.

Continued non-compliance will result in the pupil being asked to sit away from the rest of class for 5 minutes.

Further non-compliance will result in sanctions dependent on misbehaviour and at the discretion of the class teacher.

Class-to-class transitions

What is the leader doing?

Leader signals to the children to line up.

Leader signals to pupils to face the front, one behind the other with hands beside their sides in silence and to walk on the left-hand side of the corridor.

Leader to lead the children from the front of the line.

What are the teachers doing?

Teaching Assistants to walk at the back of the line.

Teaching Assistants to reinforce expectations of walking through school.

What are the pupils doing?

Pupils face the front, one behind the other with hands beside their sides in silence and to walk on the left-hand side.

What will happen immediately when a pupil doesn’t comply?

If a pupil is not walking silently or with hands by their sides teachers use a nonverbal redirection or stand in close proximity until the behaviour is rectified.

For continued non-compliance verbal redirections may need to be given.

Continued non-compliance will result in the pupil will be asked to go to the front of the line where the behaviour can be monitored and redirection easily given.

Lunch-time transition/dining room EYFS

What is the leader doing?

Leader is ensuring that children are lined in sensible positions, silent and one behind the other.


Leader is modelling and ensuring that the children are walking silently.

Leader directs the children to the designated waiting area (window).

Leader to tell the children what is on the menu.

Leader is ensuring the children are using their manners when collecting their lunch.

Leader is modelling appropriate behaviour/expectations until 12.15pm.

What are the teachers doing?

Teaching Assistants are monitoring the children’s hand washing in the bathroom area.

Teaching Assistants are ensuring that children return to their class in a sensible manner.

Teaching Assistants/SMSAs follow at the end of the line ensuring the children are walking sensibly.

Teaching Assistants/SMSAs are interacting with the children whilst they are eating their lunch ensuring appropriate behaviour and table manners.

SMSAs are serving lunches/drinks in a friendly manner.

Teaching Assistants/SMSAs are modelling appropriate behaviour/expectations until 12.15pm.

SMSAs are ensuring the children are walking silently in a line when returning to Early Years to collect their coats.

What are the pupils doing?

Pupils are washing their hands and lining up sensibly.

Pupils are lining up in a quiet, sensible manner.

Pupils are walking silently, one behind the other with hands beside their sides in silence and on the left-hand side to the hall.

Pupils are using their manners and using appropriate table manners.

Pupils are waiting in a quiet, sensible line before leaving the dining room.

What will happen immediately when a pupil doesn’t comply?

If a pupil is not walking silently or with hands by their sides teachers use a nonverbal redirection or stand in close proximity until the behaviour is rectified.

For continued non-compliance verbal redirections may need to be given.

Continued non-compliance will result in the pupil will be asked to go to the front of the line where the behaviour can be monitored and redirection easily given.

Lunch-time transition/dining room KS1

What is the leader doing?

Leader is ensuring that children are lined in sensible positions and silent.

Leader is modelling and ensuring that the children are walking silently.

Leader directs the children to the designated waiting area (window).

Leader to tell the children what is on the menu.

Leader is ensuring the children are using their manners when collecting their lunch.

Leader is modelling appropriate behaviour/expectations until 12.15pm.

What are the teachers doing?

Teaching Assistants are monitoring the children’s hand washing in the bathroom area.


Teaching Assistants are ensuring that children return to their class in a sensible manner.

Teaching Assistants/SMSAs follow at the end of the line ensuring the children are walking sensibly.

Teaching Assistants/SMSAs are interacting with the children whilst they are eating their lunch ensuring appropriate behaviour and table manners.

SMSAs are serving lunches/drinks in a friendly manner.

Teaching Assistants/SMSAs are modelling appropriate behaviour/expectations until 12.15pm.

SMSAs are ensuring the children are walking silently in a line when returning to KS1 to collect their coats.

What are the pupils doing?

Pupils are washing their hands and lining up sensibly.

Pupils are lining up in a quiet, sensible manner.

Pupils are walking silently, one behind the other with hands beside their sides in silence and on the left-hand side of the corridor to the hall.

Pupils are using their manners and using appropriate table manners.

Pupils are waiting in a quiet, sensible line before leaving the dining room.

What will happen immediately when a pupil doesn’t comply?

