
Here is The Stone Age by Katy Metcalfe Ice Age 2,000,000 years ago Britain was covered with ice! Slowly the frozen chilling ice began to thaw. Forests started to appear! Then first early humans started to appear on Britain. 1,600,000 years ago humans discovered flint ! They used flint to catch there dinner. 40,000 years ago humans started to paint pictures on the cave walls! This is the Stone Age ! Special flint In the Stone Age early humans used tools made out of flint. They did this so they could catch animals to eat, they also used it to carve things like meat and skin from the animals! Forage for food Namads hunted for food like: deer, wild boar and fish. Back in the early days of Britain the stone age people didnt have supermarkets to shop in; so they had to go into the deep dark woods. However if they couldnt find any meat they could go fishing or collect berries. Skara brae In 1850 Skara Brae was amazingly discovered by a heavy storm that stripped away all the land! Skara Brae was built in the Neolithic period around 3000 bc. The remains of Skara Brae are eight houses. This site was lived on for around 600 years. The oldest houses had a small circular shape but the later houses were larger and more rectangular although the corners were rounded. The passageways to the houses are low down but we have to remember that stone age people were shorter than us. The shapes of the houses In the houses they have the fire pit in the middle witch suggests they gathered round the fire pit while eating dinner or to get warm. They have beds built into the walls. The beds on the left are smaller than the beds on the right. This suggests that women slept on the left and the men slept on the right. This suggests that women and children slept on the left and the men slept on the right. There is a dresser right opposite the door witch means it was the first thing that people saw when he walked in, it couldve been illuminated by the fir and the light from outside or it couldve been an important piece of furniture. The layout of Skara Brae Cave paintings In the stone age, people painted pictures of animals they did this either using burnt wood (charcoal) or rocks. We think that people did this for when they hunt animals so they had more luck, to worship the animals for giving them food or to celebrate a good hunt. Grimes graves Grimes graves is a flint mine dug over 5,000 years ago. Did you know there is 400 pits? In one of the flint mines they found two dead bodies! Stone Henge Stone Henge was built in 2600 bc. Stone henge is the most known monument! They manly used two types of stones one of them is sarsen stones, they weighed atleast 25 tons and were about 18 feet tall! They also used blue stones these where brought from about 240 miles away! All by Katy Thank you for watching All by Katy Thank you for watching Credits

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