If a pupil is not walking silently or with hands by their sides teachers use a nonverbal redirection or stand in close proximity until the behaviour is rectified.

For continued non-compliance verbal redirections may need to be given.

Continued non-compliance will result in the pupil will be asked to go to the front of the line where the behaviour can be monitored and redirection easily given.

Lunch-time transition/dining room KS2

What is the leader doing?

Leader signals time to line up by blowing the whistle once and then twice.

Leader is ensuring that children are lined in sensible positions and silent.

Leader is modelling and ensuring that the children are walking silently, with hands beside their sides and on the left-hand side of the corridor.

Leader directs the children to the designated waiting area (window).

Leader to tell the children what is on the menu.

Leader is ensuring the children are using their manners when collecting their lunch.

Leader is modelling appropriate behaviour/expectations.

What are the teachers doing?

Teaching Assistants/SMSAs are monitoring the children’s hand washing in the bathroom area.

Teaching Assistants/SMSAs are ensuring that children return to their class in a sensible manner.

Teaching Assistants/SMSAs follow at the end of the line ensuring the children are walking sensibly.

Teaching Assistants/SMSAs are interacting with the children whilst they are eating their lunch ensuring appropriate behaviour and table manners.

Teaching Assistants/SMSAs are serving lunches/drinks in a friendly manner.

Teaching Assistants/SMSAs are modelling appropriate behaviour/expectations.


What are the pupils doing?

Pupils freeze on the first whistle in silence. On the seconds whistle the pupils walk sensibly and line-up appropriately in single-file.

When signalled by SMSAs, the pupils follow the line walking silently into school with hands at their sides, heads up and with smiling faces.

Pupils are washing their hands and lining up sensibly.

Pupils are walking silently, one behind the other with hands beside their sides in silence and on the left-hand side to the hall.

Pupils are waiting sensibly in the designated waiting area.

Pupils are using their manners and using appropriate table manners.

Pupils are leaving the dining room in a quiet, sensible manner.

What will happen immediately when a pupil doesn’t comply?

If a pupil is not walking silently or with hands by their sides teachers use a nonverbal redirection or stand in close proximity until the behaviour is rectified.

For continued non-compliance verbal redirections may need to be given.

Continued non-compliance will result in the pupil will be asked to go to the front of the line where the behaviour can be monitored and redirection easily given.

Dismissal after school – EYFS & KS1

What is the leader doing?

Leader signals to the children to collect their coats and bags row by row/tables.

Leader stands at the door and dismisses the children one by one when parent or guardian arrives.

What are the teachers doing?

Teaching Assistant to monitor cloakroom area ensuring children retrieve their belongings promptly.

Teaching Assistants to ensure all children are waiting quietly with their coats and bags.

What are the pupils doing?

Pupils will calmly retrieve their coats and bags from their pegs and return to the carpet area/class.

Pupils will participate in the school prayer

Pupils will wait quietly until their name is called for dismissal.

What will happen immediately when a pupil doesn’t comply?

If a pupil is not walking sensibly or with hands by their sides teachers use a nonverbal redirection or stand in close proximity until the behaviour is rectified.

For continued non-compliance the pupil is taken to one side and reminded by the teacher of the expectations and warned that future behaviour will be monitored.

Continued non-compliance will require the pupil to be escorted to the front of school by the classroom teacher.

Dismissal after school – KS2

What is the leader doing?

Leader signals the end of the day by asking the pupils to put their chairs on the desk.


Lower Key Stage 2 leader signals to the children to collect their coats and bags one table at a time.

Lower Key Stage 2 leader dismisses the children one-by-one when a responsible adult arrives.

Upper Key Stage 2 leader dismisses the children one table at a time to ease congestion in the corridors.

What are the teachers doing?

Lower Key Stage 2 Teaching Assistants to monitor corridors ensuring children retrieve their belongings promptly.

Lower Key Stage 2 Teaching Assistants to ensure all children are waiting quietly with their coats and bags.

Upper Key Stage 2 Teaching Assistants to stand strategically outside classrooms – please see appendix 1 for rota - to pinpoint children who may have had a difficult day and handle appropriately (a smile, words of encouragement, walk-in next to them and so on)

Upper Key Stage 2 Teaching Assistants to redirect off-task behaviour, say good-bye to the children, reinforce smiling faces, heads up, hands by sides and walking sensibly.

What are the pupils doing?

All pupils to place hands together, bow their head and participate in saying the school prayer unless religious reasons prevent them from doing so.

Lower Key Stage 2 pupils will calmly retrieve their coats and bags from their pegs and return to class.

Lower Key Stage 2 pupils to wait quietly with coats and bags.

Upper Key Stage 2 pupils will calmly retrieve their coats and bags from their pegs and leave school promptly, walking on the left with their hands beside them.

What will happen immediately when a pupil doesn’t comply?

If a pupil is not walking sensibly or with hands by their sides teachers use a nonverbal redirection or stand in close proximity until the behaviour is rectified.

For continued non-compliance the pupil is taken to one side and reminded by the teacher of the expectations and warned that future behaviour will be monitored.

Continued non-compliance will require the pupil to be escorted to the front of school by the classroom teacher.


Opening procedures

What is the leader doing?

The classroom teacher will have clear instructions of the DO IT NOW task on the IWB or whiteboard. The task should be an activity that pupils use to sustain and build skills they have already mastered.

Resource sheets and books for the first lesson are already in the pupils’ places to reduce the time lost giving out books.

The classroom teacher identifies productive behaviour and offers the appropriate praise to help build compliance.

Take the register.


Once sufficient time has been given for pupils to complete the DO IT NOW task (e.g. 10 minutes) ensure it is reviewed (e.g. 5 minutes) and children are given feedback.

What are the teachers doing?

Teaching assistants reinforce classroom expectations (SLANT) and help with children who need the DO IT NOW task clarifying.

Teaching assistants identify productive behaviour and offer the appropriate praise to help build compliance.

Administrative tasks as appropriate (e.g. snack, collecting letters – Not photocopying unless in exceptional circumstances).

What are the pupils doing?

Pupils sit in the appropriate place as instructed by the classroom teacher.

They have the correct equipment to ensure a seamless transition between the DO IT NOW task and the first lesson.

Independently, pupils complete the DO IT NOW activity. If they complete the task within the time allocated they either write similar questions for a partner, practise times tables or spellings, etc.

What will happen immediately when a pupil doesn’t comply?

If a pupil is off-task teachers use a nonverbal redirection or stand in close proximity until the behaviour is rectified.

For continued non-compliance verbal redirections may need to be given.

Continued non-compliance will result in the pupil missing some of their break-time to complete the DO IT NOW task with the correct level of effort.

In-class transitions

What is the leader doing?

Leader signals to the class that the lesson has ended using the ‘countdown approach’.

Leader tells the children the next lesson and sets the timer to 2 minutes.

Leaders are reinforcing expectations through encouragement, redirecting pupils off task and time reminders.

Leaders greet children returning from interventions with a smile and words of encouragement.

What are the teachers doing?

Teachers are reinforcing expectations through encouragement, redirecting pupils off task.

What are the pupils doing?

Pupils to tidy their work space, put exercise books in the middle of the desk in a neat pile ready for collection, took their chair in, move sensibly to their new seat, prepare themselves with the right resources (e.g. whiteboard, whiteboard pen and pencil case).

Pupils who are book monitors give out and collect exercise books.

What will happen immediately when a pupil doesn’t comply?

If a pupil is off-task teachers use a nonverbal redirection or stand in close proximity until the behaviour is rectified.

For continued non-compliance verbal redirections may need to be given.

Continued non-compliance will result in the pupil missing 5 minutes of their break-time to complete times tables / reading or other appropriate activity.


SLANT – Classroom Management

What is the leader doing?

Leader reminds the class of SLANT (Sit-up, Listen, Answer questions, Nod your head to show you are listening and Track the speaker)

What are the teachers doing?

Teaching Assistants to reinforce SLANT expectations.

What are the pupils doing?



Ask / answer questions.

Nod your head to show you are listening.

Track the speaker to show you are listening.

What will happen immediately when a pupil doesn’t comply?

If a pupil is off-task teachers use a nonverbal redirection or stand in close proximity until the behaviour is rectified.

For continued non-compliance verbal redirections reminding pupils of SLANT may need to be given.

Continued non-compliance will result in the pupil missing 5 minutes of their break-time to complete times tables / reading or other appropriate activity they have missed due to their non-compliance.


